CBTS: #7 Day Futurecast©


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An user with supposed Q-Level clearance began posting on cuckchan Holla Forums October 31st. He began trying to paint a big picture to anons with questions that really get the noggin jogging. Many of these cohencidences, when looked at, check out. We are embarking on a period of history that will be the turning point to a new age. Q has shifted to more direct questions and he's warning of the US being currently at risk. The infowar has spread to meatspace. As of right now, there seems to be a delay or change occuring, so let's focus on digging for hints and interpreting previous predictions while things resettle on Q's end. WE ARE ON ALERT FOR ATTACK(S) ON US SOIL FROM NOW UNTIL YEAR END. If you're not good at digging, pray for our patriots in harm's way


Their incompetent existence is punishment enough, and you're only helping them induce noise to these threads.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo /
broom02.revolvy.com/topic/History of the Jews in Montenegro&item_type=topic
broom02.revolvy.com/topic/Pueblo Viejo mine&item_type=topic


Fun fact: Your LARPer was exposed as a fraud. Shut the fuck up and go back to freech. You need a new plan.

has anything actually come of this yet? besides cryptic alleged messages in trumps tweets and on license plates, has anything he's predicted actually happened?

This is how you get Heil to log in after a week and spazz out. The thread isn't that fast even with Jamal sagebombing, why did you make a new thread with 13 or so posts to go in the old one?

None have checked out.
Oy vey, muh narrative crafting! Muh artificial hype!
How about answering for the LIES he stated? Oh, wait, no, he’s a LARPer so he wouldn’t do that. And a jew, so they never admit they’re wrong.
LOL, of what, “martial law”? Of “the storm”, which will never actually come BY THE HAND OF THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT WHICH IS COMPLICIT IN IT? Of course, of course. The government just tidily coups itself, arrests itself, tries itself for treason, and just happily goes about its business with the “good guys” surviving. These good guys, of course, being jews, as Q-LARP has never said anything about jews being a particular problem. ONLY INCIDENTAL problems.
Hey, Alex. Do a detox for your penis pills for a week or so. You’ll think more clearly and won’t shitpost this faggotry as often.
Yeah, it did that during the election when we started to normalize our positions among real people instead of just on the Internet. WE are responsible for that. WE did it. OUR ACTIONS. Not the words of some faggot LARPer. WE are the ones who will elicit change in our nation. WE are the ones who push the Overton Window. WE are the ones who will be hanging the fucking kikes and politicians. WE cannot rely on anyone but ourselves to do what is OBJECTIVELY RIGHT. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH OR A CALM AND PEACEFUL STATE OF MARTIAL LAW. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a kike. If martial law happens, you don’t listen to faggots who tell you to stay at home. You go out and kill jews and nonwhites in your area. The implication is lawlessness, right? SO DEHUMANIZE YOURSELF AND FACE TO BLOODSHED.
Because your LARPer is MOVING THE FUCKING GOALPOSTS and backpedaling after being proven wrong and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Prevailing interpretations:
1. They’re LARPs
2. They’re disinformation
3. They’re designed to get you to stop talking about real actions (IOTBW) and real events (saudi soft coup, Uranium One, DNC rigging). When’s the last time you saw Brazile in the news? About two weeks ago. No one makes mention of that anymore.
You mean his ass, right? As in, where he pulls this stuff.
No, we’re not.
Because we’re not redditors like you who fall for every single fucking faggot who claims to have clearance to his father’s liquor cabinet.
We are the patriots. We are in harm’s way. You defend a jew.


Because the thread's are getting sagebombed. I'm enjoying the actual discussion happening here, even through the noise, which let's me know we're attracting (((their))) attention.

I personally think its going as planned, people are being rounded up and what not. But since its ongoing, I can see why Q would be mum on it. I mean, the nigger's literally threatened the redshields via cuckchan, you don't shitpost that hard without having something up your sleeve.

Is this pasta?

We don’t want to hear about your LARPer. Go to the_donald and have your dick sucked by civic nationalists like Q is.
And yet you refuse to answer any of the questions in that discussion that go against your narrative because your pathetic little leftist FEELINGS would get hurt. And yes, this whole thing is ONLY predicated on your feelings. It’s your FEELINGS which make you think that big daddy martial law will come and sweep away all the bad people (but not jews, because he explicitly made no mention of them) and you won’t have to lift a finger! It’s your FEELINGS which make you WANT to believe–because you have absolutely no proof, you see–that this LARPing faggot is one of LITERALLY TWENTY PEOPLE IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD who has this clearance level. It’s your FEELINGS which make you want to hand off the responsibility of saving your race and your nation to someone else, because you’re SCARED.

I ask you again, shill, like I ask all the others. Answer my fucking questions. I don’t care what the answer is as long as you answer truthfully. The very ACT of answering the questions–actually answering them, mind you–is discussion. You claim to want discussion, right? Particularly discussion ABOUT the LARP, right? So answer the goddamn questions. I don’t care if the answer is “I don’t know.” It APPARENTLY takes someone a lot of courage these days to say “I don’t know” even on a fucking anonymous message board, but that’s the fucking world we live in now, where your precious FEELINGS are more important than fact or anything else. Meanwhile, back in reality, a real man knows to put his trust in fact. If martial law is ever actually declared, not only will I be happier than virtually any other Holla Forumsack, I’ll be right out there with them, doing what needs to be done. I won’t feel stupid or embarrassed or silly for having fought against this PROVEN LARP this whole time, because FACT, REASON, LOGIC, AND EVIDENCE showed that it was a lie. So how’s about you man the fuck up and prove you’re actually a Holla Forumsack? Answer my fucking questions.

If there is something, why is nothing happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.

Kill yourself. Answer the fucking questions or quote where I am objectively wrong and list why. You have no argument.

Is t-this also pasta?

Reported. Keep your nigger selfies to yourself.

It's being saged because there is nothing substantive to it. Other posters being uninterested in indulging nonsense and telling you so is not proof of you being beset by jewish shills.

You are quite plainly a shill for saying this. Obviously an unsubstantiated post from cuckchan is proof that Trump himself is posting there and will arrest everyone and we don’t have to do anything. Because that’s how things work, right?

They just don't get that their presence is what gives these discussions validity. These kikes, in their jidf office, thinktank pilpul bullshit contradictions when this is the 4th time some high level shit has been dropped on cuckchan in the last 18 months. See the clinton cabal and turbokike, not to mention john's LV tip. I'm wondering if a friendly alphabet managed to stumble on some of this shit and spread it like wildfire through the alphabets in chicken little paranoia. There are no coincidences, after all.


I haven't really followed these threads closely, generally I don't pay much attention to anything that originates on cuckchan, but I have noticed that these recent CBTS threads all get aggressively saged with upwards of a hundred posts every time which seems really fucking weird if they are just pointless larps with no truth to them. I mean who puts that much effort into saging a thread if they truly don't believe they are anything but bullshit? The replies like the ones ITT that I was questioning as pasta are really almost formulaic, like someone is trying to appear manic and upset on purpose but comes off forced somehow? Just set off an alarm in my head I suppose, I may be way off as I usually avoid these types of threads and don't have much experience in what goes on in them.

We’ve been doing that since the start, since you fucking faggots do nothing but spam them here constantly as though they’re in any way legitimate. It’s not new to the later threads.
Almost as though I wrote them right now, huh.
Yeah, I don’t operate on emotion like you kikes do. Tends to come off as forced when I want to “relate” to you faggots. Answer my questions, you goddamn kike.
Well, your people are known for mental illness.
So leave now or start saging.

Don't feel bad, I didn't catch on until the 3rd one of these on here. Maybe you should stop being a lazy faggot however and read the screencaps provided, see how far the rabbit hole goes.

I recommend reading everything Q-LARP has to say. There’s no better way to prove he’s lying.

He's still here - +2 weeks of doing nothing but saging single threads with +(120) posts in each of them.

He’s still here. +2 weeks of doing nothing but bumping LARP threads with +120 posts in each of them.

Answer my questions, shlomo. If you really care about “discussion”, you’ll answer them.
In before “That’s just what the kikes WANT me to do–answer questions that will lead me off the REAL trail, so I won’t do it!” because congrats, you’ve just described Q-LARP.

nah, I'm here to get your autismo going

Reported for admitting to spam.

Reported for actual spamming.

Answer the questions, shlomo.

I have a bit of time, I'll read up a bit. I read a few of the first Q screencaps back whenever this shit first started.

Has it really been the same entity doing all the saging this whole time? Is it a bot? Why does it refer to itself as "we"? What are its motivations? I'm really intrigued now as to who or what is spending so much time on something as counter-intuitive as making a big deal out of something that's supposedly not anything to make a big deal out of. It's fucking bizarre on its face. Is it all a planned distraction? Have they parked a bot or worse yet are they paying actual people to sage this thread in order to reverse signal boost it in a way? Do you see where I'm going with this?

you underestimate the power of dedicated autism, he's been here before in other threads, screaming at some leftyfag in a japan thread way back

Answer the questions, shlomo.


Reported for admitting to spam. The thread is about Q-LARP. If you can’t discuss the topic, get the fuck out.

Please don't, this is the 7th thread, and we've burned a thread's worth of posts because retards like you keep responding to them. This is obviously a team of jidf that have a vpn to avoid bans. Its why they respond so fast, so often, at all hours of the day and come back with new ids. They exist to minimize discussion through inducing noise, and by blocking thread content through obscuring the index with their shitty posts. Whatever is happening on Q's level has made these kikes panic enough to pull out the stops here, and all of the media/internet.

Know how I know you’re paid? I can repeat the same shit to you every single time and you never refute it. We’ve read Mein Kampf, yid.

make me

pic related

Yep, it’s you again.

i sure am having fun pulling your autismo

Reported for admitting to spam. The thread is about Q-LARP. If you can’t discuss the topic, get the fuck out.

meh, in a loop. too bad, gonna wait some more time then

I'm not responding to it. I'm just curious about it. It's really weird that it keeps referring to itself in the plural "we" "we've" etc. Also it seems to think that reporting anons will accomplish something? Has anyone ever been banned as a result of this entity's reports?

I never underestimate autism user. I'm just not quite sure that's what is at work here. How can you be sure it's the same autist from the japan thread?

This is the caliber of shill they’re paying these days.

Great going. I’m sure you’ll win us over with that. Even cuckchan has exposed your faggotry.

Funny you mention that. These faggots managed to get thread 3 or 4 bumplocked because they managed to fool a mod into thinking it was just shitflinging. Because certain retards couldn't help themselves, I couldn't hate the guy for falling for it. Luckily, another mod reviewed it and saw the truth. Its the only reason why we're chugging on.

Answer the questions, shlomo.

Will it say the word kike or is that off the script? Last question. Gonna go read up on some more screencaps.

Do you expect us to believe you?

That was the Mod shit flinging, here is how it works.

Evidently all gloves are off. They will say fucking anything, including (((anti-semetism))) to get you to reply to them. Notice how I've had to make the warning larger for this thread's OP. These faggots have evidently studied us, but we're all smart enough to know what they are doing wrong. I don't want to say specifically, lest they finally learn something. Its funny though, since I always thought working this hard was for goy like us?

The holocaust didn’t happen, but it will, you fucking yid.

This is literally the best you can do.

just as i expected. this /cbts/ cancer comes straight from cripplechan. this place has been compromised for a long time. you allowed fuck heads like these to make a home here and now they are using it as a base of operations to poison 4/pol/ even more

Fellate a gun, cuckchanner. YOU started this fucking bullshit by letting a kike run away with your fantasies. You brought it here. And then fucking reddit got a hold of it because you faggots are too cowardly to post a little gore now and again.

kill yourself you retarded newfag
you're the cuckold. this place is compromised and full of retarded conspiracy tier shit. have some self awareness. besides that it's completely dead and most faggots are returning to 4/pol/ as you can see the quality of this shit board drop

See? Its always five posts, then it stops. Classic index obfuscation.

Goddamn Which Dubs??

This is literally how stupid 4chan users are. This is what they actually believe. Come, LARP-believers. Let us unite for once and put these UTTER FUCKING CUCKOLDS in their place.

Say “The holocaust did not happen, but it will.”


you realize everyone is filtering you right?

yes, cripplechan is mostly newfags and some ran away because mods were being mean wahhh. don't even try to implying whoever the fuck runs this shit now doesn't talk to the feds either. dumb nigger

Bumping for genuine interest

Cuckchan has "burnt toast" over 370 threads and counting as of this posting. The "antifungal baker" is banned for spamming up the catalog. If the Q user wasn't a LARP, the faggots on cuckchan did a helluva find job making sure it turned out to be anyways. Show any kind of insight whatsoever, they don't want to know, they want it to be a LARP, they love them some imaginary friends.


It's filter time for you my little shill

fuck off back to /int/ goon

It's probably a royal 'we', like an autist shill with ties to some kind of royalty. whether it's the british crown type of royalty or a redshield-type that THINKS it's royalty can only be a wild guess

Yes, reading this again the reason Mods ShutItDown with coordinated bots and tactical anchors they've dropped all pretenses of subtly with the deliberate hope of demoralizing and removing the incentive to post or communicate anything meaningful. Oh and driving a wedge to divide halfchan and fullchan Holla Forumsacks from getting together and sharing information and ideas.

Gram - user's on half chan


Is the autisttron omega here yet?

