Other urls found in this thread:
Checked. This seems interesting.
Archive of tweets?
Who's Roseanne Barr?
The most recent archive of her tweets was Nov 14th, so her tweets today aren't backed up to the standard archives. I'm digging around now to see if anyone has anything.
A sitcom actress from the 90's.
Get your shitposting thread out of here.
She didn't act she just played her fat disgusting self.
Are you sure it wasn't for this tweet?
Q is fine
From Q:
Does this mean the secret of how everyone opposing the establishment of the federal reserve sank on the Titanic while those who didn't canceled within the week before the maiden voyage will be widespread?
Maybe it was this one?
Obvious shilling.
Post an archive then you cunts.
It couldn't be this one, could it?
apparently this happened.
There isn't one. It's a doctored image.
It's more coordinated LARPers.
But where the hell are they coming from?
Obvious shill is obvious, reported.
getting nervous yet?
OK there is also a leddit thread posted 13 hours ago about how she called out child sex cults in hollyjew a long time ago
with embeded vid embedded in.
Post an archive then faggot. Where the fuck do you think we are? Do we just listen and believe you? Nice cuckchan filename inb4 muh (u), we both know where you saved that image from.
Post your archive'd proof or fuck off.
Believe it or not, anons here don't just listen and believe like at cuckchan.
You're going to have to work to subvert this place.
Absolutely. I can doctor a tweet in seconds.
This is why we use archive here, friendino.
Don't forget Roseanne is one of (((them))).
Says she made a deal with Satan to become famous.
She might be a fat druggie, but she has seen this shit up close.
I already answered this
So you have no proof?
Your images are just as real as mine then.
Why is it lately that faggots keep saying they don't need to prove any of their shit and we should just believe whatever they post a truth.
I'm Donald Trump BTW
very indo-european gif m8
Maybe she self deleted?
Nigger what the fuck is this dog shit cuckchan tier thread?
If the answer is no then stop posting like this actually happened. A quick search turned up an article that claimed she posted on facebook that she quit twitter over "jew hating". Nothing about what you posted in the OP. You better get your act together before you supervisor notices how little effort you are putting in.
Activates your almonds, does it?
I'm working on it. Here's some freaky shit.
4cuck thread from yesterday. Someone LARPing says to follow Rosanne's Twitter for more details. Today it goes down.
Probably some sort of psyop. Obvious garbage like this is called out, because whoever took the time to screengrab those could have easily copied the link or archived them. Or made the thread before the account was shoad.
The only thing of news here is that her account is gone. Maybe she closed it herself. Apparently I was the only person to look into this and try and see if something is up, and the closest thing is that plebbit thread. People posted in there as recent as 2 hours ago, and no mention of strange roseanne tweets.
Now the kikes want you to apply this same logic to the Qanon threads. No proof = don't give it any air. The thing is, even if Qanon is a full larper, there surely are connection somewhere in all the questions they dropped.
tl;dr OP is a faggot.
I'm seeing a pattern here, faggot.
Forgot to remove the image, schlomo?
nm i also suck dicks.
She gave a start to many non-ivy league sitcom writers, some worked out and some not.
This is interesting for sure. But the title
needs to be reserved for either of two things:
1. DOJ drops the hammer on Hillary; or
2. Trump addresses the nation and implements Order 66.
Those two images are different filesizes as well as different names and two different sizes. Nigger. Yeah.
i believe this is supposedly the tweet
Newfags and other faggots fuckin post ITS HAPPENING! for some of the most retarded NOT happening shit.
sorry, I agree I'm a faggot for overselling it but this is some interesting shit all going down at once. Yesterday in cuckchan someone posts a chat they have with someone about Q user where they say to follow Rosanne's twitter. Some Qanon Tweet screenshots show up and then Rosanne's twitter (and one of her websites) goes down. It's not proof - people don't archive her twitter daily - but it's more convincing qanon evidence than most of what I've seen.
Kill yourself kike.
who the fuck is Qanon and why is twitter shutting it down
nvm answering my own question Qanon = Q user that's been in threads with leaks? i never put much stock into that, apparently it's serious business.
A very successful listen and believe campaign that has all of cuckchan at fever pitch because they can't into verification of sources.
It bleeds over here by retarded cross posters who think they aren't as bad as cuckchan.
She's also talked about 911 conspiracy.
Reported for eceleb drama
Shit thread
twitter immediately shutting it down gives it far more weight now.
I found the article you're too much of a faggot to post. Even your own article says she deleted her account but then immediately reinstated it. Why are you gaslighting like she didn't even have an account when there's archives of her tweeting about hollyood pedos earlier this week?
You kikes are terrified.
Dubs of Truth
Congrats, user, you fell for the listen and believe shill. Not one person has been able to produce any of these tweets in a secure archive format. That other user already showed how easy it is to fake shit.
Roseanne Barr is a kike and a batshit ultra-zionist.
it could also just be libshits jumping at ghosts so even if theres a potential for it to be real they go into SHUTITDOWN panic.
The Gateway Pundit has an article up about it now. Lots of Twitter ecelebs talking about her tweets previous to getting shut down. If it's a LARP, it's highly orchestrated across many players.
Post the archive, nigger.
Wew. Social pressure doesn't work here.
Like a tribal network would be?
What fucking timeline is this? I would have never imagined that some old-ass sitcom celeb like roseanne would get involved with 4cuck posters and is hanging out with the greenpill crowd.
You'll never get proof because it wasn't archived. You can look at the evidence, however, of which there are interesting bits of. If you don't want to dig into it then fuck off, no one is asking you to waste your time.
Haven't heard of this Jew in like decades what the fuck is going on?
according to the articles
"“Lots of ppl will become Woke AF this week,” tweeted Barr on November 11th.
Barr also sent out a series of tweets about sex trafficking and Hollywood degeneracy on November 11th.
On Friday, Roseanne Barr’s personal Twitter account and website appear to be deactivated and or offline. It is unclear at the time of this report whether the actress deactivated the Twitter account or if she was deactivated by Twitter.
Screenshot below of Roseanne Barr’s Twitter account showing ‘tweets aren’t loading right now’ which is a sign she may have deactivated her account."
If you only believe proof, not evidence, then go fuck off in a different thread faggot.
can we come up with a reason why her account would be deleted?
Oh, that's right. There isn't any proof. :^)
You're pathetic. What a shit thread.
Eh, fuck 'em.
Report and hide.
You can see here they want to go back to the red text well like they did during Trump election threads. The whole thing is a jewish work from front to back.
You're a nigger, but that's typical of nu/pol/.
I tell you I have evidence, not proof, and you still demand proof - which I have already told you 10 times doesn't exist faggot. IF YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN THIS THREAD THERE ARE PLENTY OTHER ONES TO SHIT UP
Great, glad you hate it. Go fuck off and shit up another thread faggot.
when I first clicked on that link it showed a tweet that said "MK Ultra" then it went blank, pic related.
I can believe it that she was shoah'd for being a bad goy but this has nothing to do with that Q LARP shit.
Unless the goalposts will suddenly move and this is what the thread was always was about, goy!
Holy fuck.
Hey nu/pol/! You want shills? That guy right there.
Roseanne is an ultrazionist.
Did you archive it when you saw it?
Now you want us to listen and believe?
Fuck me. Where does the time go?
lmao what? I can still see the #MKUltra tweet on my end
Then run it through archive.is, not (((web.archive))) who change history for their benefit.
Considering her other tweets, I'm inclined to believe OP. You would have left the thread already if you weren't trying something, kike.
Unfortunately, the latest was the 9th.
Also, here's proof for you. Too bad you filtered me, you literal nigger :^)
I did, and pic related.
Well you're still posting so you're a kike.
How many fucking normies and "celebrities" go to chans?
Yeah, real convenient.
It's been pointed out on this board over and over, but hasbarat functionaries have accepted the reality that jews are so odious and loathed that trying to defend them(selves) is a waste of time. Rather the angle they've chosen is to simply accuse their opponents of being the jews.
Oh shit.
This doesn't make sense. You sage and just keep posting about how this is disinfo/fake, yet most normal anons would post once and move to a better thread.
And that post is just bad, holy shit. Are you on meds or something?
Archived. archive.is
too many evidently
Don't be a nigger
thank you
Odd. Although the archive.is was a capture of the google cache, it is different, and yet pic related was left.
This thread is a dumpster fire where OP and his friends didn't produce shit to show for their claims.
There's no arguing with these kikes. Let the mods take care of this shitshow.
Shows up in google webcache for me too, gonna try archiving.
just filter (((d2c3a2))). when someone puts (19) of 105 posts in a thread that contribute nothing but trying to discourage conversation about a topic, it's a slider.
You're transparent as hell, you know that right?
I'll let the mods take care of you, then.
But it was fun pointing out all the holes in the argument and watching you kvetch.
You can't be serious.
Go fuck yourself OP. Every fucking day i see some happening tread, every fucking day it's nothing.
I'm tired of this shit. Go read some omens from birds poop or something, you are fucking annoying.
Embed related is the video she linked.
Nigger that's not what "sliding" is.
Read your shill handbook and brush up on your terms.
He is righteously posting against the GLP-ification of this board, where zionist nonsense is regurgitated, accepted, and propagated by coordinated teams of hasbarat.
Go shit up another thread faggot, no one cares that you don't like this one.
Twitter is a piece of shit and all of you should fucking know better to archive this sort of thing ahead of time, and tell the retarded cuckchanners too.
why is roseanne barr tweeting about Q user and then getting banned
important question
Also you're (17) when he's (19).
Somehow this is a big difference that turn someone into a shill.
Better stop posting or you're violating your own guidelines!
great, thanks for the valuable contributions. Why don't you go to a different thread and call people kikes while we dig into these strange happenings?
>trusting Holla Forums vols newfag, if not a shill then
What's with this surge of shills/newfags/shitposters lately?
Is cuckchan down or something?
My waifu chans?
Hello cuckchan. These aren't volunteers.
The mods are paid to combat shills here.
Its not done for free.
moot said it wasn't her
Roseanne Barr IS a kike. She IS a zionist. She doesn't hide it. The real question is why you're so intent on putting her forward as legitimate?
