Miracles, Ancient Meme Magicians

Was there ever a time in history where skilled Hermeticists, figures like Jesus traveled and performed genuine miracles? Was the Earth once a more magical place? Secret societies and their members have always been at the center of historical change in the world, George Washington was a mason, possibly Napoleon, Isaac Newton was an occultist, etc., not to mention all the members of the elite who are into it. Hell, even we have changed the course of history with our anime girls and frogposting.

Even the symbols are still prevalent, the caduceus - the symbol for medicine, is a Hermetic symbol. Just how powerful can this stuff really get?

Other urls found in this thread:


off topic. Polite sage

But no. Washington, Napoleon, Newton were not 'magicians' only geniuses. Same goes for every thing else. Jesus without a doubt was probably a great orator and had skills like Charles manson/jim jones with cult leading his disciples.

The question you need to ask is what sort of magic is real. Nobody's casting fireballs or levitating, but the subtle meme magic is something else entirely. Were people working meme magic before? Certainly.


Not saying Washington etc. were magicians, just that societies with strong occult involvement have historically been very powerful, despite those who say magic isn't real. Granted that people like Washington, Napoleon, etc. weren't "magicians" but they were heavily involved in mystery schools that have heavy "magical" influences. It makes me wonder just what the human brain is capable of that we don't know. Even the military is involved in studying psychic phenomena. Men Who Stare At Goats was based on a true story, other similar experiments/studies have been performed as well. I mean just look at that Satanist faggot with the goofy eyebrows. He was a high-ranking officer and was involved in such activity.

also has a point, that certain types of magic are/can be real. Nobody's casting fireballs or levitating - that we know of. I have to wonder though if there are minds that are that strong enough hiding away somewhere. Personally I think psychic ability is supposed to be one of our next evolutionary steps but there are powerful forces who have a vested interest in making sure that doesn't happen.

There's just so much of it in high places, governments, science - CERN, I mean just look at Tesla, maybe not a magician per se, but he was pretty goddamn close. There are very powerful forces at play, and still so much we don't know.

Meme magic is just a way to convey the weaponization of ideas for purposes of social engineering. Religions have been attempting this for thousands of years, but I'd argue that we've attained a perfection that only a few civilizations have attained previously.


Read Rene Guenon

This is what happens when Smiley's Esoteric Hitler threads don't go his way.

Daily Reminder:

1. Magic is a term used for Zoroastrian philosophy/science. It became a term of "mysticism" because the Greeks didn't like the Persians and found their philosophy to be foriegn.
Magic post-Persians = reality manipulation… as in mind fucking or propaganda or esthetics/art, like TV – TV is the most magical thing to come out in a long time because it changed reality for everyone.
Magic doesn't give you special powers. If it did the world would be more like Harry Potter. Science isn't magic. Science isn't mystical. When it becomes mystical it becomes bullshit. Early alchemists and mystics weren't modern esoteric fags. They were experimenting with shit and had no foundations thanks to the dark ages.

2. Hermetics are for plebs who are too emotionally fucked up or immature to read grown up philosophy that says the same shit in a much more clear minded and sane way like the Stoics MINUS all the Jewish memes and Jewish dualism that was brought in with Christianity that the estoterics/Hermetics/gnostics now larp.

3. The writers of "Esoteric Hitlerism:

= race mixing bitch who married a PooLoo Indian and larps as an Indian. Tries to make NatSoc into a goofy Hindu cult.

Goy you have no ancient history because white people come from space. We are aliens to our own homelands. The Anthrosophy esoteric type that NatSoc ran out of town. Tries to make NatSoc into a goofy Luciferian cult.

Goy we are space men! We don't even come from this solar system! Hyborians were the Celts!

A guy who couldn't write for shit and doesn't understand the subject material he's writing on enough to be clear about it. All of his works are vague rabbit holes and a collective of Eastern philosophy mixed with "muh traditionalism". Tells everyone to ride the tiger and let the Jews destroy the earth because Hindus predicted a cycle of booms and busts… Just become a neet and meditate and do ritualistic larping goy

The lunatic kike tranny who makes all these threads from /fringe/.
= Pure fucking degeneracy and a plot to destroy Aryan historical research, NatSoc research, and REAL MAGIC research (mental influence).

4. New Ageism is really just mind fucking, reality control, created by the same stage magician types who did psychic readings and tarot cards but were too socially awkward to do it on stage.

5. The (((elite))) meme this shit because it's confusing, it's esthetic, and it mind traps people into degenerate larping instead of solid philosophy which is very very dangerous to (((them))).

6. Holla Forums is seeing esoteric threads because they want to NEET you. KEK is not esoteric. Egyptians gods weren't deities they were natural cosmological forces (it was a bad translation of a symbol). They want you to stay away from smart things that have REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCES, and instead kill a poor bunny in the name of your chosen avatar or whatever gay shit /fringe/ and "nazi esoterics" do. They used it on plenty of smart people for a very long time and it works as a form of brainwashing just like other things (Is'lam, christianity, marxism, scientology….).
7. meme magic and synchronicity are not suppose to be treated like Merlin or Harry Potter. They are naturally occurring phenomenons that are still in the unknowable or un-quantifiable stages so we give it a name that sounds cool. The reason government scientists don't understand meme magic is because… well fuck them I'm not telling them but anyone who wasn't a crazy fucking Leftist faggot and had common sense could figure it out over time.. Yes there is a degree of mental control you have over strange happenings in life. It's not the law of attraction. It's not emotional rituals. It's not anything but the going with the flow of which way the winds may blow (dao) and timing.

According to what people say Jesus grow up in Egypt, that was the place to be to become a skilled illusionist and come back to the country place you belong like JFC himself.

I think it has to do with the speed at which information can be relayed. Word of mouth is slow, but religions have powerful ideas. There have been plenty of acts of mass hysteria caused by the spread of ideas in the past, some of which are absurd. The internet allows these ideas to spread and evolve far more quickly.

Not sure. Some people in the middle ages were so good at their craft, it seemed their hands were guided by the Holy Ghost themselves. I'm not sure if you can call it magic, but the ancient ones seemed more well-built and gifted than today's athletes and artists. The contrast of culture is stunning.

No… It was like 80% of the collective resources stolen ("tithed") from the once brave and independent Aryan warrior tribes that were now peasant working slaves to the royal elite and Vatican. They put all their fucking energy into one big building. Why? Because the Dark Ages brought endless foreign plagues (thanks christian missionaries) and global cooling had ended… so the church and crown began to rebuild society's power structures to larp as inheritors of the Semitic nomad god, or the "Hebrews" and "Christian's YWHW/Jesus".

If people in say England all got together, kicked out the Marxists (who you call "atheists" to cover for the Jews) and the Muszzies, they could produce grand works like this again or even go to Mars. Not through magic but through geometry (the big G) and science.

agreed but…
cmon. dark ages never happened.

We all influence the universe on a quantum level, meme's and the way they are made and spread can get a lot of energy behind them.
Its basically vid embedded in combination with chaos theory KeK be praised.

Congratulations on being just smart enough to completely fail to understand what you are talking about.

And tank you very much for your clear explanation of where I was wrong, you see I thought the double slit was sill a open paradox.

Michelangelo (pic 1 and 4) was a faggot. The only straight painter they hired was Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio). I wonder why priests hired so many talented faggots to paint nude people on the cover of the Renaissance MSM.

"Magic" is the term used to define how consciousness affects reality. Modern science says that the phenomena of consciousness is birthed by material reality. In actuality it is the opposite. The material world is a lower manifestation of consciousness. That's why the kikes are anti-spirit and debase themselves in material pleasures. Occultists know this fact and use it to their advantage. The ultimate goal of our life-times is to end the cycle of reincarnation and ascend the ladder of spirit from whence we came.

Ignore kike shills like this one unless they provide some alternative to the ideas they are attacking or at the very least provide sources for their claims. Don't fall for their tricks.

Because the human body is beautiful, not pornographic you sex-starved muppet. Try not getting a boner every time you see a man with his shirt off.

I don't actually. Dicks are too small. I agree with the Classical point on human body. Nevertheless they were indeed faggots or your typical MK Ultra subject like Caravaggio or Cellini.

Yes, yes they did. Our entire Western history was wiped clean like a Clinton hard drive. All that survived was whatever the Christians approved. Aside from that the plauges and fall of Rome (100yrs after Christianity took over) would of been enough to cause them idiot.

Ahhh the A-typical hipster response to whatever they don't want to hear about or look up themselves, "where's your source on that bro". It's a guidline. All of those claims can be backed up by learning to simply use google.

Jews have all the power because they use material reasoning and material attacks against a bunch of fucktards who are involved in the occult, like Europe's monarchy and America's elite and entertainment puppets all doing sex and drug "magic" or Eastern brainwashing "enlightenment" techniques that fill their head with delusional thinking.

checked and tell us more

Who the fuck are you to say this? Ten centuries ago, cunts like you would've gone "Flight is scientifically impossible!" too. Modern science is a fucking circlejerk.

>using (((google)))
come on man.
But you write good info, so forgiven for now

Jews are the master at sex and drug magic, look kike, you might be a low-level chosen only given the key to materialist golems, but take a look at your betters okay?

The burden of proof is on you, faggot.

Jews have power because THEY are the ones doing the brainwashing with their dark occult techniques. They are the force of darkness that has pervaded humanity for millennia. The good has risen against them and fallen time and time again. The great thing is that, now that we live in the age of information, the next time good rises up will be the last time.

your schizophrenic kike genes are showing by the way


I tried a couple of times but I always ended with a TL;DR - so a long story short: Caravaggio's family has proto-masonic connections (his father was a Magister working directly for Count Francesco Sforza) and he used to live the rock star life until he was involved in a homicide and was then on the run like Terry since his last day. He was compelled to keep working for the pope anyway and kept on the leash with vague pardon promises. There are many things to say - I will try to gather some sauces and maybe I will kill a thread for this.

And this is what you get when you start changing the meaning of certain words like the old meaning of holocaust and shoah.


when isaac newton came up with his theory of gravity lots of people didnt believe him because they thought it was just more of his esoteric mumbo jumbo. 3c725a would have definitely been one of those guys. either that or a jew who tried to completely demoralize and stop newton from pursuing any of his interests

Kek is telling me I am on to something in a meme related thread.

OK fine. But they use these techniques (see nb 1. ) on lost confused dumb people who can't philosophy. And they use them on each other. Why? Because Jews will Jew each other when there is no one else around. It's in their nature. Remember Uri Gellar? The Israeli who came and used basic magic tricks to try and fool the English speaking public into believing he was magic? Until the Amazing Randy and Johnny Carson shut him the fuck down.
Video attached. Carson use to be a magician too so he fucked the kike on national TV, it was great.

Same fucking comment every time. As I said Early alchemists and mystics weren't modern esoteric fags. They were experimenting with shit and had no foundations thanks to the dark ages ( )
Besides, most of Newton's esoteric was bullshit that went no where. He did his big fill in words like "gravity" (because we don't really understand it yet) and now he's a rockstar for it because now we can call it something.

Actually 1000yrs ago we would of all been pagan as Christianity didn't fully spread to Western Europe until the 1200s. And we wouldn't use "Magic" a Zoroastrian priesthood as a our reference for natural science or natural understanding of this.
Besides, 1000 years ago idiots falling to the ground was bullshit. Right now if you said that you could teleport your body I would also call bullshit.

Sound like vauge connections but interesting.

choose one

You are still falling into the materialist frame. Alchemy of old was a mental practice. Turning lead into gold is an allegory. You know nothing.


Tell us more, Hiram. We want to know more about the temple.

They're from the same fucking lineage you god damn plebeian.
I never said i wasn't. But mental practice is material. All is made of matter and space. There is no anti-reality world for you to escape to you fucking infant. You know nothing.

Anti-Esoteric Materialists, consider this: If Esoteric knowledge is hidden and therefore bad, how about you read the Esoteric discussion threads and the knowledge will no longer be hidden?


Isn't the first pic from Tomb of Horrors?

Wasted quads. You're projecting your own homosexuality onto artists. Don't be a faggot.

It's not bad because it's hidden. It's bad because it's plebian compared to real Philosophy/Science/History which is Aryan-tier. In other words it was milked for all it's worth and now it's just babbling idiocy and kikes trying to mind trap you into anti-material thinking. Material-ism is just a spiritual-ism meme. There is nothing wrong with the real world user.

Fuck off faggot.

Party tricks and initiation are two very different things. Just because you are uninitiated does not mean that higher realms don't exist, stop projecting your own faggotry. If the material is all that is, what is astral projection? What is imagination? What is dreaming?

The uninitiated are unable to grasp esoteric principles.

To all those who are lurking. Meditate and find the center within you. That connection is at the center of the universe, that is where you will find truth.

Not really Initiations are essentially parties with tricks and a pat on the back for the good goy.
hallucinations and liars.
What is brain?

