The (((Alt-Right))) and Black Nationalists Bond Online Over Their Shared Anti-Semitism


Anyway this story is hysterical fraudulent Jewish bullshit. Nowhere are Jews even mentioned in these tweets and Jared Taylor is a known plant who is married to a Jew and Richard Spencer is a known shill as well. Just shows how completely paranoid Kikes are about other races uniting against them and putting an end to their bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:>>10917551


I guess the spirit of GLR and Malcolm X still lives on.


Yeah then of course they go on to bring them up and Duke too

this is exactly what we should be pushing

once the niggers know of the JQ, they won't stop until they have retribution

history repeats itself, holy shit.

Daily reminder that Mike Enoch is a kike

What? The (((alt-kike))) cozying up to crazy UFO cult BASED NIGGERS? I never could have possibly seen this coming. I'm in such shock.

Kek. This is just horrible grasping at straws, there's a reason the phrase "nobody wants, nobody likes, kikes kikes kikes" is a thing. Not even the horsefuckers/furries/homos/spics/especially mudslimes like kikes they've been kicked out everywhere for a reason only ones who even remotely could be called to like kikes are the mongoloids and that's because they don't give a shit about them and haven't truly interacted with them yet but if they did they'd probably hate kikes as much as the rest of humanity has learned to and the reason humanity hates kikes is because kikes hate humanity, they are anti-human codified and written into their very beliefs and kike identity. They must be destroyed.

Jews are against goyim, no matter what skin color - and dividing the goyim by skin color to make them infight continually with no declared victor, is their aim. They only oppose white nationalism because it could be victorious and then it wouldn't keep the goyim distracted enough for them not to want to actually genocide Jews for betraying all of humanity and life, for saying "values are for the goyim", and thus declaring themselves traitors to every species in existence.

Anyone who calls out the kikes are fine in my eyes

While I agree that the alt-right is a cancer, I also have to recognize that self-determination will always be an anti-semitic concept. You can't have self-determination in a multi-cultural state ruled by semites. It's simple logic.

non-whites who call out kikes can be booted into a country of their choice that is composed of people of their race. then later we can conquer them and they can die a natural honorable death.

No one involved in this is fine.

They want to talk about race as long as a jew represents both sides while a jew moderates.

Would rather live around radical black nationalists than all of the freeloading niggers we do now. At lest the black nationalists don't want to hang off whitey's tit.
It would also force the cucks to choose sides. No more simpering on the fence like useless pussies.

And into the oven you go

kek Holla Forums-mongoloids are this easy to manipulate


That first screen cap

seriously, how fucking stupid can you be?

answer: a woman.

Mother Fucker.

Fuck off. They aren't based, they're niggers. Would rather have honest niggers than deceitful niggers. Same as kikes, but I know that's a fantasy.
If niggers and jews were honest and said "kill whitey" instead of hiding behind soft words like diversity and enrichment.
Maybe we wouldn't be playing mind games for the future of our own nations.

End goals require immediate means. You can't possibly beat the Judaic hydra by severing all bonds and lines of communication and declaring you are going to massacre everyone not of your choosing. It's a slow, step by step process, filled with hard work, negotiation and politics. Sometimes you are blessed with expedience when the situation calls for military action, which can sweep politics and negotiation aside. Such as the Spanish kicking out the Muslims and Jews.

Now I doubt you shitposters are willing to throw your lives away financially, and bury your reputation under the weight of declaring allegiance to an active movement that is capable of usurping the largest sphere of influence ever established in recent history.

Until you are capable of such means, you will have to settle for undoing the D&C that has been both carefully and sloppily wrought over generations. You make temporarily alliances and agreements in war, you short sighted faggots and or shills.

She has the jewish mind bug. Whenever she is exposed to white racism her brain goes into MK-ultra "shut it down" mode. The ability to think and process information no longer exists. There is no connections to be made when a normalfag brain is in "ebil whitey" mode. They simply feel disgust and confusion.

You can tell someone has the jewish mind bug whenever you can switch up the races in any given scenario and they can follow a rational chain of logic regarding the events. Then ask them the same question in references to whites and they look at you wit utter confusion or as if you committed an unspeakable act of violence.


Too bad there aren't any honest niggers. Deceitful niggers are all you'll get.

You never make temporary alliances and agreements with niggers and kikes. Crawl back to (((TRS))).

Kek, and please tell me, oh wise mongoloid, and bearing the above points in mind, how you plan on fashioning a workable coalition of blacks willing to help nationalist whites against the powers of international finance jewry and multikulti, the latter of which niggers instinctively want.

Oh wait, you're just a shitskin LARPing as a white person. My mistake.

>You never make temporary alliances and agreements with niggers and kikes. Crawl back to (((TRS))).
So Hitler and Rockwell never made agreements and had discussions with Africans/Muslims? Go on.

National Socialism isn't a video game or warhammer 40k.
How do you get from point a to point b? Killing people in the streets? Tell me your plan of action, if you have the solution.

You don't have a plan. The problem here is that Spencer and other Jewish controlled sockpuppets are vying to control the narrative in every way they can.

Small portion of the military could do it.

Was also under the impression most were able to get here because they lacked much of a reputation to lose.




Let that sink in.
This cretinous whore thought she was espousing some sort of victory in noting that degenerates who partake in polls run by "sex toy box clubs" are having less sex and enjoying it less, since Trump won.
Everything about that is ridiculously hilarious.


In a better world, this thing would be chained to a wall.

This was the most pretentious faggotry I've seen all week. Well done. Now kill yourself.

In which case, it being a small portion of the military, you don't need nigs at all. You're going to fight them once the jew is gone either way.


I never said anything about NS.
All I know is that spreading the truth to white people everywhere will result in them becoming more radicalized, making them less likely to bend over and take schlomos cut up dick in their collective asses. Once whites are a truly noticeable minority in America politics will only be helpful if whites are able to form parties, clubs, service organizations and charities based on race, and become a cohesive enough bloc to disrupt the system and support each other. Now, enlighten me: Why in the everlasting fuck would shitskins support white people, especially once we're fewer in number so as to present an even more vulnerable target?

There is a significant difference between making temporary allies and agreements with a people outside your nation and inside of it. Letting a people who have show many many times in the past that they care not at all for your people (Which would be fine if they weren't considered part of the country) make an alliance with the end result of letting them stay in your country even if they are from a different ehtinic group and pose a threat against yours is literraly doing more damage to yourself than your enemies.

Hitler made alliances with other ethnic groups OUTSIDE of Germany and him having a half-kike chauffer or a few black stormtroopers means nothing as they were a very very small minority compared to the situation now with Whites looking to become the fucking minority. If we don't start closing the borders soon and deporting gettos, chinatown's, chicotowns, etc, there won't be any end goals left that we can achieve.

Spencer is a gay nigger fucking jew.

Where has Spencer specifically called out International Jewry?

