
Stopping Holla Forums and killing all Anons just got much much easier , prepare your anus for a Brave New World !!!

small, hand-sized drones that are programmed to identify and eliminate designated targets.

Drone fleets apart of "mass shooting" hoaxes??

Other urls found in this thread:

initially developed with the intention of combating crime and terrorism, but the drones are taken over by an unknown forces who use the powerful weapons to murder Holla Forums

What a dumb retard OP.
You know what's the cool thing about technology? That anyone who understands it can use it. Hope you are ready for the RIGHT WING MICRODRONE DEATH SQUADS

it was a joke , ya up tight arse wipe


Police could use genetic information it gets from those companies to identify you in a criminal investigation, even if you’ve never used one of those services.

holy fuck I am so glad I never took that test.


funny thing is they already have everyons facial data and site they visit via cell phones , so imho this kinda shit is not to far from reality, scarry
I still have a old flip phone and live in a pretty much camera free small town , stilll though, fuck!

Normies will realize when billboard adverts will address them by name.

You do know there is ways to circumvent this right?

noone even tried to swat at them.
Also, what material is the shaped charge? Im not so sure the forces involved are enough to do what they claim in the video.

Which ways? Masks are illegal in many places, IR LED hat isn't always effective, and CVDazzle stands out too much.

Works on seagulls, bees, Ravens….

just use custom shotgun shells loaded with aluminum foil and metal shavings
have them chambered so you shoot one chaff load then one birdshot load
or fashion usb emp devices but they'll stop pacemakers so becareful

The explosive charge they use is most likely some ultra-high explosive that'll get you on a list for taking library books out that mention it. Chances are it goes into a death dive where it cuts power to propulsion and sends the electricity to the shaped charge to detonate
just hypothesizing on that last part

Lol it's probably something simple, like a peroxide.
Also pic related defeats these entirely

Get the fuck out.

For me, the idea exists and with some modifications they could be used to injure (but I suspect it's kill rate might suck) unarmed civs. Idk, a bigger drone with a real bomb would be superior.

when under drone attack, open your umbrella and hide under it
also stick on a wall the paper sheet with your face printed on it to attract face-recognition splodingbees
or tape it on the back of the commie scum who snitched on you to the nwo-police

It's fiction, user. Larger drones could injure or kill people but the drones in OP's video are fake and wouldn't work in real life. This is a slide thread at best.

Slightly bigger drones could have enough plastic to blow your head off though. Typical-sized home drones can easily have a gun strapped to them. With the enormous budget of the military OP's video is just one little step away from reality.

an explosive charge of 3 or 4 grams of C4-equivalent can kill, if the charge is shaped and oriented precisely and at the right distance from a target

there has to be an initiator (about 1 gram) that disperse the remaining explosive in a cone expanding toward the target, and a firing mechanism that makes the resulting torus (or polygon if the explosive in in several small clumps) explode all at once
the annular shape causes most of the overpressure to concentrate on the central axis of the ring and be oriented due to the initial charge
the energy attained can be lethal if the distance and direction are correct

and these conditions are attainable with an autopilot ai, maybe one that can fit in the electronics of a tiny drone like that

the birds will declare war on them for encroaching on their territory

These could be made using 3d printers. Inject poison with a small needle. Made them target only moving targets that are black. Depending on materials, this can be done in the next 5 years.

possible, but is it effective as anything but a terror weapon?

It's the second time this thread was made, with the exact same pics.

you're talking out of your ass, aren't you?
this was doable by military agencies about 20 years ago, and was within reach of a dedicated amateur with a 500$ printer and 200$ of electronics 5 years ago, with the poison the most delicate thing to obtain

what do you mean? shaped charges are efficient and useful in mining, demolition or warfare, swarms of drones can be tremendously useful as sensors, deployment of various substances, co-operating tools if they are equipped adequately, and both together are as useful as you can imagine uses for them

a small 3g shaped charge made to project an explosive lance can be as useful as a point-blank pistol shot, so you can break a lock, bore a hole in a wall, scramble the brain of a verybadgoy, you name it


Yes multiple uses, but the best use is clearly and easily asymmetrical warfare, popular insurgency, waging efficient low cost high impact war against nation states.

Let's get real, in an actual war situation these wouldn't be very useful.
This is similar to all those 1970's pieces of tech that seemed scary but never went anywhere.

the problem is
if your electronics are also within range of the EMP, they get hit and it makes it harder to defent against the 2nd batch of microdrones that was stored in the faraday-cage container in prevision of your last-chance-EMP against the 1st swarm

in an actual war situation, they would be a huge nuisance at best, and a decapitating-strike weapon litterally at worst

US Military is already well into testing its micro drone fleets in mock exercises.
They have reuseable pods/dispensers for fighter jets to drop hundresds of these things.

Looks more like the drones are for killing repulsive normalfags to me OP.

Mate, there will be no more " actual wars " it is all Libia, Syria, Ukraine now. All wars will be small, contained, local. Even so, as the other user pointed out, it has multiple uses on larger scale war. Crippling your logistics, supplies, food and water source, lowering morale, list goes on. I always knew drones were the future, but not this fast.