Magic goes deeper than this. It has been around for much longer as a thought-form and many different cultures and religions shared some characteristic. For example: a culture in Europe might have shared the exact same belief regarding the powers of a certain plant that has been crushed and powdered to ward off evil spirits as one in south america which believed it would ward off evil thoughts. (There are examples of such cultural similarities in the past)
You're thinking about magic incorrectly. It is not about control over the minds of people, it is the mind's control over other things.
Magic doesn't give you gain in terms of the physical realm, you won't do something and magically win the lottery. It is mostly about gaining knowledge, it is strictly anti-greed and anti-profit, all things it brings it will bring to anyone who seeks it.
Never heard of this bitch.
Isn't this based on a shared circadian rhythm with the rotation of Mars or something? I agree, it is shit. I think Spirit Science did something about men coming from Mars and enslaving strong Earth womyn too.
Same shit. Maybe humanity originated from aliens/space, i'll never know. Ancient Aliens makes compelling arguments though.
The concept of Yugas and ages spans across the globe though. It isn't just an eastern philosophy, and there is most definitely truth to it.
Nice scapegoat for discussions you don't agree with faggot.
Real magic isn't just about mental exertion. Why would scientists research something? Belief in anything is something those myopic autists would scoff at and walk right past.
It's based in a lot of truth, but it's mostly just feel-good nonsense. Spiritual Satanism and New Ageism are both about the same, they give the truth and many lies to mislead the common believer to their own gain.
>5. The (((elite))) meme this shit because it's confusing, it's esthetic, and it mind traps people into degenerate larping [don't like rituals, do we now?] instead of solid philosophy. The (((elite))) don't want people to believe in anything at all besides materialism and consumerism.
(((They))) want everyone to be uneducated normalfags so they can hold a monopoly on thought itself. Such is the way of the greedy and jealous god YHWH.
KEK is the bringer of true light out of chaotic darkness. In this regard, worshipping him is a great way to actively seek enlightenment from the past age of the false light.
Fuck off. It's not unexplained science, it is irrationality in its entirety. There is no explanation for it, it just IS.


If you like Materialism so much, have you prayed to (((Saturn))) yet?

Actually, some are, to this day even:

The book of Colossians says some stuff on this topic that some here might find interesting.
>(Colossians 1:16-17) For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
>(Colossians 2:14-15) Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
If anyone want to know what the bible says about reality and the spiritual world, I would like to recommend this video, it gives a good overview imo.

Even the New Testament is mostly corrupted. However, some truth remains despite (((Their))) best efforts.

I'm not certain Materialists will be devoured by the Void. It seems more likely that they'll be trapped by the Black Cube after they die. That, or they'll be ridiculed in the Afterlife.

Reminder that this anti-esoteric guy likes to militantly post his shitty copypasta wherever discussion about occult subjects takes place. Don't bother trying to argue with him, he'll go straight to the ad hominems. Just report and ignore him. I'm pretty sure he's some kind of shill based on his posting style.

There's the possibility that he's just concerned about Masonic/glow-in-the-dark psyops.

Magic in those terms are the Greek usage of a foreign philosophy… as in barbarian. That doesn't make it fucking Harry Potter voodoo you god damn pleb. It makes it Persian philosophy.


Wrong. It's about mind fucking and you have no control over other things. You have no power. You're a larping faggot that doesn't understand real magic. If I'm wrong please fly over the Pentagon on your magic carpet or levitate some syringes into Soro's neck.

Because it's delusional thinking now.
Exactly. Fucking useless larping

And that's why grown ups call it philosophy, while little Harry Potter /fringe/ neets call it "magick"

Then you've never heard of Esoteric Hitlerism.

It's a cover so we don't discover Ancient ARYANS. Hence the Ancient Aryan threads replacing the stupid fucking alien threads on Holla Forums but not the (((history channel)))

meh, maybe. But it sounds like wishful thinking. Either way it's fantasy because it has no basis except in the writings of religions.
nice one kike

Not really… It's more larping shit from the 1800s when people still believed a magic Rabbi created the universe.

No one who understand KEK worships him as a god. He's a force. That was established early on before the Kekistan faggots (((Alt-Right))) came around. Like I said, the Egyptian symbol for deity should of been translated as a force.

No there is an explanation but I'm not doing one because (((They))) are studying it in fucking Universities and DARPA right now and I don't want to give them fuel.

Your face when Jews made that shit up and show it on the (((History Channel))) to mind fuck simpleton goy like you. YFW Hitler shut them all down and ran them out of town. YFW Himmler was trying to create a new upper-brass military esthetic standard rather than use Harry Potter spells to defeat the Jews.
YFW the void isn't perishing and if you weren't a pleb you would know this.

haha, larp. It's self hypnosis and you clearing your head of lots of thought… Then you learn unity and expansion of self. See how easy that was? I didn't even use larping words.

>If you like Materialism so much, have you prayed to (((Saturn))) yet?
That would be spiritualism you fucking idiot.

Many were indicted for sodomy. I wasn't yet. A few like Leonardo were real pedofaggots with "special assistants" like Giangiacomo Caprotti.

No sirruh - literally Aryan.

ding ding ding

HA! Funny visualization.

Are we in agreement that the Eternal Jew must perish? Then let's desist this hostility.

Barbarian to the Greeks. Including Romans, and other Greeks. From "Thracian sounds like bar bar bar to me."

Everyone was a dirty Barbarian to the Romans and Greeks. Still doesn't change the fact that Greek-Persian conflict allowed Religion of Cuck™ to swallow both.

Kill the meme and you kill the "Jew".

You mean Roman-Persian Wars, and yes indeed what a tragedy. Graeco-Persian wars brought Greek people and culture from Egypt to India and were 800 years before Izlam.

Hmmm… really made me think.

What are you implying?

Freemasonry is jewish occultism with the facade of fraternity. At it's core is jewish kiddy diddling. That does not mean all esotericism is jewish in nature.

Here's some reading material for you, kike.

You say meditation is larp, but then you talk about unity and expansion of self. What is self? Is self a material object? I think not. Consciousness is the cause and material reality is the effect. You take things at face value and have not seen behind the veil yet. If you do not in this life time, you will perish into the void to be recycled over and over and over until you learn the lessons. I can't make you breath your breaths, I am not trying to convince you. I am illuminating the path for anons lurking. You've been poisoned by the materialist world view, you're essentially a commie kike.

You talk about philosophy, what is metaphysics? What is quantum physics? What is the double slot experiment?

Look between the lines instead of being a dense faggot.

No I said the way you put it was.
pfff gassed. They concentrated them.
yes, you delusional fool. Go walk in front of a bus and see if you're still there in the morning.
Other way around.
ooooh cool.
If I'm coming back then I'm not perished you fucking idiot. Fucking hell, why do I have to explain basic reason to everyone I meet? Am I the Buddah?
Illuminati on goybook you fucking poser kike.
No I'm going to read the lines and comprehend them, not make up that science is magickkkkk.


You have to stop applauding yourselves long enough to realize freemasons are trying to make you cult.



continue to look at the shadows on the wall. Observe the mystic eye goy we are the thule society goy. Shhhhhh the all seeying eye is Aryan! Huzzah brother alas we are free!


Some people claim that masonry and the "mysteries" have fallen and with it we have a pyramid hierarchy of perversion. So if that is the case then why would anyone be so quick to fall for the decadence of the dark occult? There is a problem with dark Rosicrucian and freemasonry to the point memetics are a way to continue what may have been lost to evil. The only power you can have is what you can create organically or against the dark powers that be.
Whats all this about the media the media its a fraudulent disperse of tools to build our view of the world. So fighting the media is convincing the masses what is actually happening.Those who control the past right. So pardon my short temper when I see someone trying to claim ancient probably mystery school glyph are the product of chan culture. Its absolutely bonkers. Now you can have a sort of mandela effect thats a fine mental excersize i suppose.

I saw the word hiram. Now I am loc. Thats all there is to it.

The only thing Freemasons are worth is sacred geometry. All this larping spiritual faggoty in this thread will be make mentally ill.

Bane and Holla Forums culture on 8ch actually. You had to be there…

Dark and light occultism is a masonic duality retard dont use that detergent talk to me I in no way condone any sort of masonic venture.

personally I wouldn't mind if every occult text was burned and all symbology and ritual banned. I am actually giving people who really are into esoterica permission to negate freemasonry. One of the things anyone runs into when researching or learning anything new agey is that its never clear what part the masons play.

Done giving you mundanes free knowledge, bye.

Your understanding of Freemasonry is flawed, by the way. Not defending it but it is not the end-all-be-all of esotericism.

also for fucks sakes they say tubalcain was the first mason. After the flood then it was nimrod. Then here comes hermes. Thats right masons claim hermes as masonic and as a pioneering mason. So therefore the premise of this thread is to find ancient masonica and claim it is MEMES. I HAVE TO PRETEND THIS FUCKING CHARADE IS SOME NOBEL QUEST TO FIND THE GRIMACING TOAD IN A SHAKESPEAR PAINTING?

You said you were done but then you never fucking stop.

I've finished discourse with your material plights, kike. The other user is bought in to misinformation.

Its not the pinnacle but its the most common you see so that in a way is a problem.


I won't ever forgive your sins, smilesperg.

It's common because it's a branch of Judaism. They want you to believe their lies.

Is anti-Esotericism the next step in Evolution for Atheism?

I hope I am wrong. Oh boy do I hope I am wrong because between pizzagate and all the other shit happening masonry fits like a glove as a perpetrator to these scandals.

My god man you cant look at the eye of horus without seeing the spiral and thinking of pizzagate the occult is either framed or fallen or something in between.

You need to watch communism by the back door, it's on youtube.

lol… ahhh fuck.

Wont stop. He can't stop. Not until we're all trannies.

I don't understand. Why Europeans drew porn inside their churches?

I am the same person. I remember watching part 3 and that starts off with the narrator going "freemasonry is the primary enemy". I will try to keep an open mind though. My main gripe is that it is just a gatekeeping force of sorts and that needs to be unveiled.

Reported for being salty as hell and having awful taste in images. Die on a pike, kike.

Implying Joker isn't a dark buddah.


Dude, Freemasonry is babys first illuminati. The rabbit hole goes much deeper than the fraternal order, don't get caught up on this surface level shit. When you hear the word Freemason replace it with Jew.

Miracles are possible because reality is a consensus creation. So generally it requires the consent of all witnessing beings. Miracles take place all the time even now. Just talk to people and be open to them without being a cynical dick. Tons and tons of stories out there.

Also read this and think about it carefully: princeton.edu/~pear/





So I happened to look at the Rider tarot deck on Amazon, because esoterism and fringe shit is fun and interesting to learn about, but I decided to look at the one star reviews and saw this

If our meme magic invokes the tarot and it is stronger than jew magic, and both are truly the same, does that mean we are, by extension, superior magicians at kabbalah?

Egregore and placebo work, though. South Korea is ruled over by a hypno-witches' coven.


There were three schools of magic in Sumeria and thus the basis for the much later three Magi tradition, i shall outline and reference these.

The first to consider is Asalluhi son of Enki who practised traditional shamanic healing and herbal cures to impact on the body and mind of the afflicted, Enki relating to the creation of all organic life the potions prepared are an early form of medicine and the study of biology, there are numerous remedies preserved in association with the incantations involved in application.


Overall Asalluhi was considered a powerful force of nature, a seer.

The cultic centre of Asalluhi was at Kuara close to Eridu and he was very closely associated with the Abzu shrine, as the foremost principle of the seven sages, and obviously his elemental magic was water based, also in this aspect he was the principle of the River of Ordeal, which was a metaphor for passing into the afterlife, so he was the personification of that, the figure that stands on both banks of the river.

Weaponizing synchronicity is another application of meme magic. Through a series of memes, you bridge specific information fragments and people together to form desired memeplexes. The idea is that it fuels a self-sustaining culture while leaving almost no trace of its true origin.

THIS! I dont know if its true but I have myself considered it as a possibility and it seems to be the sole idea of spirituality to escape the bondage of the material world.

The second school and of particular interest to this forum is that of Kusu whose solution to anything was to pop it in the oven as Goddess of purification and transformation through fire

Kusu the High Priestess of Enlil is far less attested and was prone to gender slide and was also sometimes assimilated with Ezina a grain Goddess daughter of Enlil in terms of Kusu-Ezina, but in her own right she was married to Gibil a Deity of the flaming torch who as seen in texts such as Maqlu represented the purifying force of fire, and that would have been her own primary elemental attribute, The censor and torch placed in the house of the sick man: The censor is Kusu. The torch is Nusku.

She is seen then in connection with preparations involving fire, Kusu puts things n the oven.

Her connectivity with the grain Goddess Ezina then was probably in the sense of the baking of bread, but surprisingly she was also associated with the Abzu as a Princess of such and celebrated at Eridu

So we see then at Eridu Asalluhi representing Enki and the waters of the Abzu, and Kusu representing Enlil and the fire that emerges from the waters of that same Abzu, and the third of the three Mages, Ningirim also had a shrine close to Eridu at Murum.

