whats up my fellow race warriors! what are some plots that you all know of to kill blacks/attack synogogues? I am looking yto get involved in some revolutionary activity
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Hail hortler fell POLacks! Why don't we do something to totally ruin our goals before a point of sufficient success and that will totally not get us grabbed by the porty von.
I miss when the FBI at least tried to be convincing
Hey guys, did you know 8ch just added a new feature that automatically blocks out credit card numbers? It's to stop people from using thread undercover to share stolen cards. They just appear as a series of apostrophes instead!
You can tell Harry Potter we know he works for you.
This is the wrong board for revolutionary activity. Our neighbors over at the /IeftypoI/ board do all the illegal racist violence and murder stuff. This is a peaceful board that discusses successful political strategies.
My Base64 decoder is shaking in its jack boots.
how's the pay in the FBI, user?
how fucking new are you?
Wew lad.
Epic OP, Endchan "friend"
I heard there's only like 1,500,000 of them in the entire world. What's the problem?
This has nothing to do with endchan this is FUD.
Your first day huh?
we were planning on poisoning the water supply with anthrax and are meeting under the bridge at 11 tomorrow night, but don't tell your friends
Wow, Holla Forums is still super butthurt that Holla Forums sucks cock. what a suprise
To see the serious stuff you need 8ch premium, OP.
What are you, a poorfag? Support Jim already.
Would you like to know why he wears the mask, OP?
Not sure if legit. The plan to kill all blacks should be obvious at this point though. We aim to popularize urban culture through rap music, subsidize their poor choices through welfare, and diminish their capacity to identify success through affirmative action.
You forgot about how we secretly lace every 50th bottle of grape soda that comes off the line with LSD.
bumping an obvious shill thread makes you a shill
that doesn't kill them, or even stop them from multiplying. you CIAniggers have had it wrong for years.
Should I still bring the crate full of bumpstocks
the people responding to this without realizing it's a shitpost makes you an idiot
The absolute best way is to promote sterilisation, things like planned parenthood but better. Let give them an incentive to get permanently sterilised like those trucks you see driving around these days cutting the druggies in exchange for a couple hundred bucks or a hit or something. Drum up value through psyops make niggers think something that costs nothing to make is valuable and then trade it to them for their sterilisation. Done. American and Western society stablised after a short couple generations. Of course, there's also involuntary sterilisation, "accidents" happen.
wat? sauce?
Hi pol!!
Boy I sure do hate niggers!
' ' ' '
Here you m8 (sorry archive seems to be down)
Sterilisation is humane by the way. It's not murder or anything, it prevents so much more suffering no more kids having to be "raised" or abandoned by their druggie degenerate shitlord parents and their spawn turning into little hoodlums that rape and murder and be a general drain and misfortune upon society.
Thanks for the share user. I can't believe I've never heard of this. It's a great idea, really. I went through rehab in my early twenties to get off the needle jew and while there witnessed that a surprising number of those in the program had a number of children who wanted nothing to do with them and generally led shitty lives.
To play devils advocate though; alot of children of people with serious addiction problems are often those most against it.
The problem with your suggestion is that we pretty much reward niggers through welfare programs for having children. I couldn't see something like this ever going through unless you had greater incentives to sterilize than to keep, or if we somehow changed the public's perception on eugenics.
are people here actually taking this weakest b8 that was most likely made by some bored Holla Forumsack? holy fuck. I'm not sure if I'm just too autistic to understand this meta shitposting or if faggots on here are actually that incredibly gullible.