Culling misoginy from Holla Forums

Greetings, Holla Forums. I think it's time we have this conversation, this being provenly one of the last bastions of white and aryan community and definitely a massive meme factory -all the same being practically hidden from mainstream knowledge.
Let me make this quick:
>It is of common knowledge that a major part of (((their plan))) implies reducing white fertility rates while increasing non-white's

All political victories are 100% worthless if we still get genocided within a couple generations, not one bullet fired. From the jewish PoV, misoginy is a functionally identical tool to feminism, but mirrored. If someone started bombing the board with feminist propaganda they would get gassed by Kampfy in a batlash, yet I see pics demeaning women run rampant, unchecked.

I suggest we start waking up to what's at stake here, purging out the degenerates that insist on berating our rightful companions, and slowly reworking the environment around the board until posting misoginy is as punishable as any other kike manoeuvre.

Debate me already fags I'm aching to chainsaw through your arguments

Other urls found in this thread:


So what is your argument exactly? I see a lot of words and no substance.


Opinion discarded. The idea is this: Women are amoral, cock-craving traitorous whores. "Misogyny" i.e. institutional control of women, is the cornerstone of civilization. (((Without it))), everything descends into chaos and degeneracy.

Women are literally worthless to any political movements outside of votes in countries shitty enough to have universal suffrage, that's if you're still inclined to believe voting can work. Now post tits or gtfo you stupid cunt >>>/girltalk/

Dont call it misogyny, youre in for a bad time. Anyways, obviously all that in green is correct.

As long as you are not ready to accept that women are factually inferior to men, and that they consequently should stay at their place in any healthy society, you can go fuck yourself and your equalitarian bullshit and submission to women, kike infected subhuman.
Once you accept this fact, then we can discuss about women.

Did you have a point, or are you just here to screech about muh soggy knees?

Is argument is that you should get in line with National Socialism if you want to post here, and hating women isnt what National Socialists do. Hating Jews for demoralizing our society and our women is what they do.

So your argument is:
This is a weak argument for a few reasons. It is a logical fallacy (see: no true Scotsman). Next, there is no proof to back up your claim that this is what a true national socialist believes in. Finally you have (attempted) to shift the pressure by straw manning the idea that people here are "hating women". In reality, the common consensus is that women are a reflection of man's degradation.

If man is held to high standards, why should women be free from them?

take your time and read you illiterate niggers.

unfortunately all that faggot /r9k/ shit has become deeply embedded with imageboard culture.


Well maybe try fucking reading next time you mongoloid. Let me chew it down for you:
We have to start shuning on misogynist bullshit like pic related that gets posted around all the time (there are better examples but I can't find 'em)

I did, most of what you have to say is irrelevant to your point. You have an assertion with no evidence. Also if you are going to samefag, at lease make sure you aren't accidentally cross posting between ip addresses. It just looks bad.

Fucking kek OP. Women are doing a good job of making themselves undesirable on their own.

Reported. You will be raped to death by niggers.

f u g

Except they fucking aren't. They become such if degenerates like you leave them behind as if they weren't feeling, sentient, WHITE human beings. Without a rightful man by their side.
And what do you plan to do without a woman by your side, genius? Tell me, what next after you cross 60 and into the void?
Misogyny =/= institutional control of women. Misogyny is discharging your hate on potentially beautiful beings.

It’s time for you to go back to your sloppy seconds, feminist.

Some hatefacts to spice things up:

Women are less likely to be employed in highly competitive jobs.
More prosperous, egalitarian and healthy nations have more psychological differences between men and women.
More advanced societies have more differentiated gender roles.
Women commit about half of domestic violence.
Wealthier countries have more developed sex roles.
For women, more sex partners results in higher rates of divorce and worse life outcomes.
Women with more than 20 sexual partners have an 80% chance of divorce.
More sex partners causally increases the likelihood of drug and alcohol abuse.
Men’s’ and women’s’ brains are wired differently.
Gender stereotypes are correct predictors of math and reading ability.
A women’s number of sex partners is linearly linked to alcohol and drug abuse.
College students who major in fields with a greater proportion of women have lower average IQ.
Less attractive women are more likely to want careers.
Less traditional marriages are lower quality.
Couples who cohabit before marriage have lower quality marriages.
Gender differences in the West are the result of free choices made by innately different men and women.
40% of women with more than 20 sex partners have an STD. Source:
Female veterans are six times more likely to commit suicide than women who didn’t serve in the military.
Progressive/feminist women are less happy than their peers.
Stay-at-home wives are more content than working wives.
Women are less happy today than they were in the 1960’s and 70’s.
Couples with traditional gender roles are more sexually active than couples with egalitarian roles.

