Plans began way before zuckerberg's story line.
This is very strange stuff. For instance:
And more:
Plans began way before zuckerberg's story line.
This is very strange stuff. For instance:
And more:
Other urls found in this thread:
you impling cold hard evidence was already found?
Post more info. I'm too lazy to look up all these archives for you.
wow great source mate
is OP a faggot? does bigfoot shit in the woods?
checking faggot OP digits, but the thing is is that this is some interesting faggotry. mfw I read it.
requesting sticky
is this worth warning the normalfags about?
Confirmed for fucking retard that's never seen any of his content.
I fucking knew it! I've always thought the story of how they developed Facebook was bullshit.
Which also means, tax payers get screwed, yet again, out of something that should be owned by us all, and the profits should either a.) subsidize our taxes so we don't pay so fucking much or b.) be divvied up amongst every tax paying American.
Class action lawsuit when?
It was already divvied up amongst every tax paying american user, it was paid for with american tax money.
U wot m8?
No, divvied up as in divided.
Have a bump
Who the fuck ever questioned that OP, you useless tit?
I don't find it that hard to believe. A young psychopath jew builds a datamining social network similar to , myspace , msn live profiles, and makes a small server out of it, with info and collaboration from university students.
Then some turbo kike investors put money into it and it gradually becomes what it is today.
The concept existed long before facebook, for all of you who are too young to remember or know.
Here in south america, we used fotolog quite a lot. It was similar to what facebook is today. Maybe it was a testing ground for future controlled social networks.
What exactly is new here, cunt?
Facebook movie and story of Mark (((JEWCKKENBERG))) could be not more obvious. He's like still wearing his "nerdy" jeans and not appropriate sport shoes just to keep the "MYTH OF FACEBOOK AND (((JEWCKENBERG)))"
Come on, these people think they are intelligent but they can't even fool a NEET
indeed the story was always fishy but now we have something tangible to point to
read the OP again, this is way deeper than that
Sorry, kike you were filtered when you couldn't answer a simple fucking question.
So Zuckerberg used AboutFace as the backend for the original iterations of Facebook (originally TheFacebook IIRC)? Is the suspicious part AboutFace's history or that Zuckerberg did nothing but rebrand an old piece of software as a new website?
I feel like I'm missing something here. The way I see it Harvard used AboutFace's software to make a digital version of their printed face book (look up what a face book is, it's like a college yearbook but for new students to put names to faces they meet) and Zuckerberg scraped it for data. That's not really exciting IMO.
the real deal is that facebook was in the making from ~94, and that zucc didn't actually make it but is the front puppet with a fake story to make people believe that this is a tool made "by the people" when in fact it's probably a data mining tool planned and made way in advance by alphabet soup agency, which would also explain how official facebook financials are so shit and where all the mysterious money comes from (gov shadow funds).
no one would use a tool like facebook if they knew it was made by the CIA or something. the facebook "ad revenue" is also just bullshit, it is not as profitable as they claim it to be. you know how trillions of tax dollars are just going to shadow projects no one knows about? well this is one of them.
data mining is not the only focus though, also sculpting public opinion in whatever way they want is another one.
What a great revelation woah. NOT.
Next you're going to say all communications are being wiretapped.
Wow, haven't heard this """" NEW """" report a hundred times. Everyone already knows zuckerkike sells your data.
It's news that none of those faggots actually made the core software, and the core software was actually developed by alphabets.
Sam Hyde was a poster on - the predecessor to Holla Forums.
I read this shit 5 years ago on cuckchan /g/, should've said *tech literate* anons are already aware of facehooks upbringing.
Did you know Google was propped up in the late 90s by intelligence agencies despite functional search engines already existing?
The first time that I heard about facebook was during a school mass-shooter event (Virginia Tech I think). It was being mentioned throughout the story; students were using it to coordinate etc. It was almost as if it was being touted, and that's the feeling I was left with. Here's this new technology, I've never heard of it ever, and now it's on the table and we're expected to take it under our wing.
