Nigger punches feminist who told him to stop 'manspreading' before a white man steps in during subway rage attack in New York
>'That b*d is still out there,' she told The New York Post on Friday after her commute home.
Nigger punches feminist who told him to stop 'manspreading' before a white man steps in during subway rage attack in New York
>'That b*d is still out there,' she told The New York Post on Friday after her commute home.
Good golems fight eachother
I understand everything.
Get rekt whore. You probably love diversity now you can get your real dose of it.
You can’t just let a nigger rape a white woman user. And that was what he was planning.
Feminists are honorary kikes, you fucking cuck.
This is why feminists will always win. There exists a near infinite supply of white knights to save them whenever things get tough. Fucking whore deserves much worse than a punch to the face.
A perfect summery
fucking racist
Just purge them all.
fucking faggot
What a pig.
What a pig.
say what you want, thank god for black men if they are going to be the only ones puting bitches in line
The only cuck is you. Zip your pants back up and hands on the keyboard.
Hi Louis
It’s like mgtow think niggers are men or something.
Gtfo Kike
Sinead is back.
start doing your fucking job and no "kike" will say that, useless kids
Ride the train, feel the pain. Everyone in this story is a waste of flesh.
never fucking use public transportation, infested with the dregs of society
White man punches a lady on a subway and he'll be held down by multiple people and face charges.
Nigger punches a lady and a single dude holds him and lets him run away without any repercussion for his actions.
Dude should have beat the shit out of the nigger and then held him for police… but then he'd probably get stabbed by the 15 other niggers behind him.
Why don't you help make my job easier then and gas yourself?
OY VEY goy save that white whore that loves being raped by niggers
We should make a pact with niggers.
They go back to Africa, and in return they get granted all the fat, useless, nose piercing whores, like the one in the .webm, as compensation.
On the day of the rope I want to take care of the trains. God, can you imagine all of those rats screaming and crying while I unload my bullets into them and they have nowhere to run to.
Hello newfag.
Bonus in the package: all fags and soy boys.
The fags will infest them with disease and the soy boys will feed and give them more time to kill each other.
Literal white knighting.
You cucks are pathetic.
Feminists get punched by a feral nigger and gets saved by a white male. Then she goes and talk shit about white males. Fuck you stupid cunt I wish the nigger had more chimps with him so they would have killed you fucking whore
>(((Jack Nicholson)))
History of the modern west in three sentences.
Also these whiteknight cucks are so fucking pathetic. Subhuman retarded doormats, I'll execute them one by one
I'm serious when I say that the best way to get rid of all of the niggers aside from RWDS is to send them back to africa under the guise of gibs. Have the mongrel niggers that are dark-tan attempt to run a country and have them take the rest of their nigger cousins along with international aid but immedtiate revoked citizenship. Take advantage of their arrogance and make them see it as a challenge to make a black utopia so they demand their nigger cousins. Support them for ~2 years and then cut it completely. Watch them collapse.
MGTOW will ultimately win because we are immune to vaginal jew manipulation and can easily dominate the simps who worship them. The future is ours.
Looks like some Mystery Meat spic. The Cuck should have handed him a brick and just told the Cops. Two birds, one rape.
It's been tried
There has never been a nixodus from the US.
I wanted to see that nigger punch her. I was sadly disappointed with no feminist punching action, and a video of a white man attempting to reason with an ape.
MGTOW ultimately wins by dying in a single generation. Glorious victory.
If she is a feminist, she loses white woman status. Let the nigger rape her. She'll thank him for it, and claim it resolved some of her white privilege.
Their kin without the stolen genes are a bit more manageable.
Fucking white knights
And where in that did we export all our niggers mong?
Did you even read it?
Are you fucking Face blind? The bitch looks like a Spic. Are you fucking retarded?
Feminism don't work on niggers. Lesson learnt.
>(((Jack Nicholson)))
Jack Nicholson isn't a kike. What are you talking about?
Did you, nigger? I was pretty specific in my goals. ALL OF THE FUCKERS. That was never attempted. They set up a zoo to point at the idea that it was possible. Like what the fucks did with Israel but we all know the cunts didn't all move there.
Point to the citation that disproves this you fucking monkey. What the fuck did I miss that makes my statement that an exodus didn't take place, untrue. Because there was an entitre populace of NIGGERS left behind.
(((Hollywood))) golems are kikes by proxy
I thought the dude wanted to get into the muzzy's stinkbush
Did you notice in the article how they always use manspreading in quotation marks but she is never directly quoted as saying the word. Did you also notice how she wears a wedding ring. Also, she was sitting next to him and he was pushing into her forcefully. It sounds like the nigger was frotting and getting sexually aggressive hence all the rape threats when he lost it on rejection.
What you're calling a white knight here is actually an Alpha Male. You incels and MGTOW faggots don't have a fucking clue lol.
Remember those white knight cock suckers that tried to save some muslim whore in a bus?
These pieces of shit needs to be skinned alive.
From his Wikipedia:
He could be
I don't think you know what 'attempted' means
Nah, MGTOWs will get mad at the artificial wombs for some reason and spurn them.
She is fucking drunk on the SJW Kool-Aid. She would have better luck trying that in the gorilla pen at the zoo, no bullshit.
Man has to step in and protect stupid feminist
Your whole original point was luring them there with gibs to build a "nigger utopia." They tried it with Liberia and it collapsed in on itself so quickly and completely that it proved a ruse like that could never work.
Did they build an ethnostate for freed slaves? Yes
Did they attempt to populate the ethnostate with as many freed slaves as logistically possible? Yes
That's a legitimate attempt.
Based black man showing how to handle femicunts. White boi acting like a cuck again though, should have given her one too.
No that wasn't my point. That was another user, faggot.
Samefagging or just retarded?
kill yourself
When we actually round them all up, put them on boats and ground those boats on an African shore, then we will have attempted the removal of niggers from white countries.
There is no "luring" with a few handouts because niggers are too fucking lazy to make the trip without being forced. When we pack them all off and ship them out then you can claim we tried it.
End yourself. The nose ring alone tells you everything you need to know about the cunt.
The point still stands, there has NEVER been a nixodus from the US.