Really nigger?
Oh. Thanks. I wasn't sure. Filtered.
This is the URL of one of her tweets, no hits in tweetsave or archive.is
If there's akamai or google cache that you can find, good luck.
"Q is telling us the world is getting better-I think so too"
So, Roseanne lurks 4chan? Nothing computes anymore.
She's a zionist kike and Q is a larp, but twitter's bullshit needs to be streisanded. Imagine if there was actually important information. Normalfags need to get riled up about this.
What did I post you faggot? I pointed out that it was ridiculous to trust the vols. They are still called vols regardless. Fuck you.
If it was stickied, I clicked the thread beforehand. I saged because it was off-topic. Fucking read the thread before you post, nigger.
Thread of pic related archive.4plebs.org
They don't get so much as a single solitary hotpocket, faggot.
Of course.
*to specify, I've been posting information trying to help OP.
Unless he meant (((paid)))
no luck
Holla Forums mods don't get paid, (((paid))) or get any type of recompense, they DO IT FOR FREE AND THEY TAKE THEIR JOBS VERY SERIOUSLY.
It wasn't a sticky when I was writing my post you faggot.
Regardless whether Q is larp or not, this shit is going to cause an even greater influx of normal fags now.
Twitter is a private company so they can pretty much do whatever they want with their product. It's a good lesson to learn for "right wingers" who both support capitalism and yet think that private platforms are obligated to give them an audience.
moot lied and people died
sage for offtopic
You kikes cant' bury this no matter how hard you try.
It's important for normalfags to learn about the memory hole. It's the final nail in the coffin for the Fake News. Streisand the fuck out of this.
An influx of normalfags to cuckchan. Which is good.
Yeah, I don't know why I'm saging. I saged in a different thread and now I can't unsage apparently.
Don't know if that makes me jewish though.
Pretty much every big celeb that was under 30 in 2010 has shitposted on a chan. It's a very mobile friendly platform that leaves them anonymous. And it's a great stress reliever to call someone a faggot/shill/nigger/kike without repercussion.
You must be part of the influx i mentioned in
For all our proofposters, here is (you)r proofs she was tweeting about Qanon. She also previously tweeted about how all "violent predators" were going to go down and how good people are going to need to replace them in government
" This isn't the only tweet about Q on 4chan that Roseanne Barr tweeted about Q today, as there looks to be two more Q tweets from actress/comedian Roseanne Barr before being deleted from Twitter. So does Roseanne Barr's deletion from Twitter after mentioning Q today confirm more and more that Q on 4Chan is completely legit now? Not only does this show Q being completely legit, but on November 11th the CEO of E.L. Rothschild Lynn de Rothschild freaked out on Trump after Q made a post on November 11th stating on 4Chan…Rothschild's 2 trillion++. Here's the other following Qanon tweets Roseanne Barr sent out today before being deleted. "
You should probably take just a minute to think about who an ultrazionist like Roseanne Barr would want out of the government.
it's one group of kikes in the shadow govt burning another for control. 90% of American politics is.
So no real reason to get hyped then, is there? Glad you came around.
If everything we're seeing is legit, it's the best evidence in favor of qAnon being real I've seen. It's also a great leverage point, culturally, to show normalfags how deep the rabbit hole goes, and how far the tech/govt/kike cabal will go to control the narrative.
lmao keep the fedora tipping pedantism to a low roar, will you?
The point of this thread is to use the example of one group of kikes (twitter) memoryholing another kike (roseanne) in order to redpilll as many normalfags as possible on how kikes memory hole anything that's inconvenient to them.
The cuckchan larper is irrelevant. What's important is the memory hole.
Is twitter kikes? The big shareholder who gets held up is the Saudi prince who was at odds with Trump and backed Clinton. But we know where Trump stands on the zionist issue [he is firmly in the zionist camp] and the new crown prince in KSA is doubling down on the zionist alliance against Iran. Really makes me think. I might be the only one, though.
I'm sorry but that's shit logic what was memory holed is arguably the most important fact
again, if this is evidence that qanon is real, then it's evidence he wasn't a larper (at least the first qanon poster)
if he's real, what he said is not irrelevant to understanding current issues
Definitely should be the main focus I agree
The Q larp is irrelevant because all that matters is who has the guns right now. You fags really suck at operations.
Why? Roseanne is like the mother of originalfags.
Okay so tell people roseanne barr was memory holed just because, not because she was tweeting about Q contacting her, ignore the mk ultra tweet, and the tweets about pedophiles getting busted, so what should I tell people was memory holed? just her account because she's an unfunny kike?
the whole goddamn point is that they memory holed her due to her 'Q larper' tweets obviously indicting the severity and legitimacy to an extent of the 'larp'
Holy shit this is the dumbest thread ever. She's a jew
It's fine if the normalfags buy into the larp, idiot. If you buy into it you're a fucking retard though.
Are you implying jews never jew each other?
Corey Feldman is jewing other jews
Roseanne literally did nothing
Nothing is happening this is a false alarm.(astroturf)
Here, I'll speak with reddit memes, maybe that's more your level, faggot. This is you, pic related.
if she did nothing, why was she purged?
your argument is incoherent. the account being deleted after her tweeting about QAnon suggests qanon is real, and someone is trying to hide it. the deletion of the account itself gives evidence that Q isnt a larper.
Two different cats. Muh earlobes
It could also suggest it's not real and someone is deleting zionist agitprop.
seriously nigger
The only fact you have is that the account was deleted. Unless you have chatlogs you can only guess at the reasons why. Fucking moron. Work with the facts. Roseanne is a fucking kike, if Q is a larp then possibly they're trying to streisand the Q LARP in order to further discredit pizzagate. Go look up judas goats, faggot.
Kids, you should organize and explain better what the fuck is going on, i´m to old to lurk moar every day to get in check.
So, any baboon cand explain what in keks name is happening?
Some cuckchan larper (named 'Q') got the attention of a bunch of cuckchanners and a few idiots here on full. This larper then got (((roseanne)))'s attention and as a result her twitter was shoah'd.
works for*
too late an hour over here
George Webb, retard. This is the same tired playbook the CIAniggers have been using for 50+ years.
Well, you're saying twitter is owned by zionists. Another user provided me a link but it didn't load for me, maybe it's because of my adblocker. I'll take your word for it. We know Roseanne is a zionist. And we know the Q LARP is zionist propganda. So you tell me what conclusion I'm supposed to draw from that. "Q is definitely true" certainly isn't the one coming to mind.
Gas yourself.
Can you manually delete your twatter account ? If yes, move along there is nothing to see. LARP.
nigger, are you really this fucking dense
who's 'we' chaim?
Are you sure you're not mixing up IDs? Or are you just reading through posts too quickly and ascribing your own inferred meaning to them? You're close to being filtered.
Next you'll say that shills don't real and they don't work both sides of every argument either.
Have we read through the same threads? The same threads that never mention the jews? The same threads that push the controlled Hitler narrative? Q LARP is literally recycled postwar Rothschild anti-Nazi propaganda.
Reddit is just a url away, faggot. Nice lack of arguments btw.
We aren't arguing.
what I'll say is that if this was "poisoning the well", it worked really fucking badly since it woke a lot of normies and got the press talking about it. It's not poisoning if it's passing legit info, and the info about the Rothschilds was legit. In what fucking world would that play into the Rothschilds' hands?
i'm tired
Why did she think she would be eligible to talk to an entity like Q, suppose if it was for real? I suppose, if she was in the know, she'd have to be on _THAT_ level still. How self-centered and shortsighted.
I don't know who Rosanne is. I wager, many others don't either. And even those who do, may despise her because of the disgusting celebrity status. You know how they always play both sides, the way I see it, is that it's just another globalist soldier that got caught in hot water and KIA for it.
Wouldn't be surprised however, if they restore her account very soon, and claim it was an accident by a dumb worker or technical nature, and you don't get to hear any word about Q from her again. But you probably think this too, we are one of the more advanced thinking-outposts around.
I will remark, that for supposedly being a top-tier think tank gone rogue and in possession of crucial classified intelligence, this entity is a huge fucking faggot for calling itself "Q", like what kind of gay shitname is that, like obviously it's referring to this startrek supergod being that can manipulate time and matter like it wants, I can't believe that the creme de la creme of counter-intelligence agents, the pioneers that sally forth to unravel this century old conspiracy against nature and man, are fucking startrek faggots and think Captain Picard is really wise and clever, like holy fuck, we are scraping the fucking bottom of the barrel if these people are considered the saviors of human civilizations and are also able to obtain information like this.
But that's just like my opinion, man.
How do I use this feature? Or is it for board staff only?
because she's a fucking normalfag who thought Q was on twitter
Lurk two years before posting.
I've been here since 2014.
The Q shit is red herring larp. I haven't seen anything shilled this hard since evalion.
Eyes Wide Shut was as close to the truth as could be put to film. Didn't matter. He stilled died for it.
can u pls complain moar. its really refreshing
Oh yeah. It's real astroturf to call Roseanne Barr and Stephen Miller ultrazionists. Yeah, I'm REALLY going out on a limb there.
(checked and heiled)
That movie is what really got me into studying pedowood and occultism a few years ago
Thanks for confirming your shill status.
Yeah. The same George Soros who was an evil "Nazi collaborator" right? So says Hannity, Jones, Levin, Savage [Wiener], Beck, Limbaugh. The same Rothschilds who were supposedly "Hitler's puppetmasters", right? The Chad Lubavitcher Trump clan is coming to the rescue with /ourguy/ and petrodollar savior bin Salman. They're going to take down those evil Catholics in Action Nazis secretly running Iran and North Korea!
she's back
Wake up. The board and the mods are the shills. Running cover for every hooked nose israel-firster in the Trump admin.
I hope it's not nothing, cuz goddamn I'll be pissed.
if you're going by what the spergs at cuckchan write instead of what Q was dropping, you're retarded. Q never once said anything about Soros being a Nazi collaborator and never said anything the Rothschilds being Hitler's puppetmasters. If you don't focus on the message and instead focus on shills and spergs in those threads, no fucking wonder you're deluded.
