which political ideology catgirl is your waifu?
Which political ideology catgirl is your waifu?
Other urls found in this thread:
Syndicalism catgirl
Anarcho-Hoxha girl
Didn't that artist get away from Holla Forums?
Is there an ancom catgril?
nihilism isnt depression
ok then, is there a depressed catgirl?
I want alt-right to pee on me
No hooves.
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d1)My favorite is Cat Alog__.
I would have to be either Stalinism cat or posadism cat
Stalinism and alunya.
Maybe fascism too
Either leninist catgirl or leftcom cat
As much as there are several leftcoms I absolutely despise, leftcom cat is def one of the cuteist
i want to fuck the smug look right off the stirner catgirl
into the trash it goes
veronika is best
She's been taking a break from internetty stuff to do work. I'm sure we'll see her again.
you belong in a garbage can
Unless berniecrat counts?
berniecat counts
No I don't, I'm not some shitty catgirl.
why do you hate fun?
aka being a sloot
unlike your mother, our drawfag's an actual artist
AnCap and Neololberg catgirls look like total sluts!
Posadist catgirl best catgirl
Do you have a higher resolution image?
Wrong on so many levels.
Tbh I totally get this. I'm basically a nihilist at this point, and I find it liberating that the only things that matter are what I decide matter.
everyone with a tumblr/instagram thinks they're an artist these days
LeftCom Kitty, both ideologically and physically.
I think it's not that I like nihilism, or this cat.
I think I am this cat
i dont fucking know, fags, why dont you post all of them so i can tell you
Lenincat, duh
Posadist cat or Alunya
Nazbol catgirl.
Disgusting Autistic furry/weeaboo shit.
Why would you want to corrupt our pure waifus?
Fucking normie pleb.
I'm only one drawfag man, and there's like 24 characters. not to count others. not to count I've felt more like drawing dicks lately
situationist and syndicalist
every nihilist on this board is just an edgy depressed kid
>I've felt more like drawing dicks lately
Please carry on especially if they are attached to various themed characters.
Holy shit I'm dieing
ancap and neoliberal cat can have my surplus value antime
I wanna chill and discuss arch configs with anarcho-transhumanist cat.
Why would you do that to me
did you see the picture of her in the german beergirl dress?
Writefag here. I'm working on requests again
If the guy that requested the oral fic with demfed kitty is still around, yours is up next
Glad to see you around again writefag!
Yes, please. We could always use more lewd stuff.
Can you write a new part for the JosefinaxAnon femdom or the VladaxAnon handholding one?
where is the nazbol cat?
There's already a fascist cat.
but it's ugly
How about fascism cat humiliation based on that pic of her in the maid outfit?
We'll see. I still have five or six old requests that need to be finished, and since I've made then wait quite a bit I think I should try and get them done first.
I'm glad you enjoyed them though. I'll do my best to try and fulfil your depraved desires.
That would be delicious, but please remind me after I get some more of these old requests out.
Christ Chan being mind broken into liberation theology.
Cat Aphract
This artist needs to kill himself.
Anarcho-transhumanist cat is the best from these.
But situationist is still the best overall
Now that's something interesting.
A certain webcomic, but you will never, ever guess its title!
I think both attitudes are possible in nihilism, as are a mixture of them.
There should be a neoreactionary cat girl
Yeah I'm that cat except that cat doesn't look like it cries. I cry. Just add some tears and slanted eyes and anger. and more muscles.
I'm pathetic for making this post
Is this the first time pic related has been posted? Haven't seen it before.
Will we have catgirls under communism?
Rodina and she is not a catgirl, you revisionist catpigdog.
Good name.
Just looking at her I hear a mannish voice: "My. Name. IS: ILSA!"
comrade please, i can only get so erect
I hope you enjoy it.
t. writefag
Where the fuck is my drunk situationist cat
The next one on my list is "secret Rodina/Semyon buttfun," then
anarcho-hoxist kitty is the best but still wanne hug nihilist kitten.
She Cat of the SS?
Bullshit like this is the reason why right wingers are getting in to power all over the globe.
Holla Forums
Good shit my dude.
Your waifus are smalltime.
now that's cucky
Gross draw yuri
Females are inherently counter-revolutionary.
Well I guess ugly ones that porky ignores can be for a time.
What the fuck did you just say about Alunya
you will never know the touch of a maiden
Good job Holla Forums.
Ponyshit is legit becoming the next SANIC THE HEDGHAG with its original characters do not steal.
Stirner is pretty cool here
Traditional Marxism's name is Jenny iirc
I can only agree. Only successful revolutions have been lead by men, just look at how Rosa Luxemburg fucked the German revolution up.
or look at Japanese red army after that female maoist took it over
Any answer that is not Alunya is wrong and a sign of newfaggotry
Alunya is daughteru tbh
That's Rodina.
