London Jews attack traffic cop (guess who was arrested?)

Four men attacked a traffic warden and dragged him from his moped after he ticketed their Lexus, a court has heard.

Mordechai Freidman, 32, his brother Osher Freidman, 30, Benjamin Beigel, 25, and Yakov Nowogrodski, 26, are all accused of assaulting Marvin Pond, 32, earlier this year.

During a hearing at Stratford Magistrates' Court, prosecutor Demi Ugurtay said Mr Pond was surrounded by around 20 men after he left a ticket on a gold Lexus belonging to Mordechai.

'There were about four men holding him down. This included Osher Freidman, Benjamin Beigel and Yakov Nowogrodski, with his arms on his back and the men using their weight to bear down on him.

'The police arrived and Mr Pond was arrested due to reports he had intentionally driven his moped into somebody.

'Mr Pond was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.

Other urls found in this thread:

If this were you or me and did this to a traffic cop–even in London– would be looking at years. The fucking london cops were going to arrest THE TRAFFIC COP for the fucking JEWS! If he didn't have camera footage, he'd be in jail for a "hate crime."

of all the jew bullshit I've seen, to do this to a cop and get the cop arrested, and then shriek about anti-semitism…jewry at its finest.

Words fail me.

Literally God-Damn them.

he already has

If I hadn't seen the tape, I'd swear a Holla Forumsack was trolling at DM from inside.

Who owns the UK? I doubt its natives.

UK can't burn soon enough.


These people are the enemies of God

Jews can't burn soon enough.* I know, a classical mistake not to focus only on Jews.


They need the be pummeled beaten tortured and holocausted.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Most accurate description of jews ever.

Holy Shit, the traffic cop is a Kang. If you or I did did that, looking at "hate crime." Not for God's chosen of course.

This is a great, great chance to get the Kangz worked up about the Jews on twaater. I'm gonna grab the image of kang with Jews and try to rouse the kang rabble. Any help appreciated.

Even better the traffic cop is Black. WHY ARE EVIL JEWS SO RACIST?!

It's perfect. Why it's at the very bottom of DM. I'm shocked they even printed it. This could get them worked enough to rabble. If you don't yet have your own twaater kang account with kang followers, get on my level.

*to RIOT

0% chance this will be allowed to take off in social media. "Black Twitter" will never be allowed to hear of this. What should be the perfect storm will be memoryholed.


Follow this an0ns example.
You cannot fight global jewery alone. Turn their golem against them!

also if perps weren't blatantly orthodox they would have ran with it and tried to get niggers mad at whites.

Too bad all blacks that don't live in NYC think jews are white.

gas the kikes, man

Kangz aren't always as dumb as they look (it's a jewtube embed, busy kanging)

~25 min, the Kang starts talking about "The Protocols"


Yeah but I specifically said NYC blacks. NYC blacks are woke/red pilled pretty much and I don't know why it's only there.

Tweet this at UK Labour supporters. I would but I'm currently banned from twitter. The Labour party is becoming increasingly anti-semitic. If they see jews attacking a black man, shit should hit the fan.

My problem is, I need a kang with a lot of followers who isn't aware of the JQ. I think the Jews have Diana Abbot trained by now. What other prominent kangz in Labour with sub-80 IQ? If I send to the wrong kang it gets shud down.


even if this is a false flag is peak cuck to take this lying down

I always thought hasidim didn't live flashy lives.

Seems their own bling propaganda is wearing off. Gold lexus lol.

The moar you know, user.

Here's a few candidates I've found in Labour related hashtags

Jews started wars with Rome for being taxed, I mean "oppressed", by the state.

Oy vey, dat filthy shvartze gave Mordechai a ticket, get him!

"The prosecution has to prove what my clients were thinking" that's kike bullshit. They assaulted him, tough shit if they thought they were being schlomocops, they fucked up.

I'll try. I wish I had one of those fucking check marks. Also, need to change pic in case they do pick it up and the kang I use for my pofile pic recognizes itself. I need to find a dead one (which won't be hard, will check chicago).

What in the f- I never saw this before. A (((school))) employee and board member knows jews = communists and they run the FED? This is fucking surreal. I guess some blax be woke. Remember although a black may be alright there is a 95% chance their offspring will be a nigger and they still stink and are ugly despite being knowledgeable or intelligent.