Never said anything about teaming up with BASED NIGGERS to stop the kikes.
What I am saying is, I want our enemies to act like enemies instead of as subversive, deceitful parasites wanting to placate us with soft language while destroying us from the roots upward.
That goes for 'all shitskins.

The only thing making niggers uppity is kike propaganda. They'd be perfectly happy picking lice in the jungle if kikes didn't make them think they could "take whitey's".

lmfao wonder when those amren guys will stop fencesitting and stop worrying about MUH PR

More important question: What value did it serve? There seem to be no signs that alliance with nogs or muzzies, in the cases you described, bore significant fruits from that source of 'alliance'… Though, frankly, 'alliance' in either of two cases was likely much in the way that a bee-eater will 'ally' itself with a honey badger.
80 years, next November.

Observe. Catalyze where appropriate. A leader is required - nothing of significance can or will go forward until such a leader is discerned. Analyze methodological variations, prioritize based on efficacy, implement via propaganda.
"Wait for Hiter". Its scares them. BADLY. (((They))) fear we will wait for Hitler - and that he'll show up. You want to help? You want something you can do, 'boots on the ground'?
Find our Hitler.
You probably won't find him in some established organization - we'd know by know, most likely - but its possible. He has to be handsome, charismatic, intelligent, and - something Implicit Dicky lacks, even if he may be argued to have the aforementioned qualities - he must be brave, to challenge a powerful enemy openly, and he must be spirited, to be able to retain his will in the face of overwhelming oppositional influence.

Alliance with niggers? HAH! Find me a Hitler first. Then we'll talk about what to do with the African-stock who wish to prove their worth and take hold of the destiny of their 'people'.

The same reason Rockwell did. Blacks who are aware of the Jew, are less likely to partake in the looting, raping and killing of our people, and are less likely to mix their blood with ours. You are right that there's no guarantee that "nationalist" blacks will be good or bad for us in the long run. You have my agreement there. D&C is a two way street, many blacks are fond/receptive of Jewish money and influence, there is a weakness to exploit, and that is the truth, that Jews played the leading role in slavery. Jews don't even let Africans lead their own countries in Africa. Throwing away strategic opportunities is frankly stupid.
Was never the argument. The argument I've been trying to convey is that Africans can be a powder keg to be used to disrupt plans of European genocide.

Dr. Tony Martin becoming viral again for example, would disrupt Soros funded groups like BLM and the SPLC.

The American military, police force and other armed organizations are rapidly being replaced with non-whites, while we may still hold a majority in some regions of the armed forces for now, that won't always be true. My point is you don't make it easy for your opponent to rally their multicultural horde against you. Propaganda wins wars.

It was a stupid idea.

White leisure suit makes Richard look like a Jewish porn peddling spook from little Havana.

Optics! Optics! Optics!

Never. They went the intellectual approach like WLP and Dr. Duke and all these others even banned "nigger" and swatiskas on cucked as hell stormfront but they still never learn. PRcucking never workers. Only when Holla Forums stop giving fucks and even Faglin with his ultra 60s magazine edgy style of writing did shit start really kicking off because people respect only those who stick to their guns and are loudmouth niggers about it, that's why mudslimes and niggers are the minorities that get their way and the gooks nobody gives a shit about them despite them being the 'best' among the shitskins. You need to be loud and violent to get what you want, that's what the left themselves pander to and have always pandered to, these are the fucks that caused thousands of bombings and terrorism back in the 60s and 70s through Weather Underground and others.

Daily Reminder of how the Night of Broken Glass began…

I don't see any serious alliance happening anyways. Hitler died. Rockwell died. The game is reaching the climax and had GLR not died in the 60's there was a chance that foundation could have grown way back then. It's my belief that it's one of the reasons he was assassinated. I don't buy the story he got shot by some disgruntled member, especially in the prime time of COINTELPRO.

Too late to try and work together, but I'll be curiously optimistic anyways even if it's just to make things more interesting.

BASED niggers?

gtfo of here

At least Pierce realized that Rockwell was right eventually.

What have you done?
They at least rose to the point that they had to actively be fought and killed, you shit on giants while having done nothing of note.

The real point of agreeing with niggers isn't to forge an alliance with them, it's to draw parallels between white nationalism and black nationalism. Read

Normalfags think black nationalism is glamorous, rebellious, and virtuous. The blacks have a right to exist as a people and support their in-group. If white and black nationalists are in agreement about separatism, then there's hope you can crack the normie conditioning. By drawing parallels between the two, you will force normies to rationalize one over the other. Only the most self hating ones would admit that blacks deserve the right to self determinations where whites deserve death.
It might wake some people up, so it's worth it. There's nothing to lose in mutually agreeing with niggers we should go our separate ways.

Isn't that the whole fucking point?

This is exactly what I expect from the alt-right. I wonder how long until they start bonding with LGBT groups.

More interesting is the attempt to link anti-kikery with other sorts of nationalism.

idgaf about parallels. I did read your bull prepping horseshit

take your precious niggers and gtfo of Holla Forums, aut-kike


Unless we have a standing army out in the streets right now our primary objective is to wake up as many white normalfags as possible, or at least get them to de-program themselves to the point where "white racism" doesn't cause them to lash out in fear, anger, and confusion.
Reminder, niggers are fucking useless and are a non-threat as far as the ethnostate is concerned. It is white traitors who have been, are, and will be the greatest threat to the survival of our race.

Whites are being pumped up with pro Malcom-X propaganda. If you draw parallels between him and GLR then the normies are forced to think about what they really believe in.

Pretty sure his primary objective is to instead shitpost on Holla Forums about how Hitler was too much of a cuck for him.

I love that you lazy nigger lovers are pulling the "wat are YOU doing for da mooovament?" horseshit like you always do. I'm just glad that this shilling campaign doesn't involve blatantly ripping us off like the "It's Okay to be White" campaign earlier.

Kill yourself.

You either have an abbo-tier IQ or are purposefully missing the point.
I do not care about allying with negroes. Negroes are useless for any political movement. Their only use is to act as a biological weapon on behalf of the kikes.
I do not care about making alliances with monkeys or shitskins of any stripe.
What I am saying is to use the "black nationalism" question as a rhetorical device to normies who have been indoctrinated to think black racial movements = good.

samefag, you forgot to change IP's lololol

idgaf about your dishonest shill pilpul, this is why I won't address your points. You have no points, only deceitful, empty rhetoric and should gtfo the site for being a nigger lover

Are you actually retarded? I mention how people are shitting on Hitler, you jump to assuming I'm a TRSodomite, that is absolutely you equating Hitler to CIAniggers like Enoch and Spencer, this should not be difficult to understand.

btw, shill, most normies dgaf about nigger nationalists. Look at the hate that Baboon Lives Matter protests got at the Negro Felon League 'take a knee' protests. Normies are burning their monkeyball regalia they coughed up their money for. It's because they don't actually like black nationalism

no, it isn't

">Unless we have a standing army out in the streets right now our primary objective is to wake up as many white normalfags as possible"
"Pretty sure his primary objective is to instead shitpost on Holla Forums about how Hitler was too much of a cuck for him."