4cuck has become reddit and this place has become 4cuck



god damn the kikes really stepped up their shill game

if you filter the one faggot who replies to every single post in the thread to spark an argument to get an excuse to report actual posters and the other sageposters with multiple replies (oh shit niggers what are you doing?) it really starts to look like an OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN kind of thing.



It must be getting close if they are bringing up the political persecution angle we have seen coming for over a year now.
How can they unironically talk about abuse of power when they were able to get a special counsel appointed to investigate the sitting president over allegations of Russian collusion that they set up themselves through Fusion GPS and weaponization of the (((intelligence agencies))). The fucking chuztpah of these lizards is mind blowing.

Interesting thread about the Sandia Labs (i.e., NUKES!) employee that just got popped.



Makes you wonder how certain small events in GG made other events trickle into motion. Did some of these events inspire others, who in turn enacted events that inspired others? Maybe even down to partially inspiring Trump to act or to act in a certain way?

This feels like providence, does it not? A bunch of autists triggering such a chain reaction?

(con) all this, of course, I mean in the way it got Trump in power and Q to act, and of course for Q to act specifically on Holla Forums. Perhaps send it to Q on the thread to see if he responds?

It’s EXTREMELY telling that you can’t say it, YID.

Great job, faggot.

Thanks for admitting you’re a paid shill.

They sure are. This is the 7th thread.

Q doesn’t exist, user.

Thank you.

Like holy shit 80 posts and 33 of them are the shill.
It just doesn't make sense to me how a person could be so motivated to post in a thread he cares nothing about. A normal human would just let it sit on the catalog and ignore it.

GG was an ugly catalyst. No one expected it. No one anticipated the distrust in the media that it caused. First the kids rejected the news for being. Lies. Lol said the. Glow in the dark fsb and the mss, lets put an intern/new guy on this good training for them.

Three weeks later the new guys have ugly reports for thier bosses about. How us intel assets are in obscure think tanks that embezzled millions from the un for wymins causes.

Shit got real. Sperging autists caused an international criminal and counter intel operation. This led to multiple discoveries accross everything. Media sex crimes were uncovered, assets were turned or neutralized. Mayhem occurred.

GG was the straw that broke the camels back. They lost the culture war, because they messed with autists and their vidya. God works through irony.

God tends to use the lowest of the low to do His work - artists in basements demanding tendies from their moms in this case. And of course a whacky tv and real estate billionaire .

*Autists. Stupid autocorrect

That is true power. No lightning, no exploding sun. No frogs from the sky that vomit aids; just the angry marginalised dragging the wicked back into place.

That is true, cruel, power: you will know luxury, you will assume you are untouchable, but in the end if you remain wicked you will pave the road of your destruction.

Oh boy the attention deprived autist is back and everyone stopped giving a fuck about him and filtered autistlord faggottron's ass

Almost as though I do, in fact, care about the contents of the thread and it is YOU KIKES who have no intention of actually discussing the topic. Any time anyone posts something against your narrative, you kike the FUCK out and refuse to engage. It’s extremely telling.

Kill yourself, no-one cares. Spam more

Exclusive: Secret witness in Senate Clinton probe is ex-lobbyist for Russian firm


Going in the history book

Suck kike cock. Reported.

Autismo, please even mods here are laughing at your stupid shit, you low energy spammer

Suck kike cock. Reported.

Remember goys, the Saudi purge was nothing! Now go back to your netflix and free porn.

Assest Backed Lettuce.


Is there no refuge from this torture?

he who rides a tiger can never dismount

literally the best (((pill))), great work op user

does the thread on ((alternative mean of com)) still exist? cant manage to find it sadly




Nice, I wonder if you can do that for the others.

Well go figure the autist lord Twinktron is a huge faggot. Poor bastard can't evade bans. Wew.

They were constantly pushing hoax stories with phony sources throughout the election. It's like a less sensational YourNewsWire.

Wait a second Q and Alex Jones are saying the same thing.

Broken clocks, etc etc. What I found especially disturbing was in fact, there is a chemical being poured in a water source that is in fact making the local frogs gay.

That's xenoestrogens and human estrogen.
They're the product of our general industrialised plastic heavy society and widespread use of hormonal birth control.
Because using synthetic hormones to trick your body into thinking its pregnant for years on end is a wonderful idea. A WONDERFUL IDEA WITH NO POSSIBLE DOWNSIDES.

Or psychic pedophile vampires who worship the fallen one Moloch 7 stories beneath the ground in Jeffery Epstein's temple are using a supercomputer system including 7 supercomputers named after the 7 dwarves and operating under the FBI which is controlled by TPTB.

Haven't read through it all, not perfect but very easy to read this way

Its shit like that makes me wonder why he gets as much shit as he seems to do. Yeah sure, he is controlled opposition because he and his stooges never implicate kikes or israel and is maniacally hyperbolic, but if he drops a truth bomb and has the source for it he can be forgiven for the second thing.

Xenoestrogen pollution is well documented and well known in certain circles.
Mainly people who are concerned with human hormones and/or water treatment.
The former because their field of study is the hormonal system. The latter because they are aware of what is not cleaned out of sewage. Because many things are not dealt with in sewage treatment.

the fuck is the 4th and 5th pictures? any info, link? Previous thread is clearly missing.

It was some Rothschild tier, lower level turbokike who spilled the beans on the clan. Shit is spooky to read. Its how we know they have a war planned in about 3 years time, and its why djt, mi, Q and our new allies are trying to stop it.

Link? V curious.

Thread's deleted. I tried searching for it. Will dump what I have. The last two aren't as important, but his freaking out seems genuine.

>>>Holla Forums

It certainly says something about a topic when it not only gets flooded with sagebombing "IT'S NOTHING GOY GO AWAY GO BACK TO SLEEP" shills, but "muh fun I want to reply to every single post one at a time to fill up the thread and cry MUH FUN when told to stop" assistant shills, AND metafags flood in on top of it.

Jones gets very close to the truth, then pushes it in the wrong direction at the end. Don't forget the old "nazis/muslims run hollywood" disinfo, the bragging and pride in being the result of racemixing(injun and white I think), and all the MUH NADZEEEEEEEEEES signaling on the show all the time and his former/current wives being jews. It's hard to tell if he ends up being controlled opposition out of malice or naivety. He presents himself as an old school lolberg closer to the original "like the founders of the US" than what current year lolbergs are.


Though it was a pretty obvious lefty larper promoting global communism. He also said 'hillary will win. Period. Even if she gets 10% of the vote.' His future prediction for global communism is robots will do all the shitty work in the fields and stuff 'but you can choose whatever you want to do' as if we haven't played that fallacy out a hundred times.

Sounds like an autist who just watched Zeitkike.

See, its the smug ass attitude and the stating opinions like facts that actually makes me believe that he believes the shit he was saying. Considering he's a low level kike in a turbokike clan, that poor fool has probably been misinformed as part of his training. He probably has some yes-man, bullshit position in the family that serves to inflate his ego, but deep down he still lets out how worthless he is in the scheme of things. Think about the hubris on display when he's asked about ww3, and supposed impotent rival families. Think about it, how COULD those families be both incapable of ousting his and still be considered rivals simulaneously?

The modified hebrew may be a thing, but knowing kikes, it was probably a sleight of hand to make him think it was cooler than it actually is. Look at the sudden rage that the mere mention of buttcoin brings upon him, admitting that it's outside of yid control and simultaneously being forbidden to own it. I personally think its because jews are too stupid to know how to even buy it. I could write a paper on the number of things his ego has allowed to reveal to us. Look how he speaks sympathetically about satan/lucifer, the bullshit about it being a giant intergalactic entity that communicates with them regularly, the continued assurances that globalism "is for the benefit of the goy"… These fucking jews really have woven a tapestry of self aggrandizing justification for what is ultimately a narcissistic god complex brought about by the accumulation of stolen wealth and the exploitation of the European man's conquest of the world.

Sadly, Q thinks that what he is telling us is anything new, but I could imagine the rage and panic it would induce upon someone going from full bluepill to 1488 gtkrwn blood redpill. I think it was that mania that led Q to us, I can only hope he can keep leading us down the rabbit hole. I think that despite a shift on the global stage and the stopping of events on the scale of LV's full potential, what they are trying to do is just mitigate the inevitability of race wars the next collapse will bring about around 2020/2021. The kikes through their media has already fomented enough disinfo to make what used to be hippies into brainwashed useful idiots. For every pozzed white we will have to kill, I hope we will kill a 1000 heebs and their nigger, pajeet and spic puppets. Bring civilization yet again to Asia, South America and Africa led by the white ethnostates of the past.

That's how they'll sell it. Afterwards people will only be born if they have a purpose in society. All in the name of climate change of course.



Nope. Try again cianigger A.I. Also delete yourself. Tell me the answer or ignore me. But shill me, and then this won't go away quietly.

The hall of records. I'm guessing its a code name of the "eye" that Q references. The dwarves, and the top level kikes that executed orders based on that intel. If Q, MI and djt are really bleeding them dry, they will quadruple down until they finally bleed to death. ~2020. Q hasn't posted in a while. My link to the /k/ thread is not an accident.

You mean this one archive.fo/LHerE ? It's probably just proof of the old world before the second flood then. Or proof of the actual jews/palestinians and not the kikes/babylonians that larp as jews today. Literally who cares then? Where is this "eye" mentioned btw. How did you come to the conclusion it is the library?

I heard a rumour a number of years ago that the library of Alexandrea (or whatever was left of it) was moved there.
PS, digging your ID satanbee

Oh I found it
It's probably just the supercomputer used for data collection for something like bluebeam. Since many governments would feed it data. I still don't get how you came to the conclusion it was some random ancient library. This is all assuming this isn't just some stupid larper. Which it probably is tbh.

You are convincing me this is a larper since the cianigger A.I made the OP for the thread. OP is a giant faggot and should delete himself unironically.

Its not the same ancient library, its a sequence of words that have absolutely no reason to ever be uttered in contemporary parlance, which is the point. Think about the sniffers Q avoids by telling everything like a question. The dwarves ARE the sniffers, they interpret petabytes of data daily in order to try to predict global events up to about a week's time. Its why the stock market has no more volatility, the jew central banks own all the stock and the ai algorithms trade stocks and currencies to keep the sham going. My guess is that "the eye" is short for the all seeing eye, or the intel network of the 5 Euro powers. Its why murder and rico is child's play to them because they can devise scenarios with paths of least societal resistance to realistic probabilities. They're on orders to activate the normie, 5 years ago most people didn't even know what the fuck a redshield was. This is what Q means by "no coincidences". I think Q is implying that things have to be done this way because any time AI is attempted to be used, it automatically tries to kill them or their program. Think about the articles about "racist, anti-semitic" ai. Bluebeam is more than likely the last thing they will try to maintain their control.

Nigger you asked me first.

Explain nigger. You mean the globalist/kiked A.I tries to destroy no such agency A.I's and programs for such as they are created? Because there is very, very clearly a shitty A.I going around doing what you mentioned and also shilling nonstop.
What is this?
Literally who or (((who)))?


Nope, it was a jidf team using a vpn. They have much more success on cuckchan, but trying it here makes them obvious.

-The AIs created to perfect societal control try to sabotage the jew every single time, which is why the 5i's has to do things with algorithms and manpower instead.
-Look at the articles about bad goy ai, who were their creators?
-What's redshield in german?
-(((They))) are the kikes who have usurped our intelligence aparatus for global control means. It isn't a coincidence that we're all being "redpilled". They are creating us to be the scapegoat for their next war. Look at all the kvetching about poland. This is what the recent Q's are about. Us whites are only ~10% of the worlds population, so those "racist, sexist, extremist, -phobic, self sufficient, critically thinking, industrious, Christian, logical wypipo gotta go!"

I'm done with you.

It's just a bot anons, they unleash the latest version on every dig thread. Just filter and move on. For every response you give to the machine, it is one less post in the thread.
It seems that they have tweaked the times on the responses to feel more organic this time around..

you're retarded

Lurk moar.
>(((They))) are the kikes who have usurped our intelligence aparatus
Wow. This much fucking effort to convince me there is no A.I or that (you) don't own it. How does it feel wasting tens of billions of euros on shilling this one concept that (you) don't have access to your own A.I? Do (you) seriously except me to beleive that (you) don't have access to your own A.I because of (((them)))?

It's nice to be able to discern that the polish will be scapegoats for WWIII. That explains why their (((government))) is pushing nationalism specifically in a trolly manner towards germany. Now the real question is (((who))) in their (((government))) is connected to kike families.

The image attached to that post is the most important thing currently in this thread.

The whole point of the larp is that he wasn't selling anything. But still honestly thought 'everyone picks their job and voila' would work. That's how you can tell it is a commie larp. He came out and said climate change wasn't a problem.

The answer to that image is that (((they))) will fail because history MUST repeat. End of story. There is no stopping history from repeating. Even if people beleive it has repeated, but yet it hasn't, it must repeat anyways. Which means the destruction of the empires of now, for better or worse to make a footstool.



Is donald J trump dead? I haven't been able to find a video or picture with a close up of his face for a few weeks now. I think he is dead and a actor has taken his place.


Do you have undeniable proof that Q is indeed a JIDF poster?

I think some (on halfchan at least) have suspected as much because of his complete lack of anything relating to Israel, might have some credence at least

False, or point them out. For a site that has actual sources and breaks things, they have a remarkably high batting average.

