Does anyone know where that music video he had on his channel went? I saw it on here first...

Does anyone know where that music video he had on his channel went? I saw it on here first, but then BPS uploaded a slightly edited version to his channel and now I cannot find it.

It was that music video about how England doesn't look the same anymore, highlighting that it was under attack. (I think it showed the London bridge attacks). I've looked all over youtube, I've looked on his Bitchute too. The song was sung by a guy and had a slow strum of a guitar.

Other urls found in this thread:

This one?

Yep. That one.

Where the fuck did it go? I couldn't find it anywhere? Although I couldn't remember the name that probably didn't help.

I don't trust him it seems odd for a channel that well made and funded just springing up.

Good, the thread is over now. No point to keep it alive

Certainly has alot of polish for a "just some guy political commenting" channel

>(((Nigger Pigeon Speaks)))

Get the fuck off of this board

Hes an immigrant and of mixed blopd actually.

artist of this song, Byron de la Vandal its seems.

Hes not a kike user

You mean Nipon Pigeon? He's a fucking faggot, with gary friends, basically just as bad.

Sure, but he does not practice what he preaches. so it is "suspect". A psyop to send normie refugees to Holla Forums stopping by Anglin's paper. Why do the kikes want to flood us with normies?

He was actually a pro youtuber doing guides to living in Japan for years before starting a new wrongthink channel. So he only appeared to come out of nowhere.

By drowning our voices and message with a flood of normal fags the jew hopes to eventually get you to leave.

Apparantly Vertigo Politix used to write some of his scripts, but left because BPS is a total asshole. He told me he's purely in it for the shekels and will never go all out to protect his channel and income. Like an upgraded Sargon.

BPS also tends to blame women for everything.

BPS is alright, used him to redpill a few friends in fact.
Know how morons say Sarcuck is baabys first redpill?
I'd say if that were the case this guy would be baabys second redpill.

Just need to find a third for the "Baabys Redpill Triumvirate".

Murdoch Murdoch?

Didn't he get shoahed?

he's a insistent fucker, all the videos are backed up. he uploads 1 video every 45 days more or less. but you need to look for it. its not that hard. they get re-uploaded constantly
i dont have the archive page right now, if you want i can give it to you when i get home

Nah that's cool man, the less potential (((people))) with quick access to his shit the better, appreciate the offer though.
I'll find it myself.

They and some other shoaed channels are hosted here: