Curing genetic disease today, weaponized airbourne transnegroism tomorrow.

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(((muh transhumanism)))

sounds good to me

checked / keked hard

Couldn't get that first post, huh?



I don't think we're the most healthy and we're not the most intelligent, nips have us beat.

Kill yourself weeb. Nips lack creativity, just look at any anime that isn't a blatent rip off of European literature. The only reason you freaks like anime so much is the emphasis on conveying emotion through dialouge in lieu of body language (because of the shitty 'art' style lacking subtilty) allows literal autists like you to understand. I kid you not when I say anime is being used to treat autism. Fuck nips.

The only difference is lifestyle choices. I hate to admit it, but whites are becoming incredibly lazy and complacent. If whites built nuclear families that focused on academic accomplishment and hard work like they did during the 1940's-1950's then we'd be on par with the gooks. Too bad our countries are forced to be diversified with niggers, kikes, mudslimes, and spics while asians get to live in countries where they're a 99% majority.

How do we cure niggers?

Do you even need to ask, TORpedo.


Chinks are nutcases, NK and china emphasize this pretty well. Whites are currently the best overall; most attractive, pretty goddamn intelligent, usually sane, relatively healthy. Our weakness is that our majority is easy to brainwash and control, I guess we're just gullible fucks. However when you look at data chinks on average have a higher IQ than whites by 5 points or so. If gene editing could be used to unlock the brain to reach average IQs of like 170-200 or some shit, white people would have a ridiculous advantage over the rest of the world.

Isn't that the biggest exaggeration.

In reality it's because it's the ONLY medium that expresses any sort of appreciation for european culture. EVERY piece of media in the west has forced die-versity, including historical movies. Not to mention the marxist narratives present in the entire storyline in basically every series out there.

Back to /a/.

Also I can't wait for some meme about gays or trannies in anime. For every comic-relief gay in an anime, there are a dozen BASED BLACK MAGICAL NEGROS in any film or tv show in the past 50 years, whether it's American, British, French, etc.

Right Wing Chimera Squads. Soon.

Chinks weigh in an average IQ of 105. Whites are 100. How fucking new are you?

There are inconsistencies. The 100 (and dropping) is taken from the U.S. where the mystery meat plays a factor. It's one of the reasons why almost all of Europe except the countries with more shitskins and mongrels than not are very similar to the 100 mark. The more homogeneous ones are very close, tied, or exceed some of those groups.

It's nearly impossible to gauge the true average given the state of the West post-WW2. You don't need IQ to see how far Western education has declined since then. Just look at all the stupid degrees people are getting and the lack of critical thinking skills. Whatever IQ points is legitimately declining has more to do with our education system than it does any genetic abnormality.

Even the Jew aspect is fucking overplayed. The high IQ is specifically in reference to Ashkenazi's only. Sephardic are Arab tier. Mix them together good and proper like you should since they're both semitic peoples from the same tribe and you'd get a far lower average. Now apply the same logic to "whites" that come from far more tribes than (((they))) can claim with their bastard offspring making up every shade known to man.

Gets a laugh out of me every time, no matter how many times I see it.

White alone is more like 102-104. But that Asian IQ is also not mainland chinks, but the coastal ones.

regardless, we do know there is genetic influence on intelligence. through gene editing, it would make sense that you could increase the intelligence and thus the potential for success of an individual. therefore, with "genetically unlocked" brains, the potential for knowledge becomes extremely vast. whites would excel far beyond any other race in any curriculum. an Einstein in every home.

yeah, hence why I said nips have us beat. everyone knows the smartest chinks are the nips, and the south koreans are pretty bright as well.

This isn't new at all it's just another example of shitty reporters arriving late to the game and acting amazed at trivial shit. Viral vector gene therapy has been around for years, the only new thing about this is it being applied to this specific condition.

The thread is even worse than the "associated press" because not only did everyone fall for it they didn't even discuss the article and instead dissolved into pro transhumanist larping vs anti transhumanist larping.

