are fush and chips jewish?
according to wikipedia its jewish
remember not to eat fish its bluepilled thanks to the fish being in a blue liquid
Are fush and chips jewish?
Other urls found in this thread:
Do ye have a license for those pointy chips mate?
your going to need a permit for that styrofoam too
Kikes are trying to take credit for the concept of putting a fish in a frying pan? What?
Bru you've taken my country but you'll never take my F&C. Day of the flip-flops.
wikipedia's article's source that jews invented fried fish is a bbc article written by a jew with no sources.
it all makes sense now (((shop)))
cuck d&c shill cumskin
OP is using "that word" again. He seems to have forgotten the current year, or maybe he's trying to bring it back? Either way, he's a faggot.
Watch out for the jewish invention of pastrami to
Given there are no actual chips involved, yeah fish and chips is pretty jewish imo.
Jews claim everything, that’s what cheats and thieves do.
Things kikes will soon claim responsibility for, if they haven't already: democracy, common law, a breathable atmosphere.
and fried potato cakes
Which isn’t even Jewish, it’s Romanian.
Battered fish is an anglo invention, so 50/50 chance kike involvment.
You know they didn't think of that first. They probably picked it up from some sumerian tribe and then genocided them to keep it for themselves.
t. jew
fried potato fritters are superior to chips
yeah but people who speak romance languages are 99% jewish anyway
This how wikipedia becomes incestuous. Use an article with no sources to make the claim, wikipedia is then used as a source in another article about the same thing. Wikipedia deletes the original source and uses the new article. Congrats! You have now created "facts" from thin air. In fact that same thing happens in higher education.
I was curious so I wasted the past 30 minutes trying to find the exact commit on that wiki that references the jews.
Jews were mentioned lower in to the article, spanish jews and fried fish going years back, I didn't find the kike that first added that, but this is the commit that puts it literally front and center.
If you notice this kike has a long history of trying to change history to fit his narrative. But this is kikeopedia, I don't know what I was expecting. I'm not even angry.
Why do you out yourself?
You know we can trace your address back, right? You know we're going to kill you on DOTR, right?
Complete and utter bullshit; it was a combination of easier transport of goods and the invention of chips in France(present-day Belgium) which brought on fish and chips in the British Isles.
t. fishpilled (bluepilled)
having some fun nu/pol/ calm down
You aren't funny. Lurk for 2 years or kys.
you only found this website last month though?
nice try cumskin
t. newfag
im best friends with learningcode nice try shill d&c cuck
You have more posts in this thread you stupid faggot
found it. here is the exact moment of kikening
"Fried fish was probably first introduced into Britain during the Roman period.[4] Battered fish used in fish and chips is not exactly the same as the Spanish-Portuguese dish pescado frito, which is fish dipped into flour, battered fish is first coated in flour then dipped into a batter consisting of flour mixed with liquid, usually water but sometimes beer. Some newer modifications to the recipe may have cornflour added, and instead of beer sometimes soda water is added.[5] In 1860, the first fish and chip shop was opened in London by Joseph Malin.[6]"
"Fried fish was first brought to England by Spanish Jews[2], and is considered the model for the fish element of the dish.[5].Originally, Spanish Jews settling in England in the seventeenth century would have prepared fried fish in a manner similar to Pescado frito, which is coated in a flour.[6].Battered fish is first coated in flour then dipped into a batter consisting of flour mixed with liquid, usually water but sometimes beer. Some newer modifications to the recipe may have cornflour added, and instead of beer sometimes soda water is added.[7] In 1860, the first fish and chip shop was opened in London by Joseph Malin."
in the revision this kike complained about deleting references to jews, which were never there in the first place, as an excuse to put them front and center all over the page and make up history.
I meant that's another thing they take credit for.
I don't think this was a jewish invention, but Josephn Malin is a pretty kikey name.
Damn, that's nasty, almost a chink tier practice.
if you read back and look at the edit history, this kike "Irondome" complains about
However, if you look back at all previous edits of the article, there was no "attempting to remove", it was never there. He added it, and to dismiss any claims that he's trying to change history, the jew pre-emptively claims that others are trying to change history.
We did this in the western world for most raw meat for a long time.
The only experience semites have with fish is from their invention, and continued practice, of female circumcision and genital mutilation in general.
Read the thread. Malin was a kike that sold "Jewish style fried fish" rather than fish in chips, which was breaded and served cold, and probably not even served with chips.
Golden Fries are the best , potato jew cakes look like nasty shit
was replaced with
You really need to work on your reading comprehensive, user.
whos going to be the hero and change it back?
Only jews get hungry