
Identitäre Bewegung sending UK recruits to military-style training camps in Europe

A senior Norwegian member of GI told a reporter who infiltrated the group for six months: “We want young normal people, who want to get involved and we train them.”

Support for GI has been rising across Europe during a series of terror attacks claimed by Isis, while it also hijacked concerns over the arrival of hundreds of thousands of migrants in Europe by crowdfunding a boat to interfere with rescues in the Mediterranean Sea.

GI is targeting teenagers and young people in what researchers have called the “weaponisation of internet culture”.

GI’s leaders reject the labels far-right or alt-right and claim they vet members for extremism, but analysts say the organisation is “pure in its white supremacy”.

Other urls found in this thread: &cd=1&hl=sl&ct=clnk&gl=sg&client=firefox-b-ab

Are they actually White supremacists or are they alt right ?

I like what they did in Montreal with the Sir John A MacDonald statue.

They are basically the european alt-light, so why should we give a fuck?

They were around long before the alt-right.

This is where they lose me. The whole Guillaume Faye thing is what makes it another kosher nationalist movement on a path of stagnation. I would say infiltrate and sway the thinking into National Socialism it could be done.

nah m8.
I would say you are a dead obvious shill and fuck off

Interesting. I presume you know who Guillaume Faye is? Also I'd like an explanation on how I'm a shill.

I have no idea who Guillame Faye is.

this is how I know you are a shill. You are dead obvious by now, I don't know why you keep trying


look up the word taqqiya

In the soviet eurabian union GI is apparently working in the right way even if they do not name the jews.

Hmm, I see. So you shout out shill at me while not knowing who the is a very influential figure in the identity scene. Next time do some research instead of interjecting your lack of understanding.

to be honest, I don't really care.
What an "inspiration" of his once said in a movement that isn't even being discussed.

Do you understand why I called you a shill?
In case I'm mistaken I apologise and take it back


This is more of a "kol nidre" situation, kike.

yes, it is necessary because otherwise they would not reach tthe masses they do.
would be probably arrested.
They redpill them on the jq (if anyone already isn't) once they bring them in

More quotes from Faye.

You don't care that's great but in reality you not caring means nothing to me. This is a genuine concern for anyone not wanting to travel down the empty road of kosher nationalism.

your concern is heartwarming. I hope it gets through to someone and saves some of the poor wandering souls


Are you that autist who always spergs out for days on end and ban evades?

no, why.
Does this trigger you?

are you triggered?

I'll take that as yes.


You can take that as you want )

Kosher as fuck. They literally believe the JQ is a "conspiracy theory" and perpetuate the 6 gorillion as a dark deed from the past we have to overcome. Read this for a little taste.

why does generation identity trigger you? it's funny
If you are a shill, you don't have to answer.
If not, I'm curious.
You seem really salty about it

How many ips are you going to run through with your ban evading?

this a great article.
A bit long, but factual
what is the problem with this?

did you read this?
these movements share important fights: ending politically correct orthodoxy, halting mass immigration, and defending European identity.

Perhaps you missed it.:

these movements share important fights: ending politically correct orthodoxy, halting mass immigration, and defending European identity.'

what is the problem with this?

What a trio of sources:
• Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate is an agent of the state (unless non agents can be caught by Police having broken into multiple private and business properties not limited to but including financial institutions and not have so much as a caution on their record).
• Vice make their staff sign a contract that accepts that they will receive harassment in the workplace.
• The Independent is now owned and operated as a propaganda front by a hard line Religion of Cuck™ic zealot

cute, you gave up already.



I just find the loose propaganda network that work together to attack European interests amusing. They are so transparent in their motives and loathsomeness.

Are these people retarded?


thanks for your concern.
I assume you missed the fringe insurgency thread.
You should read up on it &cd=1&hl=sl&ct=clnk&gl=sg&client=firefox-b-ab

While I notify our counter intelligence department about it

Identitarians are ethno nationalists u retard.

Didnt you get the memo? Anything to the right of Stalin, Kim Jung Un and Marx is literally Hitler. And anyone who tries to run under that flag for public office will be just as bad or worse and will cause a second and third Holocaust.