It's actually kinda sad. Explains a lot.

Yeah I bet they tested all six gorillion of them…

the thing assimilation wouldn't be the worst way to go
I can think of plenty others that would be

artificial wombs

They've historically been known to be great emulators or "culture maintainers" as some Germanic philosophers and historians would say, but therein lies the untold part of IQ. High IQ doesn't equal bright, innovative, or creative at least in the Western sense.

It's why Indians, Asians across the board including nips, and Jews have done relatively nothing to advance mankind or civilization for the past 3,000 years. Indian culture has actually been in a nonstop decline, Asian culture mimicked everything the West brought to them through colonial times and improved on the basic ideas, and Jews have just been flat out cultural destroyers with their intellect. You could say they've innovated in being merchants and financiers along with a dozen other things, all of which we'd find destructive though.

all latinos are considered white by the us government.

pic related

gee whiz! I wonder if these latinos are the reason for the 5 point drop in IQ?

all true, and I did mention that one of the negatives of whites would be naivety/ease of manipulation. there are some bad goys but most are brainwashed under kike control. in terms of creativity whites are the top. each race does have its own unique flaws and characteristics. I still stand that using gene editing to allow ludicrously high IQ for whites would only benefit us.

pffffffffffffhahahahaha wonder (((who))) is behind this

Aryanification rayguns when?

Didn't an oncologist do this a few years back, but to himself? Gene therapy isn't that different is it?

That shit is a blatant ripoff of Disney/WB cartoons.
Nevermind the fact that it took off after the US conquered Japan.

It's easy to say that nips lack creativity. It's also wrong.
The truth is that they lack creativity when they're forced to operate outside defined boundaries.
It's more accurate to say that nips lack the ability to explore uncharted creative frontiers.
Charting the unknown has always been the most powerful aspect of whites and slavs.

That's nothing. One biotech CEO flew overseas to dodge fda and get an experimental life extension gene therapy. It was only a couple of years ago so it's hard to tell if she's aged. To be honest, the technology was premature on that one, I doubt she did anything but increase her cancer risk.

You sure?

wat do

steal something

Academic accomplishment nowadays means writing about African, gender or some other bullshit studies out there and put the science label on it, using unscientific methodology that's only accepted due to sjw bullshit in universities.

Brainwashing for the elite has been the main course under the papacy and the feudal system in Europe.

White people already had a ridiculous advantage over the world. They still do.

I have been telling people this is going to be the future. Don't get stuck on the idea of gene-editing babies. We're all going to be chimeras and it's going to be awesome.

we have enough on our plate don't go memeing things into existance

so a thief and a fraud?

No thank you. I don't my great grandchildren to be slave to the jews because their genetic is altered to be submissive to (((them))).

2:30 is actually 3:30

Asian IQ measurement is a fucking joke. Asians that moved to the west are mostly those that were succeful enough to do so, above average. Also because Asians care about "face" they only get middleclass+ people to participate in such tests in Asia or even distribute solutions/answers beforehand. Chinks for example even are allowed to copy paste a final thesis in Universities, no joke, i know a professor who worked in Chinkland for 8 years and he told me that when they delivered their work, nearly every students final thesis was identical. That shit isn't even frowned upon but fucking encouraged. Basically their real average IQ is unknown, so we actually don't know if it's above or below white IQ. I highly doubt it's higher though.


Lurk at least 2 years before posting, Goon-sama.

Aren't there limitations of in-patient application? Say you take a guy with shitty teeth genes and give him good teeth genes. Then what? How do the teeth transform into good ones? Fall out and grow anew, which doesn't happen after milk teeth? Enamel doesn't regrow.

You can use it for "soft" applications like changing produced chemistry/hormones/neurotransmitters. But for "hard" applications that involve physical changes, like changing skull shape to make someone more attractive or changing bones/teeth/other structures that cannot regenerate, you'd need a two step therapy to introduce the genes/hormones to make that part grow again, like growth plates in bones or milk teeth. To make significant changes you quickly fall into a death spiral of more and more preparatory phases needed to be introduced. At what point does it become easier to just grow a better fetus and let the sick old waif be sick and old?

