BREAKING NEWS: Several feared dead as helicopter and plane collide in mid-air over Rothschild family's Buckinghamshire manor house
Mid-air collision over Rothschild family
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If none of the actual Redshield kikes bit the dust than this is just disappointing happenstance.
I'm unsure what to make of this, Holla Forums Did any of them in the manor finally end up ded? Who did this? Is someone actually finally trying to do what others have been trying to meme into happening for years?
im rollin for nate getting decapitated by the crashed heli. that dude looks like hes wearing a people mask. i imagine when he speaks, his mouth doesnt even move and theres an octave-down whisper track overdubbed over everything he says.
Is someone sending them a message? That'd be neat.
well that someone had better just fuckin do it already. fuck sending them a message. these "people" will think nothing of retaliating in the most brutal way possible.
Rolling for a dead Jacob.
They already know the message. It's been sent load and clear ever since they arrived in Britain. This is something else. Whatever it is, it's not a cohencidence.
The fire rises.
That helicopter ride didn't fly so good.
There are no coincidences. It seems like helicopters are becoming a great assassination tool, ask the Saudis. Here's hoping the sound "wop wop wop" is enough to send (((them))) into fear paralysis.
fap fap fap fap fap
Feels good man
Daily reminder that he was romantically involved with Yael Kushner.
B-but muh d*g-emperor
Dog emperor?
Don't you have some dicks to suck, Holla Forums?
I think they're waiting for the refractory period to cease.
Hitler was kosher as fuck. He didn't even gas the Jews. Prove me wrong.
they will burn as well
Maybe a good time to get Rothschild trending on twatter, and proceed to drop redpills.
Gassing them is a kosher narrative. Narrative, like your shitter, is shattered.
wew the amount of plastic surgeries this guy had.
I see a different nose on every pic in a search. And that grin is probably involuntary.
You know that a Rothschild mansion was the Wayne Estate in the Batman films right?
Is it a cohencidence that a big guy crashes his plane over that?
Kosher as much as your leader :^)
rumors have it that a rothschild or close associate was in one of the aircraft. Of course, this is a mere rumor so take it for what you will.
That house is where Jacob lives, the head of the snake, as it were.
We have any info on the aircraft yet?
The evil fuck probably wanted to see a murder without having to get out of bed.
They'll all die soon I'm sure.
I'll have a coke then
Here's hoping this is related to (((Lady Rothschild)))'s sperg out a few days ago.
Was getting caught.. oh wait.
Checked. No survivors.
Those dubs confirm it was part of the plan.
please let it be dead
Crashing this plane…
Rolling for shitloads of dead Rothskikes.
Repost from halfchan, article has been changed, or it's fake. Anyone see it on the page?
Fine, I'll say it.
fucking retards not archiving
can't find anything on that but I did find this
"RAF Halton, which is around 10 miles away, said no military aircraft had been involved.
A spokesman said: 'We can confirm that neither of the aircraft concerned has a connection with either our air force nor the military, and this is as much as we know at this time.' "
Shit source, nevermind ignore that
still better than cnn
Check'd and kek'd for emergency fap session.
Has commie news even covered this yet? Haven't heard anything on foxnews. But they're bought kikes.
Spooky. I think this thread needs some music.
Foxnews is too busy going after Roy Moore right now to cover this, it seems.
radio silence, might be something big
someone allah snackbar into a rothschild helicopter.
Don't tease me user, this better be fucking true.
if this is true mr skeleton man im driking to this tonight.
Nah, my money is on a large drone. RC planes commonly reach 18 feet long and are completely capable of terminally fucking a helicopter. Wouldn't be too hard for an experienced builder to make a fast jet drone and fuck up a tail rotor or engine and also know enough ablout flight to attack the heli when it's most venerable and unable to auto rotate safely to the ground.
What if the Rothschild family wanted this to happen for their entertainment?
No word on he was killed in the crash. I wonder who died.
I hope those faggots get snackbar'd. This shit with Roy Moore has me more enraged than usual. Even the supposedly "right-wing" media outlets in Alabama like Yellowhammer are all trying to shit on him and get people to write in or vote for the dem. So much rage. Sage for off-topic ranting.
nevermind it was a plane.
so a UAV drone hit them whatever hit them was a big goomba.
a plane the size of two bushes?
Is it just me or does this dude look like a younger Mitch McConnell?
so the richest jew in the world crashes his rc plane into his real helicopter that was coming to take him to his bunker because dotr is soon?
Did an user accidentally his chopper?
Wouldn't it be nice to shit on some level of the Rothschild's cancer that the common man has access to? What are the next level down from the Rothschild tha everyday people can shit on? Let's destroy the cancer by making its life difficult in little thousand cut ways, shall we?
