New Podesta Article - Prepping the World for his coming indictment

A few hours ago Skippy wrote an article for WaPO, after his longest radio silence in over 2 years.

"Trump wants to Upend 230 Years of Constitutional Principle."

This matter was thoroughly and exhaustively examined by the mainstream media during the 2016 campaign, leading to the definitive conclusion that Clinton played no role

Proceeds to give faggy, kiked-history lesson WTF I love laws now!

Last ditch attempt of pedophile shyster to influence the court of Public Opinion, or run of the mill shilling?

Find out on this week's episode of Q-LARP I AM DYING FOR THE DAY OF THE ROPE

Other urls found in this thread:

The audacity of these kikes.

Seems he's scared of Sessions… now why would that be?

Day Of The Rope. All of them

Hop in.


What it means: when the law is against me it should be ignored. When it is on my side if should be executed.
His definition of authoritarianism. Its pretty much cookie jar facism: edgy teen comes home from school and tries to take a cookie. Mom says No. Teen cries fascist! (See antifa). Its exagerating little things and trying to fit them to something big and universally accepted as evil, pretty much a straw man . Women and children do it all the time.


Muh constitution

Muh outdated

Muh 230 years

Muh created equal

Muh redistribute equally

Yes. Welcome to your first month on Holla Forums. you on the left

Do you think Podesta will enjoy being pounded in the ass in federal prison?


look at that tiny weak liberal faggot neck and tell me.

i.e. yes


This is the most hilarious shit in the world.

Your pets are not an investigative agency, you fucking retard.

Hope that kike is shanked in jail.

Skippy we’ve got your emails and General Flynn has the pics. The walls are closing in Skippy. Suicide is your best option at this point Skippy. Skippy oh Skippy come out come out wherever you are Skippy . . . Skippy . . . Oh Skippy . . . You owe Moloch your soul Skippy. Time to pay up! The Rothschilds won’t protect you anymore and your child rapist prince is sleeping on the floor in a hotel in Saudi Arabia.


Bye Skippy. Your time on this earth is over. Now go to fucking hell you bastard!


My theory of the pic and his hands stand for is code for Fishing Fourteens or Fishing For Teens.

My theory of the pic and his hands stand for is code for Fishing Fourteens or Fishing For Teens.

My bad responded to op meant for you.

Does anyone else cringe at these typing mannerisms leftists use?

That's pretty clever deduction, yet beautifully simple. Especially since it's backwards, when one writes on one's own palms, one is looking down on them, so one can get it backwards by mistake if the person has a hard time seeing themselves in the mirrored position.

Fits their food code, which is so simple it seems ridiculously childish.

Skippy and Killery are claiming it is a witch hunt, when ironically from the spirit cooking (Podesta) and Larry Nichols revelations & Clinton biography of honeymoon (Hillary) we know they are involved in witchcraft.

There is nothing more damning he could have said, even for normalfags. I think OP is right, this is just a pep speech before they get overrun.


This is honestly why its so important for the Mueller to be /ourguy/ theory to be true, it blows these kikes defenses out of the water on day 1.

The kikes have no shame or limits to their lies. The Uranium One story from the NYT was swept under the rug so quick most people have no idea it even existed.

I've dreamed about watching this monster burn for 2 years.

Kike. Kiiiiiiiike. Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike!


It's a really gross torture. I hate him too but you're better than that. He deserves death. Torture is a kike fetish. We should not indulge it.

My rage will be sated.

Get fucked

Being real here Mueller most likely is in their pocket, and just scared of getting his own ass burned.

Going out on a limb, I'm gonna guess a little of column A, a little of column B. I think he's freaking out over nothing though, Sessions doesn't seem like he's going to be doing anything anytime soon.

Who am I to argue with those dubs?

I really hope the media get locked up too. They can all share a cell

user, your rage will also be sated by simply removing the illness. It will bring more joy than anything you can ever imagine and you will never feel rage about it again.
Kikes must simply be removed. No punishment of any kind, simply removal.

He's going insane from being stuck between being a merciless sociopath and a dickless weasel while praying for NWO knowing full well that his captors aren't coming to save him. He's going to lose it on camera before this is out.

Also fucking checked. I feel your rage too.

ayy lmao


i don't think he knows what that means

Well maybe a little punishment.

the noose is tightening it would seem. They are in full blown damage control mode.

