Canada to reintegrate ISIS fighters

If you kill your enemies, they win

While Western nations mark their ISIS fighters for death, Canada offers 'reintegration support'

> Canadian jihadis in Iraq and Syria face a concerted effort to kill them by the Syrian, Iraqi, U.S., Russian and (recently) Turkish governments, as well as numerous local and foreign-backed militias. But they have so far had little to fear from their own government, either at home or abroad.

> To date only two returnees, Pamir Hakimzadah and Rehab Dughmosh, have been charged with leaving Canada to participate in terrorism. Four more men, some of whom may be dead, have been charged in absentia. To date, no Canadian has been successfully prosecuted for travelling to Syria or Iraq to join a terror group.

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let em back in. hopefully they attack some shit and the white leafs get a heavy dose of the redpill.

The only people who will influence the government to kick out shitskins are the Chinese investors colonizing Western Canada.

Thanks trudeau! Canada will be reclaimed, unfortunately it will be over a pile of dead bodies. Sorry to those invaders that "might" legitimately be here for a good reason, but you'll either have to move back home or be considered an enemy combatant.

White libs would just double down. For morbid curiosity, I watched Canada's Global news broadcast today. Here were the topics in order of being covered.

This report was so poorly made it wasn't even clear what the controversy was. It featured some SJW whining about transphobia and then they cut to three boogeymen (((Jordan Peterson))), (((Ezra Levant))), and (((Milo))).
< I couldn't take any more.

cucknada taking in cia fighter?!?! who gives fuck


So in other words, replace the shitskins with an even worse race.


What no settlement payments for Canada's failure to make these kids happy enough not to kill everyone?

That'll be coming soon. You know they're probably going to get a free education to "turn their lives around." For those unaware, Canada actually paid out $10.5 million for one Jihadi who was in Guantanamo bay. Why? Because current year.

not giving a fuck about white people who willingly serve cia kikery makes me a kike?!?! eat shit you cia nigger


What magical white country do you live in that doesn't serve globalist powers?

fucking canucks

I want that Sand Monkeys Underfolder AKM so fucking bad.


fuckin savage's


Bets, how long until a integrated subhaman shoah'ds some place in the US

"If you let your enemies take over your country, you win."
-Justin NTRudeau

Yeah, that strategy worked out well for Sweden

If you become a third world country, you progress

So they are not stoppinf ISIS activity in Canada. This is a bad news waiting to blow up.

Canada stop it, it's not funny anymore.

inb4 your cn tower is 9/11'd like a motherfucker

One of the party leaders is a Sikh who was himself an ISIS terrorist.

The Canadian immigration minister is a lightbulb-headed Somali.

So how many Canadians want to create their own Micronatons?

Damn, it's true.

This is insulting, what the hell Canadians. They really are the Swedes of this side of the ocean.

Orwell saw it coming.

Yekub is back.

Fucking leaves.


its time. fuck the union, i want a white nation.


Wall2 part of Trump2 term?

Canada is doing Sweden 2.0: Remastered edition
It would be fucking hilarious to dox these sand monkeys for fun and profit.
Also "Of their own"? Are they rebranding sandnogs as Canadians or are they protecting terrorists more than white canadians?

does anyone have an original source for that tweet? I've read it was fake, and failed to find any sign of it

Hey shithead at least we don't have any terror attacks in our nation. Because we take care of them as fellow human beings.

You really have no clue that there is a lot of bombs going on in your nation.


Some criminals smuggling in grenades illegally and setting them off in economically impoverished areas is not the same as terrorbombing by religious extremists.

That makes Canada a supporter of terrorism, more than Iran ever did.

It's obviously fake, otherwise he would have said Calgary.

Wew you are being denial.

This is the shit that they're pushing hard in western nations. Apparently there are (((verified psycho-sociological studies))) that show being nice to your enemies makes them peaceful. Essentially the meme is that by being nice and peacefully talking you can placate those that are violent and unhinged which is partially true (police negotiators have been a thing for a while now).

ID 01cc93 is a derail shill, filter and report

Why haven't you Americans started on the Northern Wall yet? When the killings finally start I don't want these animals to get away. If you combine a wall with oil and gas sanctions against us you could depopulated most of our country in one winter. No blood.
This returning ISIS fighter shit is really bad. When the public safety minister was asked about it, he was only concerned about the families OF THE TERRORISTS reintegrating into Canada. I doubt any of them will do anything directly, but I bet someone is going to learn skills from them and will kill. These people returning are the definition of a "force multiplier" that you really don't want.

So when these fucks hop across the border to blow shit up Canada is declaring war right?

No I don't think so. The canadian govt made themselves clear that they don't give a shit.

Hello Moshe.

If Canada is taking them in, it is state sponsored terrorism. Sorry but as an American I see it as an act of war. Either remove them before they become a problem or you go down with them.

Ok you go and say to them. They will laugh and scoff at you. It's effed. Just wall and sanction them so Canadians may have a chance to balkanise or you have a bad news waiting to off next to your country.


Keep guzzling that jizz faggot.

It's a shill so ignore him.

Just seeing this invaders face makes my blood boil. He's full on pro White genocide.

Sandniggers don't count


Last I heard its more than 1 terrorist that they did this for.

Isolate canada.

Americans, please annex us for our own good.