As an example of the activities of Kusu we see her in the act of giving life to a statue, creating a God in conjunction with Asalluhi, who had the power to revive dead Gods;

Modern science still can't replicate Teslas' peer reviewed and well recorded creation of ball lightning amongst other feats.
He also said he would test a weapon a few days prior to Tunguska, of which no conclusive proof of meteorites has ever been found.

Even some of what I do is considered 'magic' to normalfags. So magic is really just shit that others don't understand..


The three schools of Sumerian magic were then associate with the three major Deities, Enki and his son Asalluhi, Enlil and his daughter Kusu, and Ningirim daughter of Anu, all had shrines in the vicinity of the Abzu of Eridu.

Ningirim represented the power of the spoken invocation, what later came to be understood as the Logos, her Temple at Murum was house which recites the incantation formulae of heaven

Ningirim represents the power of Anu and Inanna, of Uruk, Goddess Ningirim, queen of Uruk, chief steward of the gods, her words resonate within the ether, she is often cited in connection with incantations to guarantee their effectiveness.

The cult of Ningirm is best seen in a text which has recently been translated The Incantation of Ningirim


The text posits the case of a man who is empowered by all of the great Gods and emerges as the personification of his personal God Ningirm, in that sense a veritable case of the word of God made manifest and the basis for what would constitute a magician.

Working in conjunction Kusu, Asalluhi and Ningirim are involved in the final stage of making a newly created God live, they also repaired Gods, this in the sense of the major cultic statues and making the Divine force within such animate.

user, do you have any good books on Tesla? I'm really not sure where to begin.

Get djvulibre

His Patents also have some interesting reading. Some of the more widely known ones include

I'd also very highly recommend to read The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats by Thomas Henry Moray. He is peer reviewed pulling ~50kW out of thin air using basically a glorified crystal radio, with a commonly available material.
T.Gaelen Hieronymus might also be of interest, did some really funky shit too.
T.T.Brown also but more his USAF research which went black in 50s' when boeing was making advertisements of 'future planes without fuel and wings'.. He proved that highly charged discs in vacuum weigh less than without charge and thus negated any claims of 'ionic wind'.
But strangely no one does further research down these avenues ;)

Enjoy the rabbit hole.

P.s. Fer De Lance by fmr Lt.Col Thomas Bearden, explains in detail (including the math) how modern Quantum/Scalar wave weaponry works.
Available in OCR pdf online too.

Thanks guys.

I wish this was recognized by more people.

You need cool names in order to capture the anons' imagination on a mass scale, and the mass scale is important when you want to change how society sees and understand the world around them.

Good post btw.

It's good to see that you are still alive, and have not given up on your project.

t. oldfag

if you see christianity as day and judaism as night think of freemasons as the light in the night.

If it's the case then you are a nutcase that believes in aliens and crypto-communism.
Don't worry it's fairly common even here.

ew shit nigga,

Good goy.

Magic is very much real, user, it just isn't what plebs think it to be. The apotheosis of magic arises from an exact understanding of the nature of things, chains of cause and effect, allowing the practitioner to fundamentally alter the manner in which other people perceive and experience reality (their subjective) without them overly realizing it's being done. And the wonderful thing is, magic can be based entirely on Truth! Look at Trump and all he has memed, how many tens of millions has he woken up to the inherent truth of statements/facts antagonistic to the liberal ideology. As a direct consequence, they now see the world differently, in this case through Trump's magic, the merchant/clown magic is diminished in power. People no longer trust what the MSM is selling. People are aware of the horrible crimes of the clowns, merchants, and red shields. People realize it's OK TO ADVOCATE FOR YOUR OWN GROUP INTEREST.

Magic is a scientific art formerly taught to initiates of the Mystery traditions. There have been those who used it with a purity of heart, and those who didn't, profaning it and corrupting the world. The only acceptable use is for the ennobling and enlightening of other people.

You niggers seem pretty enlightened on the subject. How would we best utilize magic/esoterica/memes to crash the Jew power structure with no survivors? They would have to have some method of protective measures against destabilization actions. So what would be the best method of blasting through their world illusion?

"God I want the jews' schemes to be exposed to the whole world." It requires at least one person in the group to be able to recognize God.

Or you make distance with the current [Concept] of [The world being in jewish hands]. When you made enough distance, you keep doing the same, but also start inviting other [Concepts] into your reality, like [Aryan takeover of the world].

Tibetan Buddhism is fairly big into this whole [Concept] thing. The western world also has it represented in the Caduceus, the two stars swirling around the same axis represent [Concept] and its Not-[Concept]. The axis is there because when you combine the concept and its not-concept you get a new result, a third [Concept], it is the axis moving forward up, you make progress. Then you do the same with this new concept you've gotten.
All humans can use this method to understand objective morality. You take a situation and combine it with its not-concept, you get a third element, the result, a perfect solution to the moral problem.
One more thing: the not-concept is not the opposite. It seems to be something closer to "everything in the universe that is not that concept".

So.. ants build colonies that are really quite advanced, from an architectural point of view. They have specific areas for waste, areas to actually farm their own food in the form of lichens and other fungii.. they even use aphids as cattle, to the point that they pasture them on leaves, then bring them in and milk them.

Ants ventilate their waste areas with air shafts. They have nurseries. All in all, an ant colony is very structured.

Which ant is smart enough to direct the construction of the colony?

Of course, none of them are. Each individual ant does nothing but pick up a pebble, and move it. It’s not even a conscious process, as we understand consciousness.. just a biological imperative to perform certain tasks.

So, the blueprint for the colony needs to be stored elsewhere. And that “where” is a network, not an individual.

It could be explained that the information is genetically encoded.. that the DNA of the species directs all the individual behaviors and results in the production of the colony. However, how is it directed? How do the ants know at what time or place to begin their labor, or when to stop? What controls the traffic? And this is where we start to speculate about the existence of a “hive mind.”

Take it one step further.. If simple life forms like ants have a collective conscious, how are we so sure complicated creatures like us don’t? Carl Jung thought we did, and that’s the central point he was trying to get at with his “essays on synchronicity.”

Meme magic has to do with wrestling for control of the collective conscious. Feel free to define the process in terms that are mystical or mundane.. it isn’t an either/or kind of thing. Whether viewed as science or religion, we’re talking about the same thing. The only difference is which vocabulary set contains the metaphors best suited to an individual’s understanding.

Source: am Dwemer tonal architect

speak for yourself, friendo.


I think I'll go ahead and give you guys these, too. Merry early Christmas, Holla Forums.

The internet is a real time vaccination system against hysteria. By creating the constant appearance of hysterias while rarely transmitting anything but weakened forms of mind-virii, the cattle can be inoculated against freedom of thought without anything so messy as actually removing it from them.

The earliest attested Pentagons are inscriptions of the Jemdet Nasr period some 5,200 years ago from the vicinity of Uruk in conjunction with the tradition of the Apkallu also establishing the Cult of Inanna within the E-anna sanctury of Uruk at the same period, the city seal of Uruk was the pentagram

There are two inscriptions which record the Apkallu establishing the Cult of Inanna during the First Dynasty of the City;

The relationship between the Apkallu and the cult of Inanna was a strong one as both could be seen as related to the Pleiades in origin, and it can be seen that the Cult of Inanna was understood as being directly introduced from the Heavens.

With regards to the symbol of the Pentagon at Uruk, Inanna was represented in terms of a Pentad known as 'the Ladies';

In introducing the cult of Inanna at Uruk then in terms of the Pentad it can be considered that the knowledge of the cycles of Venus over the eight year period described by five equidistant points of the ecliptic had also been introduced and hence the symbolism of the Pentagon.

These five aspects of Inanna should then almost certainly be seen as the first form of magical ritual associate with the Pentagon and that as taught by the Apkallu, so a tradition of no little intrigue considering the source, whilst many inscriptions date from later periods enabling the identities of this Pentad the origins of it are almost certainly very early.

Excellent summary of the intimate realization of oneself as (a piece of) God.

user, I hate to be that guy but there's a lot of things that could have made that fire, like gas (or a spray deodorant can) and something that can start a small fire. That flag covering his weapon really makes me skeptic.


Study the symbols. Create the content. Master the memes.

Mystery Babylon by Bill Cooper.

Then perform the puppet show…?


Then provide the sources, use your mental faculties to explain yourself, or shut the fuck up because you have nothing meaningful to say.

Sumeria bro!

Everyone laugh at this faggot. Magi, mage, Magic = Zoroastrian priesthood and to the Greeks it was foriegn philosophy, thus the interpretation as a form of hidden or abstract natural science/philosophy.

Conflating words is what Jews do user.


Also the pentagram is pythagorian. That's its usage in Western culture. You're a conflating retard

That's because Newton was a shitty esotericist, and stole most of his ideas from others (Leibniz).

Astral projection is dangerous due to the prevalence of evil spirits facilitating it. It's rare that it's not some kind of evil spirit that is acting as the spirit guide. Totally different from esoteric practices where you remain within yourself, such as remote viewing or sense divination.


Bullshit Jewish meme. New Testament has more manuscript support than any document in antiquity by a factor of ten. Only a few decades between writing and earliest copies, while other documents are considered good if there is only a few hundred years between composition and first copies. If you think the New Testament is corrupted, then you cannot be sure of anything in ancient history at all.

The Eternal Jew is esoteric Judaism: Freemasonry et. al.

It does appear that Freemasonry was created by light occultists, and Rosicrucianism definitely was. But they are totally corrupted now.

There isn't anything in Freemasonry anymore that you can't find in Manly P. Hall (good), Albert Pike (evil) or other occult works without swearing the terrible oaths.

Hiding knowledge is evil. That is dark occultism. Sharing knowledge and protecting it from destruction is good. That is light occultism.

According to the Book of Enoch and other ancient sources, the knowledge hidden in masonry was given by the evil giants (Nephilim, Archons, Titans, whatever you want to call them), of the antediluvian world.

The Avestan word magâunô, i.e. the religious caste of the Medes, An unrelated term, but previously assumed to be related, appears in the older Gathic Avestan language texts. This word, adjectival magavan meaning "possessing maga-", was once the premise that Avestan maga- and Median (i.e. Old Persian) magu- were co-eval (and also that both these were cognates of Vedic Sanskrit magha-).


Now would you like to know were that religious caste likely originated?

The original term was probably Maqlu relating to purification through fire ritual.


There is no light left in Freemasonry. It is wholly corrupted and evil, and you need to get out while you still can.

Meme the space elevator into existence. Permanent state of economic growth, shatter the Babylonian money system, expose the liars who held humanity in slavery for so long.

But if their power structure is such that it operates like a yoke on human consciousness, wouldn't mirroring their same methods then lead to an endorsement of their initial plan or structural manipulation? Fighting fire with fire only works if the intention of the initial firestarter ISN'T to burn everything down, and your intention IS.

The Caduceus is an interesting thing to post, I didn't realize that before but it's a representative symbol of the Kabbalistic tree of life repeating ad infinitum, aka Jacob's Ladder.

I guess what I'm wondering if the yoke can be hijacked and opened up the reigns made available to all. And in so doing that, releasing the master/slave hierarchy of that analogy so that each person embodies that dichotomy. When there are no masters, there are no slaves.

White Wizards of Meme Magic

What do you think the American Revolution was? We just need to finish what they started.

It relates in the magical sense to Venus describing five equidistant points around the ecliptic plane over an eight year periodic, hence the five aspects of Inanna/Venus at Uruk, also the same usage at Hurrian Jerusalem as the City of the Evening star/Shalom, both well known earliest examples long predating any Greek considerations, though to be fair they did look into the mathematical relationships involved

Checked Kek


Short-lived, and a missed opportunity. What do you think the Clinton's are? If the Caduceus symbol represents any truth it is that a victory won in the past will not substitute for a victory in the present if you are engaged in a fight. We need a new victory.

I am not sure what op is asking. Essentially we have to stop our mental flows to see how in primitive times a group of people came together to cull the masses. My issue is in this false sense of authority that is in place. We have to assume the manner of a prescribed counter culture the alt right. People are starting to go on Joe Rogan and talk metaphysically about memes like Jordan Peterson. It can astound you the amount of symbolical attribution used by the mystery schools. So we are not in a position to act to this narrative when the lulz arguably is in the random nature and diversity of thought. It would be a neat thing to see some degenerate showcase his jizz collection. It was a tradition.You could not count to 10 in a thread without someone fucking it up. But when something fun needed coordination. It was a fun thing. Its too serious now people are signaling hard for whatever reason to stay in line and to be a forthright white male when I am here because I am a lazy sack of shit. A certain amount of humility is needed on an individual level. Some may call it ego death whatever know yourself before you put on the uniform of the red team or the blue team. And most importantly do not forget the times where memes where not as serious but more real. That is the key if you tell me why I need to stop fapping I am gonna fap. Just shooting slime in the air like Nickelodeon. And I dont want to ruin the imaginative experience of the thread but a much more hands on approach to memetics can be had through shamanism which is a natural thing you can either tune into or not and to activate this enter trance state and make a artistic thing and you can unlock shamanic intuitive. A book you might enjoy is urban shamanism or urban shaman. Then if that falls flat start holding your breath and forcing yourself to think of nothing and imagine illuminati symbols and think your enlightened. Or go a step further and sell your soul to lucifer and get something out of being a heritic.

