Anti-White Hollwood / Race Mixing PSA

Anti-White Hollywood / Race Mixing PSA

Made this for you. A PSA showing the Anti_white agenda in Hollywood in a easy to swallow format. Please spread and share.

Links for anyone interested:

Hollywood is Not Anti-Racist, It's Just Anti-White PSA

anti white Hollywood full clips download:!sPRymBaT!nOmr7sNs1twej0gRdHaSJA

Other urls found in this thread:

Took inspiration off this great video.

I had to stop watching about a minute in out of disgust. Did I miss anything?

Kill the Jews

just more nogs fucking whitey

The sex scenes… are (((they))) making hollywood films close to a porn?

It is a porn.

What exactly , cutscenes in video or films?

Should do one on cuckmercials.

Nice job, btw.

Nice try except minorities that this commercial appeals to don't have 65 a month.

This feels like injecting Judaism into my veins.

top kek

Wait I've got a better analogy

tip jej

This is good but I've never been less hard.

When did this all even start? I vividly remember the cheerios scandal, where some mixed race couple and their mongrel baby was shown. A lot of people were pissed about it, even boycotting cheerios. When was that, like 2012?
But now almost EVERY commercial has mixed race couples. Especially black men with white women, and no one seems to care.
What the fuck happened?

Does anyone have a history of racemixing propaganda in commercials? Would be interesting if anyone measured the prevalence over time.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner was 1967 and about a white woman bringing a black man home.

don't use trash music next time, unless it's in connection with the content, like your inspirational video

the soundtrack matches it is just as unpleasant and unnerving as the video you fucking cuckold faggot if you don't think the content was trash then you're a stupid bitch shill

Yeah the song really makes it fucking hurt. I had to stop thirty seconds in because I actually almost considered ragekilling. Fucking horrific.

Are those seriously in fucking movies or television? The sex scenes are actually seriously unnerving. This level of subconscious subversion is so painfully obvious it shouldn't be hard for ANYONE to notice it.

It was a slow role out until the massive acceleration in recent years. As long as Hollywood was around it's been promoting degenerate tropes but only pushed it up to the point of public resistance. Whether it be a strong independent Woman like the Mary Tyler Moore Show in the 1970's. Or a dopey racist like Archie Bunker in all of the family (which backfired).

The slow roll kept coming. With fags and dykes in the 90's. Promiscuous characters. And the demonization of the family by showcasing family life as one big burden while the cast of Friends and Sex and the City were off having a blast living the single city life. The roll out was slow but it was always there.

In recent years it has accelerated out of control that is for sure. Just life everything else: immigration, open commies on the streets, race tensions, demonizations of whites etc etc. This has been their intention all along but the people (audience) would have had a heartattack if they ever pulled this shit in 1987. They now think they can get away with it.

Pics related is the evolution of the unmarried city woman trope. From Mary Tyler Moore in the 70's to Sex in the City in the 2000's.

My theories on TV acceleration
1) Whites are in decline and have been browbeaten so much culturally that they no longer muster enough pushback to stop it. In America especially, there are just not enough TV and movie watching whites for it to matter anymore.

I really think this is all a reflection of our current sad state From a cultural standpoint what resistance are whites even putting up besides checking out all together? From a profit standpoint it just doesn't matter anymore if whites continue to watch tv. Shitskins are taking their place. Which leads me to…

2) Niggers consume wayyyy more tv and media than whites do. Therefore the target audience for a lot of these tv shows and commercials is shitskins, not whites. Especially not white males.

This second point is important to note. If you are a white male and still watch TV then ask yourself why? It's mind poison and we have been essentially brow beaten off of the platform of mainstream entertainment. Also consider a lot of these shows cater to niggers, not you.

I hate all of it and at this point would just gladly watch a movie with straight whites in it. These days I can't even watch tv commercials without sperging.

A lot of those sex scenes were from a movie called Nymphomaniac by the director (((Lars Von Trier))). It's about a woman with low self esteem and a wicked sex addiction (and our friend Shia is in it!) In it there is a double penetration theme with two african migrants. It's a European film and I think it has an M rating. The movie itself is supposed to be artsy fartsy and super edgy. You are supposed to be grossed out by the sex.