This is you insulting a guy for shitposting instead of contributing to alt-kike shit

i cant fucking stand the relativism trying to be passed off as nationalism. niggers are subhumans why the fuck would we support subhuman nationalism. the entire reason we are white nationalists is because the inferiority and disorder of other races.

this is how you know someone is not genuine and is simply trying to ride a wave or use ideologies to gain personal influence.


Thank you for confirming that you are in fact retarded.

Kikes like Cobb and Covington have been pushing for a "state" for Whites for a long time. They want the invaders and the niggers they brought in to stay and for dumb Whites to herd themselves into a small area where they will be easy prey. If you aren't working to make our countries White as they were before the kikes destroyed them, you are on the wrong side.

The poster you are referring to literally never said that hitler was a cuck. Dishonest TRSodomy in practice, putting words in other people's mouths to criticize them for things they never said

Hey retard you forgot to IP hop before complaining about me calling you out on your bullshit, I see that your earlier accusation was pure projection.

the TRSodomite cries out in pain as he strikes at you.

I'd sage the thread but this is too funny for me to want to hide it. It's just sad, really


The only funny thing is your pathetic attempt to get a natsoc board to turn on Hitler and Rockwell.

check'd and kek'd

Anyone against the Jews is our friends

wtf are you smoking I never said anything about either of them and neither did the guy that you originally referred to in the post I started mocking you for making

Never change, TRS this is just pathetic.



The user I originally directed that at went
to a pic of Rockwell at a nation of Religion of Cuck™ meeting. Others have been saying that Hitler and Rockwell were stupid to have ever tried this.

What I hear from spics camel jockeys and blacks daily about jews would make half of you faggots blush. I don't want these people living breathing or breeding near me or my family but you all need to choose the hill to die on. I know I'm going against the grain here but seeing you kikes putting effort into working against these possible allies and not trying to form an alliance is sad. Racial conflict is inevitable -clearly- but worse than these "based niggers" is the self hating white liberal who actively destroys his race.
I can trace my ancestry to pre colonial times so eat a dick before you call me a cuck
If you want more specifics I work in the entertainment industry and had a bout with some lawyers and my (black) superior brought me into the office and told me the dangers of talmudic jews. Had to keep a straight face and act dumb throughout the meeting.

I don't give a fuck about these e-celebs either, faggot.
You are fucking dense as shit. I really don't understand your intent here. I am trying to find ways to convince normies not to reflexively act as traitors.
The only way your argument holds any water is if you are rising up to Hitler status with a small standing army as we speak. If so, I'll join you, but in the meantime I'm concerned with winning over as many brothers of our race as we possibly can. That starts with de-training their minds.
Most normies are taught in public school that Malcom X was a saint and MLK was christ incarnate. They'll walk out on niggerball, but if white players did the same to "honor white lives lost" they'd go into full panic mode. This is conditioning.
Stop typing like a 17 year old girl, too, you abbo.

You're actually TRS.
Abandoning thread.


Alright, I can definitely tell that you're not from here because you can't even quote correctly. Your use of stacy-tier e-speak should have given it away immediately.

Saving my bullets is cuckery. Got it.
Its never been a product problem with our ideas, it has always been a presentation. One day you'll get it.

Has Holla Forums been in an article recently? There was some supposedly Moroccan teenage girl in another thread earlier.

Exactly!! All minorities must know the Jews are the real ones yanking the chain. The enemy of ALL mankind. If all races realized that and just for one time allied to exterminate Jews, we would all be happy to go our separate ways to our own ethnostates afterward.


So they are jews or antisemites?

Once blacks know the JQ, it's over for the Jews. Blacks don't fuck around like we have, they have a strong tribal bond and will stop at nothing.

yeah man we really need more BASED shitskins poisoning normalfags loyalties. absolutely civic mate and by mate i mean never my mate faggot.

More probably we'd eventually kill each other later but the largest threat to whites would have already been wiped out, anything other than the subversive game doesn't seem to work too well against us.

Yeah we kill each other later but wiping out Jews is important

ok so larp as a nigger and spam that shit on worldstar or some shit. we dont ever need to ally with the subhumes we are going to eradicate. heres a better idea.

The problem with "alliances" with niggers, spics, and mudslimes is that they are fully aware of the jew's tendency to destroy their host nation, but don't actually do anything to stop it.
They are quite happy, in fact, to coast on the decline, and take up as many offers as schlomo gives them on whitey's behalf. They think they can ride out white death and steal white nations from the kikes when whites are out of the picture.
They sit peacefully while their enemy destroys their enemy. Less effort on their part, and plus they get generous white gibs in the process.

Allegiance is never going to happen, but we can use their identitarian arguments for our own cause, our own people. That is the only way we are "aligned". We are in agreement that we are different, and need to be separated.

Yeah something is seroiusly wrong with this place when reading comprehension has reached levels below a third grade level. NEVER EVER have I advocated for integration, race mixing or having colored people live with whites. Quite honestly you're insufferable. I pray your children and grandchildren don't have to deal with this shit daily.

In my experience that's not been the case. Our conversations have often been about (((Israel))) and their fuckery within the political system etc. I've been stressing to my assistant for months that jews and whites are not the same. I don't want my message to be confused - Clearly integration does not work. Often blacks spics and others agree with me and want to live separately but not before they low key admit they could not survive without whites.

Gas the kikes and send everyone back. And don't waste time killing shitkins across the globe we have too many issues our selves.

This is a bit inaccurate, Malcolm X was actively trying to resist desegregation, though he quibbled over word choice saying he wasn't pro segregation, he was pro seperatism. This was the main reason they had him assassinated as well as the main reason Rockwell and the American Nazi party were working on that alliance as it was a concrete policy that was just recently being implemented at the time.

He knows too much about our "buzzwords" to be a lugenpresse blow in. I'd say that this guy is probably from "itsgoingdown" or some other antifa group.
Not to say that TRS isn't worthy of scorn, but a lot of antfags try to wedge TRS here constantly in hopes to get Holla Forums to do their dirty work for them. Getting nazis to fight nazis is how they probably see it.

Wouldn't surprise me if this particular antfag is a shitskin teenage girl, kek.

low-iq anons will never understand this.


Looks like someone's starting to understand the Holla Forums narrative on the alt-right is schizophrenic. Time to call you a TRSodomite aut-kike etc etc.

tell me why blacks have a "right" to exist. you dont even know what the definition of right is. you know whats right? niggers make the world a worse place than whites and thats why they need to be eradicated to make living space for whites to better use the land they shit on. try following a thought to its conclusion instead of stopping half way.

They are quoting the article you shills

Jesus christ find yourself a noose I hope you don't pass on your fucked up genetics into our pool. disgusting

Its not really a contradiction though the alt-kike didn't even mention jews here. Don't you remember that kike seig heiling at a Spencer speech at an NPI conference?