The good news are that it seems pretty loud, so anyone would hear this thing coming relatively quickly. Plus if it works by facial recognition, you just need to cover your face and it won't identify you, unless a drone fleet is sent in to kill people of a certain race or something. Even then, you could most likely fool it by doing a quick blackface. Women have it better- they can just quickly wipe off makeup and there s a chance that the drone would fail to recognize them


Always meme responsibly user
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Shitposting is good, but only if it further our cause and memes to our advantage.

It's just a bit of harmless fun and we should all just lighten up and laugh. I agree, in theory. In practice, cut the shit. Meme responsibly.

This user is doing it right.

A.I. has proven multiple time that it will turn against jews, niggers, and spics.

All these dumbfags in this thread who don't get it.

He who controls the microbots will control the fucking world. Screencap it because traditional war is over.

Nature confirmed to help combat the drone menace.


Sleep softly goyim!

Skynet is just a meme! Let's go to the store for some more chocolate biscuits and booze… mmmmm….

htt ps://

htt ps://

You defeat these drones by generating a directed microwave RF beam using a sodium vapor discharge excited by a small helicon coil. Basically you will need a small tank of liquid sodium maintained at 100 C, a small fan/compressor, a venturi nozzle to mix and spray sodium and air, and the coil immediately around the nozzle exhaust (also cooled by flow from the compressor). The reaction of sodium and oxygen will quickly heat to a sufficiently ionized gas, which the helicon can shape into a synthetic hot cathode allowing higher pressure operation as a plasma magnetron source.

Alternatively you can build a micro-emp grenade using a tandem charge to first drive a small magnet through a shorted coil and then explosively detonate the coil to produce the emf spike.

Dear CIA/FBI, can I get assigned a handler to make anti-drone weaponry? I am too autistic to handle real life shit like matching socks, but I am very good at problem solving. Love yall! :]

…alternatively you could just swing a fine mesh net at a drone and its disabled too… Maybe just take off your shirt and use that?

Is this the thread where we pretend that science fiction is reality? If the world were suddenly filled with left wing slaughter bots then President Trump would knock the GPS satellites out of orbit or do whatever else was necessary to disrupt the little faggots and keep Israel safe. The range would be shit without significant advances in battery technology. Wearing a balaclava with face detection camouflage would keep you safe. I'm not saying this isn't the future kikes want for us but this is just more scaremongering by the usual suspects - fuck them.

You could also make dummies or face masks that look like yourself and fool them into attacking decoys. Add a high explosive inside it so when they come swarming in and blast it, it snackbars the lot of them. That requires foreknowledge that you're a target though.

The great part is you can build something like this yourself with very little know-how. Buy a toy drone, strap bomb to it, fly into nearest person of interest.

Just pull your shirt over your face lmao

God you're fucking stupid

That was extremely disappointing. I was thinking along the lines of Manhacks from HL2.

Terrorist groups already do that but instead use them to drop grenades in a battlefield. With the recent interest in integrating smartphones with AI capability, won't be long until they modify it and outfit a drone so it can acquire and drop grenades autonomously. Leave a crate, deploy and forget.


I guess it's about time we all learn how to make our own localized EMP devices so we can easily dismantle these faggot bots.

We had threads on this over on cuckchan /sci/, /g/ and /k/. I took a lot out of them and it is pretty scary.

They will just get launched out the back of a truck/s

Good luck with hitting every single drone swarming the room in 360° attack pattern. Remember, miss one and you die

True, but when used indiscriminately it doesn't matter, they just go for any head/heart/lung shot they can get. If you get a shaped charge through your lung you are just as dead without urgent high quality medical attention.

The carrier drone takes them most of the way, a 5-10 minute flight time is perfectly sufficient for a swarm to clear a large building

If there is an attack of these things, your only hope is to lock yourself in a cupboard and pray. And remember, facial recognition might not be that good now but it's only a matter of time.

You'd probably could extend flight time through a form of acoustic power transfer. The carrier drone sends out ultrasonic pulses to vibrate a material which then agitates a piezoelectric medium to recharge the battery in flight. Alternatively you can instruct the mini-drones to return to base upon low battery, park on the carrier drone which uses wireless power transfer on its surface.

the interface between grenade and drone might make it difficult for terrorists to make reloading automatic. I think it will always need a human to reload it unless special munitions are made for this purpose.

acoustic bullshit
acoustic energy transfer is abysmally low, because all the medium you transfer the wave through takes a part of the energy, and piezo-electricity has an efficiency inferior to 10%
you can expect to get less than 1/1000 of the power you transmit, the remaining will just be a targetting signal for enemy countermeasures

Train swarms of crows to take down drones?

Clearly its the elite who are afraid of these. Now basement dwelling virgins will be able to topple the likes of Soros with a $200 drone.

China Is Building 42,000 Military Drones: Should America Worry

This would be an astronomical rate of growth. Indeed, by way of comparison, the Pentagon itself only operates 7,000 aerial drones

The answers to this are obvious(and already being developed).