Trust me, jews would put this on national tv if they could. You already see that kind of multiculti porn in Netflix and HBO shows.

this "massive acceleration" was an engineered trend, made by the whole jewish media and entertainers on orders
it was bruteforced on the public by simply being overwhelming, drowning any attempt at singling out specific examples of degeneracy

that means it is as widely distributed as a trend, but just as flimsy, it has no staying power
we just have to meme its passing
< interracial is so 2016, quit it with the color smudge already


The one thing I'd change is the text at the beginning. Felt amateurish for what is otherwise a very well done video.

The scene at :16 is from a popular netflix show IIRC. It's pretty much IR porn shown to an impressionable audience. Almost as bad if not worse than the cuckery of the Nymph scenes.

I've seen that shitty film(s) she sucks off a pedophile for no reason other than to give sympathy to a pedophile

I suspect a lot of normalfags bury it because of this false binary between being a good goy colorblind liberal and an evil nazi white supremacist. No room for complexity, so you need to show just how tolerant you are or else!

That's not to mention the virtue signalling associated with all this. For normalfags It's not hard to get on board with babby progressive shit like womens rights, so if you really want praise and attention from your lefty brethren you need to go balls deep into crazy territory to demonstrate just how earnestly you believe in your "principles".

I can't handle it anymore either, it's all so shit. I tried to watch The Expanse (SyFy series based in near future where Mars/asteroid belt/some outer solar system areas were colonized) recently just to try something different and couldn't bring myself to keep watching after a few episodes.
Why can't I just have a show without this shit?

Wasn't there a study that showed that when a woman was shown sexually explicit material, even if it repelled her, her body would still respond to the stimuli by heating up and lubricating? So what happens when you overload their hormone-ridden youth with this mind-fucking propaganda? An entire culture of coal burning roasties. We NEED to purge the kikes to restore balance to the force.>>10913278

I actually watched it and it's not that bad.

If I recall right the niggers beat each other up before they can even fuck her lol.

It shows that being a roastie is more likely to lead you to the psychiatry than to a fulfilled life contrary to Sex and the City and that most normal white guys need a lot of convincing to bang a random whore'ish girl.

None of the white actresses were down for the super degenerate shit so they used that washed up jewish actress to play the part.

Just remember their time is running out. And we're waiting for them.

What did they mean by this?

Hey, you did the Hollywood is Jewish one I think. Good stuff, these make a big difference. Spread it on jewtube since its 14mb long and cant be posted on cuckchan or many other places I know of.

The endless sleep is what they intend for our race. Its an obvious hateful jab from a position of near unassailable power.

Where's this from? Isn't that the pedo spiral?

Excellent work, user. Are you the same guy who made this?

brilliant user

it ramped up in 2012

fear the walking dead .. s01e01

By actually showing the beastiality you are defeating the purpose and doing the kike's bidding. There has to be another way. I could not watch a second of it, this is just disgusting and soul crushing.

just means its working as planned, disgust is a strong emotion

It's still pushing beastiality. I was literally banned here a while ago for posting a similar thing in meme form. First I didn't understand, but now I do.

have a bump

so are we meming this or not?

(checking those inverted satan trips)
I personally don't want to see sexual scenes between white women and niggers in ANY context. There is a reason porn is used by the kikes as a weapon. Total bro-science here but even if you consciously find it gross, on a subconscious level I believe it might still turn people on and rewire them somehow. I think that's also why they keep posting this garbage on 4cuck.

Can we make it a little more family friendly?

part of it is censored already

Tell that to my 70 year old mother that was in the room.

Not sure if serious or just a whole compendium of poor life choices led to watching a redpill on literal fucking niggers on 8/pol/ with your boomer mother in the same room.

Maybe ask her to shitpost a little she'll enjoy it.

Couldn't stand to watch it— but that's an endorsement, in this case.