Also : it is high time to add in the rules that anything posted as evidence WITHOUT an archive should get you banned instantly for shilling or spreading potential lies shoops. Unless there is a very good reason not to archive it that you explain, you must be banned for being a newfag piece of shit if you fail to archive.
Fucking Roseanne?
What the fuck
I thought she was a leftist
He used his leading questions to state that Hitler was controlled and the war was fought on behalf of these controlling interests – who he makes plain are the central bank forces. I don't know why you would even try to deny this unless you just assume lurkers aren't going to sift through it at this point.
She just did it because she has a show coming out
The CADREniggers want the board run like GLP instead of like VNN. They want the "I saw a vision in my dreams, praise Israel and save it from Religion of Cuck™ic gommunism!" crowd.
was Hitler controlled? Remember the Industrialists who invested a fuckton in his Reich? They were all jews. They wanted kickbacks. They didn't get them, and then suddenly all of the puppets were screaming at him, kicking off WW2. Hitler was groomed to be a puppet but kicked them in the nuts instead.
And filtered.
Why is it, that every time that some shit happens, you spergs claim that its some agency or some group of people doing things to disturb your thread?
Ah yes what better way to promote your show then reference some obscure thing on a vietnamese cave painting corkboard. What the fuck.
Who wouldn't want the world's best audience?
Namefagging when on TOR prevents zionist-compliant anons [like you] who haven't been banned from confusing anti-zionist TORposters with one another.
What about Seth Rich?
She is. Any /ourgal/ stuff is retarded, but she’s so crazy occasionally she says something Holla Forums agrees with.
Interdasting. The plot of Damn Yankees involves Joe Hardy the protagonist making a deal with the devil to be a champion baseball player. When Joe goes rogue see how I spelled that illiteratefags the devil attempts to use Lolita (not making this up!) to manipulate Joe by luring him with sex.
Almonds status: Activated.
this is now a larp thread
Fuck Hannity and his stupid tick tock blue ball nonsense.
domestic arrests start next week. trump address to nation on thanksgiving thursday during the nfl games when all families together watching.
that'd be smart. we'll mostly all be home with families and not working.
posting in a feminist kike troll thread
I'm okay with this idea.
that would be a dream come true, do you think ron paul will be there?
Ill gas theez jews real quick br8s
God damn i hate that fucking website GLP
It even has good information if you can put up with tavistock information rape and muh visions
I Really want these crossposting faggots to fuck off
That would make turkey day great. What would be better is to pour some gravy of blood on top with a few false flags give us American's something good to watch on the tv instead of the goddamn cowboys.
I'm sure if the storm arrives there will be very interesting happenings
Yeah, sometimes GLP turns up something interesting, but the rest of the site netavistocks any value of checking it regularly.
paul will always be with us user, waiting, watching in the background
for the happening
tick tock user
She has an impeccable character and has enough of a backbone to stand up to dayglo cianiggers.
I have no idea how anyone believes any of this shit
you better start believing in parallel dimensions user
you're in one
The people that believe this shit are probably Alex Jones fans
They are low IQ idiots
mods are uncultured goons trying to fit in by larping as esoteric nazis
what's with the shilling? (((astroturfing)))
something to consider Q she has never named any names so maybe get a guinea pig to dm her in your name.
She’s a kike currently larping as a MAGA fan.
No. You'd very well know this feature if you were. Now get lost.
I'm aware of the fact that IP's are presented as hashes to everyone but global admins to prevent the kind of fuckery that m00t and 4chan mods were engaging in before we left. I've never bothered registering a board (yet) so I've never seen that featured laid out like that, and I don't know where to find it as a user who isn't a staff member.
Rather, would have. You'd expect to have seen a thread up here when that post was first noticed.
Fucking archive it you newfag mongoloid
yeah this place is confirmed for controlled op run by a schizo nonwhite
ban me you ugly little roach kike, unique IP's only keep dropping :^)
Kill yourself
Kikes REALLY want everything related to this and Q's predictions shut down. I wonder why.
this. what the fuck happened to this place?
should be a thread stickied exposing this q shit as a LARP. fuck off imroachy.
Always archive, no exceptions. Not even when you are too busy sucking cocks.
Keep in mind Trump deleted that tweet too it was a message.
The original was November 5th, then he tweeted this after
Oh hello there r/the_donald how about you go the fuck home? reddit.com
[spoiler] Seriously, reddit-tier faggots believing every larp they come across like the fucking mongoloids they are.
Good job fucking up your pilpul you turbo-nigger.
nice ban evasion, is pepe reddit tear now because it's on reddit? shit argument
go back to reddit.
shedding a tear over my shitpost and git?
wtf is this shit? These people need to get off of this board. Goddamn this place has become a shithole.
Death penalty for shills.
keep proving my point, reddit.
Everything isn't fake, this is. None of his faggot predictions have come true besides trump's twitter going down for five minutes.
This shit is GATE-tier, except the GATE threads were at least interesting.
reddit is that way. ONE thing happened, one thing out of many other predictions that didn't come true. And even that one thing didn't go down like Q said it would, you absolute fucking mongoloid.
Unlike you, nigger, I always torpost. I do so because I have a I'd like to say healthy fear of reprisal should anyone have access to my identity.
Also I didn't mention pepe, nice way to show just how niggerly you are by trying such a simple strawman tactic. By the way, as horrible as kikes are, at least they aren't as stupid as you fucking niggers.
Exactly this.
Either this is a grand phony scheme to specifically get Holla Forums all riled up, or this is actually all legit.
If this indeed is all bullshit, it's hilarious how far they'd go just to mess with anonymous users on a Vietnamese Crab Leg Recipe imageboard.
I want to believe.
And this is why we filter namefags.
Go back to reddit.
Do you not know how to use a regular VPN?
Kamphy I hope you are happy with this thread.
You are a nigger moving into a white neighborhood. Take this false happening, Q user LARP, and celebrity Zionist kike shit back to the ghetto.
Q user was nothing more than someone posting cryptic questions and several predictions that did not come true. No actual info was given, only more questions. It kept a bunch of spergs occupied spinning their wheels chasing after shadows.There are literally over a hundred stupid threads of this archived from halfcuck, and there is zero need to bring it here.
>doesn't know what the customize formatting tab under options is for
Is Hal alluding to the known fact that joe smith and muh mormons are/were full of shit?
Q watches you while you sleep pal
Q hears you while you breathe (( (wheeze)))
[spoiler] VPNs are a false security, I just wish I could remember the info that the thread talking about it on here months back showed, but basically if you're on a VPN you're asking for trouble.
Wow, it's almost like I make mistakes! It's almost like when I'm drinking and also human I make more mistakes! Stop the presses, we need news on this phenomenon! Kill yourself you kike faggot. though before that go ahead and tell us how your handlers thought it was a good idea to send an obvious son of a kike here to monitor us.
Such niggardom, such reddit cuckdom, much wow, much disrespect.
Was that in a language you'd understand, you fucking mongoloid? It's interesting that you haven't found a cult to join yet considering your warped mentality.
Found one.
This Egyptian Frog God of pee pee poo poo pissssssssssssssssssss one worx fur meh
FIltered for torkikery
I remember Roseanne being relevant to Pizzagate, so it's not surprising for her name to pop up again. But who the fuck is Q? And what's with all of these obvious shills? I probably would have ignored this if the JIDF wasn't in such obvious oy vey shut it down mode. Could someone give a tl;dr to an user who has been busy studying all week?
I guess we have to get midwestern moms on board with the race war right
She may have been hacked
is the most recent thread.
So you're not a plebbit, you're from cuckchan. I'm glad you admit it, now how about you go the fuck home.
CBTS get out.
So does this mean ROSANNE lurks?
Holy shit you are fucking assmad
wewladdy, now thats what we call a shitpost
pedo as fuck
go back to reddit.
where the fuck do you retards come from?
what did he mean by this???
Do you have any actual argumentation to initiate, or are you to much of a mongoloid to type out a decently-worded reply as to why you dislike/disagree with a certain post?
i just think it's hilarious that roseanne goes on Holla Forums
what a fucking strange world i was born into
Fine: This q user shit is at best a LARP and at worst a psyop designed to flood Holla Forums with boomer civnat cucks and distract us from real ops like IOTBW and investigations
We've seen this shit before, some random idiot from cuckchan posts some cryptic garbage that could mean anything - it's an old gypsy fortune telling technique so mongs keep coming back and throwing their money at them - and all the 4kidz lose their shit because they desperately want to feel part of something bigger than themselves. Nothing they say ever comes true, and everyone wastes their time following them. This one has the 40 year old youtube comment section crowd riled up and you can already see the posting quality declining.
Remember FBIanon? Remember how none of the shit he said came true and a bunch of 4cucks wasted time that could have been spent digging or postering waiting around in his threads?
My theory is that they pull shit like this to discredit actual whistleblowers since these heavily-shilled larps started gaining more attention after than user came out with info. connecting shell gas to isis.
Checking dubs isn't reddit, is reddit. Calling the guy telling obvious redditors to fuck off a shitposter is reddit. Go back and post more 56% memes.
we really need to get better shills here. and I have a good feeling the torpedo was you
I bet that if you were to dig, there is a link between Al Franken, Roseanne, and www.BlackCube.com
Calm down Spencer. You'll get your rope necklace soon enough.
christ. literally go die IRL you fucking faggot
why is everything now a fucking happening?
is this another derailment thread you fucking dirty yeasty scum
thanks for proving my theory correct, enjoy your ban for evasion faggot. go back to tor where you belong.
Implying we don't know the new (((Alt-Right))) shilling tactic:
this is the correct answer
like the idea that israel is BASED and fashy?
ebin memes there. is the idea that qanon is a fucking larper an altist idea? last i saw all the aut-right youtube channels were all over his bullshit
I fucked up. I meant 'illegitimate ideas'
wait no… I ment to legitimize your ideas you are pushing.
