Police can request your DNA from 23andMe, Ancestry
But when you ship off your saliva, law enforcement could have access to your DNA.
But we already knew this
Police can request your DNA from 23andMe, Ancestry
But when you ship off your saliva, law enforcement could have access to your DNA.
But we already knew this
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Whats so hard about this?
A thread died for this. You brought zero to the discussion for the sake of making a post.
Your DNA is still in the system and can be used
All the good your precautions will get you there.
well i'm fucked
Moshe, please.
Do they need your specific dna or can a family members dna be enough?
We could theoretically use CRISPR to change our dna yes? How long before they start selling fake DNA-dentities to the highest bidder?
That's not my reasoning.
if they really wanted you they could just fake the DNA results
True enough. I'm just weary because I have immediate family that took the tests. Anyway disregard my stupid question.
Same. At least i know I'm white now though, right fellow goys? How would I ever know I'm white without 20kikeandjews help
What kind of utter subhuman would give their own DNA sample to (((google)))?
It's not illegal so why the fuck not?
HAHAAAAAAAA all you idiots that didn't listen. The CEO is a kike and people still used their services.
So when are the mossad death squads going to show up at my door?
Thanks for your DNA goyim.
The vilest creature on Earth: Der Normie.
that's why you send in someone else's. Fuck you niggers even opsec?
captcha: JUS KHN
Wasn't there some connection between this and google or facebook? Of course you are the product. And you also pay for it. Like paying to have a facebook account and see ads.
This was the main purpose of the test in the first place, to sell your data to law enforcement just like google/facebook sells your data for marketing
If they have a warrant. If you committed some crime and they have a warrant on you then you're already fucked. I think the concern is moreso the Jews using all of this genetic data from white people to create bioweapons.
The owner of 23andme is the wife of a google jew
These fuckers are looking for the "long life elixir" - there were at least a couple of big thefts involving batches of DNA samples extracted from long living races like people from very specific outskirts of Okinawa and Sardinia.
well, then you can give your shekels to read the ancestry and genetic diseases of complete strangers
what will you do with them?
I did it before I became a Holla Forumsack. Though I am from Finland so I don't feel like I'd be as fucked as Americans, Canadians, Brits, Germans or maybe French. We as a nation haven't gone that far yet.
worse, if (((they))) happen to have a crime commited without any implicating evidence because the team cleaned up succesfully, they can decide to search for an alibi-less candidate to take the blame, and leave droplets of biomarkers obtained by dna-polymerase of the sample you've sent to 20kikesandjew
if your jewgle mobile phone says you were close to the place where the other Holla Forumsack was treated, you will be the one going to jail
Then what the actual fuck is the point, you fucking idiot? Holy shit I laughed a lot harder than I probably should have.
Told you so…
And her sister is the CEO of YouTube.
Problem solved.
If they track even your DNA you might as well obfuscate that too. Think of it as IRL user agent spoofing.
The mother is on the board of Creative Commons, one sister controls jewtube, another our dna, and even the non important one has her degree in coalburning.
be careful, the ID you used to give them the dna of Joe Random will become linked with the credit history and list of crimes of Joe Random
and your cover will be blown off as soon as Joe decides to het his own dna test, the jews will suddenly be informed he has a twin
criminally unchecked trips
This is why I used a fake name and a disposable debit card.
It's not that hard.
Wait, what happens to the donor's DNA in a blood transfusion?
Ohhh my gooood, we fucking knew it
that is a very good question, I have no idea what would happen if a dna test was made from the blood of someone who just recieved a blood transfusion
the amount of accessible blood in a human body is 6 to 8 liters I believe, a transfusion or serie of transfusions may replace a variable amount of it by the blood of someone else, maybe 1/2 liter to 2 or more
a genetic test may identify the person, or the blood donnor, or a chimeric composite of the genes of both (more likely I guess)
depending on the test, I don't know if this would identify anyone or a transient data fluke assimilated as a person
it may corrupt hopelessly an attempt at judicial identification
it may depend if dna tests made on blood or on skin cells swabbed from the mouth
could it be possible to invent some tablet or candy that would coat the mouth in something bearing the dna of someone else, or some substance that could alter the results of a test on the person … ?
