Who should we murder next?

Who should we murder next?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's all downhill from here.

I will! I'm so waifu materiel >.<

Why did you do that?
You know I don't like it

You're going to be up all night lol

i woke up a 1, slept 10 hours...

There;s literally Nothing wrong with wakingg up at 3 p.m or later

He wasn't a neckbeard. He was a vaguely attractive, balding, incredibly intelligent sociopath.
and I was a naive idiot just learning about my sexuality.
He was an actual engineer with substantial income he spent on stuff that impressed.
He owned a lot of cool stuff, but had a reputation for being violent and abusive.
Textbook sociopath. One of my friends ended up screwing him out of some of that stuff because he thought sociopaths like him deserved it.

The irony being that friend was also a sociopath.
I don't use these terms lightly.

You're not missing out on much.

Don't pass up a chance to have real Chinese cuisine, though.

Why should it matter if you had no reason to wake up earlier?

Let's just go with "that's subjective." : ^ )

i said jk

eh try other things

aaah.. oke, I mean they don't just come up right?
maybe some anti bear stuff for the island.

heh that might be something, it's all a big mix I feel. I'll just see where it leads me

youre right... literally

thats dangerous dood

Yeah, I'll take some pills tonight and go to bed at like... 3 AM instead of "whenever it gets light".

hi papi

That's good to hear, but my mother gets home at 5 and I want more than 2 hours a day to myself.

Haha thanks bro you're literally the best

you guys interact a lot at home?

Calm down Bard

I want to go to China but I need someone to come with me...

Fine, I won't cook for you

Don't grouplink me with lesser anons

Like gripping penises?

You're too young to be taking pills...

Well, I do remember you saying you admire certain qualities of dictators and find those qualities inspiring, so I guess it is at least partly wanting to be like them (which seems like a masculine desire) rather than just wanting to be dominated. ^^

They won't usually just come right up to someone.
Unless, like, you have good and they're hungry.

Only if we need it!
Like, if we're having issues with voyeur bears, we can get some bear proofing.

good morning my munequita... wie gehts es ihnen

oh stop... its literally you

nope, I'm an accident she would rather ignore

It's just melatonin!
Besides, I take adderall during the school year to help me focus.



oh right, that

It was. It was also fun at times. I've taken to talking less about it because people are judgmental fucks.

We'd stay in Shanghai. Check out the weapons market.

I tried to take them with me but they confiscated all of them at the airport.

How am I supposed to know how much of a threat that is without having sampled your cooking?

I know.. i threw 3 languages at you at once... try and keep up would ya?


gonna walk doggo, brb

eh no

That's true, I'm an example for switches.
Theres a time for everything!

aaaah.. okaay well I suppose it's not that bad.
theres just not really animals here besides pets.

true true ^ ^ and eh weapons?

I took ASL sorry dude

it's almost 4:20.

I mean you could at least remove people with 'you'
It's not the first time I've heard that

I've onyl encountered one person I feel may have had something wrong in that vein with him on the irl
An old fellow a good friend of mien named spenser used to run with
we all called him Gingy
Untrustable Tweaker who'd take whatever caught his eye and pin it on whoever he could fuck over at the time

He ended up taking like 300 bucks from my friend after they had kept company for like 5 years just swiped it and then started avoiding him and when he was confrontted about it started bringing up a whole lot of bs from the past involving like Bikes and shit to try to justify it

Rip, he was an alright dude sometimes

*signs u*

youre adorable when you "pretend" to be an idiot... bakayarou

Weapons are kind of strictly controlled in Canada.
I've wanted my restricted firearms permit for a while.

Enjoy your walk!

I'll double down.

*signs u back*

but i really did take asl

Yup. That's the type.

My guy took from stores. I honestly admired how he did it.


spanish wouldve been more marketable as a job skill...

Have you played Undertale?

Are you smoking or did you just announce that for no reason? ^^

fuck mexico





like it or not its recognized as the secondary language in the US

ive been listening to goth music ALL my life


I was/am tempted.