Fuck these German wankers laughing at their grandma like she's delusional. The joke is on them.

As much as I agree that this would be the only diversity we need, A whole lot of people could look at that image and take issue with it, for a number of minor reasons. E.g., do we want to genocide east asia? (well, parts of it, but it's low on the priority list) Why only men? What about dark-haired dark-eyed whites? (say, mediterraneans). It seems divisive for the sake of it, instead of, "let's all hate kikes until they're gone".

Most of the world's problems do not require genociding niggers because they'll do that to themselves without all the gibs from whites. The same goes for chinks, they rose because kikes sold US trade secrets.

I meant, why only women
(well, you'd have to be a retarded MGTOW to think of that issue but they're retarded)

I can agree with that.
I would say dump the sex scenes and anything explicit, make it G rated and show a mixture of hollywood promoting the mix racing and the negatives of it and throw in some shit about hollywood degeneracy in general to get people to associate the already exposed degeneracy with this make it some kind of secret why they are promoting it and people will dig themselves to try to 'uncover the secret' giving them a sense of purpose in the search it will also allow them to reach their own conclusions which will strengthen those conclusions, the objectives should be to A. make people see the cuckolding fetish in hollywood and conclude they are projecting their own fetishes (hollywoods) into the culture, the affect of this will strengthen as the hollywood pedophilia comes out and to B. make people come to the conclusion logically that Caucasoid negroid and mongoloid are clearly seperate and that miscegeny is undesirable in the utmost and some kind of perverted fetish equatable to pedophilia

top kek, I wonder why

I'm gonna be honest with you guys since i was a little girl I've always said that if i ever get married it will be to a white guy, and yes i am a non-white… Now after visiting pol, i know that i'm doomed to marry an abusive,intolerent, muslim man and be forced to stay at home and wear a 'rag' on my head.

I'll forgive the attention-whoring of your post (please understand why "TITS OR GTFO" is a thing in the first place - pic related).

Now, what you could do is be a massive thorn on the side of everyone who destroyed the meaning of "oppressive rape culture". Nothing pisses them off more like a golem that isn't on their thought-leash. And marry a jew-hating reformist or something assuming you're a woman on a politically incorrect board

alright, should I delete my post? and how to delete it?

can you please explain what thom is? golem as well

Why should you have the right to take back what you said? Nobody here is the authority either, and mods only ban a specific subset of posts.

You're free to learn a bunch of valuable life lessons from this place, such as - nobody here has a picture attached or votes/reputation to their name for good reason. You have to think about what you say, and what other people say. Being a woman will make you more emotional by default, so you might want to learn how to tame that from this place.

Also, your questions indicate you need to lurk a lot more. Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told", read Mein Kampf, Ford Translation.
Spoonfeeding is bad. With time you'll understand why the world is the way it is. How politicians can be "so stupid", which they aren't. How wars that "serve no purpose" do serve a purpose. Why medicine won't heal you, why education won't teach you, why entertainment will only leave you wanting for more.

From this I'm guessing you're Arab, just marry an Arab guy that's not religious.

niggers basically spend all their money on clothing, section8 covers housing, tanf snap and ebt covers food

sssomething else is goin on there….

ok thank you, i've never been to Holla Forums before. That's why i'm asking so many questions.

i'm not arab

Then why are you concluding that you have to marry some muslim? Seems like a strange thing to conclude just from miscegenation being bad for anyone that's not Arab, I mean if you're black there's lots of black Christians, if you're East Asian there's very few Asian muslims, if you're Indian there's plenty of Hindus, I'm honestly confused at this point.

You guys should learn from OP but at the same time I know you guys could do a lot better. The best Holla Forums ever was at OC was back on /new/ on 4chon and hopefully it can be that good again.

i'm moroccan (a riffian amazigh)

No, our high was when we were putting things together like With Open Gates, unfortunately the main guy who did that got banned for white knighting an eceleb and noone else with equivalent skills has stepped up.

That user's argument still stands, there must be at least some men there that won't beat you up or dress you in a trashbag cosplay.