Looks like a single engine Cessna from the tail - but that's a mighty large, finely placed bush.
Not an expert on plane crashes but aren't they usually a little more violent when they come down? Even at 1000 feet, I wouldn't expect a fully intact tail section.
Heavy duty drones man. That's the shit
Plenty of drunk idiots in small planes in the UK, enough with the drone b.s.
Mark:G-WACG Current Reg. Date:25/03/2014
Previous ID:ZS-KXY De-Reg. Date:
Status:Registered To:
Select this link to view the Full Registration History of this aircraft
Aircraft Details
Type:CESSNA 152
Serial No.:152-85536
ICAO 24 bit aircraft address:Binary: 0100_00_000_010_01_1111101110
Hex: 4027EE
Octal: 20023756
Popular Name:-
ICAO Aircraft Type Designator:C152
EASA Category:CS-23B: Utility Category Aeroplane
Engines (Propellers):1: 1 x LYCOMING O-235-L2C ( MCCAULEY 1A103/TCM6958 )
MTOW:758kg Total Hours:13942 at 24/05/2017
Year Built:1982
Approved Maint. Programme:MP/02488/P
CofA / Permit:EASA Certificate of Airworthiness EASA ARC Expiry:23/05/2018
Validity Reference:G-WACG/UK.MG.0315/24052017
Registered Owner Details
Ownership Status:Owned
Doesn't look that close to giga-kike house to me.
Arora is married to Sunita Arora with three children, and lives in Wentworth, UK
We memed helicopter rides so much that now the whole 'copter is falling from the sky, not just the person.
Possible helicopter?
Tail matches
Maybe a tour helicopter and a pleasure craft collided. So probably no rothschilds involved.
That looks like a branch from a nearby tree leaning over. Could be a piece of the plane hit it.
Big (guy) if true.
What leader?
fucking this
Faking the death of an indictee?
Check these out for archives
1. 17 Nov 2017 14:53
2. 17 Nov 2017 15:13
3. 17 Nov 2017 15:59
4. 17 Nov 2017 16:09
5. 17 Nov 2017 16:35
Of course it's a coincindence like everything else is.
Should've answered
cant find the line mentioned in the archives
according to the articles it sounds like that estate is more of a tourist destination. it says the last time a rothschild family member inhabited the manor was in 1957.
Rockefeller died at spring right?
I dunno
This is more along the lines of "Bored Rothschild crash a helicopter and a plane together filled with corpses for personal entertainment"
Is rotschild kill?
Guys… This wasn't a coincidence. This is an IRL Banepost.
I think shit is really going down… Guys…
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Top kek, their arms dealer is about to get Seth Rich'd.
is this where eyes wide shut was filmed ??
Likely all the stuff with the party. I believe most of it was filmed in a studio.
Actually sort of close. Figure it more along the lines of someone trying to run an op on the rothschilds. They wreck the incoming blackhawk with a sam and blame it on an in air collision.
The past couple days we have had that one rothschild going off on twitter. (((Cohencidence)))?
Nice try, Yuri. Until it's confirmed and not "feared" you can throw that disinformation in the trash can.
Fucking SVRfags.
I first saw it today not 30 minutes later this thread.
irl dubs?
They better checkem.
damn son, good way to take out a few jews. is it possible for a smaller drone to fuck up the rotors of a heli if the drone has some sort of sheet metal covering?
At least he could talk.
How many survivors?
Official theme music.
(In case I fuck up embedding)
wtf are you checking, go back to reddit.
2 drones with cadavers crash over rothschild mkultra slave dungeon hmmmmm maybe they are absolving themselves of guilt and trying to subtly tell you to look into the rothkikes. they do this a lot and the goyim never take the clues and look deeper. i guess its how (((they))) sleep at night after drinking an infants blood.
Hell, all the drone has to do is drop someting into an intake. Fod walks are no joke. You can crash a helo with a coin or a screw.
They expect Juan Ovas in the wreckage, brothers -
(Checking that satan trip)
Satan's pointing out the evil of the kikes. Hoping those moloch fucks under the red shield get all they deserve. Skeletons have a way of resurfacing when least expected.
Nice bigfoot photo.
So, where is the evidence that anything happened? By evidence I don't mean "oy vey, I survived 6 gassings" eye-witness 'testimony', I mean discernible photographs or HD video.
prediction: there is none and there will be none, because this is some kind of psyop hoax
The whole "directly over the Rothschild mansion" is just too big of a coincidence I'm afraid.
Bullshit. It would probably damage the turbine blades, granted, but cause a crash? Very, very, very unlikely.
