BBC journalist caught gaslithing

BBC journalist Mike Wendling has been implicated in a hoax to create fake news.

He started threads called 'Operation Swedistan' with a petition to change the Swedish flag.
After these threads lost steam; the very next day, he wrote an article for BBC trending about how 4chan is weakening, with a case study of 'Operation Swedistan' [[ ]]

He then came back to brag about how he had "revealed" Holla Forums in the MSM, complete with a new petition announcing his arrogance

Wendling has been retweeted by Media Matters (Brock-Clinton) and is in charge of BBC Trending, a prominent media shaping entity.

BBC have been caught RED HANDED making fake news. They manufactured a story, by posting a fake petition, shilling it on Holla Forums and then writing an article about it.
We need to get this out there before the MSM covers it up and their anti-4chan, anti-facts agenda is fulfilled.

Other urls found in this thread:"It’s Okay To Be White" Wendling rates.pdf


Basically no one fell for his bait, of which if he was successful he would say it is full of retards that are frightfully 'blah blah' and if he got some retards he would say the whole place is retarded to try and recover from his own self-realization that pretending to be retarded is still retarded.

Well.. find him and kill him obviously


If their agenda is anti-cuckchan then I wish them the best of luck tbh

I think the BBC or channel4 or something ran a documentary once that was quite creepy. They had a glassy eyed semi-neg talking about and showing these groups that monitor media looking for 'hate' or whatever

it again like how they make documentaries literally showing you that they shill for pro-vaccines online.

I'm not trying to insult you, this is great digging but we know these people are disingenuous, we know they lie. They put a mass murder witness on Elen Degeneres. If that isn't waking people up, how is this gonna ? When have you dug and found enough and when can you start do'ing ? I don't have the answers i'm just hoping someone does.

Hey you dumb nigger, 4chan Holla Forums is cancer containment so they won't come here.

Fuck off back to /l.eftypol/

Hello, cancer. You might want to go back.

Their damage control knows no bounds, after people obviously calling out their false flagging they are spouting that it was on purpose and now are shilling that if we expose this we are also failing for their epic ruses.

Their agenda is the same old shameless fake news industry.

I'm completely fine with (((fake news))) shitting on (((cuckchan))). If they want to say image boards are losing their power then all the better. It's quite handy to be underestimated by your opponents.

This thread in itself sounds like a gaslighting attempt. nobody here cares about cuckchan, let them make their stupid articles, it makes no difference. The future is already decided.

Cuckchan is just a detail in their shitshow, this is them caught redhanded producing fakenews.

what is gaslighting?

except they were the ones that got Trump elected



thanks for the laugh


I'm sorry, are you being intentionally dim?

The absolute state of the media.

((( )))
Are you been a kike?

Then go back there you piece of shit

Are you just throwing out the word kike cause you heard people around here say it. Hey nigger, get your supervisor on please, I'm dissatisfied with the level of shilling on here.


Maybe half-chan isn't as cucked as I thought. Thread reeked of cringe without having to even open it when someone posted it here. OP made it seem like it was some original thought that both chans haven't done better for years already when it comes to Sweden.

Far be it from me to defend BBC journos - they assault the white race and white homelands brazenly every day of the week - but this doesn't follow at all.
Where are the proofs?

It's there.

More likely you're the fucking BBC cunt fishing for muh tinfoil you kike.

He should have posted the petition as himself in order to write some shitty article that the russian trolls are falseflaging and attacking journalists instead.

Do you expect for the kike himself to come there and say he did it? This is fucking obvious and is not the first time this happens.

Have a bump, this is real investigative journalism.

People naming their "operations" right off the bat is always a red flag. Genuine things grow organically. They don't tend to arrive fully packaged and brand named.

Hello Mr.Wendling.

They posted the same thread here as well. This needs exposure. Have a bump, and a sticky request.