I wonder what happened to these "tech illiterates". For some reason I always respect them, and most of the time even believed them. I even kinda rubbed against them sometimes…but by god. They were so extremely zealotlike and also fearful (probably for good reasons). They already made a big deal about IRC being propped up with like a bajillion security measures…to be not secure enough already. They were talking of some chink laptops (they mentioned how EVERY modern CPU was backdoored, because CIA has an office in AMD/intel manifacturing plants in china/taiwan?) Even without that ME crap.
I got a feeling that proxies werent enough for them. Hard to crack VPN's were but childs toys for them. I got a feeling that they moved even beyond all of this, beyond tor maybe even. Or perhaps they sit there somewhere on some secret, extremely hidden path. In which only an apt programmer can find them, in somekind of super secure, super paranoid bunker of meta and shitposting.
good post OP. disregard the kike shills
Fucking hang yourself.
You don't even desere that 0.0000001 shekels you get per post schlomo
You definitely need to jump over some hoops to be in anyway hidden or secure against state or institutional actors online, if you don't want to associate your postings online with your person you're best off grey manning it with a public wifi and burner equipment if you're doing nothing that must absolutely remain secret that is.
But if you actually intend to hide something or communicate in secret with someone online and one of the aforementioned entities has taken an active interest into you that requires much more work.
Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you. question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question. if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums.
I hope the best for Holla Forums
is it still even possible these days? I havent rubbed shoulders with these types of 1337 h4x0r guys for several years and back then the progress already was lightning fast. I cant imagine what is lurking on the internet right now. Fucking AI's most likely?
oh and this is what I remember
Absolutely. Facebook needs to fail.
This is the part which is easy to believe, but the problem is scaling up with the rapid demand, without any profits in sight. Zuck was able to get investor funds without much effort, and I don't believe there was ever a time in which facebook was struggling to handle the load, or about to go under for lack of funding.
If it wasn't intended solely for metadata collection it would not have been free, it's that simple.
Zuckerberg, who is the grandson of David Rockerfeller, got $150 million in CIA business venture capital to start up Facebook. And, of course, it has been a data-mining bonanza for the CIA spooks ever since!
Shoo! Shoo, tranny megoon!
>saging a sticky
bumping still affects the order of stickied threads relative to other stickies
Kiwi Farms > Facebook
Pedo Josh > Zuck the Cuck
Debunk this and give me evidence that Zuck is related to the Rockefellers.
That Snowden doc proves NSA has a tool called SPCMA that they used to reach through your 7 proxies to unmask you.
That doc is from 2011, so imagine what they can do now.
Proxies were never NSA-proof, they were just a feint to make you think you were Anobymous. sure, you're anonymous to 3rd parties, ISPs, most law enforcement, but not the NSA "Global Passive Adversary"
what's nuts is that NSA hoarded this capability for themselves this whole time they could have been busting P-gaters and criminal hackers gangs but they didn't share what they knew with LE lower down on the food chain because then everyone would know that NSA knows.
Holy fuck OP, you surely brought something new to the table. Something that Snowden, Zuckerkike /new/ and /g/ have never told us for the past 5 years.
O-oh wait… :^)
You guy all are focusing on the spying angle, which is pretty well-known since Snowden. Sure, they datamine all your shit(so does google) but, the more insidious thing about facekike and the like is the fact that they have completely changed how most people communicate for the worse. It's a complete paradigm shift and is meant to fuck with human psychology. Vid related is from fox jews, but it raises good points. The fact that the owners and operators aren't dragged before a congressional committee, may have something to do with it being a CIA project.
Oh shit faggot mod better sticky this slowpoke thread. Don't forget OP is a colossal nigger
It's been known that its been a honeypot, why do you need proof? Are you literally fucking retarded
He's right you moron. All the proof you need is to use facebook for 5 seconds, see what a load of shit it is and question why it's still up and boom answer is its CIA.
If you can't use logic and reason to determine something is true and need 'proof' from an 'authority' you are a goddamn retard.
Gee, color me shocked. But it would be nice to see where how deep the Kikebook/NSA rabbit hole goes.
Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you. question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question. if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums.
