commence bix nood
I should have left them in jail!
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, you fucking should have.
Why? Big ball is going to kill Little Ball.
Top Kek.
In case that happens, just so you know, President Trump wouldn't be able to bantz if he 'didn't' let them go. Three nobodies in exchange for butt blasting millions of Liberals and advancing the idea of nigger ball being full of scumbags normals shouldn't watch is a small price to pay in the culture war.
Niggers can't appreciate a god damn thing.
But he didn't leave them in jail. Good material for him to bat around in the media, though. Just like his "musI:m ban".
Trying court black voters is such a waste of time and in my eyes thats all this was. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Fuck those niggers let them bite the curb.
Yes, you should. So why you did otherwise?
Trump was a cuck niggerlover who should have been pushing the chinks to give em the death penalty.
You think if it was a White anti-Israel activist arrested in the West Bank (say someone like Rachel Corrie taken into custody instead of being run over by a kike bulldozer), that he would have even acknowledged it happened?
niggers nigging not surprising
absolutely but unfortunately the President has to worry about muh PR. and having the moral high ground is pretty comfy and advantageous.
he really meant and should've said "ungrateful for"
this is an intentional salt harvest
How giving niggers free out of jail card without any punishment for their nigger behaviour is high moral ground? I cannot understand american mindset.
You're supposed to accept an empty, ineffectual gesture played out in the media in lieu of tangible real world results.
As hilarious as this is though, this is bait to get the journalists in a tizzy. I wonder what happens tomorrow…
The same as always, they fall for it.
Bring on the salt lads.
Yes you should have.
salt confirmed
Somebody needs to tell the journos "around bait, hesitate"
Let's hope the normalfags start figuring out that niggers belong behind bars.
Leniency does niggers no good. They do not learn from mistakes.
soybois in the wild?
Trump with more smoke and mirrors. Fucking madman.
There's a lot of people who belong in jail, Mr. President.
That picture will give me nightmares.
They do corroborate though.
pfft that's nothing, take a look at this
it's a 15 year old boy.
Do you even know what words mean?
Kek these whiny numales need mandatory testosterone treatment.
I'd put some babies in his butt
at least that one is trying to look like a faggot.
sorry pal his local rabbi in germany already did that a few hundred times.
B..but they might become based blacks!
Jews are White and based, right fellow White Nationalist Nazis?
It's not out of the realm of possibilities is all I'm saying.
Stop using kosher memes that were invented by the aut-right. Those are low-t over-weight cucks. Nothing more.
You are spamming every thread with this TORfag.
Wasted numbers!
You're a fucking moron.
At least soyim is a little funny. But "soyboy" is a stand-in for "cuck". Just like "normies" is a stand-in for "normal faggot"
Do you really want to use memes that were created to be less offensive/accurate?
cunt don't let the alt-kike steal our memes
It's funny to see what really gets them riled up. For reference, lurkers, this is what did it:
This is for sure the end for Drumph now.
Soyboy did not originate here, retard. I would have seen it before this week. Instead I first saw it used by a streamer who leans left. It did not come from 8pol or even Holla Forums.
hmm when have I heard that something is the beginning of the end for trump
And why is it the only time that statement isn't muttered is when Trump is helping the Israeli warmachine
Cunt there was a thread about a month ago proclaiming that we should start calling them soy boys
And it seems just now the CIANiggers are trying to take credit for our memes
yeah he still looks like faggot
Very punchable face.
why so aggressive towards a 15 year old boy, (((rabbi?)))
Fucking American materialist cattle
Like it or not, they were Americans and Trump did what any good leader would do, which was get his people back (although when you think about it, they would have ended up ruling that Chinese prison within a month). Their ingratitude is baffling, but not surprising. I don't blame him for being pissed with them now, but he did the right thing at the time. If he'd left them to rot, he'd be dealing with a different "leader of the black community" each and every fucking day until those faggots were back on American soil. What he SHOULD do is lock them up here for a few months, but he probably can't until they steal again.
8,000 years of orppression
So give it a week or so
Better POV
Faggots go in the fucking bog. Fuck off back to your containment board.
One could say the only reason Trump took them out of jail is to show how niggers are ungrateful and OK with theft.
Trump The Chessmaster is back bitches
soyboy was invented here, I was one of the first ones to use it and popularize it outside 8ch Holla Forums
Why is the President assuming the player had ever met his father?