How else do you lead plow?
You can't just let niggers stand up and hit whoever they want, even if the person being hit deserves it
Anyone have screencap of user calculating how many of used up container ships you need to resolve nigger problem in USA?
In this case, you should. The feminists should feel the isolation they so richly deserve…
If she told that to a nigger, she would request castration of a white male
My mistake, queer.
But I think the most practical solution would be to offer niggers free gibs for life in exchange for sterilization. That will nuke the American nigger population within a generation and will be cheaper in the long run than having to deal with them when we recolonize Africa.
Balance the cost to keeping them around. I'm ok with bullets too but most aren't.
When everything is about MUH DIK to those fucks, it will be difficult to get them to do it without force.
she won't go full feminist online screech, since they avoid babbling their shit when it involves niggers or Religion of Cuck™. She will probably write up a huge post on kikebook about whice cis male patriarchy.
i prefer enjoying gasing your kids
A stupid fucking feminist getting socked in the mouth for being a fucking idiot by a nigger? I'm strangely okay with this.
It is about MUH DIK, but not about having kids. I think that if worded correctly it could appeal to them.
No, he's a beta using the "defend" strategy in an attempt to win favour with an unknown woman.
Risking your life to defend out-group individuals is not an alpha strategy, it puts you at elevated risk of homicide and a dead alpha makes no progeny.
I know what you gassed last summer
Protecting a nigger doesn’t help you user. Once niggers taste human flesh they have to be put down, lest they harm good people.
Some of us don't really have an option, user
knowledge is power
Appears in Sephardic, Romanian, and "Expelled from France" lists of jew names at Avotaynu
Surname most prevalent and highest density in Mozambique; also in US, Italy, Brazil
Most common variant is "Saiah" and is Algerian
Mystery meat bitch
Let him rape the invader. IDGAF other than having to have Whites inconvenienced in our own lands by it
There's a more "humane" way to eliminate them from our society. Push them off into Mexico. Keeping in mind, of course, that Mexicans really, REALLY hate niggers. A lot more than you guys do, actually. After all, we let in so many immigrants from Mexico because Mexicans are such nice, humanitarian, hard-working, "family-values" people, right? So who could possibly protest against the idea of sending niggers to live with such nice people when whites are such terrible racists? ;)
this. there is a massive influx of nigs wherever public transport expands to.
And surprise, surprise, a man is the one who has to come to the stronk, independent woman's rescue.
This shit is beyond parody.
Mel Gibson is grinning from ear to ear somewhere.
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
kek in more ways than one
What does this word mean in English?
I'm not interested in learning more SJW Orwellian fucking jargon.
white man
nigger got her good lol
Involuntary celibacy
why did the white man punch the oppressed woman in the face then blame the minority?
You faggots missed the best part!
Of course that is nice and fun, but
It sucks.
Thank you. I'll stick with ugly.
thanks for this video, I hadn't heard about this serie because I don't tv
I'll download it
an alpha would have just put the belligerent nigger in a nelson and choked him to sleep
Hes gonna get slapped with charges for racism and sexism.
I-I’m sure they were all feminists, r-right mgtows?
Exactly. A white woman was being rubbed up against by a nig and she asked him to not touch her. She didn't say anything about feminism or manspreading, that is the author of the article. After she got his an off duty cop stepped in and told him he would fuck him up if he did not get off of the train. The parade of shills and incels in this thread celebrating a white woman being attacked by a rapey nigger and coming up with excuses for why they would have just stood by and let her get beat if they were there is embarrassing.
Is there any reason not to beat the shit of the nigger in that case? The police would have to either side with the nigger or with the woman, and I think women have more victim points.
I get what youre saying but
Never forget that there are a lot of non-white mongrels with white mothers (who they hate) who come on Holla Forums and talk shit about white women because their only experience with white women is their own whore mothers. Also, that kike Kantbot was posting about how cool that nigger is for punching her. The internet is full of these parasites masquerading as pro-whites.
Even if were to be true that the nigger started the ordeal (highly unlikely), you forget to incorporate the fact that in this situation, the "white" woman is worthless, used-up garbage (the nose piercing is definitive proof of this), and that the "white" man was such a beta white knight that he was only able to weakly threaten the nigger.
Irrelevant to this thread. There is no white people in the video.
Fuck off nigger. Niggers like you pull their dicks out on subways all the time.
Hello, shitskin!
I said that it was highly unlikely not because he was a nigger, but because if he did pull out of his dick, they would have absolutely put it in the article, which they didn't.
This is a Daily Mail article, not some left-wing garbage.
Nothing new here.
No, he probably was rubbing up against her and getting ready to whip it out and she told him to stop, and he started screaming he’d rape her like the other white women he’s raped.
Mgtow are fucking cancerous scum. They will literally protect nigger rapists because they hate white women so much.
Look at how small the seat is, even the slightest spreading of his legs would have caused him to press up against her.
No way for her to know that.
Where's the white woman in the video? I don't see one.
Picture related: Separated at birth?
Trips confirm the bad goy is happy
This reminds me of that wolf whistling video, it was filled with niggers. Feminists complain about white straight guys but it's really niggers. This is the world they created.
The worst thing, a nigger actually touched her. Disgusting. I would definitely divorce her ASAP if I was her husband.
Probably a coalburner anyways.
I'm not sure how to feel about this. On the one hand:
On the other hand:
White knights are the only reason these women make scenes. Otherwise they would stfu.
ugly pig nose
finger nails chewed down to nubs
creases in her neck indicating pre-diabetes
plucked eyebrows and wearing fake-up but still looks like a dog
she's low quality breeding Holla Forums
I'd punch the white knight twice before the nigger tbh
Someone needs to ask her if she is going to surgically remove that part of skin that got contaminated by the N.I.G.
The person on the right on the attached photo is her mother. T-totally white guis!!!
she is probably a mixling. I bet her mom is beaner.
its the only racist word that makes me laugh
The worst part about this?
The white man standing up for her
Another example of our unhealthy altruism, and the reason we are being destroyed at the moment.
you're being destroyed because you're a LARPing cuckboy
This right here.
