What kind of mental gymnastics do outmixed top "jews" like the Rothschilds go through to identify themselves as jews?
How can they not feel out of place if they ever have to go to Israel?
What kind of mental gymnastics do outmixed top "jews" like the Rothschilds go through to identify themselves as jews?
How can they not feel out of place if they ever have to go to Israel?
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Actual jew (richest rabbi in Israel apparently)
Who gives a shit user? Really why do you even fucking care what kikes go through to delude themselves? They all need to die. That's what matters. These fucking kikes are genociding the white race and they need to be exterminated so that humanity can reach out and touch the stars as we were intended. Stop getting caught up in kike neurosis. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
Nathanial has the same "uncanny valley" look as Mark Zuckerberg.
One of the key traits of the jews is they have no problem whatsoever with double think
holding conflicting believes
whatever he does is the right thing
Does not matter, their ancestors created a lie that once revealed would cause an actual genocide against them, so they have to double down. Matter of survival.
It's the trendy Soulless Borg look.
sometimes I wonder if the zuckerberg sketch is actually what got MDE cancelled, it was pretty dark
Zuckerberg is trapped by his own invention. It's now been publisized that he invented it to cater to certain psycholigcal weeknesses in the human mind. It is an addiction, and he is trapped in it.
This is what NEEThood and self-promoting vanity does. I've seen it turn bright young men into insane retards. Holla Forums had a nice young man under the name of "WubtheCaptian". After he left school, he somehow got a pension to where he could lie comfortable as a NEET for a long period of time. This led to his insanity. His mind apathied and eventually he became a minor lolcow.
Dobson, Farsh-Nuke, Chrischan. This is what they are: just NEETs with apathied minds. Zuckerberg's invention creates an unnatural outlet for the nEETs, fueling their mental apathy. He himself has apathied.
you mean atrophied ?
Yes, I am drunk. Sorry
I was a NEET for a long time as well (3 years) and almost went crazy / suicided.
Traveling and real interaction with people fixed that to some extended but the problem these days is if you got Holla Forums and all kinds of other outlets for like minded discussions you don't go out of your way to find like minded people IRL anymore. Even if you do these days, the equal lack of interest from others make this very hard.
thanks for the blog post in the middle of a thread about Rothschilds
In all reality, Ashkenazim are not Jewish at all.
They self-converted to Judaism at a time in their history when Judaism did not accept, nor have any method for converting. And just declaring yourself something or other does not make it so.
The mantle of "the chosen people" was (if you accept the dogma) declared by God in reference to a group of people (real Jews) in a region of the world entirely distinct from the region the Ashkenazim originate from, and therefore the Ashkenazim are NOT "the chosen people."
The so-called "white Jews" are not Jews in the least, they are not Semitic, they are not from the region where Israel used to exist, period.
And before they "self-converted," they were Moloch worshipers.
Existence of Jesus takes away the "chosen people" status away from them
Too bad most people have no clue what's in the Bible so they are easily manipulated
I was speaking from the view of an honest-to-god Middle-Eastern Jew (although I'm not one).
Palestinians lived quite peacefully alongside real Jews, for a long time…the trouble started when the Khazar "jews" started flooding into Palestine & declaring a new state of Israel, which the locals perceived as an invasion of foreigners & usurpation of property.
Khazar Empire received massive influx of genuine israeli heebs after Hadrian destroyed the demonic nation of Israel.
They are legit jews, insofar as any jew is legit. Obviously they are genetically mostly slav, but they trace their background to the ancient original jews and are just as evil as the first heebs.
Slavs are europeans who went south.
You're talking about Turkic peoples.
Not really. Neither is true. The Eternal Jew never stayed in Khazaria, and was a rootless rodent that has always moved throughout Europe. Along the way, they kidnapped little White girls to rape and have white-ish looking children that could more easily infiltrate European nations - but committed heavy, HEAVY inbreeding to preserve their original Semitic heritage to keep themselves together.
This is about blood drops, user. Every kike gene must be burnt at the loose-end. I don't give a damn about their own special rules, in their special tomes, or their special books. Kill 'em all 1933.
Found this joke on a jewish website.
It shows an insight into (((their))) minds and way of thinking. For me it makes no sense, because I'm not a monster.
Tim and Lyle, walking down Main Street with Moshe, their boss, spied an oil lamp. With a rub, out popped a genie.
“You get one wish a piece,” said the genie.
Lyle shouted. “I want to be on a yacht in Bermuda!” Poof. He disappeared.
Tim exclaimed: “Make mine Hawaii –with beauty queens!” Poof, he disappeared.
Moshe, the boss, looked around and calmly said. “For my wish … I want those schnooks back in my office right after lunch!"
And so we have the difference between “them” and “us.” The two non-Jewish workers believed. The Jewish boss, like We Jews, was not only skeptical (a miracle not in a desert?) but delivered a delicious punch line differentiating “them” and “us.”
Being a jew these past couple of centuries is more about a mindset than it is even blood or religious doctrine. There blood laws are shit so you can't judge them solely on that because technically it allows half-breeds. The religion is also toxic demon worship shit that is more of a law book on how jews treat each other and gentiles accordingly. But the jewish mindset can transcend all races and religions. Zionism and Communism are just two forms of this put into practice.
Most jews in the world aren't even religiously affiliated or blood jews. Most don't even know they're jews but their mind, body, and soul has been striped of what it was and has been judiazed. This is why the jewish population figures nationally and globally are false representations of their actual numbers. It wouldn't be that far-fetched to say ~50 million or more Americans are "jews" when you take that into consideration. They can't be changed and will never become what they once were.
Rothschilds aren't playing any game to identify how jew he is by your analysis. He simply is one through and through. The homo can recognize the other degenerate homo without words being said. What makes you think another demon cannot recognize one of his own on a much more deeper level than silly genetics alone?
The multiple jewish tribes are no different from the multiple germanic, slavic, or asiatic tribes. When amongst nothing but themselves they constantly war over trivial shit.
If I contact the Rothschilds asking for free money with some sob story you think I'll get anything?
Just say you're one of the 6+ million jews that survived the holocost and collect your paycheck.
Send a COD with your foreskin attached
Here's their own explanation of why jews have been hated for thousands of years.
In brief, "jews are the messengers of god and for that they are hated".
Read half a dozen of their own hand picked "jokes".
The writer himself points out with glee that every single jew joke is about "them" versus "us".
It is in their core.
They do not believe themselves to be at all related with any other form of life on the planet. That is why they can feed on us, call us cattle, and willfully seek our destruction with no more care than someone who spilled a glass of chocolate milk when they have another bottle full in the fridge.
The "jews are europeans pretending to be from palestein" is a modern distraction lie.
They are very clearly arab, semetic - their facial structure, nose, ears, eyes, hair, body hair etc is all the same as arabs. The only difference is that they have bleached themselves a bit over time.
I read a book on the origins of money lenders some time ago - it linked them to the deserts 5,000 years ago - when the first written word came into being - it was for accounting to deal with interest to be paid on grain.
That's where they started - before that, humanity was pretty innocent and either worked for themselves or with their neighbour. Not parasiting.
The parasiting and exclusionism is what identifies them the most.
It only takes one bad apple to ruin the barrel.
One drop rule applies both ways.