CNN libshits BTFO. "Migrants" to Europe are being rounded up and sold.
Evil whitey is blamed endlessly by Kikes for slavery yet blacks are selling each other today just as they did 500 years ago. In fact, whites are the only ones who are against slavery.
Amazing how once they are freed they are powerless to go home. They are like children, looking for someone to "take them home".
Amazing, I didn't know this was going on until you posted the video. Interesting that the slave handlers/auctioneers are speaking in arabic, I wonder where all these nigger slaves end up after the sale?
Oliver Myers
Looks staged. The opening clip, the guy is standing casually, almost smiling at times.
Remember when they went to the camp in France? And the guys were yelling;
Then why the fuck are they letting a news camera crew in?? With a black woman!? I actually don't believe this story anymore.
Cameron Collins
It could be. But it is more likely, they got into debt with human traffickers making the journey thousands of miles north to the coast. They have two choices, sign up to be sold to pay off their debt or get a bullet.
Nathaniel King
Just buy them give them a shot of chemical castration agent and put them to work. They will have a better life than where they came from.
Noah Sanders
Good. Someone needs to put these niggers to work.
Sebastian Evans
Are you implying that CNN would fake news to their own consumers? What kind of a tinfoil maniac are you?
Liam Cruz
Checked for truth.
I wonder how many people will realize that sending food aid to Africa is what caused all this…. TFW bullets would have been cheaper to just keep sub-Saharan Africa a giant game preserve. Shoot the locals, for sighting-in purposes, no tag required.
Gabriel Cox
Why they don't care about slavery in white countries? I'm a slave too, government takes 80% of my income. At least nigger slaves are provided with food and roof over their head, I need to pay for those with 20% (((they))) left me.
Brody Thompson
What does this acronym stand for?
Caleb Green
it means 'true for win'
Christian Scott
"those fucking whites"
Xavier Clark
Arabs are so racist that they make Holla Forumsacks look like bleeding heart liberals. They have absolutely no self awareness on the matter either. They would re-instate slavery if they felt that they could get away with it.
Julian Sullivan
As if they ever stopped in the first place.
Nolan Turner
Caleb Jones
I love that no one seems to remember this area used to be a hotbed of slavery, I mean for fuck's sake the Marine's sing about it, this is the fucking shores of Tripoli… This was the Barbary Coast for fuck's sake…
Easton Murphy
Too Few Whites
Jayden Parker
As soon as Gaddafi died, they started the whole barbary slave trade again.
Luis Torres
Qaddafi literally did nothing wrong, world would be better if he was still around.
Some things never change, eh? Well of course the first race to enslave others would still be enslaving today. Same with Arabs and the like yet only whites get in trouble for it despite being the first race to end slavery and being responsible for most of slavery's eradication worldwide.
It's almost like being a cuck never fucking works, ever. HMMMMM
Blake Taylor
I wouldn't take one for free.
Blake Foster
Nicholas Anderson
Chemical castration? Nonsense. Do it correctly: remove the penis and testicles entirely, just like the Arabs did to millions of black and white slaves for centuries. Then the nigger is more docile, incapable of reproducing (both with his own kind and by polluting a white womb), and incapable of raping a white woman.
Then you put him to work on the North African coast laying minefields to keep the other niggers at bay. Beatings will continue until morale improves.
Josiah Robinson
see how far you can get through this without rage quitting
And you know what the Barbary pirates did? Captured whites, sold the women as sex slaves, cut off the men's penis and testicles, and put them to work. Often raped the men as well once they'd been castrated. This was a matter of course for them; if you were a white man and unlucky enough to be rich/famous/noble so someone would pay a ransom to get you back unharmed, you were a slave, and if you were a slave there was a 90% chance they'd castrate you. If they wanted you for a gladiator or slave soldier, sometimes they'd let you keep your balls so you'd be more aggressive, but your dick was still going to get chopped off.