The British are the worst, honestly. People say a lot how how Germany is constantly ruining the Europe and the world when it was always Britain like once you were done fucking everything up as the largest most evil empire you go and fuck up western civilisation with your cuckholdry worse than Germany manages to. Even Germans aren't cucked enough to vote a shitskin the leader of their greatest city but sure enough a Britard is.

so, lets assume I actually buy any of this.

Why would you want this guy fired immediately ? He does more damaging remaining at the BBC. Every time he writes anything he can simply be reminded that he is a fraud right ?

So how do you not get this guy fired ?

That aside, it's great they're getting all the heat.

he's baiting himself for attention.



everyone knows this was orchestrated by the admins over at ebaumsworld, are you a newfriend or something?

No it was the Kiwifarms!


you seem to be on to something but I have no idea what it is, you can rule out that my name is Mike though, that should narrow it down a bit.

What was he trying to prove? That anons do false flags? That is all I can think of. Although it seems to me most of our opponents already believed that.

Although I'm glad this false-false flag got exposed, it takes away even more credibility from these hacks.


This same thing happened during our #punchanazi twitter raid. Some BBC journalist started shitting up the thread with the worst possible memes. The day after the article appeared on BBC. I believe there has been numerous incidents of BBC journalists doing this.

Top Kek is that OC?

OP sucks cocks, and slurps cum. The op grew organically. is original thread to find other threads, I cba, but the second thread was the good one, where is all the heavy lifting got done, the rest were more about spreading the message. First thread got deleted by mods. Not bumplocked, but outright deleted, second thread starts about 10 mike after first one ends.

point is not to change flag. point is to not let the international media memoryhole sweden, or let them do "muh women and children" psyop out of the blue, like in South Afrika, Serbia and Burma, in the unlikely case that Sven attempts to uncuck himself

Gaslighting is staging events to drive someone insane, typically by making them question their own sanity and what's real.

Typical tricks 9gag.

I bet this happened because of how good IOTBW was/is (still getting new stories as of today"It’s Okay To Be White" ), and so their bright idea was that they'd discredit 4chan by pulling this crap. It's bizarrely stupid, how in the fuck do you discredit 4chan of all things? But the bigger issue is that the public doesn't fucking know what 4chan is because organizations like the BBC have gone out of their way to not explain it, so it's not like anyone would give a shit anyway. This is just dumb, they're flailing trying to work out how to deal with Holla Forums and are trying crap like this that any of us could tell you wouldn't work.

Gaslighting is best described as making people think their opinion is more popular or less popular than it really is.

Fake polls showing Hillary 10 points ahead, then Trump wins easily is a good example.

Lesson to be learned: Take any operation suggested and crank up the antisemitism. Make them feel real uncomfortable to continue shilling it, because even if they come out the other end saying 'twas merely a ruse' their kike handlers will kvetch at them anyways.


I think you're confusing astroturfing for gaslighting. Gaslighting is when you do things to make a person question their own perceptions and sanity.


They can't bear to hang out here for too long so they always reek of outsider. They don't even know "pretending to be retarded" but they still try and social engineer fucking 4chan, a site that has spent almost two decades fucking around online. They think you can just stroll in, call someone a cuck, slap a nazi flag on, and everyone will give them the secret "alt-right" plans for world domination.

and that's why we will always win
There is no hope for you, kikes. You were beaten before you started playing.

What's with the egregious misuse of this term that's become popular here in the past couple of weeks?
Please learn what "gaslighting" refers to before using the term.
As for "Operation Swedistan" don't think that it's a special example, every naive Holla Forumsacks do the Jew's work by helping to promote its psyops.
the most notable current example, the 'sexual abuse' media/government psyop

What's the purpose of this in your opinion?