I could've attributed Molesta's kvetching just to him being a whiny weasel, but if Hillary's shitting her pants too then the Clinton syndicate must really think the walls are closing in. Look at her body language; it screams "I think I think I might be fucked"

Scaphism is quite brutal, but torture and pain weren't limited to the kikes. Personally I'm fine with a painful and humiliating death, like the blood eagle. The modern version of which might very well be the free helicopter ride in a public setting.

(((They))) are keeping this as hush as possible in the msm and using the language that she uses and the language in Molesta's oped as a deliberate psy-op. They want the bleating masses to be shocked when the hammer drops and cause massive civil unrest

Behold! Thine dubs of truth.
This post was great. I ground my teeth and smiled so hungry am I for skippy to swing. These fucking monsters have in a way abused us all.
Rot with your Demon God skippy!

And the Dubs just keep on flowin.

Like, really? OK. Wow. WOW.

The angels are very thirsty, user. They are whispering in our waking dream.

Hi Podesta!

I know right? They're like, literally like, the worst.

What about?

The audacity of these kikes to think that the MSM is judge, jury and executioner.

It's from the Osiris myth. Set was cut into 14 pieces and a fish ate his penis.

osirus right? the one who's dick was eaten by a fish?

this guy knows

They're overestimating the effectiveness of this last defense, I think. She didn't lose the election while wildly cheating because people are chomping at the bit to see her never brought to justice. That said, I don't think she has many other options than to try this at this point if Trump does go after her.

post your fave memes of Molesta

they are, and they will ultimately lose, but the golems they unleash will be a thorn in the sides of civilization for a few months. Only way it doesn't happen is if its Mueller dropping the hammer.

You mean like not selling our country out to foreign powers like kikes?

It isn't torture it is a warning for others, jew.


What is next, is he hiding in his closet at the fear of anuddah shoah against "poor" pedophiles who moved to another country and just wanted to parasite on the goyim?

Even the memory of their "people" will be destroyed…



Sex Magic. The fish is the Vesca Pisces, a symbol of Isis.
When Set Murdered Osiris, he dismembered him and scattered them across the globe.
Isis was able to gather thirteen parts, everything but his cock. She fashioned a new one for him (i forget out of what). and resurrected him, Then they fucked.
So "14" is basically bragging about his magic dick, jej.

Wow, look, it's retarded and a faggot.


You know, mainstream media, whose job it is to determine criminality. No FBI, no jury, you can trust us, goy.

She's pissing herself so much she had a stroke!
Her left arm strangely doesn't move at all, even minutely.

Podesta is done for. He pissed off Lady Rothschild and he'll be found soon for twenty bullet holes in the back of his head as a result of "suicide".

I respect your dubs, but I have to politely disagree that said golems will be of serious nuisance after antifa collectively shat itself and failed to do anything of note on November fourth and subsequently the anniversary of Trump's victory (aside from screeching autistically and getting their dumbasses arrested that is).

The alphabets might try something shifty when hilldog and her orbiters go down, but I believe civil unrest on a normie level is out of the question for the time being.

The substitute phallus was made out of gold, which is supposedly one of the reasons why Horus was so powerful. Taking the food language that pointed out, my immediate take away is that podesta likes to eat castrated dicks. Surely there's room for a new layer in hell, right?


Anyone else notice her head tremor?
She can't stop nodding, unless she is actively moving her head.

they don't serve lobster risotto where you're going skippy

Ever since Skippy skipperson joined the press influencing business there has been a huge boom in distraction articles, red herring bullshit that dominate entire news cycles and they completely mimic the type released during Hillary's campaign.
It along with all this impeachment nonsense is a desperate act of those that would've skirted justice under a Clinton administration but now find themselves facing punishment.
Good chance that spirit cooking pizza man will off himself when the hammer falls, he's probably trying to indulge in as much depravity as possible before the inevitable happens.

A swift brutal death is not the same thing as torture. He will die extremely painfully and extremely fast.

Is anyone not erect feeling the end of "democracy" is near?

because a call for special council would open the pandora'a box.

Too ill to hang is her back up plan.

Yep, he's in serious trouble to even try a bullshit line like that.

It's like he thinks we haven't read his emails where hack bloggers forward him articles for his approval or them wining and dining multiple lugenpresse during and even before the campaign. Reeks of desperation.

1100+ indictments

Kuru is a very rare, incurable neurodegenerative disorder that was formerly common among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is caused by the transmission of abnormally folded prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors, loss of coordination, and neurodegeneration.

