He did it bros. He's fucking won.
The Syrian Civil War will be over soon.
He did it bros. He's fucking won.
The Syrian Civil War will be over soon.
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The rocket scientists and nuclear physicists that have fled from the region are still here. I can't wait for them to get the fuck back where they belong.
Aleppo is falling at a super fast rate. SAA are making huge advances. Rebel are done for. Aleppo is the key to the whole Syrian Civil War. Once Assad is finished there the whole thing becomes a formality and a question of cleaning up other isolated pockets of rebels, which will be pretty easy.
What would that mean for our Kurdish brethren?
Once Alleppo falls so much SAA resources are free BTFO the turk/FSA in the north, especially if the Kurds are onboard.
At the moment they look to be cooperating with Assad. An Assad win is definitely better than an FSA/Turk win.
What would the priority be for an SAA/SDF coalition? Getting bogged down around AlBab/ Jarabulus or pushing into IS? If the PMU make good on their plans to move into Syria, they would join the SAA/SDF right? If they tidy up IS it could all be over in a year….
The priority of the SDF and Assad should be to rid the North of Syria or rebel and Turkish influence. Turkey has adorned Jarabulus with Turkish flags and is teaching Turkish to the kids in the schools, it's pretty clear they intend on going beyond merely a "safezone" and instead want to assimilate large parts of Northern Syria into Turkey.
The SDF absolutely want to remain part of Syria. They just want greater autonomy.
ISIS are done for, they're much less of a threat to SAA or SDF than FSA.
Yeah the land between the cantons is totally being land grabbed. The FSA are on the front line gunning for Aleppo, so probably don't give a shit.
I just hope that SAA/YPG keep going with the IS containment strategy and dont waste time/resources in some meme battle for Raqqa, especially when the PMU might show up….
watching syria.liveuamap dot com/ it looks like Aleppo is falling right now. Does anyone have a live stream?
delusional tankie detected.
Heil Stalin, comrade!
I hate to cheer on assad but I hope they're able to bring a conclusion to this "civil war" soon.
tbh Assad dick tatorship would be much better then "Syrian" rebels and ISIS
Why has he won?
Restoration of Capitalism one way or another (voluntary submission or genocide). Too Nationalist to export Revolution, too Socialist to be left alone.
Of course, Kurds might get some respite, once Turkey starts warring with Syria: Erdogan's position is somewhat unstable and rhetoric is militant (small victorious war, anyone?).
Either way, fun and games will continue for many years until Communists of some kind enforce peace on the region - through violent revolution.
The same, I'd say. Right now Assad is simply weaker and can't openly act against anyone.
ISIS - Wahhabi fundies - are nothing but external politics of the Saudi radicals. As long as they have oil, Caliphate will persist. There is still Iraq and Afghanistan, while Assad can win only ruins and desperate population. It's a temporary setback, yes.
fuck off muke
fucking read something about their ideology doofus, your no different than the leftcoms on the Kurdish question
yes please tell me which Commies you are refering to, you mean the ones tailing Assad?
You can post an actual argument, you know.
I'm not aware of any Communists (or Commies) "tailing" Assad.
And I'm not referring to any specific group. I'm simply pointing out that no other ideology is capable of ensuring peace.
You guys are also supporting Assad? Why?
ISIS are the ones who want the internationalist revolution. (° ʖ °)
You have to go back.
The radical left is pretty divided on this issue. Most of us supoort the Kurds and Rojava. Some of us support Assad because they see him as an anti-imperialist or kind-of socialist and thinks the rebels are mostly religious fundamentalists.
As for myself, I don't support Assad. He's a Russian puppet. Unfortunately, the rebels are US puppets. So I don't know who to support.
If you like Lesserevilism, then Giraffe man should be your choice.
Explain how they are "too Nationalist to export Revolution" when their ideology is explicitly against Nationalism
Syrian Resistance for example or people in this thread. Or perhaps you?
How high would you guys think is the chance that once the FSA is dealt with, Assad will try to push out the Turkish expedition force? Will this potentially lead to a new escalation and a possible national rallying of Syrians behind Assad because of a foreign threat?
Iraqis and Syrians despise Turkey. Assad openly despises Turkey and often talks about how "the terrorists can either go back to Turkey or they can die". I can defo see this escalating if Erdogan persists.
educate yourselves comrades
Based Assad.
Assad being better than the us and the snackbars doesn't make him based tbh, he's still a cunt.
Is Assad /our guy/?
He's slenderman's alter ego
Reminder than secularist bourgeois nationalist is better than pseudo-democratic reactionaries and if you think otherwise then you're a faggot.
I don't care about claims. I look at practice.
Do they expand into Turkey and Iraq? No. They don't even try to take over the whole of Syria. Their main language is Kurdish, there is no propaganda of some major entity beyond Kurdistan. They are not trying to create MidEast Socialist State. Socialist Kurdistan is their limit.
Their war is the war of national liberation, not the war of class struggle.
Wtf are you talking about?
Should I post Pinochet or Hitler here?
who are those girls
t. FSA
Both were secular bourgeois nationalists, no?
Both succed jesus coccs
Maybe yes, maybe no, the point is they were not fighting against religious reactionaries like the bourgeois nationalists of 1848.
At least dismiss them as revisionists or something.
The exact same rhetoric a Holla Forumstard would use. You got anything to regurgitate besides Ba'athist propaganda?
Oh, and People's Will Party are also communists.
Not into Turkey, but into Kurdish Turkey.
Not into Iraq, but into Kurdish Iraq.
Not into Iran, but into Kurdish Iran.
None of this disproves their focus on National Liberation, rather than International Socialism (class struggle). They don't try to take over the whole of Turkey, the whole of Iraq, the whole of Iran, the whole of Syria. Kurds only.
Why should I give my opinion on something I have no idea about? Is just being called Communist sufficient for you?
I repeat: I'm not aware of any Communists supporting Assad. And if I'm not familiar with either of them enough, I'm not going to make any judgements.
And "anti-Perestroika" alone doesn't mean jack shit. There are all kinds of fucked-up revisionists out there. North Korea is probably anti-Perestroika as well.
Also the Opposition People's Will Party are also Marxist-Leninists.
Assad is ideologically closer to us than you, even though he is not a revolutionary socialist.
Capitalistic traditionalist white identitarianism is also an internationalist movement, you even have many "non-white" followers among you.
ISIS and Israel are obviously ideologically counterpart of the Western Far-right, why don't you join either of them instead?
You really are scum.
good. Hopefuly he can also BTFO'd the anarchokiddie, american proxy kurds later on