Once again, this generation gets fucked. This won't help us at all. It sounds impressive but this is about the same as injecting insulin into someone. You can manage small tweaks but nothing substantial. It's fetus augmentation that will be the future, but we are already fucked. Biotechnical immortality never at this rate. (Gee, if only instead of throwing doctors and money at niggers, we had been working 100% on this since day 1… Thanks you leftist kikes.)

You still have the genes for tooth regrowth, you'd just need to figure out how to activate them properly.

There's no thermodynamic reason why a human couldn't live forever, it's all a programming issue.

Eh I always performed like shit in academia because I was just never interested in what I was taught. Years later after learning how to educate myself I ended up landing important work in engineering for a certain military hardware company. Academia in its current state is not necessarily a good measure of potential or performance in general.

Asians are also known to cheat scores, especially China, a few years ago i remember a slew of news stories about Chinese students with high grades getting into US universities and it being discovered the grades are made up and the students are dumb as rocks.
I wouldn't trust any testing with evidence collected from Asian.

The remineralization of enamel is a constant and ongoing process. As long as a carie hasn't reached dentin the tooth can remineralize to it's former self.

The areas they test in China are the really rich ones, like fuck they'd include Tibet or Inner Mongolia in the averages.

Is this like the human version of GMO's?

This x1000

Go fuck your nip-shaped weaboo pillow. Whites are the most naturally intelligent. Nips have better schools, because they don't have forcibly integrated niggers. 100 years ago, high schools taught latin and greek. Today, remedial english is a standard college course. Niggers, inflicted on us by jews, are one of the greatest evils of all time.

Fuck's sake, has Holla Forums fallen so far that we, of all places, can't get our racism right?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

There is a reason no one ever takes you fucks seriously.

Not quite. This is some next level stuff.

What you are referring to is editing the genes of an embryo or even before that, which we have known how to do for a while now.

This would be like taking a subpar banana and spraying it to turn it into a GMO.

You're forgetting slants, slopes, squints, bandwidth nigger, buddhahead, bug-eater, burnt-rice, chap, coin slot, chinkerbell, dog-muncher, fish-head, gink, gookemon, jaundiceboy, nuprin, ornamental, quarter jockey, rasian, Schlitzauge, slit, soyback, table-face, yigger, zip.

simply innacurate.Jews have extremely high analytic capacity.

Please stop projecting, friend.

No they don't, they gear their tests to weigh positively for their deficiencies, kike.

Don't you have a war to declare or a bomb to drop on someone, boomercuck?

Hmmm… really made me think.

Yep, that's (((Alex Jones)))

Excuse me
There we go. Now, I firmly believe this technology could be made to better biofemales so they have actual loyalty and maybe even some intelligence. How would you fine folks gene-edit females?



Most harmful bacteria also prefer low pH environments.
The three best things you can do for your teeth is brush them, avoid acidic foods, and stabilize or raise the pH of your mouth before bed.

Pic related is better for your teeth than any toothpaste.
It doesn't kill any bacteria, it stabilizes your pH, and it removes plaque.
Eat aged cheeses, drink tannins, and stop giving a shit about slightly yellow teeth.

looks like he's already been genetically modified

better not mess with this until after the DotR

What do you think Hitler would have done with this technology?

This is unironically what I think is going to happen. Look at how big the market is for skin whiteners, hair straighteners, nosejobs and other plastic surgery, etc.
Every richfag is going to want to have tall white high-IQ children.

Technological solution to the nigger problem. Why is this bad again?
Imagine if instead of Shaniqua and Fatima shitting out a dozen or so subhumans, they all produce white superhumans instead.

And what happens when we turn ourselves into niggers because we're breeding superior beings? Shall we just make a new populace, set them loose and hop into the ovens ourselves?