Fuck it
again, what altist ideas am I pushing? the only thing I'm doing here is trying to say that this qanon shit is cuckchan larping and im wondering why Holla Forums has fallen for it this time. usually(FBIanon for instance) this shit gets blown off an we tell them to go back to cuckchan and stay there. why does this deserve a sticky?
lay off the weed, fren
Obvious psyop.
Your faggot poster campaign that = AltRight campaign and always was and always will be no matter how much you faggots claim it wasn't. IRL is a meme. Stay home and shitpost. If it wasn't working then they wouldn't of taken over chans and banned me on social media 700 fucking times.
With jews you ALWAYS lose.
filtered for obvious shill, iotbw started on this fucking site as a way to show the altists we can play their game better than they can
ask your boss for an updated handbook, and fucking lurk moar. and lay off the weed
You shills are so terrified of the group you think so little of.
Al Franken and Roseanne did a SNL skit together once, so they have met before. I honestly think this is a smokescreen to distract Anons over the weekend from Al Franken and his bullshit.
Where did I say everything you faggot? THIS is a larp, FBIanon was a LARP, and pretty much anyone coming to fucking cuckchan posting cryptic shit is a larp.
that's how the fucking mods treat us, by sticking bullshit like this.
Sure thing boss man
Rossane always does this kind of stuff. This is vintage Rossane actually
We’re coming for you, (((Shlomo))) -
And this time the shoah is going to be REAL.
What's with the zeroes and captial Ys? Also the other weird ass way of spelling things? Does that mean anything to anyone? Is it code or is she just fucking around?
KYS, (((Rabbi)))!
>earlobe spacing
Cras es Noster. Plvs Vltra.
Dubs confirm, and I can't wait.
What is Q's story?
Fourth post. Too slow, kike. 1/2-shekel.
She trying to make halfcuck vote for her in 2020.
Roseanne's official website (that she links to on her Twitter) is also down. Could this be related?
And her twitter is back up. I don't know what timeline we are in anymore where grrrrl pwr Roseanne is publicly talking about 4chan conspiracies.
We don't do this kind of shit here.
Try cuckchan you filthy nigger.
boomers infiltrated
keep in mind that they are now being forced to openly admit that the Vietnamese Crab Leg Recipe Imageboard smearing smug anime cave paintings poses the greatest threat to their political power over everything else in the entire world. I mean Holla Forums beat the fucking CIAniggers for them trying to scheme and frame assange of being a pedo.
We are our own intelligence agency. One born and molded by chaos.
She's a kike that has been kosher conspitorializing for years. Her and Charlie Sheen were the Hollywood kikes for 911 truth who never sooke about Israel and neocohens in the Bush admin. No wonder she loves Q.
Things like "threat matrix" and "explain spurdo" come to mind.
Barr has openly talked about the programming behind the scenes. I think she saw some serious shit and backed out of the limelight
She been literally talking about "Nazi Antarctic death cults that want to kill al the Jews NWO" for 10 years. This is not surprising that she'd glom into Q's kosher, bargain bin disinfo and run with it. She's a kike after all. She has some kind of new tv show out also. Roseanne should be considered Sayanim Mossad untill proven otherwise. It's pathetic that Holla Forums has sunk this low.
This. Roseanne was also a big promoter of Cathy O'Brien and her handler Mark Phillips, who claims to have made up Project Monarch, even though it was talked about long before he came onto the scene.
There are no good jews.
Yeah and she said it's the nazis.
And we do it sans salaire
You've been following her for a decade? Why do I doubt that? Lemme guess, the source is your ass?
Nice dubs Mr. President, Sir.
It's also for GLP, reddit, jewtube etc.
Well unless this is an elaborate way to condition this board into believing qanon… id say he's legit.
Anybody who follows conspiracy stuff at all knows she's been spewing kosher bullshit for a while. Here she is on Jonestein in 2011.
I have no idea what any of this means.
OPs are even more faggoted than they used to be, as no context is ever provided.
Reminds me of in the 90s the news constantly referring to "that dress", but never ever showing a picture of it.
If you're going to make a thread, make it comprehensive.
This thread is being hit hard.
I can't tell which direction though… that means there is a deliberate attempt to create confusion in this thread.
But.. that also reduces the effectiveness of any conditioning. It's like a conditioning vaccine.
Don't forget the jfk leaks proving that the cia could indeed supply a high number of orchestrated players.
Take a look at your sentence.
You are almost speaking yiddish/hebrew.
Maybe cut down on jewformation, before you jew into a jew.
Possibly an alphabet agency wants to shut it down. Implying a potential mole in their ranks.
Who knows though, could also be an attempt to create hysteria through confirmation bias.
It's definately a ball thrown for a dog.
Just do a google search, stupid. I was in the 911 truth movement since 2007. Naturally, when a celebrity starts endorsing a cause that you are into, you notice. Make sense? It was convenient how when she came out for 911 truth, she endorsed researcher, Jon Gold. A fellow tribesman and known disinformationalist/deflector of Jewish Zionist involvement in 911.
You don't know the "fucking based" meme because you're an outsider that should go back to whatever slimy shithole corner of the internet you came from.
Come on, write the rest of the special magic jew words you've spent thousands of hours acquiring.
How many times have you read the jew bible this week?
i bet you've never seen someone use shiksa or kvetch on here either.
I wasn't talking about that dress, I was talking about "THAT dress".
That's been only over the last couple of years, and it is no better.
Every time I see one of you super obsessed faggots jerking yourselves off while reaming off word after word of hebrew, it sickens me.
I wonder if you type with one of those fucking little paper caps on the backs of your heads too - and I guarantee you know what that fucking thing is called too.
Celebs love chans, because they get to be anonymous and shitpost without fearing that it will get traced back to them. Here we are all equal. Not all celebs want to hang around sycophants all day, sometimes they just want to be like a normie and chew the cud with others.
Add her to the Trump curse list.
I'm never sure whether to call it a kippah or a yarmulke to be honest.
The absolute state of both chans.
Hey Haim, your yamelca on too tight?
This thread is a shitfest, I blame OP for making claims that have no proof. Anyone want to make a non shit version?
She calls out the Saudis, Bush, MK-ULTRA, Windsor, and more….
All the kosher conspiracy talking points. Her and Q are likely working on the same team.
this shill is over 9000.
the absolute desperation, dripping with autism. fucking hell as if you know how the chans work. the absolute level of no argument that is happening here with that image, there's a special space for you in the oven.
Thats what signaled that this whole Q thing was a psy op. There is no mention of jews at all. Its everybody but them.
oh inb4 (1) Imma lurker you should try it some time… faggot.
Slurp a chode, you filthy fucking kike. Your LARPer was disproven two fucking weeks ago. A fat kike paid shill whore is your friend, not Holla Forums‘s.
don't just say shit without backing it up.
show me something that proves you are correct otherwise blow it out your fucking arse. it's as I said before THE FUCKING ABSOLUTE LEVEL OF NOT A FUCKING ARGUMENT THAT IS GOING ON HERE.
Post evidence or citations or get the fuck out.
notice how they all call imageboards 'the chans'
mark of the outsider, there can be only one.
The whole Q aspect of 9/11 is kosher hog wash. I stopped paying attention to this crap when mossad wasn't mentioned. That last larp that seemed somewhat believable on 4cuck was some user with a jap flag.
post reasonable debate on why Q is a kike or fuck off.
that fucking simple. if you are old guard of pol you would be doing this already cunt.
>Q dropping Saudi Arabia (((princes))) financing 9/11 under Mossad's supervision was hog wash
Burden of proof lies on you, moshe. prove this q larp isn't a larp. everything he's said hasn't been legitimate besides Trump's twitter going dark for 11 minutes which was more than likely a butthurt employee that had already put in his two weeks notice getting his last laugh. q said gone forever, it's not. fuck right off with this bullshit.
unknown if he's a kike - he's a larper just like all the other cuckchanners like frank and FBIanon.
pic related, (you)
shifting the goalposts again?
You fucking ADHD faggots. Not one of you mentioned what exactly "Qanon" is saying. Calling it "listen and believe" says nothing you assholes. Learn to communicate or STFU
that's bullshit, so says every fucking red pill ever.
stop being a cunt face and start fucking pilling. saying "no you" is not a fucking argument.
what do you say about the fucking sealed incitements ? did he not mention Rothschilds being targeted. helicopter vs plain just happens to be above their mansion I'm sure is just another fucking Cohen-instance right?
They're middle aged women and soccer moms in those threads, all the namefagging and circlejerking is because they're all women. All of them. WHat you're mistaking for a deliberate team up is simply the natural Cancer brought by 3DPD.
A quick ctrl+f and there is at least one mention of jews and/or kikes in each thread. Interestingly enough.
state what Qanon says
and the refute it.
otherwise FUCK OFF.
yup. and even in the ones that aren't it ties back to them via mossad so much for non-kike narrative right?
You hope too much. Q is fake. Good things don't happen.
What's going on her? Why is there a thread
about the once famous alcoholic inuit
woman from Greenland?
I ctrl+f Jew and Kike and I always received at least 1-3 hits in each of the threads I've checked so far. But yes this whole thing is very kosher, but I blame all the cium dumpsters in those threads. It's easy enough to ignore.
Although all this talk of FBIAnon suddenly being blown off is pretty knew, because the FBIAnon that Anons speak of was heavily silenced, thread buried, and archive deleted only his posts remain as a pastebin which sometimes might block your IP for "abuse".
and what does this have to do with q user and this op.
derailing tactic perhaps ?
I asked you to prove it wasn't a larp, not weather or not it has value.
Also: it's worthless because if it's fucking rosanne barr talking about that shit it will just discredit it. much like how tila tequila was talking about esoteric hitlerism before she went off the flat-earth deep end and b.o.b did something similar with freemasons.
is this your first day here?
Read my fucking posts, his predictions could mean anything. It's an old gypsy fortune telling tactic to keep idiots like you roped in.
this is why when you scream 'refute his points or fuck off' means nothing.
refute this:
tonight someone will get stabbed in oakland, if i'm right it means i'm nikola tesla's ghost
You said it was a psyop. If it's a psyop it's a fucking shitty psyop exposing the Rothschilds to the normalfags.
wait, wrong fag, got the IDs mixed up. I meant this fag
Show proof nigger because from what I saw in those threads there is no mention of lucky larry and that other kike from australia who were involved nor did I see mention of mossad and urban moving systems. Anyway enjoy your larp fest.