Turkey still had white slaves until 1912, and unofficially continued the practice into WWI. Iran still had white slaves until 1929. Saudi Arabia still has slavery, and they regularly kidnap white girls, primarily from Eastern Europe, as sex slaves. They like little boys too. Israel also has a thriving slave market, and they also prefer Eastern Europeans for their slaves.
In fact, that word slave comes from Slav, because historically Slavs and Nordic peoples were the most desirable slaves. The number of whites enslaved by Arabs over the 700 years the practice was widespread is greater than the entire population of Europe prior to the 1600's. Whites were in far more demand as slaves than blacks, and during the Muslim occupation of Spain, castrated white slaves were in high demand.
A white man captured or sold to the Arabs could expect to get his dick and balls chopped off; assuming he didn't die of blood loss or infection afterward (which 2/3 did; in fact, the easiest way for archaeologists to identify a medieval slave market is the mass grave of men who died after being castrated; incidentally, most of the slave merchants and the castration houses were, surprise surprise, Jews), you then had a very short, brutal life to look forward to as a slave. Beating a slave to death for any offense, or even just for amusement, was socially acceptable. Raping a male slave in the ass was also acceptable. So was working your slave so brutally that he died of exhaustion. Part of the huge demand for slaves was the insane rate at which they died; slaves who got employed to work as domestic slaves might live a long, relatively normal life, but if you worked in the fields, mines, etc. you were lucky to last more than three years. So congratulations; you got your dick and balls chopped off, your owner beats you every day and fucks you in the ass every Thursday, and the only thing you have to look forward to is finally dropping dead of exhaustion while working in the salt mine.
In contrast, whites expected niggers to pick some fucking cotton off the plant and put it in the sack, were forbidden by law to kill or permanently maim a slave, and were required by law to provide for a slave who was too old, sick, or injured to work.
And yet whites are the only ones held responsible for slavery. Do you know why? Because we're the only ones who feel guilty about it. We're the only race that abolished slavery and we're the only race that feels bad about it; nobody else gives a shit, and if it weren't for whites preventing them they'd be enslaving each other as we speak. The only reason they pretend to care about slavery is so they can use it as a weapon to guilt us into handing out free gibs and letting them invade our countries and take over.
We shouldn't feel any guilt. At all. What we should feel is righteous anger that these savage pieces of shit, who are worse than us in every way on even their best day, think they can put one over on us so they can continue raping, murdering, and conquering us.
Fuck them. We aren't sorry and we owe them nothing but a bullet.
Logan Hall
> Thanks user for this goldmine. There is a sentance I wasn't expecting at all in an UN report immigration had a negative impact on the State budget, development, health, environmental programmes and social stability. Fucking kikes
Adam Flores
You're wrong. The world Slav comes from Slave, or more precisely, Slavus, in Latin, because they referred to Slavs as Slaves
Between the Turks, Arabs, Jews, and Rus, the Circassian people were mostly wiped out, and the rest were forcibly relocated. Most today are Muslim, because their ancestors were forced to convert after being enslaved. One of the purest, most beautiful ethnic groups of the white race, defiled, humiliated, exiled from their homelands, and forced to bow to a sand nigger's false god.
The word you are looking for is nullification and Personal singular: Nullo images from tumblr.
Wyatt Murphy
Why would CNN stage something that goes against their evil-whities narrative? More likely that they still have good journalists around and they manage to release true news, from time to time.
Joseph Williams
We must exterminate them all when we get the chance.
Luke Watson
The Rus are fellow whites and modern day Russians; we can forgive them the crime of forcibly removing the Circassians from their homelands if they ally with us.
The Turks, Arabs, and Jews should be annihilated from the earth. Ditto niggers, spics, curry niggers, and most gooks; the remainder can live in their ancestral homelands, away from us. The Japs and Koreans can carve up China, Mongolia, Vietnam, etc. between themselves. India, the Middle East, Africa, and South America would be colonized by whites.
