World's first human head transplant a success, controversial scientist claims
World's first human head transplant a success, controversial scientist claims
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Give me an exoskeleton now.
Well, fuck. The Chinese are necromancers now.
Well, lets just hope they won't remember about certain brain institute that was created to research a brain of a certain communist individual and still closed from public.
Quick, host it on and search for it on Bing!
they did it in fifties etc etc
inb4 racists get a nigger head transplant as punishment and 'enrichment operation'
So it was on corpses? Any other sources to back this up?
It was an italian who looks pretty northern european to me, chinkaboos
I could duct-tape a dead head onto a dead body and say it's a success.
This is shit until done on two patients go in living and one comes out with one guys head on the others body.
There was just a movie where white liberals changed into nigs bodies so they would have less white guilt or something
pic related it's the doctor
all the articles are super vague but it's apparently all over the normie-sphere tier websites. Look up head transplant on google, there's a special news tab for this.
From what i saw there was proof that he did it with rats, but lets wait for more news before we visit Argentina for the head of certain great leader.
lol some of the articles are saying that this was funded by (((billionaires))) looking for eternal life. ie. eternal dark lord rothschild
Lord Redshield usually funds Calico and a couple of labs they personally own as far as I know. This guy is in China and nobody wanted to fund him in EU or USA.
thanks science, this is what god intended.
Scientists are stealing ideas from Beverly Hillbillies episodes now?
I can sew a head onto a steak, doesn't make it a success.
Depends on what you're going for
Unless the bugs have stolen European alchemy, they didn't do shit. All they did was allow someone to defile a couple corpses.
As they are going for TRANSPLANT, it still isn't a success.
Big brain nibba.
No video? No proof? anything?
wasnt this shit supposed to happen in december
heres hopping the real op on the russian be livestreamed?
Great source.
Didn't a Russian scientist already try this with live dogs back during the cold war?
Wow, they sowed the head of a dead guy onto the body of another dead guy.
checking those dubs
Yeah. And then the dogs died.
WTF are these too related?
what was wrong with his old head?
dick too big
So there's hope for me!
Sorry, doc, the cartels have been doing this shit for years. Try harder.
Such a dad joke. Fuck you, I kek'd, i'm a dad.
Dr. Steel knew what was up, a real cool dude
Did the implanted head have control over body?
They died bur did a monkey and it lived for almost a week I think so it was consider fairly succesful. I think they even put it down for ethical reasons so maybe it could have lasted longer. You can't use any limbs though, just plobbed on a completely crippled body.
That's creepy. I am scared of the kike controlled cyborgs because one day they will become a reality.
That's terrifying.
Now the wealthy will kill people to extend their longevity.
Horror scenario: white men crippled and have to get body transplants. The donors (((happen))) to be niggers. White women who would normally have a healthy defense against niggers then get dicked by nog penis because the white head can hold down a stable job, behave white etc.
Dead nig cuck the white guy. That's mindblowing.
Brain is still susceptible to aging. Can't get around that.
What is kike blood libel for 200 shekels Alex?
First recorded case was B.C.
If he brain dead. Isn’t successful.
No, they say this to make it sound better. These were living human beings in a "Persistant Vegetative State", you know, unable to respond but otherwise still alive. Just like with organ doners.
user, niggers aren't human. A human cannot have nigger parts, they are rejected by the body. Even a half niggers parts are rejected.
Remember those old crackpot theories about saving Hitler's brain? What if this was just a test to see if they could put Hitler's frozen brain onto a new body?
You're assuming he died.
If he escaped to South America after WWII, which he did, then he'd be 128. He would have died of old age about 30-40 years ago. To be fair, I'd hoped they saved his brain sooner that that, when it was it its prime.
As in a dead head onto another dead body. They still haven't done it with a living head onto a dead body.
Read again faggot. They were not dead. Just (((brain dead))) which btw, was coined by kikes so they could taoe organs from people who may not be dead.
Get the fuck out.
sacred repeating double dubs!
Hitler made it back inside the inner earth, where Wotan (Hitler was an Avatar of Wotan) would return every 19 years in order to stay young again.
Also, there were over a dozen 'doubles' (not body doubles, I mean 'doubles' aka ayyy clones) of Hitler in his bunker. The picture allegedly of Hitler in the JFK files might have been a double of Hitler, but not the actual Hitler.
Just like how Bormann escaped to Chile, and also escaped to Moscow, and also died in the streets of Berlin, or made it on a sub to Argentina. All were believed to be true due to first hand accounts.
This is dumber than scientology. He either escaped or he didn't.
M8, a transplant of a living head onto a dead body wouldn't work for a plethora of reasons. Whatever body they use is going to have to be someone who's braindead and immediately euthanized before the operation, ie the body is gonna have to be as fresh as you can get
Lurk two more years. While you're waiting buy this book. Its almost 1000 pages and packed full with end notes.
Some quadriplegic is going to China next month since he's terminal anyway
Some people just aren't cut out for the truth.
haha bullshit. if there was any concern for ethics, they never would have done it.
This is actually their *24th* successful operation.
This makes me feel sick (literally). This is a crime against nature.
This is why you do not give your body to medical science.
Seconding this.
Don't donate your organs either.
Bullshit. You quite literally can become a vegetable.
I think it's time we just simply take your organs - no permission asked.
Shit, is that really true? I know most organ transplants require a close match, but are you telling me whites and blacks can't exchange organs? That's a huge piece of info if true.
notice that he isn't GERMAN, notice that he has pure aryan italian genes.
We need a proof to see if the operation is successful.