To create blanket fear and distrust of White men and promote the idea that sexual abuse and rape are "everywhere", even in the professional environments, in fact, especially in professional environments. This will bring White women, whose support for hard feminism has been flagging in recent years, swiftly back on message with a nasty shock to the system "it could happen to me too." What a lot of Holla Forumsacks forget is that to the vast majority of White women, Harvey Weinstein is a "White dude".
I expect that there is legislation pending and the various scandals being publicized are the "problem" to which the (already designed) "solution" to the women's "reaction" is ready to be supplied. Lower standard of evidence for allegations of sexual misconduct perhaps?
By making the central character Jewish, the kikes ensured the support of the far-right.

Hi Wendling. Probably time to give up journalism. If you ever achieve any major platform we won't let you forget about this.

(it could also serve as the basis to justify sex quotas in management positions, by arguing that it was male over-representation in the various affected industries which prevented the women from sooner disclosing what had happened.)
Really, we can only guess what the payload is going to be.

That is just kikes getting hit by the very shit they promote. They all keep saying they are "male feminists" and other crap while being rapist film producers who think they are invincible hiding behind their male feminist lies and money, but now shit grown too big and they can't contain anymore.

Yes, that's what they want those of us on the right to believe.
In reality there's no way that the Jewish news networks would have promoted this in a coordinated way if they didn't have a plan for the scandal. If you think about it for a moment you will realize how absurd it is to believe what is happening is organic and "real."

This is all so tiresome. I was promised RWDS over a year ago, and I see nothing of the sort.

I agree. If it were truly organic you'd see these kikes being outed for raping/sacrificing children. Instead it's mundane shit like (((Al Franken))) kissing a woman during a contrived skit and taking a stupid off-color photo.

Wapo too

That brings up another possibility, that this is a "limited hang-out"albeit probably contrived in order to contain the idea of Hollywood sexual abuse within prescribed limits, i.e a small group of men harassing or abusing adult women, rather than the pedophile activities which had been getting attention in recent times.
Now when the public hears "Hollywood sex scandal" they will just think of Weinstein and the other accused committing various degrees of lechery against adults.
Yes, it could be this, or rather this could be one of the prongs of attack, as kike psyops ALWAYS have multiple objectives.

Them dubs be confirming

let them delude themselves; they misjudge us it only accelerates the culture shift. are you tired of winning yet?

He wasn't gas lighting

I started the thread because I was bored and wanted to try something in the vein of "it's okay to be white" but it failed to gain traction

Fucking son of a whore journalist.

Fullchan dubs confirm that cuckchan did fuckall during the election.

I don't get the bait. Bad ideas die in a forum more times than not. What makes this one man so egoistical he thinks his amateur tier idea for an op would even get user's attention beside those who want lulz. How can he claim that based on the lack of reception for his shit tier idea alone that anons are dying out? Did media stop writing to trick the public and started writing to appease their yid overlords that the media's role as the fifth column isn't fucked yet?

your dubs suggest this is in fact the case

They came out with an article to 'highlight the dwindling influence of 4chan' a couple of weeks after iotbw exposed media bias. It just shows that elements of the mainstream media are afraid and that they are more interested in creating 'stories' than reporting on news.

Well if that's the depth of their strategic thinking modules, they'll be in a world of hurt soon enough.

Jesus Christ are you a Baby Boomer?

Time to put a bullet through the forehead of Mike Wendling.


This has amused me beyond end. Do they really have JIDF training courses where they teach you how to 'blend in'? They give you all the esoteric 'alt-right' codewords like 'Black Sun' and then tell you to sow division by trying to make us paranoid by making us doubt different user posters.
… And they STILL haven't figured out IDs. Sometimes I feel we over-estimate our enemy.

A quick look at who Mike Wendling follows on twitter shows cuckservative types, some alt-lite youtubers, antifa accounts, and a whole lot of basic bitch accounts. I'm guessing this is his "research".

