Israel and Saudis are ready to sacrifice american lives to go after Iran

Saudi Arabia Wants to Fight Iran to the Last American

In first-ever Saudi interview, IDF head says ready to share intel on Iran

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spread it!

Destroy every single country in the Middle East

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oy vey!


This. The only ME war I'm interested in is glassing the entire region with no survivors. Sick and damned tired of their bullshit.

yes goyim, pave the way for greater israel! haha Iran must go

Imagine how funny it would be if the jews and saudis didn’t manage to get anyone to fight for them. jews don’t and presumably can’t fight wars and the no matter how much money the saudis spend on equipment for their mercenary force they are amusingly inept, billion dollar war machines getting BTFO’s by rusty soviet junk. Iran and Hezbollah would crush them.

The kvetching in the world media as the jews lost every single battle would be insane.

you know the jews will just commit false flags one after the other against the USA to get it to go to war with Iran, right?

they will probably steal some equipment from hezbollah if it's Iranian made, and then attack US targets with them

Israel is in the ME you fucking moron.

I know but this is just a fucking red herring. if anyone is getting attacked in the ME it's not gonna be israel, since it has nukes and the entire american military in front of it, to catch all bullets for them.

meaning a big war in ME will pave the way for israeli expansion

I do indeed know that. The jew does not fight conventional warfare which is why they are the most dangerous group of people on the planet (and universe for all we know). But should their tricks ever cease to be effective it would be amusing to witness them attempt to fight for themselves.

agreed, but I don't see that happening. the current US government has more jews and jew puppets in it than it has ever had.

Won't work this time. The days of the entire country rallying behind a war (like 9/11), especially in the middle east are over. Even a nuke level event wouldn't be enough.
They can try forcing it through a draft but we'll destroy that narrative once all non whites and women refuse to sign up.

So if greater Israel happens, why is that bad? Send our American kikes and niggers over to it and make the US great again finally

Kikes rarely sign up for wars and nogs are too lazy to vote let along go fight a war.

And even if it did happen then they would Samson Option the entire west. They must be unarmed before they are abandoned. What a wretched bunch.

Lurk two years before posting.

Starting to understand why that Q LARP is being shilled so heavily and why it so strong emphasizes how bin Salman is a moderate reformer and why he never mentions israel?

While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

Brother Burger's, if they start this war, you know what we have to do. The ZoG machine must not be allowed to take anymore White men for it's schemes.

Reminder that Trump has been against Iran for years.

Is that you uncle adolf?

white anglo americuck getting killed. i see no problem. these faggots would be the front line in invading a pro white country.

Oven all semites

So what you're saying is that it would only be useless ZOGbots going to die for Israel? Is this really a problem?

mate, any progress for the ZOG machine is bad for everyone else.

further kike influence around the world
deeper claws in world politics
growth of israel into greater israel

we would lose if israel goes after Iran

Iran needs to nuke israel and camelfuckistan.


If that happens and you're a burger, get ready to put your boots on user, you're going to war and you won't be defending your fellow americans but ZOG.

Putin, SAVE US ! Do not let these KIKES go after Iran unpunished !

Just look at these two fucking goatfuckers

I am sadly ready

it's got to be the immigration that has got them. They just got too greedy.

I hope Iran does have nukes already. If shit does break out, I hope Russia, China, NK, IRAN etc just launch every single fucking bomb they have at the major centers of population in Israel and SA and solve the problem forever. Fuck them, honestly.

I think we would win. It would be the best chance to regain control of our government. Iran is backed by Russia. All we would have to do is remove the cucks from the US.

You really think they will suddenly let go of America, Europe, and all their other assets ? If yes you're fucking retarded. Or you're simply shilling. In both cases, go fuck yourself

who is we and what is there to win when american lives are thrown at iranians while saudis and israelis grow?

Iran is literally no fucking enemy of the west.

the only reason why Iran and the west aren't buddies is because of the alliance of the US with israel and saudi arabia

probably could have sold another war in the desert, if the desert didn't just arrive in a boat anyway

i don't know how you can see that as anything but a fuckup

If they're too stupid to learn then allow them to serve as a lesson. Have some standards.

t. (((Solomon Rosenbaum)))

Exactly, guy. People need to stop thinking of Israel as a country with stuff in it, like most countries, and more as a criminal's safehouse.

breitbart, drudge, judicial watch and let us not forget mark levine and michael savage

says the kike defending a kike enabler



yah, they need to. Coz in this faggot world you're stupid if you don't care about any of this flagrant faggotry

Israeli backchannel to KSA

Trump wouldn't refuse their request after that amazing welcome with the sword dance.


