This is the final red pill: America is the sole source of global leftism. Once America is down, leftism is down

This is the final red pill: America is the sole source of global leftism. Once America is down, leftism is down.

Do you seriously think Euros are lefties? You're wrong. That only happens due to overexposition to American TV during childhood. Also, they only invite refugees because America started praising multiculturalism so that it could appease its blacks. And the sex revolution is fully American, created by American media, drugs, and rock and roll. Hip hop is also American and it's the current plague of culture. Americans always secretly hated the West because we forced their low IQ ancestors to leave Europe. They envy the West and pretend to be Westeners so they can destroy it from the inside.

Face it: contemporary leftism is fully American. Even in the Soviet Union leftism was still somewhat virtuous and good. It never attacked culture and the Soviets had great scientists and writers and reached the space before the mutts even though they were nothing but a shit czarist rural hellhole when America was already a strong empire.

As for my own country, Brazil, our problems come directly from US culture. Why so many killings, you might wonder? Consummerism (seriously). Why such low education? US-style television. Even our feminism is directly imported from US universities!

Honest question: imagine America never existed. Would your life be better then?

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The Jews are nothing without America. The problem is America. It gives leftism a platform.


Unfortunately, they still have a grip on Europe same as they always have. Maybe you should just shill for the end of the west, we're like the scorpion on the frog. We never learn, the Jews are evil not just in their religious and cultural beliefs but their very nature.

t. BRnigger

Newfags first redpill

Leftists are broken. They're so scientific they took over academia to avoid facing intellectual scrutiny. So scientific that their triumph of government suppressed genetics and economics as wrongthink. So scientific that they still push ideas that enervate and impoverish people even though they have been tried many times.

Reported for matzo cutfag.

America or (((Americans)))?

You're probably not even white.

anything not negroid we can usually trace back to victorian france. Even if you somehow take america out of the equation you still havent killed the poz

Nah, I'm fine hating the kikes.

pic related


You'll have a hard time pushing this here with the influx that's taken root the last two years, but it is the truth. The propaganda is so sophisticated in the Kwa that it's got militant patriotards who enforce and support the total jewish victory of the Second Zionist War believing they are "right wing".

If you're a kike shill, kill yourself.

If you're a newfag you need to understand that the kikes are a parasite which has infected the US as it's host system.. It uses the US to do it's bidding and be it's scapegoat.


Top kek as they say.

B-but there's five niggers including the driver on that truck.

It's a host which hasn't made any credible attempts to get rid of the parasite. The opposite is happening, really. With the Trump administration you have essentially a merging of the old Rockefeller oil wing of the Republican party (that was always more pro-Arab) with the batshit insane North Jersey Likudniks and Lubavitchers. The American "right" is now defined almost exclusively by adherence to the postwar zionist order.

Charles Lindbergh isn't walking through that door.

user you're about 70 years too late.

We just learned it from France.

America and the Judaic spirit are one in the same

There used to be real pockets of disdain for jews in the Republican party and conservatism in general. You can even go back to the first Bush administration where HW got on television and told the American public how israel was trying to shake down the country. James Baker in the same time frame saying "fuck the jews, they don't vote for us".

It's just totally gone. There's like Pat Buchanan and Michael Scheuer and like a half-dozen e-celebs that aren't cryptos. Any serious anti-jew resistance is coming from the "left" in this country, and they're pretty much totally shut out from the power positions in their party. At least they exist, though. The Republican base is genuinely terrifying with their fervent worship of all things democratic and israeli.

Go home, Sweden, you're gay drunk gay and drunk.

That's just a facade. The left might have a few factions, but they always fall in line. Take the last election for example.

Replace "America" with "Jew" and it turns from a shill thread into shit we already know.

Reminder: what country received the Jews with open arms during Nazi times? Where did the leftist intellectuals migrate to?

They could have come to Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay etc. all of which were growing and prosperous countries at the time and had little violence. And yet, as far as I remember, it's the nazis who came here. What about the Jews? Where did they go? What's the name of the country they went to?

Democratic turnout was down last election. They didn't like Hillary as a candidate, not enough of them.