Perhaps he was wondering why you would awaken man before banishing him from paradise.
Also, Apple and Google and anyone else using your fingerprints and or face to 'unlock' YOUR device are feeding that shit to the government.
It's unlikely that the cops/feds would take blood for dna. Too much work.
They will just do a mouth swab.
They might mix your sister up with tyrone though.
how fucked am I?
What could go wrong, right?
These cheap services aren’t even remotely accurate, there have been numerous tests conducted where identical twins, triplets, quadruplets etc. have submitted their samples and received wildly varying results.
Holla Forums mods are globalist shill bastards and they ban everyone who follows the rules and let people who break the rules post freely. the mods never changed since the last ban spree happening. only their names changed. the mods ban anyone who gets too close to the truth. eventually you will be banned too and you will realize who is in charge here. question those who you are not allowed to question and you will know the truth.
ok user, what did you post to get banned?
Good idea
Fucking this. Mods are fucking cuck faggots
Right, so if the technology for reading DNA is so shit then why is there so much worry about some kikes having a poor reading of your DNA?
I feel like people are being paranoid because they don't really understand DNA.
checked and, imo, /thread
I have no idea why so many white nationalists were so interested in buying this shit to begin with.
really need to pay 100 bucks just to prove to random fucks online how white they are and give their DNA to kikes? It's obvious who is and who isn't white.
If your in the USA they took your blood and DNA at birth past like 1980, so they already got it.
Shouldn't have raped so many people, Tyrone.
But seriously, DNA evidence is not even close to infallible, like the media likes to make it seem. This is a dragnet that's going to put a lot of innocent people in prison.
And if alphabet agencies really want you then they just plant CP on you, then come busting down your door. Like they did with MJ, like what happened during the fappening, etc. . They are no strangers to planting their evidence.
if using a fake name isn't secure enough for you, just send in someone else's spit also, ez
Maybe we should patent our own dna so when they use our dna then we can sue them to the effin' bankrupt!
Of course why not? Offer the water cups to the jews for free and use their dna to send it to the jewy dna testing companies.
This. But I bet there will be mandatory DNA database in max 20 years, just like now we have assigned number like cattle goyim, spooks have our foto and speach patterns, in some states a fingerprints are mandatory or you cannot have passport without it. Cant wait for this system to crash and burn.
all this so they can tell you you're really 5% nigger so you'll realize that "we're all mutts" and Diversity is the future?
the private sector can always easily accomplish the needs of the government.
If the kikes want to kike you then you will get kiked whether or not you gave your DNA to 23andkike. They own the financial system, judicial system, etc.
The people who do these tests are the same people who vomit up their daily lives onto faceberg…it's all just an exercise in vanity at the cost of privacy.
Why give them money at all?
Truth. The mods are human fucking garbage.
My only solace is knowing with absolute certainty that I don't have a drop of kike or shitskin blood.
I have been wondering if there are any non kiked testing places that one can use. No point testing if they all tell you that you are a nigger kike chink spic.
Send in your siblings DNA retard. As long as your mother wasn't a whore then the ancestry results will be the same.
No shit Sherlock, DNA sequencing edition.
How is pocket sequencers development going?
That is what will be useful, being able to test people yourself. Potential spouses, business partners, etc.
As far as I can see the MinION is still the best thing available, for one thousand dollars.
[Before I get derided for the "tiptoe" comment, Dad's too old to start again, mentally, with the whole "Remember that war that ended the year you were born? Yeah, there were a shit-ton of lies told to your generation and every one thereafter" routine. He hasn't got long, and I don't want to make him depressed if I can convince him or furious with me if I can't.]
So he's going through with it. Can't wait for the results to come back that he's 90% jew/black.
