Blind man with gun hosts show and hates racists
call in 18445461776
Call Blind Host To Discuss
This thread was appropriately posted on cuckchan, and thats where it should stay.
This guy has the sickest drops in radio. Too bad hes a god damn moron.
Im the sword
and how would you know about that, loyal fullchanner?
we can always just post in the same half dozen pinned stickies forever, if that's more your style
No fun police/halfchan lurker
Cuckchan is where you go to spread memes and propaganda. We are the thought leaders, they are the masses who follow our lead + kikes.
Its a low quality shitpost of no value.
Does your dog bark in morse code
Lol what
I wasn't aware this was MPC! The layout really threw me off. Also shitposting != "posts I don't like." Filter and move on if you don't like it, retard.
Jims a fucking idiot. Call in and call him a nigger.
Dont say any slurs when calling, he gets angry
This isnt cuckchan, its a low quality shitpost. There is a posting quality standard here, and many much better threads than this one get nuked and the OPs banned for shitting up the board. We dont intend on letting this place turn into a bunch of "Holla Forums btfo!" garbage posting, thats what cuckchan is for. It was on cuckchan, it belongs on cuckchan, theres no reason it needs to be here. Youre a tumor.
You need to go back to cuckchan and stay there for good. Fuck this slide thread. Report this
bruh, we're just having fun. Not everything is a ShareBlue CIA psyop, Alex Jones
Literally No Fun Allowed, Ever. There's nothing new happening right now, important shit is still on page 1
Lighten up already, christ
what could go wrong
Jim is getting heated. Flipping listeners off and demanding we thumbs down his stream lmao
kek Just saw that gud shit.
me @ people crying about this thread
There is nothing stopping you from enjoying this thread.. on cuckchan.
And there's nothing stopping you from killing yourself, but here you are
why not call in and share some of your valuable knowledge, oh sagelike user?
You are crying so hard. You are the only one who admittedly uses halfchan and you've bumped the thread you despise so much 4 times you retard.
Ah yes, serious National Socialists concerned about white genocide should kill themselves, because its more important we have redundant shitposts on both cuckchan and 8ch. KYS, tumor.
kek damn dude, even if i was blind id have enough sense not to play with my dick while i KNEW i was being recorded.
When my name is purple, it means Ive saged you fucking newfag tumor.
Fuck off FBI
Enjoy the gas. This is a National Socialist board, cuckchan is for you.
phone is closed