I hope the best for Holla Forums
whew yea, stuff like this is neat. Really puts today in perspective. The last time I saw a glint of the real cool guys, they were all becoming super paranoid, trusting of no one…of nothing even.
I imagine that if they followed this path, most of them are now either dead, "recruited" by cia niggers, or so far hidden, that they are close to being hermits.
What we got now is probably close to how chess AI works. There are probably such grande tools available to the cia niggers…that an expert programmer/hacker/black hat cia nigger probably has a data center or two, with several machine learned AI's scouring the web for him. Maybe even hacking in near automated fashion.
but its hard to imagine how the foreign agents have reacted. If china is similar in capacity, and/or russia and other places as well…then is there an semi autonomous AI cyber war going on right now lol? Or is there already a victor?
I think they can't actually do as much as we think they can and that's part of their strength. Why fight an omnipotent power if you believe they're omnipotent? You would lose. So their biggest strength is you believing that to be the case. Snowden was a limited hangout to do this. And it is working.
Why do I need this proven to me?
What normie that uses facebook (white women that exclusively fuck niggers) is going to believe this?
Why the stickie?
Is this earlobe spacing?
Zuckerberg is just a front. This has been obvious for years but autists and normalfagsare shit at reading beyond the superficial level.
Kikes are experts at it because their religious books are written using multiple layers, it's second nature to them.
Those non-kikes who have the eyes to see beyond layer 1 are labelled "conspiracy theorists" by the blind. Don't think that this only applies to Facebook, because it doesn't. The whole of Hollywood and most of what you accept as reality (because it was reported as 'news') has similar hidden layers, in many cases being total fiction.
Kikes use stories to tug the heart strings of the goyim, to get them excited, to make them feel personally involved, they do this because they understand down to the cellular memetic level, what makes the goyim tick.
In other words, you should already have realized more or less what was going on, without the need for "hard evidence", much like the holohoax, tall fairy stories should give the game away right out of the gate.
Check'd maybe, kek I mean it's pretty much public knowledge at this point…
you can only hurt kikebook if you get normies to abandon it, and you can only achieve that if you stick some cold hard facts up their ass
SAGE! for old news
They still believe the general populace elected trump not electors. They still believe the holocaust. They still believe college works. They still believe whites are a viable race despite endless miscegenation by millennials.
ha ha
was the evidence and "aboutface" also old news? nope. stop trying to slide the thread
Note the obvious blackpill here. White exogamy is the lowest out of all the races. Biology decides how we reproduce and billions of dollars in propaganda won't change that. And they won't strike gold again like they did with the birth control pill.
what the hell are you two talking about? elaborate and make your point clear.
Learn to read.
I'm looking for how any of this is ontopic to this thread
Lol is that actually stickied? Have the mods become newfags recently or something? Are anons actually this retarded? Is this a joke thread?
ignore shills and discuss this:
If you couldn't see this for what it was the day it deployed as a public "utility" more or less then you're retarded. Sure more evidence is good but when you throw some more evidence on a stack of evidence a mile high and claim the same shit, it's retarded. Theres no reason for a thread like this to be stickied when anyone with half a brain can see what Facebook is. Normalfags don't care that their data is harvested and won't ever care. And just to elaborate more on my point that Facebook is pure Honeypot and we didn't need more evidence to show that, I had a friend who wanted to register that is mostly invisible online with no other social network profiles or anything. He faked everything but his phone number and when he completed registration he saw "people you might know" recommendations all the way back to when he was in elementary school. So yes this thread is utterly retarded for what it is. I could care less that it's been made, I still would have commented on it being a stupid thread but the fact it's stickied is purely retarded. Stickies should be reserved for important events or massive finds which this is neither.
I could, but nothing means anything until you have evidence. now go shill in another thread schlomo.
Checked. Social networking was something of a holy grail for the three-letters the early 90's because it was fairly well known that whomever got on top of that trend could run PsyOps without necessarily needing to have assets on the ground. The notion of a 'face book' comes from colleges, and it was used in much the same way that the spooks use it now, except it was on paper.
