Marines storm CIA HQ langley

Newfag here, i know i must lurk moar but this is to important so excuse text formatting etc.
-According to persons who reside near Langley, a large contingent of Marines arrived at CIA Headquarters in tilt-rotor aircraft and when the Marines deplaned, they were armed and moved quickly into CIA Headquarters!
Those witnesses also say that a significant number of tilt-rotor aircraft can be clearly seen on the grounds of CIA Headquarters, parked on the grass around the building.This is not normal.

The number of SEALED INDICTMENTS presently on US District Court Dockets across the United States has reached an astonishing 1800 as of Friday, November 17. These Sealed Indictments began appearing on US District Court Dockets on October 31.

There have never been this many Sealed Indictments showing on federal court Dockets at the same time . . . ever.

The existence of so many sealed Indictments has lead others to suggest that large groups of federal officials - perhaps including elected officials - are facing mass arrest over a number of corruption-related activities such as "pay-to-play" the UraniumOne conspiracy, Pedophile Rings and other criminal activities, and these troops may be needed to keep order once the high officials start being taken under arrest!

Marines are typically loyal to the president correct?

Other urls found in this thread:


iv'e been hearing the same story everywhere so i scurried to find a link with info with little regard to the publisher, this link so the most to the point


Financial forecaster Martin Armstrong has picked up on this as well.

He is outside the mainstream, but he does not go in for tinfoil kookiness.

Still, not a real source, but….


Now this is a happening.

the president can use the marines to arrest people, the act passed in the 1800s restricting the military from acting in a civil capacity only applies to the army and air force.

hope this get confirmed

the indictments were confirmed, the raid on langley will need some digging

More LARPing

i have no fkn clue who halturner is but everything in this article is consistent with other reports

he has returned lads

Hal Turner is a federal agent who honeypotted people that called his show and baited white people into doing illegal things in order to put them in prison.

Happening? Hoping is happening

well i guess i (OP) am indeed a faggot. apologies

it should be noted the hal turner correctly reported on the sealed indictments a week ago, or more correctly he reported on the tweets about the sealed indictments that were confirmed

Sounds like nonsense. Raiding an office building before 5am on a Sunday morning?


potentially another trump twitter shitstorm devised as a distraction

I remember shitposting months ago that Trump should use a Marine battalion to lay siege to CIA HQ for the campaign they seem to running in coordination with the media against him.
I hope he doesn't lurk here and took my shitposts seriously.

So 2200 marines with multiple ospreys manage to land undetected to one of the most secure sites inside US of A? And nobody in the nearby area manages to catch sight of them? If this would be truly happenin i'd expect to see multiple tweets/vids of ospreys flying low near langley.


99% probability that this is just another faggot larp, rolling for that 1% though.

This is almost certainly bullshit, but bumping any because I want to believe.

that part of it actually sounds logical

I was saying something similar, I said he should deploy the marines when he indicts the swamp.
maybe hal turner lurks here

What's the matter LARPJEW, not enough happenings for ya?

Most certainly. Trump distractions are the best.

please be real, i fucking hate langley al-CIA-da kikes

Yea and Alex Jewns says some things that are true also. Maybe it happened, but Hal Turner isnt the guy to let us know if it did or not.

user pls they're stealth Ospreys with noise-cancelling tech operated remotely by Russian hackers.

t. ex-military analyst working for CNN

We need abetter source or footage from the ground.

Any langleyfags able to provide?

It seems confirmed by various sources on Twatter too.

Why don't you post them then.

XXDx Its Habbenings!!
thread #20741

alex jones just did a vid on this i hear, that ought to generate some interest in anycase

Osprey is a piece of.shit

Here you are, first sample I could find - jewtube video.

GLP-tier nonsense, complete with the cacophony of zio-tinged "sources" "corroborating" the story.


Why is a woman that old showing so much cleavage?

Cover up, grandma.


I was wondering why the good guys were killing the good guys, but then I realized everyone being shot is an SA brownshirt, and thats the SS, and its probably night of the long knives.


Are you suggesting the Marines did raid CIA but were actually actors in costumes playing make believe?
>—Nature, Chapter IV: "Language"



On second though. Who else would have better intel?


Too good to be true Comcast would be calling for anarchy in the streets and democrats would demand other nations invade immediately.

Don't try to fluff up obvious bullshit by devolving into a judeo-semantic tangent. You know what he means by LARP and so does everyone else: the entire story is fictional from top to bottom. Filtered.


Don't be mean, let the granny have fun speaking about GEOTUS.

Isn't that entrapment?

i believe it to be a psyop designed to lessen the power of our shitposting actually, just like edgy.
Only intellectual midgets and newfags use those terms without irony.