Seems like he's just a goofy numale who tripped over his own shoelaces and declared it a victory. It looks like he's playing big boy journalist and he thinks this cringy "insider undercover look into the internet alt-right" thing he's doing is going to be big. He doesn't realize blogger-tier hacks have been releasing their "exposes" on secret Egyptian anime cults since Hillary Clinton coughed about "muh alt right" and nobody ever cares. This isn't going to be his big scoop. He's never going to write anything important. He's always going to be a glorified blogger on the same level as middle-aged crochet-enthusiast catladies instagramming their risotto recipes.

Give them some credid, if it would worked and Swedistan changed flag it would be fucking hilarious.

very nice

You mean thats NOT the plan?

Might be trick to cause us to underestimate them.

The left/liberals (leftypol included) can only false flag and lie, through out the whole of history this keeps showing up.


If you're reading this, you fucking idiot, the folks here generally sense shills like you would a cockroach crawling on your back, you absolute retard. Not directed at OP, directed at the mental midget who came here that is the focus of OP's post. Good work OP, on not being a faggot this time.

Nigger they're a containtment board that keeps the MUH BASED NIGGERS and MUH BASED ISRAEL crowd the fuck out of here for the most part. I don't know if anyone will get it, but I'd like to compare this board to a gordo from kirby games.

Turbonigger doesn't understand what containment means.

Wow, it's almost like you're a fucking shill who wants to get what is obviously a containtment board to migrate here and shit it up. Find the nearest and largest fake dick and proceed to fuck yourself with it, either before or during your capacity to throw yourself into the nearest oven.

Want to know how I know you're not from around here? Take a wild guess.

Nice try, go the fuck home.

Get the fuck out of here, D&C shill. Also stop giving folks reason to hate us TORposters, you absolute nigger.

De ebil naht zees. It's nothing more than trying to paint all whites as natsocs, which hilariously backfires every fucking time.

Wew lad, you couldn't have signaled you're not from around here harder, you stupid fucking kike.

You're so fucking new. Go the fuck home.

Go the fuck back, from wherever you came from nigger.

Their agenda is anti white.

So they're admitting it was strong? Even if it's in the past tense? I think this was the real goal.

Also we had a thread posted on this earlier, the "change the flag" part. Also why are we having so many operation threads?


heres his home address

11 Brownlow Road London NW10 9QN

knock yourself out



Lol. They should do this more often. He couldn't even get the right *chan target. Hue.

Thank you for being honest.

I was thinking if it was that same faggot also who created that similar thread in
But since Holla Forums isn't mentioned and 1/2chan is thrown the buss, it's not quite possible. Still, creating a narrative news as fake as possible won't go without consequences.

checked and opinion respected. praise Kek, kill kike


My dad works at Nintendo, wanna exchange e-mails?

So it's kike behavior now to ask for evidence?

Earth to faggot that operation made to 8ch

Is this real or one of ours?

Knows Holla Forums is important
Doesn’t understand why
Tries to imitate, can’t
Declares Holla Forums is not important

Stop getting drunk and posting retarded shit like this, drunktorpedo.

Nobody fell for those threads because there was something off about them. I don't know how to put it in words, but it was clearly coming from someone who was not from Holla Forums. But now the question becomes: how do we maximize the damage done to the media with this revelation that they create fake news like this? Do we have a social media campaign to spread this info around? I've got a dummy twitter account for spreading things. I'm ready to go.

What was off about it was when it was discovered Holla Forums had done it it would look like all this Sweden being invaded by goatfuckers stuff was some sort of overblown far right hoax.

Well that's interesting. It kind of sounds like one of the things we would do as a reverse-psychology meme, similar to #DraftOurDaughters.

I'm glad you have my best interests at heart.


Why aren't I 50 points ahead?!?!

To be honest it reeked of cuckchan influence, that's what put me off of it anyway.

Gaslighting is what >>>/4chon/ users do regularly to everyone that isn't part of their cult.

It's where you revise history, make someone question everything, blatantly fuck with their sense of reality, do stuff and then immediately deny it, etc.