I saw it here on Holla Forums for the first time a month ago.
This. Shows how ungrateful and uppity the nigger's dad is too.
Checked for accuracy.
Soyboy is not a new term.
If Mike Pence was a gym leader his pokemon would be all electric type.
filtered and reported.
Absolutely stunning
Please explicitly highlight where this user even addressed niggers, then kill yourself. When you make knee jerk posts like this all you do is make yourself look like a female ruled by her emotions.
It's real.
these news stories show the american public how stupid corp's know we are. We because majority rules and majority are morons.
Papa Ball has been a nonstop commercial on ESPN for the last year. This guy walks on every set and show and is blown cause he is the next generation of parent agent.
ESPN funds college sports with putrageous TV contracts, then cries why aren't colleges paying atheletes. They say outrageous shit, then make a 24 hour news cycle on the shit they just caused.
(they also pay billions for NFL, reason NFL is shit now. See Payton Manning winning superbowl 2 years ago not being able to run, throw or turn his head. Sort of like running a lady who cannot stand or walk and shits out catherders while being escorted in public for president.)
Where the fuck was Papa Ball when his kid was arrested. Where was he on ESPN. Why didnt he say this when his kid was locked up by 20 cops. Got both teams questioned?
Now his kid is home and they are spinning this idiot as a voice of the people against the fucking president of the united states?
Lonzo ball blows on the lakers. Stickyfingers Ball is the least rated player on UCLA, and is a PR dream, as exhibited in China. And the 3rd Ballbag sucks so much ass his father pulled him outta HS cause he must be made the greatest ever.
You think this guy would be quiet and thank the stars his wife is white and her jeans mixed with his 300 lbs assthighs made 3 kids who can run a sub 13 100m.
By the way. what happened to winning. Ben Simmons, Lonzo Ball how many drafted stars cant win shit in college. They will get rid of 1 and done and let all these cans juts get drafted and be paid peanuts and whither away and have to march if to make the team.
What else could you possibly be implying? Nice IP switch by the way, it seems like it's you who needs to go in the bog if anything.
Oh no a cuckchan rapefugee filtered me whatever shall I do. I made zero mention of niggers previously ITT whatsoever. Faggots go in the bog. Niggers get hung from trees. Kikes go in the oven. Wipe off your vagina bitch.
Oh no a cuckchan rapefugee filtered me whatever shall I do. I made zero mention of niggers previously ITT whatsoever. Faggots go in the bog. Niggers get hung from trees. Kikes go in the oven. Wipe off your vagina bitch.
He's not me and you are still a fucking faggot who needs to fuck off back to your containment board.
You absolute fucking nigger, maybe that faggots should be thrown in a bog? Go read his posts and draw your own conclusions instead of jumping off the same emotional cliff as the previous retard. Sage because now this is going to devolve into shitposting.
Jesus Christ Codemonkey fix your shit.
I really hope this niggers dad never shuts up and never changes his tune. We should encourage him to keep expressing himself. I don't think Don will learn a lesson from this but the rest of normie America will open their eyes to the nigger mind.
Tell me honestly, do you expect people to read this shit without calling you a faggot? You're like the shadman of spacing, worse, even.
THREE YEARS. Damn that's heartbreaking.
THINK, user
The chinks would've sterilized them or cut their dicks off
yes yes, we know, ffs captain obvious.
He sure knows how to activate those fuckin almonds. World class shit poster.
Ladies and /g/entoomen: President Donald J. Trump, Shitposter in Chief
Fuck off you irredeemable fucking kike.Also stop posting because it's fucks like you that make folks hate the shit out of us.
In lieu of what, exactly? There isn't much the man can do that will be permanent. On his own, anyway.
It's possible. I'm waiting for those to drop too.
Start a fire, and then immediately throw yourself in it you god damned turbonigger.
Soyim at the very least did, it's in that thread where they found out that onions are the best thing since sliced bread, you absolute fucking garbage fire.
It's no surprise to anyone that he's civnat. What is surprising is that he has the temerity to publicly go against the "wishes" of the "black community" by shitting on the ungrateful niggers that didn't even thank him for saving their asses from a chinese prison.
Well Those digits..
Nothing on these.
June 16 2019 marks the four year anniversary of Donald Trump's candidacy announcement. Memeing can be done prior to that of course, but that's the date I plan to get back into the election mode trenches.