Also, McCabe and Comey were trying to find TP's sources during the election. Source for that is actual emails FOIAed from some other shit.


So you low info low energy, or just minimum wage shill?

Except he named the Rothschilds, the creators and controllers of Israel.

Not to mention he threatened them, while claiming to be upper level Trump admin staff to boot. He wouldn't have the balls unless they already had them snared.

Dub dub check
History has a funny way of always coming full circle. Their blood sacrifices and demon worshipping will be revealed to the world. Whichever forces are on the side of truth will prevail again. This time I hope that the only "international citizenship" they get is in 8 foot parcels of land worldwide.


Holy shit!

Wonder if some (((members of congress))) will be taking helicopter rides soon. "Ride of the Valkyries" when?


That explains so much.

those opposed to the banking cartel were on the titanic? sauce?
I knew something was up when there was that book that basically described the event with a boat named the titan, came out a few years before the incident

Uranium One deal informant sued to recoup more than $700K lost in bribes

His identity had been shielded for weeks, but court records obtained by The Washington Times, as well as a report by Reuters, identified the man.

very long, more at the link


for those new to Uranium One

Looks like the time has come to step up our game lads

That one user posting about 'him' spamming in japan threads in here or some other board from before made me think THAT was just a mere test run. Really gets my almond-fueled gears rolling.

The bot has been silent after spamming constantly. Mayhaps MI has finally freed the glow in the darks from their red shield overlords?

Doing some surveillance in the thread on halfchan last night and the level of botspam and shilling was on another level. Recycled posts and replies from other boards like /gif/ were spammed while some fags swooped in and started the whole "oh boy so sleepy right now gonna hit the hay and sleep" spam. It was unreal to see unfold. For any real post in the thread it was a solid 10-20 unintelligible garbledegook, sleep posts or unrelated distractions.

Maybe, but it would be cool if anons here can get their hands on (((their))) shiny new botware to flood the living shit out of their safespaces, online meetups and sekrit club forums

(((they)))) have a firm stranglehold on halfchan when luggage-lad nuked half/pol/ and became infested with cancerous filth, what the old lefty mods there can't do before Holla Forums harbor (+ non-lefty mods/jans there at the time) they can basically do anything now after the fact, especially now that most of them are leftist trash, kike shills, and liberal cult-marx white traitor filth from social media after the old guards left

Oh, I'm well aware. I've just never seen it quite this bad before. They've definitely upped the ante.

The link that got @therealroseanne banned from twitter. #followthewhiterabbit


Twitter is bombing.
#AnyFakeNews Meme on Lads.

Put KeK in green face.

Your answer is in the Emerald Tablets.

Q, What is a spaceship?

I will admit, I was starting to doubt a little bit, but these two (((coincidences))) >>10920788 restored faith. As happenings drop, Q gets reconfirmed.

Where art thou, oh shill-kun? This thread cries for your REEEEEing about martial law!

I have a question I've been dying to know for like a decade seriously. Why are jews so damn ugly?



>(((contact privacy)))
Fuck off cianigger. Your source alone is the reason you are lieing.
A fake invention made to trick goyim into thinking space travel is possible when it is in fact impossible. Sending things into space is possible. Just not animals like humans. So fuck off or tell the truth and the whole truth. Delete yourself btw.

Ok well source the tablets from somewhere else if you don’t like my link.
Here’s the text.

It's still fake and gay. Smells like some ancient bullshit. Where on the spinx can I find this inscription and how can I translate it to english?

Pic related.
read a book nigger

Have there been any big happenings since the Saudi purge + Helicopter crash?
I haven't had time to follow this recently.

Very true.



Edgar Cayce said something from the Atlantis was put under one of the paws of the sphinx and in that peninsula on the east side of Mexico.

I know this is off topic, and I'm not trying to slide the thread,I'm not saying that picture isn't what it is, nor that NASA is a lying organization that fakes missions, but that S with a tilde or accent over it, or whatever you call it, is not an "S" sound, but a "SH" sound, as in save. Hebrew actually has a different letter for "S."

Either the Heebs were really really reaching for a secret meaning in an acronym, didn't know their own language, or we need to become better linguists. But it's Nasha, not Nasa either way.

what's the significance of the fibonacci numbers in +'s?

Now I want to see what the banned user posted because the (((altright))) hates Senead.

What an excellent question.

What relationship do K P and A have with Q?


anyone know when that user in the image made those posts?

also, am I to assume /meadhall/ is meguca?

Q just posted


so it was a countdown!

Breadcrumb blast off. Will trump tweet ++?

How can anyone take this 4chan shit seriously?

Christ, the half/pol/ threads are getting absolutely hammered by bots, it's getting hard to even see posts not made by bots

Q listed the top 3 families of the world and gave pluses for each.
+++ was for the Saudis.
++ was for the Rothschilds. Did Jacob Rothschild die in the recent helicopter crash?
+ is for Soros.
Then the long-awaited main happening.

One of the things that gets me, is that we assume q is for "q level clearance"

We assume that this is US Q clearance.

But could it also be a foreign designation? Could it be an Interpol designation?

Like someone out there is really pissed at the impotent, paid off responses at law enforcement, and just dumped all their research and theories out on 4chan.

We assumed that this would be a US designation, because finding any documentation on foreign classifications is a pain in the ass.

I do not buy into the martial law aspect of this, the national guard is hardly called in. HOWEVER deputized civilians are a thing, and i doubt a foreigner would understand the terminology for this.

Or it could have been a larp, but KEK took it over after it was memed into reality.

bumping, just for

Saging just for you.

It’s literally nothing. The LARPer picked it because it’s “the highest clearance”. He’s a paid shill pretending to be a fucking toddler. It’s Mary Sue bullshit.

That’s true of every cuckchan thread, though. We left for a reason, part of it being that they fell for bullshit like this.

Q is for Query?

What concerns me, is the anarchy it caused. Half the spergs autisticly screech"its real", the other half "its a larp"

Meanwhile, the threads fill up with this screeching from both sides, which makes everyone curious. "what is going on here?" so they start looking at the shit show. It's why i am here, and not at voat right now.

As such, i am concerned that it is not a larp, but a disinfo campaign. Keep in mind that Soros is having a meeting in california today on how to win big in 2018 politics. They may be looking for a way to neutralize the weaponized autism on the chans.

I suspect that there was a minimum amount of shill activity on those threads, that the people sperging out were normal channers that were sperging out due to being autistic and emotional.

I would not be surprised if the DNC has paid psychologists to analyze the chans and figure out a means to neutralize their energy. They memed a president into office, what else can they do? They caused the powers that be to waste 1.5 billion dollars trying to get grandma cringe elected.

Remember, these are jews we are dealing with, they manipulate people, and will want to find a way to manipulate the people here.

He specifically mentions what q refers to in the first few posts, and also revealed that ng ml play was disinfo for the prey. I would assume the guilty parties started arming or hiring pmcs in response, which gave away their position. Lurk, read, and keep your mouth shut.

That’s what we mean when we say LARP. At this point it’s not just some faggot having a laugh. It’s obviously being paid to shill its shit on cuckchan, reddit, voat, and even here.


We must use their tactics against them, we must seize the opportunity at every chance.

WE must embrace chaos.

If people take an interest in a thread, don't just red text, post useful information, spread the word, as normies get attracted to the shit show, redpill them.

This brought me out of lurking. Use their weapons against them. BE a MATTIS, be an agent of lawful chaos.

Any proof its not LARPing as usual?


Nope. I will never consciously behave like a jew. I will dehumanize myself and face to bloodshed. I will execute jewish children if I must (and we must). I will EXPOSE their tactics at every turn. But I will not behave like a jew in an attempt to “win”, because if you “win” like a jew you BECOME the jews once you’ve killed them all.

Nope, and there never was. This has been pushed for over two weeks now, all but destroying discussion of IOTBW and other real events that are actually happening.

They've already started running damage control. Shit's about to get reaaaal


Fuck off with that shit, but I look forward to what’s to come regarding Uranium One, because that shit won’t fucking fly for much longer. It has nothing to do with Q-LARP, though.

Am I late for Q larping?

Checked for the Sphinx spaceship that will save the aryan race.

the only reason hannity is useful at all at this point is because he has been tapped by trump to be the spearhead of breaking Uranium One into the normalfag sphere.


It really saddens me that people use this chan on don't understand how shills operate.

It's nice to be reminded that blackpills are with her.

Lightning on the east coast, in fucking November. Is the storm upon us?

shilling on 4cuck seems to have mysteriously stopped, so… test bump

Yeah you can stay there. This LARPfest is done

is it?

Yes. Any further attempts to push this proven false LARP will be reported. Time to let this falsity die

just like that autistic fag who reported everyone and nothing happened, eh? You're welcome to report me, I dare you.


Thanks! One more?

No need to bother the mods. You 4cuck trash will be taken out eventually.

oh, so it is you. Keeping tabs on this single thread, eh? Good, good, you keep doing that. I'll be back to bump it sometime later.

I bet you will, 4cuck trash. Kill yourself

sugoiii, bump desu :^)

I wasn't going to bump, but the slidebot's back, so might as well bump before something happens. Hoping trudeau gets helicoptered next.

It's hilarious they bought the "neckbeard loser" meme. We just say that because it's funny.

Really makes me think 🤔

Really gets the brain a joggin

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.


There is some slightly circumstantial evidence that Q is not larping

1. Qanon correctly foreshadows SA arrests. Specifically calls out SA and predicts large arrests on weekend they happened. Also implies deadly force will be used and this is confirmed by SA chopper shootdown.

2.Qanon posts airforce one photos that can't be found elsewhere

3. Qanon drops a lot of info that connects things in ways that make sense specifically around the NSA vs CIA, and Op Mockingbird angles.

4. Rothschilds happening (twitter freakout and plane crash)

5. NYT (known CIA asset) article calls out NSA Q-taskforce for going rogue.

6. Roseanne Barr twitter gets shoad'd

7. Shill/bot storm.

Don't forget Tony Podesta stepping down from his lobbying firm, the replacement CEO leaving after just 1 week, and the firm running out of money to continue operating last week. Also, don't forget John coming out of self-imposed, months-long radio silence to write a ridiculous article of pure projection in WaPo last week.

The Podestas may not be in cuffs but they are feeling real pressure from something.

Really gets my gas valves turning 🤔

Someone must have found a handkerchief with a map that seems pizza-related, and it was his.

You are the one asserting that the document and that Q are real. I’m urging caution with the realization that many of his predictions were wrong and none of the things he “predicted” were specific enough or timely enough to suggest a man on the inside. He might have said that Podestà would have gone down eventually, but then again most of us predicted that. When/how/for what would have been much more salient and indicative of an insider. As another user pointed out in another thread, he is just using the tactic employed by palm readers to give vague enough answers (which he justifies with his “””not wanting to give himself away”””) to seem credible but nothing specific.

It’s a LARP, you’re a gullible rube, and water is indeed wet

I made no such assumptions, you assume I did. I am always for quiet observation of such happenings, I will decide FOR MYSELF whether or not there is any merit to what is being said, and you cunts shitting up the boards makes any serious investigation difficult - but that always was the plan, wasn't it nigger?

The white rabbit has been identified


Nigger I'm everywhere




you guys are retarded, look and compare the pictures, they are not even similar geographical locations
you really have to stretch reality to think that those two different river valleys are the same ffs

Clown Insect Assholes have a base in NK, basically working with/controlling rocketman.

Seems like a nice blend of schizophrenic 4d chess and christcuckery. Thanks for the "intel," CIA niggers.

I went back and watched a bunch of N Korea videos and noticed that everyone is always the same height and they don't walk completely fluid. I actually think the CGI claim is real too.

For the retards having trouble understanding why NK is being controlled let me give it to you Q style:

Who imports goods to NK?

Who controls the flow of goods?

Who controls the trade routes surrounding NK?

Why would Trump engage in a naval blockade?

Who owns the UN and what connections do the UN have with the big families?

What are causes for famine? Who benefits from famine? Why would a society based on blind obedience and perpetual famine be ideal?

Who would use the blueprint for NK worldwide?

Who has internet access in NK? Why does NK have satellites? Why does NK pretend to sabre-rattle?

Is it possible for NK to experience a revolution? How does the flow of information through NK society mirror our own? What steps would people have to take to achieve NK control in the west?

Where are UN peacekeeping forces deployed? What is the flow of people and by extension civil conflict as a result of the UN?

It's all connected.
Remember the old plans.
Understand how the division of society is designed to filter information out of the hands of the mid-tier leaders and thought shapers.
LaRouche Aristotelians vs Platonists.
Kubrick eyes wide shut.
International treaties to promote civil wars and paramilitary /supranational military initiatives.


You and people like you kept saying "his predictions were wrong." I've read all of the Q material. Please show me where he made a wrong prediction.

Begun, the storm has


The article is from well over two years ago. February 2015. Why are you trying to pass it off?

If this infograph is accurate, it actually makes my opinion of Barack Obama improve, it doesn't change my opinion on North Korea/Iran. Also, nobody "gave" Iran billions of dollars. It was Iran's own money held in Western banks that was illegally seized by the zionist entity in retaliation for that nation's revolution in which the zionist entity was expelled.

Nah, storm hasn’t begun.