We've seen this enough times and know how those subhuman degenerates act. He probably wen't muh dick after being told to stop and simply hit her. Just like that video where a women got hit from behind on a trainstation i think it was germany for no apparent reason. Or the knockout game niggers came up with, they act without reason.
It doesn't matter if she's a feminist, things like this cannot be allowed to pass. Like the others say, the article is probably washed over to fit a narrative or they directed her into saying that he might have been manspreading rather than rubbing against her.
What's the problem with a nigger abusing a fat, race-mixed whore exactly?
So this is the mighty BBC I hear so much about. I am truly in awe of such magnificence. How could I ever compete?
I was emphasizing the redtext, blow it out your ass nigger.
You want to know why niggers beat their white whores? Women, being as impressionable as they are, buy into the BBC craze(or at least some of them do, enough to make it a meme) and when they find that these niggers aren't hung like the 5-10 niggers they re-use in the pornos they talk shit, and niggers being as violent as they are, strike back.
Burn the coal, pay the toll
Youre enabling ape behaviour on public transportation because a feminist bitch told the nigger to not spread his legs. She IS a degenerate, no doubt about that, but she is not the only one affected by this nigger's screeching, threatening, violent response in the video
The problem is the nog doing what he pleases and getting away with.
Nice zog-washed understanding of the word untermensch.
I do agree that the bitch isn't white, however.
Ape behaviour between non-whites is ultimately a good thing. She gets her ass beat, and he gets thrown into prison.
She would be the only one affected if betas didn't come in to white knight.
How exactly does she not measure beneath the standards imposed by social order?
Bullets are a waste. Drown them.
You're moving the goal posts. I don't care what happens in some Zimbabwean black neighborhood, because those are full of room temperature IQ nogs. If they want to chimp out and fight then do it on fucking Africa or in the ring, not on a fucking subway, putting on danger the lives of other whites there. That bitch and those around her are lucky that the guy stood up to stop that behaviour.
Fat nigger drops pants and pulls out an massive BBC… sadly my newborn seemed to have been born with one far more… endowed. Clearly I should test my kid for aids since he puts the kikes vaunted BBC to shame.
The beauty in all of this is a nog did it so we'll never have to hear about it. Damn these liberal white chicks are morons.
What I love is how truly and purely confused he is when told the guy restraining him is "off duty". Like, he can't even comprehend it. Why would anybody do anything for the sake of another if they weren't being forced to by their job?
This is the thought process of a slave.
Yeah. There are no niggers.
What's MGTOW about?
it means MGTOW. - "Men tired of women"
But its mostly Neets, autists, oldfags, and faggots complaining and whining about whores.
MGTOW = Mostly Gays Tired of Women
in a post-feminist west, one should assume any white woman is a feminist until she undeniably proves otherwise.
Bad attitude. If this woman were white and didn't have that nose piercing, you could be letting an innocent woman be beaten by a nigger. Saying "sorry, I didn't know if you were a feminist or not" doesn't cut it.
There is a significant density of them being autistic ostracized neets too. Skeletor/Manwhale savvy internet users with zero self-awareness and pathetic learned self-helplessness. Social incompetence and agoraphobia is an epidemic in this gameslack era we are living in.
If we are lucky, their weak physique will contract some fever and wipe them out once and for all.
Nonsense. A woman is a person just like the male. She will deserve your respect, and you will deserve hers. She will be loyal and a partner to you in life, just like any person would be in any form of affair. This entire "gender war" between males and females is pathetic and reminds me of the "class war" jews instigated. I prefer "race war".
MGTOW always generates maximum salt amongst roasties and their tradcuck defenders because they know they are losing ground and that MGTOW is rising.
If white womyn want to be defended from niggers, they need to give up delusions of "equality" and literally go back to the kitchen.
But even if they do, it's too late for many men who are gearing up for a society that doesn't include females.
Fuck off TwoX
I can agree that the salt is fun and amusing. But if we put the sillyness aside, it is at the end of the day all things considered a pathetic philosophy altogether and at best a masturbatory waste of time. Real men of power don't waste their time.
MGTOW is rising? Losers always existed.
Ever heard that story of the fox and the grapes?
You seem to forget the MGTOW is utterly immune to insults and shaming tactics, but kudos for trying.
Just because I was more specific than "gb2redditlol"?
Seems like it's immune to pussy too. So immune no women wants to touch a Mostly Gays Traps of Wankers
Most MGTOW have loads of experience with womyn, newfriend.
It's no tactic cuck, it's the truth. No woman wants to fuck you.
You seem to believe I give a fuck about what you think is shaming and insulting. You think that was insult? This is an insult: To me you are nothing but an electron passing trough my microprocessor. Considering you a human even in the approximation would be an insult to my perception of even a converging idea of reality. You are not even an idea to me, leave alone a human. You have never even existed.
I am telling you what the rest of the world thinks while you are suffering severe dissociation, like those gamerfreaks in World of Warcraft. Enjoy your being part of a jewish cult based on hating your own women, making you nothing better than a fanatic feminist in the end.
keep soothing yourself with comforting beliefs
keep soothing yourself with comforting beliefs!
I remember the good ol' innocent days before the redpill when I was that guy. How fucking naive I was….
t. assmad roastie who's run out of arguments
He's just a good goy, mate.
That weren't no Man - that were a WhiteKnight faggot.
So you criticise tinder whore behaviour while stating many MGTOW have experience because they're tinder whores. You see how you're even more useless than the most useless feminist whore on the planet? At least the feminist whore can have a child that has a small chance of growing up to be the next Adolf Hitler.
Remember that Adolf Hitler was born out of wedlock to a single mother.
How do you know her beliefs from what she was doing? Are white women not allowed to take the train?
Jesus you retards are lazy.
You will die a virgin neckbeard.
women shouldn't be allowed out in public tbh
I'd rather get executed, fuck that shit, user.
As I said, not even a human in the approximation.
Unlikely IMO. Always thought that he looked extremely Italian despite his saxonic name.
Yeah, it's shaming when it's true virgin.
The only thing I can sympathize with niggers anymore is testical ventilation.
Go ask your feminist single mother to go make you some tendies, so you can grow up big and strong and be the next Adolf Hitler, ok?