Checked, this is the only place where president trump's actions are remotely understood
I literally do not know one single fucking thing you're talking about as the last time I saw a television was before flat-screen panels were invented.
every single fucking time i hear of niggers of any fucking merit its the ethiopians. Why? Are they half sandniggers? Christianity's influence?
Apparently it's due to a combination of them successfully apeing egyptian and roman culture, and buying primitive rifles in the early 20th/late19th century to genocide the rival tribes in their area. This was talked about iirc in the thread about them being related to monkeys.
Ok so the only concerning bit of this upon further deliberation is that all three players were videoed thanking President Trump, were they not? Msm may start angling for calling President Trump out for threatening them when they thanked him. May need to preemptively spread that vid around again before the lugenpresse do and kneecap them before they try to stand.
Sins of the father do not represent the son, or something like that. Trump is railing on one of the fathers for saying his son dindunuffin
In my experience, most white boys don't mature (ie., fill out, gain muscle, lose the androgynous baby-face, understand the world, etc.) until 25 or so, while white girls are pretty much finished physically maturing by 18-20. That's why I've always thought white European marriage works better between a man of say, 26-30, to a woman of 18-25ish. The ages can vary - basically: older man, younger woman. She's at the height of fertility and he's mature enough to handle taking care of her and the children (which needs to be done; women need to take care of their own children).
you're just as retarded if not more than the faggot who started this.
>>>Holla Forums
That's some of the funniest banter in awhile. Actually made me kek.
tfw I'm 24 and still haven't really reached physical maturity
Yeah but I'm talking about the lugenpresse I don't expect them to have enough clarity to address the shoplifting/dindunuffin part
Like I said "25 or so" that means give or take a few years (so, could be 30). White men mature more slowly than blacks and Semitics (Asians I really don't know; they seem the same until they wrinkle lol).
I'd get pissed if I were Trump.
No more next time.
Did you just imply that girls of legal age understand the world? jej
Visit >>>
I love Trump I don't give a shit if he isn't full 1488. Everytime he sends out a tweet like this, it emboldens white nationalists and pisses off marxists and anti-white (((forces))).
Same with his response to Charlottesville. It would've been so easy for him to shit on white nationalism exclusively and cuck out but he refused to do that.
Good question. No, it's definitely not Christian influence otherwise American niggers would be model citizens.
I don't think gooks age just look at Araki. They're like elves or some shit low birthrate, high int, stupid long lifespans, etc
Only way to be sure it receives proper coverage is to spread awareness.
I get the whole not wanting to admit your child did something bad but in the grand scheme of things this man's son likely stole something in passing off a shelf at a store his team stopped at because he could. Nigger behavior sure, but to tell the chinks AND POTUS that your son dindunuffin is straight double nigger territory.
It's rage inducing to think that in Modern Day this is a news story distraction
I'm not sure my coworkers and friends even read news stories anymore, they can't seem to discuss past headlines
rage sage
Absolute madman. May God bless him.
Share with me the script you use to spam this shit.
Define "mature". I ask because a whole lot of niggers, spics, gooks, poo-in-loos, and kikes don't seem to get past the early-teens phase of development.
No the elves are Nordic Europeans.
Gooks are something else – and not super high int.
In Mein Kampf there's culture creators, bearers, and destroyers. Only aryans create/generate culture. We're already making new cultures. Jews and niggers destroy culture. Chinks are capable to copy it though and keep it intact indefinitely.
He's talking about physical maturity not mental maturity.
Women and non-whites never mature beyond children or teenagers.
Women and non-whites never mature beyond children or teenagers (mentally).
Ah, okay, thanks for clarifying. That really fits into the r/K shit that leftists are so ardently trying to disprove atm.
Someone needs to make a Chrome extension that replaces the checkmark with that yellow auschwitz star, just for the kvetching
reddit salt
There should be a 100% tax on all foods containing soy due to the damage it does to men, and in turn society.
How do you rule something with broken legs, user? Why don't you keep your muh strong nigger fantasies to yourself, cuck?
I am allergic to soy and therefore haven't consumed any soy in my life.
Unfortunately people call me a "soyboy".
However my grandpa didn't have a beard, like at all, until 36 years old… and he was a child during World War II. According to my grandma his entire lineage is known for that, men who never have to shave.