What kind?



what is that?

what else do you liusten to

no thank you... ive been to Nogales... its shit


Cancun is nice tho...

Go for it. ^^

Do you think I'm Blood-chan?

Your confusion comes from how much of me has infected her.

Nothing is more suffering than not being able to play Korean games without a Korean SSN, and not being able to play American games because your IP is Korean.


That'd be really cool.
I can be kinda /k/
I'd need to be in a shooters club here, and rich.

I did, dog was good.

ehh no, 2meme4me
I already saw all the jokes online so it kinda ruined the surprise

get a friend to lend u a hand
or find a generator and use fake ones
thats what i did for chinese games that needed ur ID#

Why can't you get a Korean SSN?

It's definitely best to go into it fresh. And with weed.

I've yet to find a working one, that's a lot of work to play some fucking free to play games.

Because I don't live here. I'm just stationed here.

Welcome back.
To get your restricted firearms here, you need to have your firearms, and be in a gun control course, or something.
Also weapon control laws around knives are just retarded.

You ever think about selling a few to the nerd kids to make a few bucks?

Don't fucking do it again

Do you think I can get a real kwan dao?

it's not a threat, if you don't want me to cook for you I won't do it

Buy hand grips to improve your handwriting, baka!

You're welcome LOL


ask a friend
or steal a cute girls identity

*looks at u with

No the beast leaves. For an unannounced period.
See ya.

will you teach me cooking? it's something i want to learn

consider using a proxy?

I can recommend some good software

isnt it all best with weed?

ohh can you do that?
the dutch army uses canadian colts, I'd love one of those.
ugh they are

but I type mostly anyway

another person who had their potential Undertale experience ruined by the internet


Hahaha... no, but probably a good fake.

I don't actively not want you to. My opinion is neutral, pretty much.


Are you trying to make a quitting post?

Some things more than others. ^^

Something like that.

Wow... I feel sorry for your generation

What about a Chinese board sword?

You're missing out on some good shit

A proxy doesn't particularly fix my situation. I *can* play American games, they're just rather laggy. Laggy enough to make FPS games a little annoying.


I don't know who you are actually!
You post with her new avatar n stuff!


sometimes, but I don't want any trouble

I-I can work to it.
I don't have my firearms yet, so I need to get that first.

when your friiend takes your other friedns strawberry and that bitch starts crying

and a proxy would likely slow the connection further... well there have it

effd in the b

Kanra, you're Canadian, right?
Do you have your firearms, or restricted?



There should be a word for "actively not want to."

Good luck out there!

Can you link some reviews?

She was using an outdated version of my folder. I'm Erio on your Steam.

hit that bitch

Stationed to do what exactly?

China is known for its fakes.

Anything you could possibly want, China has a knock-off version of for cheaper.

Some of them are actually good.

Nada. I'm vulnerable and defenseless.

jesus fuck why


Yeah man. Life is suffering. Koreans suck at FPS too, so if I could play Korean F2P FPS games I would fucking slaughter them.

...Keep our top secret networks up and running? Pretty simple tbh.

you know what it is

is tomoko your wife too?

But better be safe than sorry.

We're the same generation?

I wish you all my luck, in the meantime just knifes. I'll make a garden.

its best to take the broader worldview... single-minded devotion is unwise

If I can learn on my own so can you, I had to learn because my parents are useless

You can get a $800 Steam VR!

Kanra is Chinese

Ofc not >.>
look at my MtG cards

Ehh... then where do I get the real deal?

Sadly, yes...

lol im so short v.v

first world problems in a second world nation...

You still haven't answered by question about what you meant by goth music exactly. Or were you just meme-ing when you posted that? :3

Obviously some things are best done sober. Like exercising. :3

Not sure what the market for those are like, but my best guess based on Pokemon cards is that you should liquidate them now.

i dont post with my waifus
i only post with mefus

i'll do that with europe, thanks

hm... but where would I keep 800 dollars from my mom? I think I'll just get a job.

A blacksmith?

Ah, fair enough.
Just a passing curiosity; thanks for humoring me.

