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Moon Man: Imperialist EP:

Downloads: Track 1. Imperialist Track 2. D.O.A.G. Track 3. Kristallnacht Track 4. Desert Cruise

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Oops, didn't mean to strikethrough that.

Nice. Who is the guy speaking in the first track?


sounds like william L pierce

Are you really Moon Man?

that first track pulled on the heart strings, good shit man

Remember that if you're bored over thanksgiving break, do download GZDOOM and drag and drop the moonman .pk3 over the gzdoom.exe file to play some awesome moonman doom. Search for moonman on the internet, a little hard to find - but version 1.3.2 I think is the current version - if that helps.


Do you even history, fag?

William Luther Pierce is required listening

While I can appreciate the effort it takes to make these songs. They are simply not catchy. Both this release and the other one posted here recently arent very good.

this, unfortunately. listen to the eclipse album for ideas.


Oh, fuck off. This was a great Moonman Album. If you can't appreciate that you shouldn't be here. t. Symphony user

Also, am I the only one who fantasize about when Moonman covers are played in concerts across the white world (soon to be the whole world) to the delight of Generation Zyklon?

Nah, it was mostly cringy and lame, mostly due to the non-Moonman samples. It had 3 or 4 good tracks (Grown Up and Damn It Feels Good to Be a Klansman are the ones I can think of).

Is parodying nigger music really the best we can do?

"cringy and lame"
i guess but it needs to appeal to the larger lemming audience. this is shit to spread around college campus's and spread butt-hurt. i thought the album was great. there are few undeniably cringy songs though, "erase shit slingers" being one. I'm about to delete that completely. It shouldn't have been included.


Moonman thread? Here's a decent one I found on jewtube before they shut it down.

Damn, I'm gonna scrape his replacement channel ( His tracks were the best.

Best MoonMan song coming through!

drag the moonman .pk3 and pol.wad over gzdoom for a magical experience

Fuck I meant this one


Sick tracks, Moon Man.

Also, any plans on doing another Christmas album this year? They're the highlight of December.


I haven't done the pol.wad guess i need to find that too


We should always criticize the work being done in the most constructive manner possible and any artist should accept constructive criticism. When people look for Moonman stuff in curiosity, there should be damn catchy songs available for best mass redpilling.

Some examples of catchy non-moonman stuff

Good stuff


I listened to a few of his talks yesternight. Very good.

"hey nigger im bigger pull the trigger"

Completely uncreative sloppy trash my man. Don't release trash. Delete it and put some effort into your next attempts.

Moon man is eternal

Or download the latest version from our new repo:

The audio quality ain't great, Moon. Sure your producers aren't Jewish? If degenerate drug adled hipsters and molly'd out race traitors can figure out how to mix things properly, then surely Aryan men can too.

Also too many of the lyrics are the same as the original nigger lyrics.

does anyone have webms of "the difference" and "new dawn" ?

Have a bump since some bot is sliding shit off the board that wouldnt otherwise be.