Clipped from if you want some more.

when do we start spamming cuck porn and "le drumpf" threads so we're officially at 4/pol/'s level?


Well, I can tell that nobody here has ever smelt a heavy period fart. We need to push for scientific progress. We could multiply our purity using artificial wombs and a February 1997 issue of Swank. Or we could push for self-awareness and true love and encourage people not to waste each others time for the smallest amount of pleasure or social climbing. We all know this is cultural marxism at play, shedding light on it in easy enough terms for women to understand would be our best bet. I'll get right on it as soon as I level up my Frost Mage to the level required to cast Magic Mirror.

No its time for "him" (lol) to go back to whatever bullshit site "he" comes from

We need to reverse such degeneracy. It's too close to home.

My point is that you can't have a healthy aryan society if you disrespect women. Now counter that, you homosexual

You still haven't addressed my main point.

If men must be held to a high standard in society, why should women be held to none?


Reported for anti-NatSoc posting. Respect for women is a foundational tenet of National Socialism. Youd know that if you were a National Socialist. Without women, there is no race.

Women's goal in life should be to please men. We should also become polygamous/polyamarous to have as many children as possible. Women think they shouldn't be raped but they should.

can anyone tell me what misoginy is?

How about you address my actual argument. If men must be held to high standards in society, then why should women be free from them?

the reason why ANYTHING THAT GOES WRONG in some catlady's/future catlady's life

I dont have to answer stupid arguments, thats not why this place exists. Women have their role and it is equally important to mens role. They are not free from responsibility, youre an insolent child and you belong on /r9k/, not even cuckchan Holla Forums.

Hello Ahmed.


ah ok, well if their going to make a post at least spell shit correctly, you even have spell checker so I didn't even read it.

hello ID dubs and post dubs


So you don't have any sort of counterpoint? Can you tell me in what ways women are held to a similarly high and complementary standard to men in the modern age? Or are you going to continue to move the goalposts and shill?

Looking at women without their make up on is not misoginy.

whatever makes you feel better m8.

i never said they should. my issue is the faggot /r9k/ mindset that all women are whores waiting to take a ride on jamal's cock.

I will defend my aryan women and I will struggle for their right to respect.

I raged at 1, agreed with 2 and 3, and keked again at 4. But listen to me here:
The kike media is intentionally amplifying stories about degenerate girls to push a narrative that most girls are cunts. Notice that I am NOT saying "all girls are pure wondrous beings" because I'm not some faggot whiteknight.
What I'm trying to do is making you
There are pure women out there. They have, as we do, dreams and hopes of a cleaner lifestyle: after all, it runs in their white blood. This is why I stand here, in the hearth of memehood, to represent them.

Women and men are different and they occupy different roles in society. I agree with this completely.

If you got out of your disgusting basement from time to time, you'd know the differences between man and woman well enough to realize it is a man writing this.
Cull yourself from the gene pool

Gas yourself, degenerate


30% are
another 30%
another 15%
> 15%

Alright, since we know agree on my original assertion, can you please tell me why we shouldn't ostracize those who use their gender as a reason to be held unaccountable for their own actions? Should we not mock the whore who bangs jamal or enters the land of turbo dikes?

shit I left off that "will divorce you for your shit" 10% in between dumb and good

Here's two counter-points, to help you in your awakening:

1) Who said that women are to be free from high standards? In fact, I'd expect from the mother of my children more than I'd expect from myself.
2) Women and men are different. Men are more powerful, stronger, more self-controlled (we don't have to deal with monthly hormone shots). We are more burdened but also more fit for our burdens. We are the ones who lead the way: if women have gone astray, it is in us to retrace the road.

