Marines storm Langley cianiggers btfo

So not sure what's going on but 2200 marines just touched down at Langley and are doing something big there. Trump can activate them on his own so maybe this is it lads

Mere rumors. Solid sources are needed before this is anything more than a rumor.

Rumors have a way of turning out to be true all the time. Rumors are rumors for many reasons

Just more zionist bullshit.

This thread again? Fuck off larp

Rolling for truth


Holla Forums mods are globalist shill bastards and they ban everyone who follows the rules and let people who break the rules post freely. the mods never changed since the last ban spree happening. only their names changed. the mods ban anyone who gets too close to the truth. eventually you will be banned too and you will realize who is in charge here. question those who you are not allowed to question and you will know the truth.

3 fucking threads already with no credible sources with the first one tracing back to Hal "Your guy from the FBI" Turner.

What is a drill?

rawlin for realness

this thread again?

Save your rolls. The dubs are not with us on this one.

Holla Forums mods are globalist shill bastards and they ban everyone who follows the rules and let people who break the rules post freely. the mods never changed since the last ban spree happening. only their names changed. the mods ban anyone who gets too close to the truth. eventually you will be banned too and you will realize who is in charge here. question those who you are not allowed to question and you will know the truth.

please happen

And more often they end up being horseshit.

If only.

The real question is who keeps spreading all of this obvious LARPy nonsense? Is it Trumpniggers? bin Salman nuthuggers [well, there's a lot of overlap there, I'm sure]? Axis of Evil revivalists?


Lots of bullshit smell around this one OP.

Just a reminder that you should never demand dubs, or beg for them. Only natural and organic numbers are worth anything. Keep searching for the truth, and let the dubs light the way.

Wow, so many shills.

I never get stuff from the news myself, but here's what jewgle gave me

If it's on beforeitsnews, you can definitely trust it, goyim.

Remember the Shemitah?

even breitbart removed their article earlier because they knew this is bullshit

The Kikes are trying to break us with endless fake happenings, we will not fall, we cannot fall.

Yep thats it, super based Trump is now using the Marines to drain the swamp. He is totally /ourguy/

You've sure convinced me to stop my digging

You will all hang right next to your bosses

You must not have taken the counter-perspective pill yet. Perhaps Breitbart made the article to be the first to break it and gather hundreds of millions of hits but was pulled back because Trump doesn't want it public yet.

I'm done but that's the mindset you'll always face when dealing with disinfo.

damn. first I became too redpilled for cuckchan. now too redpilled for 8pol. where have the real pollacks migrated to?
D.aily.Stormer was good but the FBI keeps shutting it down.

Beyond 8pol is real life activism.
Pick your FBI honeypot: Trad Workers Party, Identity Evropa, etc etc. Get involved. Take calculated risks. Additionally, start your own business. Raise a family. Get ripped. Become the overman.

So it is Trumpniggers.

Only place left after 8pol is irl shitposting and happenings.

You aren't redpilled, you're just a faggot nigger degenerate who fucking follows trends with a fickle attitude like that. Go back to r/the_donald you faggot.

go >>>/back/

There's lot of other chans, I'm fairly sure many left for those. My participation in the board has droppped considerably over the last couple of years, but there was a definite turning point in quality about a year and a half ago. The run up to the American election had us swarmed with a bunch of monkeys from plebbit who supported Trump and thus thought they were in good company, and maybe they would have been were it not for the sharp increase in shills. Shills pose no danger to long-standing, lurked-for-2-years Holla Forumsacks but these MGTOW atheist plebbitors fall for their shit every time, and conversation has become little better than what it was at cuckchan. Its only sad because this board was so freaking good at first.

Here's a hint though, and I hope I'm not the one to bring all the shit into their little den of purity. Holla Forums is still old-Holla Forums to an extent, there is essentially 0 shilling (of the jew variety at least) and 95% of the people there were Holla Forumsacks back in the day. When politics rears its head on that board (something not all too uncommon due to the yids obsession with ruining vidya) you get comfy threads for of intelligent discussion and motivational rants. Contrast that with the 1 sentence replies, the endless religious D&C, the endless anti-anglo, anti-swede, anti-burger D&C, and just the stupid little ego wars that we now get here - and you really realise what we lost. Basically fuck reddit and may the jews all go to the great oven that God has prepared for them. If you can stand the idiotic gamer themes, you'll find a much more Holla Forums populace in Holla Forums than here.

Yeah, this was posted on Voat the other day. The source is Hal Turner.

If you want to be sure, then dig.
Thats all there is to it.

I have considered doing that with the intent of using it as a tool but decided against it. If there was anything to be learned over the past decade it is that

Unless you are extremely lucky any group that you manage to assemble where you know each other on a personal basis will devolve into plebliness. I have been involved with groups of legitimate anons for many times over the years. IRC, irl, …. fuck I went to discord when I saw how many dumbasses were using it. Once anons become familiar on a personal level the cancer of narcisism starts to creep in and it becomes a safe space where the boundaries of discussion are clearly defined.

Whether you want to call it literal magic or "a masterful understanding of the mind of the commoner" get real its fucking quantum magic the shit we do has a measurable impact.

With that in mind I believe that each user should see themselves as a stand alone complex. The chans have been quite a shit since around june-july 2016 Holla Forums was really dying in late 2014-early 2015 but around march 2015 we proved that the magic of memetics was likely real enough to get excited about. But it really started to die after Trump took office. By then the reddit cancer that came here was fully hooked on Holla Forums but spent their entire time here on Trump rather than being redpilled. And since then, in some aspects, 4cuck has actually been more useful. There have been days where I came on 8/pol/ and the entire catalog was either obvious slide threads or jim/news+/ posts masquerading as Holla Forums ops. And when I reluctantly checked 4cuck I found that it had 2 maybe 3 decent-ish threads up.

So instead of being upset about it I instead took to doing my own projects and approaching my interweb time like a job.. "alright today Im researching something and tomorrow im making oc for x, y and z" and in this regard I have had more impact over the past couple of months than the rest of the past decade combined. To the point where I have shown a couple of the projects I was working on to some normalfaggots prior to me sending it out to the world and having seen the results they not only believe that im some sort of wizard but after a while came to me for the red pill and took it without any hesitation.

etc. This is why memes work, and the reason why the closest thing the kikes can do to memeing is to ham fist propaganda down peoples throats until they accept it. We hold the truth and the truth is that we are supreme in his image because he flows through our veins. And us remembering who we are is the kikes worst nightmare. We will it, and thus he wills it.