The ultimate goal of gaslighting is to make someone go insane, to break from reality, because they no longer trust their senses or anything and know what the fuck is going on.

criminally unchecked dubs

If i was a jew, id be fucking mad


Does it even matter?

user, please.

The real purpose of this isn't to us but to undermine attempts at campaigns that out them. Now there'll be yet another layer of D&C shilling on top of anything from here that could potentially harm them.

< no one has mentioned Avaaz yet

They are a merc intelligence agency for ISIS and AQ in Libya. The petition collects IPs+IDs of 4chan users for future abuse.

Jokes on them all this does is discourage normalfags from coming in which is precisely what we want anyways.

It's what jews do, and a light gassing is what it's going to earn them, again this time.

This is nu/pol/; no discussion allowed

This is true. The article in question making fun of the 'lacklustreness' of the "operation" boggles me, too. It's kind of hard to put into words so bear with me. Like, why does it make it seem like 4chan has an obligation to do campaigns/operations like this? And why is it 'failed' all of a sudden? The initial operation started on the 13th and the article was made on the 17th. At least give it a month, damn. This just proves that this Mike faggot is truly new and didn't want to hold out long enough for his statement of 4chan "running out of steam" to carry any credibility.

Well not only that but that entire campaign down to the very structure and flow of the threads reeked of jewery. And I'm not just saying that in hindsight either. I called it out as such in the first thread and got semite word games in response.

Seeing this shit is demoralizing. What can we do about this? And no I'm not implying we start killing jews

tbf this just makes me want to legitimately push to change the swede flag

Any Holla Forums ops must be 1488% antisemitic now, the digits deem it so

We meme

90% of this thread is shills arguing with shills. Be warned.

What do you want to bet that Mike works for and WITH BBC? I say good. He spread shit that exposed how fucked Sweden is. It makes him a useful idiot. He's so mentally gone at this point, that he's wasted a year writing a book about halfchan in the belief that people who don't vist the site will somehow want to read about it. Just another loonie faggot, cuck.

If somebody asks you to put Semite crap on the national symbols of white peoples, they're probably a Jew themselves.

Spread it.
Can at least leave pizzas, dildos, and the usual.

the mods here are shill cuck bastards and they ban everyone who follows the rules and let people who break the rules post freely. the mods never changed only their names changed. the mods ban anyone who gets too close to the truth. eventually you will be banned too and you will realize who is in charge here.

Holla Forums mods are globalist shill bastards and they ban everyone who follows the rules and let people who break the rules post freely. the mods never changed since the last ban spree happening. only their names changed. the mods ban anyone who gets too close to the truth. eventually you will be banned too and you will realize who is in charge here. question those who you are not allowed to question and you will know the truth.

cuckchan should've the logic to fill that up with sockpuppets. It would be funny and at the same time detrimental to their agenda.

As far as I know, 'gaslighting' is a feminist meme – in that I saw feminists using the term long before it appeared on any imageboard – named after a movie from the 30s called Gaslight that nobody has ever seen. In the movie, an abusive husband wants to drive his wife to kill herself. So every day he changes the pressure of the house's 'gas lights'. When she notices the brightness is different every day, he tells her she's imagining it, and she starts to believe she is going crazy. So gaslighting means someone you trust is deliberately lying to you about the world, so that you start to doubt your senses, your mind, or both.

Might actually be worth a view, because it has my waifu Ingrid Bergman in it.


Well The problem with trying to hide a forest fire by setting your own garden on fire then putting it out and claiming the forest is in fact not on fire, is that now said fire might just burn down the village.