So, shitskins will never willingly divorce themselves from whites once they realize the truth of the matter. They are sucking the nectar from a dying white corpse while the kikes hold the knife that killed us.
But, in the end, shitskins will not be an issue. White traitors are the biggest threat to our race. Shitskins are just useless biomass that feeds off of white money.

Rights are only guaranteed by power. Namely your power to defend them for yourself. Blacks have a "right" to exist insomuch as you personally don't have the power to exterminate them, and no one's prepared to do it for you.

Right on cue.

I knew that the kikes had a disproportionate hand in the slave trade but that's 78% of all slave owners being a kike. Add in shit like that nigger that was the first slave owner and it turns out that whites didn't just have a low per capita rate of being a slave owner but we also were a small minority of them despite having more than a 90% white populace.

Its infuriating to consider these numbers while thinking about all the self-hate children are being indoctrinated with.

good try shlomo. go "ally" and interact with das rite we wuz kangz niggers all you want and maybe youll realize why supporting nigger nationalism is 2 levels below retardation. you must think there are some absolutely BASED and intelligent nigs out there. you wanna make them kangz in apefrica after the kikes are gassed dont you? let em have it. build all the beaver shelters you want niggers im a cuck you have a right to exist dont you?

niggers were shot on sight during hurricane katrina. everybody is prepared to do it but fears zog retribution. all we need is disorder to act with impunity.

Spencer doesn't mention Jews in speeches as a strategy. If he did he'd never get public speaking engagements.

The rule for the alt-right is

At least for now.

I've also noticed that pogroms tend mostly to happen in periods when the large state authorities break down.

Where did I claim that he said anything during his speech about jews? It was still literal kikes that were hanging out at alt-right parties, friends with others there, that were throwing seig heils when he said "hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory".

If you have a problem with Roman salutes, the Jew in the room is you.

you are a abbo rape baby if you think I think niggers have the right to exist
You are actually too fucking stupid to comprehend anything that isn't at face value.
You are the same kind of helpless retard who thinks anyone that argues "if the jews have the right to ethnically cleanse israel as their ancestral homeland, why do whites not have the right to their own nations?" is some mossad agent zionist jew sell out.
Your IQ is literally too goddam low to understand rhetorical devices or the process of deprogramming jewish calcification. You think anyone using the left's own arguments against them is a niggerlover.

This is how fucking dumb you are. I am really starting to believe you need an IQ over 115 at least to understand the process and the utility of culture farming.

And that is why white traitors are infinitely more dangerous than any band of shitskins.
Glow in the dark CIA niggers are a bigger deterrent to white racial solidarity than a gang of marauding negroes.

The Jews want their "meshiah" who will arrive once every kike will have 850 slaves. Their algorithm is the same.

Way to miss the point entirely. You took issue with the concept that the alt-right could simultaneously use "anti-semitic" symbols or language while still being a kike when its obviously possible as there have are examples.

Problem solves itself. Once niggers are reduced to nomadic stone aged tribes we'll once again treat them as they should have always been treated; like wild animals.

bitch youre the one trying to cater to low iq subhumans holy fuck boyo. you think the normfalfags you get to hate kikes now that based nigs are openly hating them will turn on those same nigs when they will be the reason they become pilled on the jq. nope, just more sympathy for the oppressed based nigger. id rather niggers, spics, muds and kikes be best friends.

id also like to know how youre going to convince niggers to hate jews and not white people also without cucking extremely hard and claiming that jews are the real racists and white people dindu nuffin and truthfully care for the negros wellbeing

They might and some are - especially when they discover the role kikes had in slavery.

No. They think themselves kangz. Loojk at africa- they re kicking whitey out and turning again every non-nog.

Not quite. The parts that have whites are kicking them out. The parts that already kicked the whites out are begging for them to come back while simultaneously going "we dindu nuffin when we kicked you out." Just look at the stickied Zimbabwe/Rhodesia thread.

Holy bat-shit, Batman!
You honestly think that uniting enemies against us is a good thing?

DIVIDE AND CONQUER, you collosal faggot!

You are so short-sighted and un-productive thet you got to be a shill or brain damaged!

yes. call me whatever but thats my position. i said earlier to larp as a nigger and spam redpills on the jewish question on worldstar or whereever the drooling subhumans read (lmao). i think trying to ally with nigs will only weaken our ability to turn normalfags against both factions. since half think jews are the most oppressed and half think niggers are.

You are a teenage girl.
Again, even when I spell it out for you, you are completely incapable of understanding anything not presented to you at face value. I do not want to be friends with niggers. I am not going to explain this to you again.

You don't. The point is to further agitate racial division. Not argue that the jews were mean and should be nicer, it's that the jews are mean so you should separate yourself from jews. I have 0 interest in making niggers like white people. In fact, I want all niggers to hate white people and I want them to hate white people with more intensity. Why? because we do not belong together. You would understand this is you were capable of rationalizing your way out of a paper bag.

Can you please capitalize your letters and use proper punctuation? You're not texting your latest beta orbiter, cunt. Learn to talk among men. The quality of posting is going down exponentially in this place because abbos like you have no pride in anything you say.

Niggers are too fucking stupid to understand that whites bring wealth and industry. They hate whites, but want money. It is a very difficult concept for the nigger brain to comprehend. So most don't. They simply defer to their tribal leaders for guidance.

I think that even their subhuman IQs are capable of realizing that we bring greater wealth which is why they're begging for people to come back. What they aren't capable of realizing is that the greater wealth comes from being more industrious and they instead think, "whitey just rich because he whitey".

Post yfw Holla Forums inadvertently supported the position of their arch nemesis.

Maybe I'm getting my math wrong, but isn't that nearly 80%?

They think whites are like magic leprechaun who horde money, food, and tap water.
Some of their leaders understand that when whites leave the money disappeasrs with them, but that's all they really know. They don't understand the process behind industry. For example, a nigger thinks if you stick a pipe in the ground and you turn a wheel, clean water comes out. They don't know that there is water treatment plants and people who staff them who pump water into reservoirs that end up getting piped to your home.
They think whitey has nice things and when whitey leaves he curses the land so niggers can't have nice things.
If anyone thinks Mugabe and his government are any better, he literally spent tax money on a witch doctor who said he could extract refined gasoline from boulders.

Niggers are beyond help and beyond saving. The biggest mistake any white man can make is assuming that they have any capacity to reason. Especially think in the abstract. The highest function their minds are capable of is conspiratorial thinking. Witchcraft, voodoo and shit like that.

Always amuses me when kikes and shitlibs post pictures of ugly skinheads as a reason to why white nationalism isn't justifiable.
As if there was a shortage of negro dysfunction.

Mugabe just got overthrown by the military there, not that they're any better. Meet the new nigger boss same as the old nigger boss. That story's hilarious though.

Yes, 78%.