The psyop is the continued recycling of the nonsensical garbage in the OP.


A cop tells you to go fuck a kid and you do, you think it's his fault? I realize you kikes have twisted our legal system but come on.

Ignore him. Its probably a litteral kike.

sure thing filthy yid kike.

What was the context of that film anyway? And whats the significance of the brown shirts?


You don't get banned around here for being down with zionism. Keep projecting, though.

It's not surprising to me to see so many Correct The Record shills in this thread. This raid on Langley is an event of historically epic proportions so it's only logical that so many paid anti-Trump shills would be working overtime trying to do damage control on this major event.

Too thuggish. Politically unuseful. So they got replaced with the gesseleschaft that we derive from, the s.s.

So you admit to being a kike?

Interesting. I supposes that is where hollywood got its "le ebil nahtzee" trope from.

Fuck, were they planning to aloha snackbar it into CIA HQ? Those things crash if you look at them funny.

Also the S.A had faggots in it, why do you think they are all naked?

george bush sr's house in dallas?

You have trouble reading simple English? Expected for a hebrew speaker.

I should just filter tor entirely.

But then you wouldn't be doing your job.


Too call out homosexuals such as you?
I just wish putin would give me my tendies and checks already. But they would be in rubles

MAGA 2020

I'm seeing nothing on this. A few Twitter reports, mostly echoing two or three YouTube commentators claiming it's true.
Shouldn't we have seen a bunch of videos, pics and the like of people living in the area and ospreys touching down?

That's top-secret information goy. The CIA you see in movies is the only one you're allowed to discuss.

Potato potahto

It's fake. It's zionist fairy tales.

oh well, i cast anchor until we learn more

in reality they are probably a bunch of drug addicts archer style. Feels like we are fighting a bunch of idiots.

I'll take vodak and meat rations.



like pottery

Still waiting on those mass arrests from Drake and Fulford's ninja army? Crossing your fingers from Donald Trump and NESARA?


Stay.Salty sharegoy

i hate kikes. The day of the rope cannot come soon enough

its pronounced "sah-gay"

Yes, I too await the re-election of the most jewish administration in American history, fellow nazi.

When I first saw this webm and didn't know what the NotLK was I thought the SS shot all those guys because they figured out they were having secret gay orgies.

Virginia user here…for whatever it’s worth those tilting propellor things have been flying around a lot lately. I wish it was true the Marines stormed the CIA lol. I would have taken some pictures though personally…

lol give it a rest kike

Sage goes in all fields.

KYS kike. I hope them Marines come shoot your hooked nose up

I think he means they were fake marines.


More pottery

>the (((Marines)))

What are anchors and what is torpedo shilling?

Xyr is, see here:

For all the lazy niggers that don't do their own research.
And glow-in-the-darks don't want you to know that.
But the .onion is a honeypot.
Site owners block Tor exits.
I wonder why ?

And here:

The misspelled memes are to dumb down actual rhetoric to "bix nood" type shit.
Be aware.

Your nose really sticks out torpedo

Two questions user, and forgive my ignorance here:

What's the name of that movie?

Is the movie worth watching, or is that the best scene in it?

The Damned (1969 film)

so were invading North Korea soon?

There are so many extra chromosomes in this family they could make a fourth mongrel on the spot disassembling the others they already have.

what makes you say that?

cant say more or ill ruin the operation


Moshe, you there? Didn't you have a spare day?

Ok, the Sturmbatelung (SA) were led by a faggot socialist named Ernst Rohm, and he put the socialist in national socialist. He planned to take over the NSDAP by starting a gang war style coup, and kill Hitler, who was by then his Best friend in-order to install his variant of National Socialism, which was more like communism than Hitler's System. He was dealt with by Hitler Personally. As in shot dead personally. The rest of the killings were an opportunistic removal of possible obstacles to Hitler becoming chancellor ordered by Himmler and Goebbels. By the way, Himmler was found naked in bed with an underage boy when he was shot. TRS anyone?

Hal Turner is last generations Dickie Spencer/TRS/Peinovich he played being a Hollywood Nazi and honeypotted many retards. He makes a mockery of race realism and nationalism by twisting all sane talking points into hardcore swastika crap. He is now on this board after prison release and he wants your info for the feds too. But you all should know this already, it has been covered here before many times. Lurk for two years.

KYS Hal.

try LARPening user.

kek, (((mods))) at it again

I thought most Holla Forumsacks had known and made this comparison by now…

I wish we could get a picture of some Ospreys in a field.

Pretty sure you meant someone else besides Himmler at the end there, although I dont think Rohm was in bed when he was shot.. pretty sure Hitler had just summoned him or something.