MakeApp Thread #3

LARPing hags BTFO edition

previous bread:

For those that missed the fun last thread, here's a quick gestalt and a good lesson in how women argue
the comment that triggered some worn-out old femanon (fe4b02)
here's where she goes full-retard and LARPs as a Chad as hard as she can trying to deflect from people catching on she's a woman
I'm assuming she killed herself at this point, or at least fucked off back to plebbit to brag about how she totally BTFOd a bunch of nerd virgins on Holla Forums.

captia: pwr cnt

Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty sure the posts were just deleted



Reminder that Rach is a man and now it is obvious for everyone.

ah, that makes sense. tl;dr for those that missed it, some old woman tried to LARP as a man and white knight and got eternally BTFO and provided a good lesson in how women argue (e.g. emotionally, and based on social ridicule)


Holycrap that haggening was intense. She looks like a deformed crack addict trap without makeup. Her entire face looks fucked, like it was fucked at birth or something. It's incredible she gets away with it using just makeup.

Oh no. That sucks.


Can confirm #Haggening is still working, but #TheHaggening is throwing errors when searched or linked to. Who could be behind this?


I almost feel bad for Maisie.

I've been saying it all along, she's gotta be related to Brian Peppers. The makeup never fooled me.





Don't, she's 20 and already embraced whoredom.

You're looking for Holla Forums, faggot.

didn't expect a Peppers poster.

Not bad.


Where’s that cartoon where the “woman” takes off her clothes and says “this is me”?
And how should we edit it?

The first pic made me think of pic related

Thank you, I needed that laugh.

The app developer needs to create an app that estimates the weight of a woman based off a picture of her face. The salt would be amazing.

Why? When she's at the watering hole lions can't sneak up on her.

Sarsour looks like she's having an embolism in her left eye

The dude's eyes light up and he says something about thots needing to be patrolled.

Lana is a good woman.

or being jailed for thotcrime


Does it work on nigresses?

Faces can be deceiving



I would still face-fuck her tbh

note: some women actually look better after the fact. that's called innate beauty and most of these deceiving hoes and got a drop of it

Is this a M2F trans-fat?

Wew she looks terrible without makeup.



Looks like one of those mugshots of methheads.

Damn, this app completely robs them off all benefits of makeup, and really makes them all naked.

She should be the spokeswoman for this app, 10/10

What goddamn waste. Then again the makeup…

All fine women that don't need makeup

Pick one you like and drop her with a casual cold approach, you'll only regret that you didn't talk to one later.

Same what cultural thottism does to natural beauties. I fucking hate over-styled eyebrows and can't believe she thinks it looks good.

The app's Play Store score went from a 3,4 to a 3,0 on just a few hours. Whores are mad.

Why are women in such an outrage about this? It's just an app. No one's forcing them to use it. They could simply go "ah well just shitposters having their fun" but no. They freak out and act like it's the end of the world. They write articles about how angry they are and proceed to project their personal insecurities onto all men with "losers who live in the basement" type comments.

What ever happened to "just be yourself?"

She looks like a fuggin man you homo.

Actually attractive girls using make up to cover freckles. Should be a crime to be honest.

Shes still a cute. Is that a nose piercing or a giant wort on her nose?

Should be called the JUSTapp


freckles are patrician.

Wow she is really pretty without the thot paint.

It allows men to get a realistic picture of them, thus lowering their sexual market value a ton.

women's value is tied to how sexually attractive they are. makeup is a way to artificially increase that value. anything that robs them of this is going to rustle them hard.

Possibly, but hard to tell because xhe's so fucking fat. Might explain how xher face stays so slim compared to her body. Assuming it isn't just face lypo suction.

They style themselves to all look alike. My eyes would just flick over the left in that pic without really noticing her, but if I saw the right I'd stop and check her out.

Toptier taste.


There's a reason why the Third Reich and Sparta hated makeup. It's an illusion, a lie. No tolerance for falsehoods should be shown in any Aryan state.

Forgot pic. Also I think it's wearing no make up in this pic


Who is she? Went from a primped up porn whore to a h'wheat field beauty.

Would it be accurate to say that make-up is to whores what "muh dick" is to male sexual deviants?

I give this app 5+++++++

Although, how long until deep state requires this to be removed and banned in all countries world wide?

Her eyes are too far apart, makes her look retarded

Both also encouraged women to be physically active and fit, which is largely anathema to modern women too.


cute as hell

Well, you can't fake dick size. I suppose you can get a penis pump and shit, but overall different and much less common than make up.

Ever heard of the term: "Whiny bitches" ?

Well, that's what you have, online just as in real life.

Wow she looks like she could be JLo's brother.

Some guys like that, including myself. Which might explain why I always cuck for brittany venti..


Shows whats wrong with the world at this point; 'natural beauty gifts' are not
wanted, everyone must look the same & act the same… fucking hell (((it))) is everywere!

Smug doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling. I am become Pepe, god of /comfy/

The guy who made it hooked it up to whatever that swipe the whore thing is and that has got a lot of em riled up.

"just be yourself" is code for "show me how much of a pathetic beta you are quickly so i can move on"

not exactly.
in this case, we're looking at a method by which an individual increases their sexual market value in an unnatural manner.
"Naturally", men compete with eachother in order to prove themselves worthy of finding a mate. The man with the highest status will be the most desirable.
So, it would be more accurate to say that the male equivalent of make-up would be something that gae him status without actually having to compete with other males.
Maybe this is what the male feminist is.
Not sure though, have to think about this more.

It's the equivalent of a guy leasing a sports car to pick up chicks.

I don't know what to think. There's nothing really wrong with her natural face but there's something unattractive about it.

True. My line of thinking was that it's just another feature people use to boost their perceived sexual desirability, and make-up evidently falls into that category. "muh dick" tier reasoning does as well from my end since it's the same line of obsession/egotism displayed by the women freaking out about their natural face being exposed.
It's all fucking funny, though. This one app that they don't even need to use has them whining and complaining.

wow she's pretty


It's funny. They say

You are likely not a fan of red heads.

Ewwww. I don't know what's worse, the Steampunk shit or her eyes.

>showing woman without makeup enrages woman AND shows man fragile ego somehow

Man beauty standards include being healthy in general. Just proper diet, exercise and good testosterone level can alter face and body structure.

A sports car, yeah. Or going to the gym with the sole objective of looking pretty naked, rather than getting /fit/.
These things are kind of the symbols of male virility or sexual status, so just acquiring the symbol might be enough to fool a woman into thinking you're the real deal.
A lower quality woman anyway.

Cosmetics had most women looking about 3 points better, without that we're seeing 8s as the 5s they always were. Most women are totally average. This is great.

how smug are Russians right now? they are literally the worlds boogeymen

I wish you weren't born at all.

Fuck you man, it was always a lie, that's the point. See reason the fappening ruined female celebrity worship, because all anyone really cared about when they had a "favorite" actress was fugging her. Now have her nudes, her real purpose to you is fulfilled, mystique gone, no more reason to care about her (recall believable story that the fappenning was all about distracting from gamergate investigations into DoD social engineering projects).

This app does the opposite of the fappening, it takes away the possibility of you using the actress for her REAL reason (imaginary fugging) by showing you her true ugliness. Mystique gone, marketability gone, shekels dry up. Interestingly this could help trade European movents, because the thots who suffer least are the

Where does one locate such a beauty?

Of course. It's classic projection.
It's how they feel better about themselves. This app has proven to be a deep cut for them, so being clearly rattled, they seek the most immediate means of feeling better about themselves by arriving at the baseless conclusion "all men who use this app are fat losers who live in the basement."

I foresee a great harvest of butthurt and salt

Probably those brown eyes, shes probably not even a real ginger.