The term kuru derives from the Fore word kuria or guria ("to shake"),[1] due to the body tremors that are a classic symptom of the disease and kúru itself means "trembling".[2] It is also known as the "laughing sickness" due to the pathologic bursts of laughter which are a symptom of the disease. It is now widely accepted that kuru was transmitted among members of the Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea via funerary cannibalism. Deceased family members were traditionally cooked and eaten, which was thought to help free the spirit of the dead.[3] Females and children usually consumed the brain, the organ in which infectious prions were most concentrated, thus allowing for transmission of kuru. The disease was therefore more prevalent among women and children.

While the Fore people stopped eating human meat half a century ago[when?], the disease lingered due to kuru’s long incubation period of anywhere from 10 to over 50 years.[4] The epidemic declined sharply after discarding cannibalism, from 200 deaths per year in 1957 to 1 or no deaths annually in 2005, with sources disagreeing on whether the last known kuru victim died in 2005 or 2009.[5][6][7][8]

Kuru, a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, is a disease of the nervous system that causes physiological and neurological effects which ultimately lead to death. It is characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia, or loss of coordination and control over muscle movements.[9]

The preclinical or asymptomatic phase, also called the incubation period, averages between 10–13 years, but can be as short as 5 and has been estimated to last as long as 50 years or more after initial exposure. The youngest individual recorded to have kuru was 12 years old.[10]

The clinical stage, which begins at the first onset of symptoms, lasts an average of 12 months. The clinical progression of kuru is divided into three specific stages, the ambulant, sedentary and terminal stages. While there is some variation in these stages between individuals, they are highly conserved among the affected population.[9] Before the onset of clinical symptoms, an individual can also present with prodromal symptoms including headache and joint pain in the legs.[11]

In the first (ambulant) stage, the infected individual may exhibit unsteady stance and gait, decreased muscle control, tremors, difficulty pronouncing words (dysarthria), and titubation. This stage is named the ambulant because the individual is still able to walk around despite symptoms.[11]

In the second (sedentary) stage, the infected individual is incapable of walking without support and suffers ataxia and severe tremors. Furthermore, the individual shows signs of emotional instability and depression, yet exhibits uncontrolled and sporadic laughter. Despite the other neurological symptoms, tendon reflexes are still intact at this stage of the disease.[11]

In the third and final (terminal) stage, the infected individual’s existing symptoms, like ataxia, progress to the point where they are no longer capable of sitting without support. New symptoms also emerge: the individual develops dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, which can lead to severe malnutrition. They may also become incontinent, lose the ability to speak and become unresponsive to their surroundings, despite maintaining consciousness.[11] Towards the end of the terminal stage patients often develop chronic ulcerated wounds that can be easily infected. An infected person usually dies within three months to two years after the first terminal stage symptoms, often because of pneumonia or infection.[12]

Fuck yeah man , she's got kuru for sure
Do you think she's still coherent enough to realize it?
I hope she can still feel fear
Besides death , what would that cunt truly fear?

Not that it's all that important but I see a skull charm and a Monster Drink charm under the watchband on his left wrist in the OP's pic. I think his lobbying group represented Monster Drinks.


Thank you for sharing user. It is going to be very interesting to watch the libtards and msn struggle in vain as they try to convince the last few sleeping normies that this very rare and very specific disease isn't isn't rock solid evidence that hilldog is a cannibal.

It's close boys the levee of obfuscation, deception, intimidation, disappearances, blackmail, gag orders and apathy around DC is gonna collapse soon sweeping the whole damn gaggle of desk demons out to sea.

Checked and CHECKED

I just finished laughing at the total projection that cunt was spewing forth there. Literally everything she was accusing Trump and his administration of doing she would have absolutely done, had she won.

I want to see her, and all her kiddie fuckin subordinates go down and go down hard.

They're not human, user.

We nailed her down as suffering from a prion disease back during the primaries, I'm surprised everyone here doesn't recall it instantly whenever her health problems are mentioned.

I'm seriously hoping the OVER 9000 indictments aren't bullshit.

You may be right but I would argue a true psycho like the cunt would feel some sort of fear sometime. For example being hauled to the edge of dead horse point and being dangled over the edge. That would trigger a primal fear in someone that even a lifetime of baby fucking and roasting and eating wouldn't dull. Or being fed feet first into a wood chipper or something to that effect. Maybe , I don't know. Maybe that's all they DO fear , is death.

Agreed. She definitely should fear him. God Emperor isn't just a meme user

Psychopaths don't feel fear because they think they'll be able to magically get out of the situation right until the end. They're fucking insane, user. You have to understand this.

and the only way to deal with psychopaths is kill them immediately because every second they're alive is another second they're working you and everybody else they can to get some leverage. They are radio-fucking-active.