You really think kikes are going to use this technology to turn niggers into white producers ? You really are this retarded ? Kill yourself

You do realize this technology goes both ways right? First you cure diseases in embryos, then in people, and then you can begin enhancing people.
There are people that can naturally run marathons without breaking a sweat, people that have a perfect physique without lifting, people that can learn the most complex languages in less than a week, or only need 3-4 hours of sleep a night to function optimally.
Give a rational reason why you'd not want that?

It's not just kikes at the top. There are plenty of rich people the world over that want their offspring to get a headstart. The real challenge is spreading this technology far and wide so we don't end up with a Brave New World scenario.
In China there are state run programs to eliminate genetic illnesses. What do you think their next step is going to be?

You do realize that isn't what you said right? I simply went with your simplification. As long as we're all on the same page that we are all elevated and we remove the jews completely, we have an accord.

Chinks hate niggers and a few high profile ones just gave them another reminder why they need to be handled. The chinks will do it regardless of what the kikes want.

(checked for Heh)

(checked for Heh)

HEH has spoken. Fuck off weeboo race traitor.

I am so tired of this fucking graph getting pointed out. ITS NOT ACCURATE!!!!

The major problem with it is that it erroneously puts everyone on the same standard of deviation. The graphs do not all peak at the same high point. Whites have more open standard deviation, leading to their curve surpassing the Asian/Han Chink/based Nip at the higher ranges. Essentially, yes the "average" is higher, but it drops off quickly. Despite the higher average, their std dev is so small, they hardly have anyone above 125. The white chart should be more spread out so by the 130iq area, whites outnumber asians by almost 3 or 4:1. This is the reason why despite the "higher average" a larger percentage of geniuses occur as whites.

So in the end, the bottom 10% chink is barely superior to the bottom 10% white. However the top 10% chink, is no where near the top 10% white.

Does this mean you can edit the gay out of someone?

This shit honestly scares me, genetic modification just sounds like an incredibly stupid idea, the consequences could be horrible for not only the person being modified but also the future of humanity in general.

quite a good list, I'm be sure to make use of a few of these based user.

No, since faggotry isn’t genetic.

seriously dont bring hitler into this

you'll have parents who have even less connection to their children. you'll have nigger babies and other abominations who look white. this will lead to reduction in white unity. skin color, eye color, race; this will all become meaningless

user this technology is all good and swell, but if we dont remove all nonwhites before this gets going it will inevitably be used against us.
yeah lets let monstanto give it to all the niggers in africa and convince all the white westerners that "the last batch of nonwhites maybe didnt work out so good, but these are genetically engineered to be better so you shouldnt have any problems taking them into your country, goy"

so what? the jews still love bringing niggers into our countries and it will only make it easier for them

If the niggers are genetically identical to Whites, how are they considered niggers then?

this is extreme abolitionism. do you not see how this will only benefit marxists?

More White people = Marxist victory. Hmmm… really made me think.

how naive are you? this wouldnt even happen. it would just come out as something that looks like nikki minaj but has the mind of an easily judaized white man. do you not know about the jews and what they like to do?

So open source it and prevent Jewish monopoly.

Yep, we'll just have bleached monkeys.

You Yokels don't understand what gene-editting is. No richfag wants kids like that.

wont make a difference. the effects will be the same except there will be a few more improved aryans in the mix.
hopefully kalki comes down and purges before this can happen

a zinc finger virus that has been nucleases it attaches to the bad structure of DNA at destorys it.


He's probably being kept isolated.

They quite literally will not be. Richfag in China wants 8'4'', blue eyed, white skinned, 160 IQ, autonomous Aryan babby to carry his name, and he'll get one and make certain it Isn't programmed to be a Zionist because he needs a child that can carry his name independent of the Jew.

i care more about what happens in white countries and how jews will use it to manipulate public narrative

but its a virus the size of a nucleus.