Your average user worries about being spied on, that's a foregone conclusion here…The real game of social networking is played by dudes like this:
to do shit like this:
Sound familiar at all?
Clearly you're a lot more retarded than I originally thought you were. There has been evidence of this around forever either through direct observation of how the service performs or through gathering data like this thread is doing. The "YOURE A KIKE SHILL" argument is outdated at best and you let your Reddit roots become exposed by using it. The point I'm making here is that this thread shouldn't be stickied. Evidence found against Facebook will do nothing here for anons because no one uses it. Normalfags will continue to use it. Fucks sake Snapchat is the real Honeypot you want to be concerned about. The use of that if rising extremely fast and exposes a lot more about your life considering how retarded normie are and are basically walking surveillance cameras. Sticky a thread about how retarded people are using Snapchat and Facebook and at least it wouldn't be as stupid as sticky as this (thought still not warranting a sticky).
nothing as real end tangible as in the OP. name 1
You are derailing
I really don't understand that man's comedy.
I'm sorry but I'm not seeing the smoking gun evidence here. This is just some digital rolodex from the 90s that has FACE in its name as far as I can tell. What other "connection" is there between the two?
Their bio blurb claims this was "social networking" but it clearly isn't that, nobody voluntarily signed up for this, it was just one guy using public records and throwing people on a list. Its more like identity theft than anything.
look around you. Fuckface sells your data, sells your family's data, sells your circle of friends, your appearance, sexual preferences, voting preferences, taste in media, etc., etc., now they want your nudes so they can have professional 3dpd circlejerkers circlejerk to your naive 14-year old relative, and you're telling me you don't see a smoking gun?? They even asked large swathes of users to send in their GOV issued ID. Pray tell, how did Facefuck CHECK if the ID you sent in was LEGIT?
What would providing it do for you user? Are you going to stop using faceberg? Are you looking for a reason to stop using faceberg and subtly asking to be redpilled on it? The evidence is in what Facebook is. It's the most clever form of information gathering masquerading under the guise of "social connection with peers no matter where you are". The fact you can provide nothing more than a phone number and suddenly have a massive social network of people you knew or know presented in mere seconds is pretty damning. I just don't see the point of this thread or why it's stickied. You ask for evidence but it's right in front of you. The cold hard evidence is right there but you refuse to acknowledge it and isntead ask for something firmer. Do you want CNN to publish an article titled "Facebook is a CIA honeypot that gathers information on it's users in an effort to profile people"? I'm unsure of what you are asking for when you day evidence
I'm asking about the apparent Red-Herring story OP linked… not about the otherwise obvious collusion between Faceberg and the CIA/NSA/Pentagon/Mossad etc.
zuck makes me believe that jews really are reptilians just looking at his cover on times. ugh
I'm calling now that Tesla will also be found to be a deep state enterprise and Musk is just a public persona.
Screencap these digits.
google's algorithms were paid for by a government "small-business grant." Everyone knows that. You'd be surprised how many of today's mega-corporations got their start that way. Check out Fred Block - he wrote a book about it.
Miles Mathis outed Zuckerberg as an actor and intelligence agent years back. Not surprising that evidence arose contrary to the Hollywood version with the wimpy jewish rich kid actor.
do the stormfags have to copypasta shit everywhere all the time? rly? can you not engage in normal conversation?
How is it bad to disseminate information?
do not fear the stormbot
embrace the stormbot
In Mexico for sure, and I think Brazil and other Latin American countries, Hi5 was a solid competitor to facebook for years. Not that it was any good, just illustrating the point that the FB platform didn't do anything new.
Here's a bigger redpill. Your ISP gives information to the glow-in-darks. All your post on 4chan/8ch are government knowledge. Not even a VPN will change that either…
Speaking of data mining honeypot…
You'll get banned for that one m8. But like I said, 8ch doesn't matter. Your ISP is backdoored and your VPN will not protect you from that..