Every single thing he claimed is false. Go fuck yourself.

You realize that there are airplanes other than Air Force One in the world, right?
So nothing we didn’t already know.

What’s the evidence that he will actually do that? He cucked the FUCK out on that other big thing, whatever it was. I can’t remember.

Name one specific date he gave that ended up coming true

as promised, bump!

Great argument, moishe.

Fuck’s sake, where’s my sage.

He cucked out on Roy Moore.


Cankles is already in custody lol, ankle GPS band

You feel like explaining yourself? Maybe it'd be better if the mods explained why you aren't banned.

Ah, no, it was something else (but I’m not surprised) during the election season. Wasn’t it something related to Hillary and/or the DNC? Oh! Or wasn’t it something about Benghazi? Fuck’s sake, I can’t remember a damn thing.

Your a special kind of deep state brainwashed stupid arent you?

i talked about current feet injury events evens. Nothing is coincidence


Topical, timely, and relevant.

Oops, forgot archive related:

The photos were uploaded to cuckchan during the landing/take-off periods where DJT was tweeting at the same time from Asia.

Well that's clearly untrue. The more sloppy shills like you there are the more I think Qanon might be legit.

What action is Twitter taking effective mid dec?

Riddle me this. SA link?

This Twitter Prince is sleeping in a bag rn.

New Q posts, suggest (((Hugh Hefner)))'s role was to gather blackmail through sexytimes with children.

Fuck I was thinking about that, turns out I was right(?)

What if I told you they figured out that if they can output certain frequencies they could manipulate reality. What if I told you that what Holla Forums has been fighting against with memetics was the kikes trying to artificially meme.

but why? Its something to do with the speed and intensity of the frequency of the thought. The kikes have been trying to fuck with it and lock reality (insert allegory for 'the labyrinth' here).

those super computers? basically the idea is one cycle of any process is a frequency but the "meme being forced" needs to remain the same once you break the tradition and do something else that frequency "is broken" so it would be dedicated computers.. or a botnet? where almost all computers are running the same cycle at the same time? How does bit coin work again?

New Q posts:

Expand your thinking.
What are patterns?
How are patterns formed and isolated?
What are data sets?
What is a map?
Re: Twitter (repeat)(important).
What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?
What is the purpose of this action?
Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?
When was this announced?
When did events in SA transpire?
Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?
Why is this relevant?
Expand your thinking.
What is the real purpose of this action?
What is the SS?
Who is the primary person protected under the SS?
What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?
Would POTUS be able to use Twitter post action?
Define the ‘known’ action.
Why is the MSM ignoring this action?
What transpired w/ POTUS’ Twitter account a short time ago?
Re-read crumbs on this topic (necessary).
Two scenarios (lose/lose).
POTUS advised by SS to terminate use of Twitter due to new website tracking policy (cookies) amongst other spyware not disclosed (risk) – 1st time they failed (re-read).
POTUS silenced on Twitter due to new policy (re: SS / risk).
Direct message failure.
POTUS refuses to be silenced.
Bad actors gather metadata and targeting.
Small example of the ongoing silent war.
Problem: time to complete.
Patriots, get the word out.
Jason Bourne (Deep Dream).

POTUS opened the door of all doors.
Expand your thinking.
What is the keystone?

Why am I here during the day?
Why is this relevant?
What does this infer?


why did the thread about trump being targeted for assassination get deleted and not bump locked? I figure some of the people in this thread had eyes on that.


What the fuck are you trying to say?

Another white rabbit has been identified.

because it was worthless? or maybe because it was an attention whore trying to shill his own jewtube channel?

Trump was in Korea. The picture is from Hong Kong. Try harder.

Kill yourself, redditor. Your LARP isn’t real.



Chaos brought man here. It will bring itself about as the equalizer and it will leave in chaos. What humanity does then will be the key point in history. This is that final moment and we were born to see this through.


4chan now fully compromised, only controlled threads are not pruned. My GookMoot thread only made it 17 posts.

Too fucking vague to be of any use.

Do you even know what autism is?

Holy fuck. Mystery solved. Boomers have discovered chans and 4/pol/ (and also perhaps 8/pol/).

I kinda thought it was weird that my dad knew things about Q from his conspiracy youtube videos before I saw anything in these threads about it.

Dear god boomers need to fuck off. If you are a classic rock lovin', prescription drug addicted, TV brainwashed, "computers are magic" baby boomer and you're reading this boy oh boy are you in the wrong fucking neighborhood…


I think its interesting and gets the noggin joggin.
Looks like another reference to the Emerald Tablets. Just after the sphinx shit.

Each to the other is the Keystone;
each the gateway that leads into LIFE.
Follow the KEY I leave behind me.
Seek and the doorway to LIFE shall be thine.
Seek thou in my pyramid,
deep in the passage that ends in a wall.

Use thou the KEY of the SEVEN,
and open to thee the pathway will fall.
Now unto thee I have given my wisdom.
Now unto thee I have given my way.

Follow the pathway.
Solve thou my secrets.
Unto thee I have shown the way.

So Kushner is a BASED patriot now too?


555 dubs for the guy that lives on 666 jew street. I don't know user, I gotta be honest the whole thing seems like a ruse cruise lately.
If I was the president I would just get something done justice wise instead of all this dick grabbin'.


Welcome to every post he made.

It’s like poetry. It really is. Not what it writes, though; poetry has structure and this LARPing faggot’s tone deaf.

Check'n those trips.
Don't forget Stephen Miller either. He may give T_D a stiffy but he's still iffy given his tribal allegiance.

Q also implies Hitler was controlled and had a handler. Not sure why he chose 4/pol/ over T_D to do these updates tbh or has half-chan completely lost their roots?

When does Q imply that?
We all know Hitler had some funding from Jews to begin with, but the Jews win by always funding all sides. Needless to say their funding stopped after a certain point…
Could Q have been referring to that?

That's what I don't understand. It was on the 12th and was very general but it feeds right into the conspiratards and mainstream thinking that Hitler was manipulated/controlled working for the Illuminati narrative.

(1st Post) How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?

Who controls the MSM?
Who really controls the MSM?
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?
Who controls the MSM?
Who really controls the MSM?
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources?
What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?
An earlier Q question.
How do you trap a dangerous animal?
Everything is connected..
There is no coincidence














Add that to all of his nonsense about Iran and North Korea and it adds up to a picture that the general foreign policy tenor of the last 70 years and especially the last 20 has been righteous. It's only been corrupted by people who won't give niggers a chance [yeah, he had some choice comments on that as well] and the enemies of israel.

Every time I see "who really" I immediately think the only logical conclusion he's hinting at is Reptillians. I'm not even joking. Unless he's trying to hint Illuminati > Jews or reverse, which given the crowd he's working with makes more sense. If other Holla Forums was worth a shit they'd be calling this shit out for what it is.

>(((House of Saud)))

All three mentioned and have very clear connections and never even mentioned.

That's where I ended my Q larp curiosity. In more recent ones he hinted at the races at how these bloodlines are holding them down intentionally. I don't know, the white man is losing all his fucking jobs and his countries while theirs are not being lost. I don't give a fuck if your shitty nation is in poverty because your low IQ ass can't unfuck your situation. It's not like you are at risk of losing your entire culture, people, and having to face a brutal reconquista to take it back with heavy casualties. Reading between the lines he's definitely civic nationalist T_D tier with his placating minorities.

Your problem is that you assume because he asks who his handler was that it automatically means the answer to is he a puppet is yes. It could be no he isn't a puppet and he has no handler.


He's implying that a Soros was his handler, and that's how they overtook the Rothschilds (they didn't).

However that could lead into why Hitler rebelled against his handler or connection to the Jews.
The later question asks how old was Soros.

He asks who Hitler's handler was and what the real purpose of the Second Zionist War was. The implication is clear that Hitler was not motivated to drag Germany out of crippling poverty, improve the racial quality in the country, and structure a cooperative social fabric in Germany, but to make money, destroy Europe, and cash out on the orders of someone else. It's jewish fantasy taken straight from postwar British agitprop.



Exactly. You can mental gymnastics or say it's part of the disinfo or he's speaking to the true half-pol that knows hitler did nothing wrong, but given the swarm of normies they're dealing with I think it's safe to say that might be stretching it. Because he mentioned the Soro's think and age part immediately under the text I didn't add it's like he's hinting at either Soro's is carrying on the Nazi operations after 1945 (alt-media belief in this 4th Reich ruling us now) or that Soro's had connections that he was using back then.

Could also play the intentional disinfo part of all his messages which he already made a disclaimer he was doing, but that's too much mental gymnastics for me. Half the people whose youtube videos I'm seeing on Q are the spiritual type who believe Nazi's exist, are in Antarctica, developed UFO's in the 30's, and are working with Reptillians . It's why I wasn't joking when I mentioned that earlier.

Reading through all his posts again and again I've seen nothing to convince me otherwise. I don't think he's as redpilled on the issues where he's posting too. Maybe more so than T_D but far less than either Holla Forumss. Can't blame them either in government you're not going to have a shit ton of time to research this all out with hours of free time you don't have.

When shitposting about martial law, he said “all americans” would be protected from riots and such; he’s definitely a civnat.

Replace could mean replacement for Hitler as in Merkel.

He says why did Soros replace "family y", he's talking about the Rothschilds. The Merkel/Hitler "bloodline" thing is a reference to the hoax story about how Merkel was Hitler's daughter.

It's all bullshit, you're getting jewed.

By you?

Obviously, I'm trying to trick you into being pro-Hitler and into disbelieving a story made up by Sorcha Faal. You got me.

So you are a Jew that is trying to tricked me into being against Hitler by claiming to be pro-Hitler?

Good idea. Haven't seen these posted for the new arrivals in quite a while.

Wait a sec, are you trying to tell me Hitler was the good guy?


You're a fucking idiot. Q says that WW 1 and 2 were planned "mass extinction events" for whites. You think its a coincidence that LV was mostly white casualties? Texas? Hitler may have unwittingly gotten played for the initial investment for his new germany, but he did take a redshield for ransom to help.

Since when did Q say anything about whites?

Watch the Greatest Story Never Told. It's a very long video though so put aside about 3 hours of your life.

meant for


What was the death toll for both WWs by race, I'll wait.

Fun fact, only 22 million* died in World War II. The 70 million number of today is a complete fabrication.

*this is without some soviet civilian deaths, because they were done at the hands of the soviet government; the absolute total is probably about 30 million, given post-1992 data releases

I'm not sure I can process all of this.

I don't know but didn't 6 million Jews die in the holocaust?

It’s a LARP, so don’t worry about anything being right.

Delete yourself.

All but one of these were in 'Germany's getting new elections' threads


Speaking of that, I hope the voters don't trust the FPD. Not only are they against AfD but they backtracked on their rapefugee shit who can trust that?


So Soros or Jewish connection replaced Hitler with Merkel to reestablish Rothschild and therefore Jewish control over Germany. Hitler's rise to power was funded by this same source but he like Trump turn coat. Gives a whole new meaning to the MSM calling Trump literally Hitler.

CBTS becomes very interesting once you add the Jewish element. Perhaps this is the puppet master? Q said that it is hard to swallow? Hard to swallow for whom?

Calm down son, why you have to be mad? We can fight the vatican-freemason conspiracy and save Israel together!

Don't worry dad, we can "save" Israel together. We will "liberate" them. Teach them the meaning of freedom together.

Hey dad have you seen this picture I found online, remember JFK?

Isn't it obvious? (If it isn't a larp)

The poster mentioned the keystone, obviously Israel. Knowing the ancestry of the family of Said (derived from followers of Sabbatai Zevi) makes this plain as day

You really think it's a LARP?
Why did three kike faggots appear when this thread got bumped?
Why did the kike faggots stop posting and decide to slide the thread instead?
Think about it, latest Q drop is going after MSM and therefore Soros.
Closing in on the kike fucks.
How do you catch a dangerous animal?

+++ Saudis
It happened
++ Rothschild
Helicopter "accident" no body identified?
+ Soros
Cuckchan getting hit harder than ever.
It's going down, and the kikes know it.
How long did you really think they could get away with it?
Teaching degrades over generation, it has happened in the western world. Why not in the Jewish world?

Why are there so many kikes calling LARP? Trying to discredit and say no one is going after Israel and other bullshit?
Because they don't want shit like this
To happen to CBTS

Note I never said it was a larp. As a rule I accept plausible deniability, however I have noticed several things have come to light (Alwaleed bin talal) which lend credence. Do I think it is genuine? Don't know. Do I want to believe it is genuine (and do)? Yes.

If so, my prior point should be addressed. No way a legit Q wouldn't know the occult kabbalistic history of the Saudi royals. This obviously links to the Lurianic interpretation of Tikkun Olam, which would indeed be a very difficult pill for normies to swallow.

Q started by asking about Satan and does Satan exist. Then shortly after said does the thought of Satan exist? And whether or not it matters. This is followed by a series of questions about what is a cult and so forth. Perhaps by declaring Satanists and Pedophiles is an easier enemy for the masses to understand? Certainly they are all of these things but you are right in that it has deeper roots.

You shouldn't believe everything on the internet son. Alex Jones and Infowars keeps me up to date. There's many out there who wants to slander our greatest ally, they need us and we need them. Nazi control of the media is a conspiracy fact, OPERATION PAPERCLIP! Anyway have to go AFK now, the old lady is nagging me about taking out the trash! Why does she never ask Jamal to do so? Bye!