Really nigger? This whole discussion was about what nonwhites would do with this technology and you drop the subject like a lying Kikel?

I get autistic over the usage of "IQ" because there's multiple kinds of IQ (e.g spatial, verbal, cognitive, etc.). You could have a way with words and generally be a great speaker overall yet be absolutely dogshit at mathematics, or you could be a dyslexic retard who can do calculus as if it were basic algebra. That aside, it'd be fair to say that by measuring racial IQ would be "overall IQ".

t. Certified Autist

Can they splice my genes 50/50 with a shiitake mushroom?

This isn't what Alex believes dude. Yeah he is a (((Goodgoy))) no doubt, but I've seen this video in full twice. He is explaining what the upper elite believe.


Was meant for

We have Luddites crawling around that want nothing more than dimmest outlook on the future. Makes you think that some of these faggots just want more of the Status Quo so they can bitch forever. Be your own man and disregard there bleating.

the discussion is about how this will effect the security of our people and a future for white children

because everything good in the world is tainted and warped by jews. it is easy to deduct that if something new comes into the world then it too will be used against us

Let me remind you that you can use the Kikes only Social Justice bullshit on them. Look at whats happening to Franken and the Jewywood. Kikes can't really do long term Planning and you might find the Hasidic Super Yids programming their kin into Sabbath Comas. You would rather have us shitting in the woods and dying from childhood illnesses.

Jews won't allow it 'cause shoah! Hitler! masterrace!

They will be the first to propose legislation against enhancement.

lmao where did this come from? because i dont support the abolition of concepts like race? and that would only be the beginning if kikes got their hands on this and had the potential to do with it what they wish

So you like having niggers and kikes? Cause that's what you said.

jej i never said anything like this or even came close to suggesting such a thing. why are you being so silly? or are you trying to say that "i do not support abolitionism and by extension marxism and communism" equates to "i like having niggers and kikes"? i dont understand what you're getting at
my whole point is that as long as we have niggers and kikes this will not work. and if you think that such a thing as this will in any way remove said niggers and kikes then you are wrong. at the most it would just make us all indistinguishable from eachother for the most part (abolition of race, among other things. like i said).

the only way to get rid of nonwhites is to kill all of them. stop trying to come up with a pussyfoot solution to it. there is none

We don't understand how genetics works well enough to justify changing it.

The reason marxism is an abomination is because it doesn't work. If everyone is functionally the same then there is no problem. But everyone knows that this will never be the case, our genetic information is in a constant state of degradation.

Do you really think that said Kikes and Nigger actually want to be what they are? What make a Kike and A nigger if not their physical traits (kikes are a bit more complicated granted). Niggers can only nig and would kill themselves if the kikes running the gibs train can't see there Nig skin. No one bats an eye if a Zogbot kills a white man and no one would know that the man in question was a Nigger Skin-walker. Shitskins have only their skin as a source of pride and gibs, remove that and they die out. Some of them will fight tooth and nail to stop this other will submit to oblivion.

we havent even given a remotely significant amount of time to the tried and true method of proper eugenics

with gene editing kikes will surely be pushing even harder to make everybody appear to be functionally the same. we need all whites to agree that genocide is necessary for it to happen - this will be made more difficult if the kikes are better able to convince whites that "yeah, maybe the subhumans are inferior but we can just edit their genes and they'll be 'functionally white'" or something like that. combine that with all races intermingling genes from other races and soon there will be only a fraction of pure whites left on earth. even if these new creations are superior, they will still not identify with any particular race and you can forget about ever securing the existence of our people and a future for white children.
i can see the headlines now, "gene therapy to end racism"

jews hate civilization and virtue. they are a parasite.the negro is also a parasite; whether it be against nature (can take gibs from environment but cant farm) or civilization (can take gibs from government or steal but cannot create from it's own accord). does the mosquito wish it was an animal? no - it just wants blood. you're giving way too much credit to subhumans. white empathy and projection of your own traits onto them is partially what got us into the mess we're in today.
"race is only skin deep"
make a nigger smart and it will still be a nigger with parasitic and niggardly tendencies. you must not know what makes a man a man (remember: adult negroes used to be called "boy" for a reason). you cannot give the aryan spirit to a negro so simply as you think
so you think that ALL nonwhites would willingly choose to, have access to, and pay to have children that are identical to whites, and on top of that, this would also cause all of these people to die because of their stupidity? what if it is less than 100% of them that die? what if some of them mix with actual whites? and again, this will abolish the concept of race and mean a huge win for the marxists.