I'll take: when people ignore it because basement-dwelling permavirgin neckbeards bury the good information in loads of autistic spam, for 1000, Alex!!!
lulz. i'm still reeling from Holla Forums circa 2012-13. every fucking thread ruined with literally dozens of spam posts. fucking disgusting
newfriend, please go back to leddit. thanks
Holla Forums, not stormfront, you dipshit neckbeard stormfag. also, see above
goddamn, i'm so tired of the kiddies… its me isn't it? i've been here too long. i'm pathetic. i should leave…
i believe it but more evidence plox
blurpeedurp. whatever fag
good goy ;^)
what does that have to do with me paying a one-legged mongolian neckbeard to route my traffic through their "device"?
ps. fuck CIAniggers… fuck them all to death. long live King Terry!!!
the fact that "their" device is more than likely backdoored. UNLESS you know the person face-to-face.
yeah, this level of paranoia is unwarranted. and, even if it is, the investigation on that level of backdoor is going to be restricted to high-levels, so at least you won't get hammered by local-yokels
Go away
Fuck off, Sam.
Probably the best thread on Holla Forums in the past 3 months. Good job for compiling it all OP.
see my post here in other thread
Just because snopes is bad at debunking things (because they are leftist shills) does not mean the story mentioned can not be debunked. There is no proof that Zuck is the grandson of the Rockefeller.
This is the source of the story. Nothing here is verifiable. You should link a family tree of Zuck's family if you want real proof that the two share the same Illuminati bloodline.
This is the source of the story. Ignore that link. That is a link to one of those cia honeypots claiming to "debunk the story".
We're not clicking your random links that aren't even https, you retarded fucking kike.
I get payed by Infowars to tell the truth. ALEX JONES IS MUH BASED HOMIE BRO!!!!
=Bill Clinton is a RAPIST==
What the fuck is wrong with you your coding need a tuneup?
I'm unfortunately very retarded, like the rest of normies. Is there an easily understandable way to give this to people?
Oops. I'd like to know too.
I wonder if FB somehow bought out MySpace, then proceeded to shit it up like it was shitted up just to speed up the process of getting everyone over there. I never thought FB was good. It was plain and gay from day one. I didnt see why people liked it.
It is common ground for many IT corps. Oracle pretty much starts up from a late seventies CIA project. About early Jewgle days I can tell you that in 1999 it was really good stuff - compared to the likes of Altavista or Yahoo you had many more consistent and useful results, no commercials of sort and a way faster loading time.
why does this shit have a sticky? anyone who's not a utter retard already knew that since years. fucking newfags
Hi5 was really a piece of shit, everything could be exploited. When I was in middle school, I remember that we could access hidden pics because pictures were named like this "somecode-01.jpg", "somecode-02.jpg", we got to see some classmate's naked pics. In other words, CP could be gotten from Hi5 easily.
Ya, youre right. FB being a datamining scheme set up by the feds is up there with niggers are retarded and kikes are nation parasites.
Can the newfags just lurk moar? Is it that tough? Fuck. It used to be fun shitposting here, but ever since we got all the newfags (and subsequent increased shill traffic) shitposting here has been more of an effort than entertainment.
Up in Canuckistan we used something called Nexopia before kikebook swooped in and swallowed the social networking world. It was a shithole, but since it was local it was also quite fun at times. Come to think of it, being on there is what made me understand how modern social networks operate and this is part of the reason why I avoid fb, ig, snapshat, etc like the plague.
what I dont get with all of this is…why has this chan still taught me so much? There is very good evidence that these are indeed gov operations…but it makes no sense to allow us to grow. Are they priming us for something I wonder? To be used in a PR move in the future? I have been given so much information, so many good sources and things, even just obscurish books and helped on so many fronts. If we indeed were created by a leftist organization, then how come these leftists know right wing lore so well? Why the heck would they even allow for it? The media empires were still steadfast in their control, faceberg could have monopolied everything together with jewgle and locked away any free discourse by removing the chans. Chances are that people wouldnt even really resist. It just makes little sense. It however would make more sense if a foreign government protected these sites, perhaps a place like china seeking to…well not sure what…to undermine the west one only needs to wait for it to destroy itself lol.