Do you realise the vice article is a copypaste from the fringe insurgency?
Did you really not read it?
Here you go
Executive Summary
This report examines points of connectivity
and collaboration between disparate
groups and assesses the interplay between
different extreme-right movements, key
influencers and subcultures both online and
We spent three months undercover doing
ethnographic research in previously unexplored
forums, and analysed over 5,000 pieces of
content gathered from across more than 50
different platforms. Through a case study
analysis, this report examines specific instances
of extreme-right collaboration across borders
and between different ideological strands
and maps the nexus between them, as well as
assessing the convergent goals and motivations
of participants.
The goal of this report is to inform policy
makers, practitioners and activists who want
to understand and respond to new dynamics
within the extreme right. By bringing clarity into
this increasingly complex field, our research
seeks to support the development of effective
strategies to prevent the mainstreaming of
extreme ideologies. Understanding the extent
to which extreme right-wing networks cross
geographic, linguistic and ideological barriers
is a crucial step towards developing tools to
prevent their proliferation.
Key Findings
–Extreme-right groups across the globe are actively collaborating to achieve common goals,
such as keeping refugees out of Europe, removing hate speech laws and getting far-right
populist politicians to power.
–Campaigns around the Defend Europe mission in the Mediterranean and the Charlottesville
rally received financial and operational support from numerous European and North American
countries. Alternative online platforms, some created explicitly for use by the extreme right,
provide mechanisms for transnational knowledge exchange, fundraising and coordinated
information operations.
–Their strategic, tactical and operational convergence has allowed the extreme right to
translate large-scale online mobilisation into real-world impact. Through coordinated
grassroots activities, they have been able to influence elections, attract worldwide media
attention and intimidate political opponents. Reconquista Germania, an extreme-right
channel on the app Discord set up to disrupt the German election, counts over 5000
members from across the globe.
–High levels of opportunism characterise today’s extreme right, as seen in the cooperation
between ideologically disparate strands such as racially and culturally oriented nationalists.
Extreme-right groups actively seek to overcome ideological and geographic divergences for
the sake of expanding their influence, reach and impact. Their communication materials are
tailored to different audiences and highlight topics ranging from white nationalist activism to
freedom of speech protection.
6 The Fringe Insurgency Connectivity, Convergence and Mainstreaming of the Extreme Right
–The most extreme fringe groups attempt to penetrate new audiences and mainstream their
ideologies by using less extreme groups as strategic mouthpieces. Their aim is the creation of
a ‘mass movement’i through the radicalisation of ‘the normies’ (average people who consume
‘mainstream’ media), in particular Generation Z.ii
–Extreme right networks use military and intelligence resources such as leaked strategic
communication documents from the GCHQ and NATO to run campaigns against their own
governments. By staging sophisticated operations in the style of military psychological
operations (or ‘psy-ops’), they seek to disrupt democratic processes in Europe, as in the latest
example during the German election where coordinated extreme-right efforts dictated social
media conversations and the top trending hashtags for a period of two weeks.

why does it trigger you?
or if it's easier:
What are they doing that is wrong?

attention and intimidate political opponents.

-I know. I was the one that got the sticky and followed it through to the end.
Feels pretty good man

shills couldn't stop us then, I don't what in the world

gave you the idea you're somehow able to now

Yeah I read it. I presume that at some level they have been well aware of this for much longer than they admit. The fact that they have released such information into the public sphere is telling. We are talking about institutions that have access to everything said digitally by everyone in the entire world, all stored in perpetuity. I really doubt that they have only just realised how to lurk image boards and watch Youtube videos.

We are engaged in spiritual warfare, they know this, we know this, they know we know this and they know we know they know this. At this point we are just facing each other of like two armies lined up for battle, but we both understand history, recorded and mythological. They know we wont let them get away with what they have done and we know that are without morals and goodness in their souls and will never stop on their crusade to blacken the light from this world.

Being spiritual in nature my personal motivation is to do my part to undo the isolation from a higher power they have inflicted upon us. War must be engaged in with the guidance of a God or Gods. They have retained theirs, we must return to ours. Divine permission must be granted for a people to conquer. They will not win.

There were no 6 million dead Kikes or the world would be a lot better off today.

First you say you don't know who Guillame Faye is and I explain my problem with the man who is the thought leader of this movement. What more do you want? I don't want any alliance with zionists.

You are also obviously hopping ips to inflate uids. Explain to me the stance identity has on zionism considering it looks like they want to be friendly. You can talk about symptoms all you want but let me know when they start addressing the root cause. The traitors who enable jewish dominance which in turn pushes for migration replacement in the West.

Thanks for the heads up on subversive elements like this Faye character!

The rootless cosmopolitans are panicking… I'm sure their Holohoax religion would continue to stand up to scrutiny if there were no laws against criticizing it.

The Paris Statement - A Europe We Can Believe In

fucking frogs

Not this fucking spammy shit again

This is the most astroturfed conversation I've ever seen.