I like gardening too!
And knife laws are really weird...

"in Canada" would maybe have been a better wording.

whats a mefu

Spaghetti chan is just about everybody's here mefu tbh

hey yeah no problem

it would be more fun to learn with someone though

What kind of networks?


oh it's like an anime girl that is you
yeah i identify with tomoko somewhat, but i don't know if i could call her my mefu

Walking dog, bbl

I mean the value of Pokemon cards has gone down a lot.

no complaining, its better than baby boomers.

yeaah oke, that's more adrenaline.

We'll make a lovely amount of fruits and veggies

glad we could collaborate on this... its nice to agree on something for once

it's night time so i can't record right now kanra

but tomorrow

no trust ME
take a new route

time to do something productive... lates

Well I can't just say what kind, my friend. All I can say is top secret.


How big is it?
What kind is it?
Does it have a spring release?

Tending a garden together sounds really nice, to be honest

hm... i do have a pair of old sneakers... but I'd rather not have to hide anything if I could, just makes everything easier
it is tempting though, it'd be pretty easy

i wasn't agreeing i just clicked on hte post and thought "i don't have anything ot say about this" but i kept the link

Actually, I guess it depends on the editions and stuff.

Yeah and it's best to be sharp and stuff. Hard to explain exactly, but weed feels like it just really wouldn't go with it well.

I can't take pics cause its dark now, but this one looks a lot like it.
just a regular looking pocket knife.

We'll make it the prettiest island!

yeaah it probably makes more lazy, you wanna be super pumped to pump

When I get high it makes exersizing way easier
if I'm high I can full speed on my bike all the way to my best frieddns house a few miles away but sober i gotta slow down when i reach the first bar usually like a lil over a mile away

I wait with baited breath.





It looks fine, so the question is whether or not the release has a spring to eject the blade.
Not that it feels particularly enforced.

I'll make you my pretty island.

i have a few mefus

nah I still have to push it out, so its not perfect.
might get a new one.

ohh you~

I'll pollinate your flower

Me atm

Something like that. Well, I guess something like that is part of it, anyway. I can still have a lot of energy while high, but I'm more likely to use it to do things like aggressively shitpost.

I guess it varies.



yah most def
probably even varies between each different strain

That's so fucking cute god damn it




Knives with a spring-based release or something similar are technically illegal. Even though the difference is negligible

Please do.


Loving the choice of today''s webms my man



ui pls burn down ur house

stuff i found last night.


look it's my favorite poster!

make me

holly fuck
this image is the funniest cutest thing I've ever seen maybe

Sounds difficult to get, perhaps I'll understand when I try.

thats odd x,x
I'll search anyway, idc about no rules.

seeds of love of course

I also don't live in a house

I warned you.
I warned you that Canada's knife laws are retarded.
I warned you!

Awoouguuu :s

I don't say hoser nor aboot.

Well you see, they are IP addresses.

screw the laws! they cant control it anyway

I say both of those :v]



I live with a canadian, and they all do.
Don't deny it.


My computer is running so well.

You won't get in trouble unless you hurt someone anyway.

It's not really worth caring about.

Bloody fucking Newfies.

I'm not a bloody Newfie.

i know i am


You look great with a collar.

hi red


Tfw tokai doesn't send you snaps


that makes two people who want me to get a collar...
Maybe I should get one~

idk this feel

you arent

brb buying pantyhose for grim snaps

Oh lawd

ye i am


Mine is not :[


the nature nurture debate spans almost every facet of personal and social life

the 20th century largely entertained the idea that “Man has no nature; what he has is history”
this notion defined social and mainstream intellectual life
it allowed for the idea that anything could be overcome
acted as a safeguard against sexism, racism, and prejudice
allowed to think about unlimited social progress

there are complex innate structures in place that facilitate learning
even if learning defines who we are

the progress of the sciences of mind, brain, genes, and evolution has made the 100% nature idea untenable