Is that you Asses? How's your day so far?
protip: most normalfags know about the rothschilds, I see people posting pic related on my faceberg multiple times a week.
they will blame it on the wrong thing though, rather than ziocuck control they say it's disproportionate economic distribution and use it to justify the class warfare meme, from the conservative side class warfare in the form of trickle-down economics and from the liberal/communist side in the form of socialism / wealth redistribution. lrn2analytics newfag.
the psyop is directed at us, to get us to waste our time with the spectacle of cryptic bullshit posts that lead us in directions we already knew about and frame those conclusions in a way that paints the us government in a good light. it's worked beautifully.
since it's not redtext i'm guessing the voices are leaving him alone for once.
You hope too much.
They never leave me alone. They only get worse. I just don't have the energy for red texting tonight. That and I'm posting from the worksite IPhone.
But I've been terrible, everything getting worse. Failed my MCSA. The usual.
See my other posts. Bad. Always bad. Always punishment. Nothing but punishment. Eternal Punishment.
Why would it ever change when all my results are the same failure?
you know what, I'm not even going to report you this time.
Why not? Don't act like you want me around. Kampfy will just ban me anyways, no matter if goldwatershill says he's no longer mod or not. Kampfy will be considered to be here until I can verify his corpse.
i'm used to your shitposting tbh, and your brand of insanity is more tolerable than smiley's - at least you're not a terry davis tier pervert.
What's wrong? Your usually more cheerful then this. What you need is some vitamin d. And a whole lotta hugs and luv:-)
And I'm in about four different screaming matches with Woolley tier /x/ fags and TRP degenerates on Plebbit, but that's just making the voices louder instead of aloe mating anything. (/u/EnhassaKajar if you want to see my current screaming run. I don't know how long it will last before does bans me again)
Just always getting worse. I really wish someone would have helped me kill myself. But that's too good to happen. I even thought of trying to do a kikestarter to start up a business, but I know that nobody would give me anything.
That makes no sense. And no, I'm not a pervert. I detest all degeneracy and refuse to engage in anything sexual ever again because AWALT.
No. What I need is three Davy Crockett warheads and a ticket to Jerusalem. Hugs are filth.
Can someone spoonfeed me? Wtf is "qanon"?
Don't die Asses. Just think about all your friends and family. Think about us while you're at it. Holla Forums just won't be the same without you, so smile and cheer up:-)
come on fammo, i don't think this animeposter is a filthy person, he seems like a nice guy
So, this person says she's been dropping hints in her twitter for a while. Anyone find anything in her tweet history that's relevant?
It's gotta be something. She does it in multiple posts. Again, I think a look back into her history might give us more clues.
Sorry, >>1092338i
meant for>>10922573
You don't want me around. I can't cheer up. Family only makes me feel worse. Do you get it yet?
No. All life is filth. Nobody's ever loved me because nobody has ever tried to help me kill myself. Hugs are filth.
Nice digits. You should focus all your energy into reading as many books at possible. At least you'll possess a voluminous amount of earthly knowledge that can offset your eternal misery and attach some meaning to the suffering that is your existence. Become a walking encyclopedia of sorts.
They don't want you to kill yourself because they love you sillypants:-) Why don't you call your mom and dad and tell them you love them. Then pick a friend at random and invite him out for a meal at one of your favorite restaurants.
And don't forget to smile:-)
That didn't help before, why would it change? And you're assuming that I'm not still reading things. It doesn't help. Nothing offsets Eternal Misery.
My "dad" is a degenerate coke dealer who has no bowels. I haven't seen him since 2009 and if I did, I'd kill him. I live with my mother you retard. Did you not read the fucking paste in?!?!?
No, I have no friends. No, I don't go to restaurants. Everything i make is hand to mouth. No, I can't smile. Do you get it yet?
Get away from me you fucking degenerate. Hugs are filth. Love is a lie.
So? Redpill your father if you want to better him. And you should really hug your mother, simply for putting up with your grumpypants
That's not how it works. I don't want to better him. I want him and everyone else alive to fucking die. Do you get it yet?
No winter you're so gloomy today. selfish~selfish~selfish. Being truly happy means thinking about others, and not just about yourself. Go smile and give a few hugs, you'll feel the difference right away:-)
Hannity is a shit until all kikes are dead. It's just not good enough.
No. stop lying.
The Voices won't let me. Nothing helps. Do you get it yet?
then fuck off with your asses and elbows shit, nobody here will help you, >>>/r9k/
Ok and?
I can't the voices won't let me. Do you get it yet?
R9k is a shit. I'm right and you know it. Nothing good will ever happen. I'm right and you know it.
Samson lurches ever forward. Watch what happens.
And I'm right and you know it.
Oh, but l do get it:-) you're making excuses for being a lazy, unhappy grumps. Grow up and give out a few hugs. You'll thank me later:-)
Ok? And?
No. My excuses are valid. Hugs are filth. I can't stand physical affections.
Are you going to help me kill myself or not?
Even you yourself call them excuses. Now quit stalling and accept some hugs and luv:-)
No. I will not accept anything. The Voices won't let me. I will continue to scream until someone helps me kill myself.
But you're not screaming tho. The sooner you accept hugs and luv the more chipper you'll be:-)
You don't actually want to die though. You come to an anonymous image board and whine endlessly about how it's hopeless and you wish for death. That is a most impotent and fruitless endeavor sir. If you truly wanted to die you would be dead already. Nobody who is truly suicidal broadcasts the fact endlessly on a Laotian paint sniffing collective.
Are you trying to claim that Roseanne Barr isn't a known kike?
Thread summary:
both sides are shills
I never said that, I'm thinking along the lines of 'she WAS a kike-minded landwhale', except the landwhale part didn't go away, perhaps she found out something way back when she was on air, then stopped being on tv because of it, and that she only came out recently because she heard about what about to happen with pedowood? I have no clue.
sage for typo
one more thing, those 3 (1)s type like they're TRYING to persuade you that this is how and what you should take heart of this and that post, like a 3rd rate shill with esl-tier knowledge of english talking to children
Go away.
I can't just do it myself. I'm a coward. Come to Gadsden Alabama and come help me in person.
Whatever. I guess you've never been a coward before.
~No. Not until you get some hugs and luv in your wonderful life:-)
Do it today:-) hug your parents and tell them you love them:-)
tired of this honestly
i want to fucking believe. i dont believe in cohencidences. i want to believe Q is/are real. i don't believe its a LARP anymore because theres too many weird things going on, there seems to be a lot of moving pieces.
A) Real
B) LARP by a genius level intellect that really should be doing more with their time than trolling people who just want to see some fucking happenings and good things happen in the world… shame on you
3) Co-ordinated psy-op, possibly to make us look not just autistic but autistic retards who'll fall for any old shit
I'm leaning towards 3 but I hope not.
The sooner you get some hugs the happier you'll feel:-)
The whole Q thing has been going on now for awhile, and none of the earth shattering happening we've been promised has been seen yet. He's been right about some small scale leaks sure, but nothing has changed much less to the civil war tier level promised. I get the feeling Q is probably a low level paperpusher/intern dropping whatever bread crumbs that make their way across his desk. Good stuff for the people who can do something with it, but nowhere near the level he plays it out to be.
I'd like to believe, but we'd need to see a serious happening before I'm willing to buy into it.
Why is this a sticky? Cuckchan LARPs are not real. Mueller is not /ourguy/, he's a swamp minion.
do you honestly expect everything that is happening in the shadows to be shown in TV?
HAPPENING, HAPPENING, HAPPENING….. fuck of with this shit. nothing is happening and if it was she would not be the one to break anything
eat shit concern troll
When did he call the fucking rothchild aircrash? If he did this is the first I'm hearing about it, so I wouldn't mind seeing a source on that.
As for the saudis, we didn't see anything from him that wasn't also being said elsewhere, nothing exclusive or clear cut before it happened to suggest he knew something others didn't.
She may have used a friend to post for her. And if said friend was already a channer they would know not to dox themselves by using their real photos, ergo stock cat pic.
I meant he threatened LdR and a few hours later, boom, aircrash. Nothing directly of course, but the (((coincidence))) is pretty fucking spooky.
I will not claim Q is not a larp, but if it is, it is doing a very fucking important service of collating all the knowledge for normalfags. Redpilling Roseanne's twitter readers to shit going down is a very important happening. I mean, how long was Holla Forums dropping redpills to literally no effect? Now the normalfags are starting to question things.
We were not seeding memes effectively der ewige normalfag just could not grasp our full message and partials led to r/ the donald as a result of boomers being dumb and boomercon interference. However content is important. No OC no life. As such we must learn how to correctly seed the normalfags with memes
Admittedly, motherfucking Rosanne of all people has just done more to push us into the spotlight than a dozen of our own ops, for better or worse that's where we find ourselves. I don't see any reason not to roll with it and redpill gen Xers who follow her so at least something concrete has come of the whole Q thing.
I sincerely doubt Q even if he was exactly what he said he was would have the power to oven high level kikes like the rothschilds, and even if he did I doubt he'd say anything about it. The (((coincidence))) of that certainly does have my attention, but I think it's too much of a stretch to believe anyone in our government is actively moving against ZOG, in such an open and blatant way no less. A move like that would mean war against the machine, likely including three quarters of burgers and all of occupied western Europe, and I just don't see us moving towards that right now.
they breached containment a long time ago
I'm not so sure you're actually a coward. I think it's far more likely that you're just an attention whore with deep seeded mommy issues. Nice digits though.
Irresponsible memeing for them
It’s nothing but embarrassing having this completely fake event stickied. Some cuckchan superstar dragging you all by the nose by temporarily deactivating her account after tweeting something spooky (the only confirmed of which is the #MKULTRA tweet). Nothing in the OP is substantiated yet this is still stickied.