What's the deal with the Saudi's? They put on the appearance of being Religion of Cuck™ic fundamentalists but their actions speak the complete opposite. They seem completely intertwined with Israel and their name pops up a lot in relation the most corrupt elite and ZOGbots.

I've heard rumors that they were cryptojews who infiltrated Arabia. In a similar way to how they infiltrated Russia in 1917, or America in the 60s and 70s. Can anyone back this up?

saudi royals have jewish roots. LARPing is what they do.

What's this clip from lol


user they are Semites, its what they do. Theseus knew, the Minotaur wasn't a mythical creature but a king of an evil tribe that had come out of the Retjenu. The Aryan won that day, will the Aryan win today?

The sad thing is the US almost has to fight Iran since toppling Saddam and upsetting the Sunni-Shia balance of power.

literally not true.

US has to stop backing saudis and their jihadis (ISIS/Al-Qaeda)

You are either a god dammed shill or an insufferable idiot. The Shiites are the peacefull goat fuckers. The Suni (Wahhabi Saudis) are the fucking kikes blowing themselves up for there chance at 48 virgins. These more violent ones are backed by Israel and the Saudis. Shiites are red pilled as fuck on the JQ, while the Suni isis fighters are fucking patched up and armed by the kikes.

You get it don't you, we need the under dogs (Shiah) to win so they can kill all the Jews, also they are nicer to us and we may not even have to gas them until after the Niggers (which comes after the kikes are ash).

also, Shi'ism = nationalism


t. crypto-kike Shiite
your entire sect was formulated by. a jew. this is a recorded fact.

you must be the shlomo from 4chan that shills for zionism and posts polish photo models in IDF uniforms to hide the fact that the real IDF look like monkeys

just dodge the draft, the russians had no problem making this stylish in the US back in the 70s, theyll make it again.

hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.

the govt would monopolise on mass hysteria and the hype for war.

the last time anyone came even close to that JFK got offed

t. cockroach
Where do you think you are, Mehmet?

this tbh

Lurk for two years and then kill yourself.

please dont use force on us

Saudis and Kikes both that their own armed forces are completely spineless and pussified so they rely on US army to do the legwork
Sand kikes and kikes hand in hand




there are. right now i can count more good muslims than good american presidents.

KEK, this is what i meant yes.
theres also literall JIDF agents on halfpol that have programs to warn them whenever a new thread with buzzwords was posted so that they can get there and post "israel will win" for the first post

friendly reminder

When will we step back and let them get creamed. The people must stand up to this senseless slaughter they are being set up to


Yeah user I'm sure the kikes will just leave all western countries completely after this one thing. We'd better appease them this one time so we don't have to do it again.

Kikes live outside Israel as well, ever heard of New York?

Oh wow, the JIDF is back again it seems. Posting ugly mongrels is their most popular tactic.

Holy fucking shit I think you're onto something.

Fuck off.


It doesn't help matters that sandniggers are basically tan, dumber kikes.
Like hell they do, see and

Nigger read a fucking book. There are no good mudslimes. The focus of their religion is a child raping warlord who had a bad habit of being a fucking traitor and a compulsive liar. Again, daily reminder that sandniggers are a semitic race.

if you wanna know how the world works you study politics not theology.
in the last year hezbollah did more to combat jihadist terrorism than the US has in the last 100 years.

so is christianity dumbass.

seriously, what are you, some dumbfuck burger neocohen?

Why is it bad if sauron gets the ring of power, that just means that the ringwraiths will go back to mordor.

this isnt your beta NEET tel aviv blog dumbass.

Top fucking kek. Also:

Kikes are pretty fucking blatant, and they don't even know it.

Pisslam is a totalitarian extremist religion of submission and deception. The shitskins are no better than kikes
Have you forgotten this thing called: Taqyiaa.
Just because Jamal's second sister gave you a sloppy blowjob do not redeem them.

and photos from Lebanon in
>Never forget that (((we)))'re your greatest ally, if you leave us it will be another 6 million
Fuck off JIDF, Saudis and other kikes have to go, whoever's willing to help is an ally at the moment

read a book nigger.
semitic religions are all that derive from the abrahamic one.
and religion isnt race dumbass. what were you even trying to say?

are you postgoal shifting now? muzzies did more to fight jihadism than america ever will.
as a matter of fact, modern jihadist terrorism can be blamed entirely on the US.

you kinda summed up all world churches there m8

i dont know, some shitskins seem to be doing alot more for this world than good goys in america and the EU.

i didnt read the book. sorry

im from a smaller country in europe, we dont have jamals on the streets here.

sure thing greatest ally