From my own personal opinion of the 10 scale I came up with the same numbers as you. Women that were 3-5s used makeup to become 6-8s and it's tearing them up inside.

How about this angle

In many cases the results aren't even that horrible. Sure, they do go down a notch or two but they are still decent looking. Yet somehow women just can not stand the idea of being a little less attractive than they deluded themselves into thinking.

daria milky

because women are only interested in being with the top 20%, therefore they need to be in able to fake being a top 20% female themselves, make up helped achieve that

This is why we screencap you nigger

It's the really dark eyes in that pic of her, at least to me.

irl? rural, small town country girls are the best bet for non-caked up, whorish looking girls.



If they would be punished for racemixing and cheating by getting acid thrown on their face, their life would be over!

Makeup on women should be outlawed. In fact, all beauty products ought to be forbidden, and shaving should be outlawed for both men and women.

We were pretty smug before because our women were actually pretty. I had like 1 ugly girl out of 9 in college.

Shit quality.


The guy could have sold this as an empowering app to show young girls that the impossible standards in movies and magazines are fake. I've heard a lot of guys say "i prefer the natural look". I've said it before, and I don't think I was lying. I always thought women put on make-up 90% to show off to other women. For all the bluster about men being visual creatures I haven't seen too many guys who would turn down a wholesome 6/10 for some painted thot-time from the local watering hole.

Burka durka homomed ali

ever think that make-up allowed ugly female genes to corrupt the gene pool? the same for corrective dentistry tbh

Yeah, she definitely looks better in that pic

Girl's a keeper

Apologies in advance but who is this in the 2nd pic? This female is hideous with or without make-up. Is she famous?? If so, why?

Was my first thought

Second thought would be steroids. Seeing everyone Natty would be a change, but you would have to make everyone Natty first for them to lose their muscles. Plastic surgery kind of corresponds to steroids but you still need makeup to go along with it, and makeup is superficial, applied every day, washed off in seconds.

I suppose the only real equivalent would be a facial analyzer that predicted your erect dick size with great precision.

She looks like a zombie and my dick appreciates it.

I mentioned this in the other thread. Women put on makeup because of other women and because of their own self-esteem too, so yes. Must be like somebody pulling your pants down in public to them.



Looks like a tranny.

tiffany trump you dumbnigger

Too much makeup for the filter to handle.

that one needs to be ran through the app 2 or 3 more times. so much makeup the algorithm can't handle it

I can't believe anons are falling or this app, all it does decolor and add wrinkles.

Shut up 3DPD

The thing that saddens me is that red pilled lads have been telling you this for years, but faced with choosing between reality and the idealized fantasy image of whichever slut you happen to idolize, you dismissed these men, who were only trying to awaken others to the deception, as "bitter MGTOW virgins", yes, using exactly the same arguments as the quoted "bitter femanons."
Funny how hindsight is 20/20 and all of a sudden everyone is acting like it was obvious all along.
tl;dr you should fucking know this already, without needing an app to draw you a picture and you should feel bad for not realizing it sooner. Learn how to see through the deception with your own eyes - it's not a hard skill to pick up, the hard part (for young men) is accepting reality and pulling the whores off the pedestal YOU and your suspension of disbelief has put them on.
Now think about all the other shit that women do which you dismiss as "mgtow butthurt", I'm thinking primarily about the true rates of coalburning.
The rate of lying via makeup is nearly 100%, don't expect it to be lower for something much more shameful.
No, I'm saying that nearly 100% of those who have coalburned will lie about it when it matters, i.e when the man they're replying to is a candidate for a LTR/marriage.

femanon detected

Then why are certain girls completely unaffected? Oh right, because it works.


And make-up does the opposite, so it's pretty accurate. There was some ho in the other thread who posted a picture of herself with no makeup in an attempt to prove the app wrong, and she looked exactly the same as the after pic.

Are you ready for The Day of the ROAST?

Hey, we're just testing it.

Speaking of which, have some anons contacted the guy on how to improve his algorithm?

Harsh but true.


Show us that pussy of yours

Women dont care what men think about them, otherwise we would have women studying science and matematics while they arent raising children.

Do notice that its the men who study home ec things and romance while theyre out working.

Because women are the sexual selectors of society, what matters to them is not their value to men, but their value with respect to other women. Its probably a universal human instinct actually, men often get competitive with men who offer them a challenge, rather than those that dont.

too bad the filter doesn't consider cosmetic dentistry


think she broke it

Run a tranny through the app and it looks like a man.

How does it feel to have your entire screed in the last thread deleted?

Biofemale confirmed. Tits or GTFO

Natural look means makeup, but just a little. And I think its fine.

Yeah, but they fuck up you in a long run. I dont see why anyone would use them just to look better.

Why haven't you posted tits yet?



Are you using tor now because you got banned for kvetching? lel

Then explain why there's no wrinkles for this qt

send bobs

Why would I show my tits to a loser like you?

Hey look, she got a man to show her how to use tor

This app is only removing makeup, Photoshop "improvements" remain. In other words, many of the women you put through the app will in reality look a lot worse than the output it gives you.
It also seems to be rather conservative in its "removal", you can see in many of the post-processed images, that quite a bit of makeup effect is left in the image.

I have never seen someone on Holla Forums say "No, there is no difference between women with make-up and women without".

In anonymous studies a majority of women have expressed a distaste for interracial relationships.
You just sound like a butthurt mgtow nigger. Get your life together.

Female confirmed

Because we told you to

Hey, i think everyone's favorite triggered hag femanon is back to get btfo again. After all, that is the thread theme.

I like her weird chin/jaw/face/skull, 8/10 would reproduce with.

she admits she's a woman.
only one thing left for you to do woman.


Then GTFO. The rules of the Umman Manda don't change to suit your needs, Biofemale.

Are you jealous?


chubby white chicks seem to pass really good through the filter. Especially pure white ones with already little makeup.

The worst haggings are with those masculine-looking chicks . The worst hagging so far has been by Ana Kasparian.

show us more timestamped pictures of your kankles

Fairly certain the tradwife crowd does not condone excessive makeup.

This isn't reddit, sweetheart. Show bobs already.

show elbow. work up from there.

Sayeth the TORPedo.

I look better without makeup. The app is bad.

You reek of estrogen.
Women say X therefore X is true, because women wouldn't lie.
You're still standing on the starting line, kid, that's if I believe you're male, which I don't. Also link your "studies"which probably don't exist

>thread getting derailed by fag larping as thot

Given how triggered you are by this app, I guarantee you look best with a bag over your head

Seriously you need to get laid.


She doesn't deny it, so cute, post bobs and vagine this instant

Or better yet a fully cake-faced makeup pic so we can run it through the reality checker.

Then it's a faggot and deserves a ban.

Given how much of a virgin you are, I guarantee you look like a troll.

That's likely

This is really rustling the jew's pets. Very good tool to use against the Hollyjew.

I already used the app. It does nothing. I look better without makeup anyway.

newfag alarm is going off, time to fuck off back to cuckchan faggots

Anons, just hide the hole. Don't entertain it.

A butthurt (((queen))) for anons is like a bloody seal for great whites

Can an user run her photo through the app please?

Shaming is a female tactic.

Show it, Bitch.

Let's not be distracted from the fact that Maisie is the female Brian Peppers

no one wants to see your flapjacks or roast beef tbh

It's a thread about triggered thots. We have a triggered thot here. I don't see the problem.

Married with kids. Try again.

Well, the app might be approximate, but its still very realistic and original. It could be better by fixing the teeth and giving them a natural haircolor too. It gives good insight in how females lie to men and deceive massive populations in the mass-media. But you know what they say, the truth always finds its way.