We should because shaming and mocking is the most effective tool against women

If you were a man you wouldn't use such a cliché for an insult.

feel free to make an argument as opposed to pulling dubious numbers out your ass.

Source for that comic?

A bait thread? On Holla Forums? Why would God permit such a thing? Oh, he wants me to get dubs. Very well, DUBS VULT.

These are my original assertions, but none address my actual argument. See

Huh should we know discuss gynocentric centered laws in general? What about possible marxist subversion of the nuclear family structure? No one would say thats all womens fault but maybe some big nosed gentlemen hm?

punch a bitch today


Bless these digits, that they may smite the uppity roasties in our midst. Let our no-makeup algorithms be true and accurate, amen.

I happen to know of an excellent board for just this sort of thing.


Yes, but here's the catch my boy:
You should also realize that your (((sources of information))) are over emphasizing the quantity of sluts in the world. Not all girls are sluts. Many aryan qt's are lost to (((hedonism))), they are victims and we should cry over them and then turn our backs, not mocking: we'd be laughing at the knell of own bells, dear user.

Furthermore, what matters is that there are girls out there that wish in their hearts for a better life, as much as we do. And these are the girls that matter, and these are the silenced ones.

>Here let me pull these stats right out of my ass I know this because I saw it on (((mtv)))

Against the white race, did you just say?

1v1 me nigga see what happens

Being off by one hurts, but the pain of failure is a foundry for the steel of the white man's soul. Iron sharpens iron.

What is an ethos without a purpose? What is a goal without a reward? What is a white man without dubs? Only time will tell.

certainly not 85%.

The buddhists believe that pain is an illusion. The US Marines believe that pain is weakness leaving the body. I believe that pain is a set of dubs being born into numerical existence.

I believe in digits. Do digits believe in us?

no only HALF

fuck off to your new incel board you reddit cuck

>I know this because I saw it on (((mtv)))

Fucking implying MTV would ever defame sluts in any way.

I am satisfied, my faith has been rewarded. OP, you filthy roastie cunt, you may continue with your wailing and gnashing of teeth. Just remember:
you may be able to vote and drive, but you'll never be my equal.


but that's not 85% though is it?


The first 10 years of marriage there is like a 90% chance of divorce, only when you cross that threshold you're "safe" (because you can still get fucked but its less likely)

No guarantees, every nice girl can turn into a cunt and any shitty judge can throw away a prenup

I'm not saying you shouldn't get married, just know the consequences

That one makes me laugh every single time. It is the purest truth

If that's true, it actually made me feel something. Can't fucking believe the first picture though. What a disgrace.

That's the shit right there nigga. How do you think a nuclear family can stand if it's poisoned with hate of women? See

Afther the tread about the make up app, I saw the misogyny levels spike worryingly. I don't even post here, I'm mostly a lurker. For the record, I love the make up app. I like girls more without makeup. Less pretty, more human and unique: more pure.

That's just divorce.
You mentioned MTV while on your other vpn. You should watch it sometime to get a glimpse of all the pure young women.

You type like a woman who thinks she knows what men type like.

I'm not black pilled on women, I just hate their degenerate behavior. Most girls are cunts, the fault lies with them for gorging on kike media and buying feminist lies. Yes, there are pure girls out their who are just as disgusted at the degeneracy as men are, and yes if kikes and feminists didn't have a stranglehold on our media then this wouldn't have happened. But what about the males who also consume kike media and buy the feminist lies? Are you going to tell me that I should stop laughing at those cucked faggots too? After all, I'm just pushing away possible allies for the cause instead of extending the arm of brotherhood. Why don't we stop using the word nigger and kike while we are at it?

I will continue to mock nu-males and rosties until there are none left, because they are nothing more than walking jokes and vessels of degeneracy. I am not going to soften my tone to spare the feelings of some vapid cunt. I didn't become Holla Forums because Holla Forums was nice to me. I became Holla Forums because I saw that they were right about every criticism and insult they hurled at me and I wanted to change for the better. So stop whiteknighting and start shitposting.

If you are watching MTV to become an expert on women I feel bad for you son.