I do

psycho here can confirm this analysis i dont know if i'm radioactive but i can read micro expressions and can detect lies better than a polygraph at least face to face i've manipulated people easily since childhood i don't know what happened but i stopped preying on people with a few exceptions
anyway my advice is to never underestimate a legitimate psychopath and if you ever have one against you kill it
but you shouldn't hate them all because more often than not a sociopath is mislabled in the news a psycho so the two get conflated

Can't argue with that logic user

There are always degrees of psychopathy. It's not binary. Child torturing, raping and cannibalizing types, those are pure psychos though.

As far as why you'd stop preying on people, maybe you had a realization that on a longer time scale you'll get more positive interactions with people by not being an asshole, or heck you might have even grown a few neurons involved in empathy. Such a thing is possible. Another key indicator is that almost every psycho I know of has shit time preference (no, a few years is not good time preference) but they make up for the shortcoming by constantly grabbling for every possible advantage at every possible moment. Psychopathic behavior and jewish behavior is indistinguishable at almost every level.

Anons itt should know something else: the autist is the natural predator of the psychopath. This is why the goons hate and fear us. They know the danger that weebs and autists truly pose to them.

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He is so fucked. Anyone who writes that many words to redirect from allegations against themselves is guilty.


Outsized if bona fide


Yes, when you look down at your own hands you see them in the opposite order
than someone in front of you sees them.
Now I know some races such as Jews have a lower 'spatial IQ' than others, so if you have difficulty visualizing this, take another look at the pic in

Heh, holy shit. His goose is fucking cooked and this is probably the last we'll hear from him before his trial starts.

Haven't we spent the last 9 months hearing about how ineffectual and swampy Sessions is from our Holla Forums comrades? Those dick sucking trannies.

text him user
send him various pepe pics

It's like they can't help but accuse others of the things they themselves are planning or carrying out.

Bull-shit, faggot.

Lordy, Lordy. We's all know dum Justice Department ain't never done no wrong and hab been a apolitical shining beacon to dum whole worl.

whatcha sliding?

Podesta really hasn't done anything. Not sure why you schizophrenics keep doing shit like this.


*of Hell

You're next Shlomo. All of you.

I don't want to hear 'one fucking word about "constitutional principles" from the degenerate scum who have been running this country straight into the deepest depths of hell.

"That's right, you smug cunt. Keep smiling and laughing while you're still able. If I take the presidency, I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life paying for the shit you've done."

Scaphist fetishists will be the first to go on DOTR in a swift, clean, and respectable manner.

can't wait to see this piece of filth suffer

Ich habe eine eisel scvanns
Gay jails..?

Boy you know things are bad when Skippy is plea-shilling on Holla Forums

You're gonna die Skippy. And Killary's gonna die screaming with you too.

Won't the happening just happen already… I am getting very impatient.

This (((Indictment))) bullshit is literally keeping everyone at bay, waiting, and CUCKd, while (((They))) wage warfare on us thru weather, vaccines and other means. What more proof do you all need that there is a war between Patriot/Traitors in Gov. And the Corporations have become what governs the Government. And these same Corps Funded NAZI germany… American Express Etc.. I like the idea of 1488, Been that way for a while, (before Chans) but we can't be spergy about it.. And just another FYI.. Nazi Scientists Were brought here, to America ENMASS, thousands. The expiraments are continuing, as America the Corp, terrorizes, murders, manipulates and lies to its people, all for the almighty dollar. To push us all into a corner, keep us from interacting IRL, and forming a Militia to stop this genocide. Everyone seems to think the corrupt government is going to all of a sudden "Fix Itself"… hahaha good one. InB4 Cuck Jew SoyBoy or any other stupid shit your feeble mind can think of…

I hate them will all my boiling blood. About 99% of those assholes sitting in power and 88% of those defending this kikery always say "I have nothing to hide, do YOU user, do YOU have something to hide? Why do you want to end surveillance, why do you want to keep offending speakers out of prison" etc.
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, Cuntons. Your motto. Your demise.

Don't hold your breath… LITERALLY everything Is a Shoah.. so YOU won't gather with your friends, get fit, but local, and abandon the KIKE systems. (which are all corporate)


I don’t think you’re a Jew. I do think you are an utterly pretentious fuck, that you believe so strongly in your own intellect and righteousness of your opinions that you feel the need to talk down to others on anonymous image board. What you say has some truth to it, I will admit. But the you threw in that “feeble intellect” shit and my mind immediately flashed to the trench coat and fedora, enlightened by their own intelligence, types that you see most often on Reddit. So, word of advice, if you have any relevant information, share it. But don’t add that cringy comic book villain shit.