Yup. In my experience, if you really want to crash a helicopter, use a lieutenant.
please be their private helicopter that was full to the brim of redshields
Female pilots are the component with really poor service history.
looks like it
Black Hawk Down 2.0 trapping ZOG in their self-created Somalia. There is nowhere to run or hide this time.
Happy Cohencidences lately, eh?
looks like a ec120 helicopter im checking what rothschild owned one.
There was no "collision"
Either the aircraft or the helicoptor got too close to the rothschild's house, didn't reply to radio contact warning them to change course, and got shot down by their misile defence system.
They are playing it of as a "collision" to avoid troublesome questions like "why have they got advanced military missile systems installed in their mansion/ grounds.
this - it's only to draw attention to them. no one important has been killed.
Fucking walnut grit downed a Chinook. There is a reason why airdales are dicks with their tools
When will you realise you are all in over your heads with this racial esotericism/meme bleeding bullshit? You are being led into a dialectic they want you to follow.
"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14
All these mystic cabals, mystery religions and the racial politics that follows are meant to deceive you into believing that Man can evolve or ascend to Godhood through physicality. and that existence is a relativistic cycle, but it is a lie. There is no reincarnation. Existentially, you either choose life, or you choose death.
Read: This racial hatred that hardens your hearts is blinding you all to the Truth of what's really going on. You are simultaneously denigrating other races of people as subhuman while claiming the objective high ground as regarding racialism. Do not get me wrong, races of men are genetically different, but there is nothing that should allow you to believe that you deserve *pride* in your particular race. You did not choose it.
Hating what is and having the audacity within your limited scope to judge which is the superior creation, sound familiar?
That's funny, considering that walnut husks are deliberately tipped into the air intakes of running gas turbines in order to clean the blades of carbon.
Sweet linky bro.
freedom isn't Godhood?
Free will requires boundaries to be defined, otherwise it does not exist. You would have nothing. Light cannot exist without darkness.
Our ancestors chose it when they decided to create progeny within certain boundaries that have led to the separate races. We are all created as part of a conscious decision to either continue or extinguish our race. You don't deserve those dubs.
But clearly the bible insinuates death is not the end so you can't really quote from it and then say reincarnation is a lie.
Also Holla Forums is not one person so there is no you except (you), and most of the people doing what you describe are actually synagogue of satan anyway so…
Man is not a fallen angel, but a rising beast. Peddle your Christcuckery somewhere else, Jew mind-virus infectee.
fuck, that makes sense.
test run
This is probably what happened.
Only a couple of weeks after Balfour centenary. Pure coincidence.
Really? So did your ancestors choose to breed with their own kind when they had no other choice? For example, if it were socially unacceptable or not possible due to isolation? They were not in control, and you are not in control. But I do agree with you, races of men should remain within their own nations.
Death is the end if you die in your sins, if you consider existential spiritual hatred of God's plan and eternal suffering as a result as an "end."
Reincarnation and resurrection are two different things.
Trying too hard, Jew.
Nietzsche went insane. Deal with it.
top wew
It could be a case of the memes becoming real, a bonafide bane post irl, or jjournalists reading and using similar terminology but that would require it to be a coincidence of some kind.
It's probably a message.
More like
You guys are cute.
Just goes to show, if you plan on assaulting a Rothschild manor, you should consider utilizing indirect fire. Mortars for example are cheap, difficult to defend against, and most importantly of all it takes time to calculate the location from which the rounds were fired.
you may be right about that
Looks like you got it
Now on to the threats.
Fuck off
The real question though is is it happening?
Posting in an epic minutes-before-ww3 thread.
Yo shout out to meme historians in the future who are reading this 20 years from now! How is the Mars colony??
ahhh mortars excellent idea
God''s warning, not mine, though I do agree with it.
It must be comforting to reduce everything you don't understand.
First the Saudis
Now the Rothschilds
Is it really…
I really hope this means that Trump took out a Rothschild by dropping a helicopter on him.
Shills. Am I the only genuine poster in this thread?
Do people not even fucking know what a shill is? Your newfag is showing
You stupid nigger, you have not
It's a threat, to take advantage of people's fear.
A lot of loyalty for a hired shill.
Interrogation mark x3
Perhaps. Which is why its such a shame that you're spewing such nonsense. Nietzsche's criticisms of Christianity are perfectly valid. It is every bit as dysgenic as its secular offspring the welfare state. Butchering the strong to feed the week is not a successful long term strategy no matter what you'd like to believe.
Your emotionalism is showing.
Have you even read my posts? How is Satan, Rothschilds and criticising baneposting not related?
Just like Satan's greatest trick was to make the world think he doesn't exist, the Jewish shill's greatest trick was to make the Holla Forumsack think he's not a Jew because he can ironically type
Another banepost! How surprising! I'm sure that'll curry favour with all the impressionable, passionate young minds on this board.
