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cool another nigger tier op
People who let themselves be chipped deserve eternal torture.
So…some people actually want to be microchipped like a dog. They’re lining up for it. They’re having parties to get it done. It if isn’t available to them, they’re totally bummed out.
I’m not even going to venture into the religious aspect of having a microchip inserted into a human being. Let’s just talk about the secular ramifications.
Certain folks won’t be happy until everyone has a computer chip implanted in them. Here’s how this could go.
* Initially, it would be the sheep who blindly desire to be chipped for their own “convenience” leading the way.
* Then, it would become remarkably inconvenient not to be chipped – sort of like it’s nearly impossible to not have a bank account these days.
* Then, the last holdouts could be forcibly chipped by law.
Read on, because I could not make this stuff up.
Some employers are chipping workers.
Last summer, the internet was abuzz about a company in Wisconsin that wanted to microchip their employees. Workers at the technology company, Three Market Square, were given the option of having a chip implanted in their hands and 50 out of 80 eagerly lined up for the privilege.
Why? So they could buy food or swipe their way through building security with a wave of their hand. Software engineer Sam Bengtson explained why he was on board.
He wasn’t alone. In fact, they had a microchipping party and some people got chipped live on TV so the rest of us reluctant humans could all see how cool it was to get microchipped. Watch what fun they had!
It isn’t just this American company chipping workers. Here’s an example in Sweden.
Alessandro Acquisti, a professor of information technology and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College, warns that this might not be a good idea. (Although it doesn’t take a Ph.D. to realize this.)
Pretty soon, experts say everyone will WANT to be microchipped.
Many sources say that it’s inevitable that we’re all going to get chipped. Noelle Chesley, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, says it’s inevitable.
Another pro-chipping advocate, Gene Munster, an investor and analyst at Loup Ventures, says that we just have to get past that silly social stigma and then everyone will be doing it within 50 years. Why? Oh, the benefits.
There are other companies who are on board with chipping everyone.
“I use this many times a day, for example, I use it to unlock my smart phone, to open the door to my office,” Sjöblad said.
Will microchipping parties be the next generation of those outrageously expensive candle parties? Will folks be pimping microchips like they do those scented wax melts? Will it become some kind of MLM thing to make it even more socially acceptable?
A UK newspaper, the Sun, explains how awesome it is to be microchipped.
Seriously, who wouldn’t want all that awesomeness in their lives?
There are some serious pitfalls
While the current chips being “installed” in humans are said not to have GPS tracking, don’t you figure it’s just a matter of time? And also, how do you KNOW that there is no GPS tracking technology in that teeny little chip? Just because they tell you so?
Then there is the issue of the chip in your body being hacked.
“>It’s very easy to hack a chip implant, so my advice is don’t put your life secrets on an implant, Sjöblad said…
And microchipping won’t stop with a payment chip in your hand.
The endgame is microchipping people’s brains. And folks are chomping at the bit to get them. Scientists are saying that they can fix mental health issues with brain chips, they can make people smarter, and help them “merge” with AI. A chipped person could, theoretically, think his thoughts right onto his computer.
Watch this video…
So, with these chips in our brains, we’ll actually be merging with computers to some degree. The robot overlords will have a pretty easy takeover if our brains can be accessed like this.
Microchips may not be optional one day.
This horror movie gets even scarier. There is already a law on the books that potentially allows human beings to be forcibly chipped.
Oh, it’s couched in warm, fuzzy language and they say it’s just to help keep track of folks with Alzheimer’s or other developmental disabilities, but remember that the most unpatriotic law ever passed was also called the Patriot Act.
H.R.4919 was passed in 2016.
Despite the fact that the bill requires everyone to use privacy “best practices,” it’s not that much of a stretch to see what a slippery slope this is. Who gets to decide whether a person “needs” to be chipped for their own good? Law enforcement. Scary.
Could this lead to a cashless society?