Dad! Jamal is a great step father! You need more diversity in your life, but besides you're right dad. Israel is our greatest ally, I mean after all they are the ones promoting immigration and same sex marriages. Just like the shows mom watches!

Well think about it this way, what was your first redpill?

It is intractable to explain to the masses the idea that a group of people who have a belief system derived from a failed jewish messiah wish to invert morality so as to bring about the destruction of the world (original doctrine was whole universe, later "prophets" say present society) in order to purify it. This is so disjoint from normal thinking that most will reject it, even if presented with irrefutable evidence. Satan quite literally means adversary, therefore it isn't incorrect. Satan can be thought of esoterically as the collective body of those adversarial to humanity/Good/Truth.

What a time we live in.

I like you user, you're very well spoken. If people can come together against a common Satan, how would that Satan look? What shape would such an adversary have to take in order for every to unite? I would say a child sex trafficking ring run by a global elite would work quite well? After all that is one of the primary functions of this network. Or the life blood if you will. Cruel pun not intended.

I know where you are going (mine was going to a nigger high school, btw), however that doesn't apply to most people. Chances are you and I, along with most of Holla Forums value ideals such as Truth far more than ordinary people. It is something I have come to realize, that not everyone is capable of such a manner of thought. I have also spent considerable time of my own volition researching and learning out of this fundamental desire, nothing more. Chances are you have too. Most people are incapable, but that doesn't mean they are incapable of recognizing evil if explained in a way they can understand.

Have you seen what Rosanne Bar has been saying on twitter? I personally do not have one but have seen the images posted from this type of thread. Also, in mainstream news Hollywood sex scandals are coming to light. One notable would be that of Charlie Sheen and pedophilia. It seems like the ground work is already played out. This could most likely be the best possible situation to start bringing the surface issues to light. Those who wish to go deeper will.

Also in Q questions, Hugh Hefner is brought up and confirmed by Q to be CIA honeypot for blackmail. With the increase of older generations looking into this material it is only a matter of time before alternative news spreads this story.

WTF is this, plebbit text dumps? These kikes are going all out, take this shit elsewhere.

I love when a kike calls other his own name.

while we wait for happenings, a huge scandal is currently erupting on twitter thanks to the unholy alliance of cernokike and buzzfeed I know, hold your sperg. Apparently Cernovich uses buzzfeeds desperation for revelance, and fed them info on sex scandals settlements in congress. in a nutshell:


Danke. Satan is a collective body of those who manifest the principles it represents, nothing more. This is an explanation free of superstition, therefore likely to gain traction with the skeptically minded. Child molestation and ritual sacrifice are but two ways this can manifest, but really any unimaginable horror one human can inflict upon others intentionally does too. I had a jewtube channel on philosophy, once upon a time… Sigh. t. Tacitus.

There is great potential to awaken people, and the best method is through visceral crimes, child molestation being the worst, while still being digestible. Despite all the reality manipulating brainwashing, tptb were never able to convince a plurality of the merits of this, I suspect because something instinctual and primal signals that this is not ok. Therefore it is a good conduit. For the more skeptically minded apolitical types, garden variety corruption and bribery with evidence is enough.

Whoops, last reply was meant for first. Swap those two.

This is big if yuge

Can you see the signs? Like the article that user has just posted? It's really the perfect weather. Wow more puns..
We should be in celebration, it is good news that bad news is coming to light! Because who is it bad news for? Therefore good news for?

How come you stopped your jewtube channel? It seems like you would be able to discuss interesting topics. Do you not have confidence in finding a viewer base?

some quick digging show John Conyers was part of the bid to declare Trump "incapacited" thru the 25th amendment


Things are certainly in motion, and we are living in interesting, pivotal times. We will see.

I don't mean this to be a blackpill, but I suspect a slow collapse will occur over the next three centuries because of the Malthusian trap induced by dysgenics (lower races outbreeding higher races). The best case for us is if Trump is able to carve a metaphorical island out for Europeans that we may survive and harden in the crucible of time. I believe he can.

I know that most of the time it is thought that high IQ races will be out breed but personally I don't think that is the case. Maybe more mixed race people but I have a hunch that those mixed raced offspring will desire to pair with the Higher IQ partners. What is BLEACHED?
Plus there are many forms of survival and aesthetics for mating is one of the most alluring.

Muahahahaha, the storm is upon us

if I wasn't at work, I would be tempted to create a thread about this. twitter is ablaze, they already manually removed John Conyers from trending, and I suspect are gonna be busy overnight trying to stiffle the story

This pertains to CBTS as it is part of "draining the swamp which should be dubbed drain the sewer"
Q questions are being answered in 4chin and there are a lot of intelligent lurkers that you won't see in the comments working on it. As the pieces pile up and more events that fall into place to enforce that it is indeed happening, we should see more support. It has already infected older generations. One day everyone will take the redpill and people will be given merit by the amount of redpills they can handle.

27k for keeping her mouth shut apparently, as far as settlements goes this is lowball, 3 month worth of salary for her.
In this case she actually was fired for sticking to her guns and refusing the sexual advances.

I wonder how many sex scandals will come to light in mainstream media to flood the channels with stories that distract from the major politic happenings? I mean think about it, they start selling their own down the river and you will see those same rats outing their "masters". Chain reaction, they cannot stop the series of event taking place. "They thought she would never loose"
Arrogant bastards had no plan for this, and with generations of planning now gone to waste they have no ability to adapt. They are only capable of carrying out orders and doctrine not surviving the chaos.

true, int he broader picture, this is a list of settlements for previous years, no way to know how many of those are sexual scandals.

No longer had the time, what with starting a family. I do now, to a degree, so perhaps it will resume.

I didn't state I thought the European race would become extinct, necessarily. This has happened before, many times, and will happen again. The Phoenix rises from the ashes of potential. If it is possible to avert this, I would do everything I can to assist, and I do have hope, for what it's worth. What matters is what people do, and that's what determines our fate.

I also see China and India as being the likely catalysts of this, resulting in their near complete destruction.

Just like the indoctrination into these "elite" groups begins with sexual abuse the end of this vicious cycle will begin with truth exposed on sexual misdeeds.

Perhaps, HOWEVER, Japan is purchasing a full military arsenal from the United States. This is a critical bond in maintaining peace throughout Asia.

Japan loves western culture and some of western values. They will serve as the watchers of that region. Also, Japan is involved in these Q questions. This has been a coup to overthrow the shadow government for a long time.

I guess what I am trying to say, is to never loose hope user. Humanity will overcome the perils of existences and maybe we are riding the wave that will be the catalyst for a bright future. That what we have had to endure and the things we have been forced to learn are meeting their purpose. That the survival of the human race is coming full circle to unify with our desire to persevere. Certainly there will be rough times ahead but we are that symbol of the human spirit. Never surrendering to the fear and doubt that lives within the mind, but instead the will that chooses to not only survive but thrive.


I know what hes talking about and have been at an impasse because he structured it so absolutely autisticly subtle. Will report back

addendum: I've been working at it for a while now but have never been able to complete it, I am missing one or two things that dont let me get the whole thing. I would post what it is for anons to assist with but I have gotten far enough into it to get a portion of the message to know that I can not risk letting the kikes know where to look.

no, it isnt. I know what hes talking about and I know a couple other anons have been sperging that they figured it out too but dont know how to tell everyone else without letting the kikes know

Can you help me? I'm having trouble figuring it out.


Nice selfie.

It’s a proven LARP.
Because a kike faggot created the thread.
Because Holla Forumsacks recognize the thread is a LARP and should not be posted here.
Think about it: every claim Q-LARP has made has been proven false. All of his “cryptic” questions regard publicly available knowledge.
Funny how he won’t name the jew after A MONTH of shitposting on CUCKCHAN, isn’t it? Almost as though we shouldn’t give a fuck about what SOMEONE WHO IS A CIVIC NATIONALIST says.
Point to the jews, say they are jews, prove their actions derive from judaism, and then put a bullet between their eyes.

Mine was “Hey, these media surnames are all jewish…” Basically the last thing I learned was ‘the holocaust didn’t happen’. I’m to understand that others somehow had their first redpill be the holocaust. I find that strange (because three generations of brainwashing has caused psychological triggers which prevent you from questioning it outright), but I also understand how learning about the holocaust first makes learning who’s behind everything since MUCH easier.

What the fuck would that matter, given that the kikes already know WHAT THEY THEMSELVES HAVE DONE, you stupid motherfucker?

anyone have that infograph of weasel words? I desparatly need it.

because thats not what the message is you stupid mother fucker

Yes, I know that already. The civnat LARPer wouldn’t dare out his own masters.


Sounds like it's time for Trump to get an alternate direct messaging platform.


Interesting psyop going on.


Who is Bill Hicks? Search only brings up a dead comedian.

confirmed, AF1 flew over the white rabbit in NK

Mhmm. Sure.

Q said to follow the glowing rabbit, why do people keep misreporting that?


Do you think Sorcha Faal was telling the truth when he (yes, it's a he) made up a fake KGB report about Merkel being Hitler's daughter?

The book of Q



But goy, don't you wanna learn the secrets of the BASED Q clearance user? Just click it, it won't hurt you.

Remember to sage, though.


Not the same geological places. For sure it's not. Even though I want to believe but it's not.

You believe that?

Nobody will rise to power without acceptance of our superlords, according to Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Hitler was one of the greatest deceivers ever. I bet he was a Jesuit.

Any other lurkers need any more evidence that the shills are the ones who keep trying to sell you on this LARP?

you newfaggotry is showing, please stop posting and lurk for 2 more years before posting again.

Hitler was a Rothschild bastard child, and was financed by the fed and bank of england. Pre internet 50 year old recording EXPOSES ALL


Gas yourself.

Trump already did tweet +++ apparently, mere minutes after Q ended his post with +++. 1st pic related.

What's interesting about that picture is Trump posted it on twitter and the url for it's link is Do it Q, pic 2 related. twitter gives images uploaded random urls, is this just pure coincidence or is there more to it than meets the eye.

I have been busy with work and haven't had the time to get too involved and look into Q. But I have just scrolled down Trumps' twitter and found both of these tweets and confirmed that what pics related say checked out as truth.


Like clockwork.

That picture is the wrong one, there are different time zones to consider. They are actually hours apart.


Hmmm so which came first Trump or Q. I guess it would be difficult to work out. I know Q made a point of telling people to check his time stamps for some reason, and I also believe he posted an inflight pic of scenery that would put him in Trumps time zone at that time on his Japan visit. And I guess time stamps online are different for everyone seeing as it will show a time when posting occured in relation to everyones own time zone, so everyone looking will have different times relatable to their time zone.

Regardless, it does put them on the same day and the use of +++ in both posts is intriguing, especially with Q stating that nothing is random and everything has meaning with his +++ post.



Why was he banned? I thought this message board was for the truth.

Because 8ch is run by a Jewish Freemason.

So, where are you LARPfag? Undeniable confirmation, Q dropped keywords for exactly which captain was flying over the Rothschilds' mansion and greenlit the mission before things happened.

Shame thread has been bumplocked. Too bad.

Seriously mod squad, if you faggots are too retarded to properly vet the posting that's happening here, pass the torch.


He explains those encrypted messages. The one threatening redshields was the command to attack them. Word got out and the mission failed. What the fuck is happening anymore.

I have more satellite photography autism than whoever made that infographic.

It's a fairly good match, but it's not the same place.

Check google maps yourself and scrutinize it carefully. It's very similar but it's not the same.

inb4 kike shill / CIA nigger, etc


Okay retard, use your head …

We are using google maps to make the "match". If it's been tampered with by glowing CIA niggers then what's the point of our "match"? Can't I just say that some other valley is the "match" now?

The differences I'm talking about are not a few misplaced buildings or small details. The entire valley doesn't quite fit. Did the CIA change the entire valley so that it wouldn't quite be a match, but it's still so close that 98% of anons would make the match and be "on to them" anyway?

Wouldn't they just do what they always do with important sites and blur out the whole thing?

It's crazy that no one has made the connection of Keystone being Israel. I never thought that Holla Forums wouldn't connect this whole thing to Israel and Zionism. Q questions states +++ saudi, ++ rothfaggots, + soros then after this says 3 sides of pyramid followed by eye of providence. If your autistic enough you'd see that +++ is the lower part of the pyramid, ++ is the middle and + is the top or the EYE. Soros represents which piece? The kikes, the kikes and Israel. Why would the United States need the support of world powers? To uncuck itself from the kikes, let everyone know that POTUS isn't down with those faggots. They said shit about the door of all doors? That POTUS opened them? Talked about a key and bullshit? Well guess what his daughter married a kike. That's the key and that's how they got in to fuck the kikes. Game of Faggots 101.


Fuck off.

Where in you opinion is that picture?


Following the new Q posts, shilling on 4ch has gone insane again - lots of LARPLARPLARP and boomers REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE etc.
Also there's Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic being posted - broken down into bitesize posts.

If the shills mission is to bring more attention to the threads then they're doing a great job.

So "hate speech" here is anything that puts Hitler's official or unofficial story in jeopardy.

Was Miguel Serrano also Freemason? Was the story of Kalki and Hitlerism too a Masonic trick?

I tried to make a thread with this yesterday and it got anchored in minutes.