And I like it and you're not wrong.
I definitely am the only genuine poster in this thread, maybe the lurkers will see through your pathetic attempts at sliding.
8989 faggot. This is basically a funposting thread until some concrete information comes out.
I only lurked 729 days before posting
Bump because it triggers you
Damn it. I just watched Boondock Saints the other day. Is that what you were quoting?
Go back to /bane/
You certainly aren't posting for any good reason, that's for sure.
As an user in the aerospace industry, I can confirm that it takes a lot less than people think to bring down an aircraft of any kind. Even something as simple as a loose screw that was dropped during maintenance or even metal shavings can cause a catastrophic failure.
Drone or SAM?
Now I have heard it all.
Wasn't there a drone attack warning a few weeks back. Was this kamikaze drone? Have we confirmed if Jacob is kill?
My first thought when reading the thread title was that the fucking kikes probably had their security detail shoot down some aircraft that had gotten too close to their estate.
Was getting caught part of your plan?
Or, you know, bullets…. just saying.
A pilot and passenger in each aircraft were killed when the Cessna 152 light aircraft and Guimbal Cabri chopper crashed and came down in woodland close to the historic Waddesdon Manor.
Breathe, there isn't much todo that to rev up the meme-loosh engine while we await confirmation/more info.
Get this hothead outta here!
It's comforting to know I don't need to grovel before your semitic "god". Peddle your shit elsewhere fool.
They're both too cheap for the rothskikes to use, maybe it really was a shoot-down.
Cliff Sims, from Yellowhammer News, is in the White House. I really don't think he'd be cucking like a chicken, now. Nor do I think Judge Moore is in any kind of trouble. Maybe if the Unicrat Sessions resigns to launch a write-in candidacy.
Hello, newfag. Welcome to Holla Forums, where the opinions are fucked up, but the keks are real. Enjoy your stay.
Of course. Though effectiveness depends on the aircraft. Sabotage is a much quieter and easier option. Just something to keep in mind.
i hope the coalburner rothschild didn't dieed those rothschilds need more enrichment tbh
No, you're a kike shill. Fuck off.
Switching tactics I see. The whole point is, perfection can not ever be found in this world. Nietzsche thinks Christ is weak, yet he defeated Pan and the gospel is spread around the world. Never forget it.
Bane meme connections occurring in Jew owned news articles specifically about a Jewish lord?? Must be Kek!
Mixing Pepe and Baneposting this time? They'll never see through this disguise.
So you're just making and assumption. Well Yellowhammer is. Go read their "articles" from this week. Besides if you trust any media outlet then this isn't the place for you.
No based on Alabama law, if Moore is out then a new primary and election have to be held. Basically it starts all over.
Man, you are one turbo-mad kike shill.
Good game fellas, I think anyone can tell who the shills are now.
They faked their deaths
I would like nothing more than to see all these ziorats lined up and burnt to a crisp
If only…
Oh no, the only non-shill on Holla Forums
Get him!
Fuck you kike dicksucking christcuck
I don't even think they would let the help fly in these at Waddesdon Manor.
Back on topic. I expect one of them in the wreckage.
seems my magic is getting stronger
Holy shit you are a new nigger.
I would say coincidence but probably not and probably not in our favor. Hope I’m wrong though.
are they so scared they're faking their deaths now?
none of the Rothschilds live in Waddesdon Manor
Waddesdon is open to tourists, it's essentialy a museum of Rothschild wealth
you need to meme dead shields
We need to meme it into 'refugee' housing, maybe some migrant will burn the place down.
They don't die anyways. Once the host has diseased, they just crawl out slither away into the ground.
well in a fire it would burn with the host
Take the head off first.
Jacob lives in it, right? They don't own it anymore but he appears to "take care of it"
Pretty sure they live in Switzerland right
you digit stealing scum
What a shamethat there are no confirmed dead redshields yet
Yes it sounds like the Bible. If something deserves respect, then it gets respect. If something deserves honor, then it gets honor. That's in the Bible too, you know. Many whites are deserving of both. And many niggers are deserving of damnation. Take it up with God if you don't like people thinking that way, because He made it so.
Shit… you're right. Let's go back to worshiping a jew god, follow jewish holy laws and love thy (black) neighbour
Rolling for crashing with no survivors.
Colliding a rotary with a fixed wing would be catastrophic too.
Colliding a rotary with anything is always a shitshow tbh.
It's the colliding with the ground that kills ya.
4-Alarm Fire Rages In Hamilton Heights
You're not alone, newfag.