If “everyone” is getting microchipped like these experts predict, that could be the next step in the push toward a cashless society. Think about the lack of privacy then. If everything is purchased via a chip unique to you, then no purchases could be under the radar. Whether a person was stocking up on food, watching X-rated movies, reading books on revolution, or buying ammo, it would all be recorded in a database. Our purchases could be used in some kind of pre-crime technology, ala Minority Report, or they could be used to profile us in other ways.
If there is no way to make purchases but with a chip, many people will have to reluctantly comply. The same chips could be a requirement for medical care, driver’s licenses, jobs – you name it. No matter where you tried to hide, your GPS locator would mean that you would be found. It would be like everyone being forced to have one of those ankle bracelets that criminals wear, except it would be inside your body.
If you think the atmosphere of control is unnerving now, just wait. When everyone is microchipped, the net will be even tighter.
Between the pending robot apocalypse that I wrote about earlier this week and forcible microchipping, it seems like we won’t have to wait for “climate change” or a war of Mutually Assured Destruction to get us. Technology just might be the end of humanity.
now this would have been a good op
It's a very real threat to freedom so it deserves attention.
In theory having your kid microchipped so if they get kidnapped or lost they can be rescued would be a great thing. In practice having a thing that tracks your every move for the intelligence agencies and megacorporations (on top of your smartphone, which you can at least leave behind on occasion), sounds beyond dystopian and they can chip me over my dead body. Possibly something like a version where the chip is in a fingernail and you can pry it out if you wanted to? Doing it for convenience sake to pay for something like the article suggests is retarded and maybe even a biased presentation of the idea, but whatever.
Sounds like Ebola would be totally his thing.
Yeah, that way they won't have to take the tracker off their person, they'll just have to cut it out of them. Sounds great.
If the chips are not all placed in the same spot that's not an important consideration. If they were, yeah, another to the list of cons.
Rolling for UK, canada or aus to be the first country to make this bullshit a law
unless you're handicapped or sick i think if you don't even have the energy to pull your credit card out of your wallet you should probably be evaluating something else
Yeah that means they'll have to cut and probe some more before they find it. You think pro kidnappers are going to stop at that?
The idea is they wouldn't even know it's there, otherwise yeah, kinda total shit idea.
You are obviously not familiar with the plight of the White man in the thirld world, where a band of starving illiterates shitskins is your biggest risk of getting kidnapped. I would think it's similar, with the niggers in their ghettos in the US and the new muslim no go zones in Europe.
Isn't that the number of characters in the name of the Jew's deity?
No. A title that isn't in french for no reason, an image that's actually relevant, and an archive link instead of posting "sieg heil?" in a desperate attempt to fit in would be a good OP, not filling the thread before it even starts.
Rolling for ex-prison colony to play as guinea pigs
checked truth
They are not experts then.
They're kosher experts.
I've been watching Ghost on the Shell - Stand Alone Complex and I'd volunteer for cyberization in a second. Especially if I could get a machine gun implanted in my arm.
Nah bro, the tetragrammaton has 4 letters plus diacritics (which are generally missing in the oldest sources.)
Why? I think they're right, there's only a small number of people that can see the nightmare this will become. The rest of the masses are just intelligent enough to tie their shoes and wipe their own ass, on top of that they just love trendy things and 'new' things. For them it will be like getting a new iPhone.
Those benefits certainly outweigh the risks of being tracked or even controlled. These pro-chipping advocates are such obvious shills that they can't even come up with real benefits. They don't say that now but when most people are chipped they will be leading the legal push for forced chipping to track criminals.
Ironically, they promote chipping claiming it will increase our intelligence. Apparently, filling western countries with lower IQ peoples, making schools more dumbed down each day, injecting neurotoxins in our bodies via vaccines and fluoridation are fine.
Looks like Holla Forums is the anti-jewking who could have guessed?
Chipping criminals is going to become standard procedure long before it's accepted by a majority of the public. This will be one of the ways how it becomes normalized.