Jews are not higher IQ than whites, Ashkenazis in particular are higher average IQ than most jews and were at 105. To compare Ashkenazis to all whites is obviously an unfair comparison, a better comparison would be Ashkenazis to the highest IQ subgroup of whites which would make that slight IQ lead vanish.

it's BS, they cheat

look at israel's iq, it's africa tier

He said that alt-right is jew controled, not article. If you quote, quote literally.

Check'd and Heil'd
You have my vote. I would grant the same privilege to legal age faggots too.



the issue is that the far-right are very skeptical of any "leader", they will never get our trust. and if they were somehow able to get our trust, they would not be the type of person normies would trust.

it could always play out like hitler, though. first get our trust, take over bit by bit, then kill us so he can take over the normies.

but then we have to die


Read the article, there's 0 potential here.

Hmm, one of the kike familys founded the nazi party? Shock, shock I say. nah, but this shit needs to be pointed out more kikes false flag themselves way too much.

that takes critical thinking skills

blanda upp, goy

Farrakhan's proven that he's better at it than most of the Aut-Kike.

Didn't Uncle Norman meet with nation of Religion of Cuck™ to discuss the same exact thing?

You're thinking of George, Norman was a painter. His mentor DeWest Hooker, who also knew Joe Kennedy, continued to meet with NOI through the '90s, as did Terrible Tommy.

Fuck off, (((TRESemite))).

Niggers will never work with us

Reminder we arent allies, reminder we arent friends, reminder they arent based niggers. These are niggers who are willing to leave our society and form their own, let us have our white ethnostate. We have shared interests, thats it.

no, they aren't
all niggers say that and speak about the "motherland" but none of them will voluntarily leave the advancements of a white society(=gibs)

That's not obesity. His jacket's too small.

Except thats literally what black Nationalism is. They want a black country, and we want a white country. If it came down to a vote, for someone like Rockwell, they would vote for their nation which would be separate from ours. Its about the only viable alternative to full blown race war, which Im not personally opposed to either.

Where do they want to build this black country?

black nationalism is Current Year segregation where blacks demand they're own space free of wypipo while they get to go where they want
leave whitey but leave your wallet

getting chunky

Because if the niggers separate voluntarily, they're no longer our problem, that's why. Give them some land, fortify the border and while they go the way of Liberia, they're no longer sucking on the teat of white America.

If the niggers in murica want their own country. It would be vastly cheaper to pay for them to fly back to apefrica with some gibs as a goodbye present compared to paying welfare until america collapses.
Lincon wanted something like that if im remembering correctly..

They already HAVE land. It's called Africa.

Jesus fucking Christ.

In places they already dominate which most people around here would gladly sacrifice for a white ethnostate in the rest of the country. Brooklyn and Miami beach was what Rockwell offered, but were hardly even the majority anymore, that ship has sailed. Youre looking at 1/3 of the US now.


They cant demand shit if they arent in our society. Have you read the history of how India and Pakistan came to exist? Of Gandhi? We have some big names on our side. They did almost the exact same thing. Its called partition.

unless "not in our society" means behind the Atlantic ocean yes they will

Real countries dont have problems defending their borders. Youre being ridiculous, arguing like a school child. How can a nigger exist in a society where niggers arent allowed to be citizens, and can be put in prison for merely existing in that space? Our goal is to stop white genocide, not watch our race die because we refuse to cede and inch as a sacrifice.

and who is going to defend these borders? you?
niggers aren't the only problem

meant for

Truly pathetic. That feeble spirit, that weak will, will only invite destruction.

Automatic turrets that shoot anyone several KM away, which are easily deployed but we dont because of Jews.
Niggers arent the only problem, but Jews will have no place in this hypothetical white ethnostate, along with the others. They will all be deported to the black areas, if they are lucky.

Feel free to explain a scenario where our white ethnostate is a bad thing, and niggers are able to subject their will on us when they are shot on sight at the border. Also, reported for suggesting Rockwell is a feeble spirit indirectly. Learn your shit before you say stupid things.

And I reported you for suggesting that whites should cede territory to niggers. Let's see who gets banned.

Mods know Rockwells position. Rockwell>you. Back to TRS or sucking off Anglins cock. Holla Forumsacks would gladly cede a bit of land to achieve a white ethnostate, National Socialism. Thats all we need, once we have that we control ourselves. Of course thats the last thing you want. Kike shill or dumb cunt, you dont belong.

that's all whites have been doing for more than half a century, ceding land
what will more of it accomplish?
maybe you should read a book, nigger

Until you propose an alternative, youre just a retard or a shill, attacking Holla Forums and our idols, our leaders, our martyrs. Youre no better than the "white nationalism and Rockwell are Jewish schemes!" shill whos been banned over 20x now. I wouldnt doubt youre the same person, big surprise when you get dumped again and you come back crying about compromised mods.

How, exactly, would ceding territory to niggers result in a white nation not under kike control? The kikes try to infest everything; someone aware of (((TRS))) should be aware of that.

Allying with Nigger Nationalists is fucking retarded, but a basic non agression pact would be actually favourable. Allowing niggers to spread nationalism among niggers will quicken seperatism between blacks and whites and advocate nationalism in this country, while kikes lose their nigger golems. Rockwell understood this, just like kikes do. However i believe right now the Alt-Right is used to form a bond with Black Nationalists, so kikes can false flag something later on and prevent a future non-agression pact by making these groups fight each other.



You dont just cede land and niggers get their territory and we get nothing. Use your fucking head you dumb cunt, all the niggers are sent to that territory, and we can deport the kikes and chinks and spics and muslims there too, then put up real borders and enact laws where only whites can be citizens, we can do anything, we can have a National Socialist society far larger than Germany. Nothing stops us from taking land back at a later date, but thats all a ridiculous hypothetical. Spreading black nationalism among niggers as a means of having them combine with whites to vote for a partition platform is a real viable strategy to stopping white genocide and achieving National Socialism. Europes probably going to need a race war, theres no giving land up there. America though has a chance to avoid it. The race war ship is sailing itself, as Pierce pointed out, the longer you wait, the bloodier it will be. Were hardly even the majority anymore, by the time a decade goes by the population 18 and under will be majority non-white.

Anyone who says otherwise is going against the grain, and has no viable alternative. Unless youre reading military manuals, youre a tumor standing in the way of viable options. Thats you. Youre a tumor.

Oh you're salty. What's the matter, getting buttflustered because Holla Forums has a zero tolerance policy towards your precious niggers?

The idea is that we work together to deal with the kikes, on the understanding that we will partition the land and go our separate ways once we have control.

lol this isn't a fucking grand strategy game



Flawless logic

No, its not, which is why you should start preparing for the race war by reading how to fight one, because there is no reset button and the resources that are now available will be gone. But of course, youre the one who has everything figured out and has decided on our behalf that Rockwell didnt know shit, and we should mock and ridicule his ideas, and we should just do nothing except meme and hope for the best. Youre larpers, hobbyists. Its race war, or partition. Those are 2 viable options, Ive presented 2 options. Youve presented none, and you laugh at the idea of ACTUALLY PREPARING FOR THE RACE WAR. Youre a tumor, thats a good word for you.