All I want for christmas is dead rothschilds
Chances are they're doing everything they can to revive Jacob, using a mixture of children's blood, cryogenics, and Russian medical science. Don't be surprised if there's a mysterious "accident" at a school within the local area. Probably a gas main explosion or something that would leave the bodies unrecognizable and their blood-drained status hidden.
Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin
for the love of God let them just die
Unless someone can find an archive, I guarantee that's cuckchan faggots perpetuating their gay ass bogandov meme.
Kill yourself kike.
Nicodemus saith to him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say to thee, Except a man be born of water, and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh, is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit. Marvel not that I said to thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it will, and thou hearest the sound of it, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Stop worshipping a dead jew.
I was not speaking about the coverage but rather that the paper wasn't the one we've come to know and love because Cliff isn't there.
Gov. Ivey said no delay in the vote, Jim Merrill said no new ballots, and (as I understand it) Luther isn't eligible to run because he lost the runoff.
I'm a huge Sessions apologist; thinking he's compromised means Stephen Miller is too – which I can't see and don't want. Pat Toomey floated the idea after taking his shots at Judge Moore.
On second look this looks correct,
Guimbal Cabri, pic related:
Which is a light two seat recreational ICS-type IV helo, I doubt the rothschilds would be rockling a shit tier 300-400k helo that grandpas fly for fun.
If you knew you were going to be implicated in a massive scandal and arrested in the next month - and you couldn't stop it - what could you do to get out of it?
Fake your own death, maybe?
This actually seems pretty likely. Even if the weapons aren't at the house, RAF Halton is only 15km away.
It's not inside restricted airspace. The floor is 5500ft though.
sounds about right
Looks like they were bought out this year. Pic related is the new owner. Digging for info but she sets my jewdar off.
I think any woman who makes middle or upper management should be suspected of being a kikess or at least a pozzed mindset. No other way nepotism would allow them in
Check'n! It would make sense that the sjw "glass ceiling" could only be crossed by kikesses.
If the floor is 1000 feet how did a plane collide with a helicopter?
The Saudi royal palace has auto .50 cal turrets that auto-lock on targets and only require a human to press the button for human rights reasons. Pretty sure they're made in South Korea, there's more info in another thread atm.
It wouldn't be too far fetched to think there's similar installations in other places but the damage would be visible. The plane looks like it came down in one piece.
I think the Rothschild quoted in articles is Hannah Rothschild. There is a documentary, The Aristocrats, where Jacob and her show off the entire Waddeson compound. She mentions that she spends a lot of time there and that she feels that her father, Jacob, will leave it to her when he switches bodies dies. She also keeps a low profile, was hard to find info about her so it would fit that she didn't want to identify herself.
Looks that way. Lot of red flags in here. Sorry I can't archive at the moment. Joshua Jones or perhaps (((Joshua Jones))) seems to have put her in charge after he took over when Cliff Simms when to the white house.
Thank you. Holy shit looks like that Jones guy runs a data mining operation.
What does the floor have to do with the possibility for a plane to collide with a helicopter? It's 5500 feet too.
Saying that, there was probably no collision at all.
Just caught that too. Meant to write
nice trips, datamining sounds about right
(((rats))) get hung from helicopters.
Oh you're right. By the time I found a sectional for the area I had forgotten that the story said the collision was at 1000ft.
Sure is trippy in here.
KKK will prevail
Check, but what does the fbi have to do with this?
How is the KKK FBI retard goy?
Read those words. Pretty serious implications when she is being outright in how U.S. Politics goes her way or no way.
and who is "our?"
So happening or no?
You're either very new, alphabet, or both.
While not so important in the family, I'd be happy if it were David De Rothschild, for spreading his climate nonsense. Who curiously looks just like a certain lisping e-celeb.
All I can say for sure is that somebody didn't want someone to see something if they had happened to be looking for it.
Mother of God.
If dubs Kike is status Kill
It's gotta be somebody major, right? I mean, you don't even get to fly a copter over Rothschild lands unless you're at least a noble.
Are there any confirmed casualties yet?
You can't see the ultrazionist kike as being compromised? And you don't want to see it?
being this new
Yes, I know the jews created ISIS, I knew this the first time I heard the name. But sometimes the puppets come alive, user. Surely you've heard of the turning golem. And wouldn't it just be the grandest irony of all.
The only attack that the king kikes would ever have to worry about from sandnigger land would be assad getting revenge for destroying his country.
Your dubs say yes
Capcha: rweokH
Are we ok H? Kek
That does seem like a hell of a coincidence. Very close to home, if not true.
Did he bring friends?
plz be true
Still no ID of the deceased? Rolling for a kike Rothschild.
Thus it is so
lynns twitter seems to be cruising along like nothing happened at all.
it's bizarre.
actual terrorists attacking actual jewish elite ?
