On Saturday, November 18, it will be the 39th anniversary of the biggest progressive virtue signalling in modern history. I am of course, talking about the Jonestown Mass Suicide.
Here's the greentext for the uninitiated:
If you want, be sure to remind Holla Forums and other pearl clutching "progressives" about this anniversary. Embed related. Give it a watch. If you require more drama to your docs, Hunt down Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones, featuring Powers Booth (RIP in peace) as Jimmy himself.
John Baker
I meant Powers Boothe. Goddamn my alzheimers. Anyway, here's the embed of the docudrama, which was also on JooTube.
Wyatt Edwards
The officials there found injection marks in every single person, also the state dept owned that land and used it for training
Jaxon Gomez
How do you forcibly inject over 900 people? Also
Julian Cook
OP have you even given this a real fucking look?
Brandon Reyes
Except there were witnesses. And why are you covering for a fag socialist preacher?
Liam Allen
Yeah, (((witnesses))). Fact is, to me, it looks like the deepstate whacked the congressman and cleaned up a mind control experiment, and used it to pass more controlls.
Jacob Davis
The one confirmed weird thing is the mystery tape recording from after the deaths
Daniel James
You know the shooting was filmed, right? By a cameraman who was himself shot?
Jackson Parker
Well at least you are bringing in some variety in your damage control, Holla Forums. The "not real socialism" one gets so tiring
Jace Rogers
You're backing me up here. Covering every loose end. So, tell me something. Have you ever seen a story repeated regularly on the (((history channel))) that was NOT a cover for the kikes and their golems? Thr holohoax, JFK bullshit, ancient aliens to cover up ancient aryans. Jim Jones was also on the same lineup repeatedly.
Benjamin Hall
Oh shit gang, is this another unsolved mystery for Holla Forums to dig and autism and make CIAniggers sweat?
Jackson Reyes
Jones biography reeks of him being some sort of intel asset.
Ryder Bennett
People actually survived you fucking assmunch. He is a nutjob unsurprisingly.
Chase Perez
Except he lived, and later told his story about how all the gunmen were members of the church **InB4 "They were CIA plants under deep cover!"
No. It's a weak attempt at misdirection by shills who want us distracted by irrelevant shit.
Jordan Jenkins
You call that faggot a person? How many kiddy dicks was he gifted for that performance?
Bentley Jackson
Dominic Miller
t. hologram nice try bluepilling us you hologram i bet you cant even greentext
Isaac Brooks
They deserved to die
Chase Perez
Read the actual post. It's about reminding lefties about how all their beautiful utopian ideals lead to horrific shit.
Evan Williams
You're the fagtastic expert on that, aren't you. Why are you so resistant to questioning the official story?
Samuel Diaz
Connor Reyes
Because making fun of dead socialists is more fun than the Holla Forums stance of it being a conspiracy theory. You're not fooling anyone.
Gavin Allen
Hardly the second kingdom of Israel.
Asher Clark
Man is definitely crazy. Just like the ones claiming that moscow is "third rome".
Connor Collins
It is a conspiracy. Can you explain why a large portion of the corpses were violently killed? The humiliation, beatings and general vibe that these people had reeks of a MKultra type experiment and the "mass suicide" was the cleanup operation.
What are you even talking about? If this was some sort of early test with mass trauma conditioning that is way more interesting than "muh leftypol". You are fucking retarded.
Michael Morris
There were a lot of children there. They didn't choose to join in a lot of cases.
Caleb Williams
Logan Phillips
the same way you would gas 6 million you got to beLIEve
Juan Allen
Aiden Sanders
who cares?
Lucas Martin
Nicholas Smith
Evan Diaz
the leadership of the cult was almost 100% white.
Connor Phillips
Nicholas Butler
Jim was a quadroon. Also I don't think the leadership really represents the people who organised this experiment.
Kayden Cook
Literal cianiggers testing shit did it. Jibes was a face to be used that is all he was. The state dept owned that land and used it in the 50's for training memebers of the intel community. Grab a spoon and feed yourself some knowledge
Camden Fisher
Kinda what hitler did to his people only a smaller scale
Hunter Taylor
Vet friend of mine was in SF or Rangers, forget which. Probably SF. Old guy, known him for years. His unit cleaned up Jtown. As in shooting people. I assume any survivors. He now lives innawoods and doesn't come to town much. I believe him.
Robert Campbell
I found the kike
Levi Clark
Read a book kike.
Black Hole of Guyana. Read it.
This wasn't just leftists, it was outright communists and CIA niggers too.
Logan Sanders
Less successful than killary but went out dramatically.
Jaxson Cooper
>Have you ever seen a story repeated regularly on the (((history channel))) that was NOT a cover for the kikes and their golems? This is what peak knee-jerk contrarianism looks like. History Channel – back in the day – talked about Alexander the Great too, which by your logic here, must've been a massive kike.
Leo Garcia
I don't care about the niglets but that's still way too many white children for me to say it's no biggie and Jim Jones wasn't crazy evil and worthy of my denouncement. If anything he was worse for not only killing those white children but letting them live with niggers.
Kevin Long
Any /x/fags want to make a case for mass sacrifice?
Easton Mitchell
Why did they kill themselves? Drugged?
Mason Ward
The "Third Rome" is actually a nickname given by Russians to Moscow. You never know, JJ probably had some connections to the USSR
Brandon Morris
They resisted.
Lincoln Russell
People 'survived' the holohoax as well, Chaim.
Kayden Thompson
A big part of the experience at jonestown was a kind of subservience on the part of whites too, they used to get white men to perform oral sex on menstruating negresses, preached white guilt and did other disgusting things too. This was definitely some sort of experiment in behaviour and how to program people.
Caleb Gray
Wasn't Jonestown some CIA experiment?
Anthony Gonzalez
That should be:
Wyatt Wood
Jim Jones got San Francisco and Diane Feinstein to make him Housing Commissioner so he could use Government $$$ to ship everybody off to the spook camp.
Lefty fag pedo hero Harvey Milk was in on it too.
Jones was friendly with President Carter… spook spook spook spook spook.
Did I mention that Jones was a spook?
There were a couple other SF training camps there too in Guyana run by the glow-in-the-darks. They needed people to go fight in Angola.
Lots of disaffected SF types left with no work after Vietnam got involved.
Benjamin King
Nobody killed themselves in Guyana and the pictures show all the bodies lying face down, etc. That's not what happens when you get poisoned. You gore hounds should know better by now.
Glow in the dark medical experiments and mind control operation, combined with SF turkey shoot.