Another option is, if you take one of those white guilt feminist soyboys and redpill him into a proper man, you might as well keep him.

Then you're a coward m8.
Its like gore vids of Aztecs - you can't look away. You have to see whats being done. You have to get angry.
You have to learn to hate. Its not part of your blood, its come to you very late, with long arrears to make good - you must begin to hate. It was not suddenly bred, and it will not soon abate. Through the chilled years ahead, when time shall count from this date, that you began to hate.

Where'd you find that convo? Its begging for this very thread.

it's alright, i'm still too young for marriage anyway. Still have plenty of time ahead

Good work.
More explicit than I would like, but that could help show to normies how extreme media is now.

Here is another webm compilation of Jewish control.
The guy only posted one image of this faggot sperging out though.

Just keep an eye out and work on becoming top tier waifu material. The more attractive you are the more options you have and the less likely you'll have to settle for some shit muzzie.

You sound incredibly selfish to me.
Why do you want to marry outside your race? Aren't you proud of who you are?
Are you unaware that your children, and grandchildren, and greatgrandhildren, and greatgreatgrandchildren, and greatgreatgreatgrandchildren, etc. ad infinitum, are far more likely to be cursed with a lifetime of genetic malfunction? Or do you selfishly just not care what you do to your offspring, not to metion your mate.

okey thanks

it's very complicated, you won't understand… unfotunatly I can't express myself clearly and coherently since english is my fifth language i'm still working on improving it… I've never been abroad or talked or met a foreigner (white men) before so don't worry. AND IM ONLY 15 SO that's why i sound stupid i guess

Skip to the end, very interesting interview with a black dude. He feels black men are (((pressured))) into feeling like they have to have sex with women of other races even if it isn't rewarding for them.

The idea that got me past this hurdle is forcing them to admit that advertisement is always carefully planned out. Everything in an ad is purposeful for maximum effect, no one does a commercial and just says 'eh, whatever, throw it in'.

Sidenote: just like television and movies, advertising has only a few agencies that companies go to for their major brands. It's the 'safe thing'. Ironically, those agencies don't have to advertise and they have a whole bunch of subsidiaries that all feed upward. It's why, in addition to racemixing, almost every commercial has the same feel. Color palate, pacing, etc. is always the same.

Vid related shows no hallmark of being made by them.

I recommend not mentioning your age/gender here for maximum learning potential. Use this place for learning, not just redpills on the jews in power, but also how harsh people are when not restricted by the pressure of social rules. Do not ever get blackpilled (i.e., do not think all hope is lost because of something bad happening) and push for the world you want to see. If you're telling the truth you're at the top IQ tier in your race so might as well do some change to your local community, or to the world in general. Pick a fight and fight it, and remember that truth always prevails.



I literally had this fucking argument 40minutes ago. Her white kid is prettier, inherited her looks and her iq, is healthy and so on. Going by pictures alone this doesnt seem to be the case for the mulatto. I learned that public shaming me for my own looks is an argument in favour of mixing… apparently.

hitler wuz right

That alarm sound is very effective we should use it in more OC

Isn't Witherspoon a jew?

Tits or…

You must be 18 to post here.


anyone know where the comedy central cultural marxist rant is from- the name of the show?
guess what cant find it from google (((!)))

fucking retard
shes a hollywood slut great shes with a white man
but her lifes work is promoting degeneracy and all hat comes with it even racemixing

People tend to (foolishly) believe they can weather whatever storms that they bring upon themselves, particularly in relationships. Smooth sailing is usually what is most desired. Psychological incompatibility is not just a cautionary tale for young girls, it's increasingly a reality. If you want someone to feel close with, connected to, someone who respects you because they understand you, then date and marry someone like yourself, with similar physical traits and cultural background. But if you are foolhardy and headstrong, you won't listen to that.

A second reason to not race-mix is more visceral, though equally impacting. People (children…) of mixed race are far more likely to have genetic disorders. Mixed race people are more often condemned to live through bodies that are generally weak, sickly, emotionally imbalanced, psychically disturbed. This is something that Jews try to deny at every turn with counter-memes, etc., but if you do even a quick perusal of the research, you will find that this hidden unfortunate fact of Nature is completely unaffected by Jewish denial and subterfuge.