your theory boils down to "make all nonwhites indistinguishable from whites and they will all die because they wont have access to affirmative action". i wouldnt bet my race on it

The other important point about jewish IQ is that their supposed success in being so present in all the most powerful and influential positions throughout society far out paces their proportion of high IQ individuals. There are more white geniuses than there are jews in existence, yet jews somehow "meritocrally" came to own and run everything. Right.

Kill yourself moshe.

And how do you learn? By changing shit.

Chinks cheat the test, kikes MADE the test. FFS they are on the same level as niggers with an animal cunning that helps them hide their deficiencies through obfuscation.


Polite sage for double post

That's not really a nigger now is it? Sheboons spend there gibs on Weaves and skin lighteners to achieve a facsimile of Caucasian features. If a Niggers goals is to have extravagance typically associated with Whiteness and for fucking free, why wouldn't they? Nigs reinforce their culture with the rest of their chimp kind if they don't have their primary Identifier, looking like niggers, how can they chimp? Whites are subjectively Superior and Shitskins know this well.

Kikes really just ride the Coat Tails of greater kikes of the past. There nothing more than a hooked nose and a fuck load of genetic issues.

Heiling those digits. I think my point still stands, though.


CRISPR is the thing that was in Pandora's box. It is too much power for man to wield. It will kill us all.

Blessed digits of truth!

It's been researched for over a decade, but it hasn't made it to the clinical setting yet. Enzyme replacement therapy is still the default treatment for MPS diseases. There are a bunch of AAV-based gene therapies in Phase II/III trials right now and this will probably be the default mode of treatment in another 5 years.

What could go wrong is that the treatment could kill these people with rare diseases. However, since the diseases tend to be fatal anyway, there isn't much that these patients have to lose. Current treatments are like $100,000+ per year, and they're just treatments. Gene therapy offers the hope of an actual CURE.

Of course you could probably use gene editing for other stuff (like chinks inserting white genes into themselves, which would be ironically hilarious if that's what saves the white race), but I don't see the problem in using it for treating untreatable disease.

So what your saying is that there are no white criminals? Are those just those fabled Smart Niggers with a coat of paint? Are you aware that Europeans aren't simply white skin and have different morphological features. We're not talking Albino Niggers here.
If anything this is starting to get into "Slav's aren't white" territory. Niggers are nothing with out their ape features and nigger brains, the kikes made sure of that in the 60's.
A car is nothing more than a hunk of metal and glass. That same metal and Glass can be used to build a plane, but once it is in the format of a plane it is no longer a functioning car. You can gut a nigger and make something better out of it.

P.S. Everytime I hear about übermench I picture the Engineer from Prometheus.

I wonder if some faggots would actually do that.
Then again, I don't think it's genetic.

and there it is. see this is what i'm talking about. you faggots never learn. why would we want to improve the subhumans for any reason? how will this benefit the white race? we need to eradicate all nonwhites. that is the only option

So you're a proponent of dysgenics because kikes have told you they can fix it for shekels? Transhumanists are the best humanists.

Wanting to cure genetic illness is dysgenics now? You do know it's possible to make the changes hereditary, right?

Transhumanism has it's origins in the writings of people like Nikolai Fyodorov, a Russian aristocrat. And the ideas go even further back with ancient alchemists and mythology.
Read a book.

Says the purist.