I myself seem to have the same condition except I can partially grow a beard although barely… probably because my mother mixed her slavic lineage with my father's dutch lineage. I am 24 years old and I had no pubic hair until about 22.
why dont you guys alert the secret service for donald?
the trs cult has the faggiest fucking slang ever
trust me body hair isn't that great, really sucks when you have just as much if not more hair than a 40 year old greasy italian at 14. oh and the acne that comes along with it.. really good shit.
I'm sorry but I've been living under a rock for quite some time - what's so bad about soy exactly?
Sounds like you're either part asian, or have low T.
Kek, best part of that first clip is the Americanized chink saying it was just the chinks getting buttmad. I love how they clip is specifically to avoid showing the chink strip the ball from the ngiger too. Hilarious.
They've been alerted, and several of those people probably got visits or were examined… But the fact is, most of them are lonely childless soyboys and cat ladies that wouldn't do anything to Trump in a million years.
Components which are chemical equivalents of estrogen IIRC. Probably other shit as well.
Fucks with your hormones. You're pretty much shoveling estrogen into your body by eating soy-products.
No I'm Dutch/Nordic.
Interesting, I'm part dutch as well however, I started growing a beard at around 14 or 15. I don't think your ability to grow a beard necessarily correlates to the ammount of testosterone present in your body, I could be wrong though.
I have no bodyhair on my chest even now btw.
He should have told China to "execute them because America doesn't want them". That would have kickstarted the race war for us.
Another fucking trump tweet thread. Who cares? Are the kike still sucking us dry? Yup, the kikes are still sucking us dry, but at least you got to vote goy!
grossest fucking "anime" character in the world
filtered and reported
>>>Holla Forums
niggers don't get away with shit in asia
I just read this tweet
Surely as redpilled as the Japs are they realize niggers are the problem here?
Every time Trump makes big shitpost tweets like this, the media and all the (((verified checkmarks))) kick up a fucking storm. Meanwhile, something else happens in the background that nobody sees because (((they))) can't help themselves from getting outraged over fucking nothing.
We'll see what's happening in a week or so, I'm sure, but people should be taking the opportunity to see if they can verify reports such as the 1800 sealed indictments; I don't think it's possible to verify a police raid into Langley, but someone should at least be able to verify the indictments.
Look up the Kingdom of Kush
Amazing. Now just watch, the left blindingly attach themselves to this niggerball loser and suffer the consequences. LaVar, Time magazine's man of the year?
What other prophecies can you speak, Oracle?
Trump was being a cuck by bailing out niggers In the first place. Fuck him for doing that and fuck student athletes.
the salt keeps on rolling
one of them finally gets it
that tweet about Flake(y) is like a Rosetta stone of shitposting and linguistic killshots. It's a burn, a warning, a career ending insult.
t. chess cuck
I want to see these niggerballers pull this shit in Malaysia or Indonesia. That way we'll be able to see them tied to a post and caned. The salt would be monumental seeing these saintly, gud boys whipped like slaves.
lmao this is why I love this man
*puts maga cap on*
did the clinton foundation hire the cheap pajeets of the streets for this? CTR during the election season had more spunk than this.
You have nigger level of reading comprehension.
He explicitely said
What in "physically" do you not understand?
Agreed, I would have simply said "No breaks for criminals. Enjoy your Chinese starvation chamber."
wew lad
but they'd get ancestral ptsd user!
That pic is so cringeworthy and stupid.
A kid with 179 IQ wouldn't work any job at all, he would become a billionaire overnight by analyzing and playing the stocks with less than a week of observation
That's a huge assumption to make.
t. sweaty kike
He sets these chumps up time and time again and they always fall for the bait.
Is that ZUN's brother?
Or at least let them sit in their re-education facility, generously provided by their Chinese hosts for a year or two while he negotiated their release.
Oh well, maybe next time. These college niggerballers have a long, long record of niggershines in foreign countries. They've pulled this shit repeatedly so there's no doubt it will probably happen again.
electric jew…. fantastic!!!
You’re probably the clearest headed person here. Seriously with just a few notable exceptions television is garbage.
sure he wood. as long as anderson pooper cooper stops buy with a handful of limitless pills and a few glowsticks.
Someone make a version of the third one that doesn't use "SJW"
kek, I recently inherited a quite small flatscreen t.v. after not having one for almost 20 years. The terrestrial broadcasts are horrific shit. What's worse is people actually $100-$300 per month for satellite as well. They pay to watch advertising and low quality pozz. Mind boggling.
