From 2008 until this election I was a hardcore marxist, evolving from a ML to a left com.
Bernie came along, I got really excited.
I hated hillary as a neoliberal hawk who gave her ideology a modern appeal and a thin veneer of leftism through identity politics, which I only ever tacitly approved of, regarding it as left liberalism of a nascent generation
Then bernie lost. Then I was told I had to vote hillary else it was white muh privilege, because trump was a fascist existential threat to non whites, women, and so on. I didn't buy it, to me he was obviously native working class reaction to globalization and the failure of both parties to address neoliberalism and economic inequality. I got ostracized by my peers, already feeling disgruntled because I was expected to merely be an ally because of my skin color, rather than the vanguardist I signed up for. I was told I didn't talk enough about race and gender and I was committing Holocausts by talking so much about economics and class, not condemning brexit enough, and I was even thrown out of a meeting for suggesting there was a divide between feminism called liberal and socialist feminism. All I said was liberal feminism was bourgeois because it merely turns house slaves into wage slaves. I was labeled a brocialist and shamed. That was when I threw my hands in the air, because none of this shit was around when I started, before gamergate and Tumblr.
I stumbled across Holla Forums, and I got redpilled pretty hard. I realized it felt cucked to be an ally and was told to hate myself. I came to regard these left liberals as on the same plane as international finance, the former being stormtroopers of neoliberalism. It was no coincidence to me that Soros went from sponsoring anti communist movements to anti-nationalist ones. He was sponsoring the same bourgeois liberal open society the entire time, and the class character remained the same. Nationalism has an obvious proletarian character in our day, I see it as the people who'd be in a labor movement 100 years ago despising the rootlessness, self hate, and liberal capitalism of an urban cosmopolitan elite and campus liberals. America destroyed its unions, so the blue collar working class retreated to the last form of solidarity against the atomization of liberal capitalism and globalization: nationalism.
Obviously you cannot think about this stuff, particularly the cosmopolitan urban bourgeois liberal, without realizing where jews fit in to all of this. From there, I realized I needed to stop. I don't talk politics anymore, but I still realize we live in a unique time and are basically in a sort of Weimar era for our republic, collapsing political center, heightened race and class problem, weakened faith in democracy. I'm concerned about our generation.
I don't know where I'm at anymore, I want to be a communist again but something feels wrong about assuming the subordinate position of ally because of my skin color and genitals. I also don't like how race obsessed the left liberals and stormfags are, I signed up for a class war after all. I appreciate our intersection with race and gender which has always been there, but I don't see it as primary and if we treat it as that, we'll split the working class and end up fighting a Nazi masturbation fantasy or something.
What do Holla Forums