I don't know. Perhaps having good genetics make me biased. Why should I cherish the thought of having genetic rejects brought up as competition? And yes, it's mostly other races that are going to get boosted in our current civilization. They won't be fixed of course, only made more palatable and slightly better competitors.

I'd consider genetic alteration a healthy development if we lived in a world carried on from colonial times, with whites still in charge and enlightenment ideals still in force. I have this horrible vision of some twisted, degenerate future of widespread genetic alteration under kike supervision. I'm not really a luddite, just worried.

And "gender studies" has it's root in the scientific revolution if you want to look at it like that seeing how it comes from the academies. What something's roots are and what it is today are sometimes two completely different things.

No u.

with that kind of behavior it doesnt matter what the iq score is
fuck them
only keep the nips for their anime

I'm looking forward to the world where race has been consigned to history, and we get to argue over more substantive species differences. Speciesism is going to be much more functional, since the differences will be codified early and in a mostly accurate manner. Posthumanism is the best humanism.

If that is desirable, why not just let the west be flooded with the detritus of the developing world? I see absolutely no merit in relishing in relative superiority while everything goes to hell.
The point isn't even the idea of uplifting genetics dulls. It's to stop creating them in the first place. And transfer the best genes in society to everyone, or at least future generations.

Enlightenment ideals are what got us here in the first place. We've gone from man being the subject of history, to capital taking it's place. The rule of man has been replaced by the rule of abstract systems and the ever-growing accumulation of wealth.

Good thing then that world isn't completely populated by kikes, and whites still have some agency.
What is up with this contemptuous view of white people being doomed eternal victims?

We're not uplifting niggers. Whats left wouldn't have the backing of the kikes that enable niggerish behavior. No one gives a shit about shooting criminals, and the Kikes can't play the race cards to guilt people into caring. What it basically amounts to is a means to break the shitskin races away from the kikes by playing xenomorph.

But that's handled just fine with good old eugenic breeding. It's one of our oldest techs, with which we domesticated the world, created prosperity out of nature and made ourselves great. I'd rather we went back to what we know works and works awesomely, stable and in tune with nature than having some university kikes tinker around with my tribes genetic legacy. Who knows how this will all pan out several generations down the line?

Even if genetic alteration has no problems we won't know that for many, many generations. Because it's new. It's an unknown. In these types of discussions I'm always reminded of the story of a Greek village that prospered because of their extremely sophisticated aquaduct system. Only, the aquaducts were made out of lead, a common and practical material. Then, after a few generations, they all died from lead poisoning.

It's an interesting development to be sure. It's benefits and problems are a complete unknown at this point in time. Add to this that people who want us dead control both the economy and the universities and I think my concerns are not completely unwarranted.

It's not that at all. What I'm saying is fix society first, then we can worry about real science and progress. Before then every advance just makes things potentially worse. But you're right, it's a somewhat blackpilled outlook. I'm not a defeatist though, I believe we will win in the end.

Weave too, Niggers will wear someone else's hair for years and never wash it as it grows moldy inside there. They go out of their way to be like us.

Some folks love a good Pity Party, those people are Narcissists. I'm all for reaping the meat we are owed, The kikes have a few decent weapons, one of them are Shitskins. If we Invade them, like a virus, we take their resources. Few outside of Boomers and Zionist Christcucks, give a rat fuck about Kikes. Shitskins only listen for access to Gibs, If shitskins no longer look the part, they can't get gibs. Why listen to the Kike Rat if he won't pay you?

Skimming the thread, not really awake yet.

I wonder how they intend to keep his body from rejecting the cells that were given the CRISPR treatment. At least, I assume that's how they intend to pull this off, with an edited virus that replaces one specific gene sequence with another.

Seems like rejection would be a serious risk with something like this.

The immune system does not attack DNA. It usually reacts to protein markers. Even if it did, a few short generations of immune cells later would recognize it as self rather than foreign DNA.

