More like this please
Counter-counter signal memes
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It's more like 'superior people, work your asses off so that you can feed mental and physical crippled through life'
Prove me wrong.
At no point was that implied.
You seem so keen on giving most of your earnings away. I just hope you set the Christ like example and practice what you preach.
So you really can't think outside the frame of a capitalist market system.
I'm not talking about giving my "earnings" to anyone.
Counter signal memes are so last year.
feels batman
a lot of classcucks ITT
Why do these characters get increasingly… twisty as time progresses?
No wonder the left is going nowhere. (if you could call anarkiddies part of the left)
Look at this dumb autist getting triggered over memes kek
If you could call those memes.
The facebook normie who makes them don't even realize the fun of the originals is in the shitty MSPaint-tier attempts at drawings and outlandish as fuck claims, not tumblr-tier wiggly arms (seriously, why does every tumblrite think they're Pen Ward?) and just writing/whining dumbass politics all over.
No wonder anarkiddies like it. It's like that Anarcha-fem flag personified.
Ghoul just wanted a way to take the piss out of opinions he doesn't like without making a rebuttal or stating his own opinion. Counter signal memes are the meme equivalent of the guy who points out logical fallacies in online discussions but does nothing else.
these seem kind of… too overdone/forced
and having lurked pol a lot don't even capture their sentiments