And we should always maintain numerical, technological, and military superiority over the non-whites we allow to exist, for obvious reasons. They need to know they live only as long as we allow them to.
Luis Ward
When the very distant future is taken into consideration, at a time where we begin massive colonization of outer space, I don't see how this is maintainable in the long run – only one race can have this world. It's the logical conclusion of history.
I think this is a given since whites invented virtually everything of importance and conquered nearly all of the world.
Does anyone think they'd hesitate for a second to do the same to us again if they could?
Connor Hernandez
Something fundamentally is wrong with you zero-sum faggots. Must be rampant Materialism. Fact is that when the Eternal Jew is excised from existence, the world will become a much more mellow place. Especially considering space colonization rendering resource-based conflict irrelevant.
Gabriel Watson
Wew. This would make those fuckers look bad if word got out.
Asher Kelly
Race exists, you know. When the Jew is gone, the chinks won't magically decide to stop destroying all natural beauty they get their filthy hands on, the niggers won't stop being niggers, etc. etc.. It's called genetics.
Dominic Morris
The Chinks weren't destroying everything before Communism. Mao turned the place into a locust swarm, but it's improving. Niggers weren't even a problem before the Jews started theirs Slave Trade 800 years ago, and 800 years is nothing.
>he think expansionism isn't about material (((Profit))) Capitalism is the problem. Hence why we're National SOCIALISTS.
Grayson Russell
Niggers BTFO once again. I'm almost beginning to feel bad for them.
Jacob Ward
Space is vast and infinite. More than enough lebensraum and resources for everyone, allowing us to avoid conflict.
Or we can just confine them to a certain landmass on Earth and let them live as they see fit, so long as they don't develop certain technologies and never leave their boundaries. Otherwise death by orbit results.
In 1900, whites were 35% of the global population. As of 2017, we're 8% and falling. Niggers, Chinese, and Indians all outnumber us. There isn't a single white country that is reproducing at the replacement rate, much less expanding its population. Our nations are ruled by Jews and being colonized by millions of niggers, Arabs, and spics. China has the numbers and technology to pose a serious military threat to us and has repeatedly made it clear that it intends to dominate the world in the future, us included.
Our inherent and innate superiority aside, whites remaining dominant is not a given. Things could very easily end up like the horrific future of Farnham's Freehold, particularly if the kikes manage to steer us into yet another world war.
With the kikes gone, niggers will still be niggers. Chinks will still be Chinks, curry niggers will still be curry niggers, spics will still be spics, etc.
Every race of brown people on the planet hates us and wants to conquer our lands, rape our women, enslave our children, steal our wealth, and mongrelize us out of existence.
Fuck that. They've contributed next to nothing to civilization and most would still be in the stone age if it weren't for us. We should slaughter any who raise their hand against us and, once our boot is on their throats, THEN we can decide how merciful we should be to those wise enough to surrender.
They are not our friends, they are not our equals, and they never will be. Nor will they ever be 'just like us' if we assimilate them into our society, as a glance at crime statistics and the rampant anti-white hatred from those living in OUR countries demonstrates.
Nicholas Reyes
Look at dating site statistics and surveys done in foreign countries; EVERY race rates whites as the most attractive, and EVERY race, INCLUDING niggers, rates niggers as the least attractive.
Even the mongrel mulattoes argue with each other over who's whiter (and therefore superior). In reality, they're all pieces of shit.
You clearly aren't familiar with Chinese history prior to the communist takeover. See also: Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion, Chinese Eunuchs, Yellow Menace, etc.
No, Jewry is the problem. Literally every problem with capitalism can be traced to Jews, same as every problem with socialism.
I'm starting to suspect you're a D&C shill, but you could just be young and naive. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Parker Gomez
That's a bridge we can cross later. For now, the Eternal Jew is priority number 1. Besides, the Jews are directly responsible for the vast majority of our modern Racial tensions anyway. When the Jews are gone, we'll see whether I was right to believe the world will mellow out, or you were correct in your beliefs.