It's really time for "Tits or GTFO" to be retired. Now, I know what you're thinking but hear me out.
The idea of TITS OR GTFO is that a woman who seeks attention by outing herself, ought to provide something worthy of the attention.
This is an overvaluation of an abundant resource (pictures of tits), stokes the ego of the woman in question, and teaches impressionable young anons that the tits of random thots have value equivalent or greater to the energy required to indulge an attention-seeking woman, and the disruption she causes to the thread.
Well, they don't. A more appropriate response is simply "GTFO" or filtering the woman.

Yeah, she looks like a man with long hair.

Anyone else can just come out of the closet already.

Then you have nothing to worry about sweetie, the men are going to have their fun regardless.

I have a half-cousin that looks like that.


Top fucking Kek, she crashed the app.

Kekekek. Just embrace it. Stop ruining your skin with makeup and eat healthy.

Bans then.

Show your tiny dick virgin.


Are you saying you still get sex when you want it? After a few years of marriage the average man gets sex less than once a week.

Ask me how I know you're a virgin.

chimp on right is more attractive

Or you could just do a basic bitch search. Even jews admit whites are "problematic" because they don't want to fuck the undesirable races.
Also, I forgot to specify "white women". Other races of women like to miscegenate.

after tits they were traditionally met with "nice now gtfo"

More like, less than half a year lmao.

Make that months.

It's the eyebrows, the two things I see the app overdo are

It has to do with the color inverting/lightening nature of it. I bet with her natural eyebrows in palace she is super cute, has a lot of natural talent from the looks of it. This whole thing is interesting as damn hell from a psychology point of view. We always we're taught in college psych that there is like this "iq" or "horsepower" score for beauty related to symmetry, both in horizontal symmetry of side to side features (eyes, lip corners) and in adherence to golden number ratios and such (pic related).

BUT, at the same time, there are what's called "attractiveness signals" or "intangible factors" that make women "hot" and not just "beautiful". Different ratios, certain stretchings of the golden rule, certain cues (bigger eyes, brighter lips) might point to sexual readiness/fertility above just individual fitness (which symmetry is a predictor of). So in short the less beautiful have evolved to rely upon fleeting "hotness" of youth to compete with the true beauties and land a husband, and in any large society where marriage is delayed, the inevitable tension felt by the unmarried is allayed with artificial "hotness" cues (female celebrities are basically fertility hopefulness signallers for the less beautiful girls). Having them stripped so quickly is probably like having a guys bank account/dick size over his head at all times, just too revealing to be fair in a world where we've grown accustomed to allow hiding (a similar but smaller blowup happened when HD was introduced, but women were saved by normie browsing moving to small shitty phone screens).

Given the recent trend towards women leveraging Jewish invasion tactics (screwing white men) into such insane power levels, expect this tool to be wielded ruthlessly.

So are you just a fag LARPing as an anal-anguished thot or what?

Your face, not your tits.

Is that Beyonce? Beyonce is a transgender man.

That Maxine Waters one is

Shouldn't you losers go out and find a real girl instead of masturbating to anime or whatever sick things you masturbate to?

damn, chloe moretz looks like THAT?


1. The lines don't even match up with the face.
2. Extensive plastic surgery.

Faggot Goon Kike posing as Thot detected. Reported.

You just can never tell where the next big triggering will come from. This timeline is the best.

do you really belong here?

yeah okay buddy

Strike a chord? You need to post tits or gtfo, how else can you verify that you're a woman? Your impotent kvetching won't do anything especially when we all think you're a fag looking for attention anyway.

He is a tiny dick virgin like all the losers from here.

checked & keked

When we used to troll bars for skanks an old buddy of mine, who maybe an 88th gen feminist, decided the 0-10 scale was sexist(smugs internally). He felt binary was more realistic. They were all either 1's or 0's. Yes or no, primal instinct. These weren't permanent ratings of course, under changing conditions 1's became 0's and around 1:45 lots of 0's became 1's. The man was a genius. Bar THOTs being women and retarded thought the 0-10 was less degrading because computer words. The salt from this app is just a huge poll proving him right on several levels.

I would love to see her without makeup


Only ugly women who fear their true reproductive value is being exposed are threatened by this. Truely beautiful women look better after being run through this app. The fact each of the three threads on this app have been flooded with triggered women tells me everything I need to know about their actual attractiveness.


How do I know you're white?

It's not fair.

I already told you I look better without makeup.

What if I'm a

Then why are you so triggered by this thread?

I look better than her without makeup.

Sure. I keep in shape and constantly make sure that I have inherent value in whatever I do. Basically I subtly make sure my wife is aware that I'm desirable to other women, and that she has to make sure she's valuable to me, otherwise I'd pick a better one (Obviously I wouldn't, and I don't do it in an abusive, overt, or cruel way). It's worked so far.

Then again, I only really want sex like… once a week, if that.


Oh look a tor poster whos a massive faggot what a surprise.

You've outed yourself as a fag larping as a thot already


You are triggered. I said the app does nothing.

Ginger girls a best.

Just leave this place you worthless retarded and juvenile garbage. You are worthless, imbecile, cretine, uncreative, unoriginal and you are not needed in this world. It is very important that you kill yourself. You are a burden on your family, and nobody wants to be with you. You mean little to nothing, please remember, killing yourself will solve all your problems. You are unhappy and need to die ASAP.

these fatties would probably be hot if they dropped the weight.

Is this the latest counter-transvestigation technique out of Hollywood? Flood chans/social media with egregiously doctored "Chloe with male features" photographs in order to discredit genuine pictures which clearly reveal the person in question to be male?
Interesting but crass.
Pic related, that's a little boy.


Omg that is SO TRUE babydoll, all these mean alphabros want to do is get into your pants anyway. They're probably "negging" which is a disgusting PUA thing. If you don't know about it go look it up. Believe me, I know you're a powerful independent woman. By the way haha what's your instagram LOL :P??? It's cool that a woman posts on Holla Forums. Tis an awesome thing to see!

Just leave this place you worthless retarded and juvenile garbage. You are worthless, imbecile, cretine, uncreative, unoriginal and you are not needed in this world. It is very important that you kill yourself. You are a burden on your family, and nobody wants to be with you. You mean little to nothing, please remember, killing yourself will solve all your problems. You are unhappy and need to die ASAP.

I'm having the time of my life. You're the one getting buttblasted about the app.
lmao then why is it a problem?



Just like, don't reply at this point. It's not a Roasty we're dealing with - but a faggot poser.

imagine getting this mad over an anonymous imageboard post

haha thank you. It's good to see someone still has some brains.


There is no need to be upset, we have the high ground on this one. Just ridicule and be smug and move along.

It did something weird to the eyelids by adding some red. Our Russian friend will have to work out the kinks.

imagine getting this mad over an anonymous girl posting in your secret club


"If I mirror the goyim I will infuriate them, this plan is genius. He He He"

Yep, you truly are a worthless retarded juvenile garbage. The best thing is that you will one day die and the world no longer will have to endure your parasitic existence, thank god. But whats most important is that you hurry up and really consider a viable suicide option. You really need to commit suicide, it is really smart in your case, just do it, don't be afraid.

haha shucks *blushes and glomps you* btw I think you forgot to send me your instagram :P don't worry I'm a nice guy I'm not a creeper XP

Thread theme

Stop responding, this is just a troll. Women can't operate TOR.


I cannot trust you after all these thirsty virgins asked for my tits. And I have a boyfriend anyway, sorry.

from 0/10 to 0/10

Well she's another genuine beauty. It's weird how you can often tell which ones are genuine and which are false when they still have makeup on.

…when they come on 8/pol/ and start calling everyone virgins lmao

physiognomy is real


I'll go fuck my makeupless wife and if I feel like it wank it to some 2d afterwards.

