Claim a jew

ITT: claim cute jewesses as pets so they can be delivered to you on the dotr.

I claim Agassa as my pet jew. Let it be known that if anyone should find her while ovening jews, she is to be delivered to me as my personal pet.

That is all.

Other urls found in this thread:

You have unhealthy fetishism, kike.

She would need a little plumbing work done. Wouldn't want any mischlings running around.

Not a jew myself, but I would definitely pound Agassa's pussy if she was my pet jew.

As long as the hole's still there, I don't care.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums. Your unfunny shitposting isn't for every board.

I just came from Holla Forums, but I also post on Holla Forums. I've never been on Holla Forums.

Why is OP always a faggot?

I call dibs on this one. Any spawn will be sold to the Chinese for grinding up into dick pills or wtf they do.

pretty sure thats a girl

Do faggots usually enjoy fucking women to death? Because that sounds pretty heterosexual to me.



nobody's laughing
>>>Holla Forums
nobody's laughing
>>>Holla Forums
nobody's laughing
>>>Holla Forums
nobody's laughing
>>>Holla Forums
nobody's laughing
>>>Holla Forums
nobody's laughing
>>>Holla Forums

Holla Forums level fucking cancer but I don't like to report, anyone who wants to can.

Don't know what you mean by "fetishizing." I just want to fuck her until she splits in half.

Everybody knows that Jew girls have hairy monkey arms

What do I care what her arms look like? I just want to fuck her raw, not examine her arms.

wow you really are a faggot

Really great logic you've got there m8.

Go back to leftypol you kike.


I've never posted on Holla Forums though.

All I want is to tear up some cute jewess pussy. Is that not allowed here?

Time money and resources spent on non-whites is time money resources not spent on white females who are being neglected, ignored, and left childless.

Only during holocaust season

It's not unless you're a diseased degenerate or non-white who can be used as a biological weapon against jewry in which case you have permission to rape every jewess you can get your hands on. Preferably club them to death afterwards.

While you're busy white knighting and playing captain save a ho with some slut, I'll be busy fucking Agassa's guts out.


Soldiers have taken conquered women as war booty for millennia. Why should I not get my own share of the spoils?

Fuck off nigger.

We're going to need a lot of Zyklon.

Actually I am celibate master race and spend all my time contributing to the advancement of technology and free and open source software. I just reject all women that come my way and they keep doing so as between programming and research and work on projects I work out lots and I'm 6'4" blond haired blue eyed aryan. I train for race war and I'm ready. I can't deal with women right now though in the current world, either the government has to subsidize it so I don't end up in debt and/or homeless again because of a woman, or some kind of situation has to come forward where a woman going to be a positive asset in my life and not just a drain and a distraction.

…because we don't need South America 2.0.

In South Africa the Boers never racemixed with the natives. They just chose in many cases to be celibate and die having never had a wife.

…and good luck btw with feeding and housing sex slaves. Maybe if you were an actual fucking soldier having a fight afterwards you could take over property and resources to where it's no issue and you can enslave a cute jewess and sterilize it and use it for fucking and make it maintain the property the rest of the time. It should be very minimally housed and provided for and it should be forced to work hard so it's worth the food it gets.

There's no dips. It's first come, first serve. Everyone will get to dine on as much rat kike as they like.

I'd rather tear Agassa open than bother to read that.

I don't even care if she's been sterilized. Just give me a cute jewess so I can pound her brains out.

Also speaking from experience and seeing what happened to some fellow neo-nazis that racemixed (with gooks). Whatever the initial justifications they changed loyalties. You might think you can maintain your ideology and keep the slave under your control but she'll manipulate you and you will turn against white nationalism. This is what happened to Swassie, he was a poster on /new/ and he mixed with a gook, and ended up fathering an Elliot Rodgers.

Dude that's three lines of text. That's no wall of text. That's not a copypasta. You're a fucking nigger.

Why I Hate The Jews

First an introduction to my mentality as a person. What shaped me growing up; why I feel and think the way I do.

I started off as a general misanthrope, an agnostic, and a nihilist due in good part to my bad upbringing by neoliberal parents. They were neglectful in every way and I grew up without love, seeing them virtue signal their false morality using my crippled vegetable brother, and I was horrified by their decadence, laziness, vice, and indifference. I grew up with firsthand experience of people who possess no real ethics and yet are big moralists, getting outraged at anything that offends neoliberal doctrine, and not having any sane or rational discussions about anything instead always shouting me down and making me shut up because I dared to notice reality isn't the crazy bullshit they blindly believe in.