I raised my son, literally, on home made tendies (the best) and he's 13 now and strong af with fast, loose punches.
woops, corrected
No Muslims allowed here.
White sharia is best sharia
An Alpha would have given him a high-five.
The Negro did nothing wrong, Mr. WhiteKnight.
can't kill an idea, faggot.
Now I've seen everything.
enjoy being datamined by a kike
I laughed so hard at that comment you have no idea.
What fucking Bizarro-universe did you fly in from?
mommy looks like a tranny
Also this.
You know the drill…
t. (((Jim)))
The attention-span of people today is low out of several reasons.
1: They are simply not aware they are idiots. Thus they are incapable to see reason to learn. see:
2: Incapability to delayed gratification: Their minds are so phased out by zaps of immidiate pleasure that it is alien to them to actually spend the time necessary to learn something . They have complete distrust to things that take time, since after all, everything so far has been provided with immediate pleasure (such as in juvenile pc gaming).
Hence why I called him a non-human. Because at one point, you can't really relate to him as you would relate to a person having all natural capabilities intact, as you would relate to someone like yourself. These people are neuro-atypicals, and not in a good way. They want quick hits of drama and excitement and nothing else, no matter what the long-term effects are for them or for rest of society. Basically they are e-junkies, the neo-heroinist eternally consuming masturbatory lowest-common denominator trash-media. Just look at how he types, how he thinks and consider: Is this a person that likes to put effort in orienting around abstract pleasure? Is it even a human?
"A master key/shityy lock" analogy is true, but disgraceful to think about. Civilization is built on the cornerstone of Monogamy.
A letter off, sadly.
Filtering anything but spam/cuck pornography is gay.
How we know you're not from around here.
OBM = /OurBlackMan/
Sigh, what if i'm just ahead of the curve? What if I just happen to one of those few with a completely reasonable and fair assessment of the circumstances provided? What If you actually in a universe where time is going backwards but you are just remembering the past 1 second which gives you an impression of time going forward?
let's be honest. yes whores and feminists deserve no respect but a woman that is virginal, then gets married, has 4 kids and is faithful to her man and family for life is the sacred foundation of a strong white society. Don't be gay, faggot.
The woman is disgusting, but the nigger is worse and needed to be put in his place. The white guy should've given the nigger a black eye so he would remember what happens the next time he feels the urge to get physically aggressive with a white woman. I'm disappointed that the guy used too much restraint.
Citation please? Hitler's father was very much present in his life and I believe died unexpectedly when Hitler was 13, if I remember correctly. I'm pulling that from Mein Kampf.
This is what I'm saying. Once she has earned your respect, and you hers. The bond is not to be thrown away like shit. I have been saying this all the time. But these weak animewatching freaks just refuse to realize the following: Just because you failed with one girl doesn't mean the next one will fail.
Women are in a way a form of car. They serve a purpose, they help you and make you happy. In a way they are your property, and occasionally you need to be in them. They get old, but serve a good purpose nonetheless, and sometimes you can have your friend in it too. If you are lucky they will not be high maintenance and rarely have a breakdown while you are on your way to work. But hating your own car is to me completely alien and absurd.
13 is a pretty key time to lose a father, that's when puberty really start to kick in and the mental sex differences start to come up. Generally women are fine as parents up to a certain age, then men are more effective.
naw, alpha males with good genes can produce far more superior children being polygamous than monogamous.
I don't get why you can't just do the normal thing and bring up politics in casual conversation to find out if she's a feminist or not.
Found the muslim. Reminder that arabs are a semitic race, basically tanner dumber jews.
Eh, it happens. Don't know why you'd think that strange tbh.
This, seriously.
What in the actual fuck are you on?
Also this.
Advocating for niggery on 8/pol/. kek
u wot m8?
Mein Kampf disagrees with you.
The older a good woman gets the more important she becomes as an example of selfless love and commitment to younger members of the family.
Fix it for you user.
"Alpha" males are not "alpha" any more. They are nigger tier now. Remember the "Alpha Strong! Beta Weak" comes from subversion and the push that beta providers are not needed is to show a push to African levels of societal function. Stop being MAH DIC!
how is it a failure to become woke to the true nature of the female mind vs fairy tale princess stereotypes with tradcucks always putting pussy on a pedestal and a society that gives womyn a pussy pass whenever they fuck up in society?
an alpha male wouldn't impregnate that dysgenic bitch.
kys nigger
>(((conveniently))) ignores the argument
Disregard this post,[spoiler][spoiler] I suck cocks.
What is the point of wanting a better car if it always leads to wanting a better car?
Somebody should run that first pic through Makeapp.
Holla Forums should have MakeApp built in with the fileupload function. (as a filter option).
Pointing out someone uses nigger talk is now grounds for being called a jew. Also, you have no argument.
So, an off duty cop witnesses an assault, and lets the guy leave? Isn't he going to get in trouble for allowing the man to leave without getting his information? He hardly even restrained the guy. I wonder if the cop hear the woman being a cunt, felt sorry for the guy, and let him walk so the bitch couldn't ruin his life. Too bad the video didn't capture the actual assault. If you can call it that. It doesn't really take much to bust a lip on your teeth, especially if your mouth is open at the time. Hell, it could have been an accident for all we know. Poor guy got defensive because everyone was ganging up on him.
Kicked out my wife of 16 years about 5 years ago when she turned into a rabid 3rd wave feminist. I had to do it to stop my children being infected. I'm 42, raised two daughters who are now adults one engaged at 19 to a software engineer the other in a 2yr long relationship. Homeschooling my 13 yr old son based around a core of programming, science and logic, kid so white he would make Hitler proud. Just getting him into power lifting now as a base for oly lifting next year.
I installed spyware on her phone as soon as soon as she took sole custody and changed the locks while she was out on a "girls night out". She'd been secretly taking drugs with a pos she had met through work. I gathered all the evidence I needed and she had no leg to stand on in court or anywhere else and so she slunk off to drown her misery in drugs and strange cocks. I've been single and celibate for 5 years now as I didn't want to estrange my children and complicate my life.