What is mental illness
What is mental illness
What is mental illness

Both of those guys were like Holla Forums posters fishing around for answers about ancient history. Real historians and mythologists have moved past far them.
Randell Carlons on joe rogan is good because he's an architect freemason who knows sacred geometry and explains it, which is what Freemason was originally about before it was Jewed.

come on user…
So was Zoroastrianism… It's all Veddic. You're conflating again. The ideas of Zarathustra and the writing style goes back to Veddic languages so it's not that hard to figure out that they would have a linguistic lineage. That doesn't make it the same thing.

Didn't they steal and horde the mathematical/numerological findings from other culturesand hide it only to keep it for themselves?
the user you replied to gave evidence in the post ffs

Sorry, don't know what you're talking about. There are no masters and there are no slaves here. The Caduceus is its own thing, related to the Hermetics. The Kabbalah is a very confused piece as the (((ones))) that copied it from whatever other civilization either never understood it, forgot its meaning, or simply do not "use" it.
"Use" is quoted since all of this is mere symbology for and objective something that you can do with your mind alone, no matter what visualization you employ.

Spoke exactly like a propaganda-subject parrot. There is no denying the Dark Ages happened, to even find the remains of the classical world we have to go to ruined places like Pompei, because of all the purposefully performed destruction and desecration. Gothic cathedrals were only built after the worst of the dark ages, in the high middle ages (after 1200) when they had consolidated enough power to care about building some culture - and these cathedrals pale in comparison with ancient temples and art, and even with Renassaince (guess which ideas were reborn) works of later times.

Yes but when you combine following the true paths with good timing holy shit you get some crazy effects.
I have seen some shit, and personally benefited it more than once since I started to praise KEK.

We are all builders of our collective reality. You admit masonry is jewed. So now seeing they have a history of abject dishonesty and historacal revisionism. Why in the fuck is it worth noting that they failed in keeping their vision pure? We are supposed to continue their failed work? The elite have used these symbols around the molestation and ritual dismemberment and impalation of children maybe its time to move on. Maybe its time to have an open source secret society that can not be corrupted without knowing where the vision is thwarted. No we have to kick sand or join the delusion of these house niggers to kikery. Look at joe rogans logo. Why does he have adrenochrome 3rd eye symbology? Because hes a beta mason cuck shill.

Its like you want to take memetic potential and put plumpy white gloves masonic kids gloves to play ball with the charade of politic. It is a failed system of enlightenment that can be pieced together through Rosicrucian monographs available in public bit torrents. To stall to this delusion is to countenance kikery

It's not all Vedic, i'm sure that you're aware that in the Rig Veda the seven sages or Risi figure prominently particularly with regards to the production/consumption of Soma and that those are in effect the same seven sages of Mesopotamian tradition, given that predates the Vedas by at least 1500 years it shouldn't be difficult to realize there was Mesopotamian influence on the development of that tradition, likely introduced through Iran.

My point with the En Priesthood being carried off into Elam from Southern Mesoptamia from the city of Nigin which was the cultic centre of the seven sages was to suggest the route of transmission, were the fire ritual of Maqlu becomes the basis for Maga/magu

You'll find that the Pythagorean speculations do relate to the numerics of Earth/Venus cycles, though i agree that different cultures can arrive at different conclusions based upon observation of the same phenomena, in esoterica there is the tradition of the one true source which always relates back to the seven sages.

Hello user, cave dweller here who wishes to be enlightened. Do you draw each seal upon your chest before meditation and then purely focus on the intent of your searching? I want to find inner truth through psychic connection, but I am quite confused on the steps to reaching these enlightened states.


Remote viewing IS astral projection user. Different words for the same thing. Not our fault you get tricked by a malefic spirit, nigger.

wikipedia isn't evidence. Your professor should of taught you this.
From Sumerians? I doubt it. Pythagoras started out his own branch based on the other proto-philosophers at the time (Heraclitus for example). He started with a dot (1) and built reality from there, creating the mathematical system we use today. So it's not crazy to think that different cultures discovered the same things and since they were ALL star watchers it becomes even more apparent. Once could say that Pythagorus was more influenced by Celts than Sumerians, or Egyptians than Sumerians… even though they all influence each other you can't just say "Eureka I've found the same symbol, it must be the Enika!. Down that road lies babbling idiocy and what I call the Joe Rogan effect.

What people are looking for is one grand unified theory of everything because that's what book sellers (faux historians) do - they try to claim they've discovered the holy grail of historical lineage. But it's not always true. In fact it's almost always Sumeria and it's almost always tied to Christian theology (Adam and Eve larping, "the serpent bro the fucking serpent!!"). You have to be careful of this Gnostic Freemasonic Vatican Khabbalistic way of thinking because it destroys cause and effect rational thinking… it's wishful thinking.

OK, so have I. But that doesn't mean you allow others (Freemasons/Hermetic/Magickkkkk) writers think for you. The truth is you start with history, clear all the dust and cobwebs off, remove the JudeoChristian influences, and try to piece together the left over scraps. You don't go looking for scholars to do it for you.

I don't know wtf you're talking about. I said the opposite. You should learn to read before you dip into heavy shit like this. Stop listening to Jordon Peterson.

Well that is interesting. But fire rituals have always been around. It's Maqlu meaning Magi may be true… I don't' see a reason for it to be true though. But I'll keep an eye out for it. Point is that Zarathustra rejected all the gods for the one god, and fire was just a representation of light in the darkness… that could come from anything. It could come from anyone since it's a basic archetypal form. It's like saying "Batman is totally Hercules because…" Well, it may relate in some ways but it's not the same cultural transmission.

See that's where I think you may be having trouble with historical method (because history does have a method to it). You've attached yourself to a group or a book or some scholar and are repeating like a student. Stop being a student. Start being the researcher.


read thread before shitposting:

Your critical mistake is taking allegory literally.

It's the basis of the seven sages from the oldest sources which interests me not anyone else's take on it, it was also the case that Zoroaster made it the basis of his religion with regards to the six Amesha Spenta and Ahura Mazda, there's a grand unified theory for you…

Interacting with fire is already dangerious enough for plebs, what do you think the potential disastrous repercussions of messing with the very fabric of reality could be? Of course they would label it all as ebil, gotta keep the power out of the hands of the peasantry lest they become more.

So you're attached to a school of thought and therefor dead inside as a scholar. You're done.

Well I'll look into it. But that's not what the Zorastrian myth claims. Zuruthustra, according to the legend, came to his beliefs as a REJECTION of all the "priests and princess" because they were exploiting people. So he met the "one true god".

Burning your house down. Heraclitus had no fear of it, and no need for stupid fucking rituals.

No i am interested in the basis/source/origin of that school of thought and the reconstruction of it, last known whereabouts the Abzu,

Fear and respect are different things unless you subscribe to a Judaic derived belief.

We are all spiritual beings at our core and astral projection used to be second nature for us. It's only due to conditioning that we have lost the ability. I guarantee you in order for a pleb to even lucid dream, let alone astral project, they'd need to study extensively and practice many hours before doing so successfully. Not much risk if you are educated.

Never attach yourself to other's work like some fucking college kid. Never attach yourself to "schools of thought". How fucking hard is that to understand?

Is it because you want to call yourself something? You want to call yourself that group?

This, be more than a mere repetition of the past user.

No, I misunderstood.

I want to join the Galactic Federation.

Start building model rockets. At a certain point the rockets and the fumes will initiate you into the galactic federation.

Start building model rockets. At a certain point the rockets and the fumes will initiate you into the galactic federation.

Didnt mean to post that twice.

Or how about just drink the Soma?

If his motivation is earnest concern, why does he try to derail literally every conversation about magick on this board with disinfo copypasta?

Newton was working 99% of his time with alchemy.

orthodox anastasis imagery has many of the same symbols as this

The atheists aren't all jews. Many of them are just whites that lost faith because of talmudic supremacists that hijacked the Catholic Church during the second Vatican council.

Catholicism used to be a tool to unite Europeans against non Europeans. Now it's just another tool to destroy whites, except in some responsible countries like Poland.


everyone learns to be more concise. I used to do that until I went to a smaller chan and saw how much a disruptive post can hurt discussion. Also everyone annoyed with the psyops is not one fucking person.

Catholicism use to be a tool to breed non-whites with Europeans.

hence breeding with these fucking things

Smiley is still mad that I exposed "Esoteric Hitlerism" as "ancient aliens brah" and Luciferians memes and race mixing Hindu coal burners like Devi, by actually reading it instead of letting him talk to himself and ask fake questions.

He posts literally the same exact thing every time. Are you dense?

Here we go!
"Devi" is her title. That's like calling someone "Mrs."

It's cute that you think you're forging consensus here, kike.

Our gods are measuring you.


Nice argument.

Terrific post, a real time saver.

Heh. Shut up kike. Hail Odin, Vishnu, Eris, Hermes Trismagustus, and Kek. (Checked for the jews second favorite number.)

Fuck Eris that troublesome little bitch.

easy-made lies for all your shilling needs

conflating gods destroys the meme you fucking Kikegnostic, Smiley

Easy made basic research that dispells your kabbahlistic shit Smiley

Double slit = either limits of observation or of probability theory. In short, the extrapolation of ontological claims about matter based on spurious empirical evidence and shoddy mathematics is a clear example of jewish physics. Remember, the jews are famous for making grandios claims based on mathematical description sans experimental verification. What makes you think this trick is not bidirectional? Quantum world? Please. We are not nearly Newtonian enough.

You are like little baby


TrannySmiles, I created more than you did. You've done nothing but try to Jew it down with your "schools of thought"

Your ego bores me.

You owe me everything Smiley. If not for Holla Forums you'd still be a /fringe/tard doing grimoire like that faggot Styxx.

They can brainwash with behavioral paychology and by developing techniques of propaganda that exploit human perception. So what is the available evidence that practice occult knowledge rather than what we see them doing, which is owning all significant media production and generating manipulable fiat currency? Not obvious to me.

You're both fucking idiots.

that pathetic kike mason meme

If you can notice the symbolism they use it's clear as day. Look at the monuments outside the IRS headquarters in the US for a blatant example.

Still going with your retardation, what do you plan to spend your shekels on shill?

Kid you have me mistaken for someone else.



The jew fears the goddess of rope.

Yeah and her name's Ammit. Enjoy death.

Praise Ammit-chan

Derek Parfit has a much more defensible hypothesis than you’ve provided.


You guys are just larping, and don't really believe this nonsense, right? It's all good fun, but you don't honestly think fucking magic is real.

I mean, Holla Forums is full of clear thinking adults, and not superstitious children.


Try it for yourself and see if it works, until then you have no opinion.

As an earlier user said, which kind of magic?
If it's meme magic – the magic that affects reality through sheer autism and shitposting – then at this point if you do not believe it you're helpless.

If you did basic research you would know Savitri Devi is not a coalburner and "Devi" is not her name. Your "research" is just lame memes and calling anyone who disagrees with you "Smiley." That's why whenever anyone tries to have a debate with you, you reply to all their points with one liners.
You have the mental capabilities of an antifa member calling everyone a nazi and going hysterical over rumors and memes.

FWIW, #4 describes the process of enlightenment

personally I have not experienced it, but have seen documentation from credible people that describe this experience in different settings, and personal anecdotes that attest to this.

I can also say that the texts of Wu-Wei (lao tzu), japanese zen Buddhism, Rosicrucianism (and occult hermeticism), traditional tibet Buddhism, eastern orthodox meditation, and the practice of yoga (and i suspect the related indian teachings do so too) all describe in different, but similar wording, the same mystical process of awakening to this supra reality through meditation and breathing techniques.

Can they all be wrong and it is all a case of mass hallucination due to inherent human factors? I don't think so, and even if it were, it begs the meaning of reality/perception in relation to this hallucination. Far too many credible people have described these experiences for me to discard it as cookery.

I have taken to describe people that have experienced this as enlightened, illumined ones, or illuminatus. Without referring to the conspiracy group, but which if it exists, this description most assuredly also applies.

It is also important to note that this esoteric mystic knowledge is considered heretical by the mainstream organized religions (as in, you burn at the stake), yet parabled reference to this topic can be gleaned from the bible, the koran, talmud, mahabharata, mahayana and theravada teachings, tao de ching (from lao-tzu). Parabled because normals cannot (or perhaps should not?) understand this knowledge, but the religions pass the parables on through time while capable minds are able to glean the true meanings while the normals go on with their lives accepting the teaching and not understanding them or taking personal quests of understanding.

