So Reality Winner's FBI interrogration transcript is out now, not sure when it dropped exactly, but it's COMEDY GOLD.
So Reality Winner's FBI interrogration transcript is out now, not sure when it dropped exactly, but it's COMEDY GOLD.
Other urls found in this thread:
This loony marxist was sucking tax payer dollars.
Shits gay bro
Imagine how full of themselves her parents were.
slide thread, report and move on
Lurk more retard.
LOL are you in The Resistance too?
Those special agents sure sound like they were expecting to get shot at any moment or something.
This was always complete fiction. It should be obvious right off the start if you aren't retarded or a shill.
There's no way this is fucking real, this is too much.
Government document. IB4 muh false flag fabricated etc.
Reality Winner is less realistic on its face than Storm Roof. They are laughing at you.
Sometimes I think all the logical and reasonable people from Holla Forums fled during the (((Turkish Purge))) during the election. Glad there are still some around here who can sniff out a farce.
Parents are just nutball leftists who named their kid a meme.
Oh, sorry, it's a government document. I apologize, this is completely real then.
Yeah whatever
That's why it's got to be real, it's so fucking dumb it must all be true. The only part I don't trust is her saying the Anderson Cooper pic wasn't legit, bullshit, fucking Cooper was a fan and we all know it.
Kill yourself. This site is so fucking compromised at this point. Enjoy your ride wherever the media wants to take you. I repeat again:
Its always a faked document and not real and a false flag with half you sperges. Shes a nutball leftist, theres nothing to be denied. Point and laugh at her, ridicule her as if she represents all hipsters and cucks etc.
Well in her diary she said she'd like to go to Afghanistan and join AQ for a while before settling in Iran, SOOOOOOOOOO…
Or it's always not a fake story with you shills. Cmon now they are very literally shitting on your face now. You have to be a kike to not see..smell it at this point.
Holy shit don't you know it's illegal to tell people to self harm? Gawl you're so flustered. It'd be insane if they found out Holla Forums was actually working with subversive elements to destroy the USA.
I mean after we found out they were literal dick sucking transfags and all…
I'm not going to go all night on this. Claim victory if you want. This was always a fake story from the start with obvious giveaways like these stories always have, but more egregious in this case.
Shills can kill themselves any time.
waiting for your livestream my little shill
is she a bestiality dyke?
Muh false flags and faked documents and made up people. White genocide exists, cultural marxism exists, and this stupid cunt exists.
cut the shit feds and fucking suicide her already
lol she probably had ten jars of peanut butter in her house too
Oh no, he's retarded!
They're watching everyone in this thread, by the way. Don't think they have anything better to do. Say something to them.
pee pee poo poo pisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss horsefuckers
pic related
and they say the left can't meme
that is an impressive timestamp user
nice ones in a row I like that shit
Excellent dubs.
Remember that they're here to cauterise any possible chance of movement or healing for what everyone here wants. They like posting images of wide-shouldered men with extensive jaws in black suits to meme a symbol of power into your mind. Don't be a menace, user, but don't run away, either. If you try to hide out in nowhere, they'll have to send someone to take care of you. Remember how they've got Julian's hands all tied up, and don't let the rage diminish. Don't give up.
I'm sure our intelligences services are eager to quash any subversion in their own numbers and won't close ranks and clam up to defend treason and other crimes agains the public. Totally, totally sure.
>(((unknown male)))
They don't even know who was in the fucking room?
don't sweat it. As far as I can see it's a great policy to assume the media and government are lying as a default position. It would be better if everyone started demanding the government and media actually prove their version of events before anyone believes it.
Thank you for having some common sense.
The more armed, healthy and numerous you are, the more "danger" you pose to the establishment they're contracted to defend. Get too armed, healthy and surrounded by your own kind. Well, they'll have to call the agency for assessing any alcohol, tobacco and firearms you have. Cut all the feed they can have, and they'll have to go "old school" on you.
Apologies, if you've heard this, before. I'm just aching to give a run down on their usual deceit.
oh fuck I'm already out in the middle of nowhere
don't worry I see them driving the same uhaul and budget rent a truck the same times all over the place out here, kek they think theyre so sneaky they don't even realize they glow in the fucking dark. dayglow glow type glow in the dark
give us the old rundown, please
white vans with glowing niggers
Well, at that rate they've already put you on the watchlist. Getting a gun must be funny, and if you suddenly make friends they'll peg you up on the tier list.
i dunno man, in the end they're only fucking themselves, they'll be replaced by a computer or there'll just be so many larping faggots the government has to support that they will literally go broke
They don't have to worry about going broke, when they can get bailouts. The system can never fail, unless the citizenry do what shouldn't be done.