So much of Holla Forums centers on this warning for youngsters: Jews are intentionally race-mixing us (esp. white folks) into undifferentiated and/or destructive oblivion for their own vindictive reasons. This isn't just an anachronistic meme easily dismissed. It's real, it's actually happening, and it's very destructive. Even should we manage to hold onto our culture somehow, we have very few generations of health left among Western populations because of the Jews. The problem is very real, and deadly seriously. Learn from us before you make a mistake that effects not just your life, but the lives of your family, your boyfriends/spouse and most of all of your children.

Ignoring the ramifications of race-mixing, that's what complicated. You've been warned.

Its called "Politically incorrect" …. I'm not joking, used to watch it back in the day.

let that sink in

Not to mention the fact that for to get a "good" white man would involve marrying one who isn't a fucking mudslime. Ergo, she'll end up getting honor killed for marrying outside the faith. Assuming this isn't some run of the mill LARP, that is.

nice trips

that I did not know, interesting. It was a 90's show.

oh shit I got it wrong

actually it was this one

this is the clip

back when it was ok to joke about the Holocaust

I couldn't watch more than 30 seconds, disgusting af.

watching sub-humans getting their skin peeled is like watching a pig or cow being mutilated but looking at jews and white women getting shitted in the mass media makes me feel actually physically ill. Hatred is biological for me and just a daily matter of fact.

why have I (young generation) never heard of nick di paolo or any other similar comedian?
(((instead))) all of the comedians are trash late night show hosts or women

I think even normies will detect the contrast between her daughters — her blonde white daughter just looks … superior, like she's got noble/royal blood.

And her white dad was not even attractive, so she could have had even more attractive kids if she wasn't a deranged gold-digging whore.


What's hollywood actors obsessions with adopting nigger kids, oh wait it's always the rich women doing it, because they're fuckin gullible dumb sluts

those are her kids

let us dispense with the idea that the thots don't know what they are doing, they know exactly what they are doing and who they are signalling to

Tough Crowd. That specific comedian is Nick DiPaolo

>The sex scenes… are (((they))) making hollywood films close to a porn?
Porn is, by definition, any visual media INTENDED to elicit sexual arousal. BY DEFINITION these kike movies ARE porn.

you can see the sadness and defeat in her eyes, they laugh at her while she sits there knowing she lost, and then the beta cuck "grandchild" of hers tries to silence her, i want to laugh, but there is no joke

judging by the wide and substantially larger than average smile id say yes
also that pic gave me a good kek

thanks OP I want to race mix now!
seriously this is easy fap material for normies what the fuck did you make

That is topnotch. Great job overall, please make more.
involuntary sage, keeps happening tonight


Shitty music. Disgusting video material for the most part. 6/10, seems like it was made by a kike, from my standpoint.




That's so fucking blatant. The kikes at the centre of globalism made sure to inject white genocide into the programme.


This picture alone is reason enough for me to never show any mercy to any non-white, male, female or larval stage. Isreal will be a pig farm, in which pigs a fed solely kike children.

The reason black male white female couples is the most used subversion tactic is that our women are our Achilles heel.
They are all titillated by the idea of fucking a nigger or even a gang of them, often because they want to be degraded and also it is a way to gain power over white men because they know it will hurt them.
All other races will cheer on any non-white fucking a white woman, again because it hurts the white man.
So advertisers know these bm/wf ads will do well with almost all white women and all non-whites, so even without (((malicious intent))) they would do it for finnancial reasons anyway.
No pun intended, but the blackest redpill is that while most would not marry one, most white women would most definitely fuck a nigger given half a chance.

watching all compiled shit in this video gave me an extremely visceral feeling of disgust bordering on outright nausea

Music and editing are pretty gay, the point would have been much clearer without them. Still, thanks user for going through this disgusting shit and making this