I guess we don't need confirmation it's a she

Top kek

Indeed, our doubt our current local attention whore could ever compare

Yet another example of a woman who does not need to wear a mask. Why do naturally pretty women wear makeup anyway?

My God I love Holla Forums hahaha:

Maybe this is what the male feminist is.
Not sure though, have to think about this more.

Immediate response:

Kant v. Hume everyone, boiled down in an instance. Kant goes on his walk to "think on it": Hume goes to the pub. Holla Forums is a beautiful thing in this nightmare of a world.

Who cares man, throw them all in the woodchipper KEK

Same reasons Chads hit the gym even if they're handsome. Pushing that reproductive value as high as you can get it.

Kys reddit

haha you are so funny.
are you pretending to be a fool or…..?
nobody cares about your shit opinion
byeeee \(^ 3^)/


Women are naturally prone to social trends and things like that.

A woman's views, ethics, etc., can either be under the control of 1) social norms or 2) a dominant male figure

ITT Holla Forums gets derailed by a trannie

My iphone's too old to run it, and I can't find the app on the bluestacks version of android. Desktop version when?

Exactly, it's like asking "why do rich people hire Jews to help them get richer?". Duh because moar.

This is an important in because the facial cues designed to make us feel sympathetic are stripped from a guy we already know is a man, and this makes it easier to identify what he really is: a manipulative psychopath loser.

high energy

Lurk more my dude, but enjoy the ride.

How will we ever recover. Have a nice day faggot

I found a glitch, is the dev here?



Those naturally pretty women don't look any better with makeup, in fact they look worse.
A chad who is not fit is not a chad. The same person could be a skinny numale with a handsome face.

So uh, were all those posts by the TORPedo made by Holla Forums's tranny BO? Talk about Salty.

this guy knows how they work, some people here give women way too much agency, they are NPCs

The thread is just for posting pictures and making jokes. You can't derail what isn't a serious discussion in the first place. But nice simulated victory, I hope it helps you out with that 40% likelihood of suicide.

pretty much sums up leftypol


It's no joke.

It's still mad about the bj video lmao

Damn you defeated the nazis. Race war's over, guys.

Probably, or one of the other dozens of trannies that frequent /furrypol/

they are still salty about that

But women work out too? Working out actually helps your DNA repair itself, while makeup gives you children with birthdefects. Makeup-vs-workout is not a reasonable comparison.

Daisy Ridley's face makes me so angry. I don't know why. All of her expressions just make me want to shout at her "stop making that face you stupid fucking cunt."
I haven't seen the latest corporate shitshow of a cashgrab known as the recent Star Wars movie, but I do know that she can't act, either. Wide eyes and mouth agape = grade A emotional acting, in her book. She's terrible.

Pic unrelated but very related to this thread.

The point is just about trying to maintain peak attractiveness, not general reproductive fitness. If women actually cared about fitness, they wouldn't have kids in their 30's.

let the salt flow through you

You're fucking retarded. The whole point is that as an user nobody CARES that you have tits, and if you then go on to actually post them, you've proved the point that women are attention whores with nothing worthwhile to say. Hello?

I thought I had the Tits or GTFO WEBM, but I don't. Anybody else have it?

what in the god damn is that

It's still fishing for replies. That reference to the BJ vid musta gotten them heated.

It's public knowledge that "she" had rib removal surgery to create a waistline. This is one of the extra steps that trannies who wish to remain covert take in order to pass.
Of course it is explained away as the result of excessive pressure on women by sweaty misogynist men who "demand" a certain figure. Well yes, men "demand" that a woman have a female body to be considered a woman.

This is a trannie, its popularity on the chans is, whether they care to admit it or not, a legacy of pedophilic attraction from when he played child acting roles.
little boys can pass much more easily than adult men

Posting OC from previous thread

With Star Wars references, no less.

Mirin, what is his routine?

So uh, has /r9k/ been informed of this app yet?

It's a conspiracy theory that all female celebrities are secretly trannies. Protip: It's true.


Plenty of estrogen and the elite lift called the "rib cracker".



I'm so salty for being vindicated after pinpointing exactly what you admitted to being, ya got me

My Lord Kek, this tranny is angery.

but i am a woman, user

Whoever wrote that is a virgin.

can someone put the /lowtpol/ BO bj video through the app?


Better let those poor feelsmen know if they haven't yet

That's "xhey", xhey are still fishing for replies you cisxhet walletbot.

This'll help their Blues, but I'm no good at making threads.

your muh dik part of your brain doesnt care, it just wants to fuck cute girls.

If the Russian app fucks this one up it is defacto WW3

Nice try, bigot. It's called an it and it has feelings too

it's not fishing, it's shooting fish in a barrel

Some decent ones for perspective

better check myself before i wreck myself

Little Miss Muffet, sat on her tuffet, eating her Curds and Xhey

pay attention to me some more
you know you want to

fuck off



god damnit taylor. You look like a goddess no matter what…

Allot of Blonde women in NJ try to emulate whats around them. They end up making black sharpie eyebrows and go tanning allot. Its fucking disgusting what they do to them selves


Whoever this girl is, somebody needs to wife her before society can ruin her.

Let's see who got 'em:

Polite Sage



The app doesn't remove photoshop sculpting.

Ahhh god it feels so good not having to do a recaptcha every post, like in 4pol..

How does she actually look better without makeup?
She looks like a cute country girl.

all me

some women are naturally more beautiful exactly how they are

That's a man.

How can you not see it?

She's an attention whore cosplayer. She's already ruined.

she looks like my old gf did in the morning without makeup.

That recognize that tired piglike blank boring and annoying flat face.

Looks younger and wifeable

Found out why goons, trannies, and 3Dwaifufags are in here. Holla Forums has a thread. I guess in between fucking men in black lipstick they like to pretend to be retarded, eh, zerosugar?

When are you simps going to outgrow biocunts anyway?

You bastard.


Hmmm… really made me think.

Don't you notice a trend here? No woman is naturally attractive past the age of 21 MAX. And the peak is 16. These old women are just caking makeup on to fool you into thinking they still look 16.

Strong jaws are not a good indication of being a tranny

Only a haggening can tell.

Reminder. This app can process videos.

lmao the app ruined their 3D/tv/ waifus and now they're coming here to vent. Get rekt faggots

Replying to myself:

On closer inspection, she's wearing a wig, and not a very good one. I have no clue who this girl is, and her face is a beauty; but she's wearing a wig and playing a character.

someone run bruce's unfortunate daughter through

do they really waifu a 3d whore who has taken miles of jewdick to get fame? such a pathetic existence is hard to fathom

Who said that's the only marker, and why are you so sure your picture is a biological female? Because some hollywood kike says it is?
It's a fucking man.

I've never worn makeup because i'm ugly either way…

It's a photograph that looks professional, so it's not weird. Even a girl who never wears makeup would consider for doing so for important professional photos, formal events, and possibly in the work environment, if it's required. It's just respectful, same as wearing suits. If she wears makeup on a date or running errands, though, it'd be a shame.

lets see. post pix . I will be kind to you since you heilpost.

Oh man. That genuinely is unfortunate. She looks like a nice girl though, I hope she is.

Not sure whether I should congratulate you or bully you for being such a newfag you don't recognize Asuka.

Hitlerdubs of truth, you should probably kill yourself.

Sorry but I just have to add.
If you want to stand a chance of spotting the men which filthy hollywood kikes promote as being female, then you need to learn all the markers of masculinity AND the techniques used to mask them (because a masking technique suggests the presence of something to be masked.)
In picture #1 for example, the hair has been styled to hide the width of the neck and the size of the trapezius muscles - Michelle Obama's wardrobe and hair is also styled to hide these markers.

So you are simply crazy. Got it.

If make-up is consent, then a girl literally rapes herself every night before bed

Disregard, I found some up to date pictures. Ugh.

fuck off

its really a moot point whether some anorexic 2/10 is a man or not. she's not attractive either way.