we all have a tendency towards
fatty foods
social status
risky sexual liaisons

we have evolved to suit the evolutionary demands of our ancestral environment
but not our current one

behavioural science shows temperament arises early in life and remains fairly consistent throughout

the capacity to acquire different languages is innately human
but specific languages are NOT innate

it makes no sense to ask whether humans are selfish, or generous, or noble, or nasty
rather, they are driven by competing motives elicited in different circumstances


okay Rin

Cheese is a food derived from milk that is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein. It comprises proteins and fat from milk, usually the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep. During production, the milk is usually acidified, and adding the enzyme rennet causes coagulation. The solids are separated and pressed into final form.[1] Some cheeses have molds on the rind or throughout. Most cheeses melt at cooking temperature.

Hundreds of types of cheese from various countries are produced. Their styles, textures and flavors depend on the origin of the milk (including the animal's diet), whether they have been pasteurized, the butterfat content, the bacteria and mold, the processing, and aging. Herbs, spices, or wood smoke may be used as flavoring agents. The yellow to red color of many cheeses, such as Red Leicester, is produced by adding annatto. Other ingredients may be added to some cheeses, such as black pepper, garlic, chives or cranberries.

For a few cheeses, the milk is curdled by adding acids such as vinegar or lemon juice. Most cheeses are acidified to a lesser degree by bacteria, which turn milk sugars into lactic acid, then the addition of rennet completes the curdling. Vegetarian alternatives to rennet are available; most are produced by fermentation of the fungus Mucor miehei, but others have been extracted from various species of the Cynara thistle family. Cheesemakers near a dairy region may benefit from fresher, lower-priced milk, and lower shipping costs.

Cheese is valued for its portability, long life, and high content of fat, protein, calcium, and phosphorus. Cheese is more compact and has a longer shelf life than milk, although how long a cheese will keep depends on the type of cheese; labels on packets of cheese often claim that a cheese should be consumed within three to five days of opening. Generally speaking, hard cheeses, such as parmesan last longer than soft cheeses, such as Brie or goat's milk cheese. The long storage life of some cheeses, especially when encased in a protective rind, allows selling when markets are favorable.

There is some debate as to the best way to store cheese, but some experts[who?] say that wrapping it in cheese paper provides optimal results. Cheese paper is coated in a porous plastic on the inside, and the outside has a layer of wax. This specific combination of plastic on the inside and wax on the outside protects the cheese by allowing condensation on the cheese to be wicked away while preventing moisture from within the cheese escaping.[2]

A specialist seller of cheese is sometimes known as a cheesemonger. Becoming an expert in this field requires some formal education and years of tasting and hands-on experience, much like becoming an expert in wine or cuisine. The cheesemonger is responsible for all aspects of the cheese inventory: selecting the cheese menu, purchasing, receiving, storage, and ripening.[3]

please stop


Oh snap I got snaps



It'll be better

I got pineapple express my nigga

what if they almost hurt you too.
I care for safety!
and yours

inspiration is hard dude, your oc best though.

I-I hope that's good.

I hope I inspired you enough to send me snaps of your face

H-Ha ha
Yeah.. no

Subtl gimme yo snapchat

Do it, but make sure it's cute and feminine, else there's no point to it.

sure it will

whats up

You're covered in self defense as long as you have witnesses who can say you weren't the aggressor.
Which generally means not using a knife.

Gettin that black bellt in suckin dick

Hm... o-okay~

new desktop background :3

eh? did you just call me a slut!

No, he was saying you seem to be quite proficient at fellatio.


At this point I am sure it's lost for good
And I doubt that I can get compensation from either the place I bought it or the postal service 'cause I have no proof that I even posted it


That's for subs

Buuuut the original cards are worth hundreds of dollars


Ugh.... I hate my millennial generation...

I just don't like ppl in my kitchen

Your mom will never know~

What does Swedish Fish smell like?

Sucking dick doesn't make you gay or a slut, as I've heard from 4chan.

Desu is making gay noises into the mice in discord for me.

It's only gay when the guy's balls slap against your chin

wellhave you ever had someone as cool as me in your kitchen?