William Davis
Care to guess (((Who))) was responsible for the Opium Wars?
Mason Wilson
But this isn't a new observation; HS Chamberlain, for example, noted their gloomy, materialistic nature over a century ago. It's the extreme, calculated materialism of the Chinese mind that makes them this way: they see a beautiful forest or a beautiful species and it's in their nature to see it as nothing more than a means to material profit.
>he think expansionism isn't about material (((Profit))) Meaningful expansionism is about the triumph, the literal expansion, of the morality, worldview, etc., of one race over another.
Aiden Sanchez
Simply untrue. The system itself is designed to reward the Jewiest individuals that make it to the top by stabbing their countrymen in the backs.
Thomas Morgan
A lie spouted by factory owners to secure their ticket to (((Profit))) over the bodies of involuntary colonists. Care to guess how the French government started the FFL?
Austin Miller
Could be, but it is the same shit here in Denmark. Immigrants get free housing and welfare while you see old people destroyed from hard construction work collecting bottles on the street. It is in effect slavery.
Logan Carter
They've certainly been stirring the pot, but the conflict was always there. The Jews are enabling the current Migrant Crisis, just as they aided the Muslim invasions of Europe over the past 1,300 years, but they're not the primary causes of the conflict. The Muslims invaded us back then for the same reason they're invading us now: because they want to conquer our lands, steal our wealth, enslave our children, murder our men, rape our women, and humiliate and destroy us. Just because the Jews are egging the conflict on doesn't mean it wouldn't exist without them.
Nearly a third of Europe has been under Muslim occupation at one point or another, beginning in the 700's and only ending in the 20th century. The rest of Europe, but especially Scandinavia and the Caucasus region, was subject to constant and massive slave raids by the Muslims and the largest slave trade network in the world, run by Rus, Vikings, and Jews selling whites to the Turks and Arabs.
With or without the Jews, Muslims and the Turkic/Arabic peoples are still our enemies, and they would rape, murder, and enslave us in a heartbeat if they could get away with it. Look at what they're doing to us now, especially in terms of mass rape, just with illegal immigration and 'refugees'.
Niggers are still niggers and utterly incompatible with civilization. Any contact with them would necessarily be one of domination or else they would gladly rape, murder, and steal. Which they already do and have been doing for all of recorded history.
Spics? Mongrel rape babies abandoned by Spain, descended from stone age savages who practiced human sacrifice on a scale never matched by any other civilization in the world, along with cannibalism. They hate us and they want to conquer us and take our shit.
Indians? Ok, not so much a threat as they are annoying. And their entire country is a petri dish of plagues and horrific genetic abominations. They're shitty, awful 'people', but at least they don't want to conquer us. At the moment. They've been warlike savages in the past, and just because they're mostly docile (and hilariously incompetent) now doesn't mean they'll stay that way.
China has always been a colony of ant people with little regard for human life, and always will be. Communism just cranked the dial to 11. They hate us and want to conquer us.
All other races are jealous of our success and want to steal what we have for themselves. That basic conflict is going to exist regardless of Jewish influence.
Either we dominate them, or they'll dominate us. Someone is going to come out on top; why the hell would we want it to be anyone but us?
But yes, the Jew is and must be our priority target.
Lucas Rivera
M80, Religion of Cuck™ is based on Jewish texts. Without Jews, there wouldn't have been any Muslims.
Nicholas Clark
It's also based on Christian texts, as well as the pagan pantheon worshiped by Arabs, Berbers, Bedouins, etc. prior to the conquest of the Middle East by Religion of Cuck™. Their symbol is a crescent moon because Allah was a moon god and the most popularly worshiped of the Arab pantheon. muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker cherrypicked what he wanted for his death cult of evil from multiple religions specifically so he could raise an army of followers and conquer.