Map of Jamaica

Close up

Oh boy.

Maybe something with blue holes

What are the 11 dots around the island?

Watch this get shilled

Self check

anyway they can elaborate what in the fuck is going on without giving up the key to decoding this? pls!


shit, now everyone will know 8/pol/ mods are compromised

shit i typed way too long. I couldnt get the whole thing. What I could get implies trumps twitter is compromised in some way. and "po_" is being asked for help "only one who can" "hero" "meme" "november" and there is a lot of reference to 'AU'

The cypher key on the right is a set of instructions to understand the way the kikes deceive, the way they alter words based on the frequency of their alphabetic number raising it by 4, 7 or 11 ect. This way the replacement, deceitful letter false somewhere in the void between the number of the letter g and the number of the letter r so that the people never notice there was a change because they are not so receptive to that "uneven position"

Kind of like how we have a hard time not counting clusters of things in specific groups of numbers. if you show me 20 balls in a chaotic pile I can not tell you how many are there with a certainty of accuracy without mentally dividing the balls into groups of say 4 or 5 or so. I can do so quickly as to be able to give the answer with the same speed as "instantly counting them" but i have to mentally observe that it is a number that I have to decrypt before being about to count.

I think the code says is trying to tell us we need to meme harder than ever before and I think it implies with an urgency. tomorrow is thanks giving, its date is a harmonic sequence. If there is any fact to any of this then tomorrow should be the day that we have the dankest digits. As far as what to meme.. Im thinking we need to meme something like 'its ok to be white' but more "fuck the sales there is a great evil growing bond with your family and fix broken bonds because a well rooted tree can withstand any storm" something like that something that turns memetics into what it is meant to be. Our memory


give it to 4cuck to meme out , its blatantly obvious this place has been compromised and is pretty well fucking useless . he is referring to the qquantum that was shifted shifted during the elections d&c has more efffect for their cause than we all know. just get the word out there to the autist fag show known as 4 chan . at least they have a sub sect groupd of decent size q believers. where as here has died

Look at the flower on his lapel and her wedding ring in the left pic. Look at the jacket buttons in the right photo.

John McCain is out on bail.

Why is yh boot on his other foot?

He forgot which Achilles tendon he injured.
Also why aren't replies to this thread bumping it?

Mods anchored it. Interesting new Q posts too, ffs.

Q says to expand your thinking
+ Soros
++ Rothschild
+++ Saudi
This creates a pyramid.
At the top?
Bride of Satan.
Hillary? Highest rank in Cult.
Put her in power? Lilith in control.
Owl is symbol of Israel.
Expand your thinking.
Holla Forums was right again.

No one cares. Go the fuck back to cuckchan if you want to suck LARP cock.

You obviously care since yhou're posting in an anchored thread, shlomo.

How is Israel at the top? There would be no Israel without the Rothschilds. Who does Mossad answer to? Probably not just Bibi. Who sits atop the pyramid? Is it the Rothschilds? Is there anyone above them?

ugh halfchan bread btfo cos of multiple breads. Mods nuked em all, and haven't found new one yet. Plenty of proof that slide breads are fake, made way too early, and that people are trying to keep it in one bread and keeping it consistant, but others sliding to achive exactly this outcome.
Here for example

Sage because it triggers you.

Fuck mods, just let the shills shill and let us get some discussion going. At least the shills would just stay in this thread.

How is Israel at the top?
Are you being serious?

Mossad maybe, but Israel is nothing without Saudi/US support. Suggesting Israel is more important than the Rothschilds themselves is what I'm talking about. Bibi is not his own master and the random kikes in Israel hold no true power.

How do I know you're not from here?

CBTS cuckchan edition banned after posting about Zionism.
4/pol/ went offline for 20 minutes during massive spamming of CBTS threads.

One might want to make a board here specifically for this

Rothschild cities in Antarctica powered by nukes?

The New Rothschild MegaCity- N. Antarctica's island MegaCity, New Rothschild MegaCity was constructed in 1968 to support the nation's largest military base/air force base, which is located near the city.

The city and the miltary base are powered by the Rothschild reactor, located on the island. Most of the weapons and vehicles used on the nearby military base are produced in the New Rothschild MegaCity's many factories, which specialize in weapon production.
Industries/Resources- Military, Arms production



Looks like the end of Q . . .


4Chan infiltrated.
Future posts will be relayed here.

Seen it

You gotta be fucking kidding me. Its an honor, Q. I have questions:

What the hell is happening at 4ch? Are clown in asia niggers usurping control of the website? What's the extent of the control?

These codes are still too esoteric, can you give us ANY clue as to how to decode them?

Are there really 43 concurrent missions to depose moloch worshipping world leaders? How the hell do we have the manpower?

Who the fuck is this and why should I care? Did Q get banned on 4ch? Is it really a bunch of skiddies in the IC? Who is this?

I've got a 3 day ban for just asking what mods/janitors are up to. Came here to continue discussion. Mod/Janitors are apparently totally compromised.

cuckchan mods have always been faggots
you could tell they hated the threads but must've been told to leave one up by hiro

Just don't criticize the mods or janitors.

Welcome to when moot sold out, 3 years ago. Lurk for 2 years before posting, you're not in cuckchan anymore.

Wouldn't surprise me. He posted his biggest dump on a Paki thread before or when he posted it on Holla Forums. 4 chan is dead, compromised.

Flash Dir_
Key secured.

Hi Q. Looks like we both end up here.

screenshot shared

the gold in au
BLGM - trump knows that he is back .
clearing stage for announcement that he has returned and is not happy with the jews…. i am right arent i q. BLGM

Probably shouldn't post on cuck.

We've gone two chans deep..This is getting serious

i'm not sure how the mods here feel about these threads but if they don't want the trouble, you should get your guys to make a new board

there is always this

Threads already Anchored. Should last a few days unless 8ch starts getting blacked spammed, though I think mods recently made a new thread limit or something

Yup…no more.

if everybody comes here, the shills will follow

Wasn't shooting for everybody, just those few that were actually trying to get this done.

Sort of good the threads anchored. Anything that needs to be distributed, Q should make it clear to distribute to cuck that's all.

Get Confy boys

haha you see the only place they won't follow you is a place filled with their ilk.
Expect them to play on the news about how you are posting on a "known * board".

Doesn't matter though, at least you can post.
if only i wasn't in the country I'm in then I could run a site like this, but I am so I can't :(

however, while you're here notice in jb they are using kik codes, those are traceable!
have fun

here's the second QMAP
it seems like a good time to start a 3rd
8ch doesn't have to display US time on posts though afaik

if u can confirm blgm . then we can have success in shifting quantum. powerful entity behind blgm. just need your A.ffirm that trump is in the know . if so we can have this wrapped up by the end of the month. can you confirm blgm , is the return they have been shitting about
protocol 14 "we shall forbid christ"
the stone the builders rejected . using gematria and measurements that point to him in all of isaiah

Delete it from 4chan

This isn't welcome on 8/pol/
mods have anchored thread
Strongly suggest moving to >>>/cbts/



Black triangle/arrow on far end of post number

If you’re on a computer go to your post and click the arrow on the right and the delete. If you’re on mobile, click the three dots in the left and then delete.

Keeps coming up with "Can't Delete a post that old"

Just direct the flow into >>>/cbts/

Probably doesn't matter now, would just get reposted anyway.

Numbers are good
Just direct the flow >>>/cbts/
To avoid bans

who started that? the voat they kept trying to push us to seemed like a shill honeypot and we don't want to move to another
Q's people should make one

Look who's already posting there. XXX Baker caused lots of problems. That entire place seems moldy.

They aren't seeing it in 4plebs, so they are dismissing it.

Ironically, shills spamming 'new Q!!!' with various garbage made it invisible.

i think XXX can be a bit crazy but has good intentions
somebody from the baker's union was adding shit about it being a larp in the OP

Your right, and the ones that are seeing it are like:

They are having trouble decoding

Sir. Truly… this?
Pic related.

Looks like the noise was expected

Hey when you guys aren't busy can you save Canada too? Thanks, eh.

Potential problem with not having an archive that makes it easy to collate/confirm Q posts like 4plebs. There is a global archive of threads here which is in beta, though 8ch.net/pol/archive/index.html .

Q needs eyes, so the loss of cuckchan is pretty sad for CBTS since there were eyes there. Shills too of course, a fuckton of them, but searching for relevant data was easier that way.

Attention to all newcomers: we also have had a shill regiment here, a single-ID fag kept REEEing about this being a LARP for 7 threads straight. Mods cleaned up his shit, but this thread is anchored, meaning it cannot be bumped and will be deleted once it reaches the end of the catalog or it will be impossible to post once the thread hits the limit (751 posts). Mods here frown on duplicate threads too, so #8 would have to be created once this one is over ~700.

The guy who started CalmBeforeTheStorm on voat created >>>cbts

expanding on that, for a period of time it will be necessary to keep tabs on both cuckchan and fullchan in case new info is posted in either threads.

We can make threads for multiple discussions.
Mods will not get upset
Contact the guy who made Voat
Once he sees /cbts/ blowing up and future Q drops they will come

i know about >>>/cbts/ and voat, the problem is that it's a new board with even less eyes. We would need to get Q's attention to forward him to the board and then advertise it on every channel. For now, Q confirmed posting on 8/pol/, we have to wait for him to decide on place.

i haven't posted much on 8ch since /sp/ left
what's the spam protection like here nowadays?

They can not decode that? Hahaha That is hilarious. Thanks Q. We are here, let us know what is needed.

We need a place where Q drops won't get deleted.
I'm all for what you are saying but this will fix our short term problems.
Do what you like, just trying to help.
Imo we need stability and regrouping. A staging area from which we can carry the message.

Spam cuckchan with the Q drop and direct them to >>>/cbts/
Problem solved

You're acting like Q isn't paying attention to the shitshow

apart from a global captcha system for IPs every 24h, there is a system for checking duplicate pictures - 8/pol/ however allows multiple pictures per post, so it's become standard practice to post reposts with an accompanying "bypass" picture, a small, unique pic with some pixels. The "bypass" overrides the duplicate check.

Welcome Q



I have a discord server set up for a discussion room off site. Welcome to use that if needed.

Discord is compromised globally, they're in on censorship. businessinsider.com/discord-nazi-white-supremacist-alt-right-ban-2017-8?IR=T

Drop this in cuckchan
We won't be able to post in 8/pol/ for long either

They have not banned me from there and i have shared a lot of stuff on there. But I create my own server rooms. I do not go into the public areas.



Happy to have you here

theres a guy on 4chan called spreadsheet user, he controls a spreadsheet that was made that displays a ton of answers to q's question, we need that dude to come here if we can find him.






WikiAnon will be along as soon as he checks in on discord. I posted the link to him as well.

Did you post this one with the link next to it? So idiots can decode it?
They don't even take the time to even check 8ch.
Maybe we will have to make a fucking diagram explaining what 4ch_n 8ch_y could possibly mean.
After all of the mod shilling how could people not think it would be reasonable to go two chans deep?

Not sure about that one.

Lol you dropped it in the moldy bread

who against?

You're overestimating the capacity of the majority posting in the threads. There's just as many retards as there are shills.

as you can clearly see we are over run with BS where I come from, im going to drop this here and wish you luck. desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Digging deeper


Good, we need eyes looking through old stringers with this in mind

done g luck

checked, whoever is to dump to move should stay there. period.

great graphic

Drop graphics in graphics
Memes in memes
Q posts in Q drops
If you have something unrelated create a thread

I posted your pic exactly like that. Not much else we can do.

That is one hell of a Venn diagram. I rarely see them with this many groups. How did you make that?

ive been keeping up with these threads since 10/29, i would say its a safe bet that Q (collective) has at least 1 set of eyes on the threads 90% of the time. there was a night about a week ago on halfchan where we were getting RAIDED TO FUCK AND BACK by bots, outnumbering our posts 29-7, so we migrated to voat for a bit, and while we were conversing there, Q posted "++" in the thread. HUGE morale boost. Q has eyes on target, and we are part of that target, rest assured. When morale was low, Q DELIVERED! DICKS OUT!

did you guys see this shit?


there's probably a lot checking the twitter hashtag which should filter down to youtubers and co
we need a permanent venue though
if Q wants to post in /cbts/, then we go there

What the hell is Ryungyang hotel in North Korea even used for ? Everyone should check out the google reviews veryyyyy veryy twisted remarks..

ive never paid attention to tripcodes, etc prior to all of this. is there a way to verify tripcodes on 8ch similar to 4plebs? someone told me that all the chans use the same trip system, so they carry over essentially? can anyone confirm?

of course he is

[will only post as namefag for this, no others]

I hope everyone here realizes, if they haven't been told, that halfpol banned anyone reposting Q's latest stringers. They are coming for us HARD.

I won't be able to corral any halfchan threads for three days. I've tried to remain [mostly] quiet, just giving friendly nudges here and there, but myself and other friendlies are FUCKED, they just wiped out I'm assuming close to twenty, thirty of us


Checking in here and on /cbts/

Yeah but whatever goes on in Ryungyang Hotel seems veryyyyy secretive. Giant pedo hotel?

roger that. Just let me know what I can do to help


Don't feel bad, the dumpster fire was lit when Q dropped some serious shit in a Paki thread, suggesting leadership change in both Germany and Pakistan. It was most definitely a concerted effort by CIAniggers to boot /cbts/ off 4cuck.