In Ny, the are slum lords, fur traders, diamond hawkers, white slavers, drug dealers, and money launderers. Only ones wo shekels are the ones who pray to yahweh all day and beg him to kill all gentiles and bring them their gold, like he promised in their old testament.

public school*

Daily reminder, jews have their own "police" in London.


Blacks love conspiracy theories, especially ones that alleviate them of responsibilities. If you're ever chatting with a nog, wokepill him on the protocols. If he's not the nu-black college-going gayvoiced black, there's a 99% chance he'll be down with it.



All jews look like they smell really bad.

Find the last time in burgerland some leftyscum Twitter faggots howled over a black cop being "assaulted" or whatever (bonus if by whites) and blast them with this. Usual nignog tags to minimalise memoryholing

What can I say to a sub 80iq nig about that? They've planned to take over the world by abusing laws since the early 19th century and it's all about destroying family, religion, and values while replacing them with materialism?

Yeah, or that they stoke racial hatred while promoting diversity and immigration even as they sterilize Israeli-Africans and have policies to keep Israel purely jewish. Anything and everything, really. As long as it's a conspiracy, they'll eat it up.


They're not known for their hygiene. Rudest people on the planet too, even worse than Indians or Chinese which is saying something.

These blacks seemed to figure it out. Skip to 1:20

what the actual fuck. I haven't been this surprised since I found out the brits are supposed to pay an actual fee for state television

NYC jews have the same setup.

Letting Jews back into Britain was a mistake.


From wiki:
> New York Shomrim groups have been successful at securing taxpayer funding in member earmarks for their operations, allowing them to buy sophisticated equipment. Commentators cite the groups' effectiveness and also their political clout as a voting bloc that follows rabbis' direction

does this mean they try to detain people themselves ? Or they just call the real police if they see something ?

they do "citizen arrests"

in Germany you go to prison if you don't pay the TV license fees for (((state propaganda)))

Always hurt jews as much as you can. Break their noses, break their bones.

They have created a reality where even mocking them can get you jailtime as if you disemboweled them.
So, if you are in a situation like that, cause as much harm to the kike as you can.
Don't lose your freedom, your life to peanuts.

This is why Jews are the Chosen.

Not really they are asking you who do you support (((fellow Britons)))? The black traffic warden or the jews? Given the universal hate for traffic wardens of all ethnicities in the UK they are gambling that most will laugh at the chutzpah and secretly be glad a nog with a badge got btfo. Based jews, rite guise?
Of course it's a (((trick))) - neither party belongs in Britain.

Look the list up on Jewgle about 80 are slum landlords the rest are Greek Nigerian Armenian Turks Pakis Indians, i.e. the usual suspects

Thinking it didn't start in the JewSA first?

An Orthodox Jew accused of assaulting a traffic warden admitted he was ‘upset’ with the victim and had filed a complaint about him the month before. Mavin Pond was set upon by a number of Jewish men in Leaside Road, Clapton after Mordechai Freeman, 32, and his brother Osher Freidman, 30, refused to let him leave on his moped. Tempers flared after the brothers claimed Mr Pond had wrongly issued a ticket for a Lexus belonging Mordechai Freidman.

Jews need an extra 1% tax on them as subservient states just to piss them off continually.

The one at the back is basically Sargon of Mossad. The one in front is basically Woody Harrelson.

Wtf is that video? I feel so irrelevant and confused is this popular music for the young?

This is a might good opportunity to turn the golem against its masters. Let us see what we can meme.

Jews attack honest black man just trying to do his job
Racist fucks.

The tax should be shekel for shekel what goes to Israel.

BitPay Is Some Jewish Shit: The Thread.

BitPay is a service that enables people that trade in baitcoin and other properties to exchange their properties, e.g., coin for coin, coin for fiat, fiat for coin.

They are so awesome. To trade the anonymous botcoin all they ask for is:

Human Name
Business Name
Phone Number
Live Email Address
Account Info (Settlement)
Tax ID Number
Proof of Business Entity
Proof of Business Address
Photograph ID of Human
3 Months of Bank Statements
EV SSL Certification
Interview with BitPay
Approval by BitPay

They also offer to review your account with their compliance department to verify that the business is in compliance with their Terms of Service. Their Terms of Service includes:

- No Narcotics, research chemicals, or any controlled substances.