So OP is really gay and if he's another Jewish shill I look forward to liquifying him in the coming uprising, but his baseless shitpost gives rise to an important question. Will Jewish Removal kill the host along with the parasite? Can the US survive doses of antibiotics that will dwarf the great disinfection known as the Holocaust. or has the symbiosis of the Yid and the modern Aryan become so tightly bound that America will be the last debt that the sniveling kikes drag with them to Hell, when they scream on the Day of the Rope and burn on the Night of the Long Fires.

You're not wrong, but it's the kikes at the root, at least today.
Americans today didn't have anything to do with WW2.

An International Clique that moves from country to country.

It's the Jews stupid. America today Sweden tomorrow and Britain next week. Jews have been given almost complete freedom of movement throughout white lands for over 2000 years. That will end soon.

Well, there is one thing.
Only the US has went as "jewish" as they did.
No other western nation has as many circumcisions as the states.

Ban this fucking kike. Euro is cucked by kikes, massive immigration started even before tv disney etc were a thing and it was KIKES who pushed for it. Fuck you kike.§ionid=8&id=73
>by the obstetrician Hiram (((((Yellen))))), who wanted a device that was so simple to use that his colleagues would be able to claim the circumcision procedure from fussy and expensive surgeons who still insisted on anaesthetics and strict control of bleeding. The result was that circumcison came to be seen as part of the birth process, often performed within a day or even a few hours of the boy's arrival in the world

The most successful, determined, explicit and extreme anti-jew movement in world history happened in Europe and it happened during a time before "television and disney" had reached or even remotely approached saturation levels. What are you even talking about?

Watcha slidan Chaim?

Europe most definetely nurtured the kikes the most, sorry to say.

Rothschild and co got their foot into the door thanks to (((Christian Monarchs))) who had to keep "Court Jews" to peruse the (((totally coincidental usury loophole for jews from the Bible))) to keep up with (((the money))).

And, yes, it's totally coincidental, and Christianity is simply not, in any way possible, a jewish banking scheme with everything else being a "bonus" at most.
It's totally european and all that. We wuz Isrealites.

I mean, Jesus drove the moneylenders out, but for some reason the devout christians from back then still dealt with them happily ;^) and that was from a time of purity without the six gorillion denominations.

Ehh, sort of, but not really. As you said earlier, the Republican party is all about enforcing the post-war zionist order, and shabbos goyim like Eisenhower and Allen Dulles (may he roast in hell) were functionally identical to the kike and nigger lovers like Gingrich and Reagan that popped up as a result of the """conservative movement""" of the 70's and 80's. Any residual race awareness didn't matter at all, since the Republicans were (and are) just a dog-whistling vote farming machine for dumb white people.

>(((Christian Monarchs)))

Held out better against the jews than WASPs ever did.

they aren't always slidin'. sometimes they're just being them.

OP is an ignorant faggot that don't know the whole post-modernist->cultural marxism->identity politics stem from (((intellectual frenchs))) commies that had to rebrand themselves when the whole communist gig was up. They tehn proceeded to export it to the whole western world.

It's no coincidence the modern leftie is so sympathetic to communism in the first place, since the ideological underpinning arew the same principles, they only replaced the class warfare elites/proletariat by the more broad oppressor/oppressed gimick, more malleable and easier to sell to the youth
Lastly, if anything the US is where it,s more visible, because it's where they are more numerous, and where it's been accelerating the fastest, but only because europe is already crumbling. AND the USA is the 1st country in which I see a major pushback for it in the first place, europe silently gave up all their liberties, the US didn't care at first and got severely crippled by it, yet it's still curently the nexus of the pushback, chanology, gamergate, Trump.

It was the failure of Republican Abraham Lincoln shipping all the niggers back to Liberia. It was the Democrat party that was racially aware and truly progressive at one time, all for eugenics and such. Republicans have tried courting niggers for decades and always failed the niggers care more about gibs than anything else even their own fucking rights. The GOP has been the cuck party forever even the Southern Strategy really changed nothing except the kike loving went really off the charts around the 70s with the rise the neocon crazies.