School's signs defaced with swastika

>It happened in Pesaro, Italy, nearby the entry of a primary school given the name of Anna Frank

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Those don't look like hail hortlers either

I wonder why?


Should read:
School's Signs Beautified with Swastika
I fixed it for you.


to be fair, they probably just wanted to see the sportsball already

That too, but SS Lazio (the football club) has a very strong and explicit ties to fascism. You can check from youtube videos of hundreds of not thousands of fans doing the roman salute and singing fascist songs in the audience.That is why they've decided to crack down on it and force the Anne Frank stuff and actually have tried to organize "educational trips" to Auschwitz.

I believe it's a media construction to put in a bad light the right wing, since CasaPound Italia had fairly good results in some elections at Ostia (near Rome).
Whenever they have the chance to write articles about fascists, they will.

For instance, vid related, the guy who attacks has been associated with casapound and clearly teased/provoked by the journalist who got what deserved.
In the end, they had an arrest, a broken nose, and a shitton of articles about how fascists were aggressive, corrupted and related to mafia.

Decently well executed at that. May be the first one in a decade that isn't a false flag.

webm for the lazies

they can use this as a promotional poster

What, the obvious, undebatable lie that goddamn pens time travel? This shit never fails to blow my mind.

That was a sick headbutt

Sclomo's been working on his swastika skills. Surprised they managed to even get the SS bolts.

Yeah, this definitely could be the yids pushing for more semitic inclusion.

With the audio is even greater.
That dude runs a gym, so he quite probably practices either boxing or mma.
Clearly not the first time he rams his head into someone else.


That fucking gypsy should be executed either way

He's a bit darker than the average roman, but he lives in Ostia after all.
Also, he wouldn't stand up with CasaPound if he was one.


This needed a transparent version.

Times are changing. We just miss a good speaker. ==A NOI!==


It was useful to discover a few dirty tricks of the state owned TV - the alleged journalist is hired from a third party for a different job: so no coverage for injuries and accidents. As far as I understand Spada, the headbutter, is still in jail.

sage for doubleposting - sorry, no archive

If you're spray-painting swastikas anywhere in the middle of the night you're probably a Jew

It has always been a pretty popular subject for street art around here. I did it myself. A very big one a few years ago, on a school too by chance.

It's probably legit, but you never know.

How dare you expose the lie of the Anne Frank fictional history. Don't forget the 6,000,000,000,000,000,000.

My lord Satan, you are right and we must suspect anybody. However kikes do not need to rely on fake swastikas in Italy. They are everywhere and we must already swallow an almost eternal "Muh Shoah memory day".

I've been to Pesaro. Not a super nice city tbh

Of course they don't, we already get brainwashed enough throughout primary, middle and high school with reunions with survivors… Not including all the projections of films showing how cruel the Nazis were.

mein neger
y tho

I fucked up with youtube-dl and initially downloaded the webm w/o audio, then did it a second time successfully, see