I always saw the characters as utterly miserable and dissatisfied with their lifestyles, was that just me? I mean consider the characters through the seasons. They are all miserable, love sick, trying to find someone to be with. They dive head first in to relationships in different ways, some are horrible for them from the very outset but they stay in them because they are afraid of being alone again. They all desperately look for love, look for mates, look to build families, and every time they fail its a huge upset to them and sends them in a downward spiral for awhile in different ways. That doesnt ring of someone who is "having a blast with life in the city," that sounds like someone who is miserable with their life and barely keeps sane through their close circle of friends, but is constantly looking for the thing they instinctively know is the piece that fills that void they have (a mate and children)

By the end, even their jobs are meaningless and rachel leaves hers that she supposedly loves, to be with Ross, because the family they will make together will bring her far more happiness. The saddest two characters at the end are Joey and Phebe who are the two that don't pair off, and who have lived the most degenerate lives of the bunch, but are also both mildly retarded and probably arent as accutely aware of how miserable they are and will be. Joey even takes to being an effective crazy cat lady at the end (gets two new pets) because he needs SOMEONE in his life to show him love and affection. Phebe is another sad sack who tries to find love the entire time, but never gets it, but she also shows the most cracks in her facade of happiness, losing her calm at several times and going bonkers afterward over the most trivial of shit (probably fear of losing her friends, the only stabilizing force in her life, or anger at said force seemingly "betraying" her by whatever action one of them took).

Thats how I saw it anyway. Gotta look beyond the facade. If anything its a cautionary tale about the myth of fullfilling "city life" and the need for actual family and stability through marriage and children. Only at the end when 4 characters have that, are they happy and optimistic, while the 2 characters who havent found it are slated to be miserable and lonely for a long time

speaking of the pedo spiral what in the actual fuck is going on at 2:06 in the vid?

I fucking HATE that nigger spic

You do know that Religion of Cuck™ isn't part of your roots right? There are Morrocan people still try to attain those roots by following those ancient traditions, although it's slowly dying. Your people where very much intune with nature.

For fucks sake

Its also very interesting in terms of the Jew aspect.

Ross and Monica are the most Jewish of Jew characters on television.

Monica is a slut who fucks around with many different men, lives with a whorish gentile woman she was friends with when she was the fat girl in high school and who her older brother desperately wanted to fuck. She works a variety of meaningless jobs, often leading her towards fucking her boss therein, and eventually winds up settling for fucking a corporate loser in her close group of friends.

Ross is the paramount of male judaism - a sniveling kike who works at a museum in Jew York, whose sister regularly dominates him (and has since childhood by all accounts) and whose two biggest romantic interests in the show are a cute-but-slutty-and-rather-dumb white waitress who lives with his sister and who he's wanted to fuck since high school (to no effect), and an asian woman in his industry, eventually leading to a weird love triangle between the three wherein Ross cannot decide what flavor of shiksa he wants to commit to.
And now that has me wondering about Rachel… Who did she date in the show?
A Jew who she's unattracted to but nearly marries, leaving him at the altar when she realizes she's more physically attracted to the materials he can provide than to him.
A rich greasy Italian that just lays pipe and regularly ridicules the beta-orbiter that is Ross, eventually falling out of favor when Rachel has Pheobe give him a massage and he tries to get a happy ending. Later, Rachel has a sloppy one-nighter with him after she finds out Ross is fucking the Asian.
After this, she ends up fucking around with Ross for awhile.
Basically just a dude who looks and acts like Ross, who she goes to after breaking up with Ross. After the two break up, Russ hooks up with the Asian that Ross dumped.
Rachel meets him at a department store, but he seems to not understand her signals of wanting-to-fuck, and eventually gets freaked out when she tries to seduce him by throwing a fake part and wearing her highschool cheerleader uniform. He flees, and after she proposes to him in a very awkward fashion, he eventually discards her and flees again.
Ross starts fucking one of his students, and Rachel starts fucking that student's father, Stevens. Awkwardness ensues when the daughter/Ross are trying to fuck at the families country house at the same time as Rachel/the father. She ditches him when, after asking him to tell her about himself, becomes emotional while relaying his childhood stories, which bores her and turns her off.
Rachel hires him as her assistant at work and then eventually fucks him. She breaks up with him on her 30th birthday because she thinks he's too young for her. He eventually tries to get back together with her, but when its revealed she's pregnant with Ross's child, he bails.
Rachel's replacement at work while on maternity leave, she makes out with him one night but then breaks it off when she's unsure whether or not she wants to stick with Ross, the father of the child she has since birthed.
One of her close group of friends, he expresses romantic feels for her, which she turns down, but then has a sexual dream about him and finds herself jealous over his new girlfriend. She tells him about it, but he turns her down because of loyalty to Ross - but then sees Ross making out with his ex, and so has a go at Rachel while on vacation together. They return to JYC, and Joey tries to tell Ross, but the two wind up getting horny and making out and get caught by Ross, who nervously says its "fine" like the Jew-cuck he is, and then they give it up after they try to fuck each other and it doesn't go well, so they decide to stay friends only.