Sounds like you got owned honestly
I'm sure it will be there by tuesday..

very nice, is it /g/ approved?

Oh... but I've never even seen a hard penis in real life!

eh... i don't think I should...

why is he doing that?

Wrong, actually.
Look, there's nothing gay about sucking cock, fucking dicks, slobbering on balls, kissing burly, hairy men, or giving strangers handjobs.
You can do whatever you want as long as you don't feel gay, that's the rule.
If you don't feel gay, it's not gay.
I jack off to a lot of men online, and finger myself at the same time, but I don't feel gay. Therefore, I'm not gay.
It's simple.

Nah gurl I mean you got the skills

doesnt everyone like know what that looks like though.
congrats on the finals btw

its all tricky x.x
maybe just use eh box knuckles

well dont

Nice lain ui


like a tranny

Yeah but I'm a fan of in the now pics

God is not great

Just believe


That's not even binary

Brass knuckles, last I checked, are illegal.
Just floor someone, and, like, it's not my fault I'm a clutz who tripped, and this hand went there, and my elbow happened to hit his nose.

I'm so sorry, dude, are you okay?

No I don't silly, I've never even touched a penis other than mine!

forgot pic lmao

I can fix that

it's trinary


Do you sound like a fag Y/N ?




alright guys bye..... I gotta go drop the tranny off at work.

i'll be backj with alcohols
should I


That's not that trinary is.
You have four values.

-rolls my eyes-

You really should. In the end your mom will always love you no matter what

I should kill myself... I don't want to be part of them...

Did you stick it in?


you gonna drive over here then, gayboy?


I am god, thus I make the rules.

what generation do you feel you belong in?

where you at baby

me and mommy are going to go get a burg!
see ya later everyone

You'd know quite well, wouldn't you?

lewd. and a little gay.

Good hard liquor

ah well alright then. you do send yourself too a lot.

and scoot his cat.

uuugh I just wanna defend myself x,x im not super strong so just weaaapons

ehh dont do it


cute pic


I dont wanna drink actually :s I spent 100 at the bar yesterday

ill just xanax coma

whos the coolest person you know?

Face2face creates a connection

I'm not super strong either!
Don't worry, it's a lot easier to floor someone than it seems.

even better

My little brothers can get me to the ground like nothing when we spar

I found in a lot of porn



That's true.
I guess I do it more when I crave for selfies though.
thats a thing.

aah oke, teach me sometime.

wuut, you gotta dominate!

im such a good friend honestly

does anyone know how i can make photoshop do a bunch of undos by holding down the shortcut instead of having to tapping for each one

I'm just happy to be in the call with you!

I've never been the dom before ./////.

And you can help me get better at what I know.

I promise I won't be... too... rough~

Dwai, I'll dominate you in the ring.

I'll make sure you hit the mats a lot. ♥♥

You're so lucky to have friends who want to play with you...



Mhm, I make sure not to go balls deep even though I could

Can you kill me then?

My sister, she kills people

Did you stick it in her or not?


Just get some trannies.

Get to your right!




Ah, so not only do you want to not appear gay, you want to actually never pleasure someone else?


Like everything.
I haven't really been practicing, and I dropped out of my lessons.


Desu add me on steam bby

several times

I'll just show you what's fun.

still better than no lessons, you can probs remember some stuff

What's that?

I remember the steps, and actions.
But knowledge is not understanding.


ui how many stds do you have

that feel too real


why would anyone dream about having a irl gf?

I was checked last month, so 0.

Why don't you have a gf. Those are some rough dreams




I only fuck virgins


eehh dancing!

hmm I suppose, hope it doesnt come to it anyway

I don't understand why people want a gf so badly


why do you think you do that?

you dont have bpd


Dancing sounds like fun!

And I always do.
Just like I always hope I'll never have to use my first aid training.

bitch i know more than you think
like how you lost your virginity!!

it's a meme.

vut I used to fuck random chicks all the time when I went raving every week.