This is such an inventive concept, you know, it just never occurred to me that this could happen based on the ideological differences.
This would be a really shit time for her to comment on it, one way or another user.
Just finished a shift and was pleased to find a thread like this, seriously lacking any updates though considering it happened a while ago. Seems the police are witholding any info until next of kin updated. All I can find on it right now is that it involved two crafts each carrying two people, one a Cessna 152, registration G-WACG, and a Guimbal Cabri ( light two seater helicopter ) G2 registration G-JAMM. If anyone can work their magic with reg info that would be helpful. The cessna sounded promising but apparently it was built in the early 80's and had already sustained some damage from a crash landing in '93, hardly sounds like red shield cruising material to me.
uh huh
Saudi princes die when trying to escape in helicopter.
Now this.
so what evidence do you have?
So, any word? Why do they think Jacob Rothschild is dead? Just because it crashed above a house he sometimes frequents?
I hope he’s dead.
Yea I'd call jews weak too but they are obviously effective so what
Apparently it wasn't even within their estate so he would have had to have been in flight for it to be involved.
That already happened.
Rolling for the plane being Jacob's private jet.
Checked for nevar forget dubs
Just to let you know that those meat grinder tier casualties were a deliberate step by the bolshevik kike leadership to cull the white population.
I remember that in Payback you definitely don’t take the call. I’ll trust in Mel Gibson’s judgment.
Plenty of speculation the kike king was snuffed, nothing concrete yet - although the immediate media blackout is suspicious as fuck & I don't believe in coincidence. Best case, a heap of them died in tangled burning wreckage, worst, he's faked his death & is running scared or someone wanted to send a powerful message to the (((families))).
No matter how you paint it, this is outstanding news.
Perhaps he's wondering why you'd crash a plane before throwing it out of a helicopter
Or why you would crash a plane before you crash the plane.
king kike is probably not dead (two seat helo), but we should be looking into the hero who tried to 9/11 his ass (if this entire thing is not a giant larp).
What is it with helicopters falling out of the sky?
What's with all these shitty "look i highlighted words and it makes a message" posts?
Thats.. a bit peculiar.
I don't think so.
This smells partially of psyop too.
Something tells me lynn is not like the other rothschilds… or she's deliberately playing a devils advocate role.
Eh. People threaten the pres in anger everyday online. Social media partially acts as a wall to vent frustration.
Might explain the weird highlighting posts.
But something tells me that's elaborate forced memeing.
If we get confirmed Rothschild kills life is good, very good
Eyewitness who likely flew elites on trips (((coincidentally))) dies?
Bravo Nolan.
So what was the next part of your plan?
Checked, dubs confirmed Jacob or any other Rothschild not on helicopter. Who was in the plane? The Fall Guy?
Big Guys.
Didn't say he wasn't on the huey fam - jist confirms one of the fatalities.. They're obviously keeping quiet about the others for some reason
He's probably faking his death so he can complete the transformation from elder jew to vampire and feast on even more goy blood.
i still can't get over how truly madman-esque this speech was
Silenced witness is most likely, as I suggested, but also there's the other possibilities of
Possible 9/11 like jihadi or Rothschild death fakery (if they turn up 'dead')?
Maybe it was Based Putin. That'd be neat
You hope too much. Q was definitely a larp. Good things don't happen.
Yes Mentmore Towers
So it was Waddesdon Manor and not Mentmore Towers?
He was secretly the hero you needed, but was conveniently thrown out of power following Brexit.
His investigations into Saudi Arabia sponsoring terrorism in the UK and the rape gangs were quietly killed after he stepped down. And now you have some hag calling for a "slow exit" and other assorted shit.
Do me a favor you young-earth creationist zionist tool. Go google this guy
Azzo Bassou
I know you are going to want to argue that he was not really the missing link, that he just had a baby-brain disease. Well that's retarded. You are retarded. Azzo Bassou had extremely long limbs, and was an effective hunter/gatherer capable of caring for himself, so he was not like any other case of microcephaly. The missing link was never missing, he was just memory-holed by christcuck fucktards like yourself.
Yeah bruh, totally based madman and not at all a cucked out zio-shill. Fuck off faggots
Get lost Tor-Kike
A lot of faith for a hired shill. ;)
you're probably right, he was just a dumb cunt so confident of the ZOGs power that he stepped up and said "come-at-me" to practically every reasonable person on the planet and who knows else, I mean, who the fuck knows else. I'm probably just reading too much into this.
So do you guys just post crap to be able to reasonably reply to in order to disconnect the thread direction and consensus?
Where would you like the consensus and direction to go in ? Maybe I can help you out.
Do they keep flight records anywhere?