Oh god the russians are hacking womyn's makeup now, impeach Drumpf now!

health, earnestness, honesty, loyalty, caring about the development of good character in others…
you can be the pride of a man's life without having a 10/10 face

3DPD three-dimensional plastic dolls are better tbh
>>>Holla Forums7522966

Already pointed out here , only solid indicators for real "beauty" not fake "hotness" are

Jewish modern society makes laws that keep a woman mostly unmarragiable until she is past true prime beauty, a real cuckening. What's set up is then a cruel get of musical chairs between increasingly bitter hens. Guys like us will not give a shit because those same bitter bitches fucked pervs and Chad's through childhood and teenagerhood respectively.

I-is that moonman's daughter?

Is posting the Holla Forums BO video still a bannable offense on Holla Forums?

WEEEEW this is thermonuclear truth right here

Lmfao, the neck veins!

First I heard of it but I'm not the least bit surprised. Holla Forums is a goon board.

You really want to cling to the fantasy which the kikes in hollywood have woven? Good luck with that.
If Natalia Dyer is a beautiful biological woman then why is there not a single photo of her on the beach?
because in a swimsuit, even the most kike-addled teenage boy would see that it's actually a man

Looks like her hair is half fallen out too, she needs to relax a little.

I'm not familiar with Holla Forums material or the board Holla Forums.

Not before I check dat ID

Lurk more faggot.

Yep. They had a good run but all goon faggotry JUSTs in the end.


Is it just me, or do a lot of lefty men have neck veins like that? I've seen some near where I live, and they have neck veins that look like a raging drill instructor's even when they're completely inactive.

It's from all the shrieking they do.

how did you even find 8ch

Wait, is that tranny performing fellatio legitimately the BO of Holla Forums?

kekkedy kek gr8 m8 no homo

The kikes have been publicizing this place in their media for the past year, precisely to cause a flood of normalfags who do things like check Tor IDs and generally poison the board.
It seems to be working.

Girls who hate this app are probably not physically active. They will refuse to go in the pool or surf.

You do know that physical beauty is not the only valuable thing in society, right? This is a thread specifically to laugh at the promotion of FALSE physical beauty and appreciate ACTUAL beauty. There are lots of other threads appreciating the other things that humans contribute to society. Stop letting the media tell you that looks are the only valuable thing in the world.

Tough one but here's what I got. Bonus with makeup

But it's part of the board's culture to TOR shame, newfag


It reminds me from that nightmarish movie "Requiem for a Dream" , when that innocent chick gets drawn into heroin and starts doing porn to afford heroin.

This is painful to watch..


no app can take away an ass like that either, everyone should get fit

I think you missed the point of that movie user. People are responsible for their actions, which have consequences.

Yep, you can definitely tell if a girl is a natural beauty or not even with makeup on. Their faces just look more "innocent" and "pure" if that makes sense.

what are you a fag or a nigger?

No that's not true. It doesn't matter how good looking a woman is, she wants to look even better (to compete for the top men.)
Makeup is like steroids in professional sports, or nuclear weapons in geopolitics - if your competitors are using it then you, regardless of your strength otherwise, need to use it to compete.
Ergo, all women who are actively competing in the sexual marketplace utilize it.
The guy who wrote this app is the equivalent of an alien who just arrived in a flying saucer with technology that simultaneously disables every nuclear weapon on the planet, reducing previously nuclear powers (makeup wearers) to conventional arms only (their natural looks.)
This is paradigm shattering although we may not realize it yet. I could even see the technology being outlawed via emergency measures, perhaps tied in to "sexual harassment".

This proves that all female complaints about the app are bullshit. Truly beautiful girls still look beautiful after getting Makeapped. Yeah, I could see it putting imperfections that aren't there, because it can't actually x-ray through the makeup like magic. But it does a good job at giving you an approximate idea at what the girl would look like, and it allows you to filter between truly pretty and fake pretty girls. Thus, Makeapp is godly. Let the cunts rage, we will savor it like wine.

Triple-Hitler thinks you're p qt. Now post tits.

Obsessing over ass is completely normal for a young white man, as long as he prefers breasts.

She was gatewayed into it with the influence of her lunatic boyfriend. Look up the movie, it will induce manic depression and a constant eerie feeling of despair against a future dystopic society.

The movie still fucked my mind, it was just right on point with its killing of the innocent and pure. IT crushed all hope for me when it comes to relating to anything in the modern world, to me, everything is an enemy.

This girl from game of thrones looks just like my sister.

I wish a nigger would. We've already seen people get fired and arrested because a roastie got assmad, as well as catty articles on banning research into sexbots. Getting an actual product banned because women got their feelings hurt would be golden.

For some reason this drives women mental. I bet they'd accuse you of being a homo if you brought it up.
Literally as I was typing this the tor tranny responded exactly how I predicted.

could you white knight and guilt cuck any harder, simp?

Whats not true? Ugly bitches with makeup refuse to get in the water

almost any chick can have a nice ass/waist if she puts in the effort and they want to justify being lazy shits

Confidence, poise and gate. I shat on a lot of "10's" because their shoes made them walk and stand like retarded dinosaurs. Same with makeup, tans, and hair treatments; all I saw was unconfident, high maintenance, and willing to poison themselves. The irony is most of these things fashion things aren't to attract men but to keep other women and fags from talking shit for which there is no stopping.
Get /fit/ and get gud at food.

Yes and no.
Natural qt's without makeup won't look good in shitty bar lighting but are untouchable in le h'wheat field
while bar roasties look like ghouls in the sun. The lesson for young lads being to hunt in nature not at the circus.

I'm glad we don't have faggot mods who delete everything triggering and I am also glad that I can follow along with that awesome comment chain.

When did this become reddit?

I see that the gaping holes have shown up in full force to kvetch in typical vaginal fashion.

full metal autism here

He's not saying almost every white woman has fucked a nigger, he's saying that almost every white thot that's fucked a nigger will lie about it in order to secure a stable man. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Why are you saving thumbnails of images?

I tried to fix the red coloring issue, she looks nice still.


I was looking for a different one where a feminist gets into an argument after some girl uploads a post-squat picture, but couldn't find it so I just grabbed that.

double nigger detected.

this is beyond earlobe spacing. You REALLY need to die.

You're all a bunch of kissless virgins. Your obsession with this app basically proves that. None of you could sleep with a woman regardless of how they look with our without makeup. Now go back to jerking off to skinheads and little girls.


tits or gtfo roastie

You're too late. Someone already did that. Zero for creativity. See me after DotR.

are you bored?

Exterminate the mods for these word filters.

Is your h'wife cooking dinner right now too?


I almost hate to ask, has anyone done Natalia yet?

Penis, so small. Didn't seem like you could legitimately respond to me though.

the % of white women who do that is low, if shes fucking a nigger there is going to be a 100 other red flags that would remove her from LTR material

Careless word filters are cancer.

Yes she was still a goddess.

i had hoped as much, your dubs confim

You successfully fueled my hatred against jews further . Thank you .

So many flavours but you choose to be salty.

who cares about some old slav in her late 30s with spoiled eggs?

Reminder that this is a (((jew))) buthurt about being a inbreed Neanderthal.

Slav girls a cute.

Everyone that belongs here

but this isn't a nazbol board

Is it perfect?


I know firsthand because I dated one. Supreme waste of Slavic-Lithuanian aesthetic covered in makeup. Also the city and a beta dad completely corrupted her before I got there.



Not sure which century you're in gramps tbh.


Just a heads-up to the white knight trannies ITT.
Even the chicks on lolcow think you're a joke.