I get that the whole point of CRISPR is that you can get just one pairing changed, but doesn't that also affect those protein markers that the immune system uses to differentiate between what's You and what's Not You? Or is there a part of the DNA that's just responsible for making those markers?

Apologies, I'm more of a trivia collector than a biology expert.

Don't hold back progress for fear of lead pipes, and don't stop people from taking out lead pipe genetics because you're afraid the replacement might also secretly be made of lead. We don't know it's lead we're putting in, but we know it's lead we're taking out.

This shit reeks of UMBRELLA CORPORATION so hard.


they didnt even check em



That's not learning. That's just perfection by trial and error, but I'll give it to you that many people can't differentiate understanding and mastery. You can perfect an art without really understand why it works.

It's really understated just how bad the education system has gotten. In time, Holla Forums will need to move into academia and start establishing classic education systems, ones which emphasize all the things that kikes and their puppets have tried so hard to dismantle. While we're at it, may as well bring back The Third Wave and drill students on unity and self-imposed social order.

One mind, one flesh, user. Surrender yourself to the biomass.

Fuck me. That's TWICE tonight I miss the trips.

All hail the new flesh!

can you please stop besmirching hitler and the nsdap by bringing those symbols into this. they arent actually relevant to your argument.

who is saying this? the real fact of the matter is that all white societies are deeply infected by the jewish parasite and all that it entails. are you aware of what it entails? even IF we were free from all nonwhites, we still should keep this technology in the laboratory until we actually know what will happen. in the meantime we would be using eugenics. you know, the thing that hitler used



Jews have been living in Europe for over 2,000 years now. That didn't stop technological and artistic development. Stop assuming that we're some kind of servile slave race incapable of independent action.

At some point you're going to have to expand deployment beyond laboratories. Besides no one here is suggesting that we just apply random changes in the general population to see what happens.

You don't think that if the Germans had access to CRISPR, the Human Genome Project, and decades of genetic research and twin studies, they wouldn't have used that to the fullest extend?

Literally no one is arguing this.

Its also normed on american whites who are dumber on average than european whites. If american whites average 100 native germans and dutch would average 104-106.


also, this. if niggers changed their nigger dna to white dna, then wouldn't they be also white?

Holla Forums needs to update the nuremburg laws on account of this new revelation

*standard deviation

*higher variance

statistics is really simple user. if you're going to speak on it, you should do just a little research on gaussian geometry (ie bell curves)

ps the ashkenaz have a skewed (non-normal) curve with a long left tail, which is also important to the point you're trying to make

There are indeed specific parts of your DNA just for protein markers. None of your immune cells are capable of recognizing DNA through a cell wall, so a few select parts are transcribed and displayed on the surface. Many of your cells can get away with being very genetically different so long as those aren't changed. Liver cells contain a bunch of arbitrary extra copies of their chromosomes, for instance. A minority of brain cells are aneuploid, usually in the form of a dropped copy of HC21 (though this isn't hugely supportive of my statement since the brain has partial immune privilege). The only thing that needs to be high fidelity are your gametes, and even those accrue a bunch of point mutations from polymerase errors while they're being formed, in theory around 12ish for women and some amount higher for men, I'm not exactly sure how many rounds of division go into the average sperm cell.

If there's no viscous outsider, how is this a problem? Honestly if there is no external threat or outsider group then your devotion to some abstract concept of a white race is completely and utterly irrational.

Im so excited for this kind of tech. If they can fix this dude they can fix anything. Its not just a cure for cancer, it will open the door to fixing aging cells, reversing the aging process and bring on immortality. I won't be the first to sign up for tests of this tech, but this tech will develop within the next two decades for sure.

I would.
Hopefully, it is, and one day I can rip it out. and are the sites for you.

Also, to the morons in this channel against human genetic improvement: Do you even know what the fuck you're arguing for, in real terms? Do you understand that some genetics are better to have in an advanced society than others? Do you have any idea what we can do if we hold this power - or what could be done to us, if we eschew it and let (((them))) hold it instead?

brb gassing myself