So… just out of curiosity.
Is it possible to change one of those electronic LED billboards on the highway?
Or maybe can we crowdfund a billboard campaign?
Pic related.
So… just out of curiosity.
Is it possible to change one of those electronic LED billboards on the highway?
Or maybe can we crowdfund a billboard campaign?
Pic related.
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You're glowing, """user"""
Well, ya caught me user. Darn.
But no seriously, maybe you're right. The first option would be hilarious but they'd probably find out who did it…
Second option would be legal but the media would try to track people down and hound them endlessly. :/
yes - i have a screenshot of instructions from halfchan on another computer.
Of fucking course there is.
Of course you need to know what interface the billboard is using as well as the software to interface with it. So good luck with that m8
Better be instructions on how to do it legally, because the other anons are right. It'd probably be a party van visit to hack it.
You'd need to be able to be doxxxxed, i think.
There is absolutely no chance the fags at antifa or the MSM would let you go unpunished, they'd keep harassing the company responsible for the billboard until they give them your name.
reminds me of the story when an LED billboard in mexico got hacked and played porn for hours
Crowdfunding a billboard campaign could be fun. But would it generate keks?
There's got to be a way to be able to pay for it without being caught.
Maybe starting a crowdfund page, and putting in those throwaway AMEX cards from anonymous sources. The only person who could get doxxed is the person who started the gofundme page.
Given the reaction to the printed fliers taped to doors and windows… I can't see how it wouldn't be.
But then again it could be totally ignored by the media considering they saw how it went LAST time they covered it. It was waking people up.
or you could just google "how to change d.o.t. led sign"…
Read the whole thread next time, dumbass.
You can it's possible to hack them and such, just not legal
Well fuck in Tennesee the Make America White Again Billboard was ripped down pretty fast and that's Tennesee, imagine Califonia
They can't rip down a digital billboard, and if they break it, they'd be arrested.
You know this has to be on a major californian road for maximum kek.
Most of them are run on devices similar to raspberry, except with USB links. They read any text file and display the text if it's within the parameters for number of characters, the operator just loads a USB flash drive with a text file and plugs it in.
The port is behind a locked access panel though.
Read the whole thread, user
We need to do this legit in a way that protects people from discovery.
it shouldn't be that hard to hack such a setup. But I bet they have extreme surveillance around t
they leave them unattended every lunch hour
or when it's 4am
Ehh, I doubt that, but nevertheless I'd say it's still a bad idea. If somebody gets caught they're basically fucked.
omg sooooo fucked
kek true
That's not what I'm talking about. You'd be known, you'd have a face and a name for all of John Q Public to see, and you'd be hounded by the media and possibly tracked down by people who want to hurt you.
Digital Billboards
So wait… we can buy billboard space… and just change it to whatever we want from wherever we want?
If you get caught in the act you won't.
And you're not gonna get caught AFTER the fact if you take precautions.
Unless you're a retard.
this, Hitler dubs demand it
Holy kek I didn't even notice my own digits.
Nice check!
Dude this was done years ago. Where were you?
It wasn't very political back in the day.
Main in the middle would be the best, the security on the municipal district is pretty tough nowadays since everyone was doing it.
Wait, hold up.
You guys DO realize that these are the kinds of billboards I'm talking about, right? I'm pretty sure most of the other guys got it, I just wanna make sure you're on the same page as well.
I didn't mean the digital traffic signs.
I don't know a whole lot about these exact installations, I've seen them just never worked on them, but I do work as an LED wall technician. I've built installed configured these for the last few years now. All of them are ran by Windows machines. These signs are most likely not connected to the internet for security reasons, but they may have a wifi network(no SSID broadcast) for technicians to connect to for maintenance. If not then you need physical access, but they're probably not all too hard to fuck with.
Of course it’s still illegal.
Nah, read the whole thread. Hacking them was shot down pretty early on. I mean, I can't stop you from doing what you wanna do, but I ain't doing it.
We have legalism on our side this time. If jewish congressmen can place their propaganda on these billboards, so can we.
Go away, Kike.
If your that afraid, you really shouldn't be here. We are dissident central, and our enemies have a long storied history about what they do to such people. Even if you dindu nuffin, you still get to visit a fucking ditch when they move to round us all up. Man the fuck up or go hide. Your are likely already in some kill database already. Sorry, war is a bitch, just be glad its not kinetic yet.
… valid point.
We used to do it all the time, like circa 2006 half/b/. Holla Forums may never have been good, but it was certainly better.
No idea if there's any pattern, but here in Florida, the password for the consoles on the signs they'd leave alongside roads to inform of roadwork was FDOT, the acronym for Florida Department of Transportation.
ya I'm sure the FBI has sting operations setup monitoring billboards/traffic signs to catch ebil natzees
Maybe not, but I hardly ever see one that doesn't have a squad car nearby.
I was talking about the street signs. But I guess I was asking for that.
Another problem is that most of the street signs I've seen on the highway and such are programmed off site, and are placed out of reach. The only ones that are accessible are local ones. The ones I said there are usually squad cars placed by.
Billboard prices can range from a couple hundred per month to thousands per month.
Is a good sourse
Thanks, user. Maybe we should make a list of different websites.
Of course, OP. It's the golden rule of IT, if you can access it, so can anyone else. It goes the other way around too.