I have satan's luck on my side

on that same note temp that was working with me asked me my religious beliefs. I told him I'm a satanist.

He said "that makes us enemies I guess, cause i'm a christian."

That same day he lost his job and it was given to me :^)

most trannies are mentally ill

We'll learn the salsa!
oh oh and play football, I really miss doing that.

y-yeaah its always a hope.

When on high the heaven had not been named,
Firm ground below had not been called by name,
Naught but primordial Apsu, their begetter,
(And) Mummu-Tiamat, she who bore them all,
Their waters commingling as a single body;
No reed hut had been matted, no marsh land had appeared,
When no gods whatever had been brought into being,
Uncalled by name, their destinies undetermined-
Then it was that the gods were formed within them.

thats their choice

can i see?


no it's not! I'm a straight boy that just likes hard, manly cocks~

Why Gilgamesh?

This is bait and I'm not taking it

im a lover not a baiter

It's the Enuma Elish.

W-we should take baby steps...
something close to a slow dance first, please...

Also, my first aid training covers emergency childbirth.
And that stuff is horrifying, so I just never want to do that.

But do you actually look feminine and cute, that is the real question now.

for how long have rin and tokai been doing this

I want to birth my children with Youmu

Day 1 or 2 since I've been back.

Same culture

Why Mesopotamia?

whats your favorite thing about tokai?

Of coourse
how about Waltz?

I reaaally dont wanna imagine that..
thats ew

some people find me cute
pic of me

It's more about the content of the myth than the culture it's from.

Though, you shouldn't be surprised if I have a Babylon fetish.

I suppose "everything" doesn't count as an answer?

His personality.

I think I can try learning that with you...
Let's do it!

It's worse than you're imagining.

Im gonna make you wear a dress


y-you too

Would you like to learn in those old Victorian clothes too?
European fancy costumes.

I already remember finding heart attacks help awful. egh

What appeals about the myth? It's been years since I read that stuff so I'm kinda fuzzy on details

colberio is my great

thats nice. how would you describe his personality?



Eh, maybe with a wig and a frilly dress.

I just saw a swedish fish commercial

But I don't wanna wear a wig or a dress!
I like being a boy...

Shit, I thought this candy was obscure by now.

est thread fascination
youve never heard of colberio? i just made it up

Oh, yes, that sounds amazing!

I am certified for the highest level of CPR available to general public.
Under only healthcare providers.

He seems nice, kind.
Bright, and.earnest.

And he's fun to chat with and stuff,
and gives cute reactions.

Well that's just no fun, then.

Yeah it is!
Boys are way more fun than girls!

I never knew they had commercials lol
they are gr8 though I kinda wanna pick up a bag

Ayyy o faglords


yooooooooooooo wazzzuuuupppppppp

Good ^ ^
what dance do you really wanna do?

waow that's impressive, you took a lot volunteer classes then. I just had one class as basic.

waay hoo

Maybe my judgement is flawed,
only time will tell, and until it does
I'm having fun, aye?

So, for now, I don't care if I'm wrong.

This made me tear up a littler

I'd disagree. Girls are very fun.
And making a boy a girl for the night is way more fun than that, in my experience.

Thought I'd pop on before bed, I was totally awesome at bowling dinner.
How are you chicken nuggets doing?

what? who said that?


hey dad

Uhm, let's stick witht he waltz.
You had me at the outfits.

I actually only had one two day class for it.
But they went over a lot of stuff.

No one.
I just have... trouble getting close with people.
But I'm having fun.

No thanks, I don't think I'd look good as a girl...

I'm gud, just ate a burg

happpy fathers day

grim that's a song my dad would listen to
you're my dad

Look man, the line is distinct. It can easily be broken though. And I'm alright with seeing it so and taking advantage of it.

You'd never know until you try or someone makes you so, but suit yourself my dude.

Burger me. What style?
Had me a chilli dawg
Was semi-reasonable.

Congrats Grim.