Regardless, the Jews weren't responsible for the rise of Religion of Cuck™ any more than a white kid is responsible for a nigger copying his answers on the test.
Oliver Jackson
I keep posting before I can read all the bullshit. Turkey's Turks aren't very Turkic at all, and I know you're referring to Turkish niggers.
You don't know that m80. Christianity pulled the same shit Muslims are doing right now back when they were trying to convert Europe. And both stem from Jewish (((Abrahamism))), and all three worship the exact same Jewish demon - (((YHWH)))
Parker Gonzalez
Fuck off.
Parker Bell
No you.
Asher Peterson
Feel free to improve and share it. Could do with archiving the sites and including more modern updates.
Tyler Hernandez
Are we sure this guy isn’t talking about being abducted by aliens?
The same nogs who can BRAVELY and COURAGEOUSLY make the several k trek into Europe alone and (((unaided))) can't go the other way on their own, oh no. SHOCK. It's like this is all planned
Christopher Flores
I think this is great, especially if they castrate the black slaves.
Jaxson Thompson
You don't belong here kike.
Matthew Jenkins
In response to this disturbing video of people-of-color enslaving people-of-color, the people of color have taken action to stop this crime against people of color by going to the root of the problem and demonstrating in Paris:
In response to this human rights event, police deployed a water cannon and made 71 arrests.
The peaceful protesters conveyed their message to the public by rioting, looting and punching a television reporter in the head.
Luke Campbell
Travel to yurop is expensive and nigs/muds don't have that kind of money so they take (((loans))) but something is needed as collateral so kikes take their families and sell them off for maximum profit.
Gabriel Adams
Why would anyone buy a nigger?
Camden Brooks
Parker Allen
Slave freedom cost 400$ less than a phone, lets ask virtue signalling liberal to do some personal sacrifices Hot damn, will we see tire tracks on the back of Hilldogs pantsuits from now on? Everyone is throwing that bitch under the bus.
Oliver Miller
Lucas Walker
Letting them enter Europe is the only solution, goy.
You would not be so inhuman as to leave them alone and without help, right? Remember that you have a debt, remember the 60 million Africans you have enslaved!
Jaxson Ward
5,999,999 Africans you enslaved FTFY
The kikes would never admit that anybody may have suffered equally or worse than them at any point in history
Sebastian Lee
That's how much it costs tax payers to keep one in prison for a day. And billions are spent every year so the partially literate ones can double major in monkey studies and taco history.
Jayden Rodriguez
I believe you meant to say fraudcast
Jayden Sanchez
Bumping because I think this deserves some late night attention. Interesting topic and shows what good toppling 'dictators' does and I think can help fuel good arguments against the ASSAD MUST GO creeps that this is what will be happening in Syria if (((they))) get their way and destroy the stable government there.
Owen Foster
There was a riot in Belgian about it recently by the niggers. Guess what happened? They started rioting and looting WITH the sandniggers who enslave them. That's how stupid they are. They come to protest in a white country at whites about sandniggers enslaving them then riot and loot with the sandniggers because they are a bitch race used to having big Arab and Persian bulls neuter them and fuck their niggresses in ropes. That is the truth of niggers, they only deserve slavery and death. NOTHING ELSE.
Dominic Cruz
There is no race lower than African Niggers.
Even the Australian Niggers are better.
Christian Parker
That's pretty cheap.
Kevin Walker
Oh boy. Now that they've had slavery, their great great great great great great grandkids will never be able to suceed in life.
That's how the libtards say it works, isn't it?
Aaron Rivera
Australian niggers are both better and worse in that they achieved material culture in the past and have no degenerated below true sapience. Niggers never had true sapience to begin with.
Dominic Murphy
*now degenerated
Joshua Lopez
I thought Abbo's were the worst. Nearly burned their entire island into a desert and then forgot how to make fire or some shit.