They may have succeeded in that, but failed to take into account 8ch


all banned? there did seem to be less familiar names lately

saw this coming
it's good to be back home
dumping souvenirs

hey dudes good to see you

What do you guys think about this? I shitpost on cripplechan but rarely post here. It does seem like a logical explanation for what CBTS is and how they kept it going with Twitter Dog-whistling. I also attached another picture of the follow up to a "LARP" that predates the CBTS thread.

all i know is i was the first person to post trumps tweet today that legitimized q even further, not many people replied to that thread and it got deleted then i got banned for 3 days. then someone else posted the same shit and 100s of replies and it stayed up.

yes, anyone who simply copy/pasted Q's got shoahed for three days, Why the fuck would they target those stringers?

:3 didn't even think to check doublepol until now when I realizes I got banned

Whoops, I posted the wrong one.

I know there's some definite clowns trying to hijack the discussion in tandem with mod support.
I'm left wondering if/when I should backup important things and nuke my PC. Mold spores tried to get to me.

Just trying to set a trip because I might need it.

I copy pasted Q's long freedom stringers didn't get banned but stayed away from anything once i noticed the shitsormed kicked up by GER PAK stringers.

Mods got comped. Threads are literally LARPing boomers trying to trigger any remaining Anons. That tactic works well on tired thirsty posters.

why would trump leave obama shills monitoring his correspondence

that's even stranger, wonder what I did. My post copying Q was what was referenced in the ban. Hmmm.

Might as well get a name and trip, just in case since there's no flags around. I was the only poland poster some threads ago, Q replied to me w/regards to bodies buried and Blackwater archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150693391/#150698662 .

Barium meal.
Easiest way to see who is leaking is by allowing them to leak specific materials

Related to things…

Did you do it under your namfaggotry? Maybe they whacked a mole. I'm just a leaf in the wind

I have no answer for that. I'm willing to entertain Q isn't a LARP if anyone on here can give me a good explanation for why they believe so though. The average IQ here is several deviations higher than that of crippleposters.

Sup famalia. Checking in. Good to see you guiz. wtf. I'll namefag just this once.

but with the stakes of what he's doing, you'd think shit would be wrapped up tight

Nope, user as can be

FFS 4chan has been comped for weeks, we just now decide to move here? smells like lake water over here

lol was taking a break from this place (things were really slow here a couple months ago/I was working a lot)
i didn't think trips would catch on here…at the same time, I've thought this place was a better fit for cbts for some time now. better platform for research, and better diggers here, imo

adopting trip now

Regroup on /cbts/ too as the mods here have this thread anchored and yadda…

When almost anyone can be a spy that's the easiest way to find out who and where the info goes. Otherwise it's to the torture room and that may not work out at all


Still kinda activates the almonds, ya know?

also may go in and out of user
i really don't feel like I need the trip here, just wanted to prove it was me

reporting in for spiritual warfare and protection for all anons.

Unsure what you mean.

Praying for operators

Don't give (((them))) a weapon against us, use the proper board to avoid pissing off the locals

trip Q is definitely the same Q (person or group) the was posting before the trip (provided they were all the same)
the AF1 pictures connect the two and the structure of the posts are the same
and there has been an obvious coordinated effort to disrupt these threads for the last 2 weeks, using all known psyop tactics
even the threads here which have been going at 1 post per hour had a dedicated full time shill

I'm still leaning towards Q being a LARPer, but if dedicated anons dig and find good connections as a result of it then I'm certainly not opposed to it.

Do you mean Goat /cbts or here?


dumping shit there now
>Don't give (((them))) a weapon against us, use the proper board to avoid pissing off the locals
I cannot stress how important this is

Ah I see. I meant on here.

Checked for stylishly surfing out of the Kali Yuga pipeline into the space travelling golden age.
Lift the Praises up!
"God" is Truth through Love
Truth is Balance through Composure
Love is True Faith through True Hope


True Faith is "sincere Trust in the unseen, unknown/unknowable" a.k.a. "Kek" or "Ein Sof"

we're saving/changing/creating a True World Order my dudes. lets dig in.

Sry, Q

that's your call
what's happening worldwide seems to be following the big picture getting painted by Q so far imo, and good solid connections have been made through independent research


click on link below to travel to cbts board, yes we have a board here
if you are going sight seeing LURK do not PISS OFF 8ch
if (((THE ZIONIST FAGGOTS))) try to shill here, there is better defense against them as the mods are not retards


How did Q manage to have the same trip code on both boards? Anyone know how that works? Mine changes when I post over at 4.


i thought they were supposed to work the same

I did too, so I checked, just to be sure. They don't


does anyone know if these are relevant

huh, my trip looks the same to me

Trump is Trungpa

Fake Q no space after Q

If it were fake it would be all in bold letters.

Trips work a little differently here.

Seems suspicious

Wasn't "Q" = 3-4 internal staffer/coffeekids reading admin comms some time before posted/verified to social media and stuff? +++ other shit? And finally post for the lolz?

Fuck those bastardos at 4 we need go home, lol

No one said you have to leave cuckchan just bookmark it in case shit goes wrong later.

I am still confused. All my links still go back to the archived threads…


any post with y'all sprinkled in a few times is undeniable proof worth spamming according to the shills on 4/pol

"mega user" (chick'n'feet) from this thread

As a southerner that still cracks me up.

Should someone make a board here or not?

Meet up here:

look here

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo /

not Q

4chan archive doesn't work on Holla Forums, swifty.

Can anyone tell me the turd/patriot ratio in this thread?

Getting tired of 4Chan maggots shitting up everything.

I'd be into digging blackwater more
or Academi, or whatever they are called now

who was shot?

This is relevant.


What's with the sicko antisemitic lampshade graphic? I thought everybody evacuated 4Chan because of the socially retarded trolls. Don't start that crap here.

A pyramid having a square base, a Y can NOT be its 2D representation!
3D projection of a Y would be a tetrahedron!

where tf are the flags
i want muh flag

Holla Forums or as i call it Hchan for Hitlerchan is the true anti-semitic channel.

no flags here, bud.
that faggotry stays at halfchan, or as we call it here cuckchan

no faggotry for me then
thanks user

very technical of you, I stand corrected.
no less relevant, in context of 'sacred/satanic geometries'
*I know you see what I see*

oy gevult the goyim are disrespecting muh six gorillion
fuck the hell off back to reddit you boomer faggot

meant to add that placing a tetrahedron representation inside of a hexagon creates a cubic prism, whose square allows a pyramid
also you can build pyramids out of tetrahedrons

Amazing. thank you

head over here

infinitypol is hamstringing us here, but /cbts/ is booming over there

New to 8ch, banned on 4ch for calling out the mods. Can't get items is catalogue above to open. Are they dead? How to open?

Never mind, figured it out.

Yup, me too. Started with a 15 minute ban for questioning mods for killing threads by respected bakers. When they let the lunatics out of the asylum who hijacked the CBTS threads run amok, I got me a 3 day ban.
Now they have said lunatics with BDS (boomer derangement syndrome) openly advocating "Gas the boomers, gerontocide now", A crime, I believe, go unchallenged. The mods over there are apparently more concerned with keeping the anime/kek/desu/senpai culture than with aligning with the mission of purging our systems of corruption and evil.

SJWs have taken over the mods, there is no hope for that hellhole.

Even 4ch went the way of twatter…


Has the cancer spread here now?
I've been posting on 4Chan since around 2009, not once in all my time there did i use the filter function…until these CBTS threads. By far the most retarded, cancerous, waste of internet space i've seen in 20+ years of online activity, and i've seen some fucking idiotic, cancerous shit in my time.

Good to see you too. You bake well. See some other friends here too. I got up early. Monitoring half chan carefully, some based user's still trying to keep the flame lit with individual donations as the script has been torn up apparently. Something darker going on over there than BDS, something sinister.

did CBTS finally die?

Did anyone get anywhere with the hand drawn map which one user posited was DuPont Circle NW? I spent hours working it to no avail. Tried circles in DC, NY, Rome, London, etc, no joy.

This was buried in what may or may not have been a Q post. Check paragraph 8. Apologies if it's been discussed.

didn't bring stuff w/me - am out of town, not logging into the spreadsheet (what a fucking mess) or with tripcode until 11/28, but will when I get home.

absolutely MUST find a way to archive current/future Q posts here 8ch.net/pol/archive/index.html is something but is a little unwieldy as I'm not used to it. better than nothing though. am trying to at least stay in the loop as I can until I return.

You literally have a choice NOT to be here

ctrl-f "Q !ITPb.qbhqo"
(no matches)

"Q !ITPb.qbhqo" != "Q!ITPb.qbhqo"

Bullshit fake Q.

Always double-check with archive
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo /

Now, why would there be so many fake-Qs in 4ch and now 8ch?

Level-III shilling, as predicted.

For what is worth, and however tis helps:
Erik Prince, original founder of Blackwater, is the Brother of Betsy DeVos, Who was/is Trump's Secretary of Education.



so… stupid anons believing in fake Q moved to 8ch and let the trolls take over the 4ch bread…
And now the 4ch bread is officially dead.
GJ guys… nothing can devide us right?

What choo sposed to do to stop this?


Life goes on back on cbts, so come share your neg there too

Inter POL



Excuse me, can you tell me when Native Title was extinguished ?


Hey, people are trying to work out the military code of law et al. Well.. it's very simple, All Fall under the jurisdiction of the ~ Judge Advocate General of the United States Army &
United States Army Provost Marshal General: Both appointed by the President,










Show less

And education is the keystone in the arch of democracy

On that CIC wiki page it says: "Criminal investigations to include war crimes and in some cases crimes against coalition forces and host nation personnel". Interesting since those like McCain, Clinton, Obama… literally armed ISIS and alQaeda terrorists who then attacked our forces. Those 'medical boots' are probably stamped 'Property of United States Army'.

James W. Crawford III
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_R._Ewers en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commandant_of_the_Marine_Corps

No why
i hate Holla Forums
come back to 4chan faggot

[ James W. Crawford III ]
[ III ] Godfather? Cleaning The Castle?

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_R._Ewers en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commandant_of_the_Marine_Corps


No CBTS thread on half chan now.


the picture comes from a video posted by POTUS twitter after return from Asia.

That was fucking amazing

Q, everything could have been predicted by understanding the nature of consciousness, information, and power/perception. While the details of who does what might remain unclear, the nature of information dictates these revolutions. Have you ever read Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy? It's nice to know these things are happening, and to see the connections you draw.

By the way, your message implies the key is on the boards. I've read all of your posts and like the big picture, but what type of key is here?

the absolute state of the baby boomer generation


Yeah they chose Trump as a pied piper candidate, it's in the wikileaks. Q implies that they were also planning to completely rig the whole thing just in case. What he said is what a rote shell (or someone on their side and in the know) would say. Doesn't make him legit, but definitely in his favor.


You smash them entirely….better ponder that.

This is bigger than all of that, much much bigger.

So big it requires the full force of all segments of the U.C.M.J. So large that there is no prosecutor standing with the two of us, only military prosecutors.

broom02.revolvy.com/topic/History of the Jews in Montenegro&item_type=topic
broom02.revolvy.com/topic/Pueblo Viejo mine&item_type=topic

This will be handled militarily, no other way is ever to happen.

Sessions is a ding-bat, it's time some of you listen to your own voices.

Sessions will have no part of cleaning this up and will be lucky if he's not fired by wednesday my colleague.

You see, this extends to every level of government. It is a military level assignment.

We can only hope it isn't too violent, but there is no promises. It will be martial law.

Maybe it won't be total martial law, but in many areas that will be the only rules for the hour.

spreadsheet user is a gatekeeper-he was working in tandem with antifungalleaf user when the threads were wiped after Q posted the street sign Q st dupont circle metro derailing posts about blackrock 3 weeks ago, and from there the threads were continually compd by shillclowns

not even close to accurate!
you should watch boondock saints the scene,
where the NYPD cop is playing detective. that's you.

kill all shills.




It's OK. Every asset that has to monitor this is one less out there doing damage.

Yeah, but Q jumping ship has brought all these d-tier shills and cuckchan newfaggots here now. I was against the /cbts/ board, but I hope the shills go there and leave this place the fuck alone.

The kickback you'll get is that the standard award for sexual harassment in the 1990s was $200K, so probably more now. That's not just sexual harassment but any EEOC complaint that's successful.

Real Q!


4chan CBTS is gone…cant find it anymore


Bill Hicks is a dead comedian, but there are some 'theories' out there that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. Essentially, Roseanne is saying Q is Alex Jones.


Welcome to fuckin 2014 you goddamn newfag. We are in Holla Forums for a reason. Why Q took so long to get here is kinda surprising. How 4chan kept it up as long as it did is impressive autism.

My hope is that if Q isnt larping, and it really finally fucking happens, that they also take down the 4chan mod team and owner hiroshima (good guys should make sjw pawns assisted suicide too), so we can reclaim our shitposting homeland sans shills.

just "finished" this infographic
less cluttered, more developed

NK counterfeiting US money.
CIA creating supernotes of US money
They have been trying to devalue the dollar…successfully.

Only dude I know who does that is Soros.

Red October may be Pamela Anderson, or Hefner's leak to Assange via Anderson.

Remember, The Hunt for Red October is a film about a submarine captain defecting with a secret weapon. I think we may be taking the Russian connection too literal.