Low test?
just buy the fucking dip you fucking dumbass
I bet they stole their chain link fence from the other house after it burnt down.
( . )( . )
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( 8=====>
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They are caucasians. Dead serious.
Do they not possess any sense of self-awareness in relation to how weak they are?
ay yo
*smacks lips*
so u b sayin
*dribbles ball**
u din visit mah keeeeeids?
HAHA. Having Shitposter in Chief on point is best timeline tbh.
What's that nig going on about? Why would he go visit them? Isn't getting them *out* a better use of his time? Would the secret service even let him go into a Chinese prison?
Yeah, Trump should have been working on more important things than getting his nigger son out of jail. Do these people think before they post this stuff?
Holla Forums mods are globalist shill bastards and they ban everyone who follows the rules and let people who break the rules post freely. the mods never changed since the last ban spree happening. only their names changed. the mods ban anyone who gets too close to the truth. eventually you will be banned too and you will realize who is in charge here. question those who you are not allowed to question and you will know the truth.
Probably more contact with other peoples than the rest of sub-Saharan Africans.
Ay yo fuk u mayne, he need to be the fatha I neva was.
you know, journalists with Twitter verification have been known to lie in the past.
16532 Aquamarine Ct
Chino Hills, CA 91709-4644
(909) 597-8956 - Landline
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This is your mind on liberalism.
Nog threw the first punch.
There's a lot of chink vs nigger shit talk going on in the comment section of that video.
Nigs always destroy what they are given. Gooks will tire of nigger ways and with no jews pressuring them not to they'll just stop inviting the niggers in. Gooks can't feel guilt so when the niggers complain of racism it'll fall upon death ears.
it's already been done
// ==UserScript==// @name twitter juden verified// @namespace// @version 0.2// @description// @author // @icon// @include https'':''//*// ==/UserScript==var observeDOM = (function(){ var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver, eventListenerSupported = window.addEventListener; return function(obj, callback){ if( MutationObserver ){ // define a new observer var obs = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer){ if( mutations[0].addedNodes.length || mutations[0].removedNodes.length ) callback(); }); // have the observer observe foo for changes in children obs.observe( obj, { childList:true, subtree:true }); } else if( eventListenerSupported ){ obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false); obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false); } };})();function fix_verify() { verified_elems= document.getElementsByClassName("Icon Icon--verified"); var parentArray=[]; for (i=0; i
who left in jail?
those cunts
his name is Bill Kaulitz. Research him to see what a gigantic faggot he is and why it was there to be seen from the beginning.
Was a perfect example of how embarrassing niggers nigging can be on an international stage.
At least from the father's behavior you see how ungrateful they are when you fix their total fucking subhuman stupidity.
Kendrick Ledet from the 1995 rape of the 12 year old girl in Okinawa would later rape and kill another woman in Georgia in 2006.
Kek. He doesn't shitpost as much as he used to. Its always a pleasant surprise to see him at it again.
Why is the God Emperor acknowledging fallibility for himself?
No, that's the Somalis and they are sanddoubleniggers. Ethiopians are what African Homo sapiens would be if they had not miscegenated with pre-erectus hominids.
Surprisingly good torpost.
man, wish i was a 15 year old girl these days, the men sure are pretty.
A ruse my dude. So that those amongst us who know might be remembered of the characteristics of the negro and for those amongst us who do not know, so that they might hear. He did it for us.
Designated Shilling Streets.
TBH a good way to throw some light on the fact of shit black fathers.
And of course
Americans (and the French) were known for this in WW2 as well. American blacks were a problem back then, as were the Algerians fighting for the French. Russians were nearly as bad, and Japs, whilst not as rapey, were pretty likely to bayonet you.
If you were going to surrender, your only good options were to the Germans or British. One of the saddest things I read was how after Cossacks surrendered to the British, but a decision at the Yalta conference agreed upon by Stalin, (((Churchill))) and Roosevelt had British hand them over to the Russians… And as you can guess, the Cossacks were never heard of again. Quote from kikipedia:
… As an aside, if anyone knows a story about Cossacks escaping or being aided in their escape, I'd love to hear iit.
Just goes to show that the rabbit is more adept at survival than the wolf. All you need to do is breed and eat whatever is in your immediate vicinity, and never give a thought to tomorrow - But as we can think ahead, perhaps it would be prudent for us to eat all the rabbits lest their numbers threaten our own.