Moral of the story is don't judge others by your own experiences. Maybe I've been harsh as the vast majority of niggers don't even have fathers.
edit: I installed spyware on here phone as soon as she started acting suspiciously and took full custody and changed the locks
poor you
I hope your children will make you, make us, make their race proud. I think they already do.
God bless you, papa user.
she was a feminist all along, you were just "in love" and didn't notice, i.e. were pozzed with white knight / simp values and behavior which blinded your judgement about her true character.
it's rich you preach about not judging others, then assuming the race of another user. btw, the language we speak is a bastardized mix of many foreign influences. if you want to larp against unacceptable "non-white" words, then stop speaking english and stop projecting your faiilure at marriage.
and the judge didn't charge you with invasion of privacy and call you a slut shamer?
damn woman spreaders
Yeah sounds a lot like kike media is trying to make her look ridiculous to justify a nigger punching a White woman
This is most likely a mistake. You need to find a new wife.
Nope.. She started doing university and jew propaganda subverted her. I didn't even know it was happening because I was in the BJJ gym and Shinto Muso Ryu 5 times a week.
It blindsided me and I was lucky the kids saw through her and chose to stand by me. I won't lie, it hurt like nothing has ever hurt before but you have to face your pain and do what is right regardless of the carnage.
keep trying to convince us that your ex-wife suddenly become a feminist druggie whore 16 years into a failing marriage.
protip: she was cucking you all along, simp
basically, you've already confessed to becoming mgtow after your divorce, you just can't yet admit it to yourself in plain language.
you probably just need social validation, which is why you virtue signal on Holla Forums against what you actually are yourself. that's what projection literally is, m8
Is it your wounded pride that makes you speak such foolishness, or are you a parasite masquerading as a man? This man has had children - 3 children, and he is raising them to be be strong contributors to society. Life is never easy and judging people who are making the best of it whilst you hide everything about yourself strikes me as cowardly. The problem with MGTOWers is that they do not breed, they do not help make the next generation strong - this man IS trying to make the next generation strong.
Whether his wife was a whore before he realised it or not is quite frankly irrelevant. He's making the best of a bad situation, and in my view has done well. I'd throw a sieg heil to him - but you strike me as a disgusting, weaselly creature. Be gone from here.
ty m80
The only court we went to was her immediately taking a temporary domestic violence order out on me. I argued she was doing it to gain leverage for custody but the judge said he had to err on the side of caution.
SO she keeps coming around to my house and I keep shutting the door in her face but then I fucked up. She asked me to email her some photos of the kids and this put me in breach of the temp DVO lol. The judge apologised when I was found guilty of the breach but he recorded no conviction and no fine. My daughters then realised what she was and threatened to testify in family court against her. Game, set and match.
I have no reason to lie
btw I'm not MGTOW. Next year is the year I find a good girl in her early twenties and have more kids. I've been powerlifting like a mfkr and preparing myself for her.
mgtow are just faggots looking to recruit. You side with niggers and kikes against white women.
Based on what he shared, can he be absolutely sure they are really his children? At the very least, they have dysgenic genes on the degenerate mother's side.
False, the majority of MGTOW are divorced with kids who had been stolen by family courts and are being raised by degenerate feminist mothers.
You don't belong here.
…is that really the best you got? pathetic.
i agree with you though, mgtow are dumbasses, if only they'd realize like you have already that there's nothing magical about sex or women and so treat it like any other cost/benefit thing. That a primary purpose is to help serve your purpose. That if she doesn't have your respect then she doesn't have you. those dumb fucks need to start acting for themselves towards a higher nobility rather than defining themselves by their success/failure with women and to stop being steered by manipulative cultural and personal forces towards having to pretend to play in some silly game.
//I typed that out, but now i want to go back and rewrite it coz its gay but im not gonna. Eh sorry I try not get into the sarcasm shit, I also got confused between different posters and there's a lot of snark and projection going on i got a little confuse. there's a post with year references 2015-17 so maybe mgtow means different now but i don't remember stardusk sitting around talking about jerking off to anime all day so what I mean to say now is:
~isn't the shit your talking about mgtow shit?
I guess it would make sense: afaik mgtow philosophy or whatever was carving roads a bunch of years back…throwing a lot of wrenches… rather interesting, grounded the contemporary ~raw fight club and ~atheist philosophies with a focus on what it means to you as an individual. That it's not about blowing up buildings or having the best ideology, it's about tuning into yourself. blah blah blah. So of course cut to 10 years down the track and haha why wouldn't all the original shit have been subverted and replaced by some kind of mgtow+? Is that what's been going on? It's an easy but significant leap between don't be controlled by women to don't have anything to do with women after all that ripe for exploitation by those looking for justifications for failure. There's also that funny thing where if a religion is based on going out there and doing your own thing, who are the people sitting in the pews? haha so maybe those two things combined and you're right maybe self identified mgtow are as you describe.
looking back… barbarossa miiiiiight have been a nigra hahaha oh lawdy.
She is of anglo-scot-celt and I'm basque celt. Kids do awesome at school, not ugly. They all have my pale white skin and huge skulls.
They obviously weren't paying attention when reading Clausewitz or Sun Tzu even though I do admit a lot of courts around the world are very pro female. Marriage breakdown is the hardest thing but I believe fathers are more important than children when it comes to parenting. Without a strong father daughters become whores and sons are in danger of becoming degenerates.
Fuck kike D&C.. always the divide and conquer: MGTOW, Feminism, social justice it's just more kikery
And what will she do to prepare herself for you besides a temporary willingness to spread her legs before eventually cheating on you and taking you to court in a few years after shitting out a few kids as her "insurance policy?"
Once a simp, always a simp, I suppose.
Oh look, another white knight shows up attempting the feminist's anti-mgtow shaming tactic, hoping it will magically work this time.
no thanks…
Because children are awesome. Give them love, honesty, protection and knowledge they will always be there. When I am on my deathbed I will be surrounded by them and their children and their children's children if I live that long.
What will you be surrounded by? Ahmed and Mbongo will be fingerfucking your arse in the retirement home while fleecing your precious hard earned savings and there will be no one who loves you who will come and help you.
K i'll listen to my greatest ally and people who just want the best for me…
Mystery meat
Morons keep misusing that expression. Which means they missed the point of the tale.
Great job.