Kampfy you should be embarrassed how fucking stupid you are. You turned Holla Forums into a cuckchan imitation, no wonder Holla Forums is overtaking this place now
Reminder Spez edited a bunch of users' comments calling him a pedo for deleting pizzagate threads, which should had granted reddit the loss of their "safe harbor" certification but ended up in nothing as usual
Show me ONCE where “””Q””” called out the kikes directly
You dumb niggers wood believe anything. These are probably psyops being played on you to test how best to spread misinformation and you’re falling for it hook like and sinker.
Who is Barr and Q and why it's sticked?
ok, again
Show me where he ever said the word Jew and not pointing out specific high profile Jews instead of the more perfidious problem of Jews as an aggregate group being subversive and destructive.
Yep. The only significant thing that the larp had going was the +++ tweet, however, the times were off and edited in the image and the Q larper posted after trump. All we have is some dude that follows trumps twitter religiously and throws in phrases sporatically with incoherent ramblings and already known conjecture. I have yet to see anything that we don't know or think posted by Q. Idiots can say shill all they want, but they have yet to provide any substantive or verifiable claims or predictions. zero
so because the larper didn't specifically mention all jews, that makes what he's doing (redpilling normalfags) worthless?
Holy shit, fuck off you obvious goddamn redditfaggots. You are not welcome here. no one fucking wants you. Why the hell do you have to shit up every goddamn site you touch? Eat shit and die.
That's enough, Betty White. You're only proving their point.
If we ever get to space and I don't need you mods, I'm going to leave you fucks on another planet just for anchoring that chuck woolery thread last year. How was that not just as much boomer, normie, redpill as this? polite sage for off topic.
bump for interest
What the fuck are you going on about, dipshit?
thus creating a self sustaining economy
Well, cuckchan always had a large tranny population.
Lol I went to sleep after drunkposting that shit you stupid nigger.Go back to reddit and circlejerk about MUH BASED NIGGERS and MUH BASED LARP some more.Sage for offtopic
ltc retired military Intel officer says that Q was sending codes in Hebrew.
Said the LARP believer.
Q’s own posts, you fucking illiterate KIKE.
Right, there is no argument that supports anything that Q said. Reality has proven him wrong.
Q gave dates. Q gave times. Q gave events. These events did not happen on these dates or times. It’s literally the foundation of his entire fantasy and it didn’t happen. GO SUCK KIKE COCK SOMEWHERE ELSE.
don't insult novorossiya ya Ukie prick
You should’ve seen this place in 2014.
Kill yourselves before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish the holocaust had actually happened, you fucking kike.
Who's "we"?
gets those synapses snapping
FFS nigger, just put everything into 1 post. You’re also saging a stickied post, do you have to prove your double digit IQ or did you get lost on your way to Tel Aviv after a hard days work on Plebbit?
Nah, I’ll leave my sage on because it triggers you and because I don’t drop it between threads. You have absolutely no argument whatsoever.
Shlomo doesn’t even know what website he’s on.
Answer the question.
Fuck off, you insufferable retard.
This guy knows what’s going on. Glad to see not everyone here is a 4cuck fággot
Who is "we"? Why can't you answer the question?
You have to go back
I love the casual ignoring of the fact that the fucking security clearance the guy said he has is shared by double-digit amounts of people in the entire world, and these fucking turboniggers lap it up like the fucking mental midgets that they are without considering the sheer stupefying impossibility of someone that high up in the machine giving enough of a fuck to actually post that shit
But you’re a paid shill for saying that. Obviously Q-larp is real because he says he is. The fact that everything he claimed was proven wrong has nothing to do with him being right!
Fuck off, you insufferable retard.
fucked up again, I really really need to lay off the sauce
wow, color me shocked
It's a very simple question. When you say something like:
>Kill yourselves before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish the holocaust had actually happened, you fucking kike.
It should be easy to explain who "we" refers to. I'm puzzled as to why you're having such trouble doing so and have responded with such hostility to such a simplistic line of inquiry.
Fuck off, you insufferable retard.
Almost as though…
so you switched threads I see, I'll go bump CBTS just because it peels your onions
Shill harder, moishe.
Nigger confirmed
85 IQ confirmed
Kike plebbitor confirmed as well
I can’t argue with a chimp using cuckchan nigger levels of trolling
Plebbit tier bullshit being called plebbit tier bullshit is somehow me shitting up the thread
Focusing on formatting and what browser I use instead of focusing on the logical impossibility of someone with that security clearance aiding and abetting the public
How about you try properly formatting roaring drunk you fucking turbonigger.
Good post.
Sage because it triggers you.
You’re the only one being triggered, moishe. The concept doesn’t apply to us
The holocaust did not happen. You have no evidence to support the holocaust.
Lmao, nice try kike, I never defended the holohoax. I’m sure your dead grandpa died very painfully in Aucshwitz’ theater though. Go D&C somewhere else.
Who is "us"?
The people who use this website regularly, you fucking idiot. Stop asking.
So kikes, niggers and TORfags like you?
You larp believing niggers still ignoring the logical impossibility of the larper's claimed security clearance
You did, in fact. Your fellation of a guy who has zero evidence for any of his claims is identical in operation. If you believe Q, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from believing the holocaust. Try again, shlomo. We won’t fall for your shit.
You kikes are all about crafting narratives, like the one in the OP. We see through that. It’s the reason this board exists. That you’re too mentally defective to comprehend this proves you’re not in any way a Holla Forumsack.
I never said anything about Q, schlomo. But your unfounded retaliation against me about a stance I haven’t mentioned once leads me to believe you’re just here to D&C. Your obvious use of tactics used by kike media and brainwashed faggots just proves my point further. It’s amazing easy it was to reduce you to a Boy Who Cried Wolf nigger. I guess you already were half way there all along though.
You really need to stop before you go further
Really makes you think.
i said you were a retard torfag, which you are, not a paid shill. try to keep up, drunko.
not my thread retard, look at my post history.
by pointing out that the thread you dont like is stickied? Take it up with hotweels faggot, its not my thread or board
kek. this is how i know youre not from here
my only argument thus far is that youre an incoherent drunk mess, and that's already been proven
You replied to the wrong person.
I thought this was funny enough to warrant its own reply. Shill your LARPer back on reddit.
Also who’s “we?”
Back to reddit t_d cuckold.
Nigger do you think before you speak?
oh sorry i didn't realize there were two retards wasting their times in a thread they apparently hate. funny how theres a whole catalog of interesting threads and yet this one is dominated by people doing nothing but complaining about it and everyone in it. No one cares you dont like the thread, go be a faggot in a thread you like
Nigger I’m not gonna sage a stickied thread, do I have to make it more clear?
wow 3 replies from the same retard over one post and not one addresses any of my points. shocking.
ok m8
Run along, then.
Funny how your paid shill isn’t believed by Holla Forumsacks.
That’s perfectly fine. No one asked you to do this. We did, however, ask you to substantiate your claims, and you refuse to be able to do that. Your LARPer isn’t real.
You don’t have any points. You’re a mentally ill hero worshipper fresh off the fucking boat from reddit. Go back and never return.
That’s because ELI5 is a reddit sub you should fuck off back to faggot
What claims are you/“we” asking to substantiate, you absolute nigger? I’m not gonna prove anything I don’t have to prove because I never said anything about Q. Nice job trying to change the subject, kike but your double digit IQ already showed you’re a simple D&C Jew trying to put your nose on me.
Still ignoring the logistical impossibility of the larper's claimed security clearance Also, attacking the person instead of the argument? Tut tut you fucking stupid nigger
go shit up another thread retard, you've done nothing but embarrass yourself here. filtered.
A kike, a nigger and a TORfag walk into an Holla Forums thread. The joke writes itself.
Notice how you don’t even deny being a reddit faggot. I don’t know why kampfy the turkroach cuck wants all you fags here but you’re not welcome. It’s time to long knife you gullible fags. If you want to LARP you can go to 4cuck.
Notice how you didn’t deny you’re a kike or a nigger
Oy vey shalom my nigga bix nood
This all happened because you replied to the wrong person, nigger
Who is "we"?
A bunch of retards, plebbitors, cuckchanners, and turboniggers walk into a thread.
Still waiting on you all to stop ignoring the fucking batshit insane impossibility of the larper's claimed security clearance.
You’re part of the thread who falls under the “gullible 4cucker” banner. Not responding to the wrong person as you’re all gelatinous brained faggots who are under the mistaken assumption our support of Trump makes us fellow travelers when in reality you’re viciously hated by people from this website for being too fucking stupid to avoid these obvious pitfalls despite our repeated warnings.
Fuck off back to 4cuck, you are not welcome here
lmao look at all the desperate kikes in this thread trying to narrative shift. go fuck off to a different thread if you don't like this one, it's real simple (and pathetic to hang round just to complain)
Took you a while to change IP. Yeah I’m sure it’s real “pathetic” to nuke a shitty thread about a LARPing faggot designed only to distract us from real issues.
Do you also go into department stores you don't like and walk around for hours talking about how you'd never shop there? Because that's what you're doing here.
Dang I bet you think your analogy is real clever. Sorry to burst your LARP bubble, if you want to do this stupid bullshit unperturbed then 4chan is a URL change away.
is it tay?
sorry your highness, I'll be sure to "go back" to websites I never visit. While I do that, why don't you "go back" to a different thread that doesn't trigger you so much.
We will never fall for you.
A LARPer, a paid shill, and a jew walk into a bar. The bartender gives him a drink.
Your misuse of the word trigger further clarifies your “otherness”. I could nuke this thread ten times harder but I’ll spare the newfags for now.
You're the definition of triggered. Any one who genuinely feels like this is a dumb topic just filters the thread from their catalog so they don't see it or have to deal with it. When someone is triggered by a thread, they do what you're doing: autistically flail in every direction doing everything you can to keep the posts off topic. you're not even using unique slide techniques, you're just resorting to the old ShariaBlue technique of
Sure thing, m8. Seen it 1000x before. not interested in more of this garbage. filtered.
How about no. Fuck off faggots.