I saw always the contradictions between nature and how they live. I grew up hating humanism for the false dogma it is and that has not changed to this day, I absolutely hate humanists, and care nothing for egalitarian rhetoric. I feel that my parents have somehow gone astray from the course of nature that would dictate they value and take care of their offspring and that the natural preference for one's own blood has somehow been subverted in them to where they care more for just about anyone and anything else; random strangers, foreigners, or hoarding material possessions, and fucking over the environment. I have always felt an instinctual fear and a desire to mercy kill my vegetable brother (who I have to just put out of mind and pretend doesn't exist because it bothers me too fucking much) and disgust at the way my parents live. I want things to be different, I want harmony, and love, and PRIORITIES readjusted. The present civilization however has enabled the delusional and out of touch to somehow continue to exist way too long even when they are a cancer upon the Earth.

I do not know why my parents even created me or my siblings. They don't even know why; as they can't explain or justify any of the things they do. It is natural to love ones parents and family and yet I hate and resent them all and if not for my being dependent on them due to the horrible cosmic mistake of me being born to them I would wish death upon them – or at least to get far away from them and never have anything to do with them ever again, knowing full well that nature will punish them and destroy them, without my intervention. I can't do that though as the economic reality today is that none in my generation will ever be able to afford land or a home so long as the housing bubble continues.

So I have grown up with incredible feelings of hatred, anger, frustration, and despair. Neoliberalism is a fucking nightmare and boomers and their hippie bullshit all needs to go into the grinder as far as I'm concerned. They are traitors and cucks and this new generation fucked out of a future by them and losing everything the ancestors worked for will I believe remember them as the worst fucking generation that ever blighted this Earth.

Now with that out of the way I will say I have a vision of a world where the degenerate are either put out of their misery or sectioned off into anarchic zones to pursue their sexual deviations and drug addictions all they want. First euthanasia would be offered and promoted to them, like a salesman giving his best pitch, and if they take it they are killed however they want to be killed (within reason - nothing expensive or overly elaborate). Failing that they are given an alternative; their very own neoliberal utopia where they can live and mix with non-whites, drug addicts, sexual deviants, and others of their own kind without law, decency, or virtue. These would be called anarchic zones and could cover very large areas initially although they would shrink in size as the degenerate population dies down. Everything would be legal (even cannibalism and murder) in these parts save one thing; they are not allowed to breed. They will be offered sterilization or they can use birth control. If they do breed the children are forcefully aborted. Most people in the world today do not want to breed anyways so this shouldn't be all that controversial or opposed. After all breeding means taking on responsibility and having to deal with another human life, something degenerates don't want. Everyone who is to be transported to anarchic zone would transport themselves whenever possible so as to save costs. Beforehand though they would be tagged with trackers, which they will graciously accept since neoliberals have nothing to hide and don't support privacy, and this will help ensure they stay in the zone and don't escape.

I believe this plan is both brilliant and highly just. Degeneracy is its own punishment and actually giving anarchy and communism to the left is the best way to destroy them. They get what they agitate for and we don't pay for it or deal with it. These people of course might start kvetching when they realize that despite hating white men they need them around to work for them and to live off of. They are parasites and can't survive with only fellow parasites, they need healthy hosts to live off of. They must move into healthy communities, infect them, and destroy them; and in so doing blame the very people who enabled their pitiful existence.

The ultimate plan here is to separate the wheat from the chaff, cut off the dead-weight, and let nature sort them out. Any of them that somehow survive that mess and become thoroughly redpilled by it might have a chance to escape by going through a long process of receiving redpills and renouncing their former degeneracy. Then they might be allowed to leave the anarchic zone and come back into civilization proper. However secret police would keep tabs on them and if they start agitating against our way of life again calling for neoliberal causes to be followed again they would get taken away and killed and it would if necessary be reported as "they voluntarily received euthanasia" or if that kind of lying isn't necessary we'd just say we kill them and then speak no more of it.

…but wait I'm not talking about jews! wtf?

Alright well here's why I hate jews. When I was ignorant about the jewish question I thought of them as an irrelevant small group of ugly backwards people similar to the Amish except Amish are beautiful and not weird. I did not really think much about them and did not care about them. They might as well be like many other religious groups such as mormons and whatever, irrelevant, small, not worth paying attention to.

Around 18 I learned about the jews. I already had plenty of material at that point on other races like niggers and so on. I was introduced to various facts about the jews and over the next 6 years I have learned much more.