You are right. I meant future/possible criminals.
Doesn't Jared Kushner work on RFID chips at 666 Fifth Avenue?
Eat shit kike, no clicks for jew.
I bet next you'll say Rob Pike is a Jew, Plan 9 glorifies transgenderism, and Uriel was an agent of Mossad. Wtf am I reading in that third image, omg. What a retard.
I hope you're only pretending to be retarded.
I hope you are because that is the stupidest thing I've read all day
nice dubs but it's all true
but they don't work there, as a matter of fact they were bought out by at&t and their offices are in costa mesa, give me some link between the company and that building, cause I can't find any.
pic related is the previous HQ, I can't find the link but I know at&t rented out office space from it I'll post that when I can find it
" It was established on September 30, 1996, through the divestiture of the former AT&T Technologies business unit of AT&T Corporation, which included Western Electric and Bell Labs.[1]
Lucent was merged with Alcatel SA of France in a merger of equals on December 1, 2006, forming Alcatel-Lucent.[2] Alcatel-Lucent was absorbed by Nokia in January 2016."
so in other words, there is no link to this company and the 666 5th avenue building, which means you are intentionally pushing misinformation. Verify your information before posting stupid shit next time retard.
Why? You still have to pay, it takes two seconds to find the appropriate amount of money to hand to the cashier. If i got a tag to go through security (something (((they))) started with aswell) how hard is it to take it with you? There's not a single reason to get a chip. Other than making your hands a target for criminals. Good luck with getting robbed by desperate muggers and shitskins, every chipped man will be a one armed man.
Yes there is a link, I just lost the bookmark but to piss you off I'll post it whenever I find it
That was the best digimon besides wargreymon.
It's dated but worth watching age of deceit 2. Rise of the Beast Image
thank God later
"Lucent?" Are you fucking kidding me? Why the hell doesn't the Devil have any kind of stealth skills?
That bitch is going to have his way for a little while, but while I'm freezing and starving, I'm going to be kept warm by the thoughts of what kind of napalm enema he's bought himself with his faggotry.
surely i'm not the only one who already has the urge to kill everyone that is chipped. not that i would ever do such a thing. is this the Holla Forumskultra conditioning kicking in? will these people be on kalki's list?
Kill all the board of directors for every major tech company and their cfos and ceos
so pic related then yes?
Whats a bright future
Aka kikes that try to put this idea in place.
This must actually habben
These chips cause cancer wherever they are installed. They're desperate to install them in us because cell phones and aspartame aren't working fast enough to make the kikes happy. I just hope all the jews are dead before this becomes more of a thing.
This is an excellent redpilling opportunity for christcucks.
Here you go. Fuck some shit up for those greedy fucking hook nosed murderers.
A chip could be placed in a ring or bracelet and it would be just as convenient.
Convenience is death.
Delete this degenerate (((porn))) picture faggot
Are we in deus ex yet
Actually, you are likely to develop cancer where the chip is due to radiation poisoning.
Get out, retard.
The kikes get off on blatantly telling everyone what they're doing only for most normalfags to be too stupid to realize the meaning behind what they say.
my shitty goyphone isnt enough?
I guess being able to use stuff like cyanogen isnt good enough even though im de facto monitored 24/7
So Uriel and Rob Pike are lizardmen whom rape the kids? Is this your belief? Is my using Acme and 9Front aiding and abeting the Sex Slave Trade? Hell, is me using cordless telephone and BSD aiding the demonic satan spawn that's going to microchip us all?
You are retarded
Probably because you're a fag. Why not push for gene editing so you can actually pass something down to your children?
Oh and
When you think about it, Digimon is almost a based anime.
I hope they don't ruin it in the last chapter of Tri. It's been ok so far, but it's consistent with the series and a good ending to it.
Sage for offtopic.
What the fuck is it with all these shitty threads?
Where are the memes about this?
another one-and-done shit OP
Thanks for bumping, Schlomæ.