I now find it amusing that great artists from the renaissance and enlightenment were able to impart occult meanings in their work of art, either secretly or by tacit acceptance of the catholic church.

Personally, I accept what #4 describes, but I also am inclined to lean towards the ideas of Neo-Platonism.

muh freemasons reeeeeee!


this is nonsense. magic is not about conjuring special powers out of the world by conjuring special casting spells like a command prompt for reality. This is almost animism… I cannot fathom that anyone here is actually going to draw symbols and expect that they inherently have any special power.

Real power comes from manipulation of perception of reality in your own and other peoples minds, hence the power of memetics. To be sure symbols can have power, but only so far as these language symbols trigger certain perceptions/reactions in your own mind.

you are hereby released from all your oaths ;)

a small correction: no one does research in these topics in public.

if you would want to do so yourself, i suggest you do not use your computers to store information about it or risk getting national security letters once you reach a breakthrough.

I want to call this shit stupid but ever since Hillary's emails were leaked by Serbian, I mean 'Russian' hax0rs and it was found out the elite really do engage in batshit insane occult stuff there might be something to it, I dunno. Seems whatever magic you worked to get Trump against ridiculous odds worked too.

I don't know if drinking baby blood from mutilated penis or ritual sacrifice and abuse of children impart magical powers on people, but I know that these things happen, and at the very least, the participation in these events is used to blackmail certain people into compliance for real conspiracies that aim at attaining and exercising power.

In what way?

So what has changed? Give examples.

ie. groups of people who try to change things sometimes change things… WOW HOLY SHIT WHAT A REVELATION

wow, op totally a fucking genius holy shit i'm amazed


That's exactly what magic is you uninitiated nigger.

There is an esoteric component and an exoteric component. As above so below. They drink childrens blood and wear animal costumes for symbolic reasons, and to also blackmail each other and make sure they don't step out of line. Trump was 70 years old 7 months and 7 days old when he was inaugurated. Do you believe in coincidences?

Newton was an alchemist. Not in the literal "playing with mercury" but in the metaphysical transmutation of the mind.

thats not magic in the sense of supernatural power, but the power of the will
what does initiation mean anyway oh great niglet?

>trying to tell me what magic is
Anyway, what you are saying is "supernatural" is only the effect that consciousness has on material reality. Consciousness has two components, Will-Power and Desire-Force.

You have some reading to do.
Read these in order:
The Kybalion by William Walker Atkinson
Arcance Teachings, then Arcane Formulas by the same author
Then read Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon

You'll find your own path, good luck.


An example of current Jew meme magic is forced feminization sissy hypno bbc worship porn videos.

An example of an old school meme is this prayer:
Our father who art in heaven
hallowed by thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.

Or the more contemporary translation of this magical meme:
There is the best imaginable person and he lives in the best imaginable place.
Revere his name because he will bring the best here to Earth with his unmatched willpower so that Earth will also become the best imaginable place, too.
Until then, keep it simple, hopefully I will find something to eat today.
Forgive me if I fuck up and I will forgive others when they fuck up (as we try to make Earth the best imaginable place)
And don't let us get distracted from this goal because distraction is the root of all failure. If everybody's jacking off to gay porn all day it's going extend how long it takes to make Earth the best.
And help us from the truly wicked kid fuckers who currently rule the world and seek nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end.

Consider the meme of a positive feedback loop. Money balance increase. Amount of interest gained increases.

Consider artificial neural networks (ANN)

Consider the Egyptians of Khem and their alchemy and how weary everybody was about writing down words because context is always in motion. Also consider that Egyptains didn't like to even say bad things because they believed words manifest into reality.

Good ideas are king but Actions are the real magic. Yet actions are inextricably connected with words. There is no such thing as belief. There is only action.

Consider the Jewish six-sided star. Control the words, control the thought, control the actions. The star is the artificial boundaries of thought. Surrounded by a snake eating it's own tail.

Consider Odin's Valknut. Pic related.

New words can always be created. There never was the word "gravity" but the phenomenon still happened. If you're not increasing your vocabulary and creating new words you're doing yourself a serious magical and memetic disservice.

Consider Thor's Mjölnir. A hammer capable of leveling mountains. The god of electrons. If you aren't programming the course of electrons what are you really doing with your life right now? Do you really think you have magical power?

Consider Tolkien's one ring to rule them all. Authors invent words all the time.

Consider the newspeak of today that is double plus ungood:

You can't call a black man a nigger! That's racist! You're racist! You're literally a nazi!
You can't name things! You can't call me names! You can't name things.
How dare you identify things?
How dare you use grammar, logic, and rhetoric???


I'm tapping into the meme stream real time here so please be patient with this tangent that is being revealed to me right now:

These same principles are much more obvious when words are taken out of the equation. The words make everything more confusing (when words ought to clarify thought and expression)
So consider musical expression.
From the perspective of music and melody especially.

>14 May 1968 A.D. (holy shit! exactly 20 years later to the day) The Beatles announce the creation of Apple Records in a New York press conference. (((British Invasion))) ensues.
Do you have any idea how many tweens love this (((music)))? 59,049,780 to be exact.

Music is magic in action. For better or worse.

The following is from attunedvibrations.com/432hz/
Archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed are largely tuned to A=432Hz.
Ancient Greeks tuned their instruments predominantly to 432Hz. Within the archaic Greek Eleusenian Mysteries, Orpheus is the god of music, death and rebirth, and was the keeper of the Ambrosia and the music of transformation. His instruments were tuned at 432Hz. Orpheus playing at in harmony with nature.

There is a (((theory))) that the change from 432Hz to 440Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a

prisoner of a certain consciousness

The Joseph Goebbels theory is certainly interesting, but the true reason of the shift to 440Hz is (((still not clearly explained.)))

The power to lay bonds upon the mind

Musical meme magic.

Investigate vibrating matter.
Investigate Harmony.

How is Eris any different from Loki? (just pondering. they seem to be very similar)



that Goebbels theory is probably projection from the kikes since most mainstream music these days is 440hz.

you are on to something. the normal fags are being brainwashed by degenerate nigger music now. this is an arena we need to start competing in

You should scope Richard Merrick's book, Interference.


Rap music is a programming language to input desired behaviors upon nigger minds.

Well rap is starting to bleed into other genres, especially top 40 pop. It's pervasive now.

I read the Kybalion thanks to that nobodytm guy a while back and it really resonated with me. Some of the ideas were things that I had intuitively felt but could never quite put into words. What are some beginner readings that are similar?

I think the visual aspect used by MTV should not be overlooked. Think that just rap can have some sort of story telling qualities, but the music television format allows for all the visual candy to trap the mind of the african: images of wealth/bling, cars, women, money, violence, posing, status, etc. It works really well imprinting concepts that the uncultured african mind craves with the music and indoctrinating the desired behavior of violence and degeneracy.

And do not forget that this spills over into unshielded young minds of all races (either by intention or collateral) propagating even more degeneracy.

vids related

Audiophile compares two frequencies

They used to call it curses and enchantments


read all of william walker atkinsons books

MTV was an achievement. it was made for and by the Freak and Geek. A lot of people no longer realize this, but "New Wave" was to the Freak and Geek as rock and roll was too the post-war generation. MTV was an acomplishment of the freak and geek boomer, they made it.

And then it was taken by the Jews and turned into propoganda under Zionist-Sympathiser Ted Turner


X MTV gen here

This guy is right, wished more people knew that. All media is generally cancer though but tv mostly wish we could cut the cord like you guys then we might have had a chance probably

Praise "Bob"!

Is it worth the time and effort to convert my digital music collection to 432Hz

I would say no. The problem more has to do with intonation. The main thing is a tuning based on harmony (matching vibrations, their 5ths, 3rds, and other intervals, their geometric relation to each other) versus a tuning based on incremental frequencies (which sound "close" but are never quiet exactly divine pure harmony). Just because you convert the 440hz = A music to 432hz = A doesn't mean that the physics fix themselves within the waves. Basically, it comes down to the instrument itself and the length of its strings (if it's a guitar for example). The way we tune today is not a just intonation temperament.

TLDR: don't waste your time. instead look for music produced on instruments that were originally tuned properly

There are few things I take lightly, and disparaging Manly Hall is one of them. He is perhaps the kindest, most benevolent soul of the twentieth century, and it is thanks to his tireless efforts and life work that secrets which would have been otherwise lost were preserved so that another generation may yet redeem humanity. I don't particularly care if you are a shill poster, for the benefit of other anons I will defend him. Anyone with an open mind should listen to 'Love of Truth', which is on jewtube. In it he poetically describes what it means to live a life worthy to receive Christ Consciousness, one selflessly dedicated to Truth.

t. Gaius Tacitus

I remember reading something about tuning to 432 and there was something about the turning working with any other combination of those numbers (234, 342…)

Your videos were great. Why did you stop making them?

The broader implications of the double slit experiment, and certainly the quantum double eraser experiment (along with verified effects of mentation affecting random number generation) is that information is a form of energy. We being conscious beings, not NPCs, may "know" this information. Whatever the specific mechanism may be, the implication is that we live in a participatory universe, where consciousness manifests reality, exactly as the ancients from all the world across time and space have unequivocally stated. This is also crucial to the central point of this thread, which as I had stated earlier, is defined by an exact understanding of the being of things, with the chains of cause and effect.

There may be an uncountably infinite cloud of possibilities emerging from prosaic phenomenae, yet only when a living, conscious entity notices it does a particular chain of cause and effect manifest out of the chaos. The egg of the world is then broken by the horns of the bull. This IS the act of creation, and it continuously happens. Are you dense?

I have several recorded, believe it or not, been waiting to restart my channel. Maybe now is a good time.

I am now very happily married with a child on the way, hence less time, hopefully you can understand

Congrats user

Stopped there.

Atkinson is an armchair occultist. At best he regurgitates information. And even then it's filled with endless pages of fluff. Atkinson is like the guy that writes books that are much better suited for article length. He takes an idea that could be distilled in 2000 words and turns it into 80000. And of course he always loves to put an 'esoteric' spin on it. It helps with the marketing. Whatever useful information you could get from Atkinson is drowned out by needless padding and tons of disinformation.

Anyone that's serious about Occultism – the first resource I would point people toward is joyofsatan.org. They're surprisingly redpilled on politics, Hitler, and National Socialism. On occultism and the powers of the soul, it's all very straightforward, it covers virtually everything you need to know. Don't be triggered by the subpar web design. The information is solid. And there's actual meditation and witchcraft practice. Check it out, within a few minutes you should be able to feel the basics. With diligence and proper work you can develop siddhis, real powers of the mind.

In addition, there's redpills on there about Christianity being an occult weapon of the Judes. Did you know that Jewish Rabbis curse all Gentiles using verses from the Torah? That's part of why they're so hush hush about Jewish occultism, only passing down knowledge through word of mouth in many cases. Many of their holidays are occult rituals as well. Why do (((they))) plant so many occult symbols in movies? First reason is to mislead the perceptive gentiles – the natural reaction is to distrust and fear occultism. This has the huge benefit of ensuring that intelligent people are scared away from achieving any spiritual power. Another reason would be that they use these symbols to manifest things they want into reality. They use numerology too – which is why there's videos showing all these movies that "predicted" 9/11. They were simply using numerology and mass empowerment to manifest 9/11 to go off without any problems.



While it is an alright site, just a reminder that their whole posse is a bunch of edgelords and in-general psychos, and to not give your spirit up to their version of Lucifer, Satan, and so-on (well, no spirits in general but still).

Please reread carefully what I wrote. Nothing I stated was linked to any model, necessarily, rather an interpretation of facts as a result of experimentation (the very definition of science, as prescribed by Lord Bacon) leading to metaphysical ramifications.

Please don't assume I am some sort of boob when it comes to this stuff. Physics is a set of models rooted in mathematics used to explain natural phenomenae, nothing more. They are imperfect. That doesn't mean they can't be useful, and that especially doesn't mean that facts derived from experimentation can't be used to reason about the substrata of reality. If you really wish to debate this, not quote others, I would be more than happy to do so (I genuinely enjoy discussing these things :) ). If you want explanations, I would be more than happy to oblige.

Use of symbolism is not synonymous with the practice of magic or the Catholic pope would be considered a magician.

Read your summary of jewish Deepak Chopra’s conclusions and believe? Nah.


Then I will assume you are not arguing in good faith (I have not read anything of him, btw), and are therefore disingenuous.

What is a prayer?
How does a prayer work?
A ritual using the spoken word, right?
What kind of entity answers such a thing?
For whom is such a request for?
Why do such things persist across countless generations and cultures since the dawn of man?
Because it fucking works.