I personally can think up at least 2-3 ways to salvage the anons who were interested in that sort of op and strike them back at a different angle while still keeping it to the theme of Swedish Identity

For starters, we aren't sure the threads made in 4chan with the Swedistan flag were made by the same person. There's no intent on OP identifying themselves. The flag has different sizes, by the way.
This happens all the time. Anonimity can be used against imageboards community. During GamerGate we were constantly filled with idiots who didn't knew what IDs were and were constantly embarrasing themselves when trying to make posts threatening themselves, shamelessly samefagging.
By design, there's nothing to be done. The idiot shows the emperor's nakedness. But by the end of the day, the idiot remains an idiot and the emperor remains the emperor.
There's still people who don't know nor care about 4chan but who read BCC and will learn about some flag-changing crazy idea. BBC shouldn't be reporting this in the first place, journalist is just trying to make ends met by going full clickbait. Expect more BBC fake news in the near future.

Good times.

I don't see why. Ops come and go all the time, especially on halfchan. Would you really cry if bbc reported on every half-baked hashtag?

Do you not know how cuckpol functions?
Open borders for israel


That image contains the "literally hitler" insult downscaled to gamergate as a replacement holocaust. One point on leftist bingo. Also whats up with these people demonizing Holla Forums like they actually know what we are doing ?

Those threads were see through in here. Something about threads screamed OUTSIDER
They read like some newfag or a shill wrote them, OP in those threads did not have a clue how chan culture worked.
There were so many things just so off about those threads.

Well this and all the obvious attempts at astroturfing dozens of absolutely shit "operation X" threads.

Fuck that thread sucked.

Any bids?

oldfag detected

Fucking knew it. When I told him he was just planning on doing the jews' bidding in hopes it would make them lose he responded with something along the lines of "just do it anyway". Then after debate he just went straight back to shilling his garbage idea like the jew he is.

Stuck out like a jew nose. Glad no one else took him seriously.

Probably related to the (planned) smear campaigns to be done in 'social media', talked all over at that democratic alliance seminar of crap from the other thread.

failed websites 2007 2004

Bowling Green State University 'editor in chief' 1999
failed sports writer at
failed writer of short stories
another failed short story
failed writer at spiked Wendling
CNS 'London Bureau Chief' 2002 - 2007
failed newspaper project in UK 'The Penny' 2006

hes become more radicalized since arriving in UK from the US. hes now far less interested in what could be called objective reporting- poor training and a matter of lax supervision at BBC. if you compare his CNS output to BBC stuff theres been a clear degradation, he now makes no effort to hide his politics. he makes up direct quotes. he manufactures stories then writes it up as organic, he also had a reputation for this at BBC.

hes a repeatedly failed fiction writer, and his book project is just another avenue to pursue that- guarantee it will be the worst foray into the genre.

pestering users on gab for his book, worth remarking that he started out pestering them on behalf of the BBC. self-styling as "Comrade" online is something he does a lot

Bowling Green State University, OH
BS, Journalism 1995 – 1999
Goldsmiths College, London, England
MA, Radio 2004 – 2005

and yes that really is his home address, straight from the horses mouth. its central to his job at BBC but not a nice area (even if its a step up from the crapholes he was living in stateside).



Extremely forced personal army shit gets put up and a petition made that gets 3000 signatories (literally nothing) and almost immediately gets a story in the BBC and a proggressive socjus media company pushes it all over twitter just in time to promote a new book release.

What more proof do you even need, this is standard modus operandi and not even the first time this formula has been attempted. Every other lefty blogger does the whole made-up right wing boogeyman threats/campaign/petition.

Mike Wendling is a dead man :)

You are making my point for me.

It is true regardless of creator although I think, yes, it is one of ours

My true nature is extermination of kikes. They got it wrong

Master's degree from (((Goldsmiths)))?
I wonder if he knows Bahar Mustafa.


Head of production 12 years broadcasting for BBC makes news of Holla Forums on BBC and then says we're irrelevant.
Is it too cliché at this point to say that the MSM is afraid?

if you had the appropriate degree requirements, patriotism, and experience(law), would you recommend trying to join the fbi, or private sector with a company/firm that has nationalistic values?

Is that why we had a sticky here?


I'll admit, I made a flag or two.

didn't twatt it or sign the petition though.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you. question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question. if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums.