Its implied ~10 years pass, between mid-20's to mid-30's for these characters, and during this time, Rachel fucks at least 9 people, and its implied many more before the show starts. Basically, she's portrayed as the attractive gentile woman, and she's a whore. This is what the pathetic Ross is constantly pursuing.

Friends is some of the most pathetic, degenerate, Jewish fucking shit I've ever seen, focusing on the miserable lives of six degenerates, at least 2 of them Jewish, living in the maelstrom of the Jew York City urbanite sprawl.

Had to click off 7 seconds in. I can't watch the cuckold jewish garbage willingly it makes me to angry and depressed. The message is good though

the mongrel on the left in your second picture quite literally looks brain damaged. A common feature in all of these celebrities with half negroid children is the look of regret in their faces, pic related

It's amazing how well most people have been programmed and conditioned to dismiss any kind of idea outside of the group think as paranoid delusions

I never thought I'd see this much deconstruction of fucking Friends on Holla Forums. I'm thoroughly enjoying it, honestly. I know that I'm a fag for it but I always liked the show. When I hear people say that they liked Ross I think less of them.

I don't have a TV. I only see commercials in social settings.
Every time they mud a couple in a commercial, I point it out.
Sometimes I just make a face, sometimes I look at whoever's with me, sometimes I get a big shit eating grin. Reactions range from laughter to unnerved silence to start, and trend toward puzzled laughter and realization.
Once you notice it it's inescapable.
All my guy friends now shake their heads at BMWF because it's disgusting and kek heartily at WMBF because
And this is the kind of thing every guy knows is true and just needs the social freedom to admit openly.
Start subtle and amplify. Remember how you got here.



My household growing up was shit, and as a result, I got way into television.
Friends ran 1994-2004, which was ages 8-18 for me, and this is the shit I was imbibing as a youth. It was funny enough, at the time, but as I grew older, I found myself more and more disgusted with everything the show represented, to the point that I can't even hear that fucking theme song start up without grimacing - well, except when I'm watching the Reich version - and its because this is the utmost in Jewish mental programming.

How many young girls in my generation watched the same shit I did, and came out of it wanting to be Rachel or Monica or Pheobe, all of them disgusting skanks who took miles of cock while working meaningless positions and not having children, thinking that was the appropriate lifestyle for a young woman?
It really makes you think, and for once, I'm saying that entirely unironically.

I was spending time with my Boomer father this evening, and he outright said to me "Ya know, when you're just by yourself watching this stuff, you don't really notice - but when there's someone there to commentate on it, you begin to realize how prevelant it actually is…"
He said this after I apologized, laughing as I did so, that I can't watch anything anymore without noticing the narratives, saying that I was sorry for potentially ruining his experience by constantly pointing them out - to which he responded with the above.

Just another reason why we should reclaim Carthage and North Africa.

I'm amazed you made it through all that material to make that video.

there are many lovely Arabic men. Broaden your horizons.

only the ugly/fat needy type from my experience. attractive girls still find it icky for the most part, but these kikes are working hard to change that.

wut nigger?