Someone post this to the reviews, the dev will get a kick out of it

Oversaturated the lighting but here it is

Anotha one unless it's the leftycuck tranny again? Then why are you so mad about not fucking all the guys who will use it on you?

You are amongst friends, you can just call them niggers.

where are the pepe's?

According to who? There are plenty of "normal" white thots that have betrayed their race that would lie about it to you. Assuming something when it comes to something as important as choosing a wife/mother for your kids is very dangerous.

Yes sir, the one and only.

I don’t think it’s 100% accurate. Some pictures work better than others. Sometimes actual non make up photos don’t look anywhere near as bad as the app and sometimes the app makes them look better like Katy Perry who looks like a dirty shoe without makeup.

I thought that you were that guy that had banged at least 12 different chicks in the other thread

Anyways, if you are a real girl, and have a boyfriend, why do you need to validate yourself here, of all places? Your boyfriend sounds like a faggot if he can't satisfy you. And you aren't satisfied with yourself if you are trying to validate yourself here.



No one claiming it's perfect, Russian Hagger man still needs to work out the kinks. Overall it's designed to remove common makeup styles with the person in question facing directly into the camera

It's not that different, does she just use less makeup?


that forth pic

i meant fifth

Them dubs demand it.

Light natural looking make up is all she uses apparently

What is the purpose of this post?

OP is a faggot yet again.

Go back.

No, Nia's a biological woman. She's just a samoan.

Sex is for the purpose of reproduction. Exclusively.

This faggot
Also the video he linked to prove it was violence


absolutomente asqueroso

what a fucking faggot

Dude she's not being hypocritical, Jewish girls openly cuck their husbands and cheat on them.

Why do you think Jewish family lines go through the wife? Because the husband is useless and doesn't contribute genetically to "his" children.

It wasn't my tweet, I was just mining salt from #makeapp
Trap or thot getting doused is hilarious.
OP is a huge fag here's the archives post tortrannie deletion sadly.

Freddy Krueger tries Neutrogena

Damnit, 5th.

jesus fuck spoilers user

Holy fucking shit what a loser, he knows how to use feminist buzzwords well to act oppressed


I constantly spam reddit and twitter with the address.

She's got shovelchin, user.



OP here. It's not my fault, the posts got deleted as i was putting together the chain of comments. Faggot mods beat me to it.

I appreciate that alot of you Holla Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you its ok, but let me send you a message:

This is a blip, a temporary intifada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated, but dont be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you're out of your parents basement to meet a few people that arent like you. You are afraid. We are not.

God damn this really riled up you faggots. Pro tip my wife and I hate you faggots.

Oh shit, look. She got a man to finally fix the copypasta so it says 8 instead of four!


Aww, here you go lil buddy. Don't spend it all in one place.

This faggot wouldn't know violence if it, literally, hit him in the face.
So disgustingly predictable.

On the contrary, Trump, Brexit, and Gamergate were only the very beginning.

You will deny it up until the moment it happens, but all shitlibs will have to make the choice between being flayed alive, roasted in an oven, or gassed to death.

Its only locking down this user because he probably posted something that hurted some cunts feefees in the past

Happens all the time, I seen normies that don't talk about anything controversial but because somebody reported them now everything they post gets that bullshit censorship

Nothing has the roasting crawling off of facebook and twitter to condemn "neckbeards" like an app to remove their clown paint.

Yeah no

T-this is real…

Lifts now have air cushions?

The manlet industry sure is getting big

All we wanted to do was play video games…

Wonder who would come here just to post something like this

aww, did the magic get to you "honey"?
Too bad toots, we going to meme this app til it's on your CNN Broadcast Roastie!

6 gorillian hours in mspaint.


Who is blaire white and why did they throw water at her?

I'm reading the comments and this is some sad shit

Is there anything more pathetic, more bottom of the barrel, more humiliating than being a male feminist? Men hate you, women hate you, and you're never going to get laid. Being a male feminists is assigning yourself permanent bottom boy status, where you pick up whatever scraps of women you can manage, if you can manage.



You got the pic of sad Nazi Pepe about to hang the sjw wojak. It's the perfect summation of what they've wrought

A guy who does youtube videos while he wears a dress. He wore a MAGA hat while he walked around in Hollywood and recorded in an attempt to bait people to beat him up, which they did.


Apparently some trannie eceleb from jewtube that some hero #haggeninged irl for keks.

This app isn't doing what this femanon thinks it is. Comparing the MakeApp results to a raw photo processing program, I think MakeApp is applying a wavelet transformation to the images. I ran a wavelet transformation on some Hillary pics in last year's campaign. Her images weren't scary enough. Emphasizing some of the lower wavelet levels uncovered hidden sun damage, blemishes, and wrinkles that were hidden by makeup.

The math behind wavelets looks complicated. Their application in signal processing (audio, photo, video) is not complicated and is becoming more common.

Wavelets aren't the whole story. I'm mentioning it in case this app is shoah'd and a tech user wants to make a similar program or code in a website.

A Right-wing Trans person that switched to being female.
He has apparently always been against current LGBT culture of STD Catching and being toxic insufferable faggots.
Which is why leftists would throw drinks in his face.
"If you aren't a Marxist LGBT Person, You are Sub-Human!"
t. Leftists

Isn't this girl like 15 or some shit just another example of younger girls becoming addicted to baby foreskin in their pores

Guys we have to save pablo

Let the bottom feeders get purged


For anyone questioning this

Why are you a trap?

Well I didn't know and for a tranny he's in the very tiny minority that actually looks kinda like an actual girl



A girl the whole lot of these virgins would fuck if no one would ever find out that they were virgins and they fucked her.

Right because she isn't an actress and film isn't an industry that demands perfection and wouldn't hire a girl with the body of a football player

Stay salty cunt


who is that guy?

Top Trending Tweets of the #MakeApp tag

That's enough wordviolence out of you. Bye, misandrist.

Its an anorexic kike boy with a nose job, but yes it does love fore skins. Check that Adam's apple out holy shit.

Is that Kesha?

Holla Forums kiked again like the good little virgin cucks they are

You know it's true.

Top fucking geg


I don't know who you are but I love you

Stay salty roastie


You know who she is.




I'll check these if you tweet that you sucked Michael Oboingo's cock

stay mad roastie

Next you're gonna go off about the earlobes aren't you


Stay mad virgin

everytime you will be reminded.

thanks, user

Oooh nooo it shamed me and ruined our important meme chain. How will I ever recover? Stop hurting meee

Is that a smug squash?

Archive everyone?

she's a lizard Harry

Stay mad cuck.

There are lots of ways to skin a tranny.
Nearly all the work is in getting quality data for the program.

Damn straight. The TORtranny's level is so low even vegetables can feel superior.


don't take it personal Brad Chelsea


55 POSTS!!!


I wish I started following this earlier. I don't know what enraged the fang vaginas more: operation harpoon or makeapp.

What are you winning?


your dignity





What are the chances that the torpedo is britanny, evalion or that crazy bitch sinead or whatever her name was?

The English language is a thing you know, M'Lady.

No. Though I suppose the anorexia would pronounce the Adam's Apple on a girl with fucked up hormones now that I think it over. Honor reclaimed good work user.

Fuck yes it is

Will someone with twatter post this OC on #Makeapp pls. It'll redpill and cause mass dissonance.


What the fuck is wrong with you?

speaking of that i haven't seen these attention whores run through yet.

If you weren't such a lazy Nigger Woymn

Does no one use the filter anymore? What's the fun in responding to someone who is most likely just trying to bait you? I just don't get it, the posts are low-effort too.



In the previous thread he said Britanny was intelligent and beautiful, and I think it was mad about anime masturbators too, so it could be Sinead. It's probably just a tranny or something, though.


