Leftypol BTFO
Leftypol BTFO
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how is surplus value related to welfare
Whereas in socialism the only difference is those people would have had more money in their pockets because porky wouldn't be leeching the surplus value of their labor.
Look at all that dignity
thank you for bumping this quality thread you faggot
You know I wouldn't be suprised if a few honest to god slaves had been used to build the car.
This mentality of looking at jobs as a resource, while the actual resources and labor used to build frivolous things are immaterial is a perfect representation of late capitalism
Why someone making tires and components all day instead making food? If they make food - they can eat it and don't need someone, who buy a car.
you need surplus value to create jobs
There would be surplus value it just wouldn't be stolen.
more money=more invesments=more jobs=more workers
So what if instead of giving that suplus value to an owner, the workers instead invest it directly into expanding their business? Wouldn't that create more jobs?
Besides, I don't know if you've noticed, but rich people seem to be hoarding a lot of money without investing it.
Tell /o/ Holla Forums says hi
i am so glad that commie carfags exist
Most of the wealth goes to the capitalists than the workers he named
Poor/Middle class can invest too nigga
I liked it better when capitalists argued from a practical perspective and not this religious shit.
It's mostly true…
I literally did not said the second greentext…
There's a reason trickle down economics dosnt work.
There's a reason wealth inequality is only getting worse.
True, but you can circumvent this by reconstructing society to not run on profit and use a planned economy.
Also, full employment is not the goal. We want as few people working as possible.
Maybe becaus that's what they actually do? Most of the money they earn goes directly to banks or tax havens or the stock market or is len to the government. A lot of it goes to aquiring other businesses through mergers, etc (which actually reduces the number of jobs and worsens conditions for the workers). Then what's left is then used to fuel their excessive lifestyles. Very little of it is invested into actually expanding, and you can bet your ass that if they do invest, it's in China.
They literally do faggot, read the panama papers
Furthermore you're actually moving the goal posts and ignoring the point of my original post. I was pointing out surplus value because in the OP, the surplus value is what is being referred to when they say 'imagine all the people that could of been fed'.
Most of those people in the pic are paid shit wages.
my man
It's unfortunate how retarded you are.
All the profits the company made (and all of the products…) were made by the workers. The surplus value between what the workers are paid and how much the company manages to get for the things they made make up their profits. Naturally, the wider that margin is, the better for the stockholders that actually own the company. One of the CEO's jobs is to make that margin as wide as possible by cutting costs such as freezing employee salaries.
But in any case, what does the company do with all the money it makes? You're right, it doesn't go into some huge Scrooge McDuck-ian vault. In real life, these companies give the money to banks that, unlike the foolish Scrooge, actually then lend that money back out in the form of credit. And who do they lend it to?
The same workers that were cheated of the wealth in the first place. Not only are their wages depressed in order to profit their employer, but they also have to pay to use the wealth that they created, generating even more profit for the banks. At the end of the day, not only do the capitalists get to keep all the wealth, but they get to leech even more out of the money they reluctantly paid their workers.
And it's shit like that which makes it so that 25 people alone own 60% of the wealth in the US.
pic unrelated
outsourcing to a socialist state
hiding profits in tax havens
just healthy capitalism, economy is not collapsing goise (we swear)
In that case I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I torched it, he can feed even more workers then!
Why not full employment but with people working as few hours as possible?
Well the goal is maximum automation and allowing people to work whenever and how ever much they want.
That WEBM would be better if it showed some men too. Gangsta niggas are rabid consumers of brand shoes. Pasty nerds are rabid consumers of videogames and hardware.
We must show the sins of ALL consumer groups, not just posh girls.
Thing is, people already think badly of blacks, and white males with hobbies they don't enjoy.
Everyone expects well-off white women to be perfectly dainty and polite.
It's from a documentary about the fashion industry though. But sure, I think it would be cool if we made some for those things.
should I be surprised?
Is that the Brighton pier?
That's where I live.
"Marx is a Jew and is surrounded by a crowd of little, more or less intelligent, scheming, agile, speculating Jews, just as Jews are everywhere, commercial and banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades; in short, literary brokers, just as they are financial brokers, with one foot in the bank and the other in the socialist movement, and their arses sitting upon the German press. They have grabbed hold of all newspapers, and you can imagine what a nauseating literature is the outcome of it.
Now this entire Jewish world, which constitutes an exploiting sect, a people of leeches, a voracious parasite, Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds. This may seem strange. What could there be in common between communism and high finance? Ho ho! The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization, and where this exists there must inevitably exist a state central bank, and where this exists, there the parasitic Jewish nation, which speculates upon the labor of the people, will always find the means for its existence.
In reality, this would be for the proletariat a barrack regime, under which the workingmen and the working closely and intimately connected with one another, regarless not only of frontiers but of political differences as well - this Jewish world is today largely at the disposal of Marx or Rothschild. I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, women, converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work and live at the beat of the drum; the muh privilege of ruling would be in the hands of the skilled and the learned, with a wide scope left for profitable crooked deals carried on by the Jews, who would be attracted by the enormous extension of the international speculations of the national banks."
—Mikhail Bakunin, Etude sur les juifs allemands, 1869
But, most of all, Porky gets paid.
Oh boy, the ideology.
The statement "that could have fed many people" is actually true. Because of your parasitic position in society, you made people put labour into building a useless car, rather than have them put that labour into growing food. Due to your spending, labour time that could have gone to feeding people, went to building that car instead.
Read Marx.
that looks like a dick
Literally broken fallacy theory with more steps.
*broken window fallacy
literally every left party around
What is "inspect element"
the tiremaker is a cuck
the component maker is a cuck
copper miners are most certainly cucks
money is a spook, there's no dignity in being a wageslave
collectivists are self oppressors
Jobs are things that people need to do.
Jobs aren't created.
Are you a conservative from the eighties?
well they're right then.
Apple alone has 200bn sitting in banks doing absolutely fuck all. The only thing left to invest in for many businesses these days is ways of using less labour, which results in less labour.
That's the problem with capitalism, it's become a cult. Rationality has been completely abandoned.