Rockwell's good ideas will be praised and his retarded ideas like having anything to do with niggers will be rightfully shit on. If you were looking for blind idol worship then you came to the wrong place, motherfucker.

Niggers mostly listen to their super nigger leaders. I mean niggers of the same gang rarely attack each other too, so they should know some basic non-aggression princples at least. And even if that's not possible, it's still better to channel their aggression towards kikes rather than whites until we get rid of them.

Ceding land is the last option ever. Always. You only do that if nothing but retreat can be done, and only to come back stronger and regain that land later.

First thing I said in this thread was:
which triggered you kikes into kvetching, and now youre just twisting my words. Ive said nothing about niggers or working with them. I talked about using them for our interests, to create a white ethnostate and achieve National Socialism, to stop white genocide. Youre the shill, or maybe youre just plain retarded. At this point, with how youre putting words in my mouth and twisting what Ive said into an actual bannable offense, I tend to believe youre an actual kike and not simply stupid.

Holla Forums is going to stop white genocide, and there is nothing you can to do stop it besides kvetch and keep switching VPNs.

I asked how ceding territory would result in a white nation not under kike control. Apparently you have no answer. Territory is ceded, and then somehow
just magically have the power to deport nonwhites. And the niggers, having been given sovereign control over former US territory, will gladly accept millions of spics.
You're doing a really bad job of selling this.


I dont have to sell shit, because Im the guy actually reading manuals for the contingency. There is no competition. Its this, or race war. Im glad to face race war, I assure you that you larping closet soyboys who mock the idea of reading military manuals as if you think its a grand strategy game - will be the first ones being anal raped by a pack of niggers.

You admit you have no answer? I ask how ceding territory to niggers is supposed to get the white race out from under the thumb of the kikes, and all you can do is sling labels and insist that you're Holla Forums.

Tell us more about how mad you are, you nigger-loving cuck

race war started 50 years ago and it will never get hot the way you think or expect

A nigger just went and shot up a church full of whites in direct response to Roof, and you say tit-for tat violence on the scale of Ireland or Lebanon cant happen. It will happen, and its only a matter of time. If it happens in 30 more years when places like Canada are only 20% white, thats up to you. Ive already accepted that we are as you say, in a soft race war as it stands. It can only heat up, or simmer.. but our race is dying, and you people who stand in the way are nothing but opposition to viable alternatives at this point. There is no pissing around and hoping for things, we now have a clear choice. Partition, or full race war. If youre not committed to a race war, and youre calling people who would vote to split non-whites from whites shills - then you have no alternative, and you stand in the way of progress towards saving our race. Its like Jordan Peterson, oh youre so intellectual, you have it all figured out.. except you have no fucking actual courses of action to stop anything, and youre saying were bad because we do.

Full race war is the only option, but you sure are shilling hard for giving niggers land instead for some mysterious reason :^)

but I thought you just said we need to work with niggers like this is some Total War dlc?

Maybe its because the last people I want to fight a race war with are pathetic larping kiddos like you at my back. Youre just fodder. Read a book, preferably one written on special forces/by the military. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Youre doing none of the above.

Simply voting to achieve National Socialism and a white ethnostate, to avert white genocide is much preferably to an extremely bloody and risky race war which would largely be determined by international forces and pressures. I guess Im the only adult in the room and had to state the obvious. White lives are precious.

You claim to read a lot of military books. I wonder how many of them you actually understood.

Race war or nothing

You will not, ever, convince Holla Forums to give white clay to niggers. You're wasting your own time, jewboy.

You claim to have done nothing, you propose nothing, you hate Rockwell and ridicule his methods and strategy, and you are generally comparable to an annoying skin rash. You have no value. You have negative value.

You cant fight a race war with smug anime memes.

you can't fight it with MUH BOOOOOOOOKS either
as I said there already is a race war
it's being fought demographically and has been on for decades

Ara ara, there you go lionizing your precious niggers again, kike-kun~

Your "partition" isn't happening. Niggers will die.

Well unless you actually want to be trained to go fight for Zog, or go to one of their academies, someone is going to have to know their shit. Yes, knowledge is power and you will be infinitely more prepared if you have read how to survive in the bush alone, than if you hadnt.
This is exactly why your opinion is worthless.

Struck a nerve there, did I? Frankly, I suspect your complaints about "larping" are projection. You seem to take immense pride in having read military manuals, but I doubt you actually learned anything from reading them.

We'll see about that.

Oh shit, watch out guys, this nigger-loving kike can survive in the bush alone I thought we were supposed to be the LARPers?

Im more interested in having as many people as possible read them, than I am in increasing my personal knowledge. Always seek to better your brothers and sisters, regardless of how ugly they have been made by the Jew.

…Alright, wasn't expecting you to admit that.
Well, self-awareness is good, but you should also pursue self-improvement. Rather than simply living with the feeling of insecurity, push yourself until you're actually able to learn from the books you read.

That's funny. I don't think you've mentioned the name of a single one of these military manuals you totally read and want others to read as well.

And there it is. The kike can't bring himself to use a pejorative against his own kind, so he uses the word "Jew" complete with capitalization.

I am highly impressed by the impressive people in this thread once again going "You're a kike!" "No, YOU are the kike!" "Nice try, TRSodomite!" "> said the TRSodomite," "read a book, fag" "no yer the fag, aut-kike," "aut-kike is projecting again!" "Sure thing, Jew," "No, YER THE JEW!," etc.

Riveting stuff, guys, truly leading by example on how to achieve White victory against the Jews.

Normally, this would be more than enough to convince me that you are a jew or a shill, but I'm pretty sure that you're just incredibly short-sighted and foolish.

Its real simple. Get in line and support Hitler. Get in line and support Rockwell. Get in line and support Pierce. Viable courses of action > shitposting opposition with no real argument except taunting.

they won't do the fighting for you

Neither Hitler nor Pierce would support your "viable course of action" of ceding White land to negroes.

It's a containment thread. The spergs can't resist, and the other threads remain relatively unshitted.

Nice try, TRSodomite.

Pierce was an ideological officer in Rockwells ANP and working with him on National Socialist World, the upper tier party propaganda. Your argument is invalid.

This is the oldest TRShill trick in the book. What's next, are you going to call us "schizo" and then start attempting to browbeat people with "yeah but what are YOU doing for the movement" and "well what pro-white groups DO you actually support"

It's like you faggots have a script



Really shows how little you know about Pierce.

Hey Shlomo, how about you do us a favor and leave.
Nowhere in his post did he advocate that niggers have a right to exist, he was talking about the civnat faggots who do.

wew lad

Niggers want an ethnostate? We can do that, we'll section off part of northern mexico for that purpose, we'll need to invade mexico anyway to set up an occupational government to unsure they comply with our program to repatriate their people who got misplaced on our side of the border over the years. And while we're over there it'd make sense to dump whoever else would be unsuitable for citizenship in the white ethnostate there as well, gooks, mudslimes, commies, and whatever else, they can then either enjoy the very diverse brown country they always wanted or try to apply for refuge to the UK or something on mexico's dime, either way they're no longer our problem.