Really though. Ever wonder what their watchlist looks like? The real one, I mean.
yeah I'm in good standing and follow the law
zero problems in this department
same team man, we do better detective work than paid pros. we have become the goto thinktank.
nice trips
they have to get taxes from somewhere. The bigger the cancer they are the more guaranteed their own death.
At that rate, I wonder if they'd just start printing money directly to them. Makes me wonder if they really do want whites dead, when they're the only ones paying their taxes. How many slaves were there supposed to be in their plan, again?
you'd figure at some point it would just be much easier to gas the larpers and do a better job pretending to be good guys
Looks like the transcript captured the moment she nervously farts in front of two fbi agents.
Big problem, you have to be "in on it" to work the high level shillops and such. The whole plain is hinged upon recruiting compromised assets. They're not sending the best people, they're sending the worst.
[noises] is now a fart joke
I'd imagine as the interview went on her pussy became very, very wet, too. I just have this feeling that the soyboy numale she broke up with (admtted in transcript) and her poor dog couldn't quite reach all the way back, you know?
Where she's going, the whole pussy will become as big as a wind sock.
Mix [noises] and (((noises))) and you get a real gas chamber.
kekd audibly at the thought of yids shitting and final sharting as they are gassed
The glow-in-the-darks get comedy writers and drama majors for these morale operation / psyop jobs. The very-fake name Reality Winner is just an inside joke where the kids are seeing how far they can push it. They're not trying to make it perfect and fool everybody. It's winking at the camera, Look Ma No Hands!
You should know better than to believe the law itself ever mattered to them. Just as they don't care to enforce it, they don't care if you follow it. There are secret laws they follow, that they must obey to ensure nothing can go wrong with their world. Dont disobey, don't think bad thoughts, and don't hang around people who will give you bad thoughts. The more of those you don't obey, the more concerned they become.
This mother fucker is retarded. Its a legit transcript. No way you could makeup that embarassing conversation.
The dumb bitch confessed to the feds after they pushed on her just once.
You should probably have to explain how being sceptical of a really shady MSM story with really obvious tip-offs that it is fake makes one from Holla Forums, because I don't understand even remotely where you are coming from. Unless you are a shill trying to push as if you run this place.
For you.
Good night
Just calling out the obvious here. On one hand you have people upselling this cunt like agents are really afraid of this dangerous antifag. On the other hand we have shills like you trying to undermine the pleasure we get from this. And why? I wonder…
Just a random Chad that poked his head in the wrong door for a minute
It's always amazing to me that more people can't see right through the obvious psyops. Guy dressed up as the Joker in Colorado, "Reality Winner". This stuff only works on the very gullible or people who don't think about it and take everything at face value.
Tyrone, you mean. Remember that spooks really are a thing. They're the ones who are totally uninvolved in suicides of dangerous peoples.
i just find it really bizarre, like if you are an FBI agent with integrity, what do you tell yourself when confronted with these media shills.
On some level it only makes sense that someone is ordering them to make this stuff convincing and they are just fucking ballsing it up as much as they can.
This stuff only undermines their ability to do their jobs, i'm sure coming in to work where there's a bunch of sick larpers treating reality like their own big brother tv show cuold be seen as a problem.
I find it hard to believe this many people think it's a good idea to be congenital liars or to follow the orders of one long term.
You think she was an operative? Her story seems to have spook written all over it.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, are you trying to say that it's normal that Campos went on Ellen Degeneres and no other program ?
That it wasn't some kind of piss take or insult ?
Working for the Federal Government is faaar from a "TOP JOB". It may mean something in other countries but in the United States it's practically meaningless.
She changed her name. Her birth name was something like Sarah, it was on her twitter account. But her parents are faggy leftists.
Very easy, she studied mud languages and Religion of Cuck™.
eheh took you a while to come up with that one.
fuckn hell man this is intense.
u really are fucked without full suppression of speech aren't you ? lol
i'm almost sorry for you that you can't shut it down at this point
I'd be inclined to believe that everything here is forgery and fiction. If it weren't for one big problem
Why would they do that? I require a motive.
Calm down there user. Posting multiple times to get a thread to bumplimit faster is also a form of sliding, whether intentional or not.