- No Cash or cash equivalents, including items used for speculation or hedging purposes (such as derivatives), and the sale or trade of virtual currencies.

- Items that infringe or violate any intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or patents.

- Ammunition, firearms, explosives (including fireworks), or weapons as determined by BitPay.

- Any services which compete with BitPay.

They also offer to file a 1099, since you are their employee at this point.

Why are you cryptoȷews so fucking greedy ?
Coin is a fucking property, a hold of value.
It should not be treated as a currency, or this shit "regulation" happens.

It is the ȷew.

You can reach these fine folk here:
info (at)
compliance (at)
ȷews (at)

Reported, kike.


nice analysis freud, fuck off

The memes write themselves
The memes write themselves. I wish kikes would just die so we can all enjoy life.

Are there any memes that we have showing the difference between whites and kikes? I say we need them.

kek holy fucking kvetching. that anchorman was trying so hard to get the interviewer to take the mic away from her. and that bitchy news anchorwoman at the end "why did we even let that dumb nigger speak?"

not a very good counterargument.

but i gotta say, thats a ballsy move by that black lady. i can only imagine what happened to her career after going on and saying that shit. especially in fucking LA. she pretty much made herself unemployable. fucking blacklisted for life.

just goes to show:
black privelage < jewish privelage

good point

its a serious wedge. i always harp on how important it is to get the blacks aware of this shit, but Holla Forums always tells me to fuck off because "muh niggers". blacks get fucked just as much as whites do in this regard, but the caveat is that they freak out way quicker. and cops let them riot, assemble, and do and say whatever they fucking want thanks to the oppression olympics.

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that one website

shit looks like it got shut down
heres an article about the site

and heres an archive

get em to read this and they will turn from black to red. its one thing, being sold into slavery and brought to a country where you were discriminated against. its another thing entirely when they realize that the people that started the NAACP were the descendents of the slavers that brought them in the first place.

forgot to add, dont bombard them with Holla Forums infographics. itll turn em right off from the whole idea. instead, find sources from black people, like this site, or any number of black preachers or members of the nation of Religion of Cuck™.

maybe later you can give em infographs, but theyve been conditioned to disregard anything Holla Forums says on principle.

Unless this sort of thing happens all the time, here's the video of the ticket cop trying to escape from them. They grab hold of him so the bike flips out from under him and then they attack him.

Oh shit. It's the black guy from Get Out. LOL

Black twitter wont care because they're dumb enough to believe jews have their best interest at heart.

goddamn what a bunch of thugs. is this opposite day? and look at all the hasidics just standing around letting it happen. and the fucks are holding him down saying "you did this to yourself". what a fucking joke of a world, where a bunch of unarmed civilians can tackle a police officer and get HIM arrested.

not if you show them this
like i said, use black sources. there are plenty who are aware of this. you show them a white dude and theyll tune right out. but you show them a respected and well educated black man doing the same thing and it changes the whole game

Thanks, I'll be able to get up to no good later with this. Sage for offtopic.

That's not the only place they have their own police force.

The memes were true.


I thought the private police is illegal in UK.


Yes same deal in NYC and it's also the case in other North American cities. Sometimes it's not official policy so they keep a low profile. You can expect sharia police in many of the same cities pretty soon. In fact, it's already happening in London (not a joke).

Hey check the information about the jew police.

Yeah, see in NYC they are tax payer funded.

what the fuck

Holy shit, I can sense their genetic make up! Those creature are straight fucked and they're spawn will miscarry.

It's frightening isn't it?


This is why they never caught Jack the Ripper. A jewish witness to one of the crimes would not "moser" on Aaron Kosminski.

No religion, race, or ethnic group should be allowed to run a nation within a nation.

Giving the kikes a holohoax pass is bullshit.

Jews make the law in the UK. All of the supreme court are jewish and they are at least 25x over represented in parliament.

Kek, there was a video posted on here a while back, which I think was some kraut short film makers who had been bought to the USA to do a film on race relations by some (((kind backers))). They interviewed the first blacks they saw, not three paces outside the building owned by those (((kind backers))), and the nigs start going "It ain't whites that are the problem, mang, it's da jews… it's all in da protocols".

