Charlyne Yi

Attention brothers, this gook right here is Charlyne Yi

She has accused a good man who works at Penguin House Group of rape.
Not only is this not rape, it's a threat to society. Charlyne is going to use her SJW hollywood powers to make it harder for men to do what we like to do.

Here is the thing with her

She has a small twitter following but she has been in big budget comedies and what not. If we innitiate a full on weaponized autism attack on her this will make the news. The normie chads will see it and realize how stupid this is that a women like her would react.

Let's show this coon what we are made of.

Other urls found in this thread:

She also accused her father of being a pedo

NYPA but have a kike free first post anyway.

She also has a disgusting resemblance to that Falarca bitch.

Here's a better idea: we don't do that?

eww wtf is she postingon her YouTube account? anti-maga shit?

farm the rice pay the price

Meh, who cares.

Her story sounds weird. He asked to come up, she said no, so then they walked together to the train station? How is this newsworthy to this gook?

this is rape?? holy shit


Yeah, she seems like just another schizophrenic middle-aged asian making shit up to get attention.

what the fuck is this chink slut talking about?

Women are funny. Get over it.

Is he a kike?

To all the struggling comedians on here i know there are a few
You too can make it if you come up with some great impressions like Charlyne did.

Yeah i second this. Nobody even knows who this ugly slope is. BUT, if her claims start to gain traction, we should act.

Last month she accused David Cross of making fun of her 10 years ago


Read: a fellow comedian made fun of me and I couldn't think of a comeback.
The jerk store called, they're sick of these chinese knockoffs.


well, at least our operation seems like a success

Takes a real special kind of cuck to virtue signal their way into rape allegations.

who gives a shit

you can't just jump to the defence of every random faggot that gets accused of sexual assault. learn to pick your battles.
also, not your personal army

2. Maybe he did
3. What did you just hear we are the Cathedral o misogyny from you lib friends? Something about you is off putting.

The only problem here is that just because a man who advanced on her knew where she was staying she self imagined a rape scenario and there was nothing this man could do anymore to get himself out of raping her. In her mind she already assumed rape as a real threat even though nothing whatsoever suggested this man would rape her. Honestly this should be defamation and lawsuit material. Nothing she claimed could even be construed as potential rape advances. She should be financially ground to dust and left destitute for this kind of behavior and shunned.


If you're gonna set up a victim narrative, at least use the proper slurs you useless bug-eating slant.

Fuck 'im.