House Passes Tax Reform

So they actually passed it through the house (lower senate) will the upper senate do the same?

"House Republicans pass tax reform bill

The GOP plan for tax overhaul cleared the House on Thursday.
The House plan would chop the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent and make other tweaks aiming to make businesses more competitive."

"House Republicans on Thursday passed a monumental bill to cut taxes on businesses and individuals, the biggest step yet in the GOP's once-in-a-generation effort to overhaul the American tax system.

The tax reform plan passed the chamber with 227 votes in favor and 205 against.

To pass the bill, the House GOP had to overcome opposition from several of its members who live in high-tax blue states. Those lawmakers objected to the proposal's curb on popular state and local tax deductions.

The House plan would permanently chop the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent and make other tweaks aiming to make businesses more competitive. It would reduce individual tax brackets to four from seven and make changes to several tax breaks. Among them, the bill would limit state and local deductions and the mortgage interest deduction, eliminate the personal exemption and nearly double the standard deduction.

The vote marks a significant achievement as Republicans push to put a tax bill on President Donald Trump's desk by Christmas. Trump, who along with most congressional Republicans ran on a pledge to trim taxes, went to Capitol Hill to push GOP lawmakers to support the bill before the vote."

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Here's hoping

Apart from the corporate rate cut, it's a garbage bill that might as well be sponsored by Democrats. Will increase the number of people paying no taxes at all, while putting even more burden on those of us who work for a living. Fuck this phoney bill.

I like the incentives for white families

The corporate tax cut is the worst fucking part. We need high corporate taxes that they can side step by investing in their own company and employees. It doesn't matter though. Taxes are the least important thing.

but lower the corporate rate incentivizes the repatriation of the corporate dollars stuck in the overseas double irish triple dutch tax avoidance scheme

what about Obama care?

What's shit about it?

Last I checked, it was at a stalemate. Trump's probably going to chuckle when it collapses in a few years and the Dems lose their shit in a panicked frenzy

It's designed to fail to implement VA care for everyone.

Its a testament to what a shitty country we are and how Jew'd, that these media kikes don't even bother to link to the fucking bill.

You can't underbid 0, they need to make doing business in the us as a foreign entity like that painful.

but the lower rate makes the conversion rates not worth it correct?

If you own your own business, as an LLC or a sole proprietor, it’s a nice thank you.

As a small biz owner it will save me about $5k

Just my .02


Fuck off kike. We realize that this is in conjunction with prohibiting sending jobs overseas.

The corporations going overseas aren't going to come back just because the tax is lower. That's a different problem entirely. Changing the tax rate has been a classic do-nothing move by republicans for decades.

It would only kick in at a certain amount of profit. The idea is that, if you make a million dollars in a year in profits, you only get to keep 100k of that, the rest should be reinvested into your company and employees to repair shit and pay them more.

Goldman Sachs (((executives))) designed this tax "reform" plan. Do really believe that Gary Cohn and Mnuchin suddenly found an interested for pro white policies? They're building out loopholes for themselves and leaving as soon they get them.

What bill isn't phony? Are you new?
Welcome to post-modernism, nobody takes anything seriously anymore.
If we took things seriously, we'd have made 500 nuclear power plants by now, deported the shitskins, tightened up education, told the kikes to fuck off, and gotten to the root causes of all our problems simply and effectively.
Instead, you're being fucking played. Remember when Hitler said communism and capitalism are two sides of the same (((coin)))? That's because it is, and this bill, along with EVERYTHING that will be born in the decrepit legislative womb, (((congress))), in this country, is going to be some 0 sum bullshit that only helps the (((wealthy))).
is actually some (((entrepreneur))) raking in tax rebate money by signing nonsense like solar deals that make no sense and then can subsidize every Coto de Caza faggots Tesla by 10k.
Because tribalism. Mormons have it when they hire others from Church to their lawfirm starting at 300k, Pajeets have it by letting 50 of their cousins live in their 2000 sqft SIlicon Valley house in order to undercut wages. Walmart has it when they undercut competition by subsidizing their payroll responsibilities on the taxpayer in the form of Welfare. Amazon gets it by getting 1.75 rebate from the federal government on every box shipped while they blow up mom and pop shops. Tesla has tribalism. Solar City has tribalism. Niggers have tribalism. Exxon has tribalism. Dreamers have tribalism…….
White people have ZERO tribalism.

nice dubs


McCain, Corkner and Flake will kill anything that helps the president.

why do you do this to me user