This is what tradcuck simps need to believe to console themselves at night.
No m8, most MGTOW will outbreed tradcucks and our kids will be giving orders to yours.
Oh look, a faggot mgtow who just fapped to boipucci siding with niggers and jews.
Lincoln was kill before black to Africa could be enacted.
Sorry m8, kids without fathers don't generally get very far.
Great job
He was killed by a Jew, don't forget that important part. DWB was a kike.
That's why MGTOW advocate for surrogates and, eventually, artificial wombs.
Remove the weakest link of feminist mothers and a better society will result.
I'm pretty fond of "Dune Coon" for Arabs.
honorary is not honorable.
Honorary kike is someone who isn't a kike but gets accepted as a kike despite this due to acting like one.
Usualy honary is used for someone who due to one resason or another fails to qualify for a venerable position, but due to there actions are seen as better then there peers. If the word after honorary is one with negative conotation its the opposit. Somone who through their actions are seen as less then their peers.
that's laughable. that really is more retarded than anything I've ever heard out of the mouth of a 3rd wave fem marxist.
Children need to be raised by a man AND a woman. If you have to choose between only a mother or a father, the choice is father, but the best choice is both as long as they're well-adjusted.
I never said that tech wouldn't advance that far I just think the image of a bunch of retard incels fucking robots with fake wombs fucking hilarious..
tradcuck now incorporates all men who have ever passed on their genes? just incel things!
Apart from a handful of unicorns you will never meet, much less marry and breed with, there are no well-adjusted females in this completely pozzed and kike-subverted society.
Raising children is too important to trust any female with. The man's authority and influence should not even have the possibility of being challenged. Marriage negates this completely.
MGTOW accept women as they are and the world as it is.
Tradcucks are idealists who live in a fantasy world populated by their 19th century "pure" waifus frolicking in wind-swept meadows.
Whoever actually supports this is just as deserving of the gas chamber as any shitlib.
We've already established that most MGTOW are not incel, but divorced men with kids and plenty of experience with womyn.
You act like getting married is some kind of accomplishment when, if fact, even the poorest, ugliest, least educated people get married. It's literally nothing to brag about, but I guess that's the only "badge of honor" you have.
There's a difference between relieving sexual urges and breeding.
True, some MGTOW might fuck bots, others have Tinder whore FWB arraignments and still others might just choose to fap to porn or just be celibate.
You need to try to paint MGTOW with a negative brush stroke, because you rightly see them as competitors and you feel threatened by them.
That's rational in a way because MGTOW is going to dominate the globe, and all the shaming in the world won't even slow us down.
u mad?
T. upset women/girly man
like your going to even get up off your own ass for a DOTR. your just an internet warrior.
No. If you think artificial wombs or whatever is an actual talking point, you're just a sick fuck, not someone who should be taken seriously.
Criminally underrated dubs post.
It's a legitimate talking point because we already have its precursor: biocunt surrogates or, even more abstracted, adoption, for men that don't feel the need to replicate their own genes because of a potential genetic disorders, etc.
1. Is that REALLY a woman, or just a better-passing than average tranny?
2. Regarding her voice, if she's not a dude, then she's a jude
3. I don't know which of these three idiots to detest more: the "bitch," the nog, or the brown knight.
A nose with piercing, multicolor nails, feminist complain about a man spreading his legs.
Playing the "victim" for the news.
She is the typical brainwashed cunt.
Surely you're being sarcastic. I'm fucking crying and can hardly breathe after reading this it's so bizarrely hilarious.
Do you really not see how MGTOW and 3rd wave feminism are two sides of the same coin?
You're not worth arguing with anymore because all you have is repetition of the same failed memes that have never worked and never will work.
Enjoy being cucked by your next "wife"
MGTOW in a nutshell.
BTW 3rd wave feminists will be thrilled to hear that you're willing to "man up" and marry your new wife and your wife's children.
Why waste your time reshaping something 50+ other men did before you?
She was already mudblood mystery meat m80.
are you the product of a cuckolding? is that what MGTOW is at the end of the day? just a bunch of poor, misguided, lost souls who either did not have a father, had a stepfather or question if they are the legitimate offspring of who they thought was their biological father.
You need to be RED PILLED about women.
Women are not our equal, they never were and they will never be.
Women are not loyal, this is a genetic trait and it cannot be changed.
And about respect… it is not freely granted, respect must be earned.
Like I said, I think MGTOW can be summed up as men who think that because they can't shape a woman the way they want her to be, it means that no one else can.
Then they proceed to call you feminists even if you make it clear that you oppose even first-wave feminism.
You're basing a great deal of assumptions on nothing at all. Many of us MGTOWers are divorced dads that lost everything in Court, and many of us never got fucked over like that because we learn from other people's mistakes. In either case, MGTOW as a position is an educated contingency to preserve our well-being.
How many older women do you know? How many old ladies have you met? Because i think you have no clue about women and what they become when they age. Feminism is made and supported by older women and imposed onto younger women. This is the base of understanding the problem. Who has been given more power over the years in politics? Who has been publishing books and media shows and who has been pushing "change". Young women can be molded but older women are doing the molding not the men.
Alpha millionaires get fucked over all the time. You think you stand a better chance than them? Even if you do, it's due entirely to chance. There's still a 50/50 chance it'll end in life-ruining divorce.
and that's why we call them the vaginal jew
Women certainly can be 'molded', but it's always a temporary change. Nothing short of constant vigilance will prevent something else undoing everything, and there's always the female predilection for hypergamy and promiscuity that you can never get rid of.
You can't figure it out? Its a woman.
To all the Anons trying to defend and justify biocunts.
Please take a look to this video and you will realize the path of destruction women have made in the last 50 years.
But the main blame is not for women, but for the manginas and White Knights who enable them.
Your cunt is not as valuable as you think.
You can make a society more patriarchal so theres consequences for womens their actions. But our current society is gynocentric , gynocentrism is preferred by the Marxist and Jews cause its easier to corrupt women to do their bidding and to easier to subvert the nuclear family structure.
kek. because every femshit ever was an icon of sound reasoning and social restraint. the nigger should be shot ofc, but i have no sympathy for the woman.
Yeah, this one's a nice little bit of karma that's taking care of itself
Circle of Life.
Don't forget to tear vid related a new one.
What sort of self respecting white person would commute through the N-train?
You speak the truth well friend
I hope she learned her lesson, but I have a sinking suspicion she didn't
I am wondering.
Most likely, many Anons after watching the video are now speechless.
Are you willing to reconsider your views about women?
Because if you are not, the demise of our civilization will be a fact.
Swearing off women isnt a solution , making a more patriarchal society is where a strong family structure can thrive. Mgtow is starting to sound defeatist
It's the women and not the kikes, right aut-kike faggot?
This is a defeatist attitude. An unpozzed man is just as rare as an unpozzed woman. Stop swallowing the blackpill and go attempt to do your race a favor. We'll thank you for it.
Just follow the logical path.
Women at the current moment are the unconditional kike's soldiers.
Woman are doing their dirty work.
Shit sorry for that non post. Well the thing is women are creatures of culture and look for validation from others (jew msm and the government). Rather than surrendering to society you should change society. Mgtow solutions tho see to be retreat to our masterbation chambers and mancaves and hide in some fallout chamber till society collapses.
I believe that attacking MGTOW is a waste of time, because these men are not against us.
However, women as a group (such as feminism and women's rights) are a humongous threat and ignore them is reckless and suicidal.
You might get some biters if you stop using ellipses, you fucking retard.
They celebrate their own defeatism as the wisdom that keeps them safe from women, it's bizarre.
I actually feel sorry for MGTOW, I hope they eventually reach better conclusions about their bad experiences and may live without thinking women are lying manipulative vampires by nature.
But why would you want to live a lie?
They are indeed.
Women are parasites in human form.
What about jews?
Is this a real question? Because it is really low IQ.
But if you still don't grasp it, let state the obvious.
Women are parasites for our enjoyment and reproduction.
Kikes are parasites to gas and burn in ovens.
You're not wrong, but you're saying your piece in a profoundly jewish way.
Sorry to read that.
I will try to teach myself about the Jewish dialectic.
He's still a literal cuck though.
A literal cuckold is raising another man's children unaware that they are not your own.
Possibly, but not necessarily. A cuckold is someone who's wife cheats on him. We've just expanded the meaning to refer to betas and the special kind of faggot who would raise his wife's lovers' black cuckoo children.
This gives me the most poignant of feelings.
She's lucky it was only one punch considering.
For once I'm going to side with the nigger. He dindu nuffin.
A Cuckold is one who willingly invites other men to fuck his wife.
Originally it did mean that. And in all meanings of the word,, again no, I was not a literal cuck.
Stop getting your education from porn you fucking niggers
I thought this was going to show him being beaten. Not him beating.
I agree with this idea, but that doesn't mean they're good. They're basically guys that share some of our ideals but who will eventually kill themselves. Nothing but useful idiots that can potentially hurt us too.
Find her twitter and ask her if she enjoys the world she created? Not even shitposting pictures of kikes at her, just to remind her that her ilk are the ones responsible for feral hordes of savages attacking.
No wonder niggers find it so easy to be violent assholes, they don't get punished
No wonder feminists find it so easy to be pushy cunts. When even a nigger steps up to punish them, white knights come to their defense.
Bitch deserved to get punched. Sad that it took a nigger to correct her.
Because they all have criminal records, so the threat of arrest does not deter them. A white with a clean record would obviously hesitate to smack a bitch and ruin his chances at future employment, education, etc.
Probably a cunt, but never take the niggers side.EVER.
And that's exactly what's sad about it.
When white men are proscribed from doing right, wrong prevails.
That cunt is a greater threat to the white race than any nigger on a train could ever be.
I don't care what goes on at the back of the vehicle.
Women > Feminist
Nuff said.
t. ‘Based’ nigger
Stay thirsty my cuckolded friend.
More like behind the curve since this entire thing is an If Post. Starting to sound like a filthy burnt-out Roastie.
MGTOW should be ignored. They are losers. Let them go their own way.. lol, more like sent their own way. L O S E R S
Whatever call me a softie but I do feel sorry for the guys that like got burned in court by their ex wives and shit. Suck the mens wallets dry using the law and they lose time with their kids sometimes completely lose their role as a father figure at all.
To be completely fair if you work in the IT as dev you can pass all that societal crap pretty easily. You don't even have to work for a boss, doing it yourself and advertising your own services is the easiest in IT than any other sector.
How is it not faggotry to want an all male world? It's incredibly homosexual.
They are all human garbage.
Feminist cunt for actually pulling the manspread shit irl, cuck for defending her and nigger for being a subhuman ape whose only response to any given situation is to chimp out.
Retard that didn't read the thread where it was revealed that she is a mystery meat spic halfbreed or a kike? Which one is it, user?
The thread is full of bitter virgins and non white LARPers who hate white women, of course I didn't bother to read it. He saw a nigger harassing what he thought was a white woman and he defended her, explain how that is "cucked".
Fuck off kike.
Not an argument. If you are a bitter manchild or a LARPing non white that has no real place in a racially aware white nation you need to just fuck off, you people are toxic and have no place in this cause. White women make up half of my race and if anything I love them more than I love white men, unlike you faggots. You are the same weirdos that defend non white rapists like roosh. Why are you even here?
Virtue signalling this hard on Holla Forums still isn't going to get you laid, simp
You’re supposed to watch a nigger rape a light-skinned woman and do nothing because she probably deserved it. And this is not exactly cuck porn at all.
t. mgtow
It's true, I'm not some faggot that lusts after men and spends his time hating women. I'll say it again, you guys are fucking weird and I have a hard time believing you are white. If you are you definitely aren't worthy of being called Aryan.
Lol. They are cucks, that's why they desperately try to deflect when they see a white man actually standing up for his or what he assumes to be (we aren't all anthropologists) women. It's pathetic. I still think most of them are actually non white LARPers though.
The Torfag seems to be some retard who thinks he’s going to crank out supermen with an artificial womb. You can tell he and his ‘partner’ are going to be great parents. The kid will know all about anal sex by age five, I’m sure.
You argue like a woman, or a jew.