OV hey.
Try as you might, Agent Smith, you can't bury the truth that your shit gaslighting faggotry was the "MUH CGI IT WAS ALL FAKE NOBODY DIED" shit.
Either she posted it on social media or they actually dug up the 4473
it's not intentional, i'm just spooked at how weird things are online. Sorry I know. I'm irc posting.
son, you are platinum mad
You seem obsessed with precious metals.
jesus, where did I touch you on the doll ?
Oh the way out the door Cheney made the ATF delete the secret, illegal database they had of US gun owners. I would imagine three days later they simply restored it from backup and continued where they left off.
The kikes wish in longing to be German, an eternal Reich that could not be contained without a world effort.
There is no eternal kike. No eternal semite.
Creatures that throw money at a desiccated land for decadent pleasure instead of venture forward or industriously improve their plot of the world, they have no home. It grows in every white heart. A farce of a belief system.
The Reich is eternal, otherwise you would not still be flailing about and projecting.
There will never be a sand slug to make the world great. A genetic yearning for decadence, comfort and status.
Why would there ever be an alliance with semites or even anti-semites?
When one man can in one evening show how Goebbel's did not have eyes of evil, but eyes that saw evil, for their lifelong feels instead of reals father.
You may attempt all day to needle in and wear the skin of the unintiated but the blood knows and that is the magic the semites have always wished they had.
What they have attempted to shame from the white spirit. has exploded not even for Holla Forums, the heart of true kindred altruism will never die. You will not be allowed to destroy those that have allowed you to walk and voyage the unknown in our footsteps.
What do they have? Entertainment? It would seem they only should have been left with a few thousand if that is the extent of their spirit. Dying even now, no matter how many billions they push between their projects, now just distancing the white and creating a queer cold curiosity in the young and unintiated.
This is a bit of a wink, obviously the IC people know that Cooper's "former" CIA and that he's been naughty.
ive thought about this for years. Holla Forums is always going on about how stupid and incompetent the spooks are nowadays, especially so when we compare them to the oldschool alphabets. they used to start civil wars in lebanon and syria like it was nothing, and the public didnt have a clue about it until one of them decided to write a book on it 20 some odd years later. they kill a fucking president and perform a flawless, silent coup on the whole government, and we STILL dont know the specifics, even after its been declassified.
but now? they try to arm and train isis militants and were on them in half a week. they stage a fake sarin gas attack and weve disproven it by that afternoon. they use incredibly complex disinfo tactics and everyone in the thread immediately calls them glow-in-the-dark-nigger-horsefuckers.
and why? to be sure, part of it is the amount of info that the people have, and the speed at which in can be transmitted, as well as the ability to operate in a decentralized, yet non-compartmentalized think tank. but they have better tech, better surveillance and more orwellian power than ever before. so then why is it that they seem so fucking useless compared to the "good ol days"?
the answer? because their assets in the media are the most useless, idiotic, unprofessional fuckups that have ever disgraced the earth. as they say, a team is only as strong as its weakest link. and the absolute fools that they have to work with in that department are painting them into a such a corner, with their obviously retarded bullshit and paperthin narratives, that even the fucking patriot act combined with the best cyberweapons and resources in the world cant get them out of it.
i can only imagine working my whole life and abandoning many of the pleasures of living a normal life, to get into a position where i was in the FBI or CIA, only to be told to go shitpost on an imageboard and try and come up with something workable with the idiot shit they get handed by the absolute faggots that work as assets for them in the media. and the worst part is that those fuckups almost certainly get paid WAY better and have a much better quality of life than them. i honestly feel bad for em sometimes. the incompetence of the media makes being a secret agent gay as fuck.
any feds care to weigh in on this? im honestly curious
this isnt funny at all
shes just reposting comedy she heard on cuck central with the same attitude but IRL
Old spooks can't shine and pass down their craft when HR tells them they have to hire ponyfags.
i really dont think so
Isn't specialist a moniker they give to contractors with clearance? Like snowden?
so why dont a couple of you guys band together and heartattack HR? then go kidnap some media assets kids and force them to get their shit together. theyre really holding you guys back imo
should've shot that fucking mutt on the spot.
possibly but snowden is actually intelligent
they like to throw around grand titles
The thing is they media dangling that boards are using very old tactics that they have classified and suddenly it's some super magic that one should prefer their own kind and keep others out of their land.
Odd. How such simple wholesome matters are somehow glow in the dark CIANigger tactics.