It works because all things are built upon itself. An even better representation is that because all things are built upon itself, then it can be easily surmised into a duality. Positive and negative. Ones and Zeros. It's all in the numbers, dubs posting or not - even there, there is no coincidence. Humanity building the internet as a virtual playground based upon the binary codex of ones and zeroes is in of itself a miracle, and it houses within it the collective unconsciousness of mankind, as Jung would put it. From there, its chaos and its order can be observed and articulated, much as it has become an reflection of truth here on Holla Forums, scattered and shattered by liars, charlatans and shills only for us to piece it all together with almost no resources and little information. It's astonishing, really.

Here's the deal - it's all based upon whose power you call upon, whom you wish to answer your plea. The big reason why the rich and richer all cowtow (heh, cow) to the Kabalistic Jewish sorcerers at the top is because they all seek material gain with the gods that (((they))) serve. All the depravity, the debauchery, the evil that is associated with it only enhances the vices that binds these people - and one taste of it enhances the desire to obtain more and more power. More and more sacrifices are made in order to satisfy their own endless vicious circle of self destruction, until they are no more - all in a vain attempt to become gods themselves.

The only way for anyone to truly be able to bend reality is to essentially mirror the mind of the Creator himself, and if it comprehends the sheer concept of "Order" by which all of creation abides by. He has many names and his calling card is the emblem of the sun.

Of course you will, faggot. So long as you set the rules, it’s impossible to lose. Rest on your laurels. You’ve sure shown me who’s boss. Was this easier than having to grapple that your experimental conclusions are about as factual as Eddington’s 1919 “confirmation” of relativity theory?

Just because a bunch of kikes stand together in a room grabbing each other’s asses in front of merchant media doesn’t mean they’ve reached a factual conclusion about the nature of physics, and by extension the very universe. Quantum physics has produced nothing of significance except the enduring cult of Einstein.

Truly shows what you know of physics. Not only did Einstein have little to do with quantum, but he was directly opposed to the interpretation as given by Schroedinger, Pauli, Heisenberg. Even then you haven't refuted the core of my argument, only attacked me. Quantum physics gives a statistical interpretation (though the use of Hilbert spaces, functional analysis) to the phenomenae of the most microscopic we can observe confidently. That doesn't mean it is exact, and in fact quantum tunneling, which is likely a resonance phenomenae (and if you have an SSD with floating gate transistors you rely on this) intimates this. It's a model, that's all. I'm done replying to you unless you are willing to do so in good faith.

These are psy-op threads, user. Like the (((altright))) or MGTOW. Just go with it and purge false information. Also this shit is what a lot of the elite or rather Jews and their pets believe.

Yes it is you fucking drug addict. The human brain is going to function simular in people and they will describe simular experiences of their brains being melted from sufficating thoughts or hynosis. God you're pathetic.

The rituals, the meaning, the esoteric initiations, the themes, the hieachies. They became focused more on the bible (egypt) and less on Greco-Roman-Celtic/Germanic and Persian mysteries.

We know dude. Did you just get here from 4ch?

>The Joseph Goebbels theory is certainly interesting, but the true reason of the shift to 440Hz is (((still not clearly explained.))) The power to lay bonds upon the mind
Guiseppe Verdi
You said it yourself you fucking weirdo. Lay off the drugs, fuck your posts are manic

Another Smiley post. Tranny kike we know your fucking posts. You said you were done!

Not able to understand the difference between journalism and science, are you?

Your quantum world is a fantasy based on some variant of the anthropic principle. And making use of it, as the experimental “conclusions,” do the so-called scientists adopt a paradigm that doesn’t allow them to explain the physical properties, but it throws out causality entirely. This is not considered instrumental in lieu of better tools of observation, it is turned toward utter science fiction of the sort you can read about in self-help. Saying the universe behaves probabilistically is one thing, but it’s quite another to suggest the observer is the cause of the universe.

Again, the idea that you are personally the arbiter of good faith is utter conceit.

So you take that lightly? Then why do you care?
Bullshit. I got way farther than he did without even knowing his bullshit until later. That goes double for Albert Pike. I'm tired of you larpers.
Fuck you and Jim Carrey. Christ Conciousness is pure brainwashing… and luciferian hippie dippy New Ageism.

Yeah, that's Smiley you're talking to. He's not a real user. He's a weird sick gay jew narcissistic. You can tell its him from his writing style. He thinks he's in a movie or something and talks like the Count of Douchebagery, fanciful pretentious expressions. The boy can't help it.

That was a simple typo on my part. I don't take it lightly, am on a phone. Reinterpret accordingly.

His works were the direct result of analyzing and studying numerous esoteric manuscripts. If you were truly able to figure out the esoteric wisdom of the ages on your own, then congratulations. I mean that sincerely That is the ultimate goal of it after all, the inner Self blossoming in the dynamic life of the individual.

Christ Consciousness is a Gnostic term. Jim carrey is a larper seeking attention and validation. It represents the same thing as Buddhist Nirvana, Kingdom of God, and the Cosmic Sense.


HAHAHA GOD SMILEY you're a such a pretentious cunt!
yeah no shit
So like a /fringe/ user then. Like a typical "gnostic" then.

Proponents of the Copenhagen interpretation only need to prove the existence of as many worlds as there are observers, or communicate between said worlds, not the imaginations of people. Until then, it’s just jewish physics.


The ;) implied that a little but yes it's true. That said, good luck enforcing an NSL on some people/places.
Keep it to yourself, or just turn up in a UFO at some major event and sprinkle the plans everywhere.
That would be fucking hilarious.

All worship the trips

So how do I make my life not "shit" in the "whiny millenial autist" definition? Is it all in the mind and I just need to lighten up?


At this point I sincerely doubt smiley is in any of these threads and you are simply force-meming. He ran off to freech and hardly goes here anymore, last I saw. I actually liked him, tbh. Oh well, I guess you people just fell for Holla Forums's shilling on /cow/.

Einstein agreed with Tesla there is an ether

If you think quantum effects are fake then you might want to kill yourself. Lamb/Casmir are just the tip of the iceberg. And that's 'science' agreeing with this opinion.

was a glow in the dark basically but had some interesting shit indeed.

He wasn't a glow in the dark, he was a man whom later in life was mislead by the Jews into thinking Herr Hitler was a "Black Magician" when it couldn't be farther from the truth. The two were personal contacts.

I'm about ready to just make my own Crowley copypasta since whenever the subject comes up I seem to have to type out a long-winded response explaining that "No, it's not nigger magic, no it's not Jewery, and no, it's not sexual pedophiliac satanic butt-rape."

Any good sauce on that link? Quick jewgle says its sorta murky..

Here's what it is: Hitler and Crowley were contacts mostly by letter. Crowley liked both National Socialism and Russian Communism because both wanted to put an end to a long-standing failed world order. He wished for both to adopt Thelema as a guiding philosophy, and Rudolf Hess, a hermeticist, strongly considered it.

Crowley and Hitler wrote many letters to each other, which have been lost to time. During the war, after the Jews managed to convince him that Herr Hitler was a "Dark Magician" he later made the claim his corrospondance and relationship was wholly on behalf of being a hired spy.

Above all else, I should note for the denziens of this board, he was franticly opposed to Facism and the Ittalan Facists, but adored NatSoc. At one point, he was PHYSICALLY THROWN over the Ittalian boarder by Bento Mousoliini.

fuck off, Smiley.

you're not fooling anybody.

Not smiley. Donno how to convince you without potentially doxing myself

Checked. Everyone is Smiley.

The intermediate period of Jemdet Nasr that follows on from the Uruk period and leads onto Dynastic Sumer, the pottery and seal impressions of Jemdet Nasr indicate that this developed through Susa, that an administrative hub is established in Mesopotamia itself, that still served the interests of Uruk, the sign for this centre the UB sign, or pentagram.

Of the 243 tablets currently identified as dating to the Uruk III/Jemdet Nasr period (c.3000 BCE) , the UB symbol, or pentagram, occurs 46 times on 33

Seals found at Jemdet Nasr indicate groupings of signs representing the various City states of Mesopotamia bound together in a federation, the particular title of the UB administrative centre appears to have been NI-RU, and from there a ration based system appears to have been regulated, there is confusion though as the site could also be understood as UB, this seems however to indicate the supra-state community, the essential meaning bound as one, though the UB sign also had application in terms of angles/quarters the overall Pentagram concerns itself with all directions.

The term is actually still in common usage as Umma refers to the supra-national community of Religion of Cuck™, this from the Semitic loan of UB as hbr relating to binding also in the magical sense which explains a traditional association of the Pentagram.

It's the case then that one can discern a sense of purpose in the symbolism involved, that of binding together different regions and cultures, and also the case that the original focal point of that was Uruk and notably the cult of Inanna, in astrological terms the motif indicates the sub-division of the ecliptic plane into five sectors by the movements of Venus over an eight year period and it was also the case that the God of Umma was the son of Inanna, namely Sara, who had a sub-ordinate role towards the establishment of her cult.

Sara eventually mellows into the basis for Eros, but his cult was also established at Mount Seir in Edom/Jordan and he was a Hurrian Deity that became adopted by the Nabateans;


>There is a (((theory))) that the change from 432Hz to 440Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner…

That's fascinating. I'll look into it. For now, here's Gojiras 'Global warming'

in 440hz

and in 432hz

it could just be a placebo, the difference is surely subtle. But to me it feels as it 432hz sounds much more profound. It penetrates deeper into the psyche and touches you on a gut emotional level. sorry for those who might not like the music.

What is consciousness?

no, just people who defend the insane queer Smiley are Smiley. no one else could or would.

give it up, faggot, we've seen all your lame samefag tricks before.

Fuck Smiley and fuck kikes like you who do nothing but talk about him. And if you're a CIAnigger or a goon, hail fucking Eris. She is measuring you for your noose.

typical lame Smiley defense move.

what a waste you've made of your life, queer.

Your opinion is trash and you should kill yourself. Atkinson's works are dense as fuck with practical knowledge. Look at Arcane Formulas for example. It's not his fault your pathetic atrophied brain can't comprehend let alone utilize that massive amounts of wisdom he drops in every book.

Right. Anyway I'm interested to hear more about this 432 Hertz thing. Anyone have more info?

And for the sake of discussion I assume we're all familiar with the metaphor of a caduceus as dna? The caduceus as a symbol has always fascinated me.

He is. Magician is a loose term. We are all magicians in one way or another.

You look like a schizo calling everyone Smiley, faggot.

Visualize what you desire in your mind's eye and take action to manifest.

I don’t mind entertaining this idea, but I’m going to need to read more about it. I have formal academic training in epistemology and the history of science, but whenever I look at something in, say, the temple of solomon mega, I just think it’s creative writing. In grad I remember the post modernists basically saying that whatever you can imagine is as real as whatever you can experience through the senses, therefore maybe you can create reality from imagination alone. I never bought it.

5 ; 61

From 528hz to 7041hz, the Key of Wisdom.

Four more keys were discovered soon afterwards. The second went as…
4 ; 25
The frequency appeared only as a sound and a vibrating chord. There were no numbers, had to go by ear to guess it.
Through experimentation, it was found to start at 62hz. Before that, a Solfeggio progression was made with the incorrect frequency of 63hz. An interesting phenomena was to be observed.

Try counting the solfeggio progression from 63hz and see how you feel.

131 -start repeat
221 - repeat
301 - repeat

You may not even be aware of your change of behavior until you break the spell yourself. The progression is also meaningless, it repeats itself every 10 counts very soon after 63.
An attempt has been made with the 432 frequency:

1221 - repeat
2121 - repeat

Observe your behavior again.
Let's try with the correct 62 frequency now:

62 - First Sphere
73 - Second Sphere
84 - Third Sphere
95 - Fourth Sphere
106 - First String - 1
117 - Second String - 2
128 - Third String - 3
139 - Fourth String - 4
141 - Fifth String - 5
152 - Sixth String - 6
163 - Seventh String - 7
174 - Eighth String - 8
185 - Ninth String - 9
196 - Tenth String - 10
207 - Eleventh String - 11
218 - Twelfth String - 12
229 - Thirteenth String - 13
231 - Fourteenth String - 14
242 - Fifteenth String - 15
253 - Sixteenth String - 16
264 - Seventeenth String - 17
275 - Eighteenth String - 18
286 - Ninenteenth String - 19
297 - Twentieth String - 20
308 - Twentyfirst String - 21
319 - Twentysecond String - 22
321 - Twentythird String - 23
332 - Twentyfourth String - 24
343 - Twentyfifth String - 25
354 —-Infinity begins, it will repeat every 10 counts.

Observe how it prolongs itself farther than the previous progressions. It has its own uses. It might be called the Key of Focus, unsure.

They are right in a sense. Imagination, dreams, etc are different layers of reality and consciousness. If you perfect a form in your imagination eventually, with enough will, it will manifest. Think trickle-down imagination. New age and self development faggots talk about the law of attraction and visualization cause it works. Check out the book Personal Power by William Walker Atkinson, more specifically book 2 I think is Creative Power. It talks pragmatically about the imagination and how to use it in order to build. Think back to the times when we were monkeys. You think we built tools by accident? Our ancestors imagined them, then manifested them.