Fucking kikes. Kill them all. Beat them to death, insult them on sight spit on them, get brass knuckles and whenever you see one not in a crowded area without surveillance, HIT THE HEAD HARD ! Take action and give them a taste of their OWN medicine !!! FUCKING KIKES WILL BURN ! FUCK YAHWEH THE PIG ! HEIL HITLER!

If any other people were as much as patrolling the city and preventing small crimes, they would be prosecuted and called "vigilantes". Glad we deported Jews centuries ago.

these scum are literally caricatures of themselves
look at the one at 1:50 recording himself and reciting what happened he later talk to the police officer
listen to the way they speak

3:00 Jews are better at picking up welfare than kangz
3:19 the electric jew is a mindcontrol program
3:25 protocols of the elders of Zion

Now those are jews alright. Never to forget, never to forgive

You chose to take the side of the jews back in 1939, britbongs. Enjoy the kosher state.

Just take a look at that Schlomo. Of course Jews are the best at picking up welfare, they are experts at playing the victim.
Those Kangz are more woke than 95% of Whites.

Traffic wardens aren't "cops" in any respect, they're civil servants and minor authority figures, but they do not have the defining power of arrest which sets apart a police constable from any other member of the public.

wew lad

We could learn a lot from these Jews. They're tribal and respect no authority but their own. Look how successful they have been behaving like gangsters. Where has being nice, trusting and playing by the rules gotten us? We've forgotten the law of the jungle.

Yes, we could act like them and pretend that our in-group controls the judicial and police system, when in fact it is controlled by the kikes.
We could attack anyone who bothers us, and get sentenced to lengthy prison terms.
A group of Whites can't act this way and escape justice, kikes are a protected class, encouraging Whites to LARP as a protected class will only see brothers sent to prison and permanently removed from the game.

How do you think Jews got into power in the first place? They circled the wagons and always, always fought as a group. They shamelessly pushed for their own interests and only their own interests. In the Russian army if a Russian is being bullied no one one will help him, but if a Muslim is being bullied all the others will come to his aid. That is why Whites are losing. Christianity and Globalism have thoroughly demoralized and atomized Whites. There are many ways in which Whites can start thinking and organizing as a group which are not yet illegal.

You're telling us to act like uncivilised barbarians? The Jews started out as a caravan of barbaric bloodthirsty sand bandits harassing civilisation itself such as Assyria and Babylon which is why both of them were after the Jews so very much until they eradicated nearly all their criminail barbarian bandit caravan tribes. But now those civilised middle easterners that created civilisation itself have become barbarians themselves by adopting the shitty desert cult of those barbarians to the point they such as Saudi Arabia would work with them against civilisation. Are you saying we can be no better than them? That we should not be? Madness. We are the last stand of civilisation, the Jews themselves abandoned Moses for Sodom long ago.

We should be meme'ing the fuck out of this as a blatant white on black hate crime. Get it in front of the BLM loonies.

The kikes want to be white so badly, let them enjoy all the "privileges" of whiteness.

His close friend, Mordecai Dreidel was not available for comment.

3:20– When you think you're approaching a bunch of normie niggas and you stumble right into redpill central.

Oyyyy veeyyy, shut it down like you've never shut it down before. Holy fuck, one of them even drops the Protocols.

sorry, i don't recall being around back in '39
do you think we should all pay reparations for what happened during the atlantic trade too, you cunt?

The Jews ran that trade on both sides of the pond.

Yes. To the whites, who suffered from the niggers your Jews trafficked into the white countries.

that jewess is a real qt, 10/10 would breed

You’re a degenerate. You also know Orthodox jewesses have to shave their heads and wear wigs once they hit a certain age correct?
As far as larger issue here, have been trying to post it a bunch of places but keeps getting shoahed. I really do think there is massive potential here if the useful idiots from cuckchan could be recruited to make it really big. Yes, I know it’s a sewer and has always been infiltrated, but tried posting on cuckchan and have never seen so much JIDF activity.,Went so far as to copy paste article and make it look like Jew wasn’t charged.


This is how they keep the Christian goys in line. They think Torah = Old Testament, which is bullshit. It's 100% Talmudic.

When a Jew says Torah, they mean "Oral Torah aka Talmud".

You have black cops in England, wtf! kek!