Curious. Isn't it? How being naturally wary of outsiders is unnatural now. They broke their game. EU is throwing spaghetti. They attempt to push it out of children, hell even asslong back as the 80s when some black bitch was teaching COLORS in kindergarten. Assumed I was racist because I wasn't paying attention and even then attempting to smart kids.
Public school is worthless, look at colors, blow money on Zoo trips. Yet, the niggers don't figure it out anyway.
I don't know how rare or common it is for one to start hating niggers from 5 years old. And those who put them in that status, far back as 1985.
Hint 1: Where do you think the yuppies with no skills and trades qualification end up working?
Hint 2: It's not starbucks. The smart ones do startups.
You shoot my dog, you die next. I'd sooner go down as a cop killer than my dog dying.
i doubt you'll be such a tough guy when the 200+ field agents with itchy fingers are ushering the news vans away, pal.
You better calm down
All part of the plan.
Hesh, take that hat off.
They have sworn oaths to fight for the very system you despise, and act in degeneracy all of the while they obey it. You know where Terry would want them, user.
yeah thats gotta be frustrating
well shit man, i could do a better job than them. fuckin hire me. you know where to find me
yeah i figured as much
well you cant get paid to tear down the system. a jobs a job and we all got our price
How so? All it's done is enforced instinct. Kids are perceptive. All I can imagine is being a 5yo today I'd be even more perceptive of the bullshit. Wouldn't know it was semitic at first until I saw the spread. Then, I'd end up in private school again, and still with my 3rd grade sweetheart
At most it's going make harder kids.
Only a semite or their cattle would scoff off that fucking line. What the hell do you think you're doing here?
shitposting with federal agents and bots
ill sage though, deal?
The price in question isn't money user. A lot of people can't risk jeopardizing the safety of their family or their loved ones. It takes an entire demographic of disenfranchised youth with no ties to the system and nothing to lose to start the fire.
Get out, you branded meatfuck.
Top kek.
No, you don't get to tap out.
If you'd have read the ticker for what it was these past few years, you'd know they don't work that way. Whenever somebody fucks with them too hard, they die. Unless you've got the motherload of all dirt with safeguard and precaution up your ass will they start shaving off loved ones, and if you've got a clan out for you, they'll try to call it a "standoff" and get away with godknowswhat kind of debauchery. Just look at what they've got Julian doing. Everybody else just gets a suprise CIAnigger attack out of nowhere.
The bots and (((federal agents))) are the least of your worries. Where's that picture of the cuckchan party-van when you need it?
I was answering that user under the assumption that he was asking about "why haven't people in the intelligence networks with the knowledge, dirt and knowhows done their patriotic duty?" But I get where you're coming from.
Welcome to Holla Forums
Meant to say "you" instead of "he"
Goddamn right, it's a patriotic duty and it has been explained sixteen ways via bullshit and sincerity.
Damn straight.
There is no price, user. Don't you see it? To them, you are worthless. If you've got dirt, that's a deficit they'll fix, and if you're prepared, they'll bargain your life. That's just the way it is. The truth.
you realise it's so bad at the moment that asking a simple question with a 2 year old's logic is "got dirt" levels.
They're going to have to kill everyone if they can't handle the bantz.
You are not mine. Why are you crying instead of –
Fuck it. This is why you worry about your big family.
That's not the same stuff, user. There's having evidence that could lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest, and then there's having too many questions (disobedience).
What do you think (((they))) are planning on doing you moron? Most that are redpilled are white. Kill all the whites and the few left will be subverted and or not believed because most other shitskins are complete normalfag tier or complicit in globalism.
You could look after your own, instead of falling at my knees. I'm supposed to… No. You'e going to have to make it yourself on your own terms. Not mine.
Did you miss the Jews spreading Holla Forums memes in fucking Congress? They really are that comically evil sometimes.
this tbh
pic related?
You've got no audience, serpent.
That's the one. I need more high-res photos of the party van.
i doubt theyll let me take a hi res picture of it user…
youre the one not saging a slide thread
Some of the MI who surf Holla Forums do it for fun and/or they like you guys. Their information they know is applicable to sandniggers and killing the fuck out of them rather than any of the shit in US since, being military, that’s where they operate. They want you to keep up the hard work though because this nation needs to be cleansed from the inside with voting and stuff in a way that doesn’t trigger Mr. FBI that stuffy faggot or OSI or etc. since Holla Forums is a board of peace. Holla Forums does things properly and everything else is a thought experiment.
what else are we supposed to be talking about ?