Faye is literally one intellectual in the French right scene. The attempts to discredit him on here are absolutely insane.

Daily reminder that Identitarians are kosher fucking autists.

Guillame Faye isn't subversive, you've clearly never read his work. He also isn't a Zionist, identitarians oppose antisemitism on purely pragmatic grounds like every other patriotic movement or party.
It also does a disservice to Gen Identity to claim that Guillame Faye is 'the thought leader' of the movement. He coined the term Identitarian and wrote a book which serves as a dictionary of new vocabulary for a new nationalism, that's it. There are many other authors that Gen Identity draw inspiration from.


Not to mention that they're operating in countries that can and do outright compel certain speech.

Exactly, even Britain doesn't have absolute free speech. We're allowed to question the narratives of WWII and the Holocaust though, which is better then Austria and Germany.
Too many people want to live in the past and advocate for long dead movements and political figures. We're no longer in the great depression of the 20th century, we have an entirely different set of problems to contend with. To propose the fascist mercantile state in the 21st century is to misunderstand our predicament, which is the mass colonization of Europe from the south and white genocide.



generation identitaire is a pan-european movement there main goal is to take control of the EU when all the old EU memebers die off from old age.

Then what does he mean in regards to these quotes?


So many shills ITT, like always when the GI is discussed.

You know exactly who he's talking about.
Just fuck off, and kill yourself, you fucking shill.

That he isn't antisemitic because its a waste of time that makes nationalists sound like unhinged psychotics, as does obsessing over a miserable stretch of desert across the Mediterranean or a supposed genocide of the 20th century.
No-one cares, that's what you don't get. What people do care about is the environment, safety and security, employment and housing, social services, belonging and community, law and order, etc. We have so many fronts we can advance to further our political agenda, but instead we're stuck talking about 'the Jews' because of people like you.

Keep spamming your little pictures, jew-loving cuck.


Sad truth

You are reported for being a shill.

The same poster on so many different IDs, like every time kosher nationalism is shilled.

Pointing out factual truths does not equate to shouting gas the kikes. Jews are on record speaking about their desire for a mongrelized West.
Interesting how you equate pointing out subversive elements to neglecting these aspects, where was it stated that these should not be talked about or advocated for?
More or less we are stuck spinning in circles because milquetoast rubbernecks like you want to demonize anyone pointing out subversive elements. I also don't think it's just the jews. There is a myriad of enemies us Europeans face. Chinese, Moslem, traitors. I just don't like people like you chastising lads for speaking the truth and then strawmanning like we are advocating for presenting ourselves in a dastardly manner.

When they get learned about the Jew and stop being Kosher, maybe.

Does GI use bots or something? Every time they have a thread they just end up posting the same dozen or so images and links. Spend some of those shekels on a real PR department if you're going to try shilling here.

Seriously, these threads are pissing more anons off than converting them.


Its the same autist who shills every GI thread. The same pictures the same talking points. Last thread he had over 300 replies.

No, the shills try everything to turn these threads into shit, but still they just make themselves look silly.
The threads are fine.

So the threads are working.
What was your problem again, shill?

Nigger you alone had 300 replies. Some top tier autism. You should use it for social media instead of pissing anons off.

It's the turbo-autist who runs /bmw/, he spergs out anytime anybody says anything mean about kosher nationalism.

You're the only person who ends up looking bad in these threads.

This tbh

It wasn't me, take your pills you fucking autist.
Also you fucking shills are this obvious, it just sad that the rest of Holla Forums doesn't care about this whole thing.
But that's the price we have to pay for 2016 and Trump winning, Holla Forums shilled to death.

Are you about to burst into tears?

Dude im fapping
Whine, cry louder!

communication documents from the GCHQ and NATO to run campaigns against their own governments.
Someone has those documents?

That is an excellent post if I ever saw one. Agreed, saved and thank you

Look at the main thread. But I don't think those were located. Someone had access to them and described it from what I recall




it was meant for the other guy sorry


There's truth in the statement, "It isn't what you say, it's how you say it", but making the JQ part of any political movement is counter-productive. By all means call out the Kalergi Plan online and reference the Protocols and Jewish intellectuals, as well as Israeli charities that are contributing to human trafficking, but in making this a part of public debate we open ourselves up to Hollywood Nazism and our own destruction. Look at what happened to NA and Scottish Dawn in Britain. We have to be smarter than that and not live in the past.
Also, there's nothing milquetoast about being a nationalist.