Automatic direct energy weapons systems and radio jammers/interceptors will be proliferated far before "slaughter bots" become a problem. The underlying technology is not difficult to defeat. Everybody knows how exploitable modern communication systems are, and any AI "swarm" is going to rely on frontend, backbone communication to function as such. There is plenty of defense contracting and commercial demand for anti-drone technology.


In the words of the old Russian proverb:
Quantity has a quality all it's own.

1,000 drones glittering in sky for Chinese lantern festival set Guinness record

A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors

i can just imagine fucking cherry bombed sized chaffs shooting out like 1 foot when those are around lmao

Inside chilling religion creating ‘God robot’ a billion times smarter than humans

Anthony Levandowski has created the Way of the Future, a religion based around super powered AI.

The tech boffin is looking for followers of the new religion to help him build super intelligence into a bot, which they will then worship.

Underrated post.
Remember to meme responsibly, we don't want to be defeated by hubris

Mate you are the retarded one if you think those expensive ass energy weapon/jamming systems are going to be paid for anywhere but military bases and high value targets. They will have to be on every fucking street corner and in every house, this would cost so much money that it simply will not happen.

You are also retarded if you think jamming will be effective. Each swarm can be pre programmed with a target location, they can easily fly and complete their job visually, none of this technology really needs GPS and drone to drone comms, yes it would make them better, but is not needed.

Until these things get sky-borne motorcycles with which they could suddenly swoop down and then give chase at high speed on the ground there's really no need to worry goys.


Seriously though they have edited that to look more impressive than it is. That thing is unstable as fuck and slow. Not to mention it will run out of batteries in 5 minutes.


Ofc. It's a prototype and just like the Boston Dynamics military android, atm it's simply a dog-and-pony show designed to generate shekels. That doesn't mean however that the shekels won't arrive and that magically this tech won't improve. In five years, ten at most, these things will be active in the LAPD force.

Ferrari, Lambo, Bentley - the cop cars of Dubai. very entertaining documentary on the Dubai Super cop Car Patrol by GTV Film Production

Little yellow commie fucks are already shitting out cheap electronic chips and widgets on an unimaginable scale. Right now it's satisfying foreign consumer demand, but it wouldn't be difficult to shift gears and create swarms of flying death. Imagine popping open a few container ships full of those in the major port cities across the globe.

They literally have the massive logistics in place already, it's not a hypothetical.

Foil defeats EMT? Fuck…


DARPA isn't just fucking up video games user.


Do you have some of those? Does anyone but the military outposts?

The answer is 42


There are 42 questions asked of persons making their journey through Death. Ma'at, a female personification, considered to be both maternal and a delivering force, is an Ancient Egyptian personification of physical and moral law, order, and truth. In the judgment scene described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which evolved from the Coffin Texts and the Pyramid Texts), there are 42 questions personifying the analysis of Ma'at. If the departed reasonably can give answers to the 42 questions, they have the potential to either be reincarnate, or if completely successful, reach the ultimate goal of becoming a Star, whereon, they can continue to give Light, and fuel Universal growth.

It seems that Douglas Adams was right after all: the answer to Life, the Universe and everything, is 42. Cambridge astronomers have found that 42 is the value of an essential scientific constant

Swinging your coat at them will knock them out of the air and damage them.
If used in mass they are still dangerous, but the effect of a shaped charge from just a short distance away would lose a tremendous amount of power and quickly turns from lethal to wounding.
I can see these being dangerous once again to civs, but people thinking these replace soldiers have never seen battlefields.
It wouldn't do anything conventional gear can do better, with less moving parts.
Good weapon against regular civs, although once again I don't think they would be as effective as people make them out to be.

Imagine if these drones had silencers….

It's called a suppressor, and it doesn't silence.

You know the answer, but not the question.

Man, OPs are getting slow these days. What's up with that? I was hearing about this on the radio like two weeks ago.

Fun fact, that guy in the video who did call of duty gameplay with vlog commentary on top before faking a russian accent and making gun videos is not only suspected of murder for the death of the guy who helped market and "ideas guy" his videos I'd say script, but I'm not sure if the videos are scripted or not but also got possible false-flag raided by the ATF over a package he received that contained drugs. Every fun confiscated, likely thrown in the slammer.

i for one cannot wait to be hunted down by the slaughterbots of the (((deep state)))

For fucking what? To ensure that there is never a successful attack ever, anywhere? That's not how public security works. Hi-pri areas are exactly all you need to defend EXACTLY LIKE WE DO FOR EVERY OTHER THREAT. No security is ever 100% safe. We don't need bomb sniffing dogs at every parking lot and driveway, but surprise surprise, IEDs aren't going off everywhere and destabilizing society into a nightmare death land.

Even in a country where there are more guns than people and any competent person can go on a rampage with a box, tube, and spring, such incidents are rare. They get a news cycle, and life goes on.

So you confess this is sensationalized garbage or are you just blatantly moving the goalpost? "Better" is an understatement. Any fucking self guiding drone today uses GPS. We're not even talking about existent technology anymore, which again just reinforces the development time for defense mechanisms.

If the robot have abillity that can read the DNA that will improve the jew radar.