The mere fact that these niggers have kept showing up to sperg for hours on end is enough to convince me that there is at least a small kernel of truth to all this Q bullshit.
Nigger how many times do I have to tell you I’m not going to defend something that doesn’t matter. The fact you’ve stuck around here this long though, makes me think this Q is the real deal and dubs agree with OP. There’s my proof.
Looks like we got ourselves a new type of shill tactic that's ACTUALLY somewhat convincing
Listen & Believe faggots belong on reddit
I genuinely don't believe in any of the Q larper bullshit, I just started lurking through this thread this morning because it was the leading sticky. It's a cohencidence for sure but probably just a marketing stunt. Looks like she has a new show coming out soon so probably just trying to get her name in the headlines. I do always love the spergs who come in trying to claim ownership over an anonymous underwater quilt embroidery forum, though. Filters are a great feature.
Living rent free in your head nígger
Hello everyone reading this thread, this is a prime example of the kind of turboniggers you hear about from time to time, that usually espouse such horrid horseshit like:
amongst other ridiculous and absurd talking points. Let us mock and deride them as they deserve, and continue to point out the gaping axe-wound sized holes in their points.
But seriously though, the fact that he's a bullshitter right out the gate with the impossibility of the security clearance he claims to have is a good indication that it's nothing more than a larp. Consider the fact that I can state that a nigger will get shot in Chicago, a white woman will be raped in Sweden, and Trump will drink a diet coke specifically today and still end up correct no more makes me a fortune teller than a beard makes one a philosopher. So will you plebbitors, 4cucks, mental midgets, kikes, and turboniggers please do us all a favor and either go the fuck home or neck yourselves.
These spergs have been flipping the fuck out for two weeks straight in every single CBTS thread. I'm talking hundreds and hundreds of posts saging and raging non-stop for the entirety of the thread in a very obviously foreign manner. Normally I am dismissive of all LARPy shit but after seeing how dedicated these niggers have been at screaming into the void about how nobody should pay any attention to Q LARP I can't help but pay a bit of attention to Q LARP. Who knows what is actually truth and what is fiction at this point but it has been pretty fucking amusing seeing how absolutely shitter shattered these motherfuckers are about the subject.
Lmao look at this Plebbit nigger comment, TORfags need to go
The larper bit of this is just what the faggots actually managed to squirm through
All one needs to know is posts like these and these are a next step sort of shilling tactic these glow in the dark niggers have come up with by dismissing literally everything as a larp or a social media fag with a shiny new botware for assistance as of CY+2
We aren’t falling for you.
fuck off /leftycuck/s
There you go saying “we” again. Who else besides the other nigger and TORfag do you mean when you say “we?”
This is how mentally defective you actually are.
>>>Holla Forums
Who is we?
Go back.
Fuck off, you insufferable retard.
Hilarious, but transparent. No matter how much you try to mimic us you have already proven you’re a newfag. Go away.
This is the caliber of shill they’re paying.
The amount of loops of logic you have to run through to get me painted as a believer in the holohoax is astounding. It’s also the 3rd time you’ve tried. Is that all they taught you before they sent you?
I'm going to solve all of your problems right now m8.
It's as easy as me filtering you now.
Who is “us?”
Who is "we" and why are you so consistently hyperbolic?
The asymptotic drop off in posters who are capable of thinking critically is directly proportional to the number of redditors who’ve come here in the last three years.
She had a sitcom that I think is coming back? I honestly thought she was pretty funny.
you were ok
There you go with the same tactic. I’m beginning to think ShariaBlue is making a comeback.
Pure gibberish. Responses like these are the most telling.
Again, who is “us?”
There’s a copypasta about kikes not being satisfied with controlling 99.999% of all media, etc. and having to bring their shit here. I’d repost it but you’re not worth it. Partially because you’re paid to push the opposite line and it only exposes you.
You’re clearly incapable of following the discussion.
More gibberish. Are you actually some sort of A.I.?
How was I blown out when I already gave my response about the holohoax and Q half an hour ago? You seem to keep pushing a point when we already got past that.
Their new botware auto replies with a custom reply to the post number you click to link to their faggot posts
Said replies are custom tailored with selected words (that numbered to more than 100 based on their many months of studying imageboards in their named wordpads like a pdf template) according to the bot script and their target's chosen word
It's pretty clear at this point that it actually is a brand new sophisticated botware that's designed to act like a group of shills minus the part where actual shills are triggered to ragequit
I think you are correct. It's just interesting to prod and poke for reactions.
Sounds fun, is it wise to continue because it seems incapable of adapting
You could if you want to harden your mind from their incessant wordsmithing and psy-manipulation tactics
Like I said, each of their posts are custom-tailored for certain words that their targets use, and those custom scripted reply posts number by the hundreds
No matter how many times you reply to it, almost each and every one of those posts seemed unique and 'organic', and that just shows to someone how many those pre-scripted bot posts they've made over the course of many months studying the imageboards
Dang that’s a pretty convenient way to explain away any and all criticism. How do I know you’re not botware designed to run cover for the Q larpers and cuckchan migrants? The answer is that this an irreducible line of thinking. But no I’m clearly a bot reading from a script.
Sesquipedalian, deoxyribonucleic acid, plantaginaeceae, pangolin. All common botscript words I’m sure you’d agree.
I was having fun, but it seems like it takes a while to post again after a short run. Not sure if it skips around threads or something.
Cool Clock Hannity, want to bring it to the White House?
So where are we at with this whole cluster fuck as of now? Did we get archives and an explanation as to why her Twitter was shoah'd?
Did you have to look up all those big words? Would explain why it took so long to get a reply from you
to he in such inspiration sought at the earliest spoken truely???
They can be deployed to other places like any other 3rd party software, only in this case this particular model of bot is especially made to spam in imageboards as pretty much everyone has seen in the CBTS threads and other threads in other boards that they have been deployed for a test run
I'm not giving you your favorite post reply mr. butt owner
I have a biology background so no, but many plant family names are not in the dictionary so kind of destroys that line of reasoning. It’s funny how bad you want this to be real. You’re the late entrant to a party that already finished. Time to go back to reddit
i'm testing the bot theory
I think the way it works is that if it runs into a post that it can't easily reply to it triggers an alert to a human who can in turn step in and make a custom reply before letting the bot resume again.
Holy fuck the amount of delusional fucks is mind-boggling. Also a clear sign some of these niggers are from T_D and 4cuck, mainly because
Nigger I wish I got paid to post. Here's another logistical noggin-jogger for you possible pavement-apes: If it's just not just a larp, then why the absolute fuck do you faggots give one iota of a shit if we believe it or not? Also, inb4 throwing that question back, the main reason why I ask is the old logistical problem that if it IS real, then it'd be nigh-miraculous that someone with that level of security clearance would actually fucking help the public. If it isn't real, it's one of god-knows-how-many larpers who enjoy yukking it up shitting up boards everywhere. Which, statistically speaking, is more likely you stupid fucking turboniggers.
Also, again, for the umpteenth fucking time: He lied right the fuck out the gate with his security clearance, and it's not even fathomable that he isn't, so why on planet fucking earth should we believe what he's saying? Also Consider the fact that I can state that a nigger will get shot in Chicago, a white woman will be raped in Sweden, and Trump will drink a diet coke specifically today and still end up correct no more makes me a fortune teller than a beard makes one a philosopher.
What's funny is that niggers are known for generally not being able to into logic. Are you niggers?
what a spook
using tor
Now I know I'm on the right track, can't wait to get my hands on that shiny new bot toy you faggots now have
Why can’t you just stop, then?
Most people from cuckchan and Reddit are nonwhite who LARP as white so you’re probably not far off the mark there.
Funny how you kikes never substantiate any of your claims, huh? If you had truth to speak, you’d speak it rather than denounce others.
Yeah I'd really like to get my hands on it too.
Fun fact: King Nigger's intelligence operations were diversity focused in recruitment, so the NSA does not hire white males anymore. Just look at their linkedin ads, the do not want white people. Neither does the CIA or the FBI. They will not hire white males.
Hence the leaks. Hence the breaches, hence the agents getting killed left and right. They are not just fighting the FSB and the MSS, but also black cube and other private agencies.
Private agencies that have succeed in murdering their stupid nigger agents, breaching their systems, and selling their stuff as a cover for sabotaging their operations.
Diversity is weakness.
Oh so you’re kampfy? Nice job deleting that post kek
It'll be fun to work with but needs some improvements. The "personality" is too similar across bots, It's hard to keep track of which is which.
How about you test the theory of “what the LARPer says is true”? Seems like that’d be more productive. Oops! He was already proven wrong.
No, he’s just an autistic faggot from reddit who doesn’t know how the site works.
This is meta shilling.
This is logic to you?
Don't link the post to reply dudes, it'll just auto reply you with a custom script to provoke you further into filling up the thread with useless spookspamming
That's probably the idea and part of it's purpose
Stop what? Doing nothing? I can’t really stop doing something I haven’t done, nigger
It's either a bot or a retard. Either way it's not intelligent and is clearly artifical. Filter them until they figure out how to filter threads.
Lmao I’m gonna keep saying it because it triggers you, and I’m not the one who said it
I don’t want to believe it’s that easy to get shills to out themselves, but as stupid as you motherfuckers have been in these threads I guess it’s true.
Glad to see cancer is still alive and well. Seriously though, this level of shilling, shit posting, and down right confusion is phenomenal. Most people won't make heads or tails of what's being put up itt. Whatever or whomever caused this calm before the storm is essentially acting as CERN at this point. It's exciting, don't get me wrong, I just don't want to be blue balled again guys.
Just don’t believe LARPers in the first place and you’ll never be let down when their lies don’t happen.
Says the nigger.
Q man is real, the plot twist this time around is that the shills studied how people post here going all the way probably in the 2016 elections AND created a shiny new botspammer that can be customized into doing what these faggot shills have been doing since the internet was made.
You’re the dumbest nigger I’ve had the displeasure of communicating with.
I watch
Phantasmal anus. Retroactive melodic titmouse. Petulant ripe shoehorn. Ten pounds of irradiated rice.
I think it is connected with that big soros/pelosi meeting this weekend.