UK's kicking off then
Good job lads

Does someone have thementioned NS131 video?

Most of the nationalist parties elected in Europe fall under your definition of 'kosher nationalism', you mong.

And what have they accomplished again?

If that is the case then you just SHUT THE FUCK UP about the issue, which is not what they are doing. They are using every opportunity they get to propagate the illegitimacy of the JQ by calling it a "world conspiracy" etc.
If you trust these people you are simply a moron.

The problem with Holla Forums is that as soon as a single kike tries to co-opt a movement, that movement is dropped.

Have you ever thought maybe you could fight back by politically climbing your way to the top of a movement?

Poland and Hungary aren't being colonized, and they have an aristocratic upper class instead of financial despots.

SJW's and goons aren't welcome here.

Reminder that the author of this post is Rechtscuck, an IP hopping literal self admitted kike who's been spamming Deutsch/pol/ threads since forever

There are some decent movement going on in europe, NMR comes to mind, despite the odd kike infiltrator, by large they seem to be doing alright. GI really does smack of the same sort of neocon cuckery we've been dealing with in the US for decades, and I'd be careful about encouraging anyone else to tread down that same dark path. I understand ZOG prevents you from saying and doing certain things, but little tells like preaching about the holohoax make it seem as though this isn't a movement worth investing into.

Not true at all, the same rootless bankers run things there, it's just that slavs actually will have a peasant uprising if pushed too hard, so that keeps things from reaching peak pozz, and now with the west on fire, we're starting to see some nationalist sentiment among the leadership, but you're deluded if you think the political class is made up of nationalists. Also keep in mind, the aristocracy was mostly related to each other across europe as and increasingly had less to do genetically to the people they ruled over. Which meant more often than not they were foreigners by the end of the 19th century, at least as we would see them today.

There is when kosher is put in front of it. All subversives deserve being held accountable. I'm not talking about aimless insults but factual arguments. Anyway you lads keep doing you. I suggest reading "For my leggionaries" for a better understanding on things.

A lot more than the NS-Larping faggots("old right") who tried it for the last 70 years.
Try read a book and educate yourself, you sound rather dumb to me.

It's on my book list, I'll get around to it soon.

The translation leaves a little to be desired, but it's actually a decent read, a lot of these historical books can tend towards being a little dry, but Codreanu does not disappoint. The support he was getting from the common man in the trial against that corrupt cop actually really stirred the heart as one can hardly even imagine that kind of loyalty among whites these days.

Speaking of the translation though, does anyone have a not shit version of the "Nest Leader's handbook"? Physical copies are strangely hard to come by, and a lot of the ebooks and pdfs I've found had serious problems.


Why are you even here?

On page 81 he talks about how he was afraid of masons and jewry initiating pseudo-nationalist organizations in order to tap the people and thus diver the movement onto a dead end track.

You really shouldn't use her as an example of nationalist/traditionalist values. She's a degenerate who has facial piercings and posts nudes of herself on the internet. I think her internet-name had something to do with pixies or fairies but I can't remember it.


Fuck GI, I hope the cops lock them all up so that decent White nationalists can carry on with their work without GI shills interfering

The jewish question is non-negotiable.


Just try it harder, you lame shill.

Don'T them friend

It's always the same guy having a temper tantrum, calling everyone shills and posting these cringe tier images while hopping IP's and agreeing with his own posts. But why am I surprised, that's the mindset of your average Gaylord Identitaire.



Britain’s young people are now more right-wing and authoritarian in their political outlook than the previous generation, undermining the prevailing view that younger people tend to be more progressive in attitude.


This is a Car Bread now


We already have pseudo nationalist groups like UKIP which is a supporter of the 'Friends of Israel.' I'm well aware of that risk, but it isn't necessary for a political party to name the Jew as we've seen in Austria, Hungary and Poland. People will educate themselves as Jews try to subvert and railroad the momentum of the movement down a deadend path.







The National Socialist never capitulates. He will never negotiate away his freedom. He will never compromise his ideals.






Are you bursting into tears m8?


Verpiss dich von Holla Forums, was willst du hier, du Krebskind?!

I'm all about the DougScore tbh





The Zionists brought him up, I hadn't even heard of him.


How long before you lose your mind?

Holla Forums is not a good place for you. you are mentally unstable.

Found the stupid pleb.

haha ok

Also wenn jemand ein autistisches Kellerkind ist, dann du.
Besorg dir ein Leben, du Versager.

speak english or die, shlomo


Freitag Abend und du sitzt alleine vor Holla Forums und spammst Threads zu, die nicht in dein kindlich naives Weltbild passen.