They control banks, media, universities, hospitals, psychiatric wards, and law firms. All of these they dominate despite being a small fraction of the population. The present society including the perverse doctrines pushed on the goyim and the ridiculous and destructive policies which are fucking up the world as such is all made by their design. They are responsible for fucking up the world.

On top of this I learned about the mentality and the nature of the jew. It's a culture of habitual liars, deceivers, and genital mutilators. They are matriarchal. The jewish man is a degenerate, ugly, spineless coward dominated by his women. The whole race is semitic, goblin-like, sharing many characteristics with the other filth that comes out of the Middle East.

I hate Jewishness. I hate how they live and never respect the host societies they embed themselves in and which they rot from the core. I hate their culture and their mental and physical characteristics. A jew has to STOP BEING A JEW before I could ever talk of accepting a jew, the whole jewish character needs to be erased, because it is the exact opposite character of the noble aryan.

The jews have figured out the vulnerabilities and shortcomings in the mentality of their benevolent hosts they exploit. They use atrocity propaganda to guilt-trip and they promote egalitarian clichés and humanism to make them feel responsible for everything and to hate themselves and cuck out to other races. When however their policies and their manipulations have carried on long enough the host becomes sick and there comes a time in history where there is a huge discrepancy between the quality of life of the previous generations and the newest one which sees what is going on, learns who is to blame, and then carries it in their heart that they must expel the jew. This has been a cylical history throughout time. The only difference now is we live in a globalized, international world; the very scheme the jews coveted forever will I believe be their final extinction. This time there will nowhere to run to. No new host to infect. The entire world now suffers under international jewry and the entire world will revolt against them this time. The final battle between the aryan race and the jewish anti-race shall be waged this century and when it's over only one will remain.

The question of whether the holocaust happened or not is immaterial; it only matters to humanists who buy into such absurd notions as the inherent value of a human life. People who care nothing about ecology, race, or anything beyond the individual and his selfish existence. Who cares if we ravage our environment and degrade an entire race of people until they become sick and depraved right? Everyone should be kept alive no matter how disgusting, perverse, burdensome, etc. their existence is. That's humanism in a nutshell.

The other thing though about jews that uniquely sets them apart from everyone else is the way they very obviously think they are god's chosen people. The life of a jew clearly matters tremendously to them and anything done against the jews in history is all OY VEY, OY GEVALT, how can you do this? Yet they don't extend this caring at all to anything else. Non-jewish history does not matter. Gentile lives do not matter. They barely even hide this and the white goyim they have brainwashed to serve them blindly even at their own expense go along with it all, feeling guilt, crying tears, giving them free stuff, slaving away voluntarily for the jew's to profit from.

The jews can not redeem themselves in my eyes and they can not gain my trust. I also do not want to assimilate with them or join them because they would probably cut my foreskin off or that of my children and I could not possibly stand their mentality or their nature, I would feel sick to have to deal with a jewess, and with the jewish community. I would have this deep sense of horror if I had jewish children and they turned out like their mother. The jews should undergo extreme eugenics or should simply stop having children because the world does not need more of their kind. They are burdened with all kinds of genetic issues and with much insanity. They are a bioweapon that covets what they don't have and looks on with envy to the healthy and vital aryan and gets incredibly upset, resentful, and hateful when they are rejected and bullied for their inherent jewishness. They will always have an inferiority complex and desire to be around their true superiors the aryan. It is a deeply troubled existence the jew leads and he expresses this through his degenerate art. The jewish psyche is damaged to the core and becomes diabolical and hysterical under the mental pressures he experiences starting with the very first traumas in which his overbearing and dominant mother mutilates his genitals.

I will not miss the jews whatsoever when they are gone.


This was meant to be gender studies but you wrote so much so you get a pass anyway

She'll be too traumatized to manipulate anyone.

And you're a cuck. I think being a nigger is better than being a cuck.


trufax though I dropped out long ago and never worked again ever since


Weak minded neets are easily manipulated, so they will push that POV on you.

Thing is if they kvetched to much you'd just oven them anyway. Easy peasy.

Yeah yeah whatever. Swassie said similar shit before he racemixed for fun. He ultimately ended up distancing himself from everyone, leaving imageboards, and dropping his previous beliefs.

Can I rape my pet before she is given a free train ride?

Swassie was never a NEET and he got manipulated by a gook bitch. I'm going to dig up my old drive to show you.

Who the fuck is Swassie?

That would imply that she is capable of coherent speech. Which after I am done with her won't be very likely.

Fine. Point is that not all men are as easily manipulated as some.
E.g. I don't hide my power level, beyond just enough to slip the red pills in, so the infection takes hold regardless. If you only associate with smart girls, they can't unlearn a good red pill.

