Jameis Winston: New Allegations Against Nigger NFL player who raped Blonde White Girl in College archive.is/hAnx4
For those of you who don't remember, Jameis Winston raped a White girl in college and got off. During the case at first the university tried to discourage the White victim from pursuing the allegations and then when she did they tried to smear her.
Now knew allegations of sexual harassment have surfaced against him
The negro goes on to deny it. Anyway this time Holla Forums can not allow him to elude justice.
Also this is another good story to show how cucked negro ball is in general
Anyway here's a summary of the story of the girl who he raped at Florida State.
Logan Reed
fucking hate this nigger don't let it get away with it again
Oliver Phillips
I go to Florida State and this happened my freshman year. It's to be expected. Football is too big of a deal and they'll do anything to protect their little ball throwing negros. College football was a fucking mistake. Why so much is put into a game that isn't even exciting to watch is beyond me.
Funny the team is absolute shit this year as well. Also Greek life has been shut down because of a cocaine dealing frat being caught and a pledge from a different frat dying during the same weekend (parents weekend). I bring this up because a) most football players are part of frats and b) I'm certain they get up to worse every weekend, but they are our football negros and they need to stay playing.
Aaron Gutierrez
burn coal, pay toll
Juan Myers
NO, I'm not one of those people who goes "she was probably just a coalburner anyways tbh fam smh emoji", but we already know that athletes are fucking worshipped as gods on campuses - what are the chances that this was just a coalburner looking to cash in? I'm not saying that he's for sure innocent, but let's not act as if these women don't pull this sort of bullshit all of the time. It's not like they don't exist and it's not like there haven't been plenty of them that have fucked black athletes.
If he's found guilty, he should be released from his contract and charged, and if we find out that she's full of shit they should both be roped.
Hudson Murphy
White women, particularly blonde and redhead white women are the ultimate prize for negroids as well as most other non-whites. This is simply what happens when you allot them status in white societies, they use their power to secure the prizes.
Lucas Moore
That's crazy man. Yeah university and football is pozzed in general. The whole culture has been subverted by (((them))) tbh.
You sound like one of those kikes defending all those Hollywood Jewish rapists like Weinstein. If you honestly believe Jews and Blacks before you believe the woman of your own race then you probably need to leave. Seriously what do you think is more likely, that Jews and nigs rape White women, or that White women would make up rape allegations against them?
Dylan Rivera
Negro Felon League is full of actual rapists, this has been known for years but schools let it slide because they're their gravy train. It's time to sue.
Michael Ward
Please, in detail show an example where I posted anything remotely close to that.
The former, sure. All I said is that we don't know for sure. Am I wrong for having said that athletes have fucked (I don't mean raped) many willing white women in college where they're essentially royalty? You and I may not like it, but it's not antithetical to reality. I'm sure there's never been coalburning regret claims. Not once.
Evan Williams
CONFUSE YOUR ENEMIES Step1: grab an Uber driver in the crotch Step2: shout homophobic slurs at pedestrians Step3: Blame white people
Ian Morales
I'm perfectly happy to help ruin the nigger's career, but unless the nigger straight up raped the blonde girl while she was walking back from class, I don't feel sorry for her. She shouldn't even be in a college, let alone a college that has niggers in it. In fact the only way I'd feel sorry for her is if she was walking home from church, wearing a dress and no makeup. But I guarantee it was another vacant-eyed, retarded whore that listened to nigger music and grew up with her faggot, good goy, baboon-worshiping dad yelling about his favorite niggerball players. Then she got to college and probably agreed with 100% of the degenerate, anti-white bilge that they stuffed down her throat, and was ecstatic that she could start hanging around niggers like she'd seen on MTV since age 4.
If you befriend and associate with niggers, it's not entirely their fault for raping you. Or mugging you if you're a soyboy.