Du bist ganz unten angekommen.

I take it you're more of a Tesla guy then

Wie hart du es versuchst.
Wie kaputt muss dein Leben.

Not much of an MB guy but this thing is a beaut.
Do GI people own cars? Taking their wheatfield missus out for a spin to KFC and whatnot

Imagine if Polestar followed through with that hybrid coupe…

Reported *soon to be deported*

Nimm deine Pillen Cucki.

He's a literally schizophrenic German shitposter that somehow found his way here from KC, don't ask for logic in his thinking.

Do you feel in charge?

For some reason IB sends him into a manic episode.
Maybe some guy from IB fucked his mother?


Guy I am not going to be rude to you or insult you. But I genuinely from the heart ask you to get some help. It is not normal to get so triggered on the internet. Get better


Ach Cucki

UK kicking off

He forgot to take his thorazine I guess.

It is good we have different movements because not everything is for everyone.
Everyone can contribute in their own capacity this way.
Someone creating dank memes is as invaluable as the person creating irl presence and as the guy who is a soldier and is prepared to fight for the cause.

"these movements share important fights: ending politically correct orthodoxy, halting mass immigration, and defending European identity."

"Extreme-right groups across the globe are actively collaborating to achieve common goals,
such as keeping refugees out of Europe, removing hate speech laws and getting far-right
populist politicians to power."

I' to thank the independent too, for this fucking article

You don't realize we are running severe psyops on you. Whatever you think harms us we turn to our advantage.
Our knowledge grows while you dwindle into obscurity
Fight the good fight UK lads!

This is what happens when plebbit tier niggers come to this board & do shit.
We're going to need to so many bullets to get rid of all these stupid fucking people.

If GI is so tough, why don't they take on nigger and arab gangs that are roaming the streets of the West? All they do is some gay performance art and sometimes they show up in front of a mosque waving their gay banners, so everyone can point the finger at them and call them weak for aiming their aggression against 60 year old sandniggers or pink haired red cross volunteers.

it's rebranded ironlarp. filter him.

I've noticed a pattern:
Every time an IB thread comes around
he feverishly posts in it
he gets his manic episode

Board wide bot spam begins

As.much as he is crazy,
That is some serious weapon grade autism, I gotta hand him that

GI is jew controlled opposition
they also like getting our shekels

Wer ist er? Haben wir eine name, vorname vieleicht?

Brasil is the most BLADDA UP'd shithole on the face of this planet and has been frequently cited as the demographics of the future, let's look at it, shall we?

It is a real dystopia, fucking Mordor levels of subhumanity.

I salute the European Idenitarians to prevent this dystopia for themselves even though it is too late for others sadly. Do not become Brasil and sterilise or kill your niggers like certain other wiser Latin American countries did that weren't dumb as Brasil fuck.

His name is Andrej, he's originally from Slovenia, his dad is a policeman and his mom works as a cleaning lady. He gets irrationally defensive about GI stuff and then spazzes out to everyone's amusement.

Sudo implies it's reddit bots.
In any case it's funny
IB triggers the fuck out of them
/r/ available info on cuckischizo
Vielen dank

Taken your meds?
Good boy. Vroom vroom

Wait to out yourself, honeypot kike…


verpiss dich cucki

Okay lying because you're afraid to name us is one thing, but this pretending that they're relevant shit just pisses me off.

We don't use your shitty manuals. They are a decade out of date. Your meme technology is obsolete. We don't want it. We have had to infiltrate and teach you to keep up with us because we had planned on you being more competent and had strategies involving you that required you being less terrible at your jobs.

We do not want your inferior psyop technology. Be less pathetic. That's an order.

Lol what a bitch.
Maybe I'll buy him a pink bandana

Why does go insane about IB?
My guess he got rejected (which makes sense)
You don't want people like that in any organization


Looking forward to the next thread should it need be made.
Watching cucki lose it is priceless.

Fight the good fight UK lads

Ordering the underman to be less of an underman isn't going to happen. They were born that way; the blood dictates the range of IQ, morality, etc. Thru all history the Aryan man is the inventor, not any other. Other races can improve the invention, but they do not have the creative Spark of Divinity. Undermen will always mimic, so while we struggle, adapt, and change, we will bring forth Truth. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will know the Truth. But while we are complacent, the jew will seek to subvert and gain control. The enemy's advantage is numbers, our advantage is Truth.


Fuck Guillame Faye. And fuck this guy