What should we do with religious groups?

Neo-Pagans and Fedora Tippers need not post

A serious concern which I am afraid that it will trigger an influx of "lol Christcucks" shitposts. Many times the Church acted as a boundless force, undermining Kings, Nations, Borders and even Race. Protestants undermined their Catholic authorities, prompting them to co-operate with foreign protestant forces against their own people (even triggering the French, a catholic kingdom, to join the protestants); the Catholic clergy co-operated with the Vatican and other Catholic kingdoms against the newly formed revolutionary nation of France (I know, bad example since the french revolution is a wet dream for lefties); even Catholics working against Nat-Soc Germany despite them being german themselves. Historical examples are many, but their anti-national attitudes seem to manifest even today. When you deal with a Christian and talk about race, about nationhood, about citizenship, what stance does he/she have when it comes to Chinese christians, middle-eastern christians, the increasing number of African christians (reminder there are black cardinals at the vatican)? If they ever called themselves a nationalist, putting them in this position will prompt a series of mental gymnastics which can really frustrate anyone who wishes to pursuit a serious discussion.

It leads to things like pic related which looks like a lengthy version of the "godly nigger" argument. There are basically 2 mods operating this fb page (I believe one is closer to Holla Forums tier posts and the other is "godly nigger") and whenever one or the other posts the contrast is so obvious.

Other urls found in this thread:


Religion not based in maintaining your existence will destroy your culture and race, pagan-larpers are 100% correct about that.

Family before faith, always.

Abrahamic religions base their faith on accomplishing things in life in order to achieve entry to heaven. This mentality leads to defeatism which brings me to a certain story of martyrdom, idk the details, in which a group christians were put to fight against a bunch of lions and instead they held hands and simply stood there as the lions attacked and mauled them.

Also, it can bring a certain level of apathy as any discussion of "our society is turning upside down" results with a dismissive response. Why would they act? Why would they bother? In fact, these people are lead to believe that these are the end times and they can't wait for the "second coming" which is seen as something good.

You already have the answer. The key to reclaiming the morality of the West, is to create a brand of Christianity that is concentric to Europe.

Christianity, in order for it to survive has to be geared and trimmed to Europeans.

Roman Catholicism is anti white.

and now it willingly lets religion of cuck into its churches, feeds and clothes them and lets them fuck their women

okay user, i guess I dont really have much to add with an intro like that anyways


So more or less get Holla Forums on the holy seat in the Vatican


-Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Table Talks, 59

Pretty much all abrahamic religions revolve around creating pseudo zionist hiveminds even if they aren't ethnically jewish. Theirs is the only kind that "works" because they aren't attempting to absorb their historical enemies out of some naive belief of good will or a cucked view of peace.

What do you do when gangrene and rot sets in? You cut off your arm and go on to make the best of it. If this cruel reality is too hard for you, you might choose to keep your arm. But then you also die.

You ask what we should do with religious groups? (And by religious groups you seem to mean Christians.) We should ignore them and let them die in peace. There's no saving them. Spirituality will go on without the living dead and something new and better will arise if we survive the coming tribulations.

I'm no religious man but sometimes these numerical "coincidences" are a bit too much.

Come on you're smarter than that. It should be common knowledge that communists pushed themselves into Catholicism throughout the 20th century in order to subvert it.

Dont blame symptoms, blame causes.

Wasn't the pope at the time pro Hitler?

Anyway people need religion and I think Christianity is a fine religion as long as you're not following a cucked version.

That quote is great. Sometimes I fail in putting thoughts into words when I have to explain things. Are there any other unkiked sources of Hitler's thoughts and stances on things?

Replied to my own post. Meant to reply to (Hail'd)

Mein Kampf or gtfo.

Also, all existing christians should probably move towards orthodoxy instead of being snake chamers and dirty papists.

You should always seek to better your brothers and sisters regardless of if they have been made ugly by Jewish demoralization and subversion.

Jew converts too, Jewish converts (who never really converted) were a big thing in Spain, they even had to implement a law preventing Jewish converts from marrying into aristocracy since it became a big problem. The same thing happened in Poland where Jewish converts were unopposed since there was no law preventing them from marrying into aristocracy, they had the highest seats of power even squirming their way into Christian church. It's a common thing nowadays, for example the Cardinal of Paris is in fact a Jewish "convert" who works well to undermine the Catholic faith just as his Jewish predecessors have done before him like the slimy like parasites that they are towards the Protestant churches which have cucked out to the point where many of their head Bishops are female hags who do the Jews work4free.

This isn't even going into the fact that Christianity today is absolutely nothing like it was even 200 years ago, the subversion has been successful for the most part especially in the US with their protestants being evangelical zionist cucks.

There needs to be a swift revival of the Christian faith, not by a breed of man that can only destroy culture and religion for the sake of the accumulation of unlimited material possessions, but by an older, now dead western man who achieved such great glory and created such beauty in the arts, culture, and society all in the name of God.

If the current religious organisations won't cut the parasite from their system, then we must do it for them by force, even if we create an order of our own to oppose their traitorous behaviour. I believe this is the realistic, inevitable solution for this embarrassing problem.

this is how you detect a pagan on Holla Forums. No self awareness whatsoever. No offense pagans but using the table talks on here is a joke. Like seriously man when you're using propaganda aimed at Christian populations post war to get them to hate Hitler by deception and lies only to fulfill your hate of Christians it's seriously scummy


They do have questionable validity, but that aside no one can deny Christianity is a part of the cancer that is killing the west.

are you referring to that picture with the Catholic population of Germany that voted in a party that wasn't NatSoc? They were in a coalition with the NSDAP even but the NSDAP wasn't strictly Catholic it was simply pro Christian

Agree, how can Christianity have any redeeming qualities, while at the same time somewhere around 70% of America and Europe are Christian?

I mean, if Christianity is the right path, then we wouldn't be in this mesh, but no doubt Christians on here will say that those millions upon millions of Christians are wrong and that the right Christianity hasn't been tried yet, or whatever.

Meanwhile, I could pick 10 heathens at random and atleast one of them would be one of us.

The heathen way is the future.

Fucking this, I like what we've made of Christianity but the fact it has Jewish roots and it's universal nature is undeniable


I think we should simply agree on a common path to follow regarding the souls of the people to oppose mudslimes in the most fierce way possible. I do not care so much about which deus vult. But it is fundamental that any Deus of choice will be 100% supported. Gimme a call when you agree on the dress code.

Christianity is dead everywhere except in deep red states, africans villages that use it to justify stoning and in Eastern Europe where it is used as a tool for collectivism. Let it rest.