Why are there so many people that think they need their DNA tested? To whom is this targeted? I can see even less appeal for this outside the USA, but apparently even some Europeans have bought this shit. Are the users all fatherless or something? Why would you need this?
As a Sardinian myself, i can confirm everything, our local news even talked about "DNA thieves".
So? Send a fake sample with your details.
You get matched for something.
Police arrest you. DNA test you.
You get released and sue the fuck out of them, since you made an simple error when sending the wrong dog saliva sample for testing by the DNA family ancestry.
Or even do the process more than once with different samples.
mfw they claim you have werewolf ancestors because you sent a dog sample
My sides
For genealogical reasons, of course. Many people would like to know more about their ancestry.
I sent my Mom this article because we all had our DNA done by 23andMe. (we found that we have >%1 Sub-Saharan African DNA)
Her response:
With those spelling skills of yours you're certainly part nigger.
You can't sit with us in the ethnostate.
That's alright, I will run Africa on behalf of the Aryan Race. I will take the last remaining Kike with me to do my spelling, official documents and such.
youre not really getting it… the legitimate point of the service to to inform you about your supposed family and ancestry. the point OP was trying to make was that LE can use that data to indict you for a crime in which you may be suspect. even if you sent in your sisters dna it could still be used to indict you because the dna is so similar to yours.
keep in mind the process in this scenario works like this
It's a little harder to frame people these days.
Your DNA is an abomination
"Now I am become the Jew, the destroyer of worlds."
When I think of all the Jews I have encountered - whether they've been professors, peers, lovers, friends, police officers, et cetera - there are perhaps only a dozen I would consider "decent."
My colleague, Theodor Reinhard, in his brilliant column "Debunking the Eternal Jew", already exposed the Jewish identity in Germany as a construct to dismantle German society. This columns functions, however, within a different definition of blackness: to be a Jew in Germany is to be a descendant of those Semites who chose to abandon racial harmony in search of something worse - destroying civilization.
Jewish ideals - Rabbinic study, usury, Zionism, Bolshevism, etc. - are used to subjugate the Aryan people. This manipulation of ideology undermines Aryan society. As a Jew, whether you follow the faith or not or regardless of your socio-economic standing, you erode German society. In Bavaria, a bizarre kingdom I have now inhabited for four years, I continuously meet individuals that deny the existence of Zionist manipulation or fail to do something productive against it.
A lot of you tell me, upon my insistence that Jews should have no role in the German government, that you "didn't choose to be a Jew."
You were not born a Jew, you became a Jew. You actively remain a Jew. You are estranged from your country and, in that absence, have been instilled with an allegiance to a shadow nation. One that has continually attempted to benefit itself at others' expense through crusades that have been defended by law.
In your Jewishness, you are granted the luxury of not having to work to achieve success. Your brow does not sweat after a day's worth of labor and find yourself staring at the vaults overflowing with stolen German gold we call the banks. You don't enter a contract wondering if you will never profit. You don't give a damn.
This oppressive world you have built, through the exploitation of millions of honest workers and the waging of barbaric 'class warfare', is coming apart at the seams. Though the current political climate, in which a Jew-sympathizing socialist is in the Chancellery and those of his ilk will try to prove otherwise, I see the Jewish people as an aberration. Through a constant, ideological struggle in which we aim to deconstruct Zionism and everything attached to it, we will win.
Zionism will be over because we want it to be. And when it dies, there will be millions of unmasked charlatans aimlessly wandering across a vastly changed landscape.
Ontologically speaking, the Jew's death will mean liberation for all. To you Bolshevist agitators, callous bankers and Zionist rebels: accept this death as the first step in the rebirth of stronger Germany.
Until then, remember this: I hate you because you shouldn't exist. You are both the dominant apparatus on the planet and the void in which all other civilizations, upon hosting you, perish.
Jew din du nuffin
1. Why’d you change the wording?
2. Where’s this from so I can get either a bigger image or a direct link?
The community origin of the prolific nigger rapist of elderly women in London, dubbed the "night stalker" was elucidated by comparative analysis of DNA samples.