That is the ultimate fetish

damn, you hit strike?
im fine, kinda light headed now.

eheh I can imagine that one.
for the time it was super romantic, I bet it still is.

aah still the highest thing though.
I guess I am an officially certified parking attendant.

Well, I did say I love trying new things...

i had a chili dog once
Wisconsin Pub Burger from Culvers, very naice.

Also congrats to sci on being off of death row


i vape

Y-you need a certification for that...?

me too


go green

I hit two. Was pretty terrible form tonight. But baby's and fun was had. Had s cheeky spoons, cheeky beaky

Only once? Chilli dogs are a rare treat for me.
Best way me I had was at a festival at the Isle of Wight. Blitzed drunk watching kings of Leon. Not too shabby.


fuck yeah
green earth
peace earth
fuck the government

my life is one big fetish

holy fuuuck why am I so sleepy suddenly

yuh, I needed it for the culture festival.
its just the only official thing I can think of lol.

its a terrible job

thats proper fun in the islands
nah had just a little some hours ago

It was an ultimate accident as well.

And I still wouldn't mind showing you some new things to love. You'd probably enjoy it.

Vape Naysh yall

Yeah, the one i had was from DQ and it was shit, so it probably wasn't a good intro.

I'm part of the nashe


I mean, I may or may not have already put on a friends dress...

That sounds like an almost arbitrary thing to need a certification for...

I don't doubt it was, it even sounds horrible...

Creation coming from chaos.

The fact that the elements of creation existing seems to go hand-in-hand with them being named is also interesting.

Sorry about the slow reply; I was recovering a priceless work of art that I had just realized I had lost with my old hard drive.


anime pussy


is the best pussy

maybe they tricked me

almost got run over even, missed like a centimeter.

How risque. While the dress on you is nice I'm sure, the dress off is probably much better in that situation.

Winter is coming

But I don't think they'd be that committed to the trick.

Drivers sound like assholes over there.
Just like here.
Fuck truckers.


I don't actually vape.


You mean I should be naked?

Same, a lot of kids at my school do though. 100% of them are okay.


ehh true I guess, and the old man was super nice.
mmh Im going to the festival tomorrow anyway.
flower heaven, ill make some pics.

that so much x,x

Lewd I know.

By the end of the night, anyway.

Do something about it then, gayboy.

this is a bad meme



What sort of music do you enjoy,, ori?

You are probably gay for them.


dat boi




lewd as heck

Just for one, but he's a senior and I'm a junior...

shit waddup!

Time to sleep

Lol nice

You just want senpai to notice you huh

Take lots!
Flowers are amazing, and one of my favourite things to shoot when I have an SLR in my hands.
I'm just a hobbyist though so they're just about the only thing I can shoot.

I am dat boi

honestly I just think you're gay for everyone.

EDM mostly. I went to Ultra Korea last weekend. It was fucking awesome. I also listen to a lot of rock though. Just not hiphop/country/pop. We've talked about this before nigga.

Nothing wrong with lewd on the internet dude.
Go lewd that senior



mmh id be more excited if I was awake.
you're gonna see that this town's nickname The Flower Capital lives up to it.
hehe that's cool, I just do what I think looks well.


He skates too, and actually had muscles, he's so cool~

I'm just gay for hot, older men!

b-but he's got a girlfriend...

Would you reccomend me something and in return let me reccomend something to you?

If I remember you were into more
trancelike stuff right?


Well i'm only 20 so I guess I must of crushed your dreams

lets just expand to the broader category of /jp/ memes

I'm only 16 so nope!


when u see it ull shit brix


My sister is 16


It sounds wonderful. I can't wait.

I actually kind of really enjoy taking pictures, if I'm honest.
Much more than having them taken of me.

kill yourSELF!

they don't pay doctors enough

So? Suck his dick in the bathroom. Or let him fuck you in the bathroom, you seem to like that. His girlfriend would never know.

We did this last time you asked! I'm more into dubstep. Things with sick drops.

Drop is at 1:50








are you threatening me!?
















I swear if I spend my 20th birthday alone sitting in my room, or out with just my mom and some of her random ass friends I am rip.