Israel to shut migrant centre and deport Africans

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bump for awareness


B-but that's racist, they can't do that

Wow fuck, why can't Rwanda and Uganda (with their sweet fuckin plague) accept the rest of the refugees from the area?


just in time for Hanukah! the holiday that celebrates anti-miscegenation!

Im shocked (((yahoo news))) is allowing this story to remain visible.

Not all the golems are in the know that racism cant apply to the chosen people

fuck these kikes so much

it's about the nation, not race

juadism is a country


Go fuck a donkey, faggot Semite.

sometimes bots just don't know when you're being sarcastic


the joke is on you for actually being retarded

Gotta jew fast.


Satanic Kike hypocrites

Israeli citizenship requires Judaism, so yeah.


oy vey jim, don't shut down our bots


Let me guess, deporting them right into Europe

Ever read Weapons of Mass Migration?

how do we press this on proisrael/proimmigration activists?

There's South Sudan, it was pretty much an empty desert except for a few Nilotic tribes living there before it was claimed as a sovereign country.


Is it that time again?

Why besides the fact that israel makes us fight their battles and send them cash do we hate them? I really dont know becasue I have no education on the subject. From an outsider perspective it seems like the jews and christians are working together to btfo Religion of Cuck™ and establish greater israel. Why should I care about the people being displaced? Thats an antifa position.

Is this your literal first day?


Somthing like that

Eradicate the jews with their own tactics while using Israel as an example as to why not to let the 3rd world in.
Israel should have open borders. White nations should have closed borders.

There are a lot of reasons, but here are some simple ones.




double checked


The most pertinent question you need ask is why ISIS doesn’t target Israel, for years ISIS had it’s largest territory right next to Israel, during almost half a decade of expansion right next to Israel they launched 1000’s of attacks all over the world yet only hit Israel twice. The first time they issued an official apology, someone had gone rogue and their actions “did not represent that of the Isla mic state”, the second and final time was probably a false flag to counter the signal the apology from the first attack had given.


We should follow after this humble nation.
Just start deporting the beaners and other illegals already.

Hell, have the National Guard start running convoys to drop them off at the border/into the Rio/ocean. Remove filth. Send the niggers packing on vessels being retired, tuck the jews into their ovens.

Haha, even these people can't stand niggers.
>Here, t-take more rapefugeesneedy refugees guise!

Kikes traitors openly admit they have not loyalty to America. Its like they just don't know when to stop

Is it a slow day on IeftypoI?

Kikes are kvetching about this being in the open. The normies are seeing the news and they cant find out who's supplying it so they lash out here

Either this is true or you are a kike shill

I hate the kikes so fucking much.

I like it. I like it a lot. I'm going to spread this phrase.

Showing the contradictions



Not migrants
Not refugees
Based Netanyahu

Israelis must not be denied the benefits of multiculturalism! Israel is for everyone, not just Jews.

Can someone with a twatter account tweet this story to Benji?

*I meant the story in OP.

Pic was unrelated

>(((ironically))) promoting racemixing
Fuck off.


Remove yourself Kike

This should be a sticky. This really displays the height of Jewish hypocrisy


Then why did they sterilize the Ethiopian Jews?

Mad, kike?

Heeb please.

Aren't they (((hebrews)))?

Just stop.

Holla Forums is going to be at a the center of that transformation and many jews will resent us for it

So Israel gets to deport these fucks at will but it is the job of the rest of the west to take them in?

Fucking kikes.

But the land of God is for everybody?

We need to shut down the "open borders for israel" facebook page. It's obvious trolling, with pepes and shit. It looks like it's been sabottaged, It couldn't be worst, and I wouldn't be surprised if I discovered it was held by a kike. Please someone contact the page, I won't do shit because antisemitism is a crime I can go to jail for if I am caught (guess which country). PLZ ANONS

Have you ever heard of subtility?

Every last kike will be exterminated for their hypocrisy.

We should boycott those racists. Oh wait, it's a crime to boycott Israel now. The chosen can do no wrong.


Funny as hell but I agree with the critics. This can backfire because most whites don't see a difference between them and the jews, so if this meme cross pollinates over to white areas you are essentially pushing race mixing on whites.

this user is a shill operating from HQ in tel aviv

Diversity for 'thee', not for me

Dubs confirm, but the kike has been working on that. They teach in universities that only whites can be racist.

sight sause

Can we get a stick on this? Some great, condensed Jew hypocrisy info here, some of the best have ever seen. Will anyone else request one with me so we can maybe get one? THIS is type of thing that wakes up newfags.


If Americans do it, it's raycisss!!!


The only non-antisemitic policy is to follow Israel's lead and deport all infiltrators, wouldn't you agree?

kike on the left doesn't seem to enjoy the torah nerd from spouting such honesty in the Congressional hearing


israel is so racist. i'm disgusted

Now why can't white nations be like that? Not following Israel's example is antisemitic and stuff, literally Hitler.

Anyone see bernie sanders explode on a liberal girl for questioning israel?
The kikes are terrified of their golem base seeing non msm news sources.