Maybe turn Puerto Rico into a holding area for cases pending further deportation while we patch up our border defences. Whoever gets leftover when the dust settles can just be sent there, and we can wash our hands of the whole island and it's problems as well.

That's what they're paid for. If you've gotten this far ITT and you still think this opposition you're seeing is at all genuine or organic, then you simply haven't been paying attention.

Are you that femanon that called a Jared Taylor an FBI agent that later admitted that you just want us to go easier on "muh based blacks"?

I actually do think that American Racial Nationalists should ally with blacks if possible against boarder hoping spics and racially ambiguous liberals. But that's only IF possible, it quite likely wont be.

Why Mexico? Liberia is already a thing that exists for this exact purpose.

Many blacks are aware of the Eternal Jew because of how prolific single motherhood is in their communities due to the Jews and Their Lies.


Costly and more complicated to have a transcontinental journey. Also as I said, I can't see any way of this working out without us invading mexico anyway, so that saves us the extra trip. Not to mention, nobody is likely to stop us from bullying beaners, but bugmen and russians might get involved if any kind of large scale invasion of africa were to take place to facilitate such a population transfer.

Furthermore, I suspect it'd be an easier sell to force them south than to herd them onto planes and boats directed towards africa. Though that's pure conjecture.

We nazis now white boi
ill still never trust a nigger

That ain't that bad either, niggers need the sun and the heat

I really do think we could get at least some of them on board with the idea. It's the sort of climate they're most suited to. The idea appeases whites too, both nationalists because it's not our land we're giving to them, and cucks, because we're moving them not killing them. Sending them down in a fleet of buses with a gibs check to entice the masses would be cheaper than all out military action on them, and could probably draw as many as a third of them away largely peacefully (at least in so much as they're capable of). The large existing population would then give us justification to push the rest to settle there.

If the niggers there want then to chase after some african ambition, they're free to do so, but it's not really our problem at that point.

Nice dubs, but you're ignorant of American history.

you mean the history of niggers being niggers?
the history of black single motherhood always being higher than whites?

Off by one. The Black community used to be decent. Used to.

when they got hanged by an angry white mob for acting like niggers

When you don't know anything about a given subject - stop talking.

and cases of rape and child molestation were less common when the punishment for it was instant death

I never said otherwise.

jfc, did you just call GLR a kike? Like, unironically, off yourself.

What the fuck are you smoking? I know LBJ fucked them hard but at the end of the day he didn't
Also casually implying that it isn't within the realm of niggers to abdicate their personal responsibility and blame problems caused solely by them on others. kek

It is a good idea. Shame only that it would come off with controlled-op leaders.

If we were to have a genuine anti-semitic world movement, we should let in other races for only that fact. We need all the allies we can get. It's like GLR said about the black nationalists and Hitler had an alliance with the arabic countries. I'm sure also of all of our fondness for Iran and Syria.

This is a tough idea, though. Such an alliance should not be on paper, especially with Spencer and Enoch and the such. It should rather be a political alliance of countries, less or more redpilled, teaming up to destroy Israel and the jews. I just don't know if it's possible in the ZOG Empire, i.e USA.

Maybe by individual meetings we should incite hatred in the other races for jews and have them do our work for us. It would benefit them as much as it benefits us. We should work memeticaly on forming an anti-semitic front, just as there is now an anti-white front. We should convince the other peoples that jews are responsible for all of their misery, not white people. How they ran slavery, how they profited of colonialism, of how they enslave people with debt and buy off land to trade with it, not making anything of substance.
With the jews gone and the other races thankful to us for our survival, we will have the upper hand in other, future decisions and struggles.

But, such an idea tied with controlled-op leaders and written pacts is mostly meaningless. We should incite individual and mass hatred for the jews, not officialy ally with some other possibly controlled-op.
If it's not much to ask of fellow user's, i think we should start convincing the other races of the jews' danger, not get the goyim even more divided and conquered. All of our other problems with the other races will be post-poned, this should be our top priority.

The media encourages blm, antifa, and the (((alt-right))) to riot and act out whenever kikes get named or the question gets brought up. The outrage that should directed toward those nation wreckers is deflected to a bunch of useful idiots and shabbos goyim.

It is only a matter of time until everyone discovers the truth about the vile, nation wrecking, jew rats!

This. Holla Forums is far too divided to be effective in meatspace. And it's bit laughable how paranoid a sizable portion of the username is.
There's probably (((2%))) JIDF on here, but you would think it's the majority with all the bickering.
That's how we usher in the continued collapse of white societies; by bitching online about who's a crypto-kike or not.

My point is that these blacks are so few in number as to be insignificant. I agree that black chimping can be used for our purposes, and that africans should be encouraged to fight against international finance, but any sort of brokered term would be an impossibility. There's never, ever going to be a time when the representatives of whites and the representatives of blacks are sitting down at a table discussing how to fight kikes. Granted I don't think that's what you're claiming, but some of the abysmal retards on here do think childishly enough to believe that sort of scenario.

They want to fuck white women. Multikulti enables that, so they're fine with it.

Don't be daft, yes they do, they always have. It's a constant struggle.

Isn't this what every thread eventually devolves into?

Sure, but it doesn't matter. It's good for us. Lefties AND normies will now say nigger this and that so it's win. The great ape will be our tool now. He's their muscle.

America's defense industry and IC is intrinsically tied to the ZOG; however, if there were enough whites that stood for their self-interest and physically removed these (((elements))), we would stand a chance. I wouldn't hold my breath for that to occur.

unlike you jews, right?

I have been saying this for years I don't want to work with them but the more enemies the jew has the better our position will be

Eat shit, you fucking nigger-loving cucks. Blacks are not our allies and would fight against us WITH the spics before they'd ally with us. Fucking wake up to reality.

Less hating whitey, more hating jews essentially.

Pretty niggery to me

Rockwell walked into a group of 10,000 niggers and proposed a plan to send them back to Africa by dangling better gibs in front of their faces. Him offering small parts of the US was a joke and always met with laughter as they were areas that everyone knew at the time were owned by kikes. The fact you keep shilling for a joke as if it is serious, and refuse to answer other anons about how it would bring about a White ethnostate shows that you need to listen to more than 1 rockwell speech and read his books. Rockwell didn't have the spic problem that we do today, he only needed to worry about niggers and kikes


Fuck off kike+

>The (((Alt-Right))) and Black Nationalists Bond Online Over Their Shared Anti-Semitism
Does that mean USA and Mexico can bond over their shared race?


It seems painfully clear to me as it has for centuries what the Jews fear most is everyone else working together to be rid of them once and for all.

Segregation is the only path to peace at this point, without that war is destiny.

Except spics and niggers hate each other more than they hate whites just look at the race relation polls.