Would possible to investigate this if Holla Forums knew the airfield that stored the chopper
You're doing a piss-poor job so far, so I highly doubt it.
is that your way of saying you have no idea ?
Not an argument :^)
I assume this means you have abandoned your silly desert cult and have accepted the reality of evolution?
Lurk more /christian/redditor. Magick is real and he wasn't advocating for it, but you're not going to convince anyone here.
Can you read?
Everyone is right to point out that this shill is posting a typical christcuck post attacking race realism but you're all missing the biggest tell that this is a shill. Look at the post he's responding to and then look at the context of that post and the context in his. They have nothing to do with each other. Next, examine the composition, style, and formatting of the post.
Some of you need to brush up on your shill detection and report. This shill should have been banned hours ago, along with the other ones in this thread. There's so much topic dilution going on in the last several hours. Re-orient yourselves if you're that out of practice when discerning shill posts. We have a cleaner board than the noise on cuckchan but don't let that excuse you from falling for jew tricks.
The mods don't care.
MEME HARDER, this was an IRL Banepost. This is a fucking message, Kek wills it. It's like Trump is shitposting with /bigguys/ CIA and a /bigguy/ let the Daily Mail show IRL dubs and IRL Torfagging '''plus"' an obvious IRL Banepost.
Our meme magic is real. Kek is based af as a god. The Jungian fullchan collective unconscious is making memes IRL.
u wut m8?
Cameron despite coming off as a stooge, did have real investigations launched into Saudi Terror and Rothgate. He's no Nigel, but then seeing all the "accidents" Nigel kept having, is it any wonder?
That speech was literally the best you could hope for, simply naming ZOG is a huge taboo, doesn't matter how its done, and he did it at the UN. And then he was tossed.
That should be the takeaway from this thread. Shills fear the return of baneposting. Don't let another one of kek's miracles slip away.
Beautiful. I'd love to hear who was on the helicopter
If you any of you are genuine posters, and not professional shills or shilling AI, know this: You cannot attain knowledge of the Truth through your ever-learning. You must humbly accept that you known nothing, and request of God to show you the way. We are all living in perilous times right now, the Grand Deception is literally unfolding before us in this age, and no Christ-denier will ever see through it. Remember this warning, consider it well.
Fuck your god. Creation is a crime against the created.
Are you 15? Regardless, you may choose death if you wish.
No, I'm 29. And I can't choose death, I'm a coward. Come to Gadsden Alabama and help me kill myself in person.
Find another knife. That one isn't sharp enough. You CANNOT "lol ur 15 unemployed kid" shame me into backing down from this.
You're all about the edge, huh? You seem to be pretty embarrassed for a guy who claims he's not embarrassed. My point being that your comment
Sounds juvenile and ridiculous because you have to exist first before you can be a victim of a crime.
bump for nice info
is that the wrong video or are you just retarded?
yes i'm not
So when is it time to spread these faggots thinly across the countryside like butter on warm toast?
Shit man , I've got nothing going on the rest of this afternoon and all day tomorrow. This weekend work for you? Air travel will be a bit tight for me but we can meme cannon the ever loving fun out of it
Pee pee poo poo pisssssssss and such
I have tried to kill myself twice, once driving down a mountain road in north carolina with my eyes closed and once drinking nightshade tea.
God kept my life intact both times.
Your pain is a gift to you so that you may have deep empathy for others. Accept the pain, open your heart to God, and begin the work He has made you purposefully for.
I'm betting on missile, too.
Godwads need not apply.
Old fashioned breaking and entering will probably be more effective than going in by air. Or we could get some artillery out there and just shell the whole property into oblivion
Damn you live around a lot of niggers user
103000 people and about 34000 of them niggers from what I read.
Mortars look fun too
checked for someone taking a helicopter ride. Colombian helicopter rides "vuelos de la muerte"??
checked. This board feels like Europe in 2015 now :^(
Here , have a body fly not so good
Not as easy or reliable as you think, especially small arms fire.
During the Battle of Newry Road, the Provisional IRA engaged five (5) British Army helicopters with heavy machine guns (two DHsK heavy machine guns and three light machine guns) for almost half an hour, only one machine was forced to land due to damage, while two were hit in total.
With a normal battle rifle your chances of downing a helicopter are virtually zero.
Ok so the helicopter was an instructor pilot and an international student, we got that part.
Yeah maybe the head of the frontsmen for the black nobility. Rothchilds are middlemen.
A small, military grade warhead.
This is what a modern christian ziokike looks like everyone
What? Did you just want me to go check the 10 Commandments to make sure there was nothing out of tune with what I posted with it? Because you succeeded.
