Leftypol Board Owner

Daily Reminder that this is him, leftycuck board owner sucking dick as usual.

really makes me think that a thread died for this shitty one to exist.


Spoiler that degenerate shit motherfucker

filthy degenerates

Thanks for the daily reminder. Daily reminder that we have a shitskin turkroach as a mod who hates books

I'd really rather not see this face on the catalog every day.

I don't need to see that every day.

SnooPING AS usual I see

dubs confirm we don't need daily reminders.


bruh watch me smoke a bowl and dunk on dumb fox viewers
t. /trannypol/



come on user, do you seriously think I would keep that on my computer, check my filename, it literally says "clipboardimage.png"


Sage and report.

newfag detected.

Spoiler that shit nigger. No one needs to the stained fedora that stuck on his head, or the fat pasty jew body of the poor sod hes blowing. I bet its just a sissy. Not even a real tranny with fake tits or horomone tits

Yeah, give Holla Forums the daily reminders instead.

Why are you making publicity for other boards? This should be a bannable offense.

you watch videos of a dude in drag sucking a dick. There is literally nothing you can say to anyone.

Daily reminder these tranny freakshows are also pedo-apologists.

how the hell did you know it was a video, user, i'm worried.

Must be your first time here

Why is this even a thread?

Do we really need to see this all the time? OP is a faggot.



because you're a fucking idiot

I really can wait for the mods to get their shit together and b& everyone cross-posting from that shithole

i remember when Holla Forums would call out polk for having threads as faggy as this

And? Nice way to deflect from your faggotry:

I really don't think we require a reminder that /starvingpol/ is gay as shit, OP.

Damn OP thanks for fucking my night up, i thought i could just browse Holla Forums without finding any horrifying, eye bleaching images but no, i was fucking wrong.

Also i thought it was a girl at first when i saw its photo. I need to get my trap detection skills up. I always wondered why it had no chest.

P.S Gas all traps.

How about you learn to sage?

Teach the true meaning of the word sage brother, i came from cuck chan .


Its 88 newfag.

Put the word "sage" in the email field to avoid bumping the thread. See all the purple Anonymous names? They all saged. Yours is green. No sage. Gay.

Maybe it would help if you didn't use book threads to promote your shitty anti-White ADL-member authors, slipping them midway into the lists of legitimate reactionaries and conservatives.
Example: Veronika K. Clark.

Thank you, comrade.

Why are you so triggered?

I was one who posted it pornhub, can someone else post it on xhamster, xvideos and host of other places
Don't forget to advertise Holla Forums
T. ComradeCuck


doesnt codemonkey have a cocksucking pic?