What non-leftist ideologies and worldviews do you like, have sympathy for, agree with somewhat?

What non-leftist ideologies and worldviews do you like, have sympathy for, agree with somewhat?


I think their hearts are in the right place, if only they knew what socialism really means

Again, hearts in the right place

They are just right about a lot of stuff

Also right about a bunch of stuff

I think a lot of them are socialists at heart, in a way. They value work and want to take care of their community and probably dream of being their own boss.

Libertarians. I don't think their hearts are generally in the right place, and their ideology kinda sucks, but then there are many whose hearts ARE in the right place.

they often do, they just reject it, often for some decent reasons, often for not so decent reasons.

Some. Some are nice people. I have no respect for their ideologies though.

I hate single mothers and value family

Trots and anarchists tbh.

Only liberals and socdems because they see the same problems as we do, they only don't know that those problems are inherent to capitalism and can't be fixed within capitalism.

Fashies and conservativez are scum because they value spooks more than human well-being.

Does individualist anarchism count as non left?
If not then liberals. They are often nicer then the people here and really care about the people, even if their solutions are often misguided.

I have sympathy for Tankies. Sometimes in my dark moments I too wish I had an AK 47 wielding vanguard at my disposal to get rid of the reactionaries and instil democratic structures and abolish private property by glorious revolutionary holocaust

but then I remember that I live the UK and you can't own a gun and most people would rather watch X-Factor.

I used to think libertarians mostly have their hearts in the right place too, but in the last few years they've been coming out in droves as basic bitch reactionaries, so fuck 'em.

Though if there are still libertarians who care about freedom as much as they're supposed to, I could sympathize with them and wish they saw what socialism is all about.

White Nationalism, at least in the current state of affairs where every other ethnic group gets a "homeland".

Anti-SJWism to an extent. If you want to create media without powerful blue haired wommens that promotes 1950s idealism, that's ok, go ahead, I do not care. But at the same time, I also want to be able to create as much pro-degenerate content as I desire.

TL;DR, Postal 2 and Gone Home are both great games, I wanna see a world full of diverse media, not just one side or the other being promoted.

Hatred of Islam. I don't much care for a lifestyle enforced on pain of death, torture or mutilation. I care even less when it seeks to dominate the world and enforce itself everywhere. Get your IEDs out muh furry conventions at the local tobacco filled gay casinos pls, and hile you're at it show me dem titties in the driver seat.


tbf i don't think that's too controversial, the USSR organised itself upon ethnic and national boundaries

An alt-left full of anti-capitalists like you wouldn't be bad at all

Not really, they want to gas, hang or burn me, depending on which Holla Forumstard you ask. Not really finding much comradery among the right.

Islam. It's the most politically militant religion and spirituality. There's nothing like the concept of "jihad" anywhere else, it's like a mix of Hellenistic ethics (inner struggle) and militant activism (outer struggle). I want to see some philosopher turn Islam into a political theology, as Carl Schmitt has done for Catholicism.


read orwell tho

Bretty sweet if I do say so myself

What do you mean? I can't find anything on the net where Orwell talks about Islam.

Some fascists are straight up honest about who they are and what they do, and I can respect that. Same with lolberts. In the latter case I think a lot of them simply lack exposure to any kind of comprehensive theory of any kind.

Ancaps I have no tolerance for though, they are too deep in ideology to even be reasonable as people.

These kind of dems have their heart in the right place and genuinely believe there is a way to make the US system more livable and people oriented without shitting all over the poor and minorities as a scapegoat. As a communist I do have some sympathy for Roosevelt myself because he managed to position the US on the right side of WWII when it was pretty clear a good bit of the US capitalists and establishment would've rather have fought with the Nazis instead of against them.

Maybe that's why you still find honest blue collar workers (especially older ones) who are still enslaved to the Roosevelt cult, compared to all the other shitheads that succeeded him, Roosevelt was a real gem.


Non-ethnic based fascism/ nationalism



FDR does get too much shit from the far left, it was either cuckdem policies or watching the US go full fascist since actual socialist policies would have gotten him lynched.

Plus it's fun to watch lolberts stutter about how the New Deal was so evil even though it clearly kept America from imploding

Civic nationalism as a method to solidify the geographical position of the working class, allow them to organize, overthrow porky and then work towards a union of socialists states, with the end goal of abolishing borders.

Non-fascists technocracy is pretty cool too.

Anti-theism is cool too because I fucking hate churches, religion and the fuckery it brings into daily life.

Other than that I dont really like or sympathise with anyone.

Maybe a for anarchism because riot porn.

National Syndicalism and other Turd Position ideologies as well as Radical Traditionalism(Evola and the like)/Occult Fascism à la Ordine Nuovo. Generic White Nationalism and more conservative reactionary thought is lame as fuck though.