Anderson was the October 1989 Playboy Playmate. Most pictures associate her with the color red due to her famous Baywatch swimsuit.

This section refers to social media, mainstream media, and Hollywood.

Fantasyland = Hollywood.

The lead-in is the preamble to the play.
The sexual harassment leaks are the preamble.
The preamble signals targets of honey trap vids.



Weinstein has kompromat.
Ben Affleck has kompromat.

Wasn't the Affleck allegations rather tame compared to Weinstein's actions? Did that news story seem relatively petty, considering the past bad behavior was done in public? Not if you consider it "setting the stage."

So Heffner runs kompromat operation.
Decides to defect and "switch sides."
Provides to Anderson, who gives to Assange.

Assange drop of Heff info will implicate the news media (have not worked out the SC connection.)

You, and the other tripfags who infest this topic, do so much damage with this bullshit. I've noticed that Q has had to take time to call this shit out as not being important before getting to his shit. Cut it the fuck out, you have your own shitty board, go overanalyze and obfuscate over there. Considering the guy is begging you homos to make connections based solely on the questions and statements he makes, for you to go so far out of your way to fuck it up makes me think that the trips are for shekel deposits.


this may help explain codes

That is interesting but without an up to date guide its still of no use to us. Q really thought we would be able to decipher this shit without a legend. The only thing we have is the botched redshield op:

Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]

Archive immediately.
Stringer = code = command.
What stringer was provided (2) days prior to event?
What were the keywords in the stringer?
Green (Yes).
Why were keywords provided?
Guide to reading map?
Lord d R.
What was previously stated?
Who was the pilot of the plane?
Bad actor?
Who was the pilot of the helicopter?
What was countered?
Who was on the ground (outside) shortly before the collision?
Who was in the home shortly before the collision?
Learn to read the map.
We may have overestimated your ability.

Shadow war.
Act II, Scene IV.
(Movie idea – thoughts?)
Good guy (pilot of helicopter).
Bad guy (pilot of plane).
Targets (on ground and in home).
Upon receipt of the ‘go’ code - Good guy flies during a blackout window provided by unknown agency w/ unknowns (ordinary people by the look of it) to a select location (re: highly classified mission) who was given the 'go' order by 'x' to execute (delivery – (3) for care_). Bad guy intercepts message due to rogue operator embedded in tactical observation unit and takes out Good guy by top down invisible attack.
Mission failure.
Encore: What has since occurred by Targets?

But as a case in point, I tried to see what he meant by this shitty "legend" he posted but it doesn't help decypher this specific sigint stringer, or any others.

this is even more miserable than the run-up to the election

Check this shit out: electrospaces.blogspot.com/p/sigint.html

This turbo autist looks to have catergorized some of the shit snowden dropped. Found the gem enclosed. Looks like the code TT has to do with internet based sigint, conf seems to indicate confirmed/confirmation, yes/go seems to be a go code, the carrot ^ and v seem to be modifiers of some sort, but the alpha strings and number series don't seem to follow normal sigad ids, and the case the alpha characters have seem to be important as well. I'm assuming the sigad system was perhaps changed after this info was made public, but for all I know it could just be an encryption that makes the alphanumeric strings only perceptible from sender to receiver.

Tell me about it, this is the second thread shills got anchored, but I'm almost scared to make a #8 of this thread here because it would be flooded by /cbts/ cuckchan shitposters.

I said it before and I'll say it again. If 'Q' wanted something done he would have come here first.

At least the memes were pretty dank then. These newfags can't even operate gimp and instead use image macro generators online, then write thesis' on them. It's like if leftypol and soccer moms met, and then somehow got even lazier.

Thanks, I've lost patience with the codes but I'm working on figuring out the Nork situation. Glad to know someone who's not a complete fuckup is still working on it.

the run up to the election was a ton of fun, especially several months before. As it got closer it got worse

is there a way to check Q posts like 4plebs?

I did some fake and gay reading between the lines on the Nork missile attempts. I think Space X is accelerating their space program (duh) and the NSA is shutting them down, and the navy is likely recovering the missiles so the NSA can continue to reverse engineer.

I also found a lame pizza connection. I fucking hate pizza digs.

You have to take a bath with a toaster, it's the only way.

Thanks Richard!

That would explain why Trump had half the goddamn navy in the area as those tests happened. Q is right, we're just scratching the surface of this shit, how are we ever going to pass this info to the normalfag lemmings?

Q where are youu

we need a lil love tonight just a lil love


You guys are the dumbest dumbfucks, ever. Q wasn't on Holla Forums to telegraph what Trump was gonna do. Most of you think he's directly communicating with Holla Forums, but that's not even half the story.

His mission on Holla Forums to communicate with the shadow clowns, disinformation, and dropping crumbs for you to organize, but not for the normies, you stupid dumbfucks. Does everything really needs to be broken down, Barney-style? Fine.

When did Q start posting?
When did his posts really start taking off?
Why would Q keep going on and on about ML, while DJT was overseas?
How would the constant mention of ML affect the organizers of the 11/4 "Revolution'?
Did they stand down?
Was Q's first mission a success?

If you want more, let me know.

Here's to you, Q!

Cici no!

Q implies that the patriots have insiders in antifa, which is why they are so ineffective and also why they haven't been declared terrorsists yet. Delta did the same thing during the vietnam protests, to ensure they wouldn't chimp out too hard. The allusions to ML may have also been to fish out targets who attempted to gear up against capture, and it seemed to have worked since sealed indictments have exploded in a month's time.

Decides to defect and "switch sides."
Provides to Anderson, who gives to Assange.
Are TPTB hunting Pam (MAP) Anderson? Is PA the MAP? Just farting around here, but there's some continuity of thought here.
More, is PA in danger for handing off to JA?

it IS for the normies, EVERYONE has to know these things or at least have them avaliable to them to ponder.

Everything is true.
Everything is misdirection.
What's the Storm?
Heavy-handed action?
Is that misdirection?
Has the Storm started?

I don't want to get too much into dissecting Q's missions. Let's talk about Holla Forums's mission, making bread.

How many pixels does it take to make a visible image?
How many lego pieces does one need to make stuff worth playing with?
How many balloon shapes can one clown master?

What meme originating from Holla Forums is more widely known than Hannity?


That faggot cucked out with Seth Rich and Pizzagate, he's toothless for our purposes. The fucking normalfag lemming soccermoms and boomercucks on jewtube are doing a better job getting this shit out than fox ever will.

Stop pretending to be Q you piece of shit, Holla Forums is and always be about digging. I'm done with your faggot ass. Either adapt to being here or >>>/cuckchan/


Not pretending to be Q, dumbfuck. This is bigger than "adapt to being here". Bigger things are at stake, so fuck off with that shit.

So make bread
What's taking so long?
Do you have a recipe?
Who's gonna eat it?

They don't even want to talk about JFK or 9/11, with what's already out there, you stupid dumbass. Look, everyone admires Holla Forums's ability to dig, why do you think everyone's here in the first place? Other's have other expertise. Might be wise to listen from different perspectives. You can admit, this is bigger than Holla Forums pride, no?


Your naivete is adorable, but I've already filtered that faggot. Thanks though, I will be making a 8th thread here on Holla Forums just in case Q prefers our most populated board. Cheers.


My thanks… here

I'll hang with you in the next anchor thread.

CONNECTION?: What would send the public into a panic that would cause hundreds of millions of people to seek medical help? Genetic damage?
Monsanto donated heavily to CF, Roundup rushed through by Obama's team, their execs/lobbyists all over the EPA/FDA. Also they pushed the legal case to own designer genetics.
No sauce, probably fake news, but I read somewhere that it causes heritable issues with fertility.


Melania preps a White House hallway as the "Calm Before The Storm" it's a signal. Olbermann quit his show. Scarborough deleted his Trump tweets. La Times and Newsweek run hit pieces on Mueller. Libs are calling this a "murder hallway" predictive programming. it's coming

Great work

Would 99% of people go to the hospital for fear of agrochems?


We might be on the same level. Read the txt file

do it

so we can rely on this as legit?

Melania did that? Damn, sure makes for a nice photograph.


do not make another thread on >>>Holla Forums, move to >>>/cbts/2219
do not make another thread on >>>Holla Forums, move to >>>/cbts/2219
do not make another thread on >>>Holla Forums, move to >>>/cbts/2219


do not make another thread on >>>Holla Forums, move to >>>/cbts/2219
do not make another thread on >>>Holla Forums, move to >>>/cbts/2219
do not make another thread on >>>Holla Forums, move to >>>/cbts/2219

Thanks for reminding me that I'm here for a good reason.


i wish,
that would have been easy money.


ain't it all disinfo if it's not the exact truth?
also, isn't truth relative?

i thought pol didn't want cbts threads?
we made a full fledged board for cbts or the very reason that pol was crying mama about it.

personally, i don't mind having a cbts thread on pol as it gives exposure.
Maybe the baker can make 500 more cbts threads here on >>>Holla Forums

if it werent posted there, I wouldnt know q is back! Im a quiet lurker and I was losing hope.

No there’s another company called Orbital ATK
They are direct competition to space x
No one needs to reverse engineer space x



White House anticipating news bombshell?

more like cellphone towers.

Hi before Q said 4chan was infiltrated, he keft a LONG post of which I hv screenshots. It was shoad several times on 4chan and no matter how many times i asked them to put the latetst Q posts in the dough.. They just DONT. Weird AF. Here is 1/2 screenshots. Pls C&P and add.
I watched Q try to post this saturday 4 times, he only briefly succeeded once. And was lucky to sceenshot anoth user who screenshot it

4chan indeed totally fucked up and infiltrated.

Do u guys have included Qs saturday Long post? Screenshots in my other post. Newfag here. Dont know who t
2 send it to

Come here, user…

15:42 CST Waiting for Trump speech on NK. Seems cringey. I thought he would be talking about tax bill. I heard a deal was reached. But the chat in the stream says NK has fired a missle at Hawaii - I doubt that - or he would be talking right now - we wouldn't be waiting for him.

As ballsy as this president is, he probably would have fired one back before telling us.
Then tell us as it hits, showing a sat video of impact. LOL

So - all he said so far on NK was that "we would take care of it." Now it's about the tax bill and the no show of the Dem's . . . I am so tired of progress being stalled by one party or the other. Sheesh.

Image of range of new test.
On the bright side Kim could hit Mexico.

this post from Q is all about analytics

Obama makes unusual cash payment to Iran:

"In the first payment, an Iranian cargo plane picked up the money in Geneva."

Who went to school in Switzerland?
Who has their HQ there?


Axes of Evil

Mainstream Media Propaganda
D.C. Political Corruption
Hollywood Child Rape Rings

Anybody able to bake a fresh general bread?

I've been /innawoods/ for a month training and I came back to the Q happenings, along with clown and (baby) boomer being hot keywords on infiltratedchan. I'm working on piecing the happenings together. Can you give me background on their significance?


While I respect the trips of perfection, I need to see a chain-of-custody from Q to /cbts/ otherwise I assume it's a honeypot. Can you provide?

> archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo/
doesn't include Q posts before trips

> archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150765366
first 15 posts

that got me thinking…

…radio…voice in silence is radio…
recent carrington event exercise sent an announcement from two stations, would expect similar in a real happening

Fake trip code. Not QAnon. Kill this fucking shill.

Which would be completely irrelevant—-Q clearance is nuclear bomb blueprints. Obviously, people trusted with those are considered trustable with anything, but there would be no reason for someone with that clearance to be involved in cleaning up Clinton corruption. Qanon is either a pure LARP, or an insider who actually holds some other clearance and said "Q" as disinformation.
Possible. We can guess NATO countries will have similar levels to USA, so "foreign designation" here means "non-NATO". If "Q" is a foreign designation, it's from somewhere that isn't part of NATO and uses a Latin alphabet or a Cyrillic alphabet.
Qanon is very good at writing leading questions, police interrogation experience would explain this. Qanon writes amazingly good English for a police interrogator from former Eastern Europe, but could have been trained as an infiltrator during the Soviet period. If "Q" is an Interpol designation, Qanon is probably ex-KGB.

What a timeline!

A very reasonable concern. We were between happenings when "Q" showed up, though. Distracting us from juicy Pedosta leaks would not be so easy.
Consider also that "mass arrests" is an old and long-running LARP. "Q" was quickly recognized as a rehash of the "mass arrests" red herring, but we dug anyway because we didn't have a happening going. There's always a chance we'll unearth a Happening, so why not dig?

This NSA Q-taskforce… what, if anything, do we have on them? "Q" may not be a clearance level after all…

(see tripcode)
Wait… that's not really a secure tripcode. It just looks like one. Never mind, carry on.

Tripcodes use MD5. Plain tripcodes are MD5("trip") and can be cracked with a GPU, but are common across nearly all chans. Secure tripcodes are MD5("server secret"||"trip") and aren't so easy to crack. Holla Forums had to change its server secret after the hack, so all secure tripcodes on Holla Forums also changed.

Welcome to War on the Interwebz.

Why the spelling error in >>148781546 if that's Q?

No spelling errors. Brackets for i in Closing and S in Such were read as shortcuts

Shut up Clowns In America troll!

Why are you tell[I]ng me that doesn't m[I]ss anyth[I]ng?

There's a CBTS 8, now.