He was an ideological officer in the American Nazi Party. What do you think an ideological officer does, pick his ass? He helps craft the ideology and the decisions about what the party as a whole does. It means when Rockwell says give them Miami beach and Brooklyn, that Pierce was part of that decision you fucking dumb cunt.

Why is that? Sage for offtopic

dub dubs checked user, and also, I agree with every aspect of this. I saw a video of some nogs who indefinitely knew the JQ as well as noticing the benefits they get over even black people.
Overall, like an the user you responded to said, they're more likely to REALLY act, in a way whites aren't willing to (yet at least).

There's nothing to gain from being nice to each respective party. It's savage versus savages, no need for a facade.

Why do I get the strange feeling the ending to all this will be "…and it was the Jews all along" then after whites and blacks finish teaming up they both go their separate ways like they're supposed to?

Fuck off Silverberg.


If you're not a kike that's white-presenting, I know you haven't educated yourself on George Lincoln Rockwell.

The enemy is the Jew, and the negro has been twisted by the Jew against the white, just as the white has been twisted by the Jew against the negro.

The nigger is a whole other story, and is just like our untermensch. The negro hates the nigger just as much as the Nazi hates the untermensch. Both view each as barely people. If they don't, they're a nigger or untermensch themselves.

Fuck you (((Kike Enoch))) you will not be spared. Zyklon B will be the last thing you will breath in your life!

The nation of Religion of Cuck™ and the white separatist movement have long history together. Tom Metzger joined forces with them in the name of shared interests. I don't hate blacks, they deserve an ethno-state just as much as we do and we can overthrow international finance together.

(((Nation of I'slam))) + (((Alt-Right))) = Do the math faggots.

Everyone should be redpilling and joining with blacks against the Jew World Order. That's a fact that only a Jew would dispute. But Farakuck and Jared Taylor are both CIA assests; and I'slam is associated with terrorist groups… It's associating white unity with groups that recruit suckers in prison to wear bow-ties and act like outsiders.

Figure it out.

Also, daily reminder: "in real life" is a CIA meme and the only thing we need is redpilling normies until the overtone has shifted too far for anyone to go back to normalcy. Pranks, false flag rallies, and attention whoring in your local news or seeing your tweets in Leftist blog-news isn't doing anything but making everyone with half a fucking brain that can actually handle real life without a trust fund (spencer/milo/taylor) look like /fringe/ and retarded man babies.



Altkikes are trying to infiltrate the based nogs. Sad!

When Blacks and Whites fight, there is only one (((winner))).
There's so many easy ways to turn Blacks against the Kikes, it's not even funny.
Perhaps the easiest is to tell them (((who))) was actually behind slavery!


Don't let the Kikes D&C shilling tactics prevent you from seeing the big picture
Just stop it, seriously.
If Blacks start to wake up to the fact that MOST OF THEIR PROBLEMS ARE CAUSED BY KIKES, not 'Whitey', can you imagine how scared (((they))) would be???

I hear the same shit from Blacks in the inner city.
There's a huge opportunity.
>(((Landlords))) cheating their tenants
>Corrupt (((politicians)))
>Sports team (((owners)))
>(((Education system)))
Basically ALL of nig's problems trace back to Kikes, one way or another.
Think about it.
80 % of Blacks live in cities, but only 20 % of Whites. However, 96% of Jews live in cities. THEREFORE, MOST OF THE THINGS BLACKS COMPLAIN ABOUT ARE (((THEIR))) FAULT!
It's high time we exploit this and send these Kikes packing once and for all.
This is getting shilled so hard

Also blacks get a free pass like the that's rite niggs saying heil hitler to a kike crying about the holocaust,if any white guy did that regularly we would still be listening about it

I fucking hate kikes and shabbos goyim that keep calling themselves "alt-right".

Let me get this straight - the whole world is controlled by people with Africa-tier IQ?


it's afraid

TRS does seem to get mentioned a lot here. Massive threads about it over and over. I might have listened to one of their postcasts once or twice. The amount of air time they get on this site seems out of proportion.

Unless the goal is to really have them outed as shills and you think you can get it done. I don't see why they get brought up here at all.

But those are people who want us united with jews?

They tried to ddong Holla Forums and have an entire team on their forum and constantly shill their shit here

It's because it's an easy way to derail any thread. You don't need to know anything about the topic or what people are talking about. You can just come into the thread and randomly spam >TRSodomites and >goodgoy at people. It doesn't require any thought, and it's not even close to an argument. A bot could do it.

Every race has been hurt pretty badly by kikes and the kikes celebrate this achievement in private among themselves because their faith commands them to treat non-Jews/gentiles/goyim like cattle and worse.

It's like saying people of the world can bond over the dislike over getting stung or bitten by parasites, it's just a shared necessity and commoned negative experience with certain beings.

Nice earlobe spacing, faggot.

Don't waste too much energy on that. Only blacks are going to be able to do anything in that regard. Even blacks who get it still fall back into the jews = crackers logic. They can't tell the differences between the jew and the european unless his or her features are so overwhelmingly jewish its obvious to everyone.

The only plus to the negro problem is that lake of awareness. They bring true chaos to the scene when violence comes. They'll crack the heads of a nazi, liberal, or jew alike. Nothing will stop that except one group identifies the problem and will fight back and use their chaos to crack the other two groups heads.

This is true only if you have an sound and solid base upon which to work. Whites, no longer have this at all. Sicking the mongrels on the jew is ok. Making empty offers of vocal support to mongrels attacking jews is ok. Anything more, and you weaken your own position at this time. We have little with which to fight back with, any surrender of any type, of which 'negotiations' require, means you have to give up something real and solid in turn for that offer under good faith. We are an people under threat of genocide in which all our lands are under massive invasion and open attack by non uniformed mongrels given cover and support by our very own governments.

You speak as if we face off with other whites of like mind in uniform enemies from outside. This is not such a situation. We dare big, or our children will be left to die or be raped into oblivion by our enemies. And you would have our enemies be given help by our own hands? One fucking drop of mongrel blood is death to your genetics, only an massive focused outbreeding can cleanse it and even that may not be nearly enough, yet allying with such mongrels ensure interbreeding. It is the very nature of man itself.

Open your arms to the mongrel. And you stab your own children in the back. Spread the truth of our enemies to the mongrel goy, let them run rabid attacking our same enemies. But do nothing else. They are only ever going to be at best cannon fodder, but their integration means poison. So do not support them, just let them do such while an wary eye is placed upon them, if they do well against our enemies we perhaps can let them survive an moment longer should no direct need of their resources be required. But they have to be crushed or risk enemies we leave behind attack when our back is turned.

>How dare you post those dastardly things about Agent Spencer and (((Kike Enoch))) you filthy goyim!

Hi TRSemite.


it's pointless, they're either retarded or a shill
just filter them

its 8300

Wasn't Rockwell killed not long after he started cosying up to the NOI? It obviously made the kikes shit themselves and stop trying to shut him up by legal means