Rodina is GetChan's.
damn, that's a sexy leftypol face
Social-Democrats fucked the German revolution up, killing based comrade Luxemburg and dumping her body in a river, you dumb tankie.
Her troskyism killed that revolution.
Fucking hell, tankies have been killing revolutions since the 1920s, Trots and Anarchists are the only ones who've ever close in Europe
your waifu is shit
Anyone got lewd stuff with leftcom catgrill?
Holla Forums is gonna have a field day with this thread.
this is pretty autistic but at least you're not /sp/
t. Holla Forums
Not enough cheetahs.
There needs to be more egoist cat.
Glass houses and all that
bumping for more delicious writefaggotry
I'm playing through Endless Summer now as requested for the Semyon/Rodina fic, so it might be a little bit yet
The anarchist one.
Reverse traps are the best
Situ cat, leftcom cat or maybe berniecat
probably situcat though
Finally admitting the legitimacy of Sartre`s arguments then?
>ancap cat will never be ur findom mistress
Feels bad mang
Surprisingly good taste
I'm retarded
no surprise there
Didn't Sartre nope'd away from Stalin?
I eagerly await more from you guys now that we're 'dead'. :^)
What does Sartre have to do with any of those 3?
Neoliberalism-tan needs to be way more smug.
None of them. There's no real reason for them to be catgirls. You faggots just went with that in a vain attempt to gussy up your murderous ideologies on the logic that catgirls are cute, and if you represent things with catgirls the cuteness will rub off and people will like you more. But all you've done is create a bunch of ugly, unfunny comics that have all the soul of CADbortion and none of the unintentional hilarity.
Cat Grills are degenerate. The draw fags who make them are talentless (because you have atheism-induced-aesthetic-autism) and they look like something i would banish with a sigil and salt. Only cute cartoon womyn are Jessica Rabbit, Adult Animu Chicks and Kim Possible
Catgirls can be cute, but not when they're drawn by an ideologically motivated, talentless hack.
opinion discarded.
Top fucking kek faggot
And how dare drawings on a political board be ideologically motivated, least they trigger autismos like you.
isn't there an incel thread on /r9k/ that's missing you
I didn't assume you were incel for your shit taste, I just assumed you were incel because of your inescapable autism.
you know cute things CAN be cute
picture in OP is gross
But your catgirls aren't cute.
The "alt-right" cat is my favorite because she is so ugly and fat. Very appropriate.
no uglier than the rest of them
Ascertaining the logical position of the material
I did and it works well for me, but you should learn a bit about fine tuning these things.
Forgot the picture.
Thank you very much bro! for this early sub >.< might as well sub all other H
Because he was American. They can't embrace any character that is not at least partially Japanese.
Oh, I carry an absurd amount of food. It's just a question of convincing myself to stop to eat it. I lack the dexterity to extract something from my pocket, unwrap/open it and consume it while ascending at 5-7 mph.
Wtf is this shit why does the cube has triangular sides
If he were still alive I'd kill him with razor sharp wit.
Make him look like a bitch faggot he died as.
No. Jews are as big about complaining about white supremacy as blacks are. Even when they have a billion trillion ZOG Occupied Governmentshekels they will complain that some vast white-wing conspiracy is keeping them down.
Almost made me think, desu.
no. it's a bastardization of limousine. linguists 'n' shit belongs in /int/, not Holla Forums
Once the republican party wipes out social security and health care, at least you won't have to worry about all these pro Trump NEET cucks on Holla Forums
turn off your proxy you pussy faggot
Don't even, you shitposting faggot. Leave him the fuck alone and keep your nu-right cancer to yourself.
You don't have any friends or a social life because you're a zombiefied boring ass weed nigger. Just quit it and you'll actually get bored with your shitty life and find more productive things to do that could make you engage with people and form meaningful relationships.
It's not about spaniards, it's about mestizos.
kek Soviet Union rekt'd the Third Reich 1v1 snipers COD WAW.
How the hell do you lose a war to the Slavs? Their blood is alcohol.
thanks for letting us know how you feel ((totally not a jew))
user from this post. Also, like the others said, this place is a giant echo chamber. A lot of the 'red pill'' is just sourced from the paranoia of losers who project on the net. The real red pill is thinking for yourself- not from a TV, not from social media and certainly not from a torture chamber.
Both. Nothing matters, sometimes you'll be sad and someitmes you'll be happy. Life goes on.
Blackmail money sex is my fetish thanks user.
I'm only here to stop the rise or communism to insure I can always get my black mail money porn, labour vouchers or some gay shit just don't work.
Also requesting labour voucher porn.
tfw no anarchism loli waifu
Someday, user, someday