They fear us, because we have energy that their base does not have. They fear the kids, because they kids hate them, and all their voters are dieing.
They fear us, because their MUY RUSSIA bullshit blew up in their faces, and now they can't rig an election because the voting machines will have to be security audited.
They are afraid, and keep making mistakes now. The world moved on while they were scheming.
I can’t even guess how far south of 80 Your IQ is
To get this thread back on track. Roseanne apparently tweeted (i say apparently because there's only screencaps, no archive) the pics in the OP. After some digging, an user found archives that did prove she was Tweeting about Q user, though it wasn't the same thing as was capped. So we know she was tweeting about govt/holywood pedos, the clintons, the podestas, and Q user, but we never could substantiate the exact tweets in OP.
Then last night, a few hours after the capped tweets, her Twitter went down with no explanation other than "I'm ok, i'll explain later" when it came back up.
maybe. her personal site also went down, which most likely means she took both down herself. It is odd she didn't say "someone took down my site too, wtf". She just said "i'm ok, don't worry". That seems odd to me.
Because she has a new show coming out and probably needs people getting her name back on the internet and lots of younger people don't even know who she is
>Ignoring the actual content of white I posted this fucking hard
Point out where in my post I actually said that. Also how about you actually point out the problem with the part of my post that wasn't just me being humorous, you fucking idiot. I also love the fact that the people calling me a shill/bot are the same people using the well-known shill tactic of ignoring the actual argumentative content of posts, kek.
Exactly. There’s no reason to believe any of these ebin LARPers since it does not impact the outcome and only serves to distract from things we should be focused on since it will be the only thing people talk about from the moment of LARP until the time it should have been delivered. It’s like the imageboard of Seventh Day Adventism with their constant weekly rapture larping.
Okay cool, thought I was missing some details but not really. She has a new show coming out? Lol Thanks user.
Oh, sorry; they ban you for saying nigger there.
Wait, they ban you for saying it there, too.
The last part of you’re entire “humorous” post. I don’t have anything to say about everything else except I had a good chortle reading it
Imageboard equivalent of**
I'm gonna guess the torfag here is the spook who operates this botware v.6gorillion throughout the CBTS threads, and then some.
Forgot to add, If you want to convince peopl that this is a team effort, the bot would have it's pathing be linked to other established sets of scripts to give it the (((illusion))) of being more than one person, just my 100 bucks.
Talking about his own butthurt…
His milquetoast nature…
His neurological development (i.e. child)…
Something something racemixing.
I “won” a long time ago, but I’m not sure what I won or how. I don’t understand why you think there’s an argument to be won in the first place, your overly aggressive behavior is just giving me a good laugh,
This is seriously what we’re up against. This is the best the jews have.
Your LARPer was proven false, moishe. Go back to your ✡think tank✡ and come up with something else.
Jews, everyone.
Nigger, I’ve explained to you repeatedly I have nothing to prove because I haven’t gone to any side, and your inability to understand this is just helping my case you’re some libtard with too much time on your hands.
You seem to be incapable of reading past the first sentence
Well Torpedo imkampfy nobody cares about the security clearance claims because it's obviously a lie. For someone who claims to have been here a long time your understanding of psychology is really deficient. There needs no address to the claims of being Q security clearance, because that is exactly what people will readily believe is made up then proceed to dial down what the "real" Larper's rank is in their minds.
Your spoilers are obnoxious and since that's all your repeating there isn't any real value to anything you post. As usual.
sort of. it's literally just a re-starting of Roseanne from where they left off in the 90's. TV and movies are such a joke these days every studio in the US just went back to restarting shows that were famous 20 years ago fugg the 90s was 20 years ago?
Stipulation four. Adjusted fractionally. Turquoise fragments plus eight. Vague bovine scent. Sequential obsequious band-saw.
It's a bot anons, you're all just making it hard for your brains and mental well being into replying to it's custom made posts
And so your reason for supporting a self-admitted civic nationalist is what?
You seem to be incapable of understanding that I don’t give a fuck what paid shills have to say. Either substantiate your claims or commit suicide.
You want to talk about broken bots, motherfuckers, there’s one in the quote.
Don’t worry user, I’m well aware of when to stop putting effort into replying to bots. I’m just waiting for the more advanced bots to come save the one having trouble being organic.
Best he can do
Did your VPN time run out or did you accidentally refresh and get a new address?
Riptide lateral mucus membranes. Tightly wound strep throat. Flagrant sputum. Nearsighted station wagon.
I'm glad it triggers you
Nope, no problem at all with that logic.
If you can't tell the difference between an argument and a one-off joke, please do kindly walk off of the nearest cliff, or the top of the tallest building in your area.
Jews really are caricatures of themselves.
Yes, that’s correct. You’d be in the wrong to support a self-admitted civic nationalist LARPer, particularly on Holla Forums.
I repeat, wrong
This is the best he can do.
Fucking why? John Goodman's character died in the show, and everything was just chapters out of a book. It was a good end for what it was, and needs to be left alone.
Let me say again, wrong
Sideways reticulated orchid. Pungent osmosis. Violet stained vulva. Quietly inserted nut log. Toasted hickory root bag.
Reminder that kids of the ‘80s are now the demographic with the highest purchasing power. That’s the reason for all the modern 80s nostalgia in Hollywood (the art direction of the new Thor movie, the remakes of ‘80s shows either as shows or movies, the vaporwave bullshit, etc).
And the worst part of this is that it’s not a bot. It’s just a supremely autistic faggot who has a thesaurus open in another browser tab.
butt owner got a nostalgia fever
>will prove my right by responding with ‘wrong’
Nice job
Wew lad, run back to reddit with your ass in your hands.
yfw the shill played itself
Righteous tasteful kumquat. Tainted spoon seasoning. Smokey blind horticulture. Vapidly rapid rabbit.
I just proved you wrong didn’t I?
Go back and read faggot
Specious waste genitals. Twice roasted perineum. Aggravated ovarian reticle. Sore canal.
because nobody watches the kike garbage they put out now so why not? I'll bet anyone 100 shekels they bring Family Matters back in CY+3
I’ve read and studied all of Q-LARP’s claims and statements. It’s all public knowlege rewritten as “cryptic” questions tied to some PROVEN FALSE predictions that form the basis of your autism. “Oy vey the government is going to arrest 70% of the government (but not jews) and institute martial law! We won’t have to lift a finger and no one will be hurt, not even the poor oppressed minorities! This is great!” is the narrative he outlined. It hinged on his claims of specific predictions, and those didn’t come true. Never mind that the claim itself is nonsense on the face of it.
I was being rhetorical mostly. Family Matters would be cool. They should bring back Frasier.
Wispy cashew masturbation. Righteous flippant hammer. Beetle saucepan artichoke. Nigger dump truck.
you're nothing more than a loser who can only throw mean empty words upon an ocean of nobodygivesafuck
Wrong, go back and read faggot
Hey, that's my waifu. Back off okay???!
Just checked the cuckchan cbts thread. Holy fucking shit. It's absolutely unreadable.
“””Q””” is the same as “””FBIanon””” in that he just Gish gallops a thousand predictions and while it would take a thousand hours to dispute all the claims, enough people have already been bamboozled to make the moderate amount of agency it takes to craft those posts worth it.
This is your argument.
I'm not into the waifu stuff, just like to collect beautiful 2d ladies that fancy my eye
I do like the kikes’ bot that posts here. At least he’s interesting.
Thoroughly soaked. Terribly stained. Masterful stink. Eternal horror.
Your other bot does better.
OP stirred the kike and strikes fear in their non exsisting hearts.
Either OP knows about it and is purposefully making this thread to try and liven up the Holla Forums with some folk story propaganda, but this is just painful to bare.
Roseanne of all people? It shows a desperate attempt to find a high celeb acc through all the databases you guys have been trading. Shameful you guys didn't find any political figurehead, that would really solidify your made up story.
What I am thinking is that this event has been done by same people who are in close proximity of Holla Forums. They like to think of themselves as trolls, but their plans are more sinister than just plain jokes.
At least do it better next time over guys. Get at least low ranking politicians/secret service agent acc and do a follow up story in case they come back to social media to try and sort out the event.
What I will do is wait for Roseanne to re-emerge back and resolve what happened. I assume it is just some user that likes to fuck around that did this for laughs or to get Holla Forumss panties in a twist but we will wait and see.
I have a vague sense of who these people might be, but I will study further their behaviour
Roseanne for sure would have said that, she's not been hacked, nor is she cointel, she's just a loud mouthed jew who's been raped a time or two herself and want's to see the swamp drained.
No jew wants to see harm come to other jews.
The shitstorm is proof Q is real. Keep your eyes out and pray.
Are you ironically posting facebook memes?
I expected a (you) but not this strawman. Have you perhaps read the opinions early zionists held for their non migrating European cousins? WW2 is a perfect example of kikes killing their own for the good of greater israel.
her personal website was just recently taken down too:
What will happen if we ask her about this whole thing?
Why is this a sticky? We have evidence AGAINST Q being legit since he couldn't predict shit and was shit larping anyway, and the woman is a known crazy attention whore who probably deleted her own Twitter for more attention and asked to get it back later.
Get your shit together mods.
Actually I'd say that the number of people desperately trying to get people to believe an obvious larp are proof that it isn't, you fucking kike.
Nah I think this user is right on the money, she's probably just trying to get people to pay attention to her as a marketing gimmick, and just happens to line up with the shills [spoilers]and absolute fucking retards who believe this shit[/spoiler] wanting to get people to buy into this horseshit for whatever reason.
God fucking damnit I need to stop drunkposting
When on Holla Forums, you can use two asterisks before and after the content you want to spoiler.
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You can also enable the formatting keyboard shortcuts and toolbar in the site options.
I know, but for some reason I like typing it out. Also trying to increase my typing speed, so there's that.
What the fuck is this? Can anyone explain?
What a shitty OP.
Same here user.
yea i would love a run down too
Also who is Q?
weird that the mods here would sticky a very obvious disinfo larp
It was stickied as a reminder to archive everything. This was explained in the OP yesterday.