They tracked him (his ethnic origin) down to one village in the West Indies iirc, which of course gave them a massive lead in their hunt.
Submitting sibling DNA would fuck you up almost as well as your own, because you'd be DNA tested after arrest once the correlation was noted.
Article related: the people whose DNA helped lock him down weren't even siblings.
as per supreme court (the one with tomatoes and sour cream), you so not own youre own unique genetic code, monsanto patented most naturally occuring gene patterns avariant, and they 'own' up to 40% of any given persons dna, even though they did not create you nor own you. the case was sometime in the w. bush days, cant rember case name but i rememeber reading about it
Good job, we don't capitalize jew anymore though.
Wait until anti-White monkeys start controlling the forensic laboratories. Anybody who has ever been fingerprinted or swabbed is in danger of framing.
fuck off
When he isn't looking wash the container out and put some dog saliva instead in it. It'd be interesting to see those results.
Not realizing ZOG already has all American DNA.
http ://
Pat yourself on the back as much as you want, by 2030 if you want a script for antibiotics you'll need to give a DNA sample. Genome tests will be 20c a pop and the doctor will be in deep shit if they didn't test you and you died of an allergic reaction that would have been picked up with the test. Gattaca is almost here.
While I think an actual genealogical study is more worthwhile, the police already have he ability to obtain your DNA through a warrant. They get it directly off of you.
Not saying this won’t be used for corrupt ir fucked up shit, just saying it probably won’t be from police warrants. It’s the stuff they wouldn’t tell us that is what we should worry about.
What the fuck are you on about? 23andMe regularly confuse some people's results with other people's results (usually if the results are somewhat similar), or they just outright "fix" results to show certain things; mostly it's due to sheer negligence, sometimes due to malice.
They are untrustworthy, and whether or not they tell you you're "100% European" or "10% nigger/gook/kike" or whatever, it's all shoddy and sometimes just wrong. You don't have any "absolute certainty." Kikes belong in the oven and so do their companies.
Do you actually, sincerely believe that you are "
I just ordered one of their kits the other day. I'm aware of the kike connections, but the cops already have my DNA and fingerprints on file from previous convictions, and I want to learn not just about my ancestry, but my genetic predisposition to various diseases as well. Especially if any are inheritable, because I plan on having a lot of kids.
How much does 23andme pay you to write shilling comments such as this one for them?
Anonfag who's about to inherit all of my grandfather's shit, millions involved including a shit ton of other business he own's a share from, how can I swallow up some of youtube's share and cripple them like that french company raping ubisoft?
If you know a non-kiked service that does the same or similar, as far as genetic analysis, then I'll return the kit immediately. I haven't used it yet.
they can get dna projections from photos and fingerprints now and vice versa.
The empty pocket still gets me kek
kinda old news
but these dna services come out with some interesting stats
whipped this.png up the other day
I love how this smegma stain namefag, it makes it so easy to ignore and filter.
I did 23andme and it gave me 0.1% nigger and 0.6% kike. Don't know whether to commit suicide or be dubious that they assign such things to people who are overwhelmingly European to shill "tolerance".
submit monkey saliva to throw them off. make sure it's a species with the same number of chromosomes.
Does this actually surprise anyone reading this thread?
No. But my native american cousin did it. Supposedly he's mostly Nordick. His Chinese wife agrees.
The police is not your biggest concern here. You should limit any chance of this period.
It only takes one individual to create espionage.
That's a good way to get caught up when the fake dna overlaps with some nigger they're looking for.
Apparently, (((23&Me))) deliberately misreports white profiles in order to trick "racists" into thinking that they are part African, even though they aren't.
This service is worse than useless. They don't do what you paid them to do plus they put your DNA profile into a database for law enforcement,
Forgot link:
>Morgan and his colleagues were caught between a rock and a really-want-to-mess-with-racists place. It would've been fun to throw a "10 percent West African" in there, but then they might have a pissed-off, dangerous person at their office, waving a gun. "Since we couldn't do anything to the results (and we wanted to), what we did was add '< 1 percent' to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren't lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it's a one or a zero."