Berbers are not white.

Why would you go on the internet and tell lies, man?

Arabs hate themselves.

burn the coal pay the toll
burn the rice pay the price


Eminem: It's Been 'Embarrassing' To Be White, 'I Feel Like Checking Out On Life'

Flavio Briatore is one of the biggest brains you could find around. Moreover good ol' Fabio is still fucking top class white pussy.


in detroit, it's beer, cigars, weed and strip clubs

What is your image supposed to signify?

The only thing I would add is the well known (by us) clip of mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker ali talking about race. Right at the end after the black guy talks.

I am tempted to take an ancestry test to determine my heritage. I'm Lebanese, and my skin tone is "Caucasian", but I do have patches of white skin around my body, such as on my thighs and my ass, as well as some parts of my back. Do you think my ancestors were white, but then mated with meds? I would take an ancestry test but I'm still doubtful because of ((())).

Ok I am getting really tired of the disinfo in that Egyptian painting. That shows Blacks cutting the lighter skin mans Penis and removing his abilities and transferring it and power to the Darker race. NOW FUCK OFF I am definitely going to kill you disinfo shills

There's also this, among a plethora of others, if anyone wants to add it.

lol @ the bit about only hiring white people
because as we know, they only hire (((their))) own kind at the top positions

Dude I had to shut it off with the first scene when a woman slobbered all over an animal. I don't know how many seconds that is.

It's like 2 girls 1 cup.

This protests a little too much.

Living in a mixed shithole of California changing you're demographic is the best thing you can do the less non-whites in White areas the less racemixing. I can tell you for a fact White women don't really date niggers because they are segregated still aside from the fat trailer trash white girls that you see with niggers because they live in the same neighborhood.

What I have seen far more are squat fat indian looking mexicans and scrawny short ugly wide nosed flips with decent White girls an White men dating chubby mexicans or typical widenosed flipinias both dating down physically where the non-whites will question why they are dating a ugly flip/mexican.

Its all because they have big population mixed in the White areas and they follow an move in to White neighborhoods so the shitskin bug looking flips and dirty wetbacks kids go to school with the White kids in the suburbs. Then White parents are ok with it because they aren't niggers and like mexican ,tilapia food with some going as far praising them for hard work. I hear that brainwashing constantly among only Whites in groups while flips and mexicans have a underlying resentment that comes out towards Whites if there in a group. Even in the whitest neighborhoods you will have flips or beaners that become token monkeys at the White highschool. Everyone should be more worried about mexicans and flips mixing in with Whites because marriage wise they marry Whites for both men and women more then any other race. While actively both groups will always talk about moving to a White neighborhood. Both populations of beaners and flips have exploded and they spread out in the US so they are in the midwest now too , look at most spoken languages by state to get a idea how bad of roach invasion we have of them.


re 2:43 of the OP, I recognize the girl (Portia Doubleday as Angela Moss) from Mr. Robot, but I forget which episode it was. I don't really remember her actually fucking the nigger, did she? I don't really care if a black guy hits on a white chick at a bar and she rejects him, if that's the case.

yes the scene directly after that one she is fucking the nigger


Yeah man caucasians aren't white

What are you implying?
sage negated

If you can't look the horror in the face, you can't claim to know it.

No way, a very tiny of europeish looking people is not reason to ad a fucking north African/ magreb city or country.
Btw, fuck all the retards that came from plebbit and cuckchan, get the fuck out.
Lurk for at least a few months and begin to use your fucking brain you fucking retards.

Correct. European ethnic whites are a subset of the caucasian group. White == Caucasian, but Caucasian != White. Just because there are multiple ethnic groups that can be classified as being related, i.e. Syrian caucasians vs. Balkan caucasians, does not make them fully identical in their ethnic groups.

there goes several hours


That poor girl looks like pic related nidgetard.

What is this, Eminem v. 9.4 at this point?
Each successive clone is lamer than the last. It's like Multiplicity where after a certain point the copies are just retarded.