I hope the best for Holla Forums

It's demoralizing to me because the largest news sites can outright fabricate anything they want, on any non-issue, and people still think they're reliable. Brits who own a television set (and soon any brits who own a MONITOR) have to fund this shitty service, and most of them are okay with it because it "funds quality journalism".

No one who isn’t a jew fell for it.

biggest meme out there relentlessly pushed by the organization. in reality its globalist shill central with an editorial agenda daily set by the Guardian and protected by a borg like hive mind staff. look at Mike Wendling, a lifelong failure that would have no business in charge of a hotdog stand nevermind giving him production and editorial responsibilities, but since he tows the progressive line hes there churning it out. i just feel bad for brits who will have to pay for BBC in the future because they have internet even if they don't watch it

It's pushed by bbc, of course, but the dumber brits all fall for it.

That's evidence at most, not proof, there's a difference. Something like this needs proof.
You need something that directly relates the journalist in question to the one doing the campaigns, for example. Or an admission of guilt at least.

BBC article:

google says:
No results found for "Would be funny if it worked." "Its always worth a try but" isn't appearing in any flag related threads. proof of making up direct quotes? not sure

definitely proof of being bad actor:
online presence = bernie bot.
'journalism' isn't impartial, the opposite, lazer beam focus on his political opponents.
clear profit motive in building reputation as an expert to sell his 'tell all' book.
scrapes the most insignificant shit from cuckchan to post as 'news' with dead line coming needing new material would he manufacture? guessing yes

enough circumstantial evidence to condemn him, not only as someone capable of gaslighting but also willing to do it. but yeah for court level proof we'd need cuckchan hiromoot to expose him but i doubt hes inclined to do because the fuck he cares?

is a 6ft, bearded, bald new yorker bugman in SJW goggles going to confess to being a fraud? rhetorical question because liberal media gives a fuck about ethics or objectivity. so he'll just keep on doing it then rake in the money from his book full of manufactured shit.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you. question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question. if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums. if your are in doubt it isn't because this can't happen to you. it only means that it has not yet happened to you.

I am one of you, so don't bitch that you're being raided. all it takes is a look at /polmeta/ and /sudo/ to see just how many of us are being censored and banned every day by corrupt mods.

I hope the best for Holla Forums

I've been here a long time and I've seen how well this board is run. I've seldom seen better management of an anonymous board. It just looks to me like you're spreading lies about good people, and you should airhole yourself.

Yeah, there's a couple of spergs (or actual shills) that have been trying their best to shit up and derail every thread. They get very salty when banned. I don't agree with every mod decision, but banning the thread shitters is definitely one I support.

Non-Brit here
I live in a similar country, with a massively bias (((state television))), I actually watch some BBC.

Not the news.
no, fuck that.

But the nature shows, with David Attenborough, things like Topgear, pointless, QI (yeah, I know, faggotry is abundant), etc etc…

This is not bad stuff, and the average blue pill is thinking "you know what? we get some pretty good stuff here".
They just don't SEE the fake news being funded as part of it all.

By watching TV you are seeing the world through the eyes of others instead of reality. Even if you can see through all lies it is still poison and no one is ever completely immune.

yeah, TalmudVision is pure cancer.

I like pointless because I have a lot of trivial trivia in my skull, I like QI for the same reason (but they are massive faggots when it comes to conspiracies and some other shit), "old" Topgear don't give two fucks about political correctness, David Attenborough isn't bullshitting me when he is talking about some beetle in the Amazon…

the news, on the other hand… fucking hell.

They do, their California get-together with Soros had as their idea that '2018 is the year of the Woman.' They're trying to breathe life back into the corpse of feminism by using the 'rape culture' hysteria on sacrificial pawns to try and get rainbow hairs and thots to come out in the midterms.
However, what they don't understand is that outrage is forceful but easy to redirect with memetic judo. All you have to do is point out the nature of the (((accused))) and they immediately go on the back foot.
I'm willing to bet Trump is having it go on, letting them think they have their plans in order, then WHAM! Redirect the outrage in the same way as the Russian shit. They're doing Alinskyian projection, so it will be fucking easy.