There are loads of "good" clades of Africans, as matter of fact there are hundreds of subpopulations of human (race isn't simple) who have loads of civilisational promoting traits, or at least tolerable traits like the khosians, but they all get genocided by the ABSOLUTE NIGGER BANTUS AND CONGOIDS. you shouldn't really care all that much though, it doesn't make a difference.
This is a Holla Forums D&C meme. stop using it here of all places.
Just saw CNN at a local diner. The anchors admit to the possibility of the President doing this to distract from bigger news. They're starting to catch on, but it won't matter because one of the very next stories was about Trump's latest NFL Tweet lol. They will never learn.
It's called the talmudvision, user
Soyboy uprising when?
How do they even come up with that shit?
I mean, what did you guys expect. Can these idiots never see that Trump does use 5D chess, but it's more setting himself up to always wing.
Your options are:
They were the ones who took a big rock and smashed in the heads of the Homo Erectus who invented all of those things. Probably stole them as they do now. Remember, niggers are violent animals.
Semi off-topic but niggers are the only non-foreign born race in America who you can tell what race they are when you speak on them on the phone. You hear their retardation through the ear piece
This Chinks hate niggers and don’t understand how we put up with them. They actually think we whites are defective because we put up with niggers, and they’re right.
They aren't wrong. It's called pathological altruism, and it is literally our only racial flaw.
What's prison like in China?
Wew. Niggers don't deserve to live on this earth.
Japan also did not use the wheel for the most part until the 19th century.
You misunderstand. I wasn't referring to their strength, but rather to their being able to adapt quickly to their natural environment.
Thas real retarded thur
impressive digits
classic you, user.
You're a special kind of retard.
I refuse to accept that.
This. Protip, the Aztecs didn't use wheels but they had wheels on children's toys. Not using and not having invented are different thing.
Lmao wtf are nigger name's nowadays.
and Ona , Dm'T , and Punt
The ancient Egyptians claimed there culture came from the highlands of the nile bordering the red sea.
"Land of the gods"
the Greeks claimed their gods vacationed in the mountains of Ethiopia, clearly apeing the culture of the Egyptians
only transactions with Rome had to do with salt and middle manning trade from the east.
The etheopians then and ethiopians now have absolutely nothing in common. Ethiopia in antiquity was a greek colony.
what's my prize?
Saw it months ago on r/mde and mpc
Blacks are not Americans. They are niggers pure and simple. Niggers hate America. America was founded by White Christians for White Christians…end of story. Niggers are not American. They don't act like American and they openly hate America because it is a White Nation. Furthermore Niggers are going to get pushed out of America or ground to dust.
Holy shit, they're so weak they can't even lift their arms over their heads.
It's strange the point in time I see myself that. Not even a few years ago I might have argued against this but after years later of personal experience of trying to help and reason with blacks I have come to the same conclusion as so many others, that they are a hopeless worthless unreasonable race and if I were a religious woman, they are really honestly truly are descended as a race cursed by God himself through the Curse of Ham. I really don't want to have anyone killed but I really do think they have no place being around civilization in any form and should be repatriated back to Liberia/Africa as in accordance with Abraham Lincoln's will. There they would not have to suffer any of the white privilege they so ceaselessly whine about or be around the whites they despise so much. If you hate whites so much and they oppress you so much, you shouldn't be in a majority white nation to begin with. Reparations are good, but only in the literal sense, where things are made right again back sending them back where they may never return.
It's too late. The doomsday memetic virus is already loose, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
spread it to that one baphomet place
Lel. They would have been lynched in Chinese prison
So the Ethiopians got bleached hard in ancient times?
Your prize is being white enough to find it without having to ride there on a bus.
What an incoherent mess of a post.
their organs would've been harvested
Awwwwww hell nah!
Dis be wost dan slavery n shiet.
Awww snibby snap! Ooga booga ooo ooo heee heeee jibba jabba bix nood!
First pic
What an unfortunate position for them.
Well, this happened.
I've always loved it when people say this like what you expect the guy to be focused on everything all the time? Well he is.
We're sat here laughing about Trump making libs mad on twitter yet this is probably what he does while taking a shit between meetings.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lel wew Mr. President. I love this timeline.
Kill yourself trumpcuck
two words: jewish grooming. it's a shame really.