Thats some major aids man

The picture or what I am sympathetic with?


human well-being is a spook, re-read your Stirner


3rd Positionism is interesting but bullshit really

Genius way of stabilising capitalism on a national and global level. Keynes was as close to a scientist as an economist could get and based his theories on as much real data as possible rather than ideology. I love his objectivity and thoroughness.

I like the way they conduct themselves on /islam/, for religious people they seem to be pretty realistic and unspooked.
I wish I could understand Arabic and listen to the Qu'ran.
It seems clunky and dull when translated into English, and supposedly the point is to listen to it being recited in the traditional way.

It's popular, which says it all. People love it, and that's the free market in action.

I honestly like the idea that no matter what we do or what we try it's hopeless, and right now we're in the biggest participatory observation of the reality of Gambler's Ruin.

I know every generation has said "next one will be the end", but I don't see anything at this level of complexity and turmoil not just ripping itself apart in as short as one or two generations.

Everything from global warming causing common pandemics and making regions barren and unfertile, income inequality reaching apocalyptic levels, alienation causing xenophobia

I honestly don't see a way where fighting for something is possible. Just let it die and hope the people that come after see it as a learning lesson.

I feel you.

I agree more or less, but I am still sympathetic to those types.

I have a lot of respect for technocracy and the other autocratic schools of thought that merged from it. The way they think of society is a function of energy instead of product of economics is really very fascinating. I think the idea holds a lot of merit when you look at how industrial capitalism boomed and social democracy rose and fell. Oil and natural resources played a huge role in all of it. I think it's something that needs to be examined closer.

Is a material reality, having something to eat, a house and time to do what you want are not spooks.

Does anyone else here have any sympathy for genuine Christians and the message of Christianity? I don't believe myself but I've been sympathetic to it ever since I left the passionate anti-theistic stage of my life.

Yes, and it's about the only Abrahamic religion I do have respect for due to it's underlying notions of universality. (i.e. while it allows for tribalism it does not do so in matters of faith in the way judaism and islam does)
Shame I can't get over the feeling that the only truthful versions of said faith are those that follow what are extraneous state actors acting in their own interests.

Transhumanists and Technocrats

just embrace american nationalism, it's civic based
promote american values, whatever they are
le constitution or something

I can display respect towards people who held political beliefs different from mine but nonetheless exhibited above-average intellectual honesty and erudition, like say Raymond Aron or Yukio Mishima — but that doesn't mean I have sympathy for economic liberalism of romantic nationalism.

European immigration-restrictive nationalism with an ethnic tinge.
I really can't sympathize, or even empathize on a basic level, with the liberals proclaiming the possible end of identifiable european people groups as a non-issue and "why do you care" attitude when it's clear they feel 100% differently about every other people group on the face of the earth. Even worse when they're holding positions of some import in the EU.
I also worry the reaction will come down to full on ethnic nationalism and potentially even jingoism and revanchism in the end. (albeit the mass-immigrationist federalists in the EU all seem to have wet dreams about the notion of a jingoistic imperialist EU in the American vein)

Juche is pretty close to Not Socialism and Not Socialism is dank

There is no "possible end" of European whites in sight.

That'd be a cool pokemon name

Liberals and social democrats.
They often agree that communism describes the perfect society, they just think it's impossible to achieve.
I respect that opinion, in fact, I don't even believe 100% that it can be achieved, but that we should still strive for it.


It's easy to forget there's a bunch of poor black, gay, female and Hispanic and white liberals that slavishly vote dem because they are afraid of a return to Jim Crow.

This is what pisses me off about people on this board that defend Trump. They say it's due to white working class people are alienated by libs, but more poor whites voted Hillary than Trump

Poor white working class people that understand that white supremacy is bad for them too



I have no problem with letting them try Ancapistan near my matriarchal primitive commune


Post-Left anarchists.

But how

the fuck do you think Mussolini's new Rome was envisioned as?
Guy wanted to reintegrate sections of North Africa as 'former Roman territories' and had S.P.Q.R put on all the manholes on the sewers in Rome

Merkel seems committed to building an EU army as quick as possible so they can head East like Titor said and cause WW3 over either Ukraine or the decreasing situation in Turkey

Nationalism tbh.

I am a newly convert from Fascism, but I still cling to my race and nation and I can't seem to shake it.

Am I still a true gommie if I say 'fuck multiculturalism'?

Nationalism tbh.

I am a newly convert from Fascism, but I still cling to my race and nation and I can't seem to shake it.

Am I still a true gommie if I say 'fuck multiculturalism'?

More a 3P but then again Fidel may be 3P.

The international proletarian knows no race or nation.

Classical Liberals (AynCaps, Lolberts, Right-Libertarians)

Social Democrats

i agree to this

also i think most ideologies are meant to do good and the people who belive in them truly belive they are what is best