Jason Gutierrez
He's not wrong about them being worshipped though. Probably why there are less rape cases thrown around (they have plenty to pick from). Winston probably just specifically wanted that girl because she turned him down.
Colleges are a very wierd place. On one hand you have handsy degenerate negro football teams and other negro sports men out the wazoo and on the other you have these stickler feminists marching around who can't put two and two together to realize who's doing the raping. At least I can take solace in knowing that the X studies will take a major hit when student loans crash. I just can only hope that they eat up some of these degenerate frats and parading monkeys before then but I know the bigger fish for them is getting more women into tech.
Jackson Ross
Let's be honest, White women are bombarded with interracial pro-Black anti-White propaganda telling them to date and associate with Blacks since the time they a born. You could call it thinning the herd, and at some point they have no one to blame but themselves, but whose truly at fault here? The Jews who groom and indoctrinate young White girls to get raped by Blacks, The Coons who who do the raping, or the White girls who are systematically brainwashed then raped by Jews and Blacks. Just look how much Jews shill interracial relationships between Black males and Blonde White Fremales.
Haha no shit. They are Marxist Jewish indoctrination centers. literally
Xavier Russell
I know, but it's just so obvious what the answer to every problem is and it's like no one can put 2 and 2 together. Also the Jewish Student Association is in the same building as the credit union.
Gabriel Thompson
You're essentially being a nigger apologist while you say all whites deserve it for having kike propaganda shoved down their throat every single day without having a major alternative to look towards unless they delve into the internet and do tons of their own research to uncover the lies. There are niggers everywhere, can't just stay inside, you need to come out some time. Until there's a legit reason to believe otherwise, all cases of BoW crime should hold niggers 100% accountable because we know the statistical pattern and their nature.
Ethan Sanchez
Who is going to provide this "alternative" if Whites won't fight, kill, and destroy to make way for it? Your enemies owe you nothing.
Isaiah Gomez
What the fuck does this have to do with being raped you quad nigger.
Landon Allen
Hudson Gonzalez
Coon throws touchdowns, which still means a pass in the land of the cucked.
There could be video and this motherfucking ape isn't getting more than a suspension and fine. There's still plenty of dumb assholes going to the games.
Kayden Jenkins
Liam Martinez
Yet despite all that social engineering, whites mix the least and our women less than our men. The real problem is that they probably have their "fun" with a token nigger and then mostly pay for it. A lot of BM/WF couples end with a single mother.
It may be why they are starting to push cuckoldry real hard. White women don't want to be with niggers, but the kikes push the cuck shit so they get their white "man" and still get to have fun with the exotic nigger. Having their cake and getting to eat it too. I also thought that the angle they push is that the beta will be the financial provider, with a good job, so the white women and non-whites will look to the rich to be their cuck boys. Who are the rich? Jews and traitors.
Michael Carter
Ooga booga why no touch my monkey bits
Leo Wilson
Nobody wants to rape sheboons. Even the rape statistics between white males and black females are low.
Colton Diaz
It's a brunetter with dyed hair
Benjamin Stewart
good job user
Asher Rodriguez
I don't believe either. Of course it's in their nature for Jews, niggers and other muds to do anything to get their greasy paws on our women, but it's also in the nature of our women to be disgusting whores and let anything inside their cunts. All parties are most likely at fault, and have earned the rope.
Luis Ross
Fuck off with your cuck spam nigger.
Luke Myers
Valid point.. but which is more important right now: Showing normies that a white girl nobody was a loose slit in college.. or that a rich, famous aflete baboon puts it's paws all over white wimins with no fear of punishment? This chimp punched a white girl in a packed bar IN THE DEEP SOUTH and not a single white person did anything about it.
Justin Price
This is the kind of woman who'd get drunk at a party with a bunch of football niggers. She's not trustworthy either. The point isn't to figure out who's right, cause they're both wrong. The real problem is that he shouldn't be getting glorified or paid this much just for playing. None of this would have even come close to happening if society were sane.