Why the fuck would you need a dna test in the first place? You should know your family line down to at least your great grand parents.
23andme offers a pretty in-depth analysis of your genome, potential mutations you might have, or your children might have. Obviously not worth the trade-off based on the information in this thread, but that was the selling point aside from learning more about your family tree.
Its funny how they reveal subconsciously that they really regard blacks are a completely foreign separate race. They dont throw in jewish, mexican, etc etc, they throw in BLACK. The furthest thing from a human you can get.
told ya
Your bot broke, JIDF.
God bless 2nd Amendment
your genes still get sold to biowarfare labs to make gene targeting bioweapons
This is why I'd pay good money for a completely off-line self-service module. Something I can prick my finger with, and get a localized, offline, analysis.
You assholes don't remember how kikes got into genetic engineering specifically for controlling the narrative of human genetics right? These pieces of shit are FIEF LORDS and can never rise above that status. They want to own all shekles and the people who slave to create them, but they don't know anything about creativity, art, real science, or dreams of space.
This is a fearmongering thread. How pussyweak are you guys that you are afraid of child support payments or this fabricated ancestral crime DNA analysis. This reeks of knock-kneed pussy kike/British faggotry.
Here is a fine example of an Aryan. How many people that are right-wing and fashy that you know of look like this man? Can you really call yourself an Aryan man and not possess these types of features? Most Fashy types are surprisingly mixed with Semitic Blood.
Same here. I wonder if I could find a geneticist and offer him a couple hundred shekels to do it for me, independently.
Not surprising at all.
A reminder, ANY real information you provide online can and will be used against you at some point in the future.
There should be no website that you give real information, unless,you are buying normal things which can not be linked to anything else and wouldn't show up in a personality profile as special.
If you can bypass that by using giftcards or anything bought with cash in the first place, all the better.
The sooner you delete your information, the more chances you have of it going completely. Any social media, email accounts with real info, any forums, youtube etc. It should all be fake information, and even better if you don't use logins at all unless where necessary.
Use proxies, VPNs and Tor at different times, don't do everything on one service either.
It makes it harder for them to accumulate data on one file.
This is to safeguard the rest of your life.
The dna thing is especially dangerous, because once they have it, they can do anything they like with it forever. As new genomes are decoded, they can run all of them through again. I would expect to see "DNA planting" become more common, where they claim they found your DNA at a crime scene.
Note also, that DNA matching isn't infallible, so if you're is similar enough, they can match a false positive.
Data privacy is pretty important nowadays, but as the years go on, even more so.
Because television and the internet told people it was necessary, or fun, or exciting, or would reveal amazing secrets about your past.
There are tons of television programmes dedicated to this too.
Every who thinks they needed it, was manipulated into thinking that.
Also, millenials and near millenials will think it is normal, after watching 800 episodes of CSI.
Media wants to cast doubt, to use emotions as always, in this case fear, to push people into wondering and wanting to prove who they are.
I know who I am, and I know who my great grand parents were, and beyond that.
I can see it when I look in the mirror.
Yeah, I saw that on 48 hours a month ago. I thought that was pretty obvious. That's why I always advised anons against it. It doesn't help that they also manipulate the data to "fuck over racists" too.
Not a bad idea.
Would need to choose the sample target carefully.
Perhaps use someone from canada, old people are better, as they won't be around for much longer and won't be in the database otherwise.
Similar to in the the past assuming the false identify of a dead person.
enoch plz go
0% concern, they admit to modifying the results to "mess with racists" anything they produce is meaningless
I already knew this when these "services" became a thing. This will be used to build a genetic database for "security" and surveillance. But people won't let that ruin their crusade to "find their past" and fuck their future.
Why has nobody talked about using AncestryDNA instead of 20JewAndYou?
Its run by Mormons. Not Ideal but better than kikes