Your grammatical errors make me pass judgement down upon you.
Including such phrases, and word structures as -
Bold Text!
Italicized Text!
Underlined Text!
Strike-through Text!
(((Blue Text!)))
Among others indicates you are probably a high-school dropout or just generally uneducated.
I don't like the current education system of the west either, but at the very least go back and get your GED and learn some proper English.

Good grammar, proper usage of punctuation, word replacements, and sentence structure are a powerful way to make a lasting impression on many people for a very long time. Just look at (((Marx))) and how his work is paraded like it's holy scripture, even to this day.
t. englishfag


Lawdy the Jew must be shivering in his knickers, look at this sloppy, Talmudic logic.

His reference to "mainstream media" as a reliable authority, caught my attention.
The phrase "mainstream media" is almost exclusively used by MSM opponents; liberals would probably just call it "the media" or "major media outlets."

Either way, the fact that there was a mainstream media investigation is completely irrelevant to launching a public investigation. The DOJ has tools at its disposal that the media does not. There's no legal precedent saying that a matter is closed to investigation because such matter "was thoroughly and exhaustively examined by the mainstream media" sometime in the past. It's such a lame argument I'm surprised that it reached print.

Finally, his characterization of the investigation is incorrect. There was no "definitive conclusion." Liberal MSM outlets tried to avoid the topic rather than attempt to debunk, whereas FNC held that there was something there.


Kek. I've been lurking Pol for quite some time… I have a very open and free mind. I belong to NO group. And I beleive in the Natural Order Of things.. and respect natural and universal law.. no fedora ever hit my head… sorry for sounding pretentious. Sometimes ya gotta go big to get all of (((Your))) attention. Kek.

Mueller played a YuGE part in covering up 9/11. Think he turned over a new leaf?


Holy shit kill yourself.

Oy vey.


arrest the molesta
podesta the molesta

the audacity of these god damn jews, since when have they done anything but wipe their asses with constitutional principles?

Its the last gasp before the storm hits.

I want them all hung on the front lawn of the whitehouse tbh

Will this be how the year ends? 2017 doesn't stop delivering.

I'm sure they will activate a last-ditch plan, some kind of Hail Mary where labor unionists and community organizers of all stripes, as well as paid protesters and anarchists and even PMCs and foreign gangs like MS-13 to stage a general revolt while much of the media pleads for people to stop Drumpf. Who knows what they'll do.

Not quite the hard hitters she used to be interviewed by, more like lapdogs and junior rate sycophants, kek.


So you let a kike tv show modulate your emotions? Well done.
Everything on television is fake, nothing will happen to Podesta or Hillary.
b…but when the story is about someone I dislike, then the media jews can be trusted! t. Holla Forums

Check out Marty Leeds analysis of Podesta's photo with 14 and fish by Gematria…

It all devil worshipping.

The amount of bullshit in this statement is exceeding human levels.Can he even give one good example of this being investigated by mainstream media?

occult numerology. enjoy.

He will face public scrutiny instead

It has to be made so that nobody in a million years would ever, ever think about doing this themselves. Whatever happens to these kinds of people, if people seeing what happens aren't haunted by nightmares about it for the rest of their lives, it isn't harsh enough. A swift and merciful death doesn't accomplish that.

This guy gets it, also diggidy CHECKED
#bring back scaphism

He will get Eternal Damnation in Hellfire.


I think he'll get murdered to death the second the guards turn around.

I think he'll get murdered to death the second the guards turn around.

Sorry for double post the thread 404'd for a sec

i repeat myself when under stress
i repeat myself when under stress
i repeat myself when under stress
the more i look at it the more i like it
i do think it's good!

The hubris of these people.

Being murdered to death sounds pretty harsh user.

This and the desparate CNN shill against the rep who tore Wray a new asshole makes me believe the storm is upon us.



Why do you masons like using that word so much? Projection.

Is there anything more overtly hilarious than a leftist trying the 'muh constitution' tack?

The only thing I could think of that would be more funny than muh constitution would be skippy lynched real slow like and the funny noises and faces he'd make

Trips confirms.

I like the way you think cousin.


In a just land, guys like him would've already been taken care of. Not a land subdued by kike venoms, in all their various forms.

pedokike will rot in prison… going to take some time before it can happen. the third reich wasn't built in a day.

That clip is severely outdated

Talking of indictments:

PDF of alleged court document:


Can anyone explain what this document would mean if real? Is it real?


Stop spamming, nigger