The torpedo is a cumb cunt femanon torpedo. SO their baiting has been reversed because women are terrible at the bantz and shitposting

Fuck you virgin cuck gay

even the smartest roastie (evidenced by the fact that she is using Tor to post) is still not smart enough to properly insult a person when she's emotionally compromised.
This is why men are the hunters and the warriors.

Those aren't lifts, those are Insoles for faggots who can't handle hot spots on their feet.

Hello Bitch Lasagna

She's Breaking down into a Communist Russian
send ur bobs!!!!!

Now it's racist against poos

How fucking old are you? Seriously? Guys I think if it opens cloth and shoes bobs it'll be considered cp.

Honestly I wish I was still a virgin. I worry that I may have squandered my ability to pair-bond after slaying endless cuze in my blue-pill days. I'm a good boi now, nearly volcel because I'm only considering marriage material. Am I gonna make it?
Sage for blogpoast.

Even the standup comedian ones who have "made it" are terrible when the boys are bantzing. It's always tired predictable lines. There's never any flair or creativity. I think women are built to be cruel to each other in a vicious way, to climb up the social ladder by venomously tearing down other women. When guys bantz each other it's fun because we do it to laugh and be funny, not to pick at each other's insecurities. It's why when they come to the boys' table and try and go toe to toe they always come across as boring and catty.

Same. I gave away my precious wizardblood to random skanks because that's what everyone tells you to do. Should have saved it for some church waifu.

1 RL wife + 1 Gensokyoan goddess = PEAK PERFORMANCE
Good to you my friend, I hope Yakumo-sama will pay you a friendly visit sometimes and approve of her fork in your headspace.

How do you know those milkers are hers?


Eh, it's still not that funny I guess. Take this one for example , it's probably just some guy riding the (you's) and baiting a whole thread with incomprehensible insults. I'd much rather have a laugh at someone who is actually retarded than this low-effort (you) farm.

I have no proof but the user who originally posted them seemed very convinced.

Why has nobody done piggy yet?

you guys are ok, men don't really have to form a bond with their first lay, unlike women.
Just save your manna and go snag a tolerable wife ASAP and use all the techniques to keep her from meeting anyone else without you there. Women are easy to be convinced by societal 'morals' which are non-existent nowadays

Picture of Tor Roastie Found After MAKEAPP Attempt!
Roasties World Shattered Finding Out She Looks Like A Fat Samoan!

We did in the first thread; it didn't really work.

Send vagine pics bitch


For the love of god will you fucks stop posting tiny thumbnails of images on here. It's so annoying

Hello there newfriend.

checked for perfect nipples
love the pink on brown look , beautiful

Not enough OPEN BOBS

I’m just going to assume “lasagna” is halfway to “roastie.”

Isn't this the Laotian Ant farmers forum?



Lasagna seems past roastie, like a Reubin

shit is fucking disgusting I don't know how any person does that to themselves. LITERALLY putting makeup in your fucking eyes.


So do you have a high res version of that BO image?


You are a dumbass. A traditional wife wears no makeup because she does not seek to lie. She knows her beauty is more appreciated when shown than when covered up with a falsehood such as makeup.

90% of the downloads on this app are from fat ugly hag women who want to complain about it but still use it out of fear. they're going to keep this app just so they can pump their selfies through it until they figure out how to make it look good.



You're fucking disgusting Paco and you have to go back.

I wonder how Afton looks without makeup.

more immunity



The Thotocaust needs to happen and it needs to happen yesterday.

she deleted the tweet, it's not there anymore, archive?

Still afuckingcute/10

It's not real.

It's fake.

They're also huge fucking sluts, as you can expect from a person with good looks.

actually more attractive women 8's and up are less likely to be sluts. 5's to low 7's is whore valley

Kek, great image.

blaire white is the most convincing trap i've ever seen.
is it still gay if it has a vagina?

I would run through them through my dick.

Hur dur the thumbnail is the same size as the pic for phonefags using the app this thread is about. Calm down rainman I fucked up, sorry.

This one almost made me cry I was laughing so hard.

LOL I'm Dead!

You know what has to be done.



can someone do this one?

Error. Whore overload. Cannot unwhore.

This thread is a distraction.

This thread belongs in the oven with the nofap threads, the underground arctic civilisation threads, and the "what color is this dress?" threads.




Fuck off, those are great.

I'll be seeing that shit in my nightmares, user. Tonight.

Honest roastie was a keeper. Poor thing should have gone for a friendly beta. Tsk

Already done. She's got spadejaw, user.

Has anyone done this one, yet?

Also, if it hasn't already been tried…

Kek, too much makeup will probably just break the app.




I wish I was a virgin. I wish I could share that innocence with someone just the same as I was. I squandered my life potential because I didn't value myself high enough. I have a large spiritual hole inside me from my mistake to have sex before I had found a wife. I am sad for throwing that away.

Look at his arms, hands, and a jawline like a Happy Meal box.

After the april fuckery, and mods being typical trick niggers

I can never figure out why her eyes are so bugged out? Is this DeWest Hooker DNA or was Chelsea born of some whore that Bill fucked?

Yes sir.

nothing a little Vitamin C wont clear up. Don't worry scurvy isn't contagious

telegony from all the "men" that Cl*nton fucked
or women perhaps
who knows

marriage isn't about your nutsack you clueless pleb.
if you find someone, anyone compatible to share your life with, you're damn lucky. most married people are miserable. if you find a true partner, it won't matter if you're married or if your dick falls off. in the end, all that matters is having someone you can truly connect with you trust.

I'll throw in the post, and a bonus. Cheers!

Yeah, I wouldn't trade my awkward honeymoon for anything.

underbites are absolutely dysgenic

Bill isn't even her father, he's a fuck. Webb Hubbell is her dad.








adolf checked



I want to breed with her

Fact Check True

Lauren Southern still Aryan QT

now if she could just stop Kikeing

she doesn't look all that different. I feel bad for her jawline.

Some more I'm finding

My God! Which one of you Glorious Bastards did This?

kardashian btfo.

I never understood how people found Rihanna hot. She has a ridiculous face, even before the app. That strange bulging forehead, those tiny eyes. She's so goddamn disgusting and everyone acts as if she's some kind of supermodel. Fucking Normies reeeeee

Oh god, it's that thing that looks like an Oblivion character

Blaire White is basically getting exposed cause of this app.
More "Right-Wing" thinking degens are waking up.

It clearly does work.
Time to filter, lel.

Brittany Venti?


forgot pic

I mean curry in curry out, what did you expect?

Well meme'd
Made me chuckle

That first image… Very nihilistic approach to what it means to be a man, and existence in general.
However, women are perhaps even more driven by how 'great' others seem to be. Not in skill, but in status and attention.
Whereas men can survive just fine without strong urges to be 'the best', women are at each others' throats all the time. Hence why they can't cooperate, and feminism is ultimately about how many men they can lull into the lie of equality (that the women _need_ more stuff). Men are able to chill, especially if they aren't interested in current politics. Honestly, I can't blame most of them. Not many ways left, and it is still too cozy to be starting a revolution.

Nice, besides the SVU sadness in her eyes she still looks good. And she called out her rapist (((producer))) before it was cool.
We may need more tests, Jewgle is undecided if she's a kike or not. She denies it, her surname Sebert is 50/50 German or kike Tldr bio: her mom was a washed up country singer/writer that sold Kesha to kikes who gave her to nigs. Pushed degeneracy on teen girls, then she turned on her master.

Feels good winning the genetic lottery.

Don't forget that women are in constant, vicious competition with each other at all times. You can bet almost all of the ones complaining about this app are currently using it on thier friend's pictures to see how they "really" stack up, as well autistically experimenting with the best selfie angle to minimise it's effect on themselves.

this is the russian's main source of income. and why apple probably won't pull it, because it's making millions.