I'm neither they just seem like the most fitting words. I'll elaborate for you, it is weird because this is supposedly a place for racially aware white folk that care about their race to gather yet these people seem to have a genuine hatred for white women which make up half of our race e.g "they are all coalburning whores that deserve to be mistreated by non whites". In the context of what this board is supposed to be about this is a very weird viewpoint to hold, right? If you think I am wrong please explain why.
It absolutely is toxic behaviour and that is the best way to describe it. This collaboration of closet faggots, impotent manchildren and LARPing non whites are poison to any movement that they attach themselves too. They drive away tons of racially conscious white women and men that don't want to be associated with these bitter virginal manchildren. They are 100% toxic to this movement and they should fuck off to their manosphere sites so they can defend non white rapists and blame all the ills of modern society on white women without shitting up race realist areas. We want winners on our side, not losers.
That's not to say you have to pussyfoot around subjects like feminism, I'm just saying if your reaction to that is to become a meninist and whine about white women and saying white women deserve to be raped you are a bonafide cuck. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't.
The following people in this thread fucking called it:
And possibly others. But those four definitely called it. Good on them.
You should defend women who dress and appearance makes it clear they're traditional and conservative. It's not "women" that you're protecting, it's femininity. If a woman makes an effort to be a feminine lady, then you make an effort to be a masculine man.
You should "respect" women whose tats, piercings, clothes, and hair makes it clear they're "strong, independent women who don't need no man" - and by "respect" I mean, respect their wish to be left to fend for themselves. Their lack of femininity is a statement by them that they don't want you to be masculine. So don't.
Also they are weird in the general sense of the term. It is weird to want a world with no women and it is retarded to want to behave like semitic desert savages, it's really gay and stupid. I have never met or seen a MGTOW that seems like a respectable Aryan man that knows his place in the world.
You should be defending all of your women unless they are on the arm of a non white or pushing a mongrel child around. If you stand by as a non white attacks a white woman or even worse, take some sense of pleasure in it you are a cuck of the highest order.
She thought real life would be like twattter, dumblr, or facegook what the hell did she think was going to happen? She's lucky he wasn't mudslime, he would have beheaded her right then and there for her insolence like in Britain and if she somehow miraculously survives his fiddy cousins would have dumped acid on her.
your writing style is 100% roastie rage
Which category do you fall into? Closet faggot, impotent manchild or non white LARPer? I'm going to guess you are option 2.
nyc user here. Niggers on the trains do this bullshit all the time. I know people are at a tipping point for just rolling over and ignoring it. These spear chuckers are going to get group mauled soon. I cant wait.
"I know people are at a tipping point, rather than rolling over and ignoring it they'll soon take action."
Irrelevant b/c the bitch in this case is non-white. Read the thread.
The alpha thing,if it was indeed started by the womyn ovaryacting to manspreading,would be to let the nigger beat the grill while looking worried and when she is hurt enough then beat the shit out of the nigger after all dialogue failed and you had to step in in fear of her life.
That's the most win win,I'd literally simply seat there and smile,not even take video of it,I'm the kind of user that simply loves to enjoy the moments.
is WSHH liveleak for niggers?
Because the MGTOW mindset is essentially just "don't pursue women that aren't worth pursuing." It's a good idea, but it's not a strong movement. It can be easily subverted by Jews to work against us, because they have nothing in common with us other than a disdain for thots.
If irony was dough, we could feed the entire world.
we need to promote more of this nigger-femikike infighting
It already is a subverted movement, their symbol of choice is a butchered life rune that has been cut in half, it is really quite fitting for the message that they promote but the average MGTOW wouldn't ever realise that. Tell me this symbol isn't jews making fun of the gullible goyim with hidden messages.
Does this bitch unironically think she is important enough that this nigger is going to go after her? The nigger was in a state of annoyance, so he found a quick solution in popping her in the face. It's not like he is at home thinking about how to kill her or holding a grudge. I doubt the groid has given a second thought about it. To him, the ordeal was like scratching an itch, not a traumatic experience, like our feminist drama queen. It's clear she vastly overestimates attention span and cognitive abilities of blacks.
In the end, it's a win-win for Holla Forums.
niggers ruin public transportion what else is new when i was in the us i always thought the us was retarded for not having invested more in public transport then i tried out the ones that exist and i fully understood why. there is no progress or civilisation when niggers are accounted for.
I feel no sympathy for a traitor.
Nope. It's exactly what I said above. Defend the traditional ones. Ignore the ones who shit on femininity.
You've got that backwards. You're a cuck for proposing to let women get away with feminism.
This tbh famalam, white women who are anti white get the rope too, along with jews and traitors. She got a taste of her own diverse multicult medicine.
And well deserved.
Bernhard Goetz
I'm this only makes her love nigger cock even more. Women love abuse and rape as long as they get nigger dick.
As a feminist she contributed to wild nigger packs roaming around attacking people. So she asked for it. The guy should have let it happen then explained to her how she contributed to it.
Maybe he thought she was a Nazi
Exactly. Wasting time defending retarded women is pointless. Some have to learn the hard way.
The absolute state of 8land
No, he does not.
"MGTOWers don't breed" is a lie. MGTOW doesn't mean you can't choose to make babies - PUA can even fit under MGTOW so long as the Man understands the risks involved with relationships with females.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to start talking to a nigger on the train in New York. I swear these fucking suburban transplants are retarded. I wouldn't be surprised if it where her first time interacting with one in his native concrete jungle.
Lil B tried to warn her
Excellent. Feminism never comes without multiculti nigger worship.
The more feminist cat ladies that get decked by crazy niggers the better.
Jews can't even draw a Swastika properly. You think they actually understand and use the Elder Futhark is as esoteric symbolism?
They'd use their own symbolism. This kind of coincidence just crops up. The Divine Intelligence does it.
Who fucking cares? Not like it made any difference the first time around.
I'm guessing you are option mad
It's an unfortunate truth that there simply aren't enough worthy white women to go around. Most are thots, coal burners, feminists, and worse, unworthy of bearing white children. Are you saying MGTOW should breed them regardless? And pay for them?
It's better they remain celibate masturbators than for a single white man to cuck himself to (((feminism))).