I’m thinking “manifest” is what’s at issue. On the one hand, we can interact with an external world, and to the extent that our experience apprehends certain aspects of it we can be creative. Call this tool making, perhaps like in Heidegger. On the other, there is a more Platonic or neo-Platonic school of thought that deals in forms, metaphors, concepts as archetypes, and so on. I will grant that you can exercise will and create stories, narratives, concepts in the world, as well as that these can emerge as artificial reality overlap, or “socially constructed reality” or culture. But I see the idea of solitary ritual magical practice as mental self-discipline, and beyond that essentially acts of mind control of predation upon limits of sensory perception. This would not create new realities, or manifest the concept of a World without Niggers, for instance.

okay Moshe

I've always wanted to take solace in my art and not have to worry about shitty days anymore, and so I started loomis. What I don't get is the "good/bad" predictions going wrong.

Sunday, I imagined monday would be shit, and surprise surprise, it was – but when I imagine something bad would happen on say, a school test or a certain event, it always goes right as if acknowledging and maybe a little focusing on the bad scenarios somehow averted them. Whenever I truly believe that something will end up good or just decent, seldomly ever does it go that way. It's like my predictions are inherently wrong somehow.

Clearly you’re failing to visualize your heat’s innermost intent, or your ego is simply blind to it.

432 Copypasta from an old thread. I found a different origin for the 440hz change. As far as listening goes stick classical obviously though there are a few modern bands/musicians that use 432 scale. Look for singer/songwriters that don't have (((producers))). With practice you can instinctually pick out the good from the bad.

>I just finished The Lightning and The Sun. When I saw the last page was 432 I wondered if Devi knew about the 432hz tuning of the Pythagorean music scale and how it was (((changed))). In all likelihood she ended the book with that number of pages for the 432k years in the Kali Yuga, but that too is related to the following video link.
It starts with a quote from a kike shill but if you can get past it, the video is about our base 12/60 number system, harmonics, frequency, ant the patterns of the universe. Long story short, Pythagorus changed the musical scale to the octave system we have now, where according to his divine ear, A was tuned to roughly 432 hz. He didn't have hz obviously, this was found by studying surviving flutes and other instruments that don't require retuning like a lyre. This stayed the standard world wide until the 1800's when (((Freemasons)))and the (((illuminati))) decided they didn't want music to heal people and make them happy, amongst other magical uses. Johann Heinrich (((Sheibler)))recommended A440 as a standard in 1834 after inventing the "tonometer". The (((FM))) controlled proto-ZOG governments of England, France, Austria, and the US were happy to oblige. The (((music industry))) has literally on all levels been fucking with everyone since. Only a few musicians and composers still use the old scale.

m.youtube. com/watch?v=FY74AFQl2qQ

Holy shit this thread is full to the brim with disinfo and shilling.

Start with the Kybalion and work your way from there. Ignore the Pagan, Christian, Jewish, Esoteric Hitlerisim posters they most are blinded by their limited beliefs. You have a lot to learn OP.

The 'occult', 'magic', 'meme-magic', etc, etc is all 'psychology'. Manipulating the mind of either the magician or the masses. There's also the esoteric understanding that the material world is the final result of the mental and emotional worlds so if you're messing around with what people think and how they feel you will get real results in the real world. As Lon Milo DuQuette says, 'It's all in your head, you just don't realise how big your head is'.

Sort of the spiritual side of things is very important but you need to physical to power the spiritual influencing the spiritual will effect the physical world and vice versa. If that makes sense.

How is this any better than Kant vs Berkeley? Idealism is an old and philosophically well trodden memeplex. The mystical ideas you’re describing don’t obviously improve on it from my view.

What is the relationship between the physical and the spiritual? Or are you hiding the favt that what you mean is the physical and the mental? Or “mind over matter”. If you mean the latter, as I suspect, putting jargon and idiosyncracy to one side, you cannot possibly mean anything more than doing science.

It’s like all of this mystical literature dishonestly clings to Cartesian dualism.

Oh no spiritual, mental, and physical are different but interconnected things.

They all inform each other.
Although the physical is mostly an end result/re-uptake of information within the systems as a whole.

This shit is actually fucking special because us making modifications to the physical forces other beings to interact with us and our changes, which in turn changes their mind and soul.

And when you have enough heart and soul, the physical changes become widespread widespread​.
==I call this scientific process memetic magic, or if you want sorcery.

Interconnected how. You’re just begging the question.

Inform each other how? The way a computer informs a display when it prints? This assumes reality is information, not matter. Grandios claim.

What said. I wasn't explaining it because I couldn't accurately explain it and knew someone better at it would help me out.

There's a reason that all cultures were animistic before the rise of the Semitic religions. There is quite a bit of literature available for proving that various aspects of the supernormal and human manipulation of it has been scientifically studied. This ranges from astral projection to psychokinetic manipulations. There is a reason that the Aryans, as well as all original Europoid cultures, were shamanistic animists as opposed to reductionist materialists. True magic is real, not just the ability to alter what is perceived, but what is real, what will be real, and what has been real.

True but all things are connected through the god of everything. The one Socrates and the Pythagoreans had figured out existed using math and geometry.

It’s fine, I’m not criticizing you for trying. I’m only attmepting to point out that mystical claims remind me a lit of intractable philosophic debates about the relationship between language and an external reality, shoukd one in actuality exist. I’m dissatisfied that mystics are taking as self-evident claims materialist philosophers have been breaking their backs over for centuries.

You’re using ‘materialists’ derogatorily to imply they are all atheists. This is not even historically accurate.

The Greeks obtained their knowledge from the Egyptians, who had their start as a legacy of the civilization which began before the Younger Dryas. All of the math the Greeks ever knew is contained within the Giza complex, plus much more. It was from the Egyptians that the Greeks were retold the story of Atlantis, which they had likely known at one time and then lost through the dire age following the flood and possible solar outburst. The Mycenaeans likely had a portion of this knowledge due to the presence of ritual caverns selected for their acoustically resonant nature.

To imply who were atheists? Certainly not the original Europeans, whose spirituality encompassed all of existence and life. That's why I called them shamanistic animists.

Anyone exercising influence over the outside world: mysitics, scientists, philosophers. It’s like your point is that Semitic thought turned everyone either into monotheistic, environmentally despotic christcucks or technocratic simpletons who can’t into metaphysics. But I don’t see that at all in my research, only a long history of Cartesian dualism punctuated by puzzles of linguistic representation that culminated in German Idealism, and once their civilization was crushed anglo-kike analytic, instrumentalist pragmatism. At least that is the exoteric case. In private, you may have a better idea.

Reminder, before this thread becomes any more /fringe/

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

The mystics, scientists, and philosophers were always somewhere close to animism or panentheism until the poison of Semitic influence took hold through Cucktianity. Of course there were deviants before that time, but they were the exceptions of their cultures. The purpose of Zeno devising a number of paradoxes was to show exactly that reality could not be explained by the pure rationality toward which some were already beginning to stray. The original ideologies of Europe have not been stamped out entirely either. There are still places where things such as faerie lore are taken seriously.

At present, yes. But there will eventually be a tipping point, and that tipping point will be reached as a result of attempts by these powers to maintain control of opinion, among other things.

The abundance of information makes it possible to develop and sustain almost any narrative. Although attempts are being made to corral these spontaneously generating narrative strings into a more coherent thread, no one has yet accomplished it. The social institutions which developed and matured in the pre-internet socio-informational environment are not adapted to this new environment. These pre-internet power collectives will inevitably over-extend themselves because they have never had the opportunity to adapt themselves to this environment. These collectives also facing a thorny situation: they must exercise some power to maintain the facade, but each exercises also increases the likelihood of pulling the entire curtain back. The simplest explanation is that we are in an informational environment for which no one has solved the memetic tragedy of the commons.

I question the belief that once Christians achieved dominion through violence everyone lost their animistic impulses and racial connections to nature. So long as that’s not what you’re saying (you could easily preface most, not all), I don’t disagree. But Christianity in its day was no doubt as totalitarian as prime time television is in ours. Hm.

Will Holla Forums be the modern academy for Geomancers?

My chief point was that scientists in and around the so-called scientific revolution were anti-dualistic, pantheistic, and not reductionistic at all. Afterward, you do have some hard materialist movements in science and philosophy emerging, mostly thanks to Comte’s positivism, but I liken those more to the split between the anglo-kikes and Germans.

Granted, I don’t know if the history of the Reformation has something to tell us about German spirituality.

It'd be most instructive to say that Cucktianity drove out the animistic and racialist aspects from the culture of establishments rather than from people. Everything which is under the control of the Semitic hegemony trends toward nihilistic materialism. This is why many folk traditions continued at the local level in places more removed from the influence of the church.

They were working against the culture of their era based on the influence of mystery cults resurgent in Europe following the crusades. They were rekindling the traditions which had been suppressed by Cucktianity and the process continues today among those who truly investigate the nature of the world rather than propagating the myths comprising the dominant culture of materialism.

Not likely, the culture of anonymity does not align with the sorts of relationships necessary for the establishment of an academy.

The idea that there is something of our indigenous worldviews present in occult literature/fraternal praxis has attracted me to the subject for several years, yet still I have an exceedingly shabby basis for adjudicating between masonry as artificial hierarchy (once you reach the appropriate degree you are granted trust, secrets, to use in political and economic circles of power, sort of like an extended gang initiation), as satanic illuminism/judaism for gentiles, or as ecumenist religio-metaphysical melting pot in the sense that Lucis Trust plans a one world religion. But all said and done, what I have read/experienced seems to me banal or antiquated, and not at all the stuff of mystical power.

By mystical power I mean the true nature of reality, about which the uninitiated lack access to.

None of that has changed, though? The closest you get to that with the post-Noachida rituals is 1813 where it all became more non-sectarian. The rest is identical.
That's like the opposite of how it works. And those aren't really examples, just assertions. Pre-3 Degree System, it was far more overtly Biblical anyway, and there was never anything about those Mysteries. Sadly. And of course, nothing about Egypt. Don't know where people get that idea, apart from some decorations on two or three buildings.

Got any other "examples"?

Would that not be scientifically analysed, though?

Freemasonry as we know it has been infiltrated and subverted by Semites for centuries. Originally it was a fusion of some of the surviving mystery cults and templars returning from the crusades after being exposed to the truths buried in the Middle East and northern Africa.

I want to understand how a fraternal pursuit of the true nature of reality differs so much from, and is so superior to, the philosophical one I’m familiar with. I ask for explanation and I get imprecise answers that look metaphoric and dogmatic.

That’s pretty much how Thomas Sheridan puts it on his channel. I don’t know how good he is, but I can imagine the damage done to the fraternal order. How can we be sure we’re reading authentic material unless it predates the infiltration?

Comparison with other sources, especially ancient ones or modern scholarship backed with extensive documentation.

I puzzle over this idea. How can we revive what is lost? Maybe Christianity got fucked by subversion and living-Constitutional-style interpretive license, but even unworthy recruits can “lose the knowledge once had” and paper over it with distorted truths. So then we have a series of ideological and interpretive differences culminating in a veritable hydra of disparate organizations and sects, sort of like Protestantism. What is the criterion that sustains us on a given path? If I’m a national socialist I think I have to say that it’s being the most racially pure exemplar, or it’s right because my intuition is superior by virtue of myclose fit between blood, soul, and racial memory. Something like that. Otherwise human history is a lot of trolling, of outright war of words.

Agreed. Triangulation works. But in a situation where someone is swamping out the sources of information, judgement has to suffice. What is the wellspring of this judgement?

I hope everybody remembered to shop for Christmas!

Ugh. blood, soil, memory. Off today.

I'd say you have it with "blood, soil, soul, and racial memory."


This is fundamentally true, but there is more too it than that. It also is required that you have a sense of detachment from that which you desire, which means, as I understand it, that you have a certain 'indifference' towards that which you desire, or indifference as to whether or not you achieve it. Otherwise, you wil be allowing your desires to rule you, and as long as ANYTHING, be it a desire or whatever, is ruling you, then you aren't in charge and won't be able to do jack shit.

Physically/materially, action is the key, but mentally what is required is passiveness. The subconscious is what makes this all work, and is of the feminine/passive element, compared to the masculine/active conscious. Therefore, the subconscious is highly susceptible to suggestion, but, as it is said, "you reap what you sow", thus if you sow (i.e. suggest) a state of "desiring" something, you are just going to end up with more desiring, rather than the actual desired outcome. This is why detachment is necessary.

I can smell your hummus.

Nice black magic Oprah.

Detachment is willpower. Attachment should be thought of more as obsession than mere desire, another form of lacking willpower.

Everyone point at the youtube scholar and LAUGH!

It's fucking Geometry and architecture which was Europeans and they used it in Rome and Greece and churches. The rest is larping from Jews and wannabe Druids of England and shit. Jews didn't corrupt it until Napoleon emancipated them for sheckles.