Where the fuck have you been?

Brian Peppers Jr on American Idol

How long until the numales, trigglypuffs and whiteknights at Google and Apple ban this? I know on Android we can just dump the apk but not sure how iOS can do it…

I think I am going to need eye bleach.

consider suicide

Another one
You Can Use an App to See Women Without Makeup, or You Can Just Get a F*cking Life
Alaina Demopoulos

And the best part

She is a kike.

This is hilarious. I wonder if anyone has tweeted it at him yet. Maybe we can bump that tranny suicide statistic up a notch.

Even I can see the makeup in the third pic. It looks thicker than the first pic, except not as much mascara and no lipstick .Who does she think she's fooling? Just face reality, you mysterymeat catlady.

Meanwhile on Reddit
One of these idiots doesn't understand that once you "train" neural networks you don't need the "makeup-free" pic. Also lol at "hundreds of women don't wear makeup. This is the same place that whines that men ask women who aren't wearing makeup if they are sick.

I love these retards picking it apart like it's a magical wand. Never heard them complaining the snapchat dog filter didn't add enough fur.

keep seeing these two coming up. Can I get a quick rundown on these guys?

Do you think women will stop wearing makeup?

It's the spacing built into the site when selecting text and replying to a post. Must be OK.

Never, they need to keep the facade up, because they're the ultimate liars.

I hope not. I don't want to be forced to see their bare, hideous faces.

Women (and some men) have worn makeup for thousands of years (eg Egypt) to make themselves appear beautiful. Masking flaws will always be a way of life for ugly women. Why do you think SJWs promote the use of burkas?

Have we finally become cuckchan?

No way they'd rather ban anything that could offend them.

This is fucking great.

still wondering if she has some sort of FAS or just some 'hammerhead shark' genome like that octaroon of a Clittany Cunty.

Is that a fucking real life Elizabeth?

Notice how none will provide comparison pictures and they're trying to talk each other down about how it'll be okay because it's totes not realistic when we've already seen it has virtually no affect on men or actually pretty women with no makeup on

So all this app does is lighten the picture a little and make it more grainy?

And this is what is getting the panties of countless thots all twisted?

This thread has my curiosity.

She posted them twice. This was the first time and in your pic she wore that outfit all night during /hwndu/

are you sure? i'm male and my eyelashes are much much thicker than hers in the 3rd.
not to mention she's brown, i.e. more hair

All she did was use a transparent lipgloss and didn't use anything on eyes and eyebrows. Also may or may not have photoshopped the second birthmark away from her forehead. Top kek.

In the previous thread a couple of anons mentioned chemotherapy as a Jewish trick. I have missed this the previous times it has come up. What's the best place to start while looking into this?

Those two are the Bogdanov Brothers, representatives of the Intergalactic Federation;
for human standards 'they' have a extremely high IQ's of 200+ (estimates),
some claim 'they' are here for world domination; while others see them as equalizers (keeping the balance / peace)
learned fluent russian and french in less than a week…
i'm just kiddin, i wish i could share the infographic on these two; but i can't find it anywhere.

They’ll keep wearing makeup.
A lot of the idiots think we can’t tell they’re wearing some. It’s like Chad dicked them one night as an emergency fuck, and they think they fooled Chad. Now some Chad gonna marry them.

Göbbels said it best.

Legends says she's still trying to unroasty her cunt.



What's that?

Spoilered for you safety.

here you go

hey anons, does anyone know whether there's already a linux build for this ((app)) or at least someone working on a port for linux?
jewgle wont tell me


Then learn nigger.


You can always hire people who know how to code




fucking hell I lost my shit


Honestly you're best directly asking the Russian dev

This is becoming a regular Shirobako or close anyway

i actually wrote him a mail this morning, but i dont expect him to answer. i imagine his inbox must be bursting from femnazi fanmail i.e. he already deleted his mailaccount :p
android sdk will do for all my tinderings

someone run this one

how much more of a turbocuck can you be
women normally preach the contrary of what they do
everything is about social status for women because that's the only thing that keeps their useless butts alive
which is why this app is so devastating
that's literally it.

wait, 1/ is also a 2/
looks are a deception
they're not a real indicator of value, only a poor one
doesnt matter how wholesome she looks she can be a bitch from hell

Known a girl in her late teens; similair masculinity features in her face and body (namely schoulders & height), its like the fetus decided at the last moment to be a girl instead of a boy.
Quite depressing and sad to see tbh.


The only women complaining are the ones who both know they look uglier without layers of makeup and also are stupid enough to complain about it. If nobody complained this would probably be a fad app that nobody would care about in two weeks. Instead you are now a misogynist and makeup rapist for downloading a stupid app.

She looks cute, but she definitely doesn't seem very photogenic. Not many people look more attractive when they make a face like you just shat in their cereal.


This is heartbreaking. That face is a solid 2, not even memeing. Body isn't bad, if she'd fix her posture.

I just…. I don't know if i could even pity-date her, and I'm like a 6/10. I'd fuck her without question though, I've fucked worse. Pussy all feels the same pretty much.

I'd marry her and give her kids if she agreed to stay home and never be out in public ever. Somebody has to make her happy somehow. At least she's white. She might even produce some good looking kids, a lot of ugly people make okay looking kids somehow.

Makeup is poison designed by the (((fashion industry))) pushed by the (((media))). It ruins skin as we've seen here; which leads to drinking and (((antidepressants))). Unnecessary annual mammograms blast taytays with radiation. Birth control drugs are powerful synthetic hormones that poison the reproductive system. Then cancer, then (((cancer awareness charities))). Then pharmakike swoops in with chemo and radiation to bleed patients families dry. The (((FDA))) board is staffed by former pharmakikes; same as how (((usda))) is staffed by Monsanto which poisons customers for the pharmakikes, and the (((treasury))) is staffed by former (((Federal Reserve))).

Kikes feeding other Kikes

tits or gtfo isnt because their tits are valuable
it's because it demeans and degrades them down to what they chose to be by playing the vagina card: pieces of meat
once she showed tits she's just a dumb camwhore
which she was in the first place by going "hey i'm a girl" but at least everyone knows it by then
it's about squaring claims with reality
this is why whores matter in every society

The app doesn't do much to people who are already ugly, though it made the russian girl look even more russian. This is why I love this so much, because at last all the patronizing normalfag bitches are forced to face the truth too. I'll get out now

To make you look like this

She got another 1 or 2 points with that makeup tbh

It's always funny to me how Asians, especially south Koreans, unabashedly try to make themselves look more white because they hold the same standards of beauty. If you look at online dating stats, black people are also the least likely to date within their race for both genders, which suggests to me that they also have the same standards but are in denial about it. It's almost as if having a narrower and taller face with white features is a universal genetic marker for superiority.

she could be a great person to date, depending on personality
frankly at my age i dont give that much of a shit about looks, what i want is her attitude and mind to be good
i'm afraid her problem is her age range: at that range guys are driven to breed so they really are reliant on looks
if she was middle aged her marriage pool might be actually wider

so the makeapp can actually save marriages from husbands sueing their wives over having deceived them into breeding uggos, like it happened in korea

Nigresses will wear weaves to hid their nappy hair for straight or curly hair and will also use fake eyelashes to make their eyelashes more dense and longer.

What I'd consider close to a 9.

Request pls

You pathetic nigger. That girl is for the oven. There's no other place for her

Just a reminder that MakeApp wasn't created by some nerd in his basement, it's a tool intended to aid kike businesses in selling makeup.
All of this controversy could easily be native advertising for the product, and also to remind women how badly they "need" makeup (the male reaction of shock to seeing the bare photographs).


A 1-10 scale is stupid anyway. Nobody can ever agree on 1-10 ratings.

goddamn this thread, I needed a good laugh today OP