A /new/sman from the pre-Holla Forums days.

Hold on I'm at 50%+ here.

You should be dead.

Yeah stick your cock into that "wholesome" kike pussy.




Breeding is for white women. Jewish women are for abusing.

IS this a jew?

This is swassie, ex /new/sman, ex-channer, ex-dignity since he threw that away when he racemixed for fun.

Abusing what? You're fucking a literal mutant.
You want to fuck a pile of mutagenic waste because you are mentally ill.
The fact that you call it a "woman" even shows how defective you are.

Not much better than jizzing into a sock.
This mans seed is lost and his bloodline has ended.

Do you miss him?

I would burry my dick in jew.

Well, this pile of mutagenic waste has a pussy and a cute body. So she's my pile of mutagenic waste to abuse until her fragile little body breaks.

See how much hairline he lost going against everything he stood for, by the time the happa was born?

I wonder if it's possible to burry so much your dick into a jew you would make her break in two. How much cock can a jewish female body take?

It's very likely just one giant cyst with some warpaint on it

tbh I'd definitely get some paizuri from ben shapiro's sister before I put her into the oven

I began to hate jews when I learned that they were the architects behind the civil rights movement. If it weren't for the jews we wouldn't have a nigger problem The other six million reasons why they should be escorted off the earth came later.

I want to go all This is Sparta on that belly

I wonder if there is any way for the fetus to be killed via rape.

The story behind Swassie.

You need to read stories about jewesses that infected many National Socialist German officers. A jewess might cut your balls off or infect you or some other fucked up shit. Never trust them.

Why do you say that?

I remember White Aryan Resistance and the North West Front. I remember a lot of cool stuff.

No it was an enormous effort for me to banish him the fuck off of /new/ and I had to harass him every single fucking day for a long time.

This is a picture from long ago. When this was taken he was nobody. Just another poster on /new/.

Today he is Sam Hyde.

Pics related are the people I miss.


The only delivery will be of rope so you can hang with her.

Claiming a Jew would merely the beginning of a slippery slope.



tbh I maintain myself free of stupid anti-white fetishes because I control myself and decide what thoughts I'm going to entertain and let grow

Fetishes can't keep a hold over you if you start choosing where you put your attention. Any time something tempts you or moves you in the wrong way focus on the opposite thing instead or alternatively a different line of thought to replace the one intruding on you.

For me it was basically

Probably raping it with a bayonet would do the trick. I would never want to stick my dick in a non-white.

Famous /new/ posters that went on to change the world: Andrew Anglin, Hotwheels, Sam Hyde, Rockerz88, ☻, to name a few.

It's not even a fetish in this case, it's just a fag OP who thinks we'd all get rustled because we wouldn't be able to stomach "one of our kind" being a retard.

But why would I give a shit if someone ate paste. Those kind of people get weeded out naturally.



Brave New World

Brave /new/ World


Claim your jew or die a virgn



Zack Davies.

I learned to hate the Jews when I noticed the overlap in the Illuminati theories. Realizing that Jews were much easier to prove real than magic men in cloaks [spoiler]who do the same things[./spoiler]

Hate without rape is a like a nigger without a

What happened to this board? A year ago this shit wouldn't have been tolerated on cuckchan I remember posting and getting banned for similar posts.
People were doing similar shit about Shapiro's slut sister. The jokes are just off putting and weird like those fake holohoax stories about nazis raping ugly kikes.
Hollywood picks the most Slavic mixed girls to star in their films and there are now people who genuinely think narrow faced rats are attractive.

Am I the only one who thinks her eyes are too far apart.

really activates the diamonds

fuck off, shill

He's not white.

fuck off kike


I read through this and your observation on the standard jew is correct, however, you need to fix yourself. You should not be dependent on your parents unless you are a child.
Supporting yourself is hard, but not impossible. Men have supported themselves and their families through much much harder times than these throughout history. As long as you are an adult, have most of your appendages and are male there is no valid excuse to be independent.

I just went through surgery right now and I have health problems (hence the surgery) that have fucked me and made me dependent.

However since I got that surgery (it's been about 3 weeks now) I will hopefully be able to eventually start living a normal life and get the fuck out of here maybe.

Forgot the not

What about schizophrenia and surgery and not living in America?

That's one cool frog.

Buncha homos ITT tbh.
Also reported :^)

That thing has a sickly pallor.

the only way to properly claim a jew is to cut off it's ear after killing it and adding it to your jew ear necklace

Never forget.