I hate cuckchan and their little gay alien. Their Gaylien.

Checking up on ccuckchan after all these years, it's cancer. Like their Holla Forums has even worse shilling than ours.

it does.
(((they))) really think of them as top part of pic related.
Animals on TV are to be treated the same like everything. AC has some merits to point this out.

It's brutal. Nothing but e-celebs, trannies and nigger dicks.

So does that mean the operation swedistan threads on here were also a hoax?

Well that's some bullshit because I think if the media wasn't behind this shit for manufactured news it could've actually worked for its smokescreen-purpose

lol exactly what i did

When do we start harassing Brianna Wu?


In 10 minutes.

Aight, I'm gonna be sending some rape and death threats to her, as a proud supporter of #GamerGate.

always a classic, a7beff


Can one of you faggots post this on cuckchan? The shills there are just getting fucking ridiculous and stupid


BLM's central premise that cops are specifically targeting blacks for death is simply not true.

No racial bias in police shootings, study by Harvard professor shows

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police … Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”

The real racial bias: Cops more willing to shoot whites than blacks, research finds

Here are some more unarmed white people that were killed by police. Never heard anything about them.

Joshua Grubb, Deven Guilford, Dylan Noble, Gilbert Collar, Dillon Taylor, Daniel Harris, Jeremy Mardis (6years old)




Kill All Niggers 2nd book

Read these two books ^ they will redpill you, even though the first one, A People that Shall Dwell Alone is the best in my opinion - recommend you buy it, can't be found online.

Diversity Pastebin Ethnic Conflict University Enrollment - Jews Overwhelmingly dominate Ivy Leagues rates.pdf 15% graduation rate of blacks in South Africa Morality and Abstract Thinking - South Africa Very Good piece on Schools Why Race Realism is essential Need to Read - Confessions of a Public Prosecutor Peace Corps Volunteer

really liking this red text, can't take my eyes awy from it

… motherfucker


This is a reminder to be aware of people trying too hard to sound like he's been here for a long time.
Notice how often he uses the world cuck (with capitalized "c"), other clues would be like:
Analise the words used as much as the motives. "Reporters" always fuck up one way or another, stay vigilant.

I can't imagine how it must feel to stare at an incomprehensible entity like Holla Forums from the outside. Everything here is so simple and obvious, how can they not grasp it?

Calling vaccination a hoax is retarded. It literally saved the world from the plague of small pox.

Leftists absolutely can't understand the motivations of others, especially any of their opponents. This makes spotting them very easy, unless they can fabricate a conformity.

It was a good meme tbh is schlomo sure it was a responsible meme and what's wrong with the Muslim majority installing their right over Sweden?

There will never be anything organic in the MSM.

Also no funposting, ever.

Excellent observation, user.

They are the brainwashed masses.
they see us as not only the enemy, but the dumb uneducated ignorant enemy.
and they have no interest in understanding us or our point-of-view.
we are evil, hateful and ignorant.
end of story.

so they underestimate us, overestimate themselves, and are baffled when time and time again they fail in their "gotcha" attempts.

these are the people who see themselves as real reporters, working for real newspapers, and are utterly baffled by the fact that a large group of people see them as "fake news".

| That pic! God, not again…

Irrelevant offtopic history echo. I was there, when Shuttleworth had Ubuntu under transitioning to this pic related, systemd rot of Pottering just beginning. When I saw it, it brought back some lulz, and nostalgia for old crowds of failed idiot cucks long since migrated out of their infinite misery.

whoever meme'd this. I must say:

Well Meme'd sir.

>my waifu
Good taste. God, I hope m'lady never got Weinsteined.