If the identities of the dead people haven't been released yet, the incident might be a distraction. For example, if Trump or whoever is actually going against these kikes and they know it, they might have perpetrated this incident to distract their pursuers. For all I know the plane and helicopter were drones.
The kikes wouldn't let a chance to sacrifice a goyim slip away. They wouldn't use drones.
Guess my post didn't go through last night, huh.
I'm trying to figure out how a plane and helicopter collided 1000 feet in the air. I read in a dailymail article - posted it last night but it didn't go through for some reason - that pilots in the area purposely fly below 5500 feet to avoid the air traffic controller. The article quoted some flight instructor who said something like "yeah mate, it's really busy but everyone flies around this area to avoid the air traffic controllers. you gotta keep your head on a swivel because craft can pop up at a moments notice"
Just thought it was a little off that there's, apparently, an option to ignore the air traffic controller by flying at a lower altitude.
Raises more questions than it answers.
There is a topkek team working on it as we read. Report just came in: It's classed SCP/CHAN/NOSHILL
I keep hearing crackles coming over the radio, they appear to have found someone in the wreckage. Sounds like one 'sum dig buy' - this might be the foreign flight student. Can anyone with a radio closer confirm?
Why do you encourage adultery?
There is light within people of light,
and they shine it upon the whole world.
If they do not shine it,
what darkness!
just calm down user
Please highlight where I promoted adultery.
What a compliment…
I love being followed everywhere online
Read Eccleisates 3, pay attention to verse 22. Part of the faith is knowing when you've done all you can do is all you can do. It is your lot, to try to save. You have not fallen on deaf ears but ECL3 is pretty fundamental so it should resonate within.
we all live in the place of judgment, where wickedness dwells, user, it's called earth
Thank you, brother.
Anytime, we do what we can because we must.
derailing but what's your confirmation name?
there looks to be next to no new information from 24 hours ago, aside from a pilot being ID so going to sage as engaged
I don't have a confirmation name, I still haven't been baptised as I'm unsure which church to go to. Hung up between Orthodox and Catholicism because of Apostolic succession. I was invited to a Catholic church nearby by a taxi driver I had once and confessed my problems to actually, but I didn't end up going there that weekend even though I said I would. I feel guilty about the lie. Just talking about this has made me want to go there today and apologise.
Bible is assembled from many sources, some things in it were removed, some added, some were inserted with malicious intent. The section that you posted is rubbish and goes against everything Christ (the human being) was about. Bible in itself is pretty useless in the present day. Only the genesis part is valuable, listen to Jordan B. Peterson on why that is. And if you want the actual wisdom of the actual man - The Gospel of Thomas. It is not complete but you will get the idea of what it's all about. Remember: they changed candles to shepherds staffs.
Faggot bible posting shills means they want this slid. Who died?
You apologize, to yourself, to God, in understanding your actions and being increasingly aware and by not repeating the same mistake.
Shit like this only serves to make them sound badass
message received
I need to know the title of that painting / picture.
It's too glorious.
Probably something silly, like 'Christ and the Heavenly Host.'
if dubs a rothskike died in that crash
you're a useless newnigger
* Assassination of the rothschild jews
*Attempted fake death while they escape to one of their secret vampire lairs /bunkers in south america.
* Flyfags from the airfield went to close and got shot down
And people say liches are fictional, how much foreskin blood does it take to keep that thing alive?
Here comes a candle to light you to bed
tell us about the talking donkey
Actually that thing (duchess of alba) allegedly died a few years back at the age of 84. Apparently she was the most royal person in the world, with more titles than the kikes on the british throne. Can't determine from online bios if it was a Rothschild or not, so it probably was/is.
I'm guessing the blood and baby flesh wasn't doing enough to keep it looking human so they said 'dead!' and got out of the public eye.
Looks like one of the Bogdanoffs.
I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
Psalm 139:22
It looks like a Dr. Seuss character.
That one isn't a jew now is she? Or am I out of the loop on her being a crypto?
It is…but not in the way you mean it. The elite send coded messages via the media. With Germanwings, we stumbled across one of the messages (but not the key). This is probably a message too, but we didn't send it—we're cracking it. Kek is the key, not the messenger.
That brow screams kike.
Looks like that ron perlman kike in beauty and the beast.
Her genealogy going back generations is public on the other hand and it doesn't name kikes. Again, sure, she could be a crypto, but how about any sort of evidence?
They've released names in the Rothschild manor crash.
In the chopper:
Captain Nguyen Thanh Trung of Vietnam
Captain Mike Green
In the plane:
Jaspal Barha, 45 - instructor
Saavan Mundae, 18 - student
Daily Fail makes a fake news article once again.
Has anyone considered a roth killing one of their own? I've been predicting them turning on eachother for a while now