This discussion is going where you don't want it to, and you know it.
You think you can get an open back that easily, maggot? Kiss up more. Maybe you'll get a look.
good point
i wish thats what this place was. but thats not my ability to decide something like that. neither you nor i nor anyone in the IC can control this shit and what happens. most people here (the stormfags) genuinely want to jump right to goin full racewar just for the sake of it. its fucking retarded.
no this is exactly why i posted that long rant. i love talking about this kind of shit. and i dont give a fuck about reality winner, so why the hell not?
Where did you think anyone was here for fun?
there may be some provocation there
yeah i suppose there is. but, for me personally, id much rather fix america in a (relatively speaking) peaceful way, than go full retard, destroy the country and get everyone in the country, and their mother, killed. or worse, get tricked or false flagged, fuck up carastrophically, and make everything 100000x worse than it even is now.
i just see a lack of tact and foresight in the simplicity of the "plan" that the stormfags have.
Maybe some of us are being facetious or stating something to a third party that may or may not be a bunch of fucking faggots who should look at real shit not just LARPposting in an Indonesian wooden phallus-carving forum. Or maybe some of us had too much to drink.
Eat shit, kike. The firearm and the automobile are two intrinsically-linked Aryan expressions of freedom and creativity. Without one or the other, you are directly permitting Judaic lines of thought to permeate your brain.
What is this spaghetti avalanche?
Was the bitch bollock naked when she answered the door?
kys, kike. You aren't safe.
Dont get me wrong, they can do good stories, but Ms. Winner here doesnt like them for calling out the hooked nosed kikes, she probably likes them for the token "look at how cultured I am I watch muslims" look
oy vey
Sounds like cia
Theres a huge document to be sifted through with all sorts of gold, but this entire thread has devolved into pure cancer because of shills and actual retards. Her cat hates men too, fuck you cunts.
She changed her name.
fuck politico. and if you are going to post them, use an archive. fucking faggot
"Reality Winner"
who was she again? or rather, what did she do that got her arrested?
She was an SJW who had security clearance and decided it would be a good idea to commit treason by leaking classified information in a weak-assed attempt to hurt Trump.
oh thats right. she leaked some inconsequential shit she thought was a big deal, but it was another nothing burger.
These agents sound autistic. A coherent paragraph is a rarity among this tism talk.
They speak in a way that is comfortable and repeatable to our subject. It's all an act
I am convinced.
You dumb niggers.
Yes of course this is totally legit. Thanks for the politico.com link. I love the MSM and the FBI now.
Then simply heart attack your HR department again and again until it's someone who does their job properly. Jfc we live in a world full of normies who would never in a million years believe that a heart attack was ever artificially induced, don't you know how enormous this power is? You can literally kill anyone you like without reproach and can't be assed to HA your HR department? Git fucking gud. If I was you, you'd see some serious shit, just from me abusing that.
It's like a fucking high school presentation, holy shit. How did these people make FBI?
This is more common than one might think. Pigs beat around the bush at first like little girls. There's only a few guys who can solve the cases that matter. They didn't send out the best for fat girl copying things to a flashdrive.
Yes, user. The marxists are their comrades. Why is that so hard to believe?
This, it's an obvious hoax/psyop.
The name alone should be enough to realize that.
The theroy i subscribe to is that king nigger politicized the government too much and they chose to hire wymin over quailty. The contractor she worked at will not hire a white male.
If you look at the nsa on linkedin. It is all muy diversity. They won't hire a white person. I suspect that is why their shit keeps getting leaked, they only hire niggers and beaners.
The glow in the dark niggers realky are glow in the dark niggers.
I sure did, a nigger cut me in line and started talking shit in the first day of kindergarten and I pushed him head first into a brick wall.
They sound more like they're nervous because they're around a woman tbh. I would be too considering she's a leftist and how fond they are of throwing around fake sexual assault accusations on men they don't like or feel have slighted them in some way
Last time I drink anything while scrolling down.
Kikes aren't known for long-term planning when it comes to this kinda shit. Throw in the fact that they actually fucking think they'll be able to control the sandniggers they're bringing in to white countries and it'd be laughably idiotic if it wasn't both so dangerous to us and so fucking rage-inducing.
Some people just want everything to have an extra layer of intrigue.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
This is obviously a psy-op
Is this the new Sassy_cat.jpeg?