Of course the (((Catholics))) always were pedophile satanists


no. I don't believe in aliens or communism. Nice try. Geniuses are a very real thing and they have 'super-powers'.

Yes, that is indeed part of the tradition kept alive by the mystery cults.

Remaining unmoved is quite different from not caring. Aloofness itself is an obsession to isolate oneself, but to be detached one still must wade through experience and resist the pull of every current.

Hitler and friends must have known this too.

Do the dubs mean Manson was a god?


So be Stoic?

As in “sacred geometry”?

Alot of what the mystery religions teach is how to control people. Control over the masses and directing the labor of man is one of the most important knowledge in the world. With it you can create and destroy nation's. Many of these occult circles are simply ancient schools of persuasion and psychology. To some extent magic is real but not in the fantastical way it's shown in movies.

More or less

Along with "normal" geometry and architectural knowledge.

The Templar thing is a known lie, but can you demonstrate how it was a remnant of mystery cults? (as opposed to being merely inspired by them)

Why would it be different?
And yea, you just have to look past the metaphors.

I mentioned the non-sectarian part. But it wasn't just jews, but all faiths. And it still makes fun of jews for being a rejected people of their own doing.

Nailed it.

I view "magic" as a reconciliation between the cold process of science and instinctual perception. Unlike this autistic materialist, I think the word "magic" is another way to describe an event in terms of intuition, to understand something by feeling or experience rather than logical calculation. To believe in magic is to expand your faculties of perception beyond the traditional five senses, to release your categorization of what is and isn't possible. Spirituality - and not in the sense of kooky New Age hippies - is integral to the human species. We're not machines. Our predilection for the mystical unknown is completely natural. Whether you want to chain yourself to the extremely limited domain of modern science is up to you. Or, you could marry the two and discover deeper spirituality on your own.

Explore your soul, user. I can feel it. Can't you?

Mega Jew and king of the holohoax franchise was named as a gay pedo by actor Crispon Glover

Glover also calls out the Jews for controlling and destroying our culture.

Glover previously sued the fuck out of Speilberg and won millions then bought a castle from it for using his likeness.

Essay posted below:


wrong thread faggot

The double slit experiment is neither an open paradox or a limit of observation according to our understanding of quantum physics. It is a simple consequence of the fact that the probability amplitude of a particle being detected at a particular place(the probability of the 'event' of detection), is found by summing the contribution from every path the particle could have taken.

See the equation for reference: the thing on the left is the probability of transitioning from state qi to q1, i.e. initial to final. The integral on the right is summing over all paths( Dq(t) ) the exponential function of the Action of the path.

Quantum mechanics isn't the hocus-pocus, mind-boggling, paradigm-shifting, buzzword-breaking thing they say it is; the classical equation of motion can be recovered from this by taking the limit of the quantum constant, h-bar, to zero. Conceptually, this is zooming out until the size of your quanta are indistinguishable from zero, effectively restoring the continuum. Quantum mechanics follows logically from Newtonian mechanics, you're just dealing with discrete events/objects (quanta), rather than continuous ones (quantity). It's a shame they don't teach it like this.

How can you interpret this philosophically? That's up for interpretation. As far as the physics is concerned, at some level of reality events and objects are discrete. The interesting thing is that at a lower level, i.e. quantum field theory, they become continuous again! An electron is just a localized exchange of energy between the electron field and whatever the electron interacted with.

As far as the 'uncertainty' principle is concerned, that's more of a consequence of how quantum particles are described by wave-forms where the wave-length is inversely proportional to the momentum. The more localized a wave is, the harder it is to determine, or even define a wave-length. It's not a imperfection of measurement as much as a fundamental property of waves.

Listen to this user, he knows what he's talking about.

Do you work in quantum physics, by chance? Or is it a hobby?

These are the justifications for ongoing research. They are not claims about what is known in an empirical sense. You can describe the statistical laws which govern the behavior of subatomic particles all day long, but you’re not describing the nature of said particles. Furthermore, it is apparent that quantum experiments select for random positive outcomes rather than producing results that enable physicists to engineer intentional results, such as the creation of a working quantum computer. But let’s be clear about the fact that you would need to go beyond stochastic discoveries in this context and confront the idea of a multiverse, which is a greater problem for you still. We’re not communicating between worlds, nor are we successfully running an AI. We have some theories about how this might work, but so what? The research you’re using to browbeat me with is not only akin to mere statistical modeling but seeks confirmation of pet theoretical models, not falsification of highly decisive empirical hypotheses through careful experimentation. This quantum physics fetish is either, in philosophical terms, very Kuhnian in that it socially constructs the entire research paradigm, or very jewish. Given the names, I suspect it’s the latter.

Excuse me. It’s not Juhnian in that it socially constructs. In that regard it is much more on the latour side of things: create a reseach program, build up contexts of discover and justification around it. But it is Kuhnian in the sense that such physicists are doing everything in their power to defend the living fuck out of it against anomalous data, such as the fact that since the thirties it has produced shit in the hand for eceryone but functionaries working on the LHC project. For them it has produced a series of handsome, taxpayer sponsored paychecks. And like the climate change charlatans, quantum physicists use their scientific authority to insist that there only certain types of data have potential to refute their claims, which are supported primarily by reference to mathematics. I’m not buying it, Chaim.

Soullets when will they learn.

Go sacrifice a baby you soulless kike it's the only way your people can accomplish anything.

Says the gaymason

Masons are LARPers of the worst variety they've never wielded any thing because their Jewish masters won't let them..

Rene Guenon was a Freemason. What do you think of that?

I'm confused, I'm like breathing fresh air when reading Guenon's book but someone told me he's a Freemason and now I'm disappointed.. can he be trustable?

interesting……any modern music in 432?

The construction of Gods in terms of major cultic statues by the Sumerians is interesting in terms of what was involved, there were five craft Gods that were seen as representative of both the Heavenly power of Anu and the organic life force of Ea/Enki.

In conjunction with the assembly by the five craft Gods the three sects of Magi represented by Asalluhi, Kusu and Ningirim would make the God fully living and animate to the extent they had their own living quarters and received food on the daily basis, no major cultic statue has ever been found and they were highly valued.

What lay behind this tradition is enigmatic but certainly they were aware of the potential for creating a source of pure and brilliant Heavenly instruction, there were also later traditions of statues that could communicate with the Heavens.

One way to interpret that would be to say reality is information and causality is the process where total 'known' information reduces uncertainty of a system. More specifically, when information is 'known', it causes symmetry breaking where instead of all probabilities being represented in one system, it isolates each one of them to its own system.

That means it should be possible to establish the exact threshold how much known information is required to describe 'collapse' of wavefunctions. Which means it should also be possible to acquire partial information below this threshold, without causing a evident 'collapse' but influencing how it does eventually. I guess that is what quantum computing aims to do.

It also implies that as you increase the scope of a system after uncertainty was reduced, you can increase uncertainty again and "erase" information. As long the entire universe is increasing in total known information as a result of it, such 'erasures' locally are allowed. It's pretty much applying entropy to information.

Honestly, I'm still trying to think about this and not entirely satisfied with my current thoughts on it. But I see an information theory of reality being incredibly useful to explore more metaphysical questions for fun.

I know the feeling. The more I learn about Masons, they seem more and more appealing. Faggots like this help too: >>10944091

I tried myself, but to anyone who has done their due diligence on Tesla, is there any truth to the whole "Plus Ultra" thing or was that all just Disney kike bullshit?

I dunno about fireballs and the like, but I know that a cycle of magic/heroes hits it's crest once every 2k years. Gilgamesh, Jesus, Hitler.

Demons and Angels

Yes, but that's because all that survived survived because the Christians preserved it. No one else cared. Pic related.

Oh right, so you're just a JIDF shill.

Templar 2.0 the original Zionists in a way. They wield power but purely through networking.

Read Formenko and get back to me. The established timeline DID NOT HAPPEN user. There has been based level fuckery

As people have said before, you have to start with the Kybalion.
After the Kybalion, read the TAO TE CHING, it will further the principles learned in the Kybalion.
Once you have read these two, I would also recommend reading the New Testament.
Albert Pike, Morals, and Dogma, is an excellent book to read.
Once you learn the symbols, mythology, and signs of the Mason's, you can begin to decode the Bible. The bible is a big Masonic code, and you cannot take the light of the bible unless you learn how to decipher it.

Of course, once youve begun to decode, or find anything of the Gnostic scriptures, then we start to wonder who the God of the Jews really is.

Is the demi-urge benevolent, or evil?

something is here

underrated post

Explain me then

The ourobous is the ancient symbol used to describe the psychological factors behind debt-based economics. Trap mankind within a cycle in which they can never escape.

From this cycle, mankind shall master the four elements of the world: Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. They will create the technology for this mastery and steer the world accordingly.

From this elemental mastery, a hierarchial system of distribution is required to manage and steer the yield of that mastery.

Trap the hierarchial systems within a cycle which they can never escape.

Upon doing so, you will possess a monopoly over mankind and gain the ability to transmutate anything into anything.

< Rosicrucian
< Atalanta Fugiens
< Michael Maier
< Defenestrations of Prague
< Thirty Year War

You underestimate his POWER

Are you familiar with Anatoly Fomenko? NASA will also have to admit that the eclipses by which we base the entire historical timeline also never happened or not when they have been said to have occurred. We're off hundreds to thousands of years minimum on most of the mainstream timeline. It's all made up.


If your predictions are consistently going wrong, then either the universe is spiting you (unlikely, as the universe sees no distinction in you or value in your being wrong), you are tuned into the universal rhythms but are only capable of misinterpreting them (also unlikely because the intuitive capacity to tune into the universe first requires an understanding that defies misinterpretation), or you are deliberately forcing yourself to fail at your own predictions (more likely because even if the universe is inclined to deliver something your intent will defy that deliverable, turning what should be 50/50 random chance into a constant stream of failures).

A personal predilection for failure would only exist if your subconscious mind, your spirit, was experiencing some great internal tension. Like you're trying to step forwards and backwards at the same time. This personal schism then is the point of development that you need to a tackle in order to develop further as a person. The point of tension that must be explored and cleared before you can become a a more coherent being (that can then become the type of person that makes predictions about the universe that become right, because then you can read the shape of things like a driver reads road signs).

Explore that tension. And if you don't know what it is, explore how you'd come to know what that is.

Read everything and run your opinions through the Holla Forums filter. You'll eventually start to understand Universal Truths and how even seemingly mundane things can offer an explanation.

Getting mired in the language of description is pretentious brain jockey shit.
I see the double slit experiment as just another manifestation of electromagnetism. When will people learn that anyone is brain dead retarded when they're mired in mountains of false assertions and assumptions, light years away from reality itself but steeped in their own elitism and pontification
They care more about how someone says something than what they're actually talking about. The New Age movement is a counter-culture response to the culture of these scientific airs. It's why no one trusts facts anymore; the people who claim to have them and have dominated the hierarchy of intellectual authority are more a priesthood than foreword thinkers with direct perceptions and intuitions. Experimental evidence can blatantly blow their theories out of the water, yet they jew their minds around it with insane olympic levels of mental gymnastics to explain it away.
Science is great but Humans are terribly flawed.

I've read that the two hemispheres of the brain can be described as Digital and Analog, and the front and back of the brain as "What it means" and "What it is". Women have better communication between the Digital and Analog, while men better communicate between Concept and Evidence and hardly use the Analog unless they
re the "type" to (I'm guessing social alphas/winners and artistic types since the social and creative section of the brain is on the Analog side; men use one side predominately ignoring the other side). Women stick to either the Conceptual or the Evident, rarely switching unless trained to. This describes well why scientists can be so god damn blind to what the evidence is saying; they're unwilling to leave the description and structure of concept and evidence and consider the two in their material analog reality, which is detrimental in an empirical discipline.

The Kybalion isn't magic. That's like calling philosophy magic. It can lead to magic though.

It's a key it says so in the first few pages. It is explained you won't be throwing fireballs but you will have a better understanding of reaching that goal if you really desire it.

You just repeated what I said.

just go to the min.25:30 OP
can you smell the fear in her?

Actually I'll disagree. The Kybalion is flawed trash. Binary thinking is the dumbest shit.

Take 500mg of Diphenhydramine and see low long you last before making a conscious decision to pass out. Try to approach it scientifically.

This guy went to school, the people arguing against him are pseuds.

Disinformation lecturer. Same civil religion as the (((elites))). Not military intelligence.

So curious!

Did you happen to notice what Dynamo’s college major was? Media Studies. Not Quantum Physics, Mythology, Anthropology, Philosophy, or anything of the sort. Media Studies.

That video strangly has like no comments and a lot of views

The entirety of human civilization IS meme magic. Without it we would still by "monkeys"





always remember, "Peace" to jews and commies means "submission"

Let's not get cocky. We were just lucky enough to live an area with the